4. Rec Center Report 1 September 10,2008 To: Todd Hoffman From: Jodi Sarles Chanhassen Recreation Center Manager Re: Park Commission Report on Chanhassen Recreation Center Recreation Center The Rec Center resumed regular hours on September 2. Monday - Friday: 5:30am - lOpm Saturday: 8:00am - 8:00pm Sunday: 1O:00am - 8:00pm Facilitv Information . Rec Center gymnasium wall repaired in July . Tile repair work completed in July . The Rec Center underwent 2 week shutdown August IS-Labor Day, at that time the Rec Center gymnasium and dance studio floor was resurfaced . Preventative fitness equipment maintenance performed . Working with district to replace gymnasium lighting. Both gyms are scheduled to be completed Autumn 2008 . Working with district to schedule Rec Center painting with updated color scheme Pro2ram Notes . Fall Fitness & Fun Fest occurred on September 6. Approximately 50 Chanhassen area residents participated in seminars, demonstrations and trial classes. CAA, Chaska Storm Boosters and Lakewinds also participated . Full trial classes offered for Yoga and Zumba@ on Wednesday, September 10 . Punch card sale September 6-13. Buy a 40 punch card and receive 10 punch pass free, buy a 20 punch group fitness card receive 5 free . Over 200 students are enrolled in the fall session of Dance for Fun . Zumba@ class will be offered in conjunction with District 112 Community Education at the Rec Center in the Bluff Creek Gym . Yoga classes returned to the Rec Center. 2 classes, Wednesday . Barnyard Boogie is September 19, 6:30-8pm, sponsored by both Chanhassen and Chaska Parks and Recreation Departments . The Rec Center is introducing the Chanhassen Holiday Challenge. The premise is to maintain your weight between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day and you will receive a Chanhassen Holiday Challenge t-shirt. Capital EQuipment . Received new lobby furniture in August . Accepting proposals for January 2009 fitness equipment replacement