1991 05 15CHANH
· 1991
an Emmings called the meeting to order at°7:37 p.m..
MEMBE_~',S PRESENT: Tim Erhart, Ladd Conrad, Annette Ellson,.Steve Emmings,
~r~anlSatzli, Jeff Farmakes and Joan Ahrens
STAFF PRESENT: Paul Krauss, Planning Director; Jo Ann Olsen, Senior
Plann~ r and Steve Kirchman, Building Inspector
Jo Ant
Olsen presented the staff report on this item.
s: What is the status of the adoption of the new Shoreland
be me,!
We've gotten our notification that we have to do it. I'm going to
lng with Ceil next month to get the process initiated.
What do you have to do?
Olsen We have to pretty much review all the lake designations to still
make e if it's a recreational or environmental. Then we go through a
check] st of what our ordinance currently, what we have to change. Just go
throu the shoreland regulations and whether or not we agree to them and
cham whatever we want to change.
Emmim : Wasn't there something about us having to have it done bY a
certa time?
2 years. We have until January of 1993.
: Oh, okay. When do we expect to get it done?
When do we expect to?
Emmim : Yeah.
Olsen: Well I was hoping to do it this summer. But next year, I'would not
count n it being completed until next year.
Batzli Until the summer of 19927
Olsen: Yes.
Emmin~ : So, alright. This is a public hearing. If the applicant is
here, his would be an opportunity to tell us anything additional.
Peter loscatelli: I'm here but I don't really have anything additional.
ng Commission Meeting
1991 - Page 2
: Alright. Are there any other members of the public here that
address themselves to this application? Is there a motion to close
lic hearing?
Erhart moved, Batzli seconded to close the public hearing. All voted in
favor the motion carried. The public hearing was closed.
Erhar : Why do we restrict water supply? What difference does it make?
Is it applicant's request or staff's ~equest to restrict the water...?
Olsen You mean for habitation?
Erhar No. I understand the habitation. I'm just saying why not, why
can't ~e have a water hose? I mean a guy can put a hydrant anyplace out
there. A guy could put an underground sprinkler system in. What's the
reasor for that?
I don'
I think that's the wordage that the DNR uses for the restriction so
know why it couldn't have water supply. I think it was more for
ion. For cleaning fish or something.
Oh yeah. I mean clearly. Everybody...habitation. That's my only
that just seemed, I don't know why that's in there.
Emmin~ : And along the same lines you know, there's a lot of our lakes,
the s, goes between the house and the lakeshore. It'd be very easy, if
you w~ to bring the water in too and water's actually harder to get in.
But lng a toilet or something in there...
You mean your concern someone would use it for human habitation?
Emmin~ : I don't really care but I'm sure that's what the DNR's concerned
a h
I just think sometimes it's useful for accessory buildings to have
tnt for like putting out lawn sprinklers and stuff. I'm Just
ng why.
Emminl : Or just gardening or potting or whatever.
Was the resident to the north sent a notification? Or to the
Right. Everyone within 500 feet... I know that even Mr. Pfankuch
t was in. Is he to the west of you?
Peter oscatelli: He's to the east.
Olsen: The resident to the west, they were notified.
Peter Ii: There's actually not a resident.
Plann ng Commission Meeting
May l. , ~99! - Page 3
Conrac : Is that a vacant?
lli: It's a vacant lot.
Conrac : What is our standard for height on a building? It says 10 feet.
That' our current standard. What is the standard for size?
Olsen For size?
Conra, : Yeah,
Well now the ordinance, it can't be like 1,000 square feet.
Because that's a back, that has nothing to do with a lake
~ce? That's really just a residential lot ordinance?
Olsen Right. That's our accessory structure.
Conra Accessory structure.
What's the height of the building that you're putting up?
telli: Oh, well. It would be a maximum about 7 feet... I'll
as short as possible because it's kind of down, tucked into the
the visibility from my house to the lake over it.
Co And what do you think if somebody built to the west of you, do you
think ~t's going to be, is it obstructing a'ny visual line of sight that you
Peter iii: No, not at all. Because the lake is off in the western
diret n so that lot would be the other way and the building is back from
the . . .
Co I guess I'm uncomfortable with the ordinance. I don't know where
staff .s coming from in terms of the next ordinance that we take a look at
but t 10 feet in height in my mind is not acceptable. This has nothing
to do ith the applicant right now. That's not an acceptable height to me.
Olsen: ...high?
Conrad Yes, absolutely. 10 feet is as high as this ceiling. On the lake
side, just can't imagine. If my neighbor put up a 10 foot building,
that's going to block my, that's going to be offensive. We're not dealing
with back yard. We're dealing with the lake side which many people treat
as a ont yard. It's a whole different mentality here. The 75 foot
change to 50, that doesn't bother me too much because,
envir ~ntally that doesn't bother me. There's enough screening and
thin~ like that? In 50 feet you can do a lot so I'm comfortable with
that. I'm not comfortable that the new ordinance or wherever we're going
is ta ng care of neighbors and that's why I was asking if the neighbors
were i fact notified? I think in this particular, in a 250 foot standard,
Plann ng Commission Meeting
May 1. , 1991 - Page 4
again 's a big building in somebody's front yard. Well on the lake and
if we e talking boat houses, I'm not sure what we're talking about. I'm
reall kind of uncomfortable with maybe what I see. The staff report is
sayi our new standards are going to be. I think we need to look at them.
I thi k we need lake people input to tell us whether they're right or wrong
and ously we'll go through a public hearing but I think we should make
an t, and I know 3o Ann you will, to make sure the lake associations
are i med. That aside, the applicant and what they're asking for, what
he's king for tonight, I'm comfortable with. I just don't know that, I
guess 'm only uncomfortable with am I setting a precedent? Is there any
pre setting, you know we haven't gone through a public hearing and
we're 'ng 50 feet is okay because that's what our new standard is going
to be I'm not sure yet. I haven't had the input.
Ellso Something new proposed?
Right. And so I'm trying to justify it based on something I'm not
but I do feel that the applicant's proposal is acceptable based on
can see.
Ellso I agree that it looks fine. I did want to tell Peter though. I
was ~eted at the curb by your nice growling dog so I didn't really get to
see t back yard. After talking with him, the dog kind of liked me but as
I too a couple more steps he started growling so I didn't even come
Batzl Sam? Is there a dog house back there with Sam on it?
Peter Ioscatelli: Yeah.
Batzl Okay. I called the dog the wrong name. Apologize for me.
Ellso' Yeah, he didn't quite like redheads but I don't have a problem
with .
Batzl Is that about where the structure is going to go? Back where the
dog ~se is?
Peter Iii: Yeah.
Batzli Because really then the vacant lot to the west is it? That's
reall' up a slope in addition to the dog house being down a slope so I
guess don't have a problem with this particular location.
Peter oscatelli: If I could comment on the location of the structure. It
would nd to obscure the view of the lake from my house more than anywhere
so I' kind of taking on every effort to minimize that. To be as short as
poss Le and to be tucked into the hill as much as possible.
Batzli I just had a comment on the first condition. I assume when we say
that i .'s made of cedar siding, that we're talking about it has an exterior
of ced.r siding?
May i
Commission Meeting
1991 - Page 5
And in number 4 Jo Ann. Does that mean they have to maintain
ion between the accessory structure and Lotus Lake and the accessory
re and the neighboring properties? In other words, it's between the
iented accessory structure and both Lotus Lake and neighboring
I guess just really hypertechnical but I mean there's a path that
,wn there right now so obviously it's not like contiguous.
With the lake, right.
That's okay? You're just talking about you need some natural
ion around the structure?
And to maintain what's there. Maintain that screen.
That's all I have.
Farma ,s: I think it's in an unobtrusive spot. I don't see where it's
going bother any line of sight or anybody's visual sight to the lake and
I no objections to this.
I think the site is fine too. I don't have any problem with it
h I'm kind of curious as to why we call this a water oriented
structure. It just seems like it's a storage shed located near a
Olsen: That's essentially what it was. But also one of the main purposes
of th was for his canoes and paddies and boats.
8ut it doesn't have to be used for a water accessory structure?
Olsen No.
It doesn't have to be used for.
No. It can be used for others.
...anything that says they have to use it for any specific
No. He can still put his lawnmower in there.
Why is it called water oriented then?
Olsen Again I'm just starting to, that's the terminology used in the DNR
regul~ ions currently and the new one where it is primarily for the boat
les. Motors, things like that that need to be closer to the lake
May 1
Commission Meeting
lggi - Page 6
e don't have to haul it as far. That's one of the reasons that
allowed exceptions into the 75 foot setback.
But it doesn't really have to be used for that?
Olden No.
Ahren~ Something seems odd there to me. I don't know. It seems like if
it's t going to be required to be used for water oriented activities, why
shoul we give any special treatment as to how close it is to the lake?
The k.
Batzl I think the people who live on the lake would say that anything
built ,etween the house, the standard kind of line of the houses are
inbet~sen the lake and should be considered that so you don't end up with
thin,.~on the lake. You need to have that setback whether it's going to be
orie for water uses or just a backyard tool shed.
I understand that but I'm wondering why we call it something if it
have to be used for that purpose.
Batzl Because it gives it more restriction if you call it that.
Ahre How?
Batzl Because then it needs to have a larger setback. I mean if you
just lied it a tool shed and you didn't consider that you were on the
lake, hen you just need what? A 5 foot, 10 foot setback off the back lot
Emmin~ : No. No, because you can't build a structure within 75 feet of
the . To have a structure in that area it must be either a boat house
or a oriented accessory structure. You can't put the 1,000 foot.
Olsen: Garage.
Emmin~ : Yeah, or the storage building within 75 feet of the lake. But
you c~ build something you call, so you change the name a little bit. I
think a matter of fact 3oan, I have one of these. I have a water
or .
What's in your shed?
Emmin : All the inflatables that you blow up for the kids to play on.
The les and the knee boards and the ski equipment and it would be, life
would pure hell for me if I didn't have it I can tell you.
Well, that was my point.
Emmin~ : But I think as a matter of fact people, at least with my
nei s and things, the stuff like lawn mowers and all the stuff you
nor y put in a storage shed stays away from the lake side and the stuff
PIann ng Commission Meeting
May 1, , 1991 - Page 7
used f
down there by the shore is, it's either picnic stuff or directly
with the lake somehow.
I was just noticing that the applicant said it was going to be
storage of lawn equipment. That's all I have.
Emmin~ : Alright. The only thing I've got is in number 4. It seems to me
that applicant should be required to screen this by vegetation. Not
just ntain by vegetation. But other than that, I don't really have a
probl with this. Is there any further discussion?
Conra Are we setting a precedent on this case?
Olsen I don't believe so.
Conra Are we prejudicing the new ordinance in any way?
Olsen: Oh no. I'm still using the same criteria that we've dealt before
Emmin~ : Under the new ordinance this would be a permitted use if we adopt
it the way it is. Here it's a conditional use permit and we're going under
the o , I guess we're going under the old ordinance. The only question
is, t I suppose you could raise would be, if we don't want these things
at al and if we're going to make a stricter standard than the new
ordi that's coming out, do we want to apply that in this case3 Maybe
that' the same question you're asking.
But if we don't know what the standard is, how can we apply it?
75 fee
: It's hard to apply a standard you haven't made yet.
