Future Planning Commission Agenda Items Schedule Future Planning Commission Agenda Items Schedule DATE ITEMS ? Possible Future John Klingelhutz Subdivision (north of Lyman) Items (Date ? Quinn Road Subdivision Unknown) th ? Bentz Property (Galpin north of West 78 Street) ? Cunningham Subdivision-865 Pleasant View Road ? Property south of Glendale Ave (Foy/Boylan) ? Chanhassen Business Center Third Addition Subdivision & Site Plan (Dover site) ? GE/Osmonics Site (Highway 5 – Mount Properties) ? Chanhassen High School Wetland Alteration Permit Amendment ? Site Plan north side of 212/101 (Mission Hills Outlot) ? Degler Property (SE corner Lyman & Audubon) ? Sinclair Station Site Redevelopment ? Century Plaza site plan & PUD amendment (drive-thru) ? Westwood Community Church Phase II ? Hue Lam Setback variance at 6401 Yosemite ? CHANHASSEN STATION : SouthWest Transit Site Plan, Subdivision, Variance & Vacation for Parking Ramp and Transit Station in Downtown Chanhassen ? ? October 21 ARBORETUM SHOPPING CENTER: Request for a Minor Planned Unit November 10 City Development (PUD) Amendment to allow a Drive-Thru and Site Plan Review Council with Variances on property located at 7755 Century Boulevard (Lot 2, Block 1, Arboretum Shopping Center). Applicant: KLMS Group, LLC – Planning Case 08-22 ? T-MOBILE : Request for Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan Review with Variances for the construction of an 80-foot wireless communications tower with a 4-foot lightning rod on property located near the southwest corner of the ice rink at North Lotus Lake Park (295 Pleasant View Road – Outlot B, North Lotus Lake Addition). Applicant: T-Mobile – Planning Case 08-21 ? FAIRVIEW CHANHASSEN MEDICAL CENTER: Request for a ConditionalUse Permitwith Variances for development in the Bluff Creek Subdivision Corridor; into one lot, outlots and dedication of public right-of-way; RezoningSite Plan from Agricultural Estate (A2) to Office/Institutional (OI), Reviewwith Variances for a two-phase, three-story, 160,000 square-foot Wetland medical center, and a 480-stall, three-level parking ramp; and a Alteration Permit on property located on Outlot A, Butternut Ridge (southeast corner of Powers Boulevard and Highway 312. Applicant: United Properties, LLC/Timothy & Dawne Erhart – Planning Case 08-16 November 4 NO MEETING – ELECTION DAY ? November 18 SCHROEDER VARIANCE: Request for Variance to hard surface coverage December 8 City on property located at 2081 Pinehurst Drive. Applicant: Southview Design – Council Planning Case 07-20 (unfinished business from 9/4/07) Future Planning Commission Agenda Items Schedule DATE ITEMS December 2 January 12 City Council (over 60 days) g:\agendas\pc\2007\future planning commission agenda items.doc