Chairwoman Mancino called the meeting to order at g;25 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Craig Peterson, Bob Skubic, Nancy Mancino, Ladd Conrad, Kevin
Joyce and Jell' Farmakes
STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Planning Director; and Dave Hempel, Asst. City Engineer
Dave Hempel presented the staff report on this item.
Mancino: Thank you very much. Any questions for staff at this point?
Peterson: I've got, if I understand the.., what percentage is it as far as what he feels.., to get to
where it's currently the necessary amount.
Hempel: Based on the plan that was submitted for restoration of that portion of the ravine, they've
estimated approximately 40,000 cubic yards.
Peterson: They've got quite a ways to go yet?
Hempel: That's correct.
Mancino: Where does that 40,000 go? I mean when you go out and look at it, I mean does it
keep going around the sides of that gorge or do you just keep.
Hempel: This is a reduced version of the grading erosion control plan for the site. Creekwood
Drive is located here and the golf course is laying north of it. The bluff area is shown in this area
here. The area of washout is in this area. With the 40,000 cubic yards of material, basically this
touches part of it. The ravine naturally.., stabilize this area as well as the bottom. Storm sewer
has been constructed from this point underground and out at the base here. That's already in
place. The fill is to minimize or to stop the erosion occurring out into the golf course property.
There's really no methods of filling out far enough to control the erosion beyond the area that you
see right here. This is the area that would be really stabilized as a part of the fill. These types of
slopes exist all through the bluff area and there are some.., some areas washed out but not to this
Planning Commission Meeting - September 4, 1996
magnitude. The City a few years ago restored an area a block or two to the east of this, south of
Halla's. It was much smaller and we did install storm sewer system and placed quite a large
amount of fill in the area and have stabilized the slope now through there. It seems to work quite
Mancino: If the Bluff Creek management plan comes on, will this have anything, will we be
looking at this area differently to manage? And will we be able to work with the golf course and
do other sorts off implement other sorts of techniques?
Hempel: I think the important improvements are already implemented out there and that is
controlling that runoff through that ravine. They did install a catch basin upstream on the north
side of the driveway where the water all has to pool or collect and then that's discharged at a
controlled rate to reduce erosion downstream. Before it simply funneled the concentrated flow
right through this ravine and literally increased the runoff in that area. And erosion.
Aanenson: If I could just take that a bit further. I think one of the concerns was, we certainly
don't want to see it go... I think to take it a step further.., your question, certainly the revegetation
which we talked about tonight to reduce the speed of water coming over the top is probably the
next step and we'd be looking at... as the plan develops.
Mancino: Okay. Because this is just a normal revegetation plan as we would do in any
subdivision versus getting back to the indigenous or native...
Aanenson: Right, that'd be your recommendation for the next level.
Hempel: If I could maybe just touch on that a little bit further. A lot of this erosion is caused
from subsurface drainage as well. If you go out and you see leeching of the soils, 10-15 feet
below the surface, and a lot of that has caused erosion and undermining that and causing the top
crust just to slide right down the hill. And so that's the subsurface drainage causing that.
Mancino: If you fill the 40,000, are they going to cover the tree that's down at the bottom now?
That big, beautiful tree.
Hempel: No. That's beyond the filling limits.
Mancino: Okay.
Hempel: I should just maybe touch on, the staff has received a couple of telephone calls with
regards to renewal of this permit. They were unable to make this meeting tonight but I did
indicate I would relay their concerns on to the commission. One of the concerns was site
restoration. Fill that was placed out there last fall, in 1995, no restoration and regrading of topsoil
was done. That was due to the thought that additional fill.., would be placed in the spring and it
would be a waste to try and spread topsoil and then this spring.., and essentially no vegetation
would be established. The other concern was dirty streets from the hauling out there. I did not
receive any complaints of dirty streets. The street was blacktopped prior to them hauling out
Planning Commission Meeting - September 4, 1996
there. Hours of operation was also a concern. They felt that there may have been some violation
of that.