All you can do is what we're doing and the only thing we've got is
Batz I move that the Planning Commission recommends approval of
condi .onal use permit ~91-3 as shown on the plans dated May 8, 1991 with
the fc~lowing conditions. Condition 1 to read, the structure must have an
exteri~r of cedar siding and a roof of cedar shakes and be painted a
color as the principal structure. Number 2 and 3 as in the staff
Number 4 to read, the applicant must screen the water oriented
.ry. Now wait a minute. What did you have for that?
s.' It doesn't make sense the way I have it.
How about for the purpose of screening? Vegetation for the
of screening.
Alright. The applicant must maintain for the purpose of screening
the water oriented accessory structure and both Lotus Lake and
ring properties.
Plann g Commission Meeting
May 1991 - Page 8
Emmin~ : Is there a second?
Ellso Second.
Emmin~ : Any discussion?
Batzl moved, Ellson seconded that the Planning Commission recommend
appr of Conditional Use Permit #91-3 as shown on plans dated May
1991 th the following conditions:
1. T structure must have an exterior of cedar siding and a roof of cedar
s kes and painted a similar color as the principal structure.
2. T
structure may not be used for human habitation and may not contain
supply or sewage treatment facilities.
3. T structure may not exceed a height of 10 feet.
applicant must maintain for the purpose of screening between the
oriented accessory structure and both Lotus Lake and neighboring
:ed in favor except Ladd Conrad who opposed and the motion carried
vote of 6 to 1.
Emmin.~ : Ladd why?
No reason· No, I'm a little bit uncomfortable with the 10 foot
'd. I think I'd like to review the new ordinance before, or the new
'ds that we applied.
Emmin: : Well, but my understand Ladd is that he's got to have a 7 foot
max' . That's the plan we're approving for him.
I didn't see that on the plan. It can't go to 10 but it's not 7
Emmin~ : Wait a minute· We're approving his plan. Has he presented a
plan the structure showing a height?
Olsen: It doesn't really show the height on it.
Emmin~ : Alright.
It passed.
Can you make sure it's clear in the Minutes what you're.
Emmin~ : Well I certainly passed it with the understanding that it'd be 7
feet ximum is what he told us.
Olsen: I'll put that to the Council when it goes to Council.
Plann ng Commission Meeting
May 1 , 1991 - Page 9
Batzl : Well I think, not to put words in his mouth that that's the walk
in he ght and then you have a peak. Is it 7 feet at the highest? At the
Peter Moscatelli: Yeah. I can't imagine, it certainly wouldn't be more
than 172 or 8 feet. Very close to 7 feet. There's a requirement on the
pitch which it has to... I would try pretty hard to keep it within.
Conra, : But it's also dug into the hill.
lli: Yeah. The hill would...probably at least that high.
Conrac: Visually I think it's going to be...uncertain with some of our
stand~ and I'm making a point.
Emmin, : Okay. And for his benefit this will go to the City Council when?
Olsen: June lOth.
Jo Olsen presented the staff report. Chairman Emmings called the
publi hearing to order.
Emmin~ : John, do you want to address us on this at all?
John : Yeah.
Emmin~ : If you could come up here please.
,zmus: Just a couple things. The plan that I used when I did the
ions was a plan that you have had. It was done by a landscape
in 1986 so that's with the berming and what was proposed in 1986
we had. And I just had never finished anything north of the
lot so up until this point, I did all the berming from the north'of
king lot to the end and I did an additional berm to screen my
,nt because the equipment is then sitting in the parking lot. And so
tional berm to the north. Now as far as the additional tee area,
it's not at this point, and never will be, it's for the golf pro
student. I just wanted him to be away from the rest of the people
club which is coming out so staff is protraying it as a big
on to my operation. It's just one person teaching another person
golf back there. The batting cages would be all outdoors. There
would e nets similar to... And the building there would be for the golf
pro f his office and you have TV's in there to review your video of your
swing nd that. Then I would have it for an additional storage for the
winter My equipment is getting pretty beat up. I can't keep anything
Plann ng Commission Meeting
May 1, , 1991 - Page 10
runni when it has to sit out in the snow banks all winter so I would,
that' why I need, I was proposing to have another building like the one up
above though the berming that I've done with the landscaping would pretty
much een it. I don't even know if you'd be able to see it from the
road. It's set down in back of the berms so what I've done so far to this
point is pretty much landscaping and the dirt I moved was for the
la' 'ng and now the site for the proposed batting cages would be, you
woul t have to do any more work to it so in effect while I was doing all
my 1 ng, I was moving dirt from strategic areas. As far as sewer, I
had d a sewer operation to come out and we had planned on having a
bet septic system and somebody somewhere, it wasn't me, decided I
coul t have that and they made me put in the tanks. I didn't know
an about the tanks. All of a sudden that's what my option was. I
didn' have any other option. So even though I had already paid for all of
the cal work for the sewer, somewhere I suppose being that there will
be and water out there, they didn't want to have another septic
sys put in there for something.
Erhar Excuse me. Who's they? Was it the City?
3ohn zmus: The staff. City staff, yeah. It wasn't me.
Can you respond to that?
Olsen It's unclear exactly why the holding tanks were approved and I'm
not sL 'e, was it Machmeier and Anderson that you worked with on the
: I think they came out. They were recommended by the City to
and do the soil testing. Larry Vandeveire had set out, I hired
ndeveire to set out to do the septic system. But now as far as the
lf, it gets pumped whenever it gets 3/4 full. 3elf Swedlund stops
works closely with the people of Chanhassen so it said in the
that they never get a report. He works with the City. I don't know
who he reports to but he pumps it. He goes by every day so he checks it
and w~ ve never had. I mean if 3 more people used my tank it would cost me
more pump it but it isn't going to cause any effect on the environment
or an' ng else. The septic company just comes and pumps it and at this
point don't know. When it gets 3/4 full and then he checks it and that's
maybe ,nce every 2 weeks, 3 weeks. So I would say with my total expansion
pr , I'm not going to have but 30-40-50 more people with the batting
cage, more than that in the real peak season right away in the spring
but i it fills up every week I'll just have to pay to have it pumped every
a grea
have t
hook u
But li
hear a
of every 3 weeks. So it's not an environmental problem to
tank. I thought once the city staff made me do it, I thought it was
idea. You know as long as they're going to put in, we're going to
MUSA line out there someday anyway, then all we have to do is just
to the MUSA line and I don't have a big septic system to deal with.
e I say, I didn't, that wasn't something I just dreamt up.
: Just one question John. I'm sure everybody up here would like to
explanation as to why we see a history like this. Why it appears
Plann ng Commission Meeting
May 1 , 1991 - Page 11
from hat we have in front of us and from our prior experience with you and
with facility, why we've imposed conditions in the past that have not
been lfilled on the one hand. On the other hand, you've repeatedly
impr the site or made alterations to the site without getting prior
appr from the City and I'd like to know why.
yzmus: Well first of all, I didn't write that story. If I'd have
story it would have read a little different. I just explained to
I came up here that that plan was submitted in 1986 and it went
ough the process. I didn't get it all done at the time because
ally I couldn't. Once I didn't get the building, I didn't get all
ming done and all the trees planted and I just worked at it when my
:ams available to do the whole expansion. And all of the trees and
berming. I don't know if you ever go by there but every year I'm
e and more and it's always to enhance the beauty of it. It's
landscaping. I haven't built anything. I haven't built one more
· I haven't built anything and I still haven't.
Emmin! : Are you putting up a fence?
and I
I 'ye
was a
yzmus: That was part of the original approval. I was supposed to
fence not over 6 feet high in the Minutes of a deal a long time ago
t the posts in 3 years ago but being that I have to go back and
th dirt and trees and landscaping, I've never put the fence up.
the wire ever since and I just never put the fencing on but that
t of the original approval.
Emmin~ : Alright, thanks. Is there anybody else here from the public who
wants be heard on this application? Is there a motion to close the
publi< hearing?
Conrac moved, Batzli seconded to close the public hearing. All voted in
favor the motion carried. The public hearing was closed.
Ahrens I think the site is a real good site for all the things that the
appli ~nt is trying to do here. I think it looks to me like there wasn't a
lot capital to begin with to develop all the things he needed to develop
it fr so he's tried real hard it looks to me, even though there's been a
lot o4 problems with the city and I'm not sure who's to blame for those
probl, . But it seems to me he's trying real hard to make it into a nice
place Even though he's got some problems with completing a lot of these
thin~ he's trying to do as far as landscaping goes. I have a problem with
the wl le holding tank sewer issue and I don't understand. If the City
appr holding tanks, why the City is now forcing him to install a septic
Olsen: The only reason we could figure out why they would have approved
the ding tank is that the two approved septic sites had been altered.
There ,as a lot of grading taking place out on the site where the two sites
were to be preserved and from what I can tell from the
corr e that those sites were lost when the applicant wa~ grading on
the si and his only alternative then was to not be permitted what he had
Plann ng Commission Meeting
May I , 1991 - Page 12
or to k up to the holding tank. It's not clear. It's just all of a
he was allowed to have the holding tanks.
But they were approved. And it doesn't seem to be causing any
oblem out there. It has been pumped.
Olsen I don't know. We don't know how often he's pumping. We're not
I mea
There's no impact on the environment or anything like that?
If it's being done properly but we don't have, one of the
ons of the holding tank was that he do, he does have them pumped and
does provide us with those records and we haven't received those.
Is there any reason why he couldn't continue using those besides,
Olsen I'm not sure what kind of capacity...
Kirchr n: The capacity of the tank can be whatever the size of the tank
is. there wouldn't be a problem with continued use.
There would or would not?
Kirc n: It would not be a problem with continued use if there are no
other ites available for septic. I guess our feeling is, the individual
sewa treatment rules from the State of Minnesota prohibit holding tanks
if se ic sites are available. There were two sites available at one time
and t
in tr
were apparently destroyed. If the use on the site doesn't
, holding tanks were approved and I would suggest we let him
using those as long as we're provided with a pumping contract and
of pumping as originally agreed on. However, if the use is
lied, then I would suggest that the applicant search the site to
there are any acceptable sites for sewage treatment mounds and put
Are there any acceptable sites?
Kit ~n: We don't know. He's got a lot of acreage out there. If it's
all disturbed then there would be no sites. It has to be on
undi rbed soil and he would have to get someone out there to investigate
as he id before and rope the sites off and protect them from any
constr ction activity until the septic systems are put in.
John yzmus: I think at the time the only site that was available was the
site the north of the parking lot. That's where the two sites were.
There as going to be a hill and berm system. And at that time they were
both and they were roped off. Then once they sit, and I don't
know the tank became an option but once it was, then that site was not
preset anymore. There weren't any other sites because it was all
Planning Commission Meeting
May 1 , 1991 - Page 13
Ahren: : There are no other sites is what you're saying?
John ryzmus: No. Everything had been scraped... You have to stay so far
from he creek and you have to...
But those were two sites that were protected and that was very
understood that they were supposed to be preserved so.
: We don't know when the sites were disturbed. If they were
after he put his holding tanks in or before. We're assuming that
disturbed before because I can't imagine why we would have forced
have holding tanks when he had two sites that were roped off and
. That's the whole idea of it was to have sites available for
septi so our assumption is that they were disturbed before the holding
tanks in. The reason the holding tanks were allowed was because the
sites e disturbed and there were no available sites. But here again we
don't any records to back that up.
