Survey .... :~ . .~'4 Established in 1962 LOT SURVEYS COMPANY, INC. LAND SURVEYORS . Minneapolis. Minnesota 55428 JNVOICE NO. 41781 f. 8. NO. 699- ]3 SCALE a" . 30' o Denot.. Iron MoftulM:n' I) Denof.. Wf>>d Hub Set For E Icavatlon CW)' .000.0 Cenot.. E.I.tlno E"~ion o Oenot.. PrOpoNdEleva'lcn .. - Deno... $urfac:. nroinGge 1010. t PropOted TCIP of Block //)0 9, ~ Proposed Garag. Floor /IJIJ f, , I flropo~.d lo....t Floor REGISTERED UNDER llIE LAWS Of STATE OF MINNESOTA 7601 73rdAve. No. 56(),3093 ~urbtpor~ ~trti(icatt t \\> " ~ All QUAt. IrY BUILDERS \J \T V~ ~~ " ~ ~ .~ I~t Type of BuildInG - . . .6dJ 1!J;$ZJHUI') WfJ~iJ!- No detenlinatitHtli has b~en made as to depth of ~anita,.y Sewer-at. . ,lroposed connection \-. .... d' "".. l. ~ " ~ ~lCi8.' . c..:J <:::) ~- '"PpDpf~e-t> ~~ 'fftDf'$P C>A l>J>\11It! td\.\. . ~ ~ ~~. q~~~ om., Sff~ ~-!..'DD9()\\!Fn I I ,t I p-"..___ l;.,.,.~ ~ I" -1) l }) if '-AO.' . ATE, 0/.--1. q-9.LJ BV:j:)fU.. ! DEPT.: f Nt:( DATE:_I Co _q{;., ~~~~/f J DATE; ~ 100 uArzvtl2- ~i!," Cf' "i1l(t1~7- f?E:AuU t20AD -----..-..---..- ---...- lots 1080 through 1089~ inclusive, CARVER BEACH CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED SEP 05 2008 Propos~d ~ding infOtmation must be checked wilh approved bulldin!l plan before excavation and cOllslrUclfon. 1HANHASSEN PLANNJNG DEPT The only easements shown are Irom plats of record or Inlorrnalion provided by client . We hereby certify Ihal this is a true and correct represenlallon 0' a survey at the boundaries of tfle above described land and the location 0( at bvldiogs . and visible encroachments. if any, from Of on said land. Surveyed by us this 11th day 0' October (9 95 aymond A. prssch Minn. neg. No. 6743