Mancino: That brings up a good point from me... I know I've called a couple of times on some
hours. What do the homeowners that live on Creekwood, and there is a violation of hours, who
do they call? What do they do to get it stopped?
Hempel: During normal City Hall hours from 8:00 to 4:30, you can certainly contact city staff2
... would most likely be a public safety department and they could contact the City Engineer,
street superintendent and make him aware of what's transpiring out there. Go out and field visit.
Mancino: But mostly they're going to have to wait until the next day to make sure that something
happens. If they're still going at 7:00 at night.
Hempel: Most likely.., it will take to the next day to report the actions, correct. One of the other
concern is that.., say stop. How far do we go to... I indicated we did have a grading plan that
shows the scope of what is involved. The option is to have a complete summer of non-stop filling
out there, truck traffic every day, or an alternative of filling a week or two out of the summer, and
that's basically... It's kind of a balancing act.., continue to go on. If they try to sell their...
Joyce: There's no problem with the fill itself?
Hempel: The fill.., good fill material. All clay. As the topsoil is brought in, it's not coming
Mancino: There were some pretty good chunks of cement out there on the left side, or the west,
east side.
Hempel: Most of... that staff has seen throughout the years is... try to curtail unauthorized filling.
Mancino: Thank you. Any other questions? Is the applicant here and do you wish to address the
Planning Commission? Please do so.
Norman Berglund: Yes, my name is Norman Berglund.
Mancino: Would you come up to the podium please Mr. Berglund.
Norman Berglund: My name is Norman Berglund. I'm a general partner in the Bluff Creek Golf
Association. I live at 2205 Concordia Street, Wayzata. Mr. Hempel I think has pretty well
presented the situation. It's the same as last year. The ravine.., still exists and we're getting,
because of the subsurface drainage, we're still getting the sloughing off of, big chunks off each of
the west and the east bank, and that's where that's big tree. Did you see that tree?
Mancino: Yes.
Planning Commission Meeting - September 4, 1996
Norman Berglund: Isn't that something?
Mancino: Unbelievable. Yeah, looking into an, it's an aquarium.
Norman Berglund: ... and I hope it continues to grow. But anyway, what we'd like to do is, I
think in line with the city's bluff restoration program, I think this fits in well. And as far as Bluff
Creek is concerned, we would like to continue... It should stabilize a good share of that area. We
won't get it all because you've got almost a 30 foot vertical cliff and then... So we think it's
beneficial for us and we think it's beneficial for the city and as I understand, you're going to have
a trail system down there. You'll modify the slopes.., but I appreciate your consideration. Thank
Mancino: Thank you. Thank you very much. May I have a motion, and a second please, to open
this for a public hearing.
Peterson moved, Joyce seconded to open the public hearing. The public hearing was
Mancino: This is open for a public hearing. Anyone wishing to address the Planning Commission
at this time, please do so.
Conrad moved, Joyce seconded to close the public hearing. The public hearing was closed.
Mancino: Thank you. Comments from commissioners, and questions. Craig.
Peterson: I think the points that were being brought up... I think last year we addressed virtually
all of them in a pretty detailed fashion .... do our best to make the applicant abide by those
regulations. But I still certainly feel.., the area to continue with the...
Mancino: Thank you. Bob.
Skubic: Well I'd also vote for approval at this time but I'd certainly encourage the applicant to
make better progress of filling this. If this came back again, I'd probably...
Mancino: Kevin.
Joyce: My thoughts basically echo what the other two commissioners.., but we definitely need
some progress, number one. And number two, I don't think we should have any more comments
from the neighbors.., looks like it's going to be more than 1, 2, 3 year process. I don't have any
problem voting for it next year if there's no problems with the neighbors. I think it's unreasonable
to have trucks out there later than what we set aside as very specifically in the City Council
Minutes so I hope that doesn't come up again but right now I'm fine. It looks good.
Conrad: I agree with the staffreport.
Planning Commission Meeting - September 4, 1996
Mancino: Jefl~
Farmakes: I agree.