Ahr What are the issues involved? I guess I really don't understand
still ;hy the holding tanks aren't satisfactory even if he expands the
Kirc : Well, holding tanks traditionally have problems in that they
deter rate under ground and they get cracks and they leak. Pumping has
alwa been a problem. Getting the pumping contracts. Getting them pumped
out ly and then properly disposing of the septage after they're
pum So that is why an individual or a septic site is the preferable
way treat sewage as opposed to pumping.
But if it's maintained well and.
n: If it's maintained well.
Kirchr Ln:
I mean septic systems can leak too right?
Well, if they're designed correctly they work.
they '
Right. But if the holding tanks are designed correctly and
maintained they'll work too right?
Kit : That is correct. However, another point is that State Statute
says if another site's available, he can't have holding tanks. So if
sites ren't available and that's no choice, then that would be his only
alter tire.
Krauss~ If I might add too, there's a policy question involved here.
We've ~just gone through a 2 year effort to get the MUSA line moved and I
think ~ou're all familiar with that. One of the concepts with the
MUSA 1 ne that the Metro Council feels strongly about, I think as a policy
questi n we should feel strongly about. Is that areas outside the MUSA
line s ould not be on the metro service system. That's the whole point of
it. Hlding tanks get around that. Basically we're not having on site
Planning Commission Meeting
May 12, 1991 - Page 14
disposal. All that stuff is trucked to where we do have a site and dumped
into c~r system and it's the City that's paying for the treatment of this
stuff I'm sure there's some kind of a drop charge...but it gets at, you
know ~ere's a related issue that, remember several years ago Mills Fleet
Farm nas talking to the Metro Council about some sort of special allowance
to all)w them to have tankage ~or on site systems on the presumption that
they c)uld be developed as a rural use. Well, I mean this is sort of an
oddity and we're willing to live with this oddity as a status quo. 8ut
there ~ some policy limitations if you're allowed to expand based on the
use o' the tank and it goes against the building code, it goes against
Metro Douncil policy and it goes against what I think is good rational
policy for us to adopt in the City as well.
Ahrens I don't argue with you on that Paul. It's just that it was
appro~ ~d by the city at some point and the approval may have been against
public policy at that time but there was an approval for him to use that·
Olsen But not necessarily for expansion.
Ahren~ No, but the expansion here involves some batting cages, a building
that's going to contain, it's not really going to increase the use by that
much. They're going to have a storage area for some equipment and what
you'd ;ay, a video?
3ohn Fryzmus: A TV screen to show your, the pro uses a video camera when
he gi~ ~s his golf lesson... Right now he's using his van. He has a
genera ;or in his van until we get an acceptance.
Ahrens It just doesn't seem like the use is going to be that intensified.
I meat it's not like the State Fair or something where you're going to have
thousa ,ds and thousands of people going through every day.
Krauss We don't have good numbers for this but I think it should be clear
too t~ :t the applicant is desiring to have substantial increase in on site
parki ~.
Ahrens Well that also may be a very optimistic move.
Krauss They get pretty busy.
Ahrens Yeah they do but most people go on the site for about an hour and
then 1 ,ave. Anyway, do you plan to have as many, I mean the area...is huge
for t~
John F
more t
hour h
at all
and I
to ma
batting cages.
yzmus: No, mine would be about half that. You would never have
.an, well the person that comes to hit will spend about a half an
tting softballs and so right now I don't have any parking problems
I'm assuming that I could but with my berming and with my design
.hink Dave, when I was doing the landscaping, I already predesigned
k~ sure the drainage goes into a holding area with rock and so it
)ut into the grass. We won't make any additional runoff... You cad
· maybe 10-15 more people there but we don't get hardly any use of the
Plann ng Commission Meeting
May i , i991 - Page 15
bat. hr cms. That's why, and really I will have Jeff drop off the receipts
of hi pumping. I thought he was doing that. I didn't know there was even
a pro lem with the septic until a couple days ago. But there is very
littl use of that facility at this point. People that hit golf balls come
there and they're there for about half an hour.
Ahren : Yeah, I can't imagine.
John ryzmus: They do use it periodically but it's not something where you
have inner and you sit there for an hour and a half or two and drink a lot
of 1 uids and then use the bathroom.
Ahre : No, I agree with that. That's reasonable and I'm going to
re~ nd approval of this despite the problems. However I would like to
condition that on you coming into compliance in at least the landscaping
areas nd the berming. That was an issue? I don't have a problem with the
building. It's going to be the same size as the existing building. It's
not a y large building. I don't see that the use of the bathroom
facilJ ies is going to increase that much to require a septic system, to
requir that the applicant have to comply with septic system requirements.
I thi k a holding tank, if the City wants to require conditions that he
submi the receipts. Are there receipts of the pumping of the holding
tanks something or regulate the upkeep of the holding tanks, I'd go
along th that but I think it's sufficient for the use that's there now
and will be there when the expansion takes place.
Emmin! : Time out. Your recommendation is that we approve the sign and
the 1 video games and otherwise deny any improvements until everything
he's required to do in the past has been done, right?
Ahre Correct.
Emmin~ : And the alternative they're asking for Joan is, if we're going to
appro~ expansion, then they want us to table it so they can develop
cond ns. Are you saying something different than that?
Ahre Their recommendation is that we approve the sign and the video
games nd that we deny the improvements to the site period.
Emmin : Okay. Is that what you're saying?
Olsen: Right. On page 13 at the bottom we were saying that should you
ret approval, that we would recommend tabling until we can.
Emmim : Wait a minute. We have too many conversations going here.
Batzl Take charge.
Emmin! : I think if we followed your recommendation we'd be denying the
expa ,on. The other improvements that he wants. And I take it that we'd
cons r those again once he's done, lived up to all the conditions that
have en imposed on him in the past that he has not yet?
Commission Meeting
1991 - Page 16
Olsen Right. That's one of the options. That's correct.
Emmin.. : Okay. But if there's going to be approval, you want it tabled so
you develop conditions?
Olsen: Correct.
: Alright. And I want to know if when you said you'd like to see
, if you're saying something different than one of those two
I'm recommending that we approve the sign. The interim use permit
it the signage.
Emmin,< : Okay. And?
Ahren~, And the expansion of the site.
Emmin( : With what conditions? That's the problem I'm having. We don't
have nditions. We have a few here from the staff but the staff says they
don't ~el they've developed, adequately developed conditions for an
a 1. Or are you just going to approve it the way he wants to do just
~r he's proposing?
Well there are existing, I'm a little confused about this. There
.sting conditions of approval as I understand it.
Olsen: Correct for what was approved·
Olsen: Well those were just some. Giving you a start on what we would be
requi ng. Like grading and drainage plans.
Those are just some. That's not a complete list?
Olsen: No, it's not a complete list because we need mote, to really
re, ,nd approval we need more complete plans. It's still not real clear
the king that he's proposing.
Emmin~ : Well, we don't know if he's proposing batting cages inside or
outsi . If it's inside, what the building's going to look like. If it's
outsi , is it going to be lighted.
I thought it was outside.
Olsen: We don't know that.
Emmim : Well it may be.
Ahr He said yes.
Emmin! : But he hasn't submitted a plan in enough detail for the staff to
even 1 ok at it Joan I think is the problem.
Plann. ng Commission Meeting
May l!, i991 - Page 17
Ahrens: Maybe we're looking at this prematurely then, the whole deal?
For approval, yes.
: Okay. Why don't you think about it.
I will Steve. How much time do I have?
on ai
is or
: 4 minutes. I'll be back.
: By the time it gets back to her, she'll have a lot more...
: The plan that I'm looking at right now says '$6. This plan
vegetation that's planned or is it also showing existing
on? There's a notation on the north side that says existing
on and it's got a little arrow. Is that the only tree we're
at that's still standing or, I was out at the site today and there
there's some vegetation that's not on this plan. Do you intend
lng the vegetation as it stands now or where the batting cage area
parking area is by there?
yzmus: No I basically, other than we're doing a massive flower
...geraniums this past weekend and another 600 vinca vines and
doing a couple thousand petunias but I will be adding shurbs and
riodically but I'm about 95~ done. I mean the berms with the
ens and the shurbs and the willows and a lot of the trees have
there. I saved them all. They're expensive so I tried to save as
as I can. This spring now I planted 21 more Black Hills spruce
in ca~ someday the willow trees, you know I have to take the willow tree
down something. I'm trying to replace...
Farma : Do you intend on cutting down many trees that are there now?
: No, not at all.
: So your intent then is to...this plan here eventually when you
funds to do it?
John yzmus: Yeah. This is, I'm done. I mean I don't have to move any,
all dirt I moved was for the berming purposes and the planting of the
trees the flowers and making the flower beds. In other words we're
just done with making our planters and what have you. We've got
about ...and flower planting is what we're doing now.
: In the plans that you submitted in 1986, was there a batting
sted in there?
John yzmus: No. On that particular plan, where the batting cage was
going o go, there was a proposal for an indoor golf and batting building.
Farma ,s: What would be the maximum height of that cage? Is that a tent
s [re with a...
John 'yzmus: Yeah. From the berm, maybe only 5 feet above the berm. It
would )e, I designed it when I was building the berm pretty much contained
Planning Commission Meeting
May 1.= , 1991 - Page 18
withir my area. That's the tree pIanting, what have you. I wouid hope
that y~u couId...as far as seeing additional buiIding going on now...what
I'm pr Dposing now. The new buiiding I'm proposing is set inbetween two
berms ~nd you won't see it from the road. The batting cages wili be,
you'll be standing where you won't be abie to be seen from the road. The
machir~ wiIi be pitching up from down. You know the baIIs wiii run down. I
don't know if you've ever been to a batting cage.
Farmak .=s: Yes.
3chh ~ryzmus: Some of them the ball comes rolling back down this way and
then it goes on an elevator. These would go down. You know I think they
made a note that there was some washing. Well my berms all the grass has
start~ J to come down. I've sodded around into there...but I didn't do
anyth ng with that area that would be...I think I'm going to put blacktop
and t~n carpet instead of like...has concrete.
Farmak~s: Do you have any architectural things that you've submitted? Does
the st~ff have anything as to the height of this cage or whether or not it
would ~e seen or would be screened?
Olsen We haven't received anything.
Farma ~s: So it wasn't submitted in '86 and it's not submitted now?
3chh P 'yzmus: I said what was submitted in '86 was what I've done so far.
The b~rming and planting and that. On the plan in '86 there was an area
right ,here I put one of the teaching holes.
Farma~s: So it wasn't your intent to build these batting cages or
whate~r until you submitted the proper?
3ohn P ryzmus: Right. Until I get the plans. What I'm saying is, I didn't
do anything basically that was illegal like it makes it sound like I was
doing mll kinds of things illegal. I was planning on coming and getting a
permit for the batting cages once I can financially do it. I won't be able
to fir mncially do it this year but I am getting, I'm basically getting
pressure from the city saying I'm expanding without permission so now I'm
going ~o get a permit hopefully and I'll maybe for next year...
