EC 2008 06 10
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
June 10, 2008
Members Present:
Ron Olsen, Jim Sommers, Dennis Hansen, Rose Kircher, J.R. Relick,
Beverly Foster
Members Absent:
Bill Fouks
Staff Present:
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
May minutes were approved.
July 4 Planning:
“Be WaterWise” will be the theme. The county will make signs that say that
and include the web address. Perhaps Cub could donate an organic produce to give away. The
commissioners say that it’s hard to give away candy and coupons – too much to handle. The city
should put out more trash containers and maybe hire a Boy Scout troop to clean up after parade.
The commission will meet at 2 pm at the float in the lineup. Jill will get blue streamers for the
truck. Maybe a rain barrel can be put on the truck. Beverly may ask her friend if she could use
her hybrid for the parade. Denny has an ATV if needed.
The commissioners will also participate in the July 3 trade fair. It runs 3:30 – 6:30 pm. Jill will
make the WaterWise display and gather brochures. There will be something to give away.
Possibilities include toilet leak test kits, faucet aerators, candy, or magnets. Maybe the county
will donate a rain barrel to give away. The booth could display xeriscape plant materials, mulch
and the rain barrel.
Sustainability Discussion
: JR updated the commission on the solar power grants. If the icty
would put solar panels on the city hall roof the installation and equipment would be free but the
city would have to sign a lease and the excess electricity would be sold back to the company. JR
will continue to work on this project. Other possible city projects include retrofitting low-flow
fixtures throughout the city buildings, installing a solar water heater, changing to motion-sensor
lighting fixtures and CFLs.
WaterWise Conservation Program
: The commission discussed the need to educate
commercial businesses about proper irrigation. JR volunteered to contact businesses to discuss
this. He will wait until after the city irrigation audit to start. He needs to learn about the systems
too. The city could send an introductory letter to businesses asking them if they’d like to meet
with an EC member. The commission would like to add irrigation information and education to
the July agenda.
General Discussion
Jill will make EC nametags for the trade fair and parade.
Jill will get each commissioner a t-shirt for the events.
Need to update the city website with EC names and meeting location.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:10 PM.
Minutes Prepared by Jill Sinclair
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