Mancino: I do too. I just have a couple of questions for stafl~ Thinking about the people in your
area that live on Creekwood. Do they, will they get sent something at the end of this to say what
the hours are so that they know this? There are only seven homeowners there. I think I counted
seven or eight homes. Is there something that we can send to them telling them what has passed
City Council? What the hours are and all the recommendations.
Hempel: We can certainly send them a copy of the approved conditions.
Mancino: I think that that would be a good idea. Also, the other suggestion that I'd just like to
bring up and hear what you think is, do you find any problems with people illegally dumping or,
one illegally dumping or the fence not being up. Can we put up a temporary sign that says, you
know you are unauthorized to dump and the hours must be da, da, da, da, da, da. Not a huge sign
but just something small by that area because when I went today and the orange fence was down
and I drove my Jeep right up there and so some sort of a temporary sign with that being, you
know it's an entrance to the golf course and I'm concerned about the aesthetics of it. Any
suggestions from commissioners? Do you think it's needed?
Hempel: At this time we've not seen or heard of any illegal dumping. Not to say that.., because I
would encourage the applicant to maintain that fence, and I believe he did have a sign on there at
one time.
Norman Berglund: We can put a sign up. But actually.., and we don't want that either.
Mancino: Okay. Well either, you know make sure the fence stays up or, and put up some sort of
a sign so that people know what the hours are and must contact you for dumping consent. Those
are all my comments. May I have a motion please.
Peterson: Madam Chair, I make a motion that the Planning Commission approves the extension
of the Interim Use Permit #95-1 for Bluff Creek Golf Course as shown on the plans prepared by
Schoell & Madson dated June 6, 1995, revised June 7, 1995 (received June 29, 1995), and subject
to the conditions 1 through 17.
Mancino: Would you accept a friendly amendment?
Peterson: Maybe.
Mancino: A friendly amendment would be.
Conrad: I'd second Craig's motion.
Mancino: I'm so sorry. I lost mytrain of thought. Any discussion?
Planning Commission Meeting - September 4, 1996
Conrad: You did say anything that was.
Mancino: I wanted to add on something. Not about the temporary sign. Oh! About sending a
letter to the residents, to the seven residents who live on Creekwood, what the conditions are.
Peterson: Friendly amendment accepted.
Mancino: Would you second that motion with the friendly amendment?
Conrad: Sure.
Mancino: Thank you. Any discussion?
Peterson moved, Conrad seconded that the Planning Commission recommends to approve
the extension of Interim Use Permit #95-1 for Bluff Creek Golf Course as shown on the
plans prepared by Schoell & Madson dated June 6, 1995, revised June 7, 1995 (received
June 29, 1995), and subject to the following conditions:
The applicant shall be required to provide the City with a letter of credit or cash escrow in
the amount of $5,000 to guarantee maintenance of erosion control, site restoration and street
cleaning. The financial guarantee shall be released upon completion of the project.
The applicant shall fence the top of slope area for safety purposes and to discourage/prohibit
unauthorized filing after hours.
The site will be subject to periodic reviews by the City and inspections to ensure compliance
with the conditions appropriated to ensure health, safety and restoration.
Hours of operation shall be 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday with no work on
Saturdays, Sundays or legal holidays.
Erosion control measures shall be reinstalled prior to commencement of any filling
operation. Erosion control measures shall remain throughout the project until the slopes are
fully revegetated and removal is authorized by the City.
All disturbed areas, as a result of this construction, must be restored with seed and disc-
mulched, sod or wood-fiber blanket within two weeks from the completion of construction
or no later than November 15, 1996.
All fill material to be placed in the ravine must be clean fill free of any debris. Clean fill
consists of clay or granular-type soils. No organic or landscaping debris, asphalt or concrete
larger than one foot in diameter will be permitted. All unsuitable material discovered must
be removed by the applicant as directed by the City.