Farma~s: Well, I have some concerns. One is the maintenance on the
holding tank. The other one is I'm a little, this is sort of the second
time a 'ound and there seems to be a bit of an attitude problem on some of
this s ;uff for development and it seems naive to me to think that if you've
got a~3roval on plans in 1986 or 1987 that you believe that construction is
alrigh[ to begin in 1991. Times change. Ordinances change and I don't
think [t enhances that attitude or a working relationship with the city to
get i~[o this sort of thing. I hope that's changed or that that attitude
will change. I like the facility. I've used it with my children and I
to im~
And I
it wil
one of
It seems that the landscaping and so on, they're making an effort
rove it and make the place look nice and I hope that that continues.
nope that the relationship that you have with the City staff, maybe
improve. Maybe it's a matter of circumstances. I hope that's the
I guess I would approve this with conditions and I believe also that
those conditions should be that we should hold that until he
May 1
the e
and t~
ng Commission Meeting
, 1991 - Page 19
ms to some of the points that city staff has listed on here. That's
tent of my comments.
: A year and a half ago I started out by saying I have a real tough
eing objective on this application. It seems like he does something
en we find out and he says, oh by the way can I have that. That's
kind cf irritating. I'm starting to sound like a broken record I guess but
I guess I'd like to see follow through on both sides. If we have
conditions and if we have these things, you know both sides I think have to
show ~ little bit more commitment to following through on these things that
we agree on and I'm not convinced yet that if we come up with conditions
that us're going to get anywhere with them. So I don't know exactly what
kind cf conditions we're supposed to put in here. If that means he
complies with them 5 years down the road, does that mean he complies with
them right away? I like the facility. I've used it. I think it's
actually an asset but the cavalier attitude about doing things and then
comin! in after the fact is irritating. I still try to look at this
objec' ively but that's tough to get over. That part of it. I think that
given the fact that we imposed the holding tank on him as a condition and
he's ~sde the investment in that, if in fact he can get the contract in
here and demonstrate that it's pumped regularly and what have you, I don't
see w~y we would make him go to a drainfield kind of thing. I'd like to
see t~is tabled. I'd like to see the staff work with him. See if we can
work th him and come up with something and a time table for doing these
thin~ If we're just going to put conditions on here that says he's going
to do hing and not put a time table where if he doesn't have it done,
then 's the point? That's all I have.
Ellso I would recommend denial of the expansion until he brings it up. I
don't now that I would be heavy duty on the septic system though if we've
a ne
all t
said it's okay to have a holding tank. But I think that if some of
things haven't already been met like he needs a certificate of
, let's get it all cleaned up. Since the batting cage is probably
year apparatus and things later, I'd rather not see myself approving
until the rest is cleaned and totally agreed upon between the two
move forward with the next request.
When the holding tank was put in, do we inspect that?
Steve iirchman: We inspected the installation. The only inspection is,
it's manufactured tank. We just take a look at the installation to make
sure it was properly installed.
Conr So can you have different conditions of holding tanks? Can it be
used do they have to be new when they go in? What are the standards? I
don't :now what we're talking about. Is this a metal? Is this synthetic?
What i the holding tank?
rchman: It's a concrete, basically a septic tank is what it is.
ncrete and it comes in different sizes. It's got to be water tight.
.t to have a manhole cover and two clean outs on each end.
And how do we know that it was when it went in?
Steve irchman: It was inspected when it went in.
Plann ng Commission Meeting
May 1., 1991 - Page 20
So we know that it was good. When it went in, it was a state of
holding tank?
Steve rchman: That's correct.
Conra Okay· There are some things that I think just have to be brought
up to ~tandards before I even consider anything here. And 3ohn, I think we
they '
e facility out there. I think people are using it. I just really
see the few things. The things that have not been done. I don't
consider anything, sign, video, anything until I can see what I
to be some simple things just done. Some things that haven't been
· The flood light issue is still there and my understanding is
en't approved except for security and apparently maybe not on but
there and pointed in the wrong direction or something. I'm not
the fence. The fence was not approved in the beginning?
Olsen On the exterior, yes. There's now fence on the interior and now
the o7 inance requires you to get a permit for fencing.
So it was, say it again 30 Ann?
Olsen There was fencing shown on the first approved plan along Galpin and
TH 5. That's where there's posts and now there's some internal fencing
also. Again, they just need to get the permit. It's real simple. Make
sure ,e height is the right height.
Conra( You know, that seems like a simple thing to doi The permit for
the f~ ~ce. I think the building has to receive the Certificate of
Occu . There's just some simple things but until they're done, I
reall don't want to see anything. I just want to get rid of this and it
has be done right before we take a look at any sort of expansion. And I
think are real simple things. They're not difficult but I'm not
budgi on that until they're done.
0 kay,
Let me try to get clear in my mind. What is the problem? What.do
nk they've done? What do you think they haven't done and what do
nk they have done? What's not conforming today in your mind 3o Ann?
got one. You think there's flood lights?
Olsen: Right. There are flood lights out there for lighting after hours.
The .rs were set at sunrise to sunset. $o that's one issue that we
Erhar How many flood lights are out there?
Olsen: How many?
Erhar Yeah.
Olsen: There are about, I noticed about 2 or 3 along TH 5 on the telephone
poles )r whatever and they were on the building. Saw it on at least 2
sides 3 sides? 2 sides?
Erhart And who are you?
Piann ng Commission Meeting
May [ , ~99[ - Page 2[
Steve irchman: Steve Kirchman. I'm a building inspector.
Erhar' : Alright. I don't know, did you introduce yourself or did I miss
Olsen I kind of introduced him.
Ellso' : Jo Ann introduced him while you were sleeping.
Erhar : While I was sleeping? Okay. John, what are the flood lights
for? e you using them? What are you using them for?
John yzmus: Yeah, we use them for up lighting on all the shurbs is what
the ginal approval was on it.
Erhar To do what? Up lighting?
John yzmus: Yeah. You know they're only like this high off the ground
and t, shine on all the paths.
Erhar For what? People to get around after dark?
John yzmus: Yeah.
So you are, you're using the facility as a business after dark?
: The miniature golf has been open yes, after the sun went
Er And that's not permitted.
Olsen Not permitted.
Erhari Okay, so in fact you are using it after dark and that wasn't
perm ,ed. Okay. What else? You're saying you have some internal fences?
Olsen: He just needs a fence permit for that.
Erbar If 8luff Creek Golf Course came in and wanted to put up a fence
bt their club house and the first tee, would they just do it or would
they ye in?
Ell If you wanted one you'd have to come in.
Olsen: I can't tell you what they would do. They would be required to get
a per t.
Erbar Is there any limit to how short the fence can be? Let's say they
want, to put up cedar rails or something.
Olsen: It's still a fence. You know we don't have a limit on how low it
can but how high it can go. The video games is another thing which.
Erhar Hang on. Let me get this clear in my mind. So you think there's
some i ternal fencing going on not shown.
Plann ng Commission Meeting
May 1. , 1991 - Page 22
Olsen I know there is.
Erbar : On a golf course you can't move fences without a different site
Olsen Yeah, if it's different from the site plan. The only fences are
agric~ tural.
Steve rchman: The only issue here is he has to come in and get the
permi Nobody's objecting to his fence but he does need a permit for his
peri ;er fence. He just has to come and get a permit.
Okay· What else then? You said there's some grading going on?
Emmin! : He got a permit for that didn't he?
He got a grading permit for some of the grading. Correct Dave?
of it still was going to be part of this whole permit because it
some of the tees. The parking lot. Grading for where the batting
and the drainage. We don't have any plans on that. We don't have
iled grading.
How many cubic feet are being graded?
We wouldn't know. We need to know that.
What does the ordinance read?
It's 50 cubic yards.
Is it more than that or less than that?
Definitely more than that.
: He needs a certificate of occupancy is another one Tim.
Yeah, I'm getting to that. Before we get to that one, any other
But s(
tank ·
He needs to supply us with a schedule of the pumping of the septic
Erhar I'm waiting for that one for last.
Olsen: The video games. It's the hours of operation.
Erbar Yeah, I got that one.
Olsen: He is currently putting in the parking lot.
It looks that way.
5rhar Was that on the '86 plan? There's so much stuff here. Okay, let's
go to the septic system. If you look at the conditions on page 3
there. Condition 4 is that two septic sites be protected from gradingl In
condit on 5 it says the applicant shall install a holding tank. Why would
we ha done that?
Plann ng Commission Meeting
May 1. , 1991 - Page 23
Olsen Where are you?
Erhar : Your page 3 of the report. On the bottom there. 4 says two
septi system sites shall be protected from grading activities. Then you
go on th item 5, the applicant shall install a holding tank.
Olsen Shall comply with ordinance lOB. That's where it, I remember that
there conversations between the applicant and I believe Don and Barb.
Do yo~ remember?
John yzmus: I don't remember why it was changed from septic.
Erhar This was part of the conditional use. These were the conditions
to conditional use permit right?
Olsen I believe that it was one of the issues was cost of installing. My
recol ~ction was that the applicant wanted the holding tank. I remember
that ere was a meeting in Don Ashworth's office I believe with Barb.
Erhar Before it went to Council. Alright, so let's not try.to do that.
Let's o back to Steve. Your letter then· Essentially is it clear to
ever that we gave him, per your letter here, essentially approved a
holdi tank?
rchman: A permit was issued for the holding tank and the
tion was inspected and approved.
Okay. Then you go on to say, I strongly urge that no further
nt be permitted on the property until existing violations are
· This would include installation of an approved septic system.
t contradict what?
Steve irchman: Well, State Code requires that if you've got sites
avai Is, that you have to have a septic system.
I understand but.
Steve irchman: If the possibility exists that there are no available
sites So if there are no available sites, then he has to continue with
that lding tank.
Erhar~:. I understand but I guess what I'm saying is, I think there's a
tremer~dous insensitivity here. This memo drives a lot of what's going on
here y
put in
<irchman: I realize that.
Okay. On the one hand it says that we've told 3chh and gave him a
to put in this holding tank and then a few inches down the paper
,u're saying don't do anything here until this comes into conformity
:irchman: As I said earlier, I'm assuming the reason that we let him
a holding tank was that the original septic sites were disturbed.
just an assumption on my part. I don't know why anyone would let
Plann ng Commission Meeting
May 1 , 1991 - Page 24
him p, t in holding tanks.
Erha : I don't think that's the point. The point is if you've given him
a 1, then you've given him approval. I don't think we can go back
then nd said gee whiz, you can't do anything because.
Olsen But that is, you know the whole driving force behind this report.
That' one of the reasons. It's also that there's additional.
Er : Well that seems to be the only major one of ail these. I guess
estab ishing whether they can continue using the, whether he can expand
using holding tank or not. I guess my recommendation I think is pretty
much long with everybody elses. I guess overall I think the facility is
fine nd useful to people here and John has made his way of trying to make
thin~ work. On the other hand I think sometimes, I think we have to be a
littl more sensitive to these styles of businesses. Not everybody is able
to in a plan, able to work in a normal, timely fashion. And if we
precl that process, I think we preclude a lot of creativity. On the
other hand it appears to me like 3ohn seems to be alittle more organized
today I think when he started in 1986 and so I think we're both
learning on how to get along a little bit better here. Both 3ohn and the
city. The issue on the septic system, I realize that the Code says you
can't, we're not supposed to go in disturbed areas but that's, practicality
is th~ you can make systems work in disturbed areas.
rchman: I disagree. If the area's been disturbed, then it just
the properties of the soils of accepting effluent. The effluent
show but it also won't get treated.
Emmin~ : Can you do it in a mound?
Erhar : Essentially when you go and do a septic system you do disturb the
soil. And certainly in a mound.
Steve rchman: No, you don't.
Erhar You just lay it on top?
Steve ~irchman: You lay it on top and you have to use track machinery and
you'r not allowed to drive a truck over the surface where the mound is to
Erhar Well anyway, I think obviously the tank is working and I don't see
that lis is, it appears that it can work. Steve, I think you're saying
that can work properly if properly maintained. On the other hand, I
would refer to see a septic system. On the other hand, when do you expect
the line to be put through here?
K Well we're looking at serving the area behind, across the street
from lis site hopefully next Friday. Theoretically, but this area is not
inc in the MUSA line expansion. This area is the study area so there
would no service to this property in the foreseeable future~
Erhart~ So that's what you, the other thing is I think it'd be to their
advant~ge to get this as an interim use permit so I'd agree with your
Plann ng Commission Meeting
May 1 , 1991 - Page 25
recom endation to try to, anyway try to get it to that so we can tie some
kind ,f date on this. $o I guess I'd go along with staff's recommendation
in te 'ms of approving with the video games and trying to get interim use
permi~ and try to come back with, table it and come back. I guess I'd like
to se~ him clear up, maybe Steve or someone to try to clear up a uniform
recoml endation on whether this holding site or septic system or something
so it s a little clearer at the next meeting. And then have conditions.
Olean Yeah, we'll confirm the capacity and things like that.
Erharl : That's finally it.
Emminl s: Okay. I'm going to adopt Brian's comments and Ladd's comments
just 1.o shorten things down. I'm not going to, I don't care too much about
the sl gn or video games. Whether we do something with that but he has to
do, i my mind he has to do what he said he would do in the past or
fulfi 1 the conditions that were imposed on prior approvals before I'm
willi ,g to look at any expansion. And that's Primarily because although
I'm s, re that 3chh has his own version of how things have evolved out
there all I've seen here over the years is John filling in the wetland.
Being told to stop. Coming in and asking for a permit. Being denied. And
now h, 's doing something else and he's being told to stop and he's coming
in ag( in for a permit after the fact. I think he's had enough interaction
with ihs City to know that he should come here first and he hasn't been
willing to do that so I'm not willing to look at an expansion until he gets
everyi hing up to snuff. If it was one time I could understand it but it
hasn' been one time. This is at least the third time that I can recall
sitti g here and looking at this and maybe it's the fourth. So that's
where I stand. Is there a motion?
Conr : Yes. I move that we table action until the applicant brings the,
sari les the staff's concerns about the previous conditional use permit.
8atz 1
Golf ~
: Second.
s: Is there any discussion?
moved, Batzli seconded to table the Interim Use Permit for Swings
ntil the conditions of the Conditional Use Permit are satisfied. All
in favor except Ahrens and Erhart who opposed and the motion carried
vote of 5 to 2.
Emmin~ : Do you want to put the reasons on the record?
Ahren: :
Well I've been thinking about this and I can go along with the
on on this for approval of the Interim Use Permit for
of expansion of the site.
Erhar What was your second one?
Basically the staff's recommendation. Denial of the expansion but
staff continue to work with them to bring the site into
May i
are bt
and wt
Emm i n!
they '1
Emmi n,
so th,
hear i
I thi
we hac
do, f
map r.
you ' 1
up th,
Not m~
ng Commission Meeting
, 1991 - Page 26
: Okay and I think that was what I was thinking. That's what I was
for denial. So if that's what it. is, that was mine.
: Now with my motion, I just want to make sure that the tank, the
g tank. It is permitted so we're not asking staff at this time to
out how to do a dratnfield. We're not asking 3chh to do that. We
ingin~ it into conformance with the previous conditional use permit
at the city has granted 3Chh to do.
s: And you're not in any way discouraging them from continuing to
ogether to bring it up to snuff and then look at a proposal when
e got one.
: That's all I want. I just don't see there are a' lot of things
ou have to do 3ohn. I just do want, I want to force you and the
doing things together the right way. We're not trying to be the bad
I want to do it the right way so we can review this without having
istory and some negatives out there. Then we can take a look at the
ssues ·
s: Right. I think we ought to at this point take a quick break for a
Stars update.
I understand that you're recommending that we table this matter
we can notify affected property owners and then hold a public
and complete the official map. What should we do on this tonight?
that's obviously the thing to do.
Look at the map.
: We'd like you to look at the preliminary draft of the official map
. We'd also like to discuss some standards with you that are in the
nce. In fact 3o Ann and I had a long conversation. After coming
rom the bluff hike, Bluff Creek hike, my personal opinion is that
f the standards that the DNR recommended aren't adequate to protect
e want to protect over there. One of the other things we wanted to
ret of all what we're proposing is an ordinance based on an official
ther than a we know it when we see it approach and so to designate
this thing is. You should know though that when you see this map
see it. It really does interfere indirect with a lot of properties
re and a lot of property owners may fell disinfranchised by it and I
that the environmental benefits of this have to be so, in addition we
o have some mechansim wherein existing situations are grandfathered.
de non-conforming but grandfathered so we accept the status quo.
: That couldn't expand? Would that be grandfathered?
: Well no. I think we'd like to work out some language where they
if there wasn't prejudice against them because they happened to build
r. The other thing that we'd like to do too for the public is, Dave
May I
and I
or th~
are ,
20 -25
the p'
the b~
and p~
Commission Meeting
1991 - Page 27
have been involved with a number of properties on the bluff that have
libly severe grading problems because of how they messed up drainage
,y built in an inappropriate place. Basically man made problems that
mean we want to get this on video for you and whoever comes to this
g because they're so dramatic. You really have to see what these
For example, we were out at the Dypwicks property the. other day.
allow had built a storage building of some sort that's probably about
maybe 30 feet from the bluff. The erosion here is something you
not believe. You stand on a precipice and you look out and you're
g 70 to 90 feet and there's a sheer drop. And there's two sets of
.n. There's erosion that drainage was tinkered with coming off this
around this building and he is dumping huge amounts of garbage and
lly trash basically in an indiscriminant manner in an attempt to stop
: Where is this?
: I can show it to you on the map but it's off of TH 101. West of
· In the process of doing this, this is making matters worse. He's
ly thrown a lot of money into this but when Dave and I went around
ck of his property where the second serious erosion problem is, he
ly tried to channelized the water where he collects it in a system
ts it in a pipe. Well the pipe just outletted at the top of the
in that sugar sand and that pipe is now suspended 15-20 feet in space
e the cliff is gone. And the whole reason this drainage problem
d is because whoever built this house, either he or whoever built it,
ted out a low level garage door and to drain that area they built a
from the house all the way to the bluff. And now all the water's
funned,ed through there and you've got a problem that's just got to be seen
to bembelieved.
he sa)
( Staff
a nd oL
s: When we were on the hike in Bluff Creek, a guy from the Riley
hsd District. Was it Riley-Purgatory?
: Yeah.
s: Watershed district was along and he said that that's a big
m in a lot of bluff areas that are in that watershed district because
eople build their houses close to the bluffs, you get all that runoff
rom the roof concentrated and it has a dramatic impact on the bluff
s. Just even that change. Apparently these areas are real fragile
s of the slope.
Well, anyway do you want to look at the map?
Sure. Where do you want to do it?
Well I thought we could just put it and maybe stand around it.
ind of an odd shape·
presented the bluff line preservation map to the Planning Commission
Llined points of interest.)
May 1,
that 1
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Even 1
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do th~
if he
it ou'
ng Commission Meeting
, 1991 - Page 28
: I just want to do this cautiously. I think we've got to recognize
here's a selling job that has to be done with this· There's a real
o be diplomatic with these folks who have gone around thinking that
an do whatever they need to do and ail of a sudden we're intruding in
own private little world. That can be a disturbing thing to happen.
hough is probably ecologically and philosophically the right thing to
ey still need to be...
es: Is there any outside financial advantage that can be sold to
: Well I did ask Roger, after that came up last time. I asked the
ttorney to look at that and there is a tax abatement that can be
for land designated for certain public or 'environmental purposes to
t. I'm not sure that this particular land has been assessed at all
Teat a rate anyway. We need to bring in the County Assessor. I mean
s already only valued this at some nominal amount because of the
, then there's probably not much of a net tax benefit.
s: You ought to have him look at a sampling of properties to figure
· Tell us for this property would mean this tax advantage because
ould certainly speak loud to people. What else do you want us to do
: I don't know if you have any more guidance to give us. Otherwise
proceed with it. I'm not sure it's going to get on the next agenda
getting video done and talking to the County Assessor and getting the
Batzll: I think that after Saturday there's a lot of enthusiasm by the
Council and various Planning Commission and other people and I think we
Emm i n!
see i n!
in th
an ad(
and t
proceed full steam ahead while we have that enthusiasm·
: I would expand it too to this area as Tim suggested· Is that
across the.
s: West of Chaska.
: I like the idea of touching bases with Chaska.
: I would at least talk to them and tell them what we're doing and
if they have any interest in at least preserving that.
: One of the things also that's personally related is Moon Valley.
o update you quickly on that. I'm having the City Attorney review
things because we're in litigation with Moon Valley. Judge Canning
con Valley an additional, Judge Canning supported tbs City's position
t we have the right to require that they get a permit. He gave them
itional 30 days to get it. They have retained John Voss who's a
ng consultant who I've known for quite a while· He's a legitimate
tant, to prepare their permit application. But they just told him
it and the drop dead date is May 25th. It's been my expectation
we've gotten into this that what we're going to get is an incomplete
request which will have to go to the Judge and get some findings on
en when we take them through this, when we actually bare conditions,
May 1,
to be
the b,
ng Commission Meeting
, 1991 - Page 29
hey're going to take the conditions back to the Judge and it's going
a very long, drawn out process. But this is, I mean it's integral to
.uff line. Here we have, I mean if you talk to Tom Zwiers, as far as
he's l:oncerned, the bluff should be knocked down to the cornfield type land
and f!atten it out and that will make it good for development. $o I think
you h~
us te
Emmi n(
to am~
do to
,ye a clash of values there and I'm not sure how that's going to get
'ed. You assume that he's got some rights to do what he's doing to a
n extent. There's going to be a conflict.
Is the application in front of the Judge?
: Excuse me?
You said, what was going to the Judge?
: Well, the only thing that's been to the Judge so far is they sued
ling us that we didn't have the right to require them.
: Right, but you said something else was going to the Judge?
He feels the conditions will be contested.
: I think they're going to contest everything along the' way.
s: I just noticed that this is a public hearing. I want to ask if
s anyone here who wants to comment on the zoning ordinance amendment
nd the city code to create a bluff line preservation section. Can
e make a motion to close the public hearing?
: Let the record show there's no one in the room that's willing to
on the topic and I move to close the public hearing.
s: I'll second it.
moved, Emmings seconded to close the public hearing. All voted in
and the motion carried.
: Don't you want to continue the public hearing?
Close it or do you table it?
: Continue it.
s: We'll continue it.
: I'll withdraw my motion. ! move that we continue it.
s: Why didn't you say something before we voted? What do we have to
undo this?
We'll just correct the Minutes.
That's okay. Just close it. Do what you did. We'll just open it
Planning Commission Meeting
May 1 , 1991 - Page 30
Emmin. s: Okay. I like that. It's easy.
Batzl : Strike my withdrawal.
Emmin~ s: Does anyone else have anything on the bluff line? You have our
bless ngs here to do whatever...
Paul :rauss presented the staff report on this item. Chairman Emmings
calls the public hearing to order.
Erhar : Let me ask you this. What other reason why a developer would want
a PUD as opposed to, anything other than a smaller lot? What other reasons
in a esidential area? Is the crux?
Olsen The setbacks.
Erhart : Okay, so then the question would be, let's say the guy just wanted
diffel ent setbacks. So he wanted to go to a PUD but the way this is formed
now, e automatically has got to give up 25~, even though he's willing to
stick with the 15,000 sqaure lots. That's where I guess in looking at
this, if you were to use the minimum lot size which you ought to have as a
scale Like if it's 9,000, then it's 25~. If it's 10,000 then it's 20~.
If it s 11,000 it's
: That's a possibility. If you figure it on the average lot size.
Erbar : Well it seems to me it ought to be done on the average lot size.
Not u e the minimum lot size at all. And you have a scale so that yeah,
it do~ allow him to get more total lots as the average gets smaller and in
exchaT le we get some open land but I don't think you can just pick a spot
and s~ that's it.
EllsoT: You're saying as we squish people more, we get more open space?
Er hat t:
come i
the c
Yeah. And the advantage to the developer is that he gets more
we get more open space but what you can't do I think is pick one
say, if you're going to come in for a PUD, whatever the reason
're going to be on that point. Because then you give up any
ty at all to adapt to the land itself or what the developer's
to accomplish there.
Realistically though nobody, I can't understand why somebody would
with 15,000 square foot or better lots and request a PUD. If the
of their requesting a PUD is to be let off the hook on setback
or street widths or something else, then there's no net gain for
Erhar Okay, so that's just as unrealistic as the guy coming in with 144
9,000 ;quare foot lots? What I'm saying is there's going to be someplace
betwe~ that spectrum. That particular development or that developer or
Plann ng Commission Meeting
May 1. , 1991 - Page 31
what e's trying to accomplish in terms of house styles and values of the
house that he's going to pick and what we ought to do is, you want to
nail ~ down so it doesn't get to be a negotiating, totally arbitrary and
let's a little table together. It says okay, if your average lot size
is 10 000 square feet and the City wants 20~, every size is 11,000 square
feet. .so you allow the developer to kind of, you can still create. We can
get wi.at we want but he can still create the development that he has in
Krausl : That might be reasonable. Again, we're flying a little bit by the
seat f our pants on this one. Many communities experiences with single
famil PUP's are similar to Chanhassen's and there's not, and that I'm
aware of, there's not a lot of progressive thought on okay, you've all been
hume, . How do you then fix an ordinance that doesn't do that? I mean
it's lear to me the trade off is, some of the trade off involves open
space What the magic number is I think is an issue.
Erharl : Yeah. If it's just open space for the same number of lots,
there s no incentive to pay the extra fees and everything. You're going to
have o give them a little bit of incentive to give us the open space by
actua ly increasing the number of lots. I don't think it has to be a lot.
Krau~ : We can certainly play with that.
Erbar : I know that a guy's going to come in with the whole place isn't
going to be 9,000 square foot lots. I guess I'm having a hard time even
envisioning that.
Conrac: Would we still get a Near Mountain development with this? Near
Mountain is a good PUD. I kind of like what this does but I guess I don't
know ~hat it discourages or if it forces one thing versus another. So
I s my feeling is that I'd like to have staff work a couple scenarios
just like this one so we can see what it does encourage. And one would be,
if it ld go back and reconstruct the Near Mountain PUD and see what this
would to it. Now they have a lot of ponds and, I'd just like to know if
we coLld have another development like that or if this would not allow a
Near .
If it
: We could certainly check that. I didn't have the time but in
s I was, my gut reaction was that Near Mountain should qualify.
't, then something's wrong.
Erhar Do they get 25~ open space?
Olsen They may have to give more open space.
Kraus: Except that we've credited, I mean there are ways to credit.
We're lot only looking for, this is open space that the public can use or
that common open space. We're saying that of your 25~, one quarter of
that n be park. You're probably going to have to dedicate more than that
but could be. One quarter of that can be wetlands but then we've said
if 're protecting other natural features. For example Near Mountain has
a lot forested areas. If we had those forested areas, which may or may
not be on somebody's lot, protected by a conservation easement, then that
would , you could attribute that towards your requirement because we're
May 1
be pr
have '
but I
the ct
PUD t,
all 9~
the c¢
Emm i n~
the t¢
ng Commission Meeting
, 1991 - Page 32
teed that that open space amenity, that natural feature is going to
served in perpetuity.
...remember where the outlot, the summit? That was originally
to be condos and now it's single family lots. That probably wouldn't
: It's kind of tough adopting that after the fact too because those
ere not structure with this sort of ordinance in mind. What you'd
o do is go back and make some assumptions which you may be able to do
think it's a useful exercise.
: What I don't want to do is force, you know I don't want to stiffel
eativity and I don't want developers coming in here with all 9,000
foot lots. So Near Mountain had a mixture and that's kind .of what
trying to look for, plus the open space and I get lost in the
a. I don't know what happens. So again, I think some of the
ts is kind of neat if it works. If it works for multiple sized
nments. Now I don't know how it works from a 10 acre subdivision or
1,000 acre so I guess it's a neat concept to pursue.
: I think you ought to try it with the average because we don't want
000 square foot lots. This is what...kind of what we're encouraging
Table of different averages and see how that works. I think that
ncept that you're working on is right on.
s: Maybe you ought to show Terry Forbord your example and get some
ck from him.
: I will. I'll bump a copy over to Shardlow too.
s: And also ask him if the system that Tim isn't talking about
't be, I think that's kind of...
: I think you actually mentioned it.
: In fact he suggested, when he and I were talking, that was one of
:icg that we thought of.
Paul, would your zero lot line type things, if it was 4 foot away
from the lot line, would that come under your single family detached?
Krauss: I intentionally didn't deal with that and Roger raised it again as
a concsrn. The most recent ordinance I've written before this one, I
actua21y set that up as a separate district.
Batzl !: Separate from the PUD?
Kraus~: Well no, as a PUD but it was separate standards. Single family
detached lots on typicaly single family homes were treated one way. Zero
lot lJ les were treated another way. Rs I read through this ordinance again
tonig~ though, I think that the reason for that is when you get closer.
When ~3u're building on the zero lot line, you have more implications as to
what the architectural design is. How you're imposing on the adjoining
property owner. How you want to treat common space because there has to be
Plann ng Commission Heeting
May i , 1991 - Page 34
more. ommon space when it's that tight. But as I thought about it, the
ordin, nce, the way we've structured it right now, the single family
detacled works pretty well because we've built all that architectural stuff
in there and the language is loose enough that we could allow zero lot
lines under the same set of procedures and standards. I don't think we
have Io change very much to allow that. One thing you may want to consider
thoug} is some communities have a problem with zero lot line homes being in
singl family neighborhoods. I don't know that I ascribe to that
philo ophy because basically they're single family homes. They're just
scrun(hed to one side. I don't see us lowering the lot size much. I don't
see u~ lowering the lot size below 9,000 ever in the RSF district or in the
low d, nsity district. If somebody wants to do a high intensity zero lot
line :evelopment, it really in my opinion ought to belong in areas that are
guide: for medium or high density use in the Comp Plan because that's the
densi les you're dealing with. And I think we can make that
diffe ntiation. It's not that hard.
the p~
Batzl j:
: Did Forbord like, did you show him the whole proposed standards?
: No, we haven't had a chance to'sit down. I just briefed him on
I was curious what he thought about the foundation plans and 1 standards. The other elements of this besides the 25~.
I don't know. I suspect he didn't have a problem with that
that's the way they design their project anyway. I mean we're not
speci cally designing for Lundgren Brothers Homes.
Ahrem Yeah, I was going to say. Terry Forbord, it's fine to run some
thing= past thim but we're not designing our ordinance for him. Especially
since ~e's going to be coming in with probably another PUD. He has some
pr in Chanhassen and we don't want to give him our ordinance and say
how you want this to read and what's the best deal for you and then he
can 'gn it around whatever development be wants to come in with.
Batzl No, and I wasn't proposing that. I Just thought it was
iht ~ting because other developers don't develop to their standards and
while might not have had a problem including certain number of trees
and p ntings around the foundation, I'll bet you a lot of othe9 developers
would I was just curious.
Kraus~ Nell I'll be happy to sit down with him. Ne can certainly do
that. He's useful as a gauging point though because on the spectrum of
~tial developers, they tend to be a little better than most.
Right. If you want to encourage anybody it would be him.
Yeah, and if he has a significant problem with something, it's
y note worthy. If he believes he can live with something, it
imply that all other developers can live with it but it may mean to
That's the standard of development we want to achieve.
May 1)
and s4
of us
my i n~
If th~
I had
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How mi
it bu
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went ~
ng Commission Meeting
, 1991 - Page 35
: But there are a lot of good developers in town too. You may want
it past them.
: We can send it out to a few people who develop in the community
e what they think.
: I had a couple just statements or comments on what we see in front
and I think Paul's going to work some things but just philosophically
ant on this ordinance was not to put more density in but to shift it.
re is more density that's fine. I guess I was, well if there is more
y, I want to make sure that it's good quality density. That's just a
1 comment on my part. I'm interested about the density transfer
too because I really feel that that's a viable thing. Again, if
my way, if a site is approved for 10 units and we can shift 5 of
units to the other half of the property and leave the other half
that's what I'm trying to do. $o I don't mind butlding up the
,. I'm kind of interested In how the transfer formula works. Using
yersus net. Is there a conversion factor? We've always used net
in terms of units per acre and now we're going to use gross so have
:ensated for that changeover in terms of the number of units allowed
: There's no standard factor Ladd because it's really highly
gent upon the individual site. How much park are you dealing with?
ch wetland are you dealing with? I think though that the PUD gets at
ssue in another way. It's demanding higher quality design. It's
ing higher quality landscaping. It's going to demand some modicum of
onal open space. You know you're achieving your goals through a
ant mechanism and if the developer happens to get more units out of
it looks better overall and is less impacting, I guess that's a fair
: But what is the standard? The standard that you set is 1.7 units
re. How did we get there? How did we get to 1.77
: We developed that in doing the Comprehensive Plan. Basically what
ted to do is the Metro Council was telling us that the rule of thumb,
~e develops 2 1/2 units an acre. We said well that's not an
late assumption here because we are basically a no net loss wetlands
ity. Our park dedications are pretty stiff and all this and so we
ack in. Jo Ann and Mark and I and took apart, I don't know, 12 or 15
we've done over the last 5 years and tried to find what the average
/ is. Now this is standard platting. This is not PUP's.
$o average gross density?
: Right.
: Based on history? And that turned out to be 1.77
Kraus: : Correct.
Plann ng Commission Meeting
May 1. , 1991 - Page 36
Conra, : Okay. Over how many years?
Kraus : I would say it was the plats over the last 5 years probably.
Olean Maybe even 10.
Conra~ : And just a picky point. On page 5, letter (g). It said, more
than ne building may be placed on one platted recorded lot on a PUD. What
does .hat mean?
Kraus: : Under standard zoning you're obligated to have a separate tax
parce around each building. Within a PUD you're approving an overall
maste' plan. You've got a lot of control over exactly what happens.
What' built where. It becomes less important to us if an industrial
occup nt has three buildings on a single tax parcel. You've exercised all
the control you need.
Conrac : Okay.
Does anybody have anything else on this? Any other comments?
Yeah, I don't like 9,000 feet. I think it's too small.
You think 9,000 is too small?
Emmims: I wonder, what if it said something. Instead of saying you can
have ingle family residential PUD allows lot sizes down to a minimum of
9,000 square feet and seeing some developers Just licking their lips.
Can't wait to go in here and make a development of all 9,000 foot lots.
What f we Just said that some of the lots may be as small as 9,000 square
Erhar': That's where I think you tie in this average thing.
Ellso : 8ut if someone does 9,000 and it looks good and transfer and
thing., like that, I think we have to, we don't know.
Emmin~ : What were, the lots that we were all remarking about in.
Kraus.~ : Were 9,000 square feet. That's where that number came from.
Erbar : Yeah I know but there was only a lot here and there. It wasn't a
mass these lots. Were there?
8atzl Yeah, they're all on one end.
It's one group of them and they're very well done.
There's probably about 60. 40 to 60. Something like that.
All of the professional literature says that, don't take the micro
what the property line says. What kind of context is it sitting
May I
in a
to gi~
say ,
Emmi n!
it a
Emmi n(
you c
on the
to wOT
ng Commission Meeting
, 1991 - Page 37
mean if you have a 9,000 square foot lot backing up to a protected
, it's going to look a whole lot better than a 15,000 square foot lot
: I think though that we're worried about implying that we're going
e them something that we really have no intention of giving them.
: I think if somebody comes in here with a bunch of 9,000 square
ots, we're ail going to be stunned and we're going to sit here and
elp us. What can we do to stop this?
: I think we'd better put some language in there just to give us the
to reject it.
s: Or that we consider PUD's where some of the lots were as small as
square feet but not less than that. Something but you've got to make
ot more.
: But we have that existing PUD that has the average, it doesn't
s: I don't understand.
Well we have it right now where there's an average of 13,500 and
n go as low as 12,000. And it has worked where it's not all 12,000
foot lots but the PUD's haven't been successful for other reasons.
e we still don't require preservation of open space and creativity
average doesn't work.
: Well I think what came across loud and clear though again for
d was that a deviance of 1,500 square feet isn't enough to induce
y to do anything.
: That's why we came up with the 9.
: ...gross density. That's not now what you're doing.
: But Paul is changing the formula.
: No, he's increasing the gross density. You're getting more lots
original piece of land. $o that gives him the incentive then to
~e some other piece of land.
But you're not going to get more lots if you have a high average
I'm not saying whether it should be high or low. You kind of have
it out what it is. The way you have it now, you've only picked one
mhd it has to be 25~ and what...
Well that's variable but I thought the intent of this was to get
'om the hard and fast, thou shalt have an average of no less than 13.
May I
That '
say y~
1 ess
ng Commission Meeting
, 1991 - Page 38
: That's what I want to do too. I think we should leave the 9,000
r intent in here is telling them that we don't want to see all that
.eh you guys are certainly going to see it and the fact that it's a
e have a chance to negotiate. That's the whole idea behind it but
~u~ting more fences around them before we've even seen it. We're not
~v~ng them a chance to try to bring something to us. We're telling
i~ht off the bat we just have decided there's no way you can do it
nd don't even bother.
: I guess I'm a little confused there. You don't want a formula in
ow or you do?
: No, no. We're talking about two different things. The open space
a I think we need because that's one of the trade offs we're getting.
one of the benefits of going with the PUD. The question is what
f minimum lot area do you adhere to and from a strictly designed,
ophical standpoint, I don't care if all the lots are 9,000 square
f everything else is done well.
: Okay, but what we could do to satisfy I think the concern is to
ah, you can have 9,000 square foot lots but your average can't be any
: 9,000.
: No, no.
: That's what I'm saying. If he can do a thing of all 9,000 square
foot ~nd it looks good. See you're making an assumption that you'll never
see a$9,000 average that would look good. You're making a big assumption.
say w~
e said, if they're all backed up against this bluff area and things
hat, it might not be that bad.
That's not realistic.
It is if 25~ of your land has to be in open space.
: Oh, I see.
That could be.
: I think you ought to give them a chance to do it and if you don't
t, tell them then.
The problem is, somebody's going to come in with a plan.
: That's when we deal with it.
Well, it's going to happen and then we're going to look at it and
in the world did we let them build 9,000.
No, we didn't let them. We get a chance to look it over.
Plann ng Commission Heeting
Hay 1 , 1991 - Page 39
Conra~ : We don't give them the PUD. It's not what we're looklng for.
Ellso : You're not trusting them enough.
Batzl : Ne've seen what, never mind. I'm not convinced that we will look
at it and know what we're looking at because every time we look at PUP's we
sit ti,ere and we say, gee. We don't really ~et a sense of what they're
doing and we don't see this and we don't see that. Ne won't see it. Ne
will ~ot see what is actually occurring in the PUD until it's in and then
it wi 1 be too late.
Kraus~= One of the problems we've had with PUP's is, and I've heard the
same hing echoed on the Council, is Ursula's often going well what are we
getti g out of this. Ne're supposed to get something. Nhat are we
getti g? And I don't have a good answer normally because our PUD ordinance
right now doesn't demand anything.
Ellso' : And we haven't given an intention of it to anybody until now.
Kraus'~ : This ordinance says, if you're going to want this, you're going to
have o earn it and here's how you earn it.
Ellso : I think because of that intention will ward off the guy who thinks
he'll be able to sell us a PUD with a 9,000 back to back thing. He'll go
well I know I'm not meeting it. I'm just trying for it. We've got every
reasor to say forget it. I don't think we should say an average. I think
it co. ld potentially be done. Who am I to say no without seeing it?
Erhart: What you're saying is if the average...maybe. It'd be interesting
to lo¢ k at.
Kraus.~: There's lots of examples to demonstrate it. I have some slides of
it. I can give you books that show those kinds of plats. What happens
when ~ bottle up that space. It's a fairly...
Ellso : It's not like we're changing the residential lot size to 9.
Kraus: : Keep in mind too that a PUD Is a rezoning and I think it falls
into legislative ability of the city. You can be fairly arbitrary on
rezoI and especially when there's an intent section now that lays out
what expectations are. If you really feel something doesn't meet the
st~ ds that you've adhered to, don't approve it.
That's the leverage we have.
Do you feel Paul that we have to, my statement was, I'm 'not really
to pack more in. I'm just trying to shift it so it's economically
,able but basically it's your Out feel that we really should allow
nsity to encourage. Economically we need more units per acre to
the open space?
May 1
I don
the 1
a big
Emmi n~
not t}
ng Commission Meeting
, 1991 - Page 40
: Well there's certain trade offs there. I mean Forbord indicated
,hat indicates when you cluster you save money on streets. You save
on utilities. You save money on development costs. You probably
. more attractive development which will help you sell it quicker but
t philosophically have a problem if they get 15~ more lots and we've
'ed the open space that we want and we got the better standards,
fine too. They're still consistent with the Comp Plan. They can't
the gross density that we have in that.
: I just, you know my feelings are, I live in a PUD. I don't even
hat size my lot is. We have a big park next to us. I still think
,ts that our houses are on are too small. I'm the kind of guy, I like
yard. Maybe it's just personal but I'm in a PUD every day and if you
he lot sizes 9,000 square feet, and I go by those in Lundgren all the
I think those are too small. I mean the picture makes them look
nice but those things are crammed together. They back right up
t the little extension of Town Line Road there. Whatever it's called
: Pleasant View?
s: But do the people that live there like them?
: Is there a market for it? That's what Terry was saying. You're
at customer but there evidentally is people.
Batzl~ They're tiny lots and I don't find them attractive personally. Now
maybe~there's a market for them but I don't know. I would be hard pressed
to fi d something that I'd like, you know if I had a chance to look at it.
If en. ugh landscaping, .enough transferring, enough open space to make it
worth while to give them that small of a lot.
Emm i n~
: Well his example was that people wanted a 15 minute mowed lawn and
like that.
: I would buy something else, yeah. If I did it again.
: Where are we going on this?
you ' r
s: Well I guess what I hear is that you're going to work out some
xamples. Maybe give us a little more concrete idea. Maybe try and
cut a schedule and get some input from some other people to what
e doing here and bring it back again. This is a public hearing again.
Did we
I'm g~
this p
close it? Do we need to close it? Why is it a public hearing?
One thing you may want to consider. There doesn't seem to be a
ot of concern or issues any longer with the body of the PUD
nce. It's the single family section that's generating the comment.
~wing increasingly concerned that if the Metro Council does what I'm
they're going to do in the next week or two, we're going to need
retty quick.
Plann ng Commission Meeting
May 1 , 1991 - Page 41
Emmin s: What do you propose Paul? Can you pull that section out and get
the r, st going up to the City Council?
Kraus : Yeah.
Emmin~ s: So it's basically just pulling out 20-506?
Kraus=: Yes.
Emmin s: Now what if somebody came in with asking for a single family
detac led PUD?
Kraus : Well there is an existing single family detached PUD section that
we wo id not be eliminating until we replace it. You may want to cancel
that I,ecause it's a bad section.
Emmin~.s: Right. Couldn't you do something like this? Could we put in a
new s~.ction 20-506 to replace the old one that says that the City's in the
process of developing standards and just use that to retract the old one?
And jLst not have standards but put everybody on notice that standards are
in th~ process of being developed.
Kraus~ : You know you'd almost be better protected by leaving the old one
in place since nobody wants to use it anyway. It will kind of hold our
spot lot us.
Emmin~s: Okay. Is there a reaction to that? For passing the rest of the
ordinance and just pulling out 20-506?
Erhar : I think we should just leave. You're talking about not making the
chang, at all then?
Emmim : No, we pass everything that's here except Section 20-506.
Kraus~ : And we'll leave the existing single family intact until we can
rep it.
Ell : So you really think that if it gets approved we'll have stuff
reall quick?
they '
I don't know how quick it's going to be but we've got people that
be chomping at the bit. But some of these projects are so large,
going to take a while to get off the ground.
Conra So your intent is to vote on the rest of the motion tonight?
Emmin: : That's what Paul is proposing.
Batzl I didn't feel like we're that far away on 20-506. I mean I'm
whinn about the square footage but I'm a sole voice here. I'm just
tryin~ to see if anybody is... If everybody else likes 9,000.
Plann ng Commission Meeting
May 1 , 1991 - Page 42
Conra. : No, we're just looking right now Brian. We don't know yet and it
may b. , yeah I just don't know so it's not that I don't agree with you. I
just on't know how to handle. I think Paul and Jo Ann have a good, there
seems to be one simple solution and that's what they've presented but I
want o see how that works in a variety of circumstances. I haven't
disag eed with anything you've said yet. If we want to pass the rest, then
I've ct to get back into somethin8 on pase 3. Under Section 20-505,
Requi ed General Standards. Under Section (b). The applicant shall
demon., trate that the PUD plan offers the City high. That's the word I'm
questioning. High quality...and then the last line says that represents
impr ement over normal ordinance standards. So are we saying higher? Is
the wi rd higher?
Kraus: : In that sense that's what you're looking at.
Conr : Maybe that's just a small thing but I guess I'd rather see the
Batzl : What about the word highest?
Conra, : I guess I like the word higher in there. And then I get back down
to my density transfer. In single family detached, which is what we're
debating, so I don't know what that means. I don't know how that works. I
don't know how to approve that right now until I see what we're doing in
singl~ family.
: Well that wouldn't be applicable until you passed the new section
Conra,:: Until we passed the new section? Okay. I'm comfortable.
Emmin~ : Anybody else want to comment on whether the, what they think
about 'ng the rest of this except for 20-506?
Paul on 20-505(f)? Is parking lots and driving lanes shall be set
feet from all exterior lot lines?
Kr Yes.
to an
Never mind. I was confused. Do we cover in here or have we
[sly covered our recurring problem of somebody putting in a road next
isting lot? Do we talk about that at all anywhere in here?
Olsen We did somewhat address that with the setback.
Batzl In here?
Olsen: No...accessory structures and... That was something that you could
.ne as part of the subdivision of the PUD. You could say no, we
don't ...application. To determine setback for a road. We found
out was difficult.
Plann ng Commission Meeting
May 1 , 1991 - Page 43
Kraus:: I don't understand the question.
Olsen We don't want to allow a street at the edge of a PUD connected to
someb,,dy else. You know like happened in Vineland.
Batzl : You've covered it for existing streets but not streets that may be
put i later. Okay.
Emmin s: I think we need a motion to close the public hearing.
Ahren moved, Ellson seconded to close the public hearing. All voted in
favor and the motion carried. The public hearing was closed.
Emmin!s: Is there a motion with regards to the ordinance?
Erhart : I'll move that we recommend adoption of the PUD ordinance as
outli~ed in the memo to the Planning Commission, May 6, 1991. Is that a
good ay to describe it? Do we actually have the ordinance written out in
be le
: It's right here.
: Okay. Alright. The ordinance as stated in Article VIII, Planned
evelopment District except for Paragraph Section 20-506(e) which will
t open with a note that.
: Well I think you'd want to preclude 'the whole 20-506.
new PI
do an'~
: Okay, the whole 20-506 which will include a note that says, what?
: If you just exclude this one, what will happen is you'll have a
ordinance with the old single family section. So you don't have to
hing. Just exclude this.
: Okay, so we're going to exclude Section 20-506.
: I'll second it.
Ahr : Did you have some changes Ladd?
Batzl I thought Ladd made some changes.
Erhar Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, Ladd had some changes.
Emmim : He intended to incorporate those. I heard him say that.
Yeah, I said that.
: And I intended that in my second also.
Paul, is the old standards for residential 506? Or this is a
,aw section isn't it? Why don't we just put a 506 in there that says
May 1
Emmi n
of, i
Emmi n :
ng Commission Meeting
, 1991 - Page 44
ed or something?
Because, is the single family PUD section that we have now called
: Not unless we're Teal lucky. But I'll change the numbers around.
s: We don't have a 506 Tight now.
: Because 501, well. It's 504.
: It's not going to work.
: Well yes it would. If you just replace, if your motion says
this one and replace it with Section, where am I?
: Delete 20-506 with and add existing.
Section 20-504.
We'll be sure not to repeal that section. The single family kind
's not real separate.
: Yeah, that's the problem.
: Why don't we just identify the standards as guidelines for single
detached PUD's? We're reserving that section.
s: Yeah, and not have one. We'll just won't have anything for
family until we pass one and let's put in the section heading and
ay, to 20-507 reserve for single family.
: 506.
506. Reserve for standards and guidelines for single family
PUD's. Okay? Is that okay Paul?
Emmi n~
: Sure.
s: Alright, do you want to include that in your motion? I'll
s it in the second. Alright. Any more discussion?
moved, Emmings seconded that the Planning Commission recommend
al of ordinance amendment to Article VIII, Planned Unit Development
ct with the following change~= ~mending Section 20-506 to state that
sing reserved for Single Family Detached Residential. Changing in
n 20-505(b) the word "high" to "higher". All voted in favor and the
carried unanimously.
Plann)ng Commission Meeting
May 1~, 1991 - Page 45
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Chairman Emmings noted the Minutes of the Planning
Comm ~sion meeting dated May 1, 1991 as presented.
Kraus : I gave out tonight copies of the Metro Council's staff
recom endations on our Comprehensive Plan. They're favorable. They're
recom~ending that we get what we want. In fact they told us we could have
asked for 300 or 400 more acres if we really wanted. Now this is with
voodo, statistics that I don't know how they got to this number but I'm
happy that they did.
Ellsol : For this reason alone you deserve a raise.
Kraus,~ : We're basically agreeing to disagree on population and employment.
So wh~ t? There are conditions attached to their approval and it's on page
15. t starts, there's 11 conditions. Most of them are real nominal. The
ones hat are of particular mention are, they're applying the same water
quali . First of all they acknowledge that we are an advanced community
in tel ns of environmental sensitivity and water quality initiatives and all
this. And we received a lot of support particularly relative to the lack
of re: ponse they received from Eden Prairie on the same issues. But
condi ions 4 and 5 are the same conditions they applied to Eden Prairie.
We're being asked to adhere to better standards. Setter requirements on
gradi g and erosion control. I don't have a copy of what they're quoting
here et so I'm not exactly sure what we're buying into but to the extent
that t's better technology that we use right now, I don't see why we'd
have ny problem adopting it. I'm sure it's more construction management
type hinge that we'd be looking for. Number 6 is an interesting one.
What hey're basically saying in number 6 is that as 212 is built, the
highw. 17 interchange should not be constructed until or unless the MUSA
line' expanded to include the interchange. And we have a very short run.
It's nly about a quarter mile. When you think about timing, I don't think
that his is all that big a deal. This interchange is not going to be open
until 1998 anyway and this is in our 1995 study area so presumably the
dates ill work out. The Metro Council is right now in a very major battle
fi the cities of Shakopee and Prior Lake and Savage over a proposed
inter le that they want with the new Hwy 18 bridge. Prior Lake wants to
acces: it but the area where the interchange would go is between Prior
Lake' MUSA and Shakopee's MUSA so the Metro Council is opposing it. And
insisting that they be allowed to grade the interchange but not
, I think is their compromise position but their whole premise is
re's not supposed to be any highway facilities that induce growth
outside the MUSA line. They're very sensitive to this issue now
technically fall into that category, even though it's only a nominal
to the existint MUSA. It could trip us up if 10 years from now
highway comes ,through that part, if we're not prepared or able to
into the MUSA line. If they still want to argue it so it's
lly a problem. It's a longer term concern I guess.
Erhart Which intersection? TH 1017
Plann.ng Commission Meeting
May I , 1991 - Page 46
No, TH 101 is fine. 101's in the MUSA. It's 17. I would be
to raise this. We're going to the committee tomorrow and to Metro
next week. I'd be willing to raise this as a concern but I'm very
to because I don't want to rock the boat at this point. I mean we're
99.9~ of everything that we want and this one has-a long enough
on it that I think we're going to get it anyway that I'd rather not
co much. But basically those are the only substantive conditions.
pretty clean recommendation. So unless somebody comes up with a
real ildcard on the committee tomorrow or on the Metro Council Thursday, I
think we've got it. We'll see.
with ,
: We should at least send a copy to Barbara.
s: I see that the Council approved the Kurvers Point recommendation
ust a long cul-de-sac.
: Yes they did.
Ahre' : That's not a surprise.
KraL : No. It was somewhat of a difficult meeting. Not only did the
Kur s of course not want to construct the cul-de-sac, they didn't want to
cot uct the emergency access and our fallback position on that was to say
okay. Look you got away with a less than optimal intersection at the
exist ng curb cut. If that's all that's going to remain, we think that
this hould be upgraded to having full turn lanes into there. I mean
ever' 's talking about safety here. This is a safety related issue.
Well he Kurvers even kicked about that. They did what I thought they were
going do is they called up somebody at MnDot and said MnOot doesn't want .
us to this. Who are you to demand that we do it? Well, MnDot doesn't
care TH 101. It's been a fundamental problem from the start. We
have care about TH 101 because we're eventually going to have it or the
Count' 's going to have it. We have talked to folks at MnDot who think that
but we
her e ,
a dandy idea but officially they're not able to write you a letter
that. The Council did finally agree...to make some improvements
're supposed to work with MnDot on exactly what they are.
: And they gave the applicant their alternative plan on the
Medical Arts facility to have a 3 foot sign band as a
'se. We said 2. They wanted 4. They came in after the meeting
came into the City Council with a 3 and the Council gave it to
Farma : What was the vote on that?
It was 4 to nothing. Tom abstained.
And the 3 foot gives them bigger, what was the mechanical problem?
: Bigger type.
Plann.ng Commission Meeting
May 1 , 199! - Page 47
Kraus : They agreed to 12 inch letters which I think were the standard.
You w re looking at 10 inch, they were looking at 12. What they had said
was t .at making neon backiit letters, you cannot make them 10 inches. The
small, st that they can fit these tubes in is 12. Now I don't know if
that ' .
Emmin s: Give me a break.
Kraus: : That's what their sign consultant was saying.
Conra, : But on a 3 foot band can they stack words?
Kraus: : They can stack it 2 high.
Farmales: There's no color restrictions? They can make it whatever they
Kr : Right.
Emmi m
s: Okay, well.
: A couple other things briefly. As I said, the Metro Council's
up. The bluff line tour, I'm not going to get into. It was a
exercise I think. 3une 8th is scheduled to be, 3une 8th is a
· It's scheduled to be the bus tour visioning kind of a start of a
on TH 5. It's going to be held with you folks, the HRA and the
il and we're in the process of laying out some sites and we're
have at least 2 designers on board one of whom, Barry Warner has
worke~ with the HRA and a lot of downtown stuff out on TH 5. It will be
wot ks
an i
of col
to 5
to s
you to see that· The other guy is a fellow named Bill Moore who
the University who I attended a seminar he gave and he's sort of
esting guy. You know it's an academic slant on things so take it
grain of salt but it should be an interesting exercise. Last thing
ght we completed the short list before this meeting. The short list
tants to do the Surface Water planning for us. We've got it down
rms. We're going to be sending out final requests for detailed
ls from them and hopefully before the end of 3une we will assemble a
ourselves being staff. Some of you and some of the City Council
the better part of a day interviewing these people and selecting
so we can get this show off the road and get going on that work.
it for me.
I saw you on TV.
My 15 seconds of fame?
How come they cut the Mayor?
Kr I don't know.
May 1
of die
no Commission Meeting
, 1991 - Page 48
: They had a lot on a couple of the other cities though. I was kind
Kraus~: Well except they gave, they had the Polster's on. Chris Polster
and h~s wife. The lead in to the story was about Chanhassen so I guess if
you fJ
was n(
and ti
gure in how much time they gave it but that was an hour and a half of
iewing between the Mayor and myself. To wind up with 15 seconds.
: Was there a point to the thing?
I didn't think the whole thing was very well constructed.
There was nothing. That was the disappointing part to me. There
s: Is there a motion to adjourn?
moved, Ellson seconded to adjourn the meeting. Ail voted in favor
e motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m..
ted by Paul Krauss
ng Director
sd by Nann Opheim