Planning Commission Meeting - September 4, 1996
The applicant shall comply with the Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District's
The applicant shall daily clean dirt and debris from streets that has resulted from
construction work by the applicant, its agents or assigns. If the streets are not maintained,
the City shall use the applicant's security escrow to hire outside forces to complete any
necessary work.
This interim use permit may be renewed on an annual basis. The permit shall expire one (1)
year from the date of City Council approval. The applicant shall contact the City to request
a formal extension 45 days prior to expiration. The renewal permit shall be subject to City
Council approval for renewal.
The applicant shall reimburse the City for all costs incurred in the enforcement of this permit
including engineering and attorney's fees.
The applicant shall hold the City and its officers and employees harmless from claims made
by itself and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulted from permit
approval or work done in conjunction with it. The applicant shall indemnify the City and its
officers and employees for all costs, damages or expenses that the City may pay or incur
inconsequence of such claims, including attorneys fees.
In the event of default by the applicant as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder
the City, at its option, may perform the work and the applicant shall promptly reimburse the
City for any expenses incurred by the City provided the applicant is first given notice of the
work in default not less than four days in advance. This permit is a license for the City to
act and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a court order for permission to enter the
land. If the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to other remedies, assess the
cost in whole or part to the property owners.
The applicant must notify the City Engineer in writing a minimum of 48 hours prior to fill
material being placed on site.
The site shall be graded in conformance with the approved ravine restoration plan prepared
by Schoell & Madson dated June 6, 1995, revised June 7, 1995.
No work shall occur from November 16th through May 15th.
City staff shall perform routine surveys of the road prior to the hauling of fill material and
monitor road conditions and address any necessary repairs in a timely fashion for the
18. City staff shall a copy of the conditions of approval to all residents living on Creekwood.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Planning Commission Meeting - September 4, 1996
Mancino: The motion carries and will go to the City Council on?
Hempel: September 23rd.
Mancino: September 23rd. Thank you for coming.
Aanenson: I had two items. First item is that the City Council, you had recommended.., to be
interviewed for the Planning Commission and the City Council... CSM, you had recommended
that they modify their architecture. Sharmin and I met with them and believe... September 9th and
that's all I had under old business.
Mancino: That's good to hear. Thank you. Any new business?
Aanenson: No.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Skubic moved, Joyce seconded to note the Minutes of the
Planning Commission meeting dated August 21, 1996 as presented.
Aanenson: Actually there's a could other things. We're meeting on the 26th, which should be a
large meeting. Had a few things on. Minnewashta Parkway... excuse me. Minnewashta
Regional Park. The improvement and expansion. Creekside final plat.., they approved that... The
Creekside 2nd, which.., had recommended approval of but there was.., so that will be back on
September 9th. They approved the antenna for Hesse Farm. Shadow Ridge. The lot split there.
They approved the Sinclair with the lights was also approved. And then Paws and Claws was
denied. That was one of those the City Council had thought.., metal siding on the barn and brick
on the rest of the.., so coming back with Findings of Facts.
Mancino: Thank you. Any open discussion?
Aanenson: I did have an ongoing item also. Just as far as your next agenda. I appreciated
everybody coming early today and I know it makes for a long meeting but I appreciate you
coming early. We only have one item on the next meeting so I just thought.., there's a lot of
pressure so we do need to handle that but what I'd like to do, it does get dark earlier, if we could
meet at 6:30, I've got a really great field trip. We'll go look at... projects. A couple of
projects.., and some grade changes. Just to go back and kind of see what we've done and.., so
we've got a field trip. I think we can get an hour in before it starts getting dark so if we could
start at 6:30. Get back here and start the regular meeting by 8:00 and then we've just got.., but if
that would work for you, we'll go ahead and set it up for 6:30. And we may take two vans,
because I think some of our staff would like to go too... I'd like to have Phil talk about the water
quality project on Lake Lucy...
Planning Commission Meeting - September 4, 1996
Mancino: Okay, good. Any other open discussion? I hate to bring it to an adjournment, but I'd
like to take a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Conrad moved, Mancino seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the
motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Submitted by Kate Aanenson
Planning Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim