1990 06 06L.,nANWASSEN OLANNING REGULAR MEETING JUNE 6, !990 PRESENT: Tim Erhe. rt., ~,'nnec~e Ellson, Brian 8~.;,.~.zlz, Jim Nilde ....... , ' . ~ git... L J! MEM8ERS ABSENT: L~..~c, Conrau., ¢~nm Steve Ernminr'ms.~ STAFF PRESENT' Paul ,..rau~:;~' Pla'nnin9 Directo~; Jo Ann i --'.~_~7¢nner ...,ha-train Al---.Jaff, Planner Or, e; Gaxy Warren, tM ,_nB.zneer ' w . ..... ] C 0 'N 8 ~'"',. :;/~ ':- ,,, ,,. o .~u¢ _...:::: 'r, u .,.. t. a n t a n d C h a x i e s F o ..1 o h,, ¢,,', s ..;.s*,~. E 'n g i n o~o~ ~¢ HEARING' PR~LZMT' v . ~NAR, PLAT TO SUBDIVIDE 159 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS ON 63.7 ACRES OF PROPERTY _~,~ PUD-R AND LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF POWERS BOULEVARD RD 17) JUST SOUTH OF THE EXISTING LAKE SUSAN HZL' S~ 2ND aF'D 3RD aDD*-~e'*'~ ....n.~-¢.0.n O1:~_,-'."~_.: H'y' naF,~e ';s Brian Olsor, and I'm wit. h .Arsu. s Developme'nt. .I :.;.., .; , v :n .... >per or~ this pre, Sect. Arsus Development is owned bF ~ee F1~l;e'r. ~- ~., . I .~? }~'l ~ ~., . . ~,.~.~tzons e approval.. ! think .... ¢. the con4ft;ons are baszcal~y ok*,v ~ wotJ. ld j~ t::, u¢.::~, .:..c,],a to uJork ot.(t a couple of the issues w~th the eng;~neerins ¢'~c;':'.,:~'r u,,~.:-z, nt. .... .... c,n s, ...... et .... ,,.f F ~.~ ,sv.sl . **,-$ there ' s ar, Fthins ........ in particL~lar i.t - s ur, e, .: ......... '..il ..:~..l:l~ Il,' .... ~'''~:~ i']:~ area Do '>'OL~ }!ave t~ .... ~ :: ~ , . lis.~, ore tra/lspare~cF P Tf]is; ,.~ qs ~. Fen see there as far as 'l;.lqe %.~,}}. c k ares, ,_nc( , , C;' ~2L ,,: ..... . . ,..'.¢, ~ ..... '} .iC g o i 1]~;~ b..:' . t4~ ~ - ~ - ~ ....... il '~; ;C 1. ' ......... Flood level elevation of the pond Thim po',-,-~ ].c':,.1:.c.~I:.:3:7~ i'r~-Il'his pa'r't of the site and it was also approveo i.n ~ha~c .,.., S'S a ?:.arl7. o-F +" .-, <: original PUD No~,~ the rea. son ~s is 3/4 of the .... r .:¢'~-.c. inag.:;~ 'From tshis ne~.~ development is head~ng to this area and thi. s ¢s the ].c:,u..;c:c:-l';. F,a.'rt c,f t. he site and the ~¢atesh, ed district is goi.'ng to require a . - ~ ... , '~ t. sed',.ment,:¢tio'n pond in ~hi~ are,~. We had quite a bi.e o'f discussion o et. Pa'-rk ~,¢hc',re u. he staff v.~ou, ld like to' see the pond moved to the northern p.~.;.rt o'F thi::::; ad,ti, tion.a! paT'k area but I think ~t v.Jas pretty much consensu at the P'a'rk'sT; commission rneet~ns,, that i+'~ Has okaF ~.¢here it ~4a~' bt'nle~'s. c.:'; .... ': :. .c; '; 'n Lhir, Ss ~er.3 met .end that v.~a'.s-t4ith, th,*,¢ era¢]v,ays~ .,~ . that. are 8oi. ng c"x,:.-,,..;nd that..eree.. Just so they ~..~ere al~aFs: out of the i00 year {loc, d e. ..... ~,].{.n:~ area, yeu can rea]..~',, 4 ¢~e:~is'o that 't.o be any kind of ,::::o~ icju'r~.c, ion, especia].ly' 'the I00 year flood area. I think y'ou.'d ~4ant >'ou.-r ..........>,~,~.:_~ t-',.-;, .:~.,:~ more ., .'~ ~,~c~-a, outline to ic, a. rc)und it ou~l t a J..O0 Fea'r f!.':,.':,4 7'c:'u ceu. ld ha'.¢'e it ~ea. lly an'x, kind of - -~ ' ' ; ........... i:siht u.~it',-", *'ne t. rai.~ snd mak¢~ all the grades t..o ~.~ork out. and ... , ~,::)~ w~:~n,~ to have ::** pon,::J on the nort. h part. of the site a Tho>.' .~::'r-:x: 'not '~-.?a].~'/ k:,ad rso~.ls !:.here. There are some c,r~anics and 'hhere's: a .... '"' h R ' ' -- ' ~-'.i:j~-,., t....'.c,.:~". ......... :,,c ~..,~ :~,::.,, ..~i~n.;~:~-~ fe'~, bu~,:~ing ,s~,nst. ruction~ . but no~ t.h~t.'.-~._ ,..~ be j,.x:s:t, pe'r'f.t;c:t fe'r sc, me par l( u. se and it's also one of Four fe~,.~ flat. areas: ",".;.; ?",:.:,:.~ I".,.:.:".,...'.::~ ~c,',-' '/our p;c~xk uses there. And as a rna~ter of fact, if ~.~e P].ann~ng Comm~ssion Iaee~ing .Tune 6~ .l. 990 - Page 2 ~,~ere alJ. o~ed to have additional single T~mily lot. s as part. of this PUD He k~ou].,:J have. s. ingle family lots in that area. 8ut since ~,~e Here limited~ ~ae lust. chose to take the most prohibitive for footings and road construction and keep them out of that ,area because it is costly to correct it for that area. So that's one thing that He R~eu].d like te eeo happen here iete keep t. he nond v~her,:~ it s a~- ~bn soNe s~ight modifications to the configuration S~st. to et. afl recommendation on i.t. The other thing b.~as about the et'feet grades. ~%pparentJ. y you have a c~ty ordinance that ..~tac~>~ tna.~ you cannot have street grades over F~ in slope' and ~e~re shorting 3 areas of 8t slope. Those areas are ri snt here adjacent te the pond and ]ust to the Host of t. he Connty ~oad through this location and a little bit in here~ Ne b~ould like .... ~.,. ..... t ,~ ~ope Rea.~.~y what it means is a difference bet~.,.~een an 8%, and a Pt si. ope ~,~euld be 1 feet of height and i00 feet b~hich " .. >:~o,:~ up 1 ~000 :eet~ Xou kno~a that's I0 feet an: really ~4nat ~.,.~e .... have t..o c~o here u.c. keep these grades to rneet the~'uand,s. rd:~ of city ordinance~ ~e d have to 'Bake off another ~0 feet o{f the t4hoie top of ~h..:~.t, si~}e ~:nQ ~<~e re talking over quite a {e~ lots. Right noH bJe~re a little .loncj on '3. ru the Nay it is and X a~so heard from the County yesterday and t..hey are no~,,~ renissin8 on part of their a. sreement to u.s te take ~10~000 yards of dC. rt. They ~aant to move it back to 80~000 yards so ~ae have a .~ot of dirt. eu.t here. R~e~ve sot to put it some~shere so if you're 8oin8 to require t. he 8s:~ ~e~re soi:g to Nave to take o{: another 10 feet off the top. It :u. st is soi:s to prohibit the development. So that's one thins that ~e ~.,.~ou.t: like to be able to at ~east ~ork that ou.t ~th staff and suess if they"re convinced about it~ ~e ~ould preset to keep it at the Othe'~- cities a~lo~ u.p to about a lOt srade and ~ think the reaA concern on this minimum street s'rade is Hhen~ especiallx ~,~hen you have a dead end .:s'k. reet so ].ike ~n the Ninter i{ xou can't set u.p the 8rade~ a.t least you'd have another access point out and i'n this location they could al.~ays~ Nell iB :u. st. v~ouldn~L happen at a 7t or 8t but if they had a lOt~ you cou]~d al:.~ays t..urn around if there's ice in the road and Su. st~o back the ~ay you came but ~,.~il:,h a 7t slope~ you v~on~t have that prob].em. I think tha'B b,~as pretty much it {rorn the conditions on the 'report here. l~d like to point, ou.t again that ~e are ~ust gifting a~most a 4 acre additiona.,L kand to the City {or park. He didn't have to do that. There's advantages to u.s to do that. Ne can get some more park Lots you kno~ around it but that area t. hat v~::?~re proposing to give to the City I think is going to be one of your more r~eav/].y u. sed areas because .~t~s the most centrally Aocated area o'F :.he p:~rk that you're goi. ng to have in this location. Ne have quite a {e~,~ acces:~ po.j. nt3..:: t.o that park area and they are shoHn as act. ua.1. deeded property t.o be g.iven and not easements ~;hich is mentioned in here. 8ut. I think that's pretty much it that Z have. :rhart.: B'rian can I ask~ while you_~re up t. here~ can I ask you a question. Th,.:; 4 acres that you're referring to~ ~as this above the PUD deve]~opment plan? Is t. hat acres above and beyond Hhat the original PUD development plan called for? 8riai'~ 01son? It's not quite 4 acres but 3 something. Era. uss' 8ut it's a matter of ~hat are the acres and ~hat's their uti. ii. ry. It's.. not. just curocr~' ~ y . p ! a n n :. ng Corem i ss i o n Neet ing 3uno 6~ 1.990 - Page 3 ~rhart' So it includes some of the pond and the drainage area? Okay. 8r.ian O]..son' Nell... the pond ~as always shown to be in that area and ~h~.~.ti s I .~. ~. exactly t.n:: same area that was shown en ~-he original park as part of fee pup. so :,,,~.. :,.~<: re sifting to the City is area 'hEat ~<~as never proooeed Lo have s po'nc{. Srhart' Okay. Does any other cornmi, ssioners have any specific qu. estions for Nr. Olson at this time? ~.J.-.:ldermuth'~ .r,~'re you planning any trai..ls connecting the north part of the park with the soui:.h parle of the park through that 100 year flood plain? 8ria. n Olson' That's u.p to the City. ~s part of the PUD agreeme'nt on 'this projeci:~ tine developer's not required to do any of the construction Of the pathways and that is up te the parks commission and the Council if they chose to have some of the trails in there. Ne are assuming they are and J~,..~,::::']-'{:, {},:::>i. ng to coracle the park to fulfill that need and it is up to the City igc determine what they ~Ja. nt in thei. r park areas because again we~ve sot to roJch corade these park areas, lhat Hill be dens this year se. N iJ. clermuth~ Can you 'Ball< abou. t that Paul or Jo Ann? On the park and rec~ Olse'n' Uhether or not there are going to be trails within the park? b,l:i_!d,:::~'rmuth' No, connecting the north and south part of 'tits park. Olse'n: Ue'll that's one of the things that we're, if that pond does stay there~ one of the erlly ways that we would allow it to remain in that area WOUld be that there would be trails or berming around the ponds so that people ~.~ou~d have access, dry access. Se that's one of the options we ceu]..c! look at. Brian O].son: ~s a matter of fact~ we are showing a park access right off the part e'F the property here. The other park access is right ill here and righi: in this location. Ne are assuming there are going to be trails th/-ough her.'.-~ buE we ~ill bring it Efta. rE~ Okay, ~e'll get back to you if there's any other questior, s then when we .gel into the discussion. Char.~es, did you want to respond at ali.. at' this point., to the points about the pond? Charles Folch: Sure. I guess our only concern~ : did not prepare this report however I~ve reviewed it. and am in pretty much agreement with Ou~- only concern I guess is before ~,~e get to the fina], process here is i'nitia].ly it ].oeked like at the second stage where the pond was located to t. he north~ that ~lc ~as much ~arger than what i.t is 1sow and : guess ~.~e would '' oc.e~ ~.c .,.east see the like t.o, whc~'n ~,..~e 9et. to ~ne final stage pr ' ~ *'~ calcu]_ation:~ t. hat are involved te make sure that if He do accept the s:ou~..herly locatio'n that it is adequate for ,_h~t I00 year storm capc~Dllihy. So t. hat:.~s p:-imar.i.~y what. ~e~re concerned about i8 just te make sure we 9et the calc:ulat, ions to take a look at and revie~ that before final approval. &:Es far a:-s 'LEe :street gr.a. des~ I kne~ there was one area in specific that p 1 a ~s n i n...'~ C o rn m i s s i o n H e e t i n g lnne 6, 1/.990 - Page 4 believe ,,.,Jo could make adjustments to the 8~ grade. I think that's son'~etl-:ing we can maybe woxk out. Fat least ~e:d like to see another look take ]'r', 't..hiat~ the layout and see if we can make at least some adjustments if possible to the vertical grades so that's the only oomment, s I have. If y()u have ar~y questions. }!fha. rt.' Ot<ay. Which condition ~as the grades referred t.o in? Jo Ann~ cio you remember? Kllso'n~ Oh I do. It's 21. Erha'r-t.' Ol<a.y~ is there als>' other comment from the public? Comments from · t. he pu. blic at 'this time. Batzli moved, Ellson seconded to close the public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The public hearing was closed. E'rhart: A.lright~ why don't we start ~ith Annette. Do you have some question:!3 on 'the proposal or comments? n~llso'n' Can you revieH asain for me ho~ you're going to make sure t. na,~ the decks are going to be big enough and that the problem ef the people Olsen: Nhat. we do right now is when He get a building permit we look at the cie;va'rich to see if there's a patio doer and if there is then we check to see if there's still you know depth in the back yard er side yard to be able t.o have that deck~ like a 10 x 12 size. 8ut that still isn't catching .... 1 ~ _~. . ~ . . x,].~, o'f .~t~....m I mean what. s happening is that by the 'time it 9ets to that st..age it's almost too late so what we~re trying to do is to have them sho~ that if there is that patio door, to have 'them even be showing a deck en the pl.a.n. P~t that t. ime to be shelling so ~e can see Hhether or net the deck really would fit. So the builder ~ould have to add onto the survey the deck. So it can be sho~4n that yeah~ it ~gill meet it. He're hoping that will just a,:td one more step te it and make it a little bit easier to catch becau, se ~hen you get a let size 12~000 square {eot and they're still building pretty geed sized hemes en them~ it~s al~ays looking at a variance. Kllson: We didn't rL~n into any problems with the Public Safety and I ju. st felt like that else road is a~fui long. It winds into a lot of different cul-de-sacs and things like that. We've had problems in the past. bJhere a really long cul-de-sac isn't recommended and this is a long cul--de-sac. And I didr~'t get that comment like !'ye seen kind of consistently befere~ O]..sen' No, you didn't get it this time. What's happening is~ let me :see if I can elnew the phases~ This is Phase 1. Right here you have Phase 2. So again '/ou have that connection. Is this the cu].-de-sac you're raj. king ~K~OU L.. Olse. n ..... c that when this comes, the 3rd phase and this i® developed~ it ?l.anning Commission Meetilsg June 6~ 1990 - Page $ ~,~Jil]. h,.sve that access out. of there. It ~on~t be a long cul-de-sac. So iL's 1, 2, 3. I think the presentation by the developer or builder makes a pood point on number 9, which by the May Me have tho number 9'8. 8u.t I u. nd.srstand t:.he C~..'ky's position of if it's not big enough but. I think if t. hat~s the ]o~,~est point and everything like t, hat~ logic would tell us that NiLh good p!anni, ng would put the pond in the lowest location and keep it, t.l"',,ere so I cou].d see su. bject t.o revieN by our engineering and alloNing him to keep that pond ~,.~here it is. And again~ that It grade difference I also could see changing that pending another review by our engineer and I don~t kno~4 th~L I have the authority or even the knob~ledge to kno~ what, a 1% cliffe'rence is. I don~t think it should be done because they have to 'Lake ou~ a ].ct of dirt and they don~t kno~ ~,~hat to do ~ith it noH that it's more di'rt bu.t. if it's from a safety standpoint or some'hhing and itt isn't any ].ess .safe~ Lhen ~ wou. ld do it. , Krauss: If I could add~ the ??~ standard is a fairly common one in many cornmunitie:_e and it's based on safety. He have varied that on several occasions but. the only time we've varied it is because He're trying te save trees or fit ils a road in a very difficult p~ace te put it in. That's not the case he're. This is wide open area and there's really no clear reason ~,~t'"~y we should deviate f'ro~ the standard and it would take a variance to do t hat. Bllson: Good point. Those are the only comments that I have. Otherwise I thirlk i'h looks prett'? clean. Erha. rt: 0kay~ Brian? 8atzli: On condition 1~ the signage stating it's a temporary cu.l-de.-sac? Have we ever done that before? Olsen: Yes~ ~,Je have. Moll ~,~e've had the barriers or paving up to the lot ],~.r~e Lo i,nake i'L look like it's going to continue. Krau. ss' It.~s the culmination of many years of banging our heads against t'.h.:!{, ~,.,~al].. and getting streets connected that were supposed to bu.t people mok,'~d in after the fact and claimed that they never k'l]eH it Mas supposed to be ex'kended. 8atzli: This is j~.~.st:, kind of near to my heart because I did this and there ~,.Jasn't a sign on it. Ellson: Yo~!. bring it up ever}' time. Krauss: Ne actually did it on Vineiand Forest ~hich you didn't do because it. was st. the Cit.}.' Council for so long because of the road issues but it's in t. he condi13io, ns for Vineland For~:~ ~s-' ~-,~. Olser,: Rnd No're starting to make it as a condition all the time. 8a'k. zli.: On condition 4. When you're going to pull tha cul-de-sac~ pull it back. I mean close t.o the read~ isn't that going to really affect the square 'Foo'lcage of Lets 10 and 15 by doing that? Aren't they going te have PI. arming Commission Meeting S'L~rle 6~ 1.t~n -~-,.,.. - Page 6 t.o total.].y redo that ~hole southern end there? Olsen: Nell ~Je Here thinking~ assuming that they'd probably less one lot by doing that. ~rhart: Yeah~ I think you'd want to respond to that. 8'ri.a'n O~tson: Nell this is a designer on it. ~ think there's room to move it~ This is just the preliminary plat and we~ll be looking at some modifications in there. I think ~ ~euld .~ike to just kind ef run that by staff and see hob,~ we can get that te ~Jerk out. I den~t have any problem ~,J it h that. Bat. xl~: okay. ~,nd I heard something about earlier you ~4ere talking about F,]_.;.~ht;_ing als,:.}! ,:i.:ixsignatil~g the park p~an as an out.~et and dedicating Nhat b,~as you. r comment en that again? Have you already done that? 8ria'n O].son: No. That's k~hat we would be doing through the platting pro:.-..ess here. b,]e would prefer to do it as we do each phase instead of just giving a[~[ the parkAand up front right a~ay because Hhen ~e con'ie through ~.,~l. tl"~ every final plat~ see we're going te have te guarantee that 50t of these lore ' -- .. s.~,:..~ things go over the 1.5~000 square feet and I ~ould prefer to sire the parkland u.p in chunks as we ge along here. 8atzl. i' So the parkland that b~e"re discussing no~4 is the one 'For instance bet~..,!een 8loc:ks 5 and 6 and south? You den~t want te de that right a. way. You ~Jant to do that as these are. Brian Olson; I would prefer not to maybe do it right now and I can for sure guarantee it by spring of next year because that's by the time N~e'd be platting out the next phase but if it.~s the commission's wish te de it. ~e wi!J_. It just creates more inconvenience for us as far as computing our final plat. Olsen: That ~,las also a condition of the PUD 'that as the lots are developed around the park.~and~ that they ~Jou.~d be platting that park.~and as a part of that plat and this was again~ Nith the Park and Rec Commissien~ they R~ant. ed it to be platted at this time. 8atz!i: P,t the preliminary plat? Olsen: At this first phase. 8'Fian Olson: I don't think ! understood the whole park though~ lt. ~.~ould be jL~s'i:, that nel4 area? Olsen; The most northern part wasn't, really going to be used for active park].an,:i. That was just kind of like an open space that was going to be p '," c> v i d e d. Natxli: On the fiT'st condition e I gL~es8 i agree ~gith ~nnette and I~d word it the alr:,12,.~ican'k~, sha~]~ provide ca].culations for City ~ngineering approva~ c;lei'nonstrating that the pending areas proposed bet~een 8lock 5 and 6 within the p,a~-kls, nd meets .tO0 year storm requirements. Something .~ike tlnal:, if Planning Commission Hooting Zune 6~ J. 990 ~' Page 7 k.i-,at ...,Jou.].ct be okay 'fo."r our City Engineer here. I liked the part about the p a t .i. o '" .... . . ~ (_.~,...%~,.~1 us go.{..iqg ilq. ~nd the 7?6 did He recently give a variance on Near Hountain {or the 8radesr What's the difference bet~een tn~.t and thise O!sen: They ha,! a lot of vegetation that ~¢e trying to preserve ~ith that one and that eno you didn't really have rnuch~ you're talking i0~ was about as 1. c,~,.., as they could go. 8atzli~ Without. bringing in hundreds of thousands of yards of fill~ Wilde~-rnui.:.l';' Taking the top of the mountain off. Batzli' Yeah. 8u.t hob~ can we justify not doing tlnat here? What's our r a'k i o n a 1 e ? Olsen" As Paul sa. id~ it's really kind of a plowed field right nob.~. He~s got a ].ct o-f room to ~orl-< ~ith to adjust thais. Nllson' It doesr,'t Inave vegetation like the other one does~ 01sen' I5 can be met I guess is the reason. 8ria'n Olso'n: There are spotted areas of vegetation out there and 'there are vegetations even in the parkland that ~e~re going te be dedicating~ the additional area but as far as the grading plan that. ~e sho~4 right now~ b~e do have some undisturbed areas a~ong the slopes and if ~,~e have to COmply k~ith the F?6 maximum en the street grades~ it's going to be totally altered. There':.3 ju. st no getting around it. 8a'kxli: ! guess usually ~ghen b,~e look for variances b.!e look for a hardship and if ~n fact it is just a matter of grading some additiona~ ~and and He're 1'Jot trying te save some significant features~ I guess I don~t, see the ,:a:s I ~ i p. T h ,:D :B e a r e m y c o ffl m e n t s . Wi!de'r'muth' I agree. Ir. the absence 'of a compelling reason for a variance, I i.ch~{.l~k the 7% maximum grade tnas te be met. Do yeti have any prc,,u,].ern Hr. 0].son ~,~it.h number !Y? Where the inter~e~tiens i'neet~ Providing ..,~ u landing 8rian 01son: Yeah, ~ge did discuss that. before the meeting I did ~,.~ith my engineer and 200 feet, e~e felt it ~as excessive. This all gets back 'he this grade nob~ again. If you leek at the overall plan~ we are connecting into the could'ky road there on the very sou'Llnern part and you'll notice that ~.,.~e eta'rt to climb up the hill and Hith the number of street connections there .~xnd if ~e stick to a 200 foot minimum distance with a very shallob~ grade~ that just means I can't be steepening it up at all. Again~ it's really going to prevent us from really having a logical develepfflent ou_t t. here ss far as the grading. He~g it's going to be looking and things. No're going to have to knock off the ~ahe!e top there. It's either that or ~.ge propose not even te have an access point out te the county read in that ].ocation becau, se ~¢ith the conditions there and ~ ~ou~d think a good hardship t. oo is just the case of t. here~s toe rPL~ch dirt~ That is a ,~d.~ dship. That s p~:~ ,~ o the natural conditions out there in that P 1 a i'~ n i n g C o m rn i s s .~.. o n H e e t i n g .l~_ne 63 1990 - Page 8 p'r-ope'rty. You k'now you have a number of different things you can be .].ool{;~n~ at.. You've goL ponding vegetation and what about the earth. There's just. too mt.~ch earth there. ~'nd now the problem that I have with the County you know~ the County's starting te renig on their agreement and He"re so.ins to have a real problem out there and it's just. 9oin8 to cost t.is thousands of dollar:s~ I wouldn't doubt it~ if we have to hau~ it o'Ff~ you k'no~.~ we're going to have to throw in probably another couple grand per lot or something and the homeowner's going to pay for it and ~'m trying to ........ ,~e ~,~.~,'ner from hav~ng to pay for i~" 8a'Izz.!~:.i.: Nc're o'F course not the 'Final arbitrator on that but ~f there is a tru. e h. ardshi,o~ then I thinl-{ you. really need to bring in some evidence te cor'tv.~nce the City Council. Brian Olson: I'll be glad to deal with that issue specifically with the er~..::li~neerins staff and the City. I could show all. that. Uildermuth: It. looks like a condition that at this point we ought to keep in. The or',ly other thing that I would like to see is on the first number I~d like to see north/south trails connecting the upper and loser portion of 't. he parks on either si ~ . n ~ ee of that pending area bl,.~,~ just one trail on one side. Olsen; Within the park area you're saying? Nilderrnutl~: Yeah. To a north/south trail on either side of the pond. Olsen: P, ncl is that for the developer to do? c~_:rrnuth Sight The developer to do i¢ the pond remains as t,~y request. 8at. zli: Grade for them or actually install them? t.,~ildermuth: Install them. I guess then in surnrnar¥~ I wish there was something to do o'r something that the developer could do to enhance the apF,~..~:~'.,s.~'~.c~,::~ of 't:,his development. I don't get a good feeling ~hen I drive t:hrou, gh it. Brian O].son: I'rn sorry, I didn't hear that. Nild.srmu. tt'~: I said I wish there was something that could be done to · s'nhance t. he appea'rar'~ce of the development~ I den~t get a good feeling when I drive through that developrnent. I don't know~ it might be plantirlg more trees or doing some additional landscaping but at this point it doesn't a[ppear as a very attractive development. Brian Olso'n: Right now we're having a lot of problems with the streets right now. They didn't get in last year and...so we went through a winter s.;eaeon he're not havinc_j blacktop and ~.,~ith the rains this year.. ~replacement of ct~.rbs and also we're having a problem getting the paving done~ The pavement, t,~ill be going in within a week and a half. p 1 ~a r~ ~x i n g c e m m i s s i o n H e e'L i n g ~,u'ne 6~ 1990 -~ Page 9 b;i].~~~¢~-'.rrr, u.'Lh That ~,~ill probably ~,e a big help. That's all I have~ ~.l-~-hark' 0kay~ .loan do you have something for I I ; Atto'nc.;' I just had one comment and i'll adoress this to the oe,xeloper s repre:sentative, i'm sorry, Brian? Number 8 refers to the access pointe to the park. That's going betHeen the single Family lets and it struck me ~.,~hen I Nas ].istening to the discussion about the decks and ~,~hether or not people could ge't:, through the lots. That there are going te be problems Nith the decks and size oF the structures on the lots and I Has wondering R~hat you ~.gere planning. It says that the sis. f{ is recommending t.]dc ~"he access po~nt.s either be paved er a sign put up that they're public access points, bd}'~at de you. plan en doing Nith that? N'r'l'~art.' ~..-'.xcu. se rr.e~ I think that might be a. mistype. Is it.? Is there a typo there? 0n number 8 because I had it circ].ed here. ]l~ says eib- . paved a'nd or signed. You're talking about 2 dif-~erent things there I think 1'~SS te be paved and signed Both Ahrens' I ~as picturing -this little sign sticking up ou.t of the grou.'nd say'i'ng you can ~alk through here i-~ you Hant i-F you ce'fl make it under the deck. C~sen' ~,ga..in ~e just ~.~ant. ed t.o be clear th~ t'.hat~s public property and pu. blic access. p..'- - ?,.-, going to be paved and ~--igned? -. ~'rens ~. it. is ~ Brian 01son: 8y the City. Rhrens~ I don~t think they think that~ ~z'r,~a, t' Nell you sti~l have the ~ord either in there too. It's real c:on-~nsing I think. Take out t. he either then. Shall be paved and signed~ Ah'~-ens' Paul ~,~.as shaking his head no. He doesn't... ,,.',-su~s 'r'~a.t",~ we had the intent that ~t be ~nstalled by the developer ru'n past the houses .~r~d it's a very clear reason for it is that park c~evelopment typically lags the development of homes and there are just innumerable examples of these things being platted and nobody knob~ins that u. ey're there and people {eeling very possessive that their property e x ,_. e n d ~ '~-,...,:..) t';. h e ne i g hbo r ' s p rop er t y 1 i ne a nd t he y ge t upset ~ he n p.~op lx~.~ .. are ~..:a].~'{'r'~g on ~.,~hst rea].]y is public property Th~ only ~gay He know to hil- t. hat h.?.ad on is to require the posting of a sign and the paving of it at ].east up pas%. the property !ine. Planning ComrnissJ. oln ldeeting 8'ria'r-~ O].son: C)kay~ that ~as never my understanding on it. We are paying ., ,:.~,~,~.~.c.~-~:,"",n fees out he-re and ~.~e a're a~so ~ust gifting to th,~ City a.!Nost a d. s~ore park. It seems like ssome of these conditions are up and above even the o'r-ig~.na]. PUD and it seems .~ike I'm just kind of being taken advan'kage ef here just because i~m a developer in the city~ A{'~'ren:{-~:' It's greah that you're dedicating all that. parkland but I think k:hak Ne ~,~a'nt %.e make gu. re is that people have access to it. Lets e{ times like i4hat Paul said~ people don~t feel comforta, b~e or people don~t ~ant them ~a~ki'ng bet~.een their houses i{ there's not a clearly marked pathb,~ay to get there. ~.~ria'n 0].'ao'n' That sshou, ld come out of the park 'Fu. nds. Me are paying park '-. ~a,~d~ng of ~h~ ~,~ho~e PUD ~xeoicatkon f.ee~ ~qnd that ~,~as the under~t '" ' a g r e e ~1'~ e lq 'Il . F hr~e Park ~ ~ -~ _rhart: ~1o Ann~ ~,~.las number 8~ Mas that a recommendation c,f' '- ~.,~e Nec Commission? 1.4as that something e~e aodeo? Olse-n: It ~.,.~as one 'that. ,~,~e added. hq'rian O].:~:;or'~' i frei. sbt add it ~,..!as a]~so the understanding at the parks c:ommisssion t. ha.'l:. ~.,.~e are not. building any trails in here. He are bu. ilding- s i d e u,d a ~ I{ s a ]~ o n g t h e d e v e 1 o p rn e n t b u. t n o t r a i ~ s i n t h e d e v e ].. o p m e n t. Rhrens' bJe've required that before for other developers haven't you? ~ .... ~ I ,,qcc.?ss to cl,:~ parks through pavea trai~s a.[ong sJ~de peoplLe? sen: b]hat. ~as that? ~h'r:~:'r'~:~' ':'ot.!'ve required that type of path,~gay before ha. ven~t you in Ols;en' in t. he parks iLse!f? 01se'n: Yeah, ~e've never required them to be paved~ This is you kno,s again b.~.'.~.:'ve ha,:i problems Hith that and neb~ b~e're learning from our mistakes before c::e l~e do bgant that to be definite~ If you !,~ant ,~ie can have the~ i can d.i. scuss it bsith the Park department and the park Commission to see they do ~.ga'~-~t t.o just use the trail a~ees for that. Fel- the paving o{ the acc:ess poii'~ts. A:.s far as tine trail. ~,.~ithin the park~ ~ think ~,4hat b~e"re refe'rring to is around that pending area because that ponding area is going to be cutting off access and ~e' ~.~ant that to be preserved se ~ do think that that. is above and beyond just your basic trail bsithin a park. lhat t...hat is ~he developer's responsibility. 8'rian 01son: P..~,gain, that's contradicting the Parks Commission. bio had a very detai~ed discussiorl abouh this and that pending area is not going to be i'n the trails. ~e~'re also talking even a 100 year flood elevation or thak t.h.:? t-rail~ ~¢.'.-~re not even going to have that in the I00 year flood~ Commission He,~_ing 1990 - Page 11 no',~e of t.?~:' trails and even if it ~as~ it micsht be one day in a i00 years ..~.:::, ',.,,,.:.~-~ ~...~orked .~:. out v~ith the Parks Oommission that ~.~e axe going to go in ~.~'nd Srade those areas and ensure that those trails b~il], not be in there~ 8ut t.l-~ere ~4.as never anything about, building the trails so no~ these conditions are coming on even after the parks commission so~ ~-rharL: Anything else .loan? Okay~ Item number i where you state that the turn around ~.,lill meet City sta'ndards. Does that ~ean that. they're actually going t.o put like a 60 foot diameter cLil-~-de-sac~ asphalted? ~8 it 42? ~$ 'k. lJ-~la ~. t.?16} standard nob~ ~,~ith curb? Okay. So b~hat~s the reason for the ba~"~-ic.:xde? So they' don't dr.~ve over the curb? r, lsen Or t.o put. t' s' . ,~. ~ ne IcSn OT'l I"~-.. ..... au.s:s .!u.v.:u ~,_o- notity- people that that is not a Permanent cul-de-sac~ ~.!.. .~ ~ ....'.3 a 1;.emporary o'lqe. K'rhart: Okay, t. he rest of the street.~s curbed and so the cL.,.1-de-sac"s not 'S I:) i ~--~ g 'k' ~;;~ be curbed. Okay~ so it won't have a curb or a ditch so there b. Jill be no-t. hinS to keep people from just driving right en through se that~8 the F,L, rpose for the bal-'ricade? I ,_.,m.--,~',--les,~_,., Foich' That's correct ,.~,'-',-hart' And u.Jhen do you plan~ someone else o~ns that property right? ~'.~,-,,~ · next propert, y to the Host is somebody. ~,rgus doesn't obJn that de they? ~r.~an Olson No. Wna~ ~.~,e have here is just ..on the proposa~ and u.~e ~ere 'req~;.i'r'ed to shobJ a street going out to the ~gest property..~ It Odsu makes sens:e t,o do it. more costly? Putting. a curb in that cul-de-sac nos or the 8 '1' i a ri 0 1 S 0 'ri ' Y 0 U Iii ~} a ri ~ o u r b a r o u. n d t h e c u 1 - d e- s a c ? _;~ i.u','~ O]..~:or~ Putting tha~. i'n. - that h'r,:,:~, t' ,~t~a.'}' Number 2 for the record b~e actually had a builder ' built houses in the city ~.ghere they put a sliding glass door Hhioh ~.gas i.',i ~.::~, ~,~.~'-"~:~u 'For a deck and then the deck couldn't be bui. lf.. ~ithin the ~ d-'- - ca? Who ~as ~he bu. ildere l'('F,i'~tJ. SS' Hore thsn olqe . S r' ..... "- nd. r, o, ]~-.~:: b,J h o ~ e r e t he b u i 1 d er s? ~"~.~ r ,,. 1,1or-e t' .... ""-'"> Plannin.g Corem{ssi. on Hooting 3rui'~e ~'.-,~ 1990 Page 1.2 ........ p l !,~ s u.h,:i i ~,' i s i o n s O!s:e'n' Nith 'the smaller lots. Nrha.:'r''~'''' ,~.' Is i~"~. an i'r~terpretahion that somebody ~..~a'nted to put a ~6~ foot ,~.-"'~.~-k an,:., ,~ouL,ar-i~. c. rheem-., the ~,~.~.i'- z'dable, area or they didn'e~ even have 8 feet? There ~,asn'tl. room for a 10 foot de. ck. '"' - t'*J ' ~' '~' Olsen ,,-~ ....tn some even 8, 6 I mean some could only the lit. tle ~lrhart' Boy that's kind o-F incredible so I encourage you to come up ~,gith a'n'>.' ~..,,~a'>, tha,. t,,,~e can prevent that I think that s pretty t~ Regarding ~-~ po'nd I pret.'t.y rnuch agree I think b~ith Ar,'nette and I think Brian . I~ I~,~, ~:~,~ the dra~.,~ings and the details t.o really make a strong recommer~oau, ion and so I'd like to-see the thing be recommended that engineering u4ork ~ith t~.h,.:, develope~' on this thing buL just for mx comments, I'd almost like to se.? .~- the pond isn t in the north it's probably just fine ~.~here it is bu.t .~ ~ ,I... rn~x~..~e i.t. should be moved to one side or the other, k~hat !'m concerned ~'-.~ the ~a.at. er does go u.p, k~hat you're going to do is force people to x u,,..~u, ti'F . ~ -. m ~ back yard b~here ¢n fb.c+- {t may con..sta'r]i:.].y t-,e ~a.]~king hex? te se,,.ebody s I, ~, .. ~ . k.4or,~ ou a 1. itt~e bit better if you ~eok at it to move it to eno side er the other and encourage people te stay in the middle in the park~ Or make {t .[onger and Nhatever se ~ don't, Nithout mere detai].s I don't think ~,¢e can ,-:,:~'k into that.ee~ ,..u;~z-]ecl discussion Se ~,~heever makes the propeeai may . ~.1 R~.,~r~t to ~ook, at that con,..~ition~ The ~ ~ ~ srade~ some~shat ..~ think the same · ?hi-n{~. I~m a litt].e curiou, s~ ho~g ranch time have yon talked about these grades pti. or to this meetin8? Ol.?.or~' There }':as been very' little conversations ,~,~,ith staff, it's matter ef u.s getting the re,port and having the time to resit, end c~ r,s.'r ,.. Right So my ~;'nse is that there's ~ome flexibility to ~ork ~..Jit. h er~sineer.{.n8. ~.. meaiq .~ carl s~e on one token ~,~here you're coming Drf this the collector, bJe certainly ~gant that access point and you're limlLeo te k,,~hat you. ,:ta~-] do. The hi~ exists and ~'h's a ~ong hi~.~. On the other hand~ anent r,a'~i'ns te take dek,.~n hills te n'ieet the F?~ Hhich you ~:," 0 U. T' C: O itl m.E~ ri t ' % ' didn't inc].ude 't. tne fact that you can a.[so fill. in areas you kno~ to bri. ng ,,e road~ slope dob~n to a Y% ~o again~ I don't kno~ ho~,~ k~e ~orded the condition to g~.ve us a lit. tl.e bit of flexibility but I'd like to see us ~,~o'r'k ~4it. h engineering on it again. Item nu. mber 8, my feeling of that is. Co, ~aition number 8 k,~here ~,~e"re requiring them to pave the access pozn'Ls H'/ sense is k. hat it's a great idea but I think b~e've delved into~ my {nterp'~-ekaLion o'~ it says it b~i].l be delved into starting to develop the park. I think ~.~e may be imparting too many requirements on a developer 'k~.:p':".:;~.~ propose that that one be removed and the reason {s, once you ~::'hart Ni'th pa',zing that. i mean ~here do you stop? k~hy don't ~..~e ~,~xve them N'.rt.. ~n "'u.h,~'~ tr~xils- and so forth. Hy feeling .~.,,a~,_~ that at the park meeting ..~ .... b'jT' ~,~as l_.r~.t, they ~,..~ere a~ked and they agreed Co do the ~niCLaL grading u~ ..... that th.:..¢ :ac'Lu..~s.] improvernenk, s ~,~exe ~o be done by O!sen' Again this ~.,~asn't really considered, He ~eren't looking at it as st~.'.:-t~in...'~ to deve.l, op trails. It's more to. ~ . F v h.,~;, r t:.. ~ I t h i n I{ y o u. ' v e { d e n'L i f i e d i t d e f i n i t e 1 ¥ a s a. p r o b 1 e m a n d I j u s t .:x ,.? !' ~ "k. 'Feel. t' ...... ' ' the y o s a e e ay for tllat.,: ,s.L~ the developer ;.s gu ~..~h hou]~d h v t p ~. ol:sen' So ho~,~.I t.,.~oule' you do it? ~dst7' · mignac.,je?~ L!rh.~;r ~'' ' Nel..l~ to me it':3~ the park ha.s to do that. To me that's the park~, ~].].so'n~ I.de].l if they're saying the people who buy it and they said t,Jell I l!c,v.:2, r kl"ic.,b,! t.:.hore t,.~a:c3 :~u. pposed to be an access through my thing and maybe even pu'h a fence up and st. uff. c:,~ ~ an O.d..son They klqov~. l<rauss: No the'/ don't. ~,~e've had the history and it's sho,4ing that they don't and been misre,.or~ented-~---. [}'r hat t~ Or signs. S1].son' I_ike on their thing, it's like... Brian Olson: They have t.o get a certificate of survey that goes in for a bu.i.].di, ns permit so both people are very involved in that as far as ]..ocarina · ~hei'c ~'~eu.::xe and things, t4e re just going to put zc right on here the park ac:ossa...right en there so they Ah'tens' And they'll say I didn't kno~ shat that meant. E'rhart-.: Somebody ought 'Lo sign it and ~hoever makes the motion can~ I'I1. just si'.~.'e you [ny opi'nien of that ene~ Is there any more discussion on that F.'.~:;',- u .{.,"-' ~ la~ i 'k ....... ' ' ' '- . ....... .... " ~..~ ~; Oxa~. Overal~ Z guess z, .... ].ike the development and the reas;o'n is, I'we got 75 employees very {e~,~ of ~hioh could afford a home in C~,dn, dssen al~,:~ therefore they don't ~ive in our city. Ellson' Yon don't pay them enough,, is that it? ~r'har!:.: That's probabl, y part o'F the problern. 8ut in rea;Lity is :i~t's a c:c, rnpet~'"ve ].d and I ~ou]..d lit cl. t, Jc, r . xe to~ I think this developer has done a . ~ ~t- ,-hr ~-{ng do a uoo of prov..~ :~ ben.of it fo',- t. he City in .~_h.~apu..~ to good ¢ .~ {d'ng some econornicsl single family homes. Se ~.,~ith that is there any other ':~ i S ':3 I.X ?l; 8 .~. 0 1'12 N;-}.tzli: I move that t. he Planning Commission recommends approval of Lake Susa'r~ lqi~.t::3 bJ..'~st PUD 4th ~ddition for 159 single fami.ty ]~ots as sheb~n on the plans dated Hay I0~ leeo ~Jith the {ol!e~gins conditions i thru 22 and 1'4 rc~comm.::,nd the. t ,.~.:, make the second number 9 number 23. And I t,~ou].d "', e~.,.~o'r'd t. hc~ first number o... as follo~.,~s. The applicant s:hal~, p'r"ovi-~'~.~ cs]c:u.!.at~on:~ for City Engineering appreva]~ to demonstrate that the pending area. proposed betHeen 8lock 5 and 6 ugithin the parkland meet. s 100 year storm reciuireme'nts and that there's adequate reern for access bet~¢een the nort;.h and south park areas. P ]. a ~ n i n g C o m m i s s i o n i'.'i e e't i n g S'u'n,e d-,~ 1990 - Page 14 .1_ s e c o n d. T?,aLzl].' 0t-'~ o'r, number 8 I ~,~ould also remove the ,4ords "eit. he', .... and "or" :'i<,~n that r'ti. cu].ar ........... one. So it ~eu~d read a~ the ~cn~ poi nbs to he pa',-:,lsn~ het~,..~een single {amily lots shall be paved and signed that they are ~:.:', u 5 .]. i c .+:: c c e s ::.3 p o i. n t. s. u 'r- ~ :4i:'~' L- ' i"i net. ~ e: ~ do you agree? .. ~.~e'r'rnut. h NJhat about a trail betHee'q t;he north and south po'ru.-',o'n of I.~ 8.<~t.;;]i' ~J.e.]l ~.,~ha.t I proposed ~.,~'as just that they have to demonstrate that j. I~. u.,-~er:P s room for the trail t.o be put in so there's access be't~een the north a'r',:J .~:outh areas. I persenally den~t think that's up te them te put that ~ 'Phin~.< Lil< · t,_. ......., .re. .iI_L i/"l t-l'"'{~f~'-~? ._ .~ _. . isha't's part of the development o'F the park . e h.e s:a.td~ I mean that's going to be in the !00 year storm area if he can ~.~.. .... --,-,:;;, v.~;, '-'.;, .i s ,:.s a ~ c u 1 a t i o n s a r e r i g h ~ t. o C i t y e n g i n e e r i. n g. ~:.~rhs'r-t.' Ol<ay~ it's been motioned and seconded that ~.ge recornmend the ,?.;pp'rova?~ Ni.t'n s,:.)me Nc, rd c;hanges to 8 and some addi. t~ena~ substantive chr~.'n%i~e to e. Is there any other discussion? ~re yeu. clear what the ,:.. ',.', ~ a r u. .s s h ~ M,- 01 s o n ? ~_:,, i.,~'n.... 8o'n ~:,o 'llhere is ~-~o, proposed to, e~e. '~ :" fe ]. that we ~,eren't given ~.[~;~ infor~',~ ~ ' ' ' u ~, ~ t z !..~ H"./ e ].. n g i '.s that 'there~s~ a hardship tonight and that ~.~hat you need to do with ~,,..~ork Hi. th eng:[n.:aeri, ng in the meantime because I~d really like 'to see the access to ~" h¥~ .o, i 'r ~. county 'road and I agree that I think that that's probably re,d es some sort of variance if in fac-t you can't make tlna't ~. But as to the other ones~ I really think you have to b~ork ~it.h the City engineering so that. >'ou can demonstrat.:~ to the Council if in fact you need something over F~. ~:, r i a n 0 ]. s o n 0 I.< a,/. 8atz!i moved, Ellson seconded that the Planning Commission recommend approval of Lake Susan Hills West PUD ~th ~ddition for 159 sin~!e family lots as sho~n on the plans dated May ~0, ~990 ~ith the fo!!o~in~ conditions' .,;fill s':t. reet.:}.:: that are proposed for future connection shall be provided ~....,]t.h a t. urnarou, nd t,..~hich meets city standards ~.~ith a barricade and ........ ~.o'l;.ing that it {s a temperary cul-de-sac and ,.,,il! be a future '~- 0 ,i~ ,:;J C: 01-1/'/e C t i O Ii . The ,applicant shall provide o'ne tree per lot and a~eitiona] ~a'ndscaping 'I .... ~ ........ ~ bo~ ~ ~ ~ '~ '~'; , .' -. .alo'n~:. ...t~ ....e~:., antes a~,'...~ .~evatos as part o~ ,.~he ~UD approval and the ,.~:~,,~xl,::~F, er shall provide alSO O0 per lc, t~ Tot landscaping. Th,.2 .app].icant shall prov',ide, a plan illustrating large areas of mature vegetation located on the site. Areas of mature vegetation not ~ ....-',~ ....... -t,.,' h'y streets or buL.~ding~ pads ~'~ha~l be preserved with *-~-~:~:~ .... '~'erno',.~a]. plans required as part:, of t. he builc]i'ng permits. ,,,.~.:: app ';,-'~ hail puli. back the cul-de-sac servicin~ Lot,.-:~ .,~ ~ .... ~ ~lc:,c::k 4 to remove the b. ' ' ~ ..... .... uilding pads from the rav~n~ area~ The applicant sha].l provide a registered engineer's report on soils~ fc, ot'2n{is and structural design and a registered engineer's grading and drainage p]~an for the City Engineer and Building Departrrlent approva]~ prio¥' to, issuance o{ a building permit en Lots 11 arid 13~ ~lock 4. A'r', ainc,.r',ded F?reliminary plat maintaining with at least 50~ of the lots NiLh 15~000 squ. are feet or more shall be provi ' ~' 7_ Pesi.g/-~,{~te 'the parkland as an outlot which will be platted as part of I, {:.~'~c: {i.~,-s:t. phase. - ~ ....... n,~s to t. he parkland between single family lots paved and signed that they are public access paints. The applicant shall provide calculations for City Engineering approval to demonstrate that the pop, ding area preposed between 81ocr 5 and 6 Nit. bin the parkland meets 100 year storm requirements and that 'there's adequate room 'Far access between the north and sou. th park areas. i^, r-~a k .... - ..... -'~"' The approved °UD ~eo o. ccests~ o l ~ of bo~n loopecl ,,.... .... '~- ~-,cc.~o.~ ~ , plan proviH ' -~ -~ -~' . s'k~ ...........~:~e;_.~::,. Such continues to be required and should be shown as. parkland... ~_~.icatio'n~ 'not s:impl> .....~.~,~m~nts~ - . x.{. ~ lrai].'::'/fiidewalks The developer shall be r,=~,u~, ~u to provide trai.Ls/ 'sic!aNal. k::3 as fo].l-a.,~.,/~'e,: Five foot ~.~ide concrete sidewalks shall be constructed along thru. ...... ,~.::. hown o the attached plan. Sidewalks shall be completed at. the time street improvernents are constructed. b ,'h 20 f,J.~,u wide trail easement along the west side of Powers 8eulevard shall be dedicated for future 'trail purposes~ ,::.: I h e "~ ( .... '~ . .;~o~>¥u trail, s/sidewalks satisfy ~::he city's trail d-~ .... ~io?'', requirements and therefore no trail ~ee shall be c:har~. Tho ::,-,~'Li,ca./'~t ~,~ill be required ~-o pay 50% of park dedication .~ 1'~ F ' '~ There Nill~.>e"- no t.'r'ail fee required .I?. A].]. building permits Ni. th patio doors as part of the building pl. ans .l~xne 6~ 1990 - Page 16 I ~ ~ I ~ l tna.~, k ca'n '¢,e installed - QeO '-'~ ]. provide a~ survey snooping a ,,/a'~-'iance t.o the setbacl{. The applicant shall e'nter into a development cent. tact ~ith the City and -~' ~ 1 securi'ties to guarantee completion of q-', ~" 0 v .{ ...... .~-; ,. .!.~ The'- ......., .... l icant shall obtain and comply ~4ith all permits required b,/ .L., ~ <~. ~... i~~ ~,. DNA ~,.~atorshed D~stri..c~"- and- Office of ~he Carver County ~ngineer The applicant's engineer shall pfc)vide the City Engineer ~.,Jith c.d:lc:ula'Lions ve'rifying the storm se~,aer~ ~,.~ate'rrnain and sanitary pipe s:izing. :-'%'k j'nk. ersec:'Lio'ns 'shore the street grades exceed 3~ a landing lion8 ,'.:Jith ....... J~ t S ..... ~ ~o~-alqce 0 ,~::; ..... 'L~-e,st s~ 4~.~<-. of 3% or Less for a minimum d'-"f f 200 fee ha]_~ The sF:,pl~cant shall reab. ce street grades to comply k.~'ith City Orclina'nce .1- 1.. - -I~ ~..,,~ ou. ghou. L ,~h;v development ( maximum 77~). P",'"ic, r tc:, assigning street names~ 'the applica'nt shall consult ~.,Jith ;~, 1 .i ,'.:: S a f e t y f c) r r e c o m m e n d a-t i o n s Park G'rading' Tine developer~ at it's sole cos'L, shall grade the park .teas 5.1"1 acco~oance b~it.h a timetable and p~ans te be furnished by the City. The City ~.,~ill develop park plane b~hen the final park boundaries --- .'q,~ter in ,4 h &i ~" e L) ,W e I-I .... rn e ..... voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR A 17,500 SQUARE FOOT ADDITION TO THE EXISTING BUILDING ON PROPERTY ZONED lOP AND LOCATED AT 7870 PARK DRIVE, INDUSTRIAL INFORMATION CONTROLS. .... tnat The apF:,l:ica'r'~'k pu.].led this item off the agenda Paul P,,auss stated ~.,.,~as t.:~ntat.ive.~y reschedu~ed for July %8, 1990 pending the applicant's a c t. i ,0 'ri 8. APPROVAL OF MINUTES' Al",rens moved, t4ildermuth seconded t.o approve the ~...: { nu,.._~s"'.. -'- ~'- - ol-- '-u.~et- Planning Comn~ission meeti, n9 r-4ot ~4.~, _.~,.~. Hay ]..x,,_. , 1990 as pr,>"~en+,~,q.~ ,...~ ...... ~u. vor except Tin; Erhart ~,~l'~o abstained and the mo+'ion carried COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DISCUSSION - NORTH SIDE OF HWY. 5 WILL BE DISCUSSED. P",";.'an P~. ke 7411 Hinnewashta Par k~aay ~-,o'v c ~628 Park Road i'~ ....... ~--,.::~ ...... dnr, e Cochrane 175J. Sunridge Court :-.:' l< ]. i 'r'~ge ]_ hu t:: 8600 Great Plains Blvd. ..~-,'~' (,~:i. . 'fy 48I~ IJpper Terrace, ~dina, HN 55485 r..'!i.c:hac], c% Collee'n Klingelhutz 8601 Great. Plains Blvd. ],57! Lake Lucy Road 7235 Hazeltine BI. vd. 7,205 Hazeltine Blvd, 7105 Hazeltine 81vd. 890 Saddlebreek pass 1950 Crestview Circle 6730 Galpin Blvd. Hinneseta Landscape Arboretum 2600 Arboretum 8~vd. Tirnberweod 7280 Galpin 81vd~ 6850 Utica Lane !695 5te~Aar Court Larkin~ Hef'fman Representing Hills Fleet Farm Vice President~ Hil.~s Fleet Farm 1511 kake Lucy Read 1430 Lake Lkicy Road 1381 Lake L~cy Road 1471 Lake Lucy Road ~e! 8alpin 8~vd 557o Kir k~¢ood C~rcle Lake LLiOy Road ~021 Galpin F250 Hin'ne~,~ashta ParkHay ~,~:..,,.J,~. ~-,.:,au.s:5' ~n,:i Hark Koegler presented an overvzew o1"- the Land Use ,'".,'n C,om?reher~s.{,.ve Plan as it relates to the north side o'F Hwy, 5 to the pu. blio. ~,~zc.d:, cn::iirman Srha. rt opened uhe meeting up 'For pub.lie comment C:':',uc:k Oabrie].son~ 2600 Arboretum Blvcl.: I see a new. line on there that's :~,-!.'_~t.,~ fr.-o,;!',, ti're .].ast time I was Nailed a map~ ~t cuts through the southern third c:,'F 'Lhe property that i manage out en TH 5. It's right above a dotted ]. ~ ~,..{: ~."-'i.c:'a~', I'm assurning the dotted !J~ne looks,,~ like TH 5 and I'm woqderil]9.~ ~ 'f :':~:c:,r:~eoi"le can pl.Ba~su" - tell ~,Jhat that is and why it's cuttin9 through t.h~,~ ~:~ - -' ~ ...... ~1' ':i ~ ~ ::o ......q.:.-.~ n ~..hi.r Ol my pToper~w. ~.':1 ","'.:', '.. ~:-:: ;ii: Id r . e o b, i e I s o 1] kg a s n'i a i 1 e d a v e r y e a r I y v e'r s i o 'ri o f t. h e m a p ~ v~ s y c:, u ":~...~,::::.;-~].] u.,~.~: !'~.~-~,::.'i a ].a:'ge number of people here at. a meeting I bel. ieve in F',:.:5'~",..~.:.~;"y ;:,ncl we mailed a map that ,,.gas current at that point in 'bi.r,:~e. i i,::,::.:-ful, l'>.' i,J.:~ w. ere clea;-- on the map that it's subject to some change. No~.,.~ Chu. ck the change that you're noting is since then t~e've been ~,Jo'rking on the c .:::, ]. i. e ,::: t c, 'r road s'>'stern or the future road system that v~seuld be used to serve F.:'rc:,pe¥'l:-ies'-: if and ~.,shen they develop, lhe City's all,says anticipated~ at !o.:s:csk to the east ef your area~ having a frontage road along the north side o -~ l', ~ 5 The $:;o]. ].'-',..~ ].{ ne that coos through your area ~-gould h,e an extension o'7 ' hat "rc,,:3. c] ~-h,ux"- e,~,ould be built at such ~* ~rne devel~ - ~ ma,:ie i. · nece,.~sary. Of course that. entire area~s in that study area se that's in :> .c.:~ ::: ;-~,::-,:? .!.s I .a >..' i 'n g a n y ,:::J e c i s i o n f o r t h a t p e r i o d o f t i m e. ,..~rh::s"rt' Does that clearly anst,~,sr your question Chuc:~°;,: C!a¥,::::l .... Oab'r'ie]..son: V~-r¥ politi:~ally yeah Chk!:c.,- .... ;..-~ :_.,~ :.:_e~_sol-, I'I1 thirsk abou. t it,, Are 'Lhere any other questions relating to the do~,!nto~n? I :.s.c~y~ th~s isn't doHnte~n but the concept of the ce/~ltralized lhe high density area next te the park. N, edium density'~.~est of .::~, .~ ....... ,..~/ area. &ny questions relating to th, c<~ a'I- afl- F'e'ker Oli'r',' f','ly name ioo Peter Olln. I'm Director of ufae arbor¢*. '{~',.,...,,,,~¢, an,~ the 'Fi',-::sc t~.rne T san this map ~as ~hen X came doNn to see Pau. l a 'r...bJ ~Jee I ~ I 4~'nc~ t gu. ess I rna bit disceu, raged at the planning effort in that one of - ' .]..0.,-.c] holders i'n this to,an, t,.~e had no concept really of ~.~hat t4as going . <.~o ha',/e some concerns in terms of planning. Ny background is as ........... S I have ~Jor~e,:~ at that position in ..... ~ ~' her e i n %.'ermeu]~. and f4assachussets and Connecticut. as Hell as t~.k~sht it ,'~:~ ~::sc.~.< Sirst of .~ my concern is that ~- ' ~" ........ . ~ u~ p~annin8 effort does not ~.,:' ........... ~ .~ .... , ?c~ ha,de & very creative approach and ~{t seems te me that. the toMn ~' .... ,...o me ~ike a ::.: ~, ! .2. :..J. 1 ~:~ c o r~ :~ i -~" - oev~.,lopment along TH s t,.ahich looks '-~ co'n~-inueu, s ..... strip oevelepn'~ent. I k'ne~.] that's not e~,'~'' '.~.~ true .h,~,t.~..zt. ........... -r Lo ~ ..... '-'- that effect is S,oin8 to affect the character ef the entire · -'. ,.,'non ~' development that's n~a~ this b~ay but one does ','~:}:~ve to a. ccel:t everytlning that's being proposed and everything that's .... ' n~.t your projections for numbers of com~'ng dot.,~n the line and · poznt ou.t t' ~' 2 ,::: ,:::' :::;1,::: in 2000 an.:t 20ZO use up x amount of acres, b~hat do you do ~,,~ith the ~.,~,::,s.::.;cu. io'r~ in 2020 ~,uhen the acres are all gone? See there is a ~'L..h.:.:r',-'e~s a point ~Jhere ~4e don~t have to accepe~ all ehat~ development or ~e ,_~ '''~o :,:::,h ,-~.~.~v,:: to accept it ~'n ulne traditional manner. I had pointed out and Patti. i.s fan'~i.li, ar ~....~ith some of the developments of TM~.,~eulands'~ ~ Te~,~, . "~,.~hat ~s ,~;..t-..c. __ ~ ..... ~ .... , .. nJ.a. cv~s/q over here ~n~n~gas.~~ - ~ H~nr]esota b~here t-:.}",e'~'.?. 5. s a differenk 'L'/pe of approach 'to ~-his~. type of developrnent. So .~_ I .... ,..il:..:~ d_'$ ,~.~.]-dls :iSOrl'/e a~tgr n .... ~ . . . ~,~. ' /,~,..ive scenarios and Z ~ould ]~ke to point out tu .... ~" ~o,..,o-:in~ can be encouraged in Ma.T~y areas O]~e~r · ~ , ~ , ~ .......... ~.~.~, i'Kt8 a[l{~ yob. ve do'n,:.s that Nith ?'our commercial and ~ f~nd it very appropriate a!.thoush · ~..~ ~-:-'-,e little neiohborheod commercial do~n there. ~s i recall t'- ' c,'K p'roper'h¥'~ i~s~s s .1. argo Ino~e in the sr'ound. ~ees that mean you're soing to-FS.].]. .. i. ur~'~ It doesn~r'.. seem te be~ am I in the ~..~'ren8 ~,~..~e It's the one ,:.~,:..>~,.,'r'~ o'~'~ ll-.I x,. lsn t t~,s.~ a ~arse depression? That is a total~y inapF::,'r'o~::,riat.e place to put a commercial development. I do'n~t see a , ........ 1 Response ,~o the character of '~he to,An and -,',;.. , '. r, '!"l :7: ..i. ,~"~ ,3 'hC:, L,O~ a'Sc~forifl :Et. ~a~c::3 rne ',./a'r'y~ concerned when ! see those ~i--~u~s o'~ ~uhings going up s.s p"Fopoz;ed plaris for t. he {ut. ute of the town of Chanhassen~ I see various c:.pe~-~ 7: ~3 .3 (3 e :3 a~],:J I see a oouple of nioe oo~eotors but most of the~fl are C: {} 'Fi ri z!~ c' i-. e ,'.l~ ~ .... ' . h, 7 anyt. hi. n8 and usually in today's day and a. se~ open space .::~_uannJ_ng is-k.h.a key part of any s~annzng and th~y are conn~ec~d. It's par "-~t Nhole pedestrian/bicycle system One %hat Davis Cal{fernia ~',',.3L'..en,:::..:~: ~'~a,..:~_ .. ,u.,e~v~.,.~oped to a very nice degree and there are some very ~ood ';':z:~.:~;o'n{~:; -~, o'r ,d~.oing ths. t. Energy conservation being one and mai.'nte'nan~-...e of ~..'.-~..::: ..::.. ~.~:.~'P ,.~nu have t s a very nic~ open ~pac~ eRw:Lr~-nn'~ent ~.::~ e:. ou can c:u.t rne of'f ~.,Jhen my 5 minutes are up .... ut I ~lnk here are i'~'~ .:7 .......... ~ ~ ~...1~,.:':. ,:::. ,:':] , .~-:..::.~ :3 o n ::3 ~-u. o r e '-,,u h- i n k t h i. s a n o' ~,~ h a t ~-. .... h e t o ~,~ n r e a. 11 y s h o u ~ d rna k e t..r~a'-., t. ,-i.~~--, -.r ...o'nsJ. Heratio'n i thi'nk ~he ~ t ' ~' h ...... ,.. ~.~ .... :~, ,.- . ...... ac t.~t t.,e lifestyles of the people ~.'n t.l"; :'~' '~'','',,,';~ :_ ....... ~.st "' d t.o the kinds of open spac '~ and t.h,- ~-I:. ~xis:t.~:. here no~ of ~,.~hich the ~rbor~tum is a part~ are impor'ta'nt, to ~,~.~-.:"r'~i:.a:~'n and ~,.hey' c,x'-n b.e and aIZok-~ de~veZo, pment to happen~ Zn other p c:,-~ '- t. ',' ' - · ~..~ck!ed rather nicely I ~'hink ~ ~. .:;~ cc, u'n 'rz this has n~en tackled and ~ he fac ~- Lha '~- the Arborefum ma. y b,~ one of tr~e '~ few green spots along T ,~. ,~ ~. ~ ~ [ I .... c~c.,.xeloF~ment marches out through Eden Prairie, Chanhassen to Victoria ~,~n~.ch -; ..... ~.ager].y ].ookir~g at rnassive development aZong TH 5 as well, makes me a !i,..t. le. ~ ~,~::,'r"r~.~-cl.~. ~ e~'pecially,... . ~hen eevelc, pers ~ant to come and buy hunk',..~ .... -"' .... Ayk-o~-'etu. N as t.4e1.1. The question I have is wha~ is the undeveloped ar~a · L.'~ '. ' f k ,~aL.- is ',,,st. .... 'r'~ort. h o t. he Llniversity property? It's just a big ~:,]a'n.. . ~.r-.~c:e~, ...... t h a'-u. :x .3. y '..s u n ,~:'"' e v a.. I o. p e d . l.,{.,-s,..!,~:=:s.; T' ...... ~ ~u Nou!d be locatect *'.e'-''~' '"'~'"~ , r,dt i:s area ~ ~'~ ~ pan - . ou~..~'z~u,~ 'Lhe HUSA ex ' 'f'"'",:i.3. nt--,~ 1.>." u. nd~veloped It's not anticipated to be brough ~. ~ s'n'~..-'th~ng. Z'~ s got ~ L::,elJeve & ox 2 homes on ~.~. Z% t~ill not be p~ov~ u.~t~-, :3ervice::3 u.n,:le~' ,~.n~s plan. F'c~ t..:-:'; '; 0.1 :i. r,' 8_ u. t t 'n ..5'.- r e s t o f t h e a r e a :,.~ i 11 e. ! :.~.u~ 01in IS"'d~'~°°~,~ it makes me rather nervous te see undeveloped as a .!. - ',.- {} :7 ,~'.hunk o!: ]..and ceuld be very easi.[y developed just to) the north ,of O'd.r ,._.:, ,..:, U. 'i"i ,:~ a Y y t-- ' . -r11. C:Oi]l-' be c~ ' _. ,~.~ _~e'velc:,ped at softie point ~i] 'the future ! R-~,'-:,~-,ose but i; I .;. ~ ~ 'J '~ ~ ...... ,:.~ h,::.}ve to ~Do throu, gh an exerc~L:"a~,a ® that we ~re c~o~.{ ng r~.~.{oht 'no(4 ~,u, mo,,/, e the ~'!U3. A l~ne , ..... ....... -::~oI',~ ok,t. eide t. hat PIUSA line there's- no plan-For ~e{Aer "~ se'rv'i~-e U' ": t'~ a r ~ ', ....... . ............ :~2,.::; i .......:~ '-,-'~,.:. ]_irnited 'Lo deve!opmenu to I household, per I0 aores ~NLS.Loe the H..S.'b~ srea.. P.:-~!':.:'.'~'r O].i'c~: Art'/Nay i guess l'd just like to sa}' ;,ie are definitely C (.';, 'Fi .:2 C~ ';" i I.:::~ ,: 1'. .... ( i 0 'l"l t .3..,.. v-.J o. ).' o .. .~ ~ ,~ il 8 b 0 0 ffi e t 0 t h e U n I. ',,1 e ]"- :~3 .~ ~ ;~ ,- ~;om::t:..m.'.:.:s' ~' ,-~,~ t.l",ern after the hearings are over Paul ,,a~ said he ,,,J~l~.~ · fo-r'u~.,?rd them to me. Zt's sort of like k~hen you send the announcement to th,.:~o .Tt.~'nc 6 ~97C, .... Page 2:0 ~. '.-'' 0' ..... t. ha.T~ks !.Ir m~in I have a c:ouple rhinos in response 't.o ';,-'oc.'~ :~:..t:~.' i~... ~."~.~ ....... ~].oi::,mer, t ~r don't think that's mha. t t. 0 a:,,'0{c] tha't. ' ..... ~'!~/c.~ Paul or Hark ~ou.ld like t.o 'respond '~o that ::/" >;I :::-~:' ~,.'.1~ ~ ' I ~ th~ ' ...... ' ,,.. .... as ~.. rec,::~.,~_, : .... nk very ear!¥ on the P!.anning Comrnzssio ..... ' .... ' '~-,-, id ..... I recall you re-ferri'ng i~ to ~hat:.ever hapoe'ned '~n ~. i i ':.:;,:..~ ...... E~.',JO . ~ o.c~ .... , '-..."~.:::.'c~ Pr.~-:~....~ ~' io ~...,P, cre it ~,,,as k~a. ll to bJall t~p up Fab-Con bu~ldJ..ngs. .... The nor'k.h .~-,. ,-.,.r TH r Nas ge'nerally established eo be a residential er~vironmer~t ,.~5: .~. ,~ ~ .:-,.~: ~. ~ .~ . ~ ~ ,.. ~',',~.~'~.:.~ res[.r~.anLial do~,~n to the hzghNay Thp scurf, '~ side of T,,r,, 5 ~",as a ,../o'-r} ..... :ci~nificant. area- ' c,f residential around Timberb~ood ~here ~P, at's,_, brc~,~ght. ..... . ..... u.,e ~, ings ~e re looking at again on the south s~de .c c; ,':. . ]": ,:::, c:. .l_ s'[t.::, that has a ;ct of open space. It's a 40 acre site, i'fi that , '..., ~':.. F':. ~':': 'n s o r- o n-~ o ,... o p a s s, * o a r g u a b i y t h e r e ~-J a~, ® a *:' i g n i -f i c a n t a t s.... e m p t t o a ,..,' o i. ,:~ t N a '~'. :.~; i. t u a t i o n . Pe-Lc~v Olin' I {~uess one P, as the feeli'ng k.~hen you drive do~n the hishk..~a.y i.. -h .J~ ~ --'. r- ~ '~'~ ,:."~- r.:',~,.., al", except ~.,;hat ~ge Ve got though on the ~' ' ~ *'~ '~ ,:i },,b, Hc:~ly n R- kef lot ~"" '" O]..i!"~' It <{oas all the ~,.lay up to the ¢~'rboreturn property AProns' Ps.u]., rna.¥be you could point out again kChat's industria.~ along ~ ~;~.~ ~,~hat's residential. !~r',-.~;L~ss- ...... Nell on the north ~ide there isn't, i~'s all resi.~,~~,sntial~ These ~,- "'~ {rite ities oF residentia~ Nhat ::':~.;.'f'Fere~lc ,:::clots here are just differe~,~ · .;,,o~..~'rc looking at, unfortunately ~.ge~d have to go back to this smaller map, ........... it ~.i]..1 be mostly epen space ~he ~'eason ~here~s ef'~ice .ia,::',~;.;.~:'r.'r{.c,~ ..... <~,..~ ~-;t TH 4~ an,d TH 5 ~4h~ch para~l.e~s development and t* ..... P:-:,'cer O].in: Again, as you see if you start at your border of Eden P'r-airie~ '.~..-,-'-:,'. ~ ~ o t h'T' o u. S" ' ' ~ d u s t r i a i o f c,'n.::¢ c;i.d.s all the ~,~a.y do~,~n and commercial on the other side and back over 'Lo ~.''-"~ ,: ....... s-tr:~'~, of'r:Lce'-' so th~;:~ image o"F course is thac'~ i~- 's a ~4hoze' deve~oprnen~- ..:.,-~ .:::::::,rn:,';.:;~','-cia]. c,r industrial and that is the image that's there and it ,:.:o¥:t..i'nu.e:{:::; that lrna~ge. I guess there are t,~ays to handle that too and c:.:~:rtai'n~'> ....c;c, me c:,f the developments, the Rosemount. Nicely do'ne. I c_..c',-ta:;.nly can't coi~'~piain about that but Z do get very nervous (4hen '?',.:~,:¢.',-d of ~.'.:o~'~'~:~ of t. he proposals doHn next. t.o the corner o{ our la'nd ~.,¢hich ' n "' ~' --ion Hooting 2' J. S YI i/l._.'j ,,., O iff Iff ,i. ~;~ :s ~.,:',~ .~;.,'~'.i}:' Do yOLI. ~a.',,,e any' suggestions maybe for that corridor betb,~een 7", .~:: :.",-x.:', .:!..;,n:-.~ 'T:-i ,~.1 b,,,he',,~e there's some in,~,ust'ria.~ and commercial ? :- ~.:.:~i.<;~-.~-- olin .... N~.,.].I it'~.~ very difficult~ eo~ ma,,~ a suggestion sort of of'f' ~'he,.. . ~..c.?'.,.::',- Olin' I don t knoN. I think ,¢.~hen I talked ~.,¢ith Paul and you Ioc,,,e~.~ .(.;-iL..'~;,:'.>iYi..:;: e'¢ the al. ret'natives that are the scar'/ enos that may be sorneth:kng ~ '~ ~' ' ~l' ~. 8~' ~-"~ ....' .~¢.,,.,:- a .e:;¢emou.'nk. ~night be v'e~ry nice in there ¢.~, an alternative. ,,~..~¢~,.e~ , I :~':';e.2 r~,:;}'k.h{.Yl~.zj o'r~ here k. hat looks at soNe o'¢ the opportunities that you ; c.:,~,...; or e~-~r--ou'.ra.;:iin~:l 'Farmland to stay There are ~,.gays of doin8 that.. They '~, can ,.,e encouraged and incorporated ilqte pJ. ans, There's ~.~ays 0'¢ L.,~o.,.. ,n terms c:,f ze'nin8 and planning and inducements {er these sorts ....,-~'"',,'{~s:3 bLJ. '*,¢ you hay ,'~¢ to ~ook at the i.,.~hele thing together. Z certainly ~ou..Ld not make a recen'imenc.tat~en as te i'd like te see an XYZ right on that corner ;..:,?<.;au:2::..?. i'-':_, s pa~-t of that pohole plan o,~h~.ch extends into ~den_ Prairi,,*.. an ..... ~, -~ ~- Vieteria And you kno~ to say ~4el~ ~ ...... ~ .... en o~,Jn in,..<..:, . ~ ~'d ]ike to ~.~. so an ... ¢;,:~ .:; ,:::, r?i p .~:;. r, '>.' l-,~.~il,:.l ,.. ~?r¥, is a LittLe absurd I mean really you have to 1. ocr ~:,'I':. the:- :,,l",ole. ....... thing and ho~¢ those community, the open space *:nc{ hc:,u, si. ng _. ~.~rrns ,--o e of the hem things tf/~. c: o 'n ::0: i d ,::'"r- e d i 'n p 1 a n n i"r~c,. ~-,.:..',-',-',a'~-t' '"/our comment about open space connections. Ho~,J Nould you env'ioion t.i-,.at, no'rrb o'i-- IH b;-~ The .... comment caught rne ~4hat are ~4e ta~'Ki'rlg ~b,~.},..¢.~.;-'-t .... Olin ~.~,s~in I have not done an'/ study on it. and it's ]ust . do and that., ,,'r;i.:, uous ef rn.3 to go uo and say ~hy don't you ' this ~r..; ,,4:,., '-I'.:.: C;ive us an e×arnple maybe. P:-~':' .:.'l~ ',' n, ~ - .... ..~.:;!-~ SU '~- .... $,ne o'F ...... ,~k,~ common ~'ay's of starting a plan for a n ~s .,.~ool'-,. at. t'.ne' so ils ~.,;hioh I'rn sure has been. done because that '~;'* L. oho~ ........ I .~1 y .,_.he, ._ _ ~,..:~ ~,~,pog~a. phy and ~,~hat's appropriate for cert.,ain l{i,:,_~.~;,~ .... ,.-,-~._.., developn'~e'r'~t. The ex'istins open spaces. Geed agr{cultural~, land as t,.~.:~l ]_ .,~:;::; ¢,~z~oeland and ho~.,.~ those might tie together · 4 ~8~; ~ ~. ~, ~.., ~ r eF, e,u ar are one of T'he best and T notice in one o{ t. he ].~', ...... .:-:-:~.,,,,e.~;; here ~'h. looks Aike }..'eu fo].~o~ed a sr~ream corri, dor That s an e;.<c:ellent. ~.;ay of -' ' ~eing ~t. It may be the drainageNays rather than the ¥;k. rea~;~' corridor but there are ~ay's of ~ookingo.~"'~ t~a-'~ t .... ano- ' they can be { 'OC c:,rpo"r ....s ~.~:;e¢ bolo-re, t. he development goes in . I realize, it's net alNays ......... oetai~ and I Mou.~d llot .... ' .¢.s Z :say L V~~ ~'ot s~uGied i~' in any make a'n'7' re, comrne'ndatiens c:,f'¢ the cuff on it. ,,~:~, ...... .,o/, I :.r',ink ~e ye got a sense fo'~ .... ~,.~o~,,~,,~ you're saying. ! thinL',. , ~ ' , ~ u~r, Creek ;~e've ~dent. ified yeah N,? ha',/e trled to take at least.. Hith ~,I ¢¢ ' F"c~.t.~?.r,~.,~'li'n' i 'noticecI_. that. That's a perfect example of r'~c,~,~ ~..J co ~...~:, :~:; ,:2. ':.' '~' ~ .n ~ t... ,:...,; ~... I, i n g . ~' "?...'.l~ {., 1. eeO ..... Page 22 ., "- ....r'~a.~..'rmar~, ~n 'response t.o t. ha.~- as well~ when you take a F''~,o'~''tion of a ,::;omprehensive plan and you focus on it as b~e're doi. ng here ~.. I~. · ur,3.~:'. ..,. evc.::ning~ you're u.o a c:ertain degre®,~ ~k.~ng~.o. it out c:,~ context. There ~:~.~: a ~"~:~:,::xr~r¢,:c~k.ton e~ernent of the plan ~hich contains a trail, element b..~hi, ch ~.,as:icall':..,' over].sys., over the top of this ~..~hich I th.ink i.f ~e l-,~~., ..... ~..r,,xt. over ....... :.~:. ¥'.;:~,, .... 'n,::,t..,~, that you b~ould see that some of th~ obSectives that '., nli-n )..~:: ta~ k~,g about is what the plan seeks to a,.,_.¢~ ~., j 'l~ . , ~, . ~.. ~. ~ ~ . ~ k..~ ~ '~}> ~} , j.,:? l;.ype situ. a'tiens. 8luff Creek being your prime example,, I~ ...... .5.._~,.. ,J {'1 ~- I' .{3 i..~ ...... 3.].,:D¥i :S,:i} e o ~ th'~ rnaoor por~ .... ~ ' n ter i .eh~ '~ t ~*-. mo're x, ea3.'r'~z,(J 'to the movement of pedestrians, bicycles and so f~,, th Re, t, .::~..~.,:.::~.~'~..~-'~. ha:~':~ n,::'., been ignored a_s part of this plan It simply isn't {n par~ I , .1_ ~ ~ , i .... o7 ~'!-', ~'''-"~ ,~:'c~:(z;-n't.a~uion ma eerlals toflignt~ ' ano¢ ~¢ *¢,~. k.,~il 1. be b~rle~" all this i.s ~ur" .... ~- [!ir';,,,?'rt: Tha'r'~ks Id:,-. Olin. We appreciat, e your input there. Agai. n, I ~,.~an't to enco~.~.r.3~}~.? peopl, e to express their comments here. This is not just te 4-~no.v~er questio'ns, bde b.~a'nt input as ~ae try te p'regress threu, gh the summer~ ~ .].ok of ::r;umn'~er evenings ~,~orking on this plalq so please come up ~-~ith your .., o .'i.ller I .t.tve in T{mber~4ood ~hi. ch is sou. u '--~..,~'~. ~ ra s:'Lill interested in the north side of TH 5 . Just naa some . ~',:.J "ke to kno~,~ ho~.~ the p~ann~ng process ~.~ent through o~'-~ ,:?.::r1':.ai'r~ .... ~ ...... ~-.+o Fer example, the small red commercial spot en 'hhe r~,:z:,'r, , .::::.::.,..~;,_ corner of Ga~pin and TN 5. Z~,~ ~eoks,, pretty small.. _T ~,,~as ~,.u:~,,.~.:;'~ ~ ~%; -.. },.'~'~ have some kind of idea c,{ ~4hat you thinx's gozng t.o ' ...... .... '-- . A speedy mart? ~ florist :sl~op or is "~--"' .... :..,:r.~:':C' T:s that a. gas station? ,, , - .... ,~.~ n~..¢ .~.so. c,l' b~hat yoo. think there's needed at that. corner en such i< 'r a ,.. ~. r.~;.$" b.~ ~, ]. 1 ';," e a h I n t e 'n t i o n a 11 y i t ' s s m a ~. 1. I t s v i e b~ e ~ s. s a ,:.: ........ ,;~.>,:..:, ~ .............. ,::omrnercial cen~er. [4h~;,.tever b~oul, d go ~n the~e is up to :....~}q,:c,d;',.'<l:"r- puts it in [)Lit it's a service type oriented thing that's 'not. ',-:.'.:c~,..'..'::'.:'.a'~ ii'y, t'.hs.t':; more convenient out there than ¢ouT'id in doHnto~,¢n. 2f.: i i'-'1-i l]er' ~-o ~-tne ' ~-~ ~ ' ' .,. ~'' ,.. ~u~x~ is uhat this ~s some kind c,f conven].er~ce for the ,':..;.;,{.:,r"l? that. .1.~v.:? a¥ound there? Alrkglnt. Is that ,.Borne kind o¢ accepted i"' .... t.' ~ ~ ~.'S neeeecl c:,'r is uhere so many :.,~.~,., r,.:}.'u people ~,.~a'n,_ that there and that i'- ~ ~ ~ squa~,3 feet or so many miles a~ay? Is there some standard through proce~s or i,.? it just yeu thought, gee there's a let ef heuses there and people need t:. h i s'? : Il{ l :' J [[ ~ :i.; [ ! ~; { ~}; ~ ~..~¢'r; t kf~ow that there's 8l R'iagio criteria that you look ~'nto '?.'our ' ' '~ t. ~ h " ' . b hav c:'.~"'>,sx':.:.al ball and say a,~, 'here s a neig borhoo,:a commercial center .~ .... '>.'c:,u ,";.o {s; yolk. look for high traffic nodes. You look {or an area thatt's ..... ,'.'~'-., ....... :ic,a].ly separated from '~h¢ residential area. by natura~ features and that. ,:::,n.:z, io~. Yc, u look to provide a reasonable amount, of services {or the ,--,,.-;':,,,].at.~.on ";,.'oa expec,~ and ~hau. ~,.~a's an attempt to do that n:.,-i.l .... ].. Hi¢.~ ]e'r ;: And thef'~ nex't, to ~hat also north o¢, TH 5 there'~'~ the orano..s... ' , .... ~ k- you. '*id diu. m density residentza.~. Is that right© The I.m c, ~- .~, n .,.j;.,.:;~: ,.,, a y a r~, t~ .... h e n n e x t t. o t h a t p r o c e e d i 'n 8 e a s f~. t h e 'r'. e ' ~..~=' s c:, rq. e .~., r o bg n a Ti ,.¢.-4 ~.- ...... r 1 ]..:r:-.r" 0~ ........ ~' '~ p k Did those border TH 5 on both ~ o'~ L'..he 'Foe. d~?'r~ st'feet that's put in there or is that just on the north side c.'{~ i t ,c,'~- b,.~ h s. t'? Nr.5. u::.r.:s T'n,.!}~ frontage street ~gou!d be a line as clc~e t.o TH 5 as poss:ih~e. ...... ~,....,,::.,ul.d .l'.~st be lo,sa,~ed on the north s~.de o1: that {'1:iI.!. H~i].!..?:~'r-: 0kay~ so iL ~-,~ould look grassy or something? Is there some '{:. 'q ,: :'. ~.. , t;.: l "~ ':: i~,'~-,s, ces:s that goes ~n as to ~.~hy the medium and high density i:s ' ..... I t ~ ,o+. continu ~ .,. , ::_ : ..s i'.. C'?':~ C: 1 -~ ~'" c.:,,-::~ o do~nto~.,~'n or the park or the highb~ay versus u.~ ..... · ' ~" yOU. ,-.. ;'-.~'..~.scs T'r-,~:::re- ' s a very good~ ~el ]. there ~s a number of reasons ,,,h...t.'r,.s, ..:-.~,::::.:.:.~-,'~.: '::hem ':,r not Tine reasons are is that the higher density ~.as a-Lk.' .... ~-+' ~d 'Lo [3, e placed closer to the doHn'toHn ~4here services are availsl'-,le Nh.sr.? there, ~s a large park ava. i~ab~e. Nher~s~ ready access to a hic'~.~'~,,,~a~x ~/,.Z/t,. ~ ~ .... ~ ..../ ~ u.,~,:..:~.xt ~,x',..~.ng to transit through a single family neighborhood There Nas .;s'~ ;.51.:.teh'~pt to get a mix ef housing in the community for people ~,.~he are di'~s¢.srenL, ages. Dif{erent economic levels. Different employment opportunilcies and s~hat not. bio have very ~itt}e medium and high density :o~,{~::ing ,'n Lhe City at this point~ Host e{ the broe~n areas that you see ,~'~.c~.~4,:~ing _.~-,,:os,s east OF the park_ are a~re,~d/ designated hzgh densiey.~, on '~',~:..~: el:,,:l~:~sk.i'~i%~ corr~prene :si',/e pla:in c:,r are zoned accor-dingly. The o'nly ne;,,d one is .~ ._ · - ~'- - ne, ~.-- city standaro ~-':::~ r'.i~] hiller 0kay~ if that ~,~ere t.o con'le ~(~ pass~ are t' ~ ' ' ..... ' .... k' '-'~ ~' I. ' ' ~ o','- ~:~x ,~.,-.::.~, e s,c~n'~.:'~ ~nci ofo~,_ of ru es for example ~hat that. ground cou.]~',~,..x be? I mean is there some number of stories? Could it be a 20 story hig~-,'~-.~.s.s appa't'i:.rner~t or does it have to be 3 stories or 5 stories? Is there a'ny' limit c:,r are there Yules? i<... 'i L:.;. I.~. !l; S~ ..... ~ I ] ~ O i O i 'Fl a 'Fi o e .. .... ~u~.-,.h it ~ould be subjec:t to limitations of the z~'~. ni '~ o --~ ~-~ u:~:: ..... .lo P,n'n c:x~'~-'~ look z'"~,, up but ~e think it's a 40 fcc'~,_ height.. !zmita~...ion' ¢' ~ '.,_' " ~,s,,.~.. ,Ai~,:: ~lob~ about the orange part? The medium density t, I. .~- ':-'.{'x;x~u~sx ' t,Jel ].. that:, you ~re looking at. tot~.~nhouses ~ They're cdeneral!y 2 .~;"c,:::.'~- i..s:3 h i ~.i'~'"~. .... : ' ~p"' .. ' ~ ~he ~,~nc~ toques..+, seems to ...:;.~.._-,;.~.l]er Okay sr, c~ j:..4su one other question ,'" ~"-,/ .... ~ ~stud" .. ,~he north s ~' . ... (S (2 b,, 'l"l '. :' : : 'Q ,. "~ .Cr':3'~, :.x .-,~ ...... ':"~:;'~ · .Z area arou. rl,! T'.-I 5 'rLght so the area be].o~.~ the le~5 study area is going to ~,,~ ]..nc in r r e c t. ~ M:;.l].¥~'r: okay. ',.4by did we bend it around like that right there to ......... .. stuc~y area? It seems a sor,~ You kno~.~J sort of ali o{ a sudden t~e~re squirkins areu. nd~ part..~.cular reason wh'-¢ that piece ef land versus let's say or above was excluded er semethins like that? "- ..... ' -- fe~J reasons for that The area north of TH 5 i'. 5. :. J ' -' :3 ~.',! ,:2 _~. i. ,~ h ,2; r .'s s c, ;....;.?~s,"'r~.:tl'~c.::;c~-'- - has hist. c, ricalzy' bee'n the. area 'chat the City said'" . ~,;as soi'""~,~, .ko .'.. "...-:.o~':' n.:'xk .... In our 1980 plan it was shc)wn orisJ, nal. ly as ~ ~,~s.,.ieve .,.. "-~. :.., ......., ..: :. ,,. T, [", ..... ~, 'l:' g_ '~" .:;~ e n .j .i. S g ~ '/ I .~.¢ n e 9 o .,~ n 9 -k~ h r o u g h t h e r e i s t h e L. a k e A n n '~' J- ~ --. [-, ¢- · n'Lc:'~"c:~,.pt.o'r c} aL '~' Ci'Ly has spent ~ conszds'r~ble sum of mo~e'/ tc, --~ '~' ' "~:' ~ ' r'.."' ' ~}~'r.'-':;n.J. ........ in anticipation of chat being the next area to cove-" lop. The , .... : ..... ::;t. ud~.. area ~,~as ~suan!ished bec~u~ it Has believed that *"he~'-e Nas . ·:: ": f i ,:::: :;. ,.::. n ::.. a ~" e ..:~. ::~ .... e L ,e: s i ,~¢ .':~.¢ t o a c,s o m m o,i a t e d e ye ~ o p m e :*, ~-.~ ~ o r t h e n e x t .5 ~,.. ,.,~' ~.;. ,,~, '~' · ;.'.:.:.':..~,,'- per it',? ........ There Nas also a conceTn that commercial devel,.¢?,','~.'na,,],.~ ~o~3 ~;,~ · ".,~.:.)~....:c.: -', "',:::,,. o,:::,:::u.¥ on TH 5. prematurely or if at aZ1. Thor,*.~ was a dec'si, on ........ ,,,:~. ~,,;c:,L~ld be f',e~ ' ~'- ,e in obeyence by designating zc. as a stu. dy area so ,_, ........ t .~_ ..... .... ,~,:s ,si ~''¢.' ~.~ou. ld not be entertainin8 proposals On the south sio'e '.':h.s.~r.s s a lot o¢ pressure, well Chaska's o~v.~ioped industri,si u.p to .... t .... 1~8o annexed parts e¢ Cha -t ,:;:: ..... n~o. ssun because we did noI.1 aL)lo and developed them i'nduetrially {or c. hei¥' .... ~' ....... fnac i.¢ that development ~Jere to occur', that it ccc:ur i'nsi j- h ........ c.~ C,~e~nh~,~,~,'n.~.Tu seemed te be a reasonable place .~:~.'*'...,.',::¢~-~ 7,~_ :.:¢ ~;..!'r-rounuin8s and we concluded that it ~ss serviceable by the s:: c: ..,: ? "," ~ ,: t. c: m %.{'~. Mill ' ' ' . A ' , c-:'r Oke/ooke nd I guess as far as ~ha.-t little I have to offer .... , ,:..~<~a:s, z guess just my persc)naA preference Nou. l,:i. h,e , ~.;. '"-~,...~ i" ,0. ',.. ':'i c~ r ::~-:ec t ' ' or 'r'ige, ' R · ~*' Per~'c'oai ly ,',e a Dro~4r, and red ~.pot~;. along no'rth o-f TH c ~ hc:"~'e's some sisnificar,~ reason ~,~hy that's absol~,tely not ~ J ', "l .~. {~]~ :}3 ::% t ....... .......... '" . ,q~ a O [1i .... ..: .... .,::,,..:,;.<.:~.;.]a .lust rr, y prefere' ~:~ nd ther ¢ght be ~,o~n,~ others that ' ' - s:{.;~"].ar preference. Thanks very much. Th.::'?.:?:::::~.'.: E:e'nt.z: Theresa 8entz and I live on Galpin Blvd., 7280. Where the :"-I._ ::,,.~, ..... ].ine goes 'Lhrough,. is this going to be paid by ts~:~, ...... proper~''} o~Jr~ers or ~4ho F,a?'s for the frontage when they dig it Lip and put the MUSA line in? !'..",- :: ,r?:s' The "'~J~^ 1 { ' c'~, o~ Tt. ..... ,., .... :,~-, 'r',e i's an imaginary line on a piece of ,.~.p.~ ..... t'-~-,dy anyth{ng. .:i~ .C .:. :3 i'! ~l C 0 :f:'::'ll a/"~ k" k., ..... [. : ~.::. , .:./ : the se~,~er Lnat ~,gas i'nstall¢'4 ' ~. ~ be~ 'eve " e8~ ~ ' '~' :,,._:..... ~ ....... 'n uhc--, ground not.,~ as e ....... ble ti'::~'..t. ".:.~-',..'~ C.i.t.'>.' :3 p,cid for and t4e can't use. ~..J~ can k use i~ un~¢]~ the HUS ' ! i ..-. -:. ~,:. '~ Xi .... ....... .... ..:, ~:': :'"'6Tioec ne sa','~ If you~e c,n ~' ' ~ ~ '~ 'F 0 'C ,.c.-: t'.,-:,::3.ide o'f u. na,~ line, you as a landowne~ have the option ~o ~'"ke,..,., ~. · ?'o.,~,'s:eu.f t.'.c, br~.ng t. nat ~e~er in~o your propext, y The CiLy ctn~an'L pay fo'r' .c:-':'>." oF it. Is that cLea¥'? .ic.~'nc~t. ,.e:u ' ?,"ly 'name is 3anet Lash. I live at. 6~; .... 0 Itica Lane. That o:e~sity L,~ ~ u ........ P '/OL.! i~..~ ~ S ,..~,~s..g ........ '" ~ ' ,"'::,~ .{~ es. ~..~'.,.;:~ :E~;3. 4 ' "~ .... { iqated .].ow ~ .... ~t~,. tF',-.~ / .'.1 .L .~,,, .... <~,;~:~nsi. t'>, .~ our s~anoa'rds~ b~hat's the density ra ..... '~ :('r;~.~;.i>:::'" !.2 to 4 units per acre but t. ypicail¥ ,,~hat it's meant '~ ~'~ ,;_; ','., ', '~.~:.~ s ::.::.::; '..'~ { '.s ,:"J e ',,/e I o p m e n t ~,,~ i t h R S F vJ h i c h i s ! 5 ~ 000 s q u a r e 'F o o t 2 .:.:.: ........, ;~:~: ...... i..q :r: l-', ' T h.?. '? n d i v i d u a l d e v e 1 o p e r ? ,-, r e ~..~ss ;..<eve 1 c, pe¥' . .ir .:~i 'r": ~l '''' L. ash' I c' ,~.~. z uld just like to see some consicleration made WU.,~>S ~ L,.JO .... L.i,,,.'in~::~'F~.r]¥ close to Lake Ann right no~ Z think that that's such · --' ....... has anti it's something i'd like '~ ~._i ~: Z 'lI ~..! 6' Ll~ S; {~; {;: [.. t. h a L. C, U 1- C i t p ~. , ~ ~.. 0 $ e e r.r"~ r, .(~ S e~ r k/. e ,,..~ .:;';: m :. .~ ,:.:: ',", ~: :"; ,'~,",.:..sibL~.~ and E gu,:~:s- - I have a ~,~s.r t~-,,s.t you' l-",nc, L,.~ oeve-' 't opine 5:;..'. :: 'n,s L.o r_:e ~o:~.'n{.J :,.n on the ~est side that. could posszbly be 15~000 squ~re -~: ...... ~- r~"' ....... ~ kno~.4 a big chunk of i~ is ~here ori.,,~e : ....,,_ ....~ ,:l. <.:Z; .3 ..~ p;..l L-t i rl~ ~ .~ r '~ ' ~ ...... ',..':",:,c?: ~...:I",~:;~'I;.':~'~: s.oi'r~g to happen there but the 'rest of it.~ ! think the impact ~ "- '-"- ~ k ':~ i. r o n m e ~_ ]. l ¥ .... · :;: ,,'~.:r: ,~.:~ ..... e'nv. nt~ The runoff, al1 thos~ kinds o~ things are L , *I.~ ::::<:.'r~<:.::~,'r 'r. t.c, me plus 5u. st the aesCheL~cs of h~v~n~ a shele ~u~c:~, o--~ hor~es ......... ' ' " l') 1 a YO .:-,.. ....... ~ x E~Li,::'.n .:;.. eauti'Fu.~ rea thaL ~s so natural rLght noN. u can GOb L. .... '~-~-.~ ay'ici '/ou fee~ ~ke you"~e up L'n no~Che~n Fl~nneset. a~ You just ..~',.-).,~ ~:Ej u.c~ prc~serve as fa~ as some Gype of g~een space and ~ do'n~t k'no~ ' ' ~' ~" ' C~!i'1 b ~ ~ ~ .:~:~:. e acc;orr~plis~ed unless {t Nere to be zoned ~ith ]..arger ~ .... ' ..... Lhink I~d like t.e o,~e yeu leek at seine different optic'ns and I c~e'n't k'~-~<.,u: ~..~na' '~' .~;:~I...I. ths. u'~ you have available to yeu . And rn'/ second qu.~",~'~-.~,~i, on ~' s, ~.~.. :<:et >~'c,',~ ',~v~ the one asterick area fer a peesible. ~-~hoel~- site a~qd I'm ' '- ~ ~'1 , x ~ "..~ , .... u,,,:.;,'ncl,:;~-::ng i'r , .... ere are othe'r alternatives to ~hat? Zf you've Ioo ' .... ~;: i .....'" - ~"-' ......... ' .... ).'bu" Paul~ 'you. ~-lke,:J to the o,~hoo]. Boar'uu ', :,'' I l..I' .-'.}. . :~ GA ' '".'a,;:;;::s' ~-~i'f-s'k. of ali. the Cchool Board hasn't committe'd ~¢" doi'ng anyt..h{n.q :~:,~..~ ",-~:~x' ..oli~-:v,?~ t. he->.,' have a need 'For a rnid,~le scheol in the nex~ ..... 4 tc 5 ,- ,j.. ,...note ~,.~.ith some City Counczl representat'on and uhe ~f "'~' Sus'h o-Fl "t. he cuff ~hat. their needs rr, ight be and ~,~here "~'~,,e'?' ;..! 'k...a j 'h C,~ .L ~.'~; C U~. S~ S :::.:.. ~.,u ].:.~,cx;.L,:';:. ,,,~sy told us they had a need for about 40 acres v.,~hich is for ' .... ' ~' ~" hool It d ~ '"' ' ..,~.,xs. iu s a midd~.e sc . oesx t have ]i~hted 'f ~ .. ........... ,,~x/ nee,a acres , .... activities. L, Je looked '-f ............... ~.~ one N:[u.h the ~.s'~"ewiok being ~',ne. The sou. tFi paTt O~ the ~ '- , --,~-~c:,p.:~.:.'~L"/ ~,.::.:~.ng another and the south of Uake &nn on t~-~~,~ north side ....,..,..::~'r,.O .'::'r'~:'::'~.:,~e, c,~.;,~ion. Th~ Eckankar property had some p~oblems, Nith ;:-~-ox:[.n'~ty to '!ou..ntoe,~n. You don't necessarily xant. the kids that close t.o ~:~,...~.:.:::... c'r-ac ex'nc] being able to ~alk off camp~ a'nd that k~~ ' ? ....... ~ ' ', land mass on the Eckankar s{te~ .u,. s got , .':{" ... :13 .,~{: ] :"3'2' ~'l,l-,.)~.}~eg'lS i 11 rOi'filS 0 '~ ~ ...........:..: :...., ]~. a'r ge ,~"rc.p'-' off in the pond~ng' area and it dian't' really seem t.o .... i ~. ~ i .~:;........: ~., ,~,:.~ .... 'I.: e .a ::s ,::': h c,,o 1. ,x s c h o o 1 p r o b a b 1 y c o u I d n a v e g o n e o n t' ~ ...... ~. Lake ::.-~'r~'a* P~:.~"rl(." That i~, a possibility The Sch~'~~ Board ~.;~,,,~=.~'~d to ~.., } ~ ~ %.,.,~ ~. t:."~.:::: ac:,ces:s '-~..~v-tt,?.r at 'k. ...... he skte that b~e'r~ ehob~ng you in terms of r :cc'/'~,:::,c~]. buses either south into Chaska or b~est into Victoria. There ~.,~as ' ,~ , , ..... ? ~ ' ~ thal- ~ .... ~" ~c::...x,.:, :~. e.?~,.J.n .~ :~t rne~ the City's needs a little bi~ b~t,~er J..n '": t ..... ' ~-m'dential type use across s':"~ a~s,ii y L.O pU.~.i a large open space r~ ,m S and " ~ ' .... ~ ~- h .~.~ ........ a .....a 11 ,:.i ,, ' ........ '-, n~vi,:.~g.:} :.~ ' s l-~, a~,o~d that industrz~al image corridor that the F' } .... n 'l~ i.: iCJ m O m n'i i 3 ss: .~. c, 'r'~ d i -~" ' ~ ur~ f t.o have .-. nappe r .l..~.~'n.s'L La:~sh' Okay. And then my last question. That sort ,of o]~ive green ., at. ,-:o .... --from Lake Ann ever to C~ 1F ........ cn itself ....... ¢'-~ ,.,.ihat's all the yellc,~? ~nat.'s ....l:~r,:i':c ~_.o:'::h O. h i't is~r Okay~ A~,o ~.,~ ~ , ~zcxa~kar propert'v too that's zoned re.sident~,~l~ I< 'r- a u s s , ,~..., i t i s. .,~.,:,'~'..:':.:'c :....~,sh Okay. And there's no plans for anything? ........,~.'~'.:.-',~., ss I','.('~... ['x"~..~" ~_ that ~e 'we heard ..... , , ' e~velopment on ~,~he S.:{:~'~':~.~:c ~..ashOkay. A'ny~av my biggest, cone:em is the . ':/'~--..:.:.:.~:sr.:: cc..u, ld ~.,./e also address that a little bit. Ha¥~,e Hat .. c ~ . exps.'r'~.d - ~ - ...... '-- .'..-,:i-{':.:-~.{-:;l: ",~: t.h.:f~'re's a green corridor shobJn around the ~e'st ,::';r~,.-] :L'.'.x: fo'c ~'n e:<pa'ns&c,n of park and t. xa~ ~a.c&l&t~es~ ~ .............? Ha:z: {us~- going to ask you Hark if yell b~OLild get up and rn,eybe !'~.~ ~ (. , .... ~ :~ . pc."nu out *'o us ~hat th~ green areas in the parP p].a~a for 'nor~,~ of Tm ~.., · 1,::,'..:--.;.:5~c- .... ::~ ¢. 'c.e. er¢¢nce,i be or~, Mhat's lack{ns in ~": rl v I ' ..... l.-'~ s h,: ::. N ?:: 1.'.he 'L"rai].s that are along some eT the major arteries as N~.~.i s.s some ..-,-~ .,~u, ..... ~estrian type -Brai~s that meander through ~ ~' ..... 'L , ..':e O 11. { '. {7 '~- FI .P; ~.i. kJ. r ai~ ]. C} ~' ~' e ,..4 ~ . .~ ~' L. i i e i., i .. I ~:':c.~;-:'.',-~e'r n ;.:,s'r~.. of th,~ cit. y. b~h,:-~t is shoHn in terms of parxs are all c,f t.." · ' ~" ..~ ~ ~, ~ i'd .x.'.~:i::x.'t.'tn.;l~ pa'rks /.,~.ithin the community. Hinneb~ashta Regional Park of course ~:~, ,~'nc::t:l-~,s~r one. There is an expansion shoran on the east. side of Lake Ann ~' ...... ~ .... ~as been ,-....,. :<. l'h:::~-r.:::~'s api~r,:)xirnate~y ~5--30 acre expansion Tha~ ' :',',-::.g~':ar~,,~'~.:::,cl a:3 is, ar't. c,'F !';.he planning a.t. least in the community for, li'Lerall?' :!.-:" . :,, (2) . }.~, k~ l~ c. ~ , ',-,c.s 'Lh,:::~ 1 <' 0 ?~an ~as put tooetner. Beyond ~- ~''~''- ~ho on~ rea.,~ corri,'qor ........... ~,..LS map are the Lake Ann Interceptor }.Ine ~ghich rnns up · ' -,, pu~ trail sesment .as a ,..:...':.- ~'~'~.::., ~}~'~t..~'~t aJ..',.,:~'>.'s nas been to be able ~o .- ~ a ..~ ca ? ::.~ ," h ~ 't -L c:, rna,,e a co'nnect, i..on posslh, ly between Hinnet~aeh'ba Resic, naq ..... :. ~.. s~.:..~ L.c~.ke ~%nn Pa'vk ultimate1>' as ~ell as th,:~ City ~ th{nk -" ~ 1 ~!~:5.';~,';.e L.}",e ]s'...a 70's has been on record as having a desire to get green .5.:7,,~uc...;:: sr,'..)',..J.~ ,.u ~-.~u. o~s'c one of tho ].~ko~ ~n Eno oornmun~ty, b. dh8n you ...... ,..~. .r~:s~.. s ,:,less.v¢o t.,~it.h the l~kes t. hat t;.hss co, mmun1E~ ~,~', it seems ~ -' ' ,.-{ 1 ' .... ~,- - ' '~ ' ~ ..... ~oprlqe ~" c>~_~tai that {reqo. ently bu,. ~aith tn~ ,~ev~ n .~. ~{e'),"OL.; .{, !,....:,~ t':} lq more 4iffic,,lt Lake A'on has alt,~s, ym~ been large'Led as the or~e i~.i{. ~' G'/'75 : t ~:x: '.,/or'/ ,~ ~.....,,'"-~ic~--',' ti, ..... ,: .... nit',/ naa: a. ck,:s, nce hope'Fully to ge ~ ....... a green belt corr~Leo~' sl] ~,...i'~e ;/...,:::, ':. .... dr,'",L~ 'tq,'1 I'. ',"lO 1 a ke The dimensions f h sh ' .............. ,,at are obvn on this particular nj. an "c.. :7} ~ 1. .~ .}. f~'t ~': ] 4;. r e o Fi I / . ~ ~ . [ ''' ' r.- .... ' '/ . "' i n d i c t a t k v e o f, t ,k',e f ac e ..... f h s t ~4 e ' r ,q s e r e s- s ]~ n g t h a t. i . ~letner that line and open space actually .~ t. .,. ~ ~-'It .. ~ ~_- I I~- . I '- k igs and z.ass becomes a sub~ec~- o'F eome o'F etqe fufLJre C:. ,",'..l:, S'i :::} :'3 L.~ :~5 O , 0 "t- Z ~ ~ ' .......... t.,~e Par l-< Commission as t~ell as develc, p,,~=''~,,'i-o .... ~:':, ~ ~ 'n . e O ~"] e h'/ F:: r c, ~'::,,::;. :.z.~ 1 s a :~ t. h e >.' ,c o m,'e i n.,q :s ~,0 s s i d e n t i f i e d e-a r l i e r ~. n ~. s p z. e c: e o .... · . . pr.e.~e t l c.. t ;S:,::r. pC,.~-!:k c,v.er here is u'nder the oHnership of Princ:e at the ..... ~-" i .... ' ,'.:i :..: '1. ': -:;'- ,, o r-~ e :5'~ t: ] '/ a s: :~ urn z n g t h a t p r o b a b l '/ i t b~ i ~ ]. r e rna i n i n i t ' s p r e s e n z s -k ,:x t e c the inLent ~s 2o have the open space oc~nnecthio'ns~ -[ o'-F :~ o h'i e ~'..~ r'fi c-: ..... o ,::::::,', ~ ~,:.'.~,u,v a'Yo~.:nd Lake. Ann .a~u,~ then ~ra~L ~ystem also bridges connection. ~.:,...~uu,seen parks, ma~or employment centerm: schooLs~ re~ident~a~ areas~ ~Fo sc:, 1-. Il.-l h',-:~.;urk' C::ka,/, I'c.., also like to point out too on the school issu. e :--,.-,'~'.--n'L. ial school site ooe~n t dictate that if a sob .... I ~ .... ~ilt in i. ~.., ~. . ~'---' .... I-.hat:. i~- ~,~ould actu. all'/ be in that site That t~aoulH be :._. [ '~ .-~. ~ ~, ~ .~::5 75 ~ G/i"1 ~ . ,~ .. " ~-~no i's availan].e and the va,u~t.zon a ?3o r ......~- "/"f tt ~ ~rF~. " ,o, ~.,-~. !t :3 j< .... :..0 oo.t ~ae are = "{ns to identify today a T{ .2:, ..i : "; . ]OgS,2Js.].ly b. JC, L~Ic~ fi~ s. scheel. So are there any ether questie'ns? '.k; ',i~ ..J %"-.r:; : Pa:_;! '.:-'oungquis't'..: My name is Paul Youngquist. I o~'n and live at the ?.':¥.:5:,p.:c"~-t¥ ah 7!05 Hazeltine BI. vd. ~ ~'m ~.~onderin8, this is my first meeting i.. ;--::2r.a :~-:o I need to get brought up t.o date a little bit but I m ~.gor~der z'ng i i. I i .: :: ':~,,..i l:.hen ~,;haL a~e the east./Ne~t D~aox ~'ne~ thexe north of t. ne ~'bu~y area2 ::'.:,.:~ ' t,:':].!, rr~.~ a!.~'l:.'k~.:x~ more about ~hy b4a~ the ~tu. dy are~ ~dent~f[ed and (..,~h,~t '-'-- ,fe'r-ent scenarios 'For ~,~hat might happen the'r'e ':{'~-auss: Nell the simple op.e first. The east/o~est black lines are i].l:.i:55:k, ra~'kSve ].o,.~,at. ions of Hhere cel!ecter streets t, sould be built at some p,.:~ :i ';':'k in the '~uture i'~ development occu. rs. C].early ~Je have a ~eed to .~.,..,cst. JoY~ ri'i-.._, e'XdO'l:]7',, ' ~n t~.~ ~]~gnrnent~ nobody~ r~-~] Ly~ Looked ~ ho~4-k .... a~.i~Z,'h ',...~.~ usu.,e<~,.., i.t~el~. Thewo'~ been clear].:.,." n.:?ed '1:.o connect the points~ Those streets do provide a connection ',;.. c: ',:.. '.,.~ e <~ 'n T~-i 4.1 and Oalpi'n. As to the definition of the st.u. dy axea, o'ne o'f · L',',~:; thing:5, that is hanging over our head ............ '~"~'~ l~ ' - :....,~. :J ,:~'r]d ,::'r~z./ and ask for a tremendousl'/ large m,..>~o~.~ _'ne expa~sion, the },.~.:~{-:;,.-::, {2,::'.~L.Jr~C::}! i~il]~ rejeok it cut ef hand. It has to be a reasonab].e ........... ~' . '"' ' t. ~- si o'? this request is a litt.l,e bit_ su. rpr{sing "'~:. i":.:~:L~:o Co'..:.nc:~ I st.:fl tha ~- ~v~ spoken to So there b~as a clear , ,d and the o~ze o~ that ~"t, dy area o~velopment that ~-~s.s thought to be h:.~..,t. 'n,'::.'i:.. ex,.:.:,e:::'.si..v:':,. The exact de{init, ion o{ ~4hat~s t.o be i'n the stud'y area ~:: :L.:.~i'i:~t. hir~j that b,~e rea]~y haven't discussed essentially. ~ ......... ~ .. 1..~. .~ ' - I ~ , L...~ ~ * ~ I :. .... .,--~,.:.:. : .-' ,~..~.:.~ ~..:::, .~.~ an,::~'~her area ~s rernoved from the HJSA ~i. ne request 8u.t ::: ~;7 i ~ ,. .~. - ..- " :.-.,.:!.. .......... '.'-..:~,- ..... ~,.~t:[s:'t','-' "¢.¢,~.,~'s: if'ne north bou.~'noary' o'¢ the st.u'.oy' o.r¢o.;~ e~ ~ . ,...: ,.. '~.:, ~-;: i ,'~ t. n ~:~. o t I--, e r a s p e c t. o'F t h a t b,~ a s t h e a r ~ o .~ Y e ] 1. O 1.4 b~ 0 LJ ]. {1~ !Ti ()'r' "'..'-,,-:~'~"; I tk~:~l'>' t::,.:~ se"r--',/ec~ ~.,¢ith the gravity ~o~,~ into that existing Lake .:; :.~ u.: .? ;- line I'i-.':.s not pr?,,~i~e~y but that ~,.¢as one ,~'~ the general ,:_::.::::--~:::;.d,:~r:~.tion:s i'n putting those lines ~4he're they are. Any ot. her comment, s? :.~.:,..:,~:~:::.,:...:.:-~n:::; o'n the .~0 year p~an in general.. 8i~I, hak/:-~ >,ou 8ot ano~.he~. .... ... Z..:'.:i' ~,Ii'L~ ' u,,er one b~it. hout going up there? I'I1 talk . _~e'r" C2arl I ha'.de a'r~o ~''1'' ]~,, ~1~ ~- ~ ~ -~ ~ o,.:.,:.~',", l'n ,_.,~:. planning proceeds itself ~hen yOt/'T'e com:~ng up ~it.t", tr'~ese :,~3:;--~.!:: sL.~,::.l-, c~'s u. ho ].c, ca'~-ion ¢c:,r res2def~t, ial, commercial and i'ndustr~al ~o ....... ~ y * ::.:;,'.,,~.: .... :c.g~-ee .~ ~}~uess they're obviously based upon groHtn and demand for t.~e ' - .-' . ~. ~,..~ that? -Fer exarr~ple .:, ~,. .... ~ -f .-~ .f · .: ........ ;..,,~.:.:::::~ L a :_o~-,~. o ..... ,esfre_, or resideutial develooment, for :Borne reason but !:::'~e'r'e ~,,:as ~: lot of dernand for :.ndustrial develn- ' tile ' rl':h Did >"body tch ..... . qu. es~lOn , ..-:. ~ t. 0 kay. ever a · , ...... ~ you hat., 4-,000 re,..~u~;;:;.t.~ to pu'.t in , ' . e ~n ,~ b. Jou_i.o '/'oL~ :s.':~'>-", ~,;e.ll ~e're going to ask for 1,73& acres 0!: ~.ndus'k~r.i.a..1 ....... ~:...,: ':..:.:::i-' ....... ' ~s: ~ ~ kind of 'ratio ~here you say ~,~e ~ant t.o .... I :-- : ::. ',..,' .::: : a. rnount o'¢ th.irs ano x amount of that or ':',....,,~,..,.~.:.. '~.,~,.1-',~ uhere :<as a ratio that Has estao!zshed and I c~uess~ the ...... lc, ~,...' :..:_; ,::: ~s ,~. ,u, ~. i b y ].. o o k i n g a ~ ' t . ' ~ ...... ~.' c'ok at. Nns. t ~.,.Je ha',/e ~'~o~J a'nd I think there was a L.. ';J k,' ¢.. ,5 J. ~' " .... ' .... ~..,,~it'- ' ....... o¢ a mix and i. ~' ~.,~a:s antici, pated ~-ha ....... ' ~' F'i ~ ~ d ::n:::.u~l. e :.:,~=~ 'rep~at~:~e i'ntc, u.., ..;. ~ ~uture. There, corral, n:.y ~aen't a .es~re .~. ' '" ~"' -~"'~. ~ t.,::) ,oap'll. tll'e a:D F'~u.c'o :: ,,~ .....:.,..::.x" - , Lndust:ka.~ g'ro~.~th for e ' ' ' ~ bee Luded from tha~ typ:~ ¢ deve' "'~','~" ...... ~t..' b ~*' t. .- ~- ' , .... ' ~ - r', i "] .. ' ..... . ' ':-'-' :' .: .... ;. _ I ~]..L 7Ld:;"i-' . .... '/'OIJ <ij.c..-.}[i'~p.Li~i'¥-,S i U to other corf~fflunit: ,~:B afld you k~ot4 ~ -, ~ ,~.~. r.~ ,a,.:~s~'n... as a'n>.'p i acre. eloe...., c,r a ny L hi.. 'r,g, ~like, ~.. : ~. ...... . ..... at. it v.~as a~ready there. ~ mean did you nav~:x an i,:...e.:~. ..:, '.;. :... <:~ ..~ % :...;n i--~ t h .,.2~, 'F 4}.,:1: t t ~q ' - -' ..... ~ '.,~r,,:~t. ::::... There are no benchmarks ox anything ~ke the'L? .7~.;':;c: .C.~ I'-7;C;0 --' Page 29 :('c:,;:.~}~i.:-:~'~ ' T!-'~~ ~an_.,. use pattern ~Jas compared to othex comrn ,n~tie~s. . . .-...; . . _ .... ~., 'n o i.,.~ P ]. y m o u t h w a s o n ~= t h a ~ w a s ~ o o k 8 d a t .... i n t e r m s o f t In e .':~'~.:.: of ~'.:c--s::t,::.lc~nLial ,,/ersus the industxial/office and so forth and ~ think -'.. '-:- ~ .' ..: ~:..>- ....... ,. ,.:,.. ,,-'- ,..-.. ;i n,3 i,.:,.s~ ..... , ,*~...= lly endeo' u p b e i n g v e r y s ~{ .m i 1 a r t o t lq a , · ' ~ R~' -' ,. - land use a.x. so ~.:,=.~OTIL b , ...... .... ~ ~ ¢-' ~' vel . That'o a very difficult thing to put a .;.: . .::~':' ,;:,i ;$.; t. >,', ,,?~s~ of cie ~. opme'nt ' ~'~ ~", .... a '-" ~te ~-,n'"m¢'~ find su. pporti~qg data for a,..,cuL, any i"~.:1%iq,:_~,.L,~ Oi"l .... On' L.J.m~ qLl 1,,~ ~'~,¢,~ ~0~ C8~ 4, ,':',:;:.;.:tt-ic:,n c:,'n r,at topic that you want to take. But that has been a ,a,.Lc.,, ',.~./~:,:> '-': ".":'~..3t ,:;:,. ,:; :, ,.;: u;~; i::,ro'x/i.r.'~_ .... ~n',"~oyrnent... , ...... opportNni~'B,_. . That do~s sp'r~.,:..x ....dX ' - ! ,... 'm ,'-. ., - -~ -~ '-~' ...... ' ~ .... e genera] comparisons ' ...... h k "' ...s;~=:...,}.' ;. ~ ,,m, <_:, '~-'i a (::c;r'L,~i'R OoiTi¢Or% ~¢k/8~ ~_hat the type o{ mix c:.-: ,:':.?:,.~:~':'~ .:'~'~sc:e a,,nd the envi~onme'n't that ~e'nerall/ I think the comments ars "~'"~4:, ~'' '~- " "~- ' ~ ' '~- ,4 .... ' ,:~.:,::~,~;~',_','~"~..'~., ~)oc'c.'~ on a'nd ~vows continually over the next I0 to 20 years. r",'h..x~","t:' An,:::! again t. his is apl. an based o,n assu. mptions. If the dei'na'nd for Lc.~::::_i.'n:=i J.s:n'u there, obviously no one's going t.o try to attempt "- i--,:;'., p-i- o p e 'l- t y . Ell~:;c:.n: i Lhink one of the ideas of having a whole plan is it's easier '.;.',.:'~-:'; au.:.c~':,.' ~:~ d.:~v,s].ope'r' w,~,~ you say ~,Je didn't have plans for that Th:s.~ s · n.:::.t. ~..,.;k'~t. ~,ue ~.,.Ja'r",t. C:hanhass:en %o be. HeTe ~ook at ou.r p~an and see what. t4e ~..:::.. 'n t: ~::~ I"~ ~:~ n t'~.~ s ::~.:~, 'n t. o b e a n d t h e n }, o u h a v e, ~.~ e s a i d. ~ e ' ! 1. t s. 1 k t o ), o,.x b u t. ~>~ e ':--.:s'..:.::., a ]oI' more reason Co ~u'r'n them a~4ay and just ~ay ~Ae"re not :.' ..':,':'~ L, '.--',.:~',.,.:., 3 i:,]:sn i'r'~ place that %he C~t.y has supported. Ne woul. d .:-~.:;..;-~'nit¢~].'/ say ~.,~e w~].~ ~4aJ.~ 50 yeats fox it to develop th~s way ~'¢ this :.'n..', L,j.c':/ u~.s ~,..~ant. ~t doesn'L have to be done wi&hkn ~0 years. He's :?'...,' c) r '/ de,,,,e]opex Mould Ce~Z you ~hat they oou~d bring ~n this amount of r :. :::..... ';:>,.' t 'f ~.,~.'3 zone Lnau' "- .a.~],. ye~ow, and ~omeone ~,¢anBs ~o put. sorrieBi~:[ng" -" ' .... ~,~;e for their o~n good, we've g,~ a rea..~ go as-i~ to saw !!". :..,; L... J ',,, i 'r~ t.' ...... "' ~ od b -: .. ":::'~'L .".~c:eF:,. I;.:.';;. 'fit t.,~.t.h what ~,~e b~ant. .......... ...,. ;..'-' ,.;;'" :~1:', ," .'; ,.'~: 1 :.c;o n ...... ' Chuck Gab'ri~loon_. ._., back again . Srus~-,. kind of .~. , .,. ~_ , ~ ' -'~ ...... he li'~-tle rem area ther~ On _.ne Tom Thu. mb .~,.,ea a Lb.:: .'~. i;~.;.O:!:;~..7L,:3l-I o ~'.2~. ~ .... '~ ' :.:. ,::> '; ' : , .:.; ,' of Oa¢~p~.n ant! TH~.c,. The question that Z have¢ ~o.~ b~hen ; ' ....... ' k d .' .... ~ -' ,:...,.:;::~r;:.::7~¥;t'.:::; t:a_L e ,~oo~* wan,.~ng to having something oo~v~nzef~t to the ..... · i..i .i ~ ',:.:'.:i...7:;,:.,c,'r"l"~c,~-:,,...~. Zu tha% ~ coneiderat.~on of the people who a'r ® ou'r-re~..x.'7' .,.. i., i. _ - .:.'.: ,2 t,'~.e ~:..,, ow'n ar~,a peopZe beoause Z thZnk if you Nothe'red to %e · . ~:' :: ';. :7 .' :, r. ~:.': ,::.': ('ho~;,s b~ho are ourref'it res~delqts o'F %he area, we'd ..... '...v , Chzmn~,aoe¢~.n or up to Shorel, gOOd t.o8,$t.. our q;aFq o'r .... ..',-:::'~','..:~.::,:',-~,::?y .2.-:,::'~ce'Fies c,F something l{ke that That's why .L'm t4onoe~ ~ . , e ,./~} ~cu ~{ i ~. '}/ ~.- ~.:... ~'~"~ .~:..'ntiCiF~,~ti. on. of ~,¢anting to satisfy somebody ,4ho -' ~ mi'"'rk9,~u .... ...... '."..:::, ~..:, .?-, ,. 11.:::: ," e ...'.'.'., '¢ ~' h e F' e o p ! e ~.4 h o a r e c u r r e 'iq t I y ~ n t h e a r e a ? ~:.. : ; , ~.. ~ .... , .¢ ;"~ ' - ;., ~.:: r : .T. t:. ' s c. 1 e. a r i y f o r t h o s,s p e o p 1 e w h o -' ' .~1 .>, .~ ~:. ~ .u-s ~ e a, , .:, .... % e ,, ~L,o...L NJ . ' ' ~ ~- ~, '-'~-' I ~.]. 'L;L ' ~ {' .3 L;']"i] i. i,,C L / L. ~ ......... ' ~.¢L,C. there L,n~ ,~at area i,e more .. ...,....] --~ -. ,:~; :~,. i 'i" ' ,: .......~..'~.v..~',', Li. ric Rivkin. I live on Lake Lucy I have sorne cornrne?t~ . .' . :..-.;;., [ ),"lC:' L. i'-"'~}i 7 -~ . ~ ................ eative ]utions ,¢,.~ .::. ,.:.., ".' ~-'",.:: ,. ,. ,:'- 7 +' h i rtl' : ' ~ *. c- ' ,, ~..n response to the land form or the true cna,'oft i ':-.:.:. kc~.,;n, ' ..... ~ t-~ , eally consi¢~ .'~...-. :. ;. ..-. :a i: ::. '~- ~:.. h.{~::: 'n 31v .c pi. an droll.., ano I had a chance to reao It over . T ~¢p~n~n~ sr'-~ou~d_ b~, .~ dksco~.zraged, from encroachi~s,. ..... ~ ......... .,, .~.a~ ',"~auu.'~ al 'Fesources. After canvasing many people in -hne area nort. h .-:- ~" .Z',, ~ ,c?:.',,"i he, ........1 y _ .... ..... ~::::~, .... · sa'/ that many of us are committed to pres,3rvirig~ ~ · ,,- ... '_... ~ ,::.-L i 'n ~ t h i s: ..... ' "- ' '" ,, ~. ~, n~.,~ .... ~ a.1 enk,.'~r onment to k' ¢¢=.r- this area a desi. reak',!e p.!ace t.c, · ...,:.:~ '-,.:::~..,,.,.:~:: p'r':,:le ~.n caving 'For ~ 5.'n our o~,¢n backTaxds, roe ~4a'nt the area i ~ ~ .~. ' ~ ~ 1 ~ .. ..I ..... , ,-,igher density deve]..opmen'~ I think the co'rridor ' ...... ~-,~:~giona.L Park and Lake kucy/'Lake A/nn area ~,¢ou~d s~erve ~n .::?xcellcnt co'r-ri, der for p'reserving that. Hith higher density .:~c:ve~c,i:~n'~erixi' ~ major C~ass A ~et~ands surrounding the ~aE-'''''`,,~o and b~e ........ ria'v',:~ -.~ ~ ~ I-.-. - ' ~ ~ , ....... a,..~.x a"~-~u:a ].n uhis regien~ could receive an excreme!y high and ~:'.'.-.a,:,:~ ar.,.L,:r~amount o'F hen-point seurce poliution bJhich t'-~- i.~ ' ~- ' ~d pol,nies to try and reciLc:e u. hat · . ...:' : i'.....~ ~. -. . 10 N S 0 I ~.J a p.,~.,: }~, .s ,-4 ,:3, U. "-h-c 2",'-ou'n<':{ ~,,.JaLer. Cu'r-xent-~y Bhe ~a%ex tob,Je'r' %hat's serving Cur~'y Fsrm ~ ',.' :.,.- : i.¢ ~- . - - .;:;,:.: ....... ~ ..... ~ .... . ~¢ ~haE area 'nor%h o'¢ TH 5. ,, couZ .;.,:;,nE:'; ,., ,-.~,:>x oho o¢ ubs ~4~p%er , .~ Tkat ....... '- ~. ,..nat systei'n and t"' -' u .... , :.::~:?.;. :, :,.' ,.~,..~..to].e ,or i:.ri.p~e Wel1 No. 3 shares ~ .... .... ~ cf me '~t ~- .. ' e · ~:,'ngi'nec'J' ~.~.,u.~. ~ s coming out of there. This rr, ay ha',/e a'n aov_~rse: aTf.ect. ' ' !e ish ~ake levels, have a ~.<~_ilit'}.' of t,,e aouafir to rep n v~ ~.¢ ~4. L. E~ "F ~., , ..... , i ~ ' '~' ~' ~ ~.. ,--I-.,.:~,--, c:,-¢ ]..a.~-o that feeds {nto Lake Ann that's necessary to improve ?. :": u,. '~ : ~.~: c,:.::,n'~ing:,to~4,-, from sr. reets and roc, ftop® and road® into "he ~,,,,~e'h' d ' ' ,o ~- .L · r'~ .:, :,,.; seF, t.i,::: s. ystcms ~,~ft.h aLter'haLe dxa~nf~eLd s&t. es aZready. Many o"F the .... '- ~ , ' ~ -lso nd sev I or' :": --:' --, { 'r-: -1 ' ilo{' ~.{ 8.1"iCJ NW . i'f18 0 kte .... , ........ 'nc.~ ........ ~nS mp'sc~ ' u i~l' t de lop into the {ar "~u -~'ure '..::. ...:-: ': " .c, r : ,.u ,,~-~. 2 ~ ..... ac'r~, th~ old 2 !/2 acre density. That means ~..hat the · {i;.?:"-,.2~-a7 gro~...,~th r.aLe is expected te be extreFne!.y small. If there are a 2;·./·;'~ ·'3~ ] S'gO -·- Pa.%ie 31 · · :'~::.-:'~ e,'~1: sek }",omeo~.Jners in 20 or 30 years~ the majori"r¥ may , ave .:.~.;. ~...:, ~_,n't:. ,c,p:,.nion but I believe strongly that that's going to ~e ,..~n~.~ c:~.: ~ l.',i'r,o, t-.'--,,at .,~ ...... didn't me'nt'~on t.o the peop!e 'Lhat. I had canvas~o ea'r" .......~, ...~' '* 'l'...','~ous"h',-'-,.. about it l. ater that may' change;*. ......... many people's m{nSs a~'",,c,,.~.*t ..u..x t h,UoA, b,~e b~oul, d fao~ much higher taxes cased on po~.n,..ia '.. -' .. ~ ' ' ~ 'al.. ~.~es~menf~ ..... based on pot. ent. ial .;::'.-,.c. .':,uI,u~ also fac:e being l ev~eo '.:: -'::,":.::: ~.c. ';.~:L~:.~'>.' out.. c,f being ~',=rvic:~J ~,,.~.i.+P Re~,;er yet they're ~.,~i .... ' : '~'~'-' ..... · ,. .,' .,. , ..... > don't have the ut:lit>, :.~ ......... ,., ;~ ::3 t. 'r i .c a n,:it h e y a e s e s :s e,:.t * h e m. ~ I- ,., ' , , ' ....... ~ .... -.*-~ f o .... '" ', ', ....... ~' ~ 8. p e R .... · .. .(~:'n.:! ~ .... ~"' ,::.~,'-,,~]d '~ 'p to us. t.4e rea].iTe that our land and homes have :' "/~'~":~'.:,','~: { ,:'~ 'v'2'~ ] ~.J<.?{:3 &NO q', ~'''zr.';~ ~ ~eo6~e aQai ' .... a'Q 'ocer eGoTlc, mic ~ N ~.h .3 ...... ' %-r ' 'real not a'n imagi neo potent{ al for developrne'c~t ~,...~e .3'i~-~ ,3 fi.'; L.r ...x {!' '.i: ~'1';3' ~ ~ :. .~., ,~e.3 .... J --.., I . ,...:... b.D ' · .:,'L.' -'.:',~.,:.:~_,. ..... ,.._. i:::. o ::F; .2 ar~';,.' .attempt *r' lev'/ ~Peoi~L~ ~OF ~ervi .... ~' not d'.s~;,a or ~.' .'' c~:..':::c 'L"r"~c~rc, s only ~,;ron,gfuI1y ~mag~" *~ .... ' r e=~ poc~nt~al for deve ....... . I .. · ..'.".:-',,-~ "..~ t.,..~.snt- ~ and thi::-; ~s a 'r~elly gut fee~ ~u.~. ]..ct off n..~r,~,ie na.~:..~ ' i-C:, ~ ~" ~ ~ 'P ri ': :,;:-': ';' ,:::~::;~il:( i i'i'~f:} i :~; t,' ..... ~ ,i ~ hod}~ ~c, ib uiq~y C:i,,,TI ~,. Ma'Qt our local - t~-'~ land is '~' a .'~'.::kf~s:r.::x~ .... 'sc~t of values, bJher~:- they' tell us .~ ,~ ..... F: .<'., 4. ~"~ ov<:.r b~.t.h st,.'[ ....... ~:ece~ ano sewers~ populated, wit,.h ~ .................. t', .:~':, ~.:..:: ~ ].. ...... az ], c) n e . ~ ' ' ~ ..... ,~ .. - ~ ~ z ~ ...... .-, :::'_:'. "~.:.:,{~,s:s riot on ,{x-~veZoprnent potent, laZ but tn-~ va~ue It holds as a p~o.,...~::; ......... e'c,,.lo';~. .... ns'Lure~ relax and get. allay from .{e~.. all. P~ ~ell cared {o'r or res* .~-~,~'~-~-~-,.:1- :~.~u~--'~-oundi'ng a,,nd- wat~:, on' e,u~ whic'n wo~i~i,, be protected by' zoning '.::::, ~..i :1. ] '"' :i n 9 ~ , ...... , h ... ' .. .sNs, ~ds ~t. ~: o~il euoT~om~c va~ue ~ot. of]~y for c, ur cmos ou"c L.. . ;.... . .;: ::.....,, un~ o';'~.s::s e.::~ (.,.~e~l. Z know Eha~ to be the ca~e of peop~,:¢ in P}'-'.~ ~" ......... · .~ .~ ..... ,....,'n L thkn , that simple 're%urn on invest-menL is ~ ~ t... ,. :. .:: :. ',.,.'" .].an.'~.. sn,:] tiv,~'. ~ ~n uasnhassen~ . and T... don't th~nk_, this ~.,,~eb¢ sr~or¢. ..... ,~,r..~ ,',':.:':-:Jfe%t. it:self in the policies or this plan an,..~ especially the act. lo'ns ~..,~ I .... I ~ ,. i ~¢' .. ..... ,aon t u..~an~ to concinu, alLy fi,gh ~ to mitigate ~h,~ damage ...od.ied and mispl~:~c or ,.ivel,/ · '. '- ' <.{ ,.: '.' ~ t. ia~ ~.~:,-r~,'.'~ i. ndu. striai pro.jeers. Sol. id pians~ 1. a~4s and practices u.~e~, of public ~,_~.~.,..~r..i. on must.. :, ..... - ....... 'v'(? ~. / <:~ eo ~. tlc t..ita .L r}~ 1 aw ge qm o ¢. ,..;.,x; ....... r o , ion to preven~ the damage in the fi.r::s,~ ' ; :,..., , ~:, 'Q [i'i '}" I.D 1] o', .~ d ;..ike . :.: . .:.. :.: :3ora~:~: :ceeci. ic u,~ings that relate to the ~'-aft "' I ..:v.:~.:-. Thc~ c: .3 not 'Lnac many of them. .; ...... A'~'.a yu, u talking 8bout th~gs ~ ge'ner~l nere or ~re you. L:'::':'. "- : , ;,.. O "'F~.:?. ":~-.' ~";," .... '-' '1 i'n general As I sa~.o be~o're, ~, think .La,,,..: :: ~ ..... .-. _..,,. , .: j ':"~ ', ..... , . T h c-_: 7' ' 'F e a. i . ' i: '::: :::.",.~ .... ~'.:i,:::,;-~ i'::,rc).jecti,::~ns neeo 'Lo be re-eva~J.~,0 very seriously. You ,.r~a~.. , yokz mention a lot.- of n&ce things ~.¢odc p~ ou.~cc&ng , n ....~ ·face drainage '-',-.,... ~ mc.'r t io'n po- - '~. z' c i w' .... ::~ about protecti ng roof, b~ater ~ m~'~ ~,u su.r . ,. .:.:.:-x ,"'hanr~ele~'d into the storm water ~y~t~,, as '~he engin.ser ::~ ',', ~]... .?. Is, pr"'"","._.., . {at,~:~ agencies. ~ susgest that ~{f yeu centro]~ the quaot{~v.,..~,, o'~. ~ , .~ I , .... ,e ~.-..~s'x. er ~ quality and the quantity of the ~ater and the 8rouble ~,~.~a~c..e'r'~ you .:-:~-,:'..-',.::.] "h..'.~ qusl. i~',,,...vef the ~.,~ater entering the ~akes and streams, i. ~hi. nP,~ ,,, :."..c:,~a.~..:.''''''' ~,} ~"~9 "~o that effect shoulQ~ be ~{nclu. ded in the plan as~ a'n eve'ra;..~ · . :; .--4 -; r~ C; .,' .." -.-', ..... ..... ~- , ~. ~',... s. r ~o L;. 1. ,:! '" ' ~. ......... .:; ,.. ,"~er.'~ Storm '~;ater runoff i,_ says here tha t'~'~,-, ix/~c; ~,:~>'r ~..~ ~ 8reatest extent pessible I{ yeu maint..ai.n~ ~R '~y' ~,,~.~R .... " ' ' ,, ~'~u~_.'-r-ient.~:' t'~-~- co'luting '~'~ ~ ' ' 'J:.'~ .~. ~. '>" :k~'::~ ::.. '/ 1~. '-~ C:, f ..... k ~ ..... +' ~'" -,:~mr,.,:~'r one r-,nerny of keeping kak~ Ann or Lake~ .... , / .~' · .,, . , Zi':' !,::: ., ~,,,Jhy , '~',,c:,'q't, b.-.Je, Y']l ........ ~e]l you what. , ,. .. ,..., ?' . F:'-I.;,,".:' ! ui'r,,::!?'.rs'!:..~;;.r~,.i, i'I1 8ire you a chance later on. Hhat I'd like h4",-' :[:3 Pst,! rn.P;ke his preser~tati,on reacting to the pet~.tion tha'l:, you. l:.~<.'~ to g,::::, th~-oush those thinSs but ~ think Z'd Like te set it epen to the ,..:.: ...~.~.;~ ?;:~..~sec.'ks.. so some ,~e'~n~'le.~-F can ~ ~eir input on overall land use dn.J t. o;,.,,'~'r .:.'.~s; t l",.e · -' ] f ~ '" ..... ~ is tree cover a spe,ciei, c to Lske I uc¥ area? Is u_' .... .:..: q. i v ~.. i n t..~ e 1 .~ ...... .. . t 1 .c.. .... ~. ' ,,..:,..u'~. ,,~;.,~t. ure sec:rich? I think l'd ~ike to be hearo on t' ~ ~- - .. :.:) minu. tes and like I say, t,..!e ].1 (;live I, ~ l:' ':7:' :.: "':: :':;: ':¥ ";: ~'::' 'Fi,: i! <.'. i ~d 'lq, C; e. C- I"., S ~" . Z',-" .; :-- ',.':Px.,,, ] , t,.¢c,~.~ 1~ d you .!. i ke to star't out.? Why o'o n ' t; yo!x ma t(: ..~.~ ..... yot.'..-',-" ' '~ petition and then after that the d.tscussion will. be ~ ':' i .'::;.l:'~'.'~i.~ f4 ~ C:,':"I O'!'~ t.~:e ~ i .... .:i:. ~1 ':' .c. 'r',,, "C:, ~': %/C} '[' V, -F.. u ~.'; TI ~ . .... ..,, '.<ee'r,.:::~' Are yc, u moving into Lake Lucy after this then? ' A S h e t. 6'. t.o t. no'r h plan? · .-.~ ~ :--",-' . ..... )'r Hil~ ' eet .............. S :~.:~ a -i:h:i::'~: .::. v (~':~ 'n ;_ 'n g ............. {,=' ~om n-,~:~n ane Mi].] 's Fl~e- ..~ .... x~rrn~ is al~,.~' ~ been a ......... t-' - o'F ~ ....... N-C.g.,,.:,,, ~ Corrl,ue, Coal~e~oq t-~ ....... q ...... '--' ..... '~i'r~g"~]-',rc,,....~j,',-'~<.;,uu uhe planning process ~;,' k¢,~-~-:..~:~ many mont :J i-' o ... ' -~-'-theast corner .,.. '~' ~ .... ~ .::.;, .r' rr, ,":.,,..~ ',,-; ?: a ;:> p r o x -; iT, e 'c..e 1 y 1 40 a c r e ~ i m +, ~ ,:- o f ..':,.. ~' ::~. Z:<cu:3c~ me, approximate.l.y ow acres. Scaled down in that ............ k. ' ..... ' ...... t o + hat co'r Tqe'r a no sit. e ; ~ pr ~':'~""4~ 1 y' ..j.;: ::q.. [ :~ir'~;:;:': .,:2,:'.:~ -L ~--;, .?~ ,..,.. 9 o... o ~ :~ t Nd y a r e- a . ~.~e,,., have ~ome oo l"']o$~ ~a$ w~h ~;'n ~ ~ :'~:..'::~.;{.'O'na',.'.i. on. F~r~"~*' a'nd foremost i~ ~..he s:~e is lo.;ac, eQ, '~he ince, io'n , ~..- ..~ ...... ~ .... E~.r (.f.. ~: ;...'..:.-.:, t.;-~. ~'~u; ,,,;~:~ ,4.~.~.y's dnu as Professor Olin has - ~ ~ ' m'" 'ip development along that corr.z~..~o, . : I . . .~ ~..~,;,....~ p.~ann;.ng also promote ar-eivity cen~er~ and a. ct~.v.~,...? I . _~ I .... ~ I .... ~. I ;:..;:~,.,: ...... : .::.,~ , ~.,.;~ ..... u ~.;,~.~Lt.e~r plac:e to hawe an activity noee than in t~x,"-., .' - ~'~ state higr~wd, ys. That zs t.h~ attracti, on to the Ti'!' .'/:',' '.:'-2..' {. { 0 'FI C: i ,_, v, ,J .... .~. "' O.}eV; CrY OLlt tO be an activity cent. er to se',-ve oeo~].e froN .:.. ;,...:,~.,~ ,:..~i~',~ .... ~.ons a . one ,~n,v-~u .~Y think shouZd be p~annee accoru.~ng , · · ...... ,- · -,- ' by ~ ~ino ~his ' ' ' ~"-: ::t;...i.:~'n ,:u::..~<u:h~nen ..... The ~..'.'e..cond concern o'F, our~-'.,, pu,..~. , ~. ,. , -' . ' r ks g in '~',.o h ' i .. .I i;'~ a :'.';J'r~*jj.,.e "Jami]y 'ce~iden%Ja~ land use pat~eT'n a'Na ~h~s community I_ .* ~ ....... ..- ~ ~ ~ ~ . :.. i i. "c ..3 ..'~,::J "'"' ' ~ '~ ,,.<': 'ne~ghbora: axe kn, the oppos~tkon zs ~heTe t.o put an~,.r~.'ng b;.~t. ...... ' ' ' .. . ,...,.;~ c~evs~g~..nat.~u commercial kf ~hat.'s ~,~ ,eau make~ ::.. . .:r:- :. ".';-:-., : ".i. :~l:h'''k.llCJ L-. "---' ' .~ ' I * ..I ~-'. ' ; ..... ~"~ ~.no '~',~ooees Z'e ~'~ a m~x n~ : ,. L h' .;] 1"i ~, I ...... .~ o~ner u.:~(~ ~ N~r 8. 8(i j.. :.,.~:"~-~i~o> ~''~"*r:':'i': U.O~-'S plan i.~' I ~ ' thi k *'- ''* r:-.''. C'n t''oU9 ~'' i'C.':S o'~tside the Hetropol~tan Ur' n r ~.. ea~ th,a. '~ .:.:.~:.~'l ..... ::-~dc:'r.?~z?':::3 't:h~-;. ].and use pattern. The phasing and timing c,{ service:~:; .......... ~ ..... :.. L..:O,~.L.... _ ..~,8 s. ~.0~i0%{1_~ ._s,eoue~oe.~ , i put t..f~ ~ , ' .... .. ~ '- ~ ' ' C''~'r ':. ,'"'..:... :'~-',,":~ _,'d ......... n.:.,x e.:....t.e.c, lim,,em in t. ho.s p~ocess. We've h-'d,,, some co~ .... . .... ::. ,_~' .... ;....:'.~.:"~., . ,':','.::,',...~s:~nou'L u,,~ p~ ocess regarding the City's over~xl~. ~.,o::~,,~ ~'.3 .f:~';':c.:} u:,e:. ,~.,~-~::n cornn'~erc:{al, indue'trial and resident, iai. The z20 sorre s ..... v.? c~-:e'~"~ i. dent{f~ecJ as comrnerc.~a. 1 to serve the futu. re ..... -"- t. he ] _,1. c.'::t':,.'~"r'~rc:,u~',~. . 2010 does seem a bit'.. toll. It repre~nts~ ~ apF, rox{~ ..... ~ly .... '- k.o~'.~l i-~.:~;~.,,~ ,:Jeve].,uF~teTlu tna~ ~ p~ojeoted ~a~,~J on your ~,~c~].e ~am.~.uy ~.. ~ ~'- .- ...~ li~ · " ...... oF:,rr~e¥'~i: scheme. Tho~e peopZe have ~o ~e 4 ~k'~e~x oh~.ldTen to ~c:,'~c,~.)x.. · ~" ~ ..... ~'[ p/:~ .r~ b ~ ~ ..... ,._;-..- ..~;.x ,":o~. .r ].es simply don't the single family pattern ]~ot,.~ d~n?~ity ...... :~.::;..- i' .... .. :::simply. ooe~ no,.. support *he dema'nu.::; Sot c~ood$, :~:.s;e'r'~',.,'~,:;;ev:~; , , , ....... ,-, I k at tha~ balance v t ~-' . /' :-~..::,.iS~'~t:,U L. ~ :~.S proc:esS tO take a .c,o ~ . ~ our ax c~x aclty .::.'n ->' ::::,, : -' lotu dens~t.y residential in the community presently is in th n,: .:j.~,~.:.c:,'~'~oo<~ o .~4~ 0~00 te $3~500.00 per acre based on the va!ne o~ ~.. e ..... is liz~ng that on v i ~ i ~ ~ ~ "~ ~ ............. o' -r~ n a erage~ ~ -', ' ~ '. ~ p · imate] . :~ome~' ey :~.n~ ...... s~:t.v'_...~, :, ,~ p'r'ox ~y ell,O00 O0 to e12,000.O0 per acre. ~ ~.,o ~,::)'.:. 'L:c', pa'>.' Y,sr nc,~e ~c:nooi~ ~nd it's no~ ~he single family hornas end :-~-'.~.::-:--.'~-.~: ~..~::~:~.~ a -Fac-V . The pxoposed Mill"s Fleet Farm ~.,.~ould be a 4. t.o 5 :.-~,:..,k~a',.,ac::;. ]. ~. _y pay~.ng , et:.~een $250,00~. ~00 end. SaO0,000~ .00 ~.ner yea",' .':._.~-::x ::: ~.~..;.:~: l;4r ..t.-.. you ~o t. hxougho~ 'i: '~'..:-.. ~.: .:~4 .~:~ ].. o c:, k, a'-:. t h e p ;.:~ ~,._ ~-,_. ,? r n a n d c. o n s .,~; ,:i e r s o m e I a n d u s e d e s i g n a t i o ,",,. s f o 'r , ......... -~ ~ .~ ~:. . I..~ .. _ ~ I... - . :.. .~ :.i,'q'-' .:{{rt:.~x , ~ ~lciTik yc, u. - .':i'. , -~"_.;~ :i', (~.~:~'n: ~.',y 'ns.r.qe {s Tom Green I ~m a Vice P resi. de'nt of ~ ~ . 2 .~} ~' ~',;, 0 ~...~ '~ .:3 o ;'~ F:' ~';. n '/' , ', a. :s e o rn e ~ r e s e n c e i n ~ h e I w i n n i t'/ m a r k e '~ ~ ' ' ~ ....... '~':-;.}:,m ,.~.:. i'n Brai'nero,, Hinnesota. !'d like to ask the question, ~...~e La!k .j .:'..-g e c~ .:.; c,v.'e', .... For approximately 40 acres c,f industrial, l'm also told thaL ....... · .......... ~ ...... I cannot be serviced '?or se~er ~o t~ ,~s riOrt l~,sk .................. ' ...... ~d be sewer serviced sith S~avi~y feed Lc, ~ ~- .. q.~ '::. :..; ',,'c ::~.}::..::,'~; i'n ~..}"~.ci ~ ' t . , 'n,E~US rial area %0 the soNth~ you coN1~ '~ ..... · :'.: .' ~" '( ) iii . . · ' ..... n: p., , n s t. P a ..'., 1 ? ~:"' ...... ~.+:~'r '~'' ' lhs~'~x:-.'-~ ,.,~ ~ ,_.,fee's. 'ny '<esponse to I;' -' ,.. ',q -~ .. :...:~.' ~: ,~i::~:'. . .~-:..r~ n..t es but we di,:i look at~ ~h,~r~ z.s an ab q.~ :.:; .0. .~ 8 }" }/ ........ 7' ~ .:5'..'~ ?.{.?{"~h :-~..~:.~.,~ ,0~"~.~ i' NO'-4ld alqtioLps, te SDOW..LN8 US at ].east ~oM ~e cou.~.,:...~ i :'. :.-.':' v'.d: ~-_ hs1". :~t'.noy'. ' ~3res' ,,ih~r, .... the 0itZ Ns~.8 or oe uerNi rle.s~ .... uc, H-4o t hat .. S,c, T ......... .~ - ' e so cou. ld serve ,::'."~ o '~'~ ..... }-', :[. ~'~ ~-... 'c 'n :~ :;s,c, ]. e i ~¢ :s u ,* i :s w n e ~ h e r o 'r t w e ....... r,.:.'2[.: ~'.'Jqe "r'e;s..! crux o{ *~ ...... ; is that. ~;he'n ~.~e PJ.a'nnin8 m ...... ' .._ h ~- T ~'~ T, .... ON di." '~ 'fm ~ k~n~.std ths't:~ ..... ,an ,~ look at it in a vaccu, m. ., :: :.::..: .., .~...~,..: .i}. i" 'ii. $. I.. ~ffl 6i / . - ........ ..... ::~', ,:e u~Jas;; ~-; ,:somme'rcial o~'ner ¢'hip on the corne'r 5he~ e a'nd i'n , · .... ' ~ t h a t ;. . ., ' .. . : :: :.:¢ 'r ~ I.'- .c;. ', '. ~. o 'n of a plan ox the TH 5 deve].opMe/qt coal.[rio'r1 '-- ~., ~nd sout. h of TH ~- t' '~ ' ' .::;,,.:,pp~',-~g c:,{:.'nLe're 'north ne~ e a'nd qu.i%e a bi*' -' ..... ' .... ~ ' ' -ff~L,'-- ............. :~a o , .s devel ..... ~' uF' and dews the 'freet4ay Up - i. I .~. ~ .... i 5 ~ ~ ~ ' i .... · >'.~'~....:ou':'~.::~Ue iu. ,~ o there s a concer'n that ~f that r-orner ~4ere bro(~cjh-'~ int..c. .... ..... ~, st .... ' .....that ~ t lessens ~.~ a~zLL of t..~,~ ,.~.~'}'n¥' ,..,~ ~'.. r'-' .. ~'.'~ :.. f '0/'! ~ i 'N C~ p., ~ ,~... ~1~ ~ ~ U t e .L z ~ I .~ .I ,., ..... ~c.~se b,/pe~ O{ Nses that are i ..... ible out. ~'~" :,,~,. ,..~,: ~ .~.~', ...;o,~s poLnt somebody someplace is going to dec{de ........ ~'t :; .: :, ,:: .. .:: ~ .:'". or '~'..'.?":- ~ ~:_ '~ ,. ...... ,,,:..~, c i a ................ ,, .~ d r,,~'t' c~ ~:,s ~ ~ L. act ~' ~ y ~::..~:-.:-;,.:.:.:~.::: ,::,'~ 't'h.::~: ?::t~d'>." .... area designation 'out Lhe ~-~u.uy~ -~ area desi. 8n,x~.:Lon' ;.'l~--.-:~','?y ',':,e:tng used to say tlnat, somebody 5 yea'rs from no~q should take a look ..' ~ k..~ I.': .... ...... , :~ 'y'. ~, n '.;.-" t h ~ 'n 8 ~:~ I s e i 'ng e n e r a 1 o y ~' ~ · (--:' i'" '1."' .... t- I ~ ",.:', .:'-'. -'.'. :;:;,::: u. ::.~ s: i o ~,"~ u. p t o a. 1 ! i s s u e s a n d i. n c l u d i ng. ?',-':...~';'n P].I.:.,'.::: Hy nar'ne {s Bryan Pike I'm the Pastor of ........ lO '-' (' ~' .... : ' . -, :. :. :" ,:.- L. L'..:z r ,a .,., .~:~ ~. ~, ~.: o s t h e e n d o f t h e H U S A i i n e ~ i g h t t,~ n e t ~:~ z t i. t-:7.: ~" :!..' .... -. ,:.:{ :,,...; e "r c::" - i.n this t,..;est corridor. We just' - heard about the pet~~'~-~_..c.:,'n ". '-. ...:.- ] .:~:.: :': "'u .---,:::., ~; :, ]..~::: ,:i a'>.' ::s. N e w e r e n ' t i n f o r m e d o f i E a n d w ~.. ' r e 'r i. s h t :sm s c k ,..~ ~',~ ~.' :. -: ..... ' , "f ~ ..... d ' ....-. :: ; :,. ,:-:. c. .: . :t ._, ._.hat.. ,~,ester'n co'tricot and Ne~re .... ' ',-," ted ke that known. '-.; . ,.-.,~", .~:. . t.,.~.? N.JE:N tO ffla .... ' ..... C: ::::,,:..:. ,:j. :..:"', L i c k a 'r o u 'n d. P a u 1 ,, d o y o u w a n t t o t a k e i t a ~,.,i a y ?' .i .'." :'.2:" ~ .~>,~ c~e;...,'c] ::~F:,mer~t { 'n uhe area surroundin8 his nei ~'- ' ~ ~' -.~ ~- ~ { tigate the pros a~d cons of ~-at issu. e .s~.~ '- l,,J 'io ' ' last Neek we r~ ?p.'.'" ~.-:.a,::?~<,_ e o ' over r. ne ~id dewelep a 'formal r~sF-.,<.;,~ 'k. :...:~-,{... ~": th..~ l'].ann:Lng Comrn{ssion has and t,~e~d make it avai. lab!e to an'/'hed'>-" ....... ~ ..... ~ indz'ngs as C--~ ~"~ ....,~c ......... {'-:..:~'/ to l,'-,,-',k s.t it but Heu].d summarize it,s $ - .~,.~ ..... ,u. ~ ~ ~. ~ · ~. or b~r ........... ...~,x .,.e ~.her.s s ~",othing. in,~,~,~rently rinht ohs wi. th large 1of ee.,..,~lopmer,~-~.-' · ~" ~-~ :n '~ .... r.. ..~ - ...~ ' ........ ~"i',',"i~ ]..ca~u- const'raznts o'n {u. ture large !et subdivis{on u .......... .'~.",{' ,-", .{: , '.,/ :2 :::~.:3c:e:/~;::x~ ~-o .... ~"-">'~-e,~=",:~- . S {rSt Of a%] ~ ~e the ~re$~lt tine a].~ o'~ -~ ~ .... r ... ~ .~ ~ ~,, ,~ , ..~ -.~.' ].:. ~"}'~s",.. r~::3idc:: ~'r-~ rural residential or asricultural areas b.~hich . ' t 're lookin~ a-B for ~he xpa. ion -F '...,. :~ :- }. '..:.a ~ ~ t '~ .......... '" -'-I.~. ~- c:o'r'~nect to public ~.e~,~er ~hat ~ .... ~.,l"iSt '~heu. MUc''o ~,. ~ ~,~.e,u to ! hemesi~e pe~- ...,., ..{::.R: { i:.:{. ,.-ial117.:.r'.,'.-~ :in-Fers. ~.,? ord'; ha. nco 7ob. 're I irn "~ -" .~ ~' " I ::~.-.-:.::.. ~' ..... ' ~ fh© Hetro 8ounc{1 requ. i~ed ns I ..... , .~-~- · ~- -- ' ~ . ,~ r ro ..:: :,..,,. ,..:- ,.; ;:; s J. ,:::: p r ~s rn ~. s e i s u o p r e v e n t p r e m a t u r e d e v e I o p rn e n ~- o 1 e a p ' ' ' '~ o~:::,mc:'n,.. ,:_:,d~ .... bo'/oho uno o~ Il'ne t ~a8 part o~ 'Lhe [..ake :--,n~i (..~ .1.; ",., :: . ..~ - ~ . .'~'/'," .. .~:,-~- i 'n '?. ,-,... ~,.;ith the Hetre Council and H,x,~CC' ' %o ge% -~bi~- ~',-Pe'r"oeptor ' .... .' ....." . ;::~ ~ ',, ,. ,..- ~ i .... .... ~.~ ,:::, c .a t e .a' .in s .,~{ ,d.... e ~ .... h e H U .~ '~ ~q ~ i n e a n d u ~, i 1 i ~- ..... i e s a r e a v a i I ........ ~ ...... ~ H 'f o t s .. ::: :, i--; :.:~ ~ ::'~,'.?~',- ~ ',*'..._. 1. y i 'n e x c: e s s- o'f t. h ~ t a n d ~ ~ ~ s 'r e a 1 1 y u p t o ~... ~ ~x~ p e'r s o n .... ..,"~.:~ ~ ~'~. ~ , ~_ , '~'~,? they'd ikk ]asss~x'r'l ~Je find that n,,,,~:~t, of our lot sizes a~-e~ ex ..... ~h,~. south ~ ~some~,, na ,.. ~ar.aer ...... ~'~ '~ '~ .... the ~iTies 8. r~ ~ ,,~, .o. .. x. · -- ' c~e, a~l'$ larger because of ~-~I~ t,~} ~,,~{~ularios anc.~ --'' ~ ..... ~ .... u~ prop,::~, ty that ~4e~"Fe tr/ iTi.~ % ':- ..' ."::. ,::. .:::,,../ ~::: 'c a 1 ~,:..~ vd o.:~ !...e v u ~ e Ix 8e Has four~d olq ~ u. ~ ~ - ,.. .,, ~:::-.:.:::.ur',..,,.:::.The Het'ropl:.tan' Council b~ill not permit cities ~-~',~ ..... '-r,~.~u- ..~.'a, g.s :::. -:~.:.~.~',...:..,~::~,:.: ,.:~-~....,.:s.loprner~t b].ithi'n a HUSA line. T~e}-. ~ere very clear on ~- ?.,:::,i'", o'L' ...... ~-' ~ ' nd expec~ '~'~t. t,,e :, ,~.~.~.~ ~,$,c:,',-,:,'.=, you ca'n't expand the HUSA AiDe 8 ~..- L.R~ ............ ~ ..... -" ~'¢ ide it~ ..... ;.:~, C. C C?: '.3 :{i: 'k. O S Cs L.'.j e "[" 0 ~* '- ~ ~ e - -- ' - ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ .... . ~nn,~,.~sen nas hlstericalJ, y required that s.a.i de,~,'e.~..ot..~me'n . .~- I i,.,J e -..'~' .:,?.:::::.'.,.'::,'~'~;::.-For t'h~s: Fur~damentally -V b, e majo'~ c,'ne is env{r~'nrner, ua :3...:. v~:../.?::c.~ ........ ~.::2~,c,:3. n'~inur~LLes and 'Fou. nd out that they nad sirni~ar '~'.--::'~:.;l',-.r}~n~?'r-~t:s., P.,t our last meeting ! be].ieve there ~,4ere a number o'f .' .:.:.:; ,'.':'.r:'~" 'i' ]..~:?::s rr~.:~nt'.io~e,.~. Orono oeing in par~ ioN' d ~ Q NO i fid '~ , ~ '.. ,-. r u. ~a. 1 ]. I 'evel .......... ~ ' ; .-~.., .. ....: ,..~'a ~.~,e HU.~,, a~, o?~ed large ot u~se~.gered e oprfl~s,~.., sma.,.u, er t ~1%; ..-.. ,': '!- .:': ::.:; R;':'-:Lc_.{~ iS t':.he same standard that's applied ne~v.~ eu~-side the ~ : .-~:}~ . ~r,c:,m i'.c,u.h regional and local stanopolnts~ large io~ ur:seNered "-'h~] th,~- HUSa ~.ine promotes .leap frog development and ':~.-:.:: iu..~:3 v.s"~'y cosu~.y anu di~f{cult to provi ' services for ~ If er'>,' ,3ont'xoversJ~a]~ ~'o ~rovi. de 8ervioes '~ ~',r a:3 se'~"vl,u~:~:s a~-e , ~ ~ .. I I .~. ~1 ~.+' S:, "'~'::1 to i-'~},,aa any real subdivision potentia.l~ {,~ md~ be I - ........ .... .. :. .... : ~... ...... 'n.:::: a'ny' 'ne~.~ Io?-s ~,ould be hoo,,eo up to ci +y sob Jet and ~,..~ ~ '. .... r; ..2. [':..:;1:, '}. 'n % :1~ u. 'Lt h a t '" ~ ~ : ~.,~ HIJS~ line is not relocatecJ very easi.,.y~ ... ~. - . ~ . · O~ '. ~.'.{'/:~:." hi:}.: i~.~.~.:~u, ii"~S tc:,nlsnt Is a ge..m example ef that. It"s a ~x~:.~'"..~., / i'n,../olv~:~."{ .... ~.'.' .~.i:.%..:' .: ?3R'.:~ .:3N(~ ~ .... ~ ~ ' ~' ' u.,~e~3 {s not ~ntirely in our ,sentrel~ Zt~s oversee~'~ ..... ': C,{,~ il '~- ,~at-tr,e current plan~ ~,;he's one .... . .....'.. , 'c. 4sr~ Dc: v ~:. cad assu~e tN - u . ....... .:.i{-..i '2..i ~{.:: {.ii..jiYi.i~:llL.. Their a parcel that is ]..~.,ca~..ed ~t ; ..:'~',:~?'f .....I--..'.~ ..... ' '~ ~e~ ....... r~''~'- ' ..... :x..:~ ,.., tni:.:~ pl. an b~i.ll not likely have a'riy o~=;ve nt n:.::.ia "- [:..sr,,'",~-I of t~me. ~he P]a'nnins Commissie'n is ~temp,~.nS to resp "' ' '..i'~c; ,._:.'.-~.:'u. ic. lon 'l-hat.. ~-,,:~.=..~ ..... 'received and ~, the people that '~espo' ... ....... .:..:~'~ L.~n.e'r..{:~,.~.a t s involved a~,4 want to c)~.s exc~uJeu from the , ........... .-~. ..... · ..-.-.~..-¢'-'1 t.c:, ' so of cou. rse if '~he Metropolitan mn,, . -r .,. ',..~: '..' -' '~r r' { ...... , ....:..L [.} :l{} ~ " ''.'. ,:.:, ,..~ ,:.~.~.:~:~:cxus~:~ this b~.i.. ~ tne~.r staf'F I met ~ith ~- ., ........ r~.::: ,',..... ::,~ -', n.s. One eT their ma~or cor~cerns ~.s hat ~e ~ ....... i JO 56, r ~ 'de that area but T sti~l l"hink it's something ~hat ~ '~ r:.:% w-,~,:Rrc, 'd (~1. o08.'..,80 OUtSI., - -~ ..... '-~ ..1......:...;, , , ............. o ' , ehe pi ins Commission is a~ 'n t .:- .;.~ p ,: .., -..:1:: {. ,.,,,, .2.? .k ,.--., ~" ~ ...... ' ...... ~- ~ ~ ' '~ ' c{,::,~, ' ~ ~ " ~ ''~ ..... ~ :~:-~ ~-.,.~ .... .~.:~.On OF ....... ~oping an a~ternate F~].ai~ that wou~.,u ........ , .... ~ .....~.~ · - ,_.~ .LOTS t. . '"he: '~ ~ ..... u, ~ property ob..[ -: '' ;:.:..~.:~.-..~:~l:c-cJ in L. peu.{t{on that ~e received Tf ~,b,:.. . . '.'~ ' · ' ,' ~'.' ~'1] '~ '.'.) '~' ~' .; ., k .... ,,- ~ .... , ........ ~ ' ' .... ' ~. "~h ~'here are ~mpl~cation~ for ~-~ .......... p .~. ' ... -~ ~ ........... ~ ~,::'~ ] il" ,- ' '~f ~,..~e co ;..'~. :,.: _u .... .,e Hark t.o ptJ~ Up that alternative pla'n z ~-J and ~ ,~] .~_ .~ · ........ Tl"~e: a].t.e'-'r'nativ~ u~,~.~ Pau! referenced t..hat.~s been pdu ~ '.. '.1' ~ ~ ':-, L '._~ i ~ ' ' ~'~I ~ '" ~' ' ~ ...... , ~. ~ ~L- ' ' I 40'q"t r~Sk ~uu t'.ha"?.. 'L'~ :':~.':..q~.:'-'d c:,'n ee~..ai~':: o'n ~...~s petition,~°~'~> Paul ].~ so ~. ~ , ..... o .... ~ "~',~, .... . ~ '~ I ~uet him cove~ that 8ut baskca, l. lv ~.~,~,, we sat ,q,"~;~.~i"~ ~.~e ::f':: ~::. ;.~: .:.-;[ f ~ c. :s ]..~. ':>." . i .x ...... - ............ ' ' ' " k 'k. t. to ~.. ':. ':' s e ~.:~ u ,:::, 1. o c:, z~ 'r y i. n g d e t e'r m i n e i. 'f t. h e r e w a s a ! o g i c a 1 ~.,.~ a y ..,i'...':-qA ] {.~-~.s: t..,ihicxh woLt!.d sti~L achieve some continuity around certain areas , ~ ...... he propert es :.:,,..~ ~. '...,.',el':. ;...uc:,L~Id pc.~ ........ u.c~uial_yl pul 1 out some of 't. { . ThLs' ' .~ GOeS iS ,~ L.o.~:.:~ ~...~ ,c .... .... ,"~ '"' l'"~':n~4 t- h a t c o u 1. c'~ ' { ~ b ........... . .... ~ <- ~ -~ n e ,:-'~"," . ......... -~:,'r ~.,(~ .-,., ~ occur, bJhat it .... ' '. .... , ,..:~ ',....~:;F~.:~:C:. t.O go arou'[:o ~ is way ~o Rot { '-- o ' ' I F. .':, p :: r ,.. '/ _.~'k c:om~s up ~ lk. cones across thio way. Afoul'lo and the?'~ ex.~'!:.~}}: 4.',-~,.{ .:::~.:~, .: '. :F; ,:';.'n out. t.o the ~4est as it did previously. That omits this area {'~c; ::~ r:o~ ..... :::u~h,::.~wn in white from the HU$~ Zinc area~ It adds '{n ~'-b,~ ~ ..... "' '- '-. ,. ....... ~ .... ~j ~ ~ , ,,~u~ has been !ab .:" :: '.,~h:{.c-.-: ~';,i...,,::~.:~:u: c.a.x ..... y i.s part of this a!tern ....... . ............ ~.._~.~ ....... ..... j. iTj.e~.~y rea?son for that is to some cieq,-ee ~= rep~. ..".~ ,:i :: 'T." 'l;'" - , ~ ~'- i i--' ~ ..... " ., ,. ~::,~,....~ .,_ ~. ~ .... 1 f u ®es i'm thi ~'. ~.? . t,.:.;'n:~si,:.y property {'hat would be lost to larger ~c,. ..... ::..:;,-',.. .' '..,.::;.'.' .:::;.'r.::~.:.~' ..... . The overa[~ ne.t impact on ~hec. cofflpreheTle/ve p.,~o.¥'~ ~ .:....-_.' F{..'.:x~ !':...' o'n '~-'?','::. amount of acreage that's allocated {or residentia~ ~. . , . ~.) : ' '~i .F,' ~': 2 ':.i:, "i~'- }"l :;:i'~; i'fi (l)U 'i-i ~- C.' ~ 1 ' ' .~ I ............. , . .... o~,.~ eensi%y t. ha%'s ~ho~,4n N~t.u, +'he Zmp .'::'i .~ :-:1,:' h-::.': .... ~ l' ~", ~ ' ,~ t48. S :5; ,.;.'x ,:.: ....... is nature and the .tow density ,~n.a~ hc, wn c)n the ~ "'1-I ~- u..., . :.: ',.'.:":', ]. ::' f ",-'.-{:.;; i::-:'.,~, L.~,..,t we presented ea'rlie~. Do you [,,ia~t ~o ado . , , ,,. ,~ ~ . I - ~he StLiez. a'r~-xa -kb i'{,' ..... }::::-::: .7L!s+',~ a ,--n,t.~.ple...~ . As Hat k i'nozcated, it u~.ea.~, ... u .. " .. at ~,~.~:'.~ .:. .: ,::' ..':.: c: t :_:-.,"~ t.o ,__>e the g'Fo~4'h of the community. ~.t does set. st · ' ' ....... ' .... l",... '- ~ ~ i~ 'i- ' ~ ~' F "::. :.,..' ..'~ :.:,x' i-r~::';:,it,:~ ......... s,~aterfleF~ tha,~ ~ ~on .~ De a ~ ].ee,~ arrn basic;s 1}-.'. ~UJ.'~'' ".i}' *.::. :..;4';.!: ::::;ome~.~in8 that Me o4'¢.¢'eloDe..] iT: response to a pet. 1.. ...... ' '- ,q, s'n i.tlus,_rat"ion here o'n the overhead I~' ,, ..... k.o .L.::,..' ; .. U::,;..l ~ .... ; ..... - L. S :'...-.:;':,.::,'q.."' ~'.:::. ~c',"~.c+~se' '~-hi.r~gs~_ F~rst' of all He di 'on ~t ta~'~,.~ up ~'~' ........... · i ion ;' ::;:;.:::n'1:.;:: ' '?:rom H'r. ~ivk. in an,:i we'~ take it at face va!u.e but you ca.n~i.':. · -" ,, Mus~ Ii'ne. You can't zig ~g ~t D,:~k a"Jr,o {J '.'-' ': ' 2" ;~': ..3 ';'i::..~ ,:{ "r" ":% ~", e ~. -~ ~ ' ,.':,':, ;'..', :,:.: :; ',-~...'-: '~,,'i,.:lua ~ ::~ choices o'F, property owners ~L Lb8% [:~OiT~il. ~R ti. Ne . ~..'. .... :.:, ,.,...:, .:: 'rat.~o'na.,. and reasonaNle line. For the sa~'~ ,-,f di:=:c~s;m:ion '! "'.:.;.i; ..,;.r_: :':(;. ma,,.,.., sn. overt ..... P, of E.,he map~ re,ara.in9 ~e peu ~ ...... 'q u ~., .. .... .. ' . ~ ........ ' ..... ~'~i.o ~ ~ ~" ~'''r~''~ ~ parcels t.h,:,.~.. ~..4ere ..... - '"~:',':'~':-; "' ~'~:~" ~ ::3 C' ],,~:s8 F ~.::k~ ~,~l. th the e~,~,O~p~ Ti .., ~:Oo'~ .., "~"' ~-" ' ,.,.-- ~ .... Phese were --:~:,,....- ,.,.;; ri.~,n', ; C,T ~'-r,e oi4'ner® according %o the petq'k, ioii, ...... ;.. ~. ~ ¢ ~ :' "..'... ;.-:' ..::- ',' L".:,,:."'-'.;--, t ,' ........ ', ~:.: ~.. ,:j~'e:~ ::,~- .... { r e t,o b e ,o u t s i .... d ¢. o f t n'~ H U S A 1 { n e a n d ~ ~ a v,:~._, s ,. ~, ~. e o s o i T': · '::.','.. p,:'.'-lt'.i,:'.:,r~, r.~,.¢,peYLl '/ that alternative tempo'ntis fo that *"'-': ..... {c:~--~ like ~¢o reiterate +' M · .'-:~:.. 1- ..... - .:;~.;',.; I .... i turned ~ ale .,~ y' i r, .... deve 1 opment It is no~. r eq--h' { '~-, ~.;~ d *'u....¢,~ d : "~ '" ~ ...... '" ' .:lJO':2iT.:,..C:,R (',": iC.~i%: ~ .~,-,-.~r '" ' ........ ' i ~ h ~ ' ~' b e n v i e ~,.,J e ,., a ~:' .......... .... .(l.:'1"/ r~. .,.aPos an,, T]..rnber,~4ood have alNay¢~ e .... . , '~, ,,~ ,..,. ........ "" ....... '~'T' 'F o~n "-~" " 'f t. d !o d or the s'rea ..... "'"'' ].:{;-~e ,:;'nc] '"'n¢~4 zs because they were pl~:~E, ted unoer a pre ~'~ :' ~ ,... ', 'r L¢ -.. ~_. . -- :':,' ,'.j~.rl.:Sr~,:i...;? k~;'i;:,e SI. ~ ...... o ~ /~ acT8 ~ ors t4~.~"[qoN~ hFtv{ TIdA access , -~s.: i ,-:.'r- ,'.) '~. 'f'~:, I i,:'~:i: f'lO ]. ,C,'Fl':~Jd2r e X ~ ~tE; bue ~Je r eoc)g'o i ze .F t. ~ .~ ..... ~ ..... of ".. :~;.- ~-~'~. v.:"~ .,.~ ,::'~:,'::,~'~',e~',"- :::~;,... are ..~n p].ac.':~..~ and ha.v~.~ modern, , fLJ. nr'~ lo,, .¢...~. ... sep, .... ~.c :cy::7; ..... .:, ~-:. .:;.;'.',,:' .::,',~ '.,',,,:..:t ~j. ke¢].') .... Lo need public uti.liti¢,~, in any near 't.i--':~ ~o , ,,....,.. .... -; ?oi~'~s 'c,"',.. ~.~e 'text that b~ou_ld D~ 8_dde,:i to t' "¢',~ plan, t,~' ~'[ ~--~,'er ..: 1.':' .'~':" i :~..~ J'.'. i '...,,.'.:l: ..... ~.:~; S.:C:: ~. ~:¢b.~L e;*.~ , 'k ~' ':'+,_., ~<:~ ~ Nill~ make it per ¢ecc~y oovious tO '~ ~ '*u. ~ f<:-; >"~, .~:, .... ~'¢L., C. 0 ....... ;d. ~ ~ k ' '~,:'.~..~':'-~.::';~ ~:~r~.::~ ,:e. veryb,-,,~y,~. ~l. se that.._ b~,~ don'~,_ ~ ~'cipat~~.~. t.h~:~ need. to ' : -- ~ c,~,;~ par icular areas We ha'ge similar areas ...~.-.::.', ../ cu¢ i 'hi': c:, -" '- *- - t .... ' , I -.. ..... ' ..... u,.¢ point out again that. Eri..c di.d qu. ite a b ,':.-.:::rn.~s+ 'iv..::: i.:::J.::¢ss an,c: T think ,4e cornmend him on doing fhaf I think .:: .~:,:::ri::.n:x. ly esoond uo those ~deas Nigh some ;-'* . _oe~as ~hat b~e cn~]c{ r':ee'n .... '".1. Lo nd t.o t tNo tings fna~ t,.;e ye just ,.. : ~'. a?: .:::.~ ;..J .:':¢ :~: :;;: I'd !i..~'-~,~,.~ to open that up to otherp,~'-~.o,.~'--le wiL.'~' h o~..~'r ....... '."~ ......... ~ -~heir reaction to th~s as opposed to our : .:. ':- 1i,:..s i._ l; v' ,:fi: i ..J ~::.c, :53 8 ~,~4 ,~ - ...... . V i..." '~ 'i: c, ,., I' 'T- '/C. Lt ';" ',.- (;". '" ~._. ~L TM ~'.~ .{. t i' ~ ~ ~ O i~ ~ ., . 0 O 'ii U r! ?~. f't ':.,) i~.l ::::~ :-:...., ~...:,.-'::;:, ..... :~'~",:::~ i }"~.a<'~ fr., ....... ta;.,<~ that at face va~ue-' T ' ~*' eve '" " .,~'",.':-'~' ' O ~"~ ~ '~ 3;-. 'f'~ ¢ '; ~;':,-'," ,~.:, j.;, E: '~ ~¢ '/ i'- E~ ~..L i '/ "-~'e ''~ ~ .7,:.!~J-:2 '" .... ~',f ~" ' ~ ' ...... ~'~t: kO¢_C, rl'!e3 . . . ....' O' , T k.,~'L~S'- ' ' k 1' I ..... po{' '"'t 'nere' 8r ian¢ s yon are not '' , ' I I,'~i ..- · "" ''-~,~:;x '~'"~ok'. ,."Ii,"] you get all these people to sign ~,~. uid you say ..~t. ~ ~... ~ ~ ..... · ~ ~" ';: .,: .' ,'2'FC:'.:-2 ',...;:}.'"'" -- ~-. 00 +' iqr( tI~h he'F'e ..... ' .: f :; ,".:. o. ~ ..... :, <~: .~.; ;.. ; :'; ,.. ,-: :..., ;'/' ..... ~.- ~. issue. 14hr don' 7 :;;.:'~" ,::,, 5. a'n, i don"L thS. nk +hat'o- a'n o ,-. , . ..... , .. ' -' ..... ' ~--- ~ think k~e realize '~' h.~. . ...:i . (i" :2 ;{5 (;% .:3' '1'! t.. ~'1 '~ S L.. L:' iii p P ~ ~ ]"1 ...... ( .... ...... "-, ',,::.,~'~ i"- i.~_~ ~,,'-~-~3ed some Nork tha'~ ~'ve done a. :¢~ ,r.:' '- · · .,' '. ..... -~:,,-.~;~::':;~<~.:.~ t~.sse same questions. H,o~,J the petition Mas made s:o we "': 2'i' L~/":,'iC:'r:R':t...;~ - ' :P30 T ' ~ .... ' .... .... OO ~ ~ ri ~uSt ~:aS, .~. ~ ~:..~ ., ~ mea to out you off the~e, ~ ' ~'c'': {; ...l T_ .12r, i' .l ¥5 :l.,:l.:, i.k .0n,::.i o'F:e ,-,,~ tn.t, reasons :s ~P,~e ool.~ht ~,"~;,:'{ 5.~s-'~ ,.~ ..... ,; on the :'-,lan _c -~he next area to get it -then hhe .. _ ; .- ,. * .. .. ~ .. ~. ,.... ~ e -~ ~ C~ ~ , ~ ' beat~q-i-Eul piece --¢ .... o~erty ~ ............ .... " ; 'q ~ ".? .:i: ~E. ?~': ::E.: 'f-I ]i. '~ C, '(' I I S;. ~ ~ ~i (.) i F.. ; . . ~.~.'. ....~ ..... ~. ~. ~.. .-, - . . ': ::'. .... '". ',' i ,'2,.:2, I"., I i'iZi '~',..t~'= ~:3 ~o,:)'O''~ ............. T t ' S O ]ose to s. s,3}-,oo '. I.. ? ~...I. ~ ~ .... '" . t P~ S b :.: ...... ~;~..:r~g.::? ~., it L:,~.J.~:::L .._:~oesn t s:eern right So -' ..... ~. ,_.~. _ ¥ L -i- .- ,t- .... ,.. ~.t the intent t4as . , .... ~:.~ y::.~'~'3: ~ ..u f:"~." ....... one nel. sneernooo s. sainst anotne~ neishbor~'~¢.:~,.~c~ sayi"~.c~ · '-~ '. ~' - x. ~ L . ~ ' , ~.) hle.~, '?'~ ~2:',:'":_ kc':, ~..~ }'.:?,l~c':,~.; a'no u,]~c., s net 8e~n8 to be yello~,~ Nho's 8oi.'n~ 'h.o '1~."~ -, .~:'.'.'l ;2 . ~- ~ ... , .~ '. ' .-'. - .f ~ .... ~.na.~.~,~o not · ~.:-.~.:.- ..~t:..:~:-., .... ne? ,~.:~.,,.. ~ae my first reaction ~,4as a].]. o'F a sudden p~e.:~, not4 ~.:-~'.:..'h,~::~ i?.'':~': us ',.,'e.'r'~-:us t..neff or semethin8 like that~ I~m lust curious about ' . ..... !9}'a area u.,~"-~;,' .,:~I .'al .::, :::~, ,i,-4,>R ~._~:.s chanse from the :se.~o> in . . o n i 'q ...... ' ; ..... ~ ~. i--,e .... e other one be{' ter ~.. ou · · ...... :.::.. '.:~.'.;...:::::,'n .~ .~ 5." +" ¼ .... SuE. ~ w 1 ' 't q~ . ................ i' ~,?a~'h 55: L,.~i i,:: ~.. '~ ....... ,,=~ .... ~.i'ng but Z dtx~E,o ~h~n I sat~ Ehis pxe~;en~atS..on Z ,..houg~,t to '.'....-,".]'~- i-..u: ~:';-:5';t ,:.:o,,c~spb ~ had ~as they're trying to pit us agar. nsf ,-:":.'" :' , :'~.:'-,i,;5,'~ ..... ;:',-,'~,u,~c~ u';/p~ t'ning. That sas my first thine tdas a , .-, r ..... ' ' -~ ....... [: .... ~ petb~een the rieI~hber , . .....,: ...... ':,,.' , .... : ..... they re uryi. ng ,.o create enemity '- ' .... ' · I,. ~ t ,.~-~ ~ ........ ~-' ' t ~ i S ...... ~.- a ,'.~ o 'F~.:::~ · . i ~ ~ x / j I ....... :,...: ~.:..,~.. ',-.r:: .:?:~-l:'.l'",er not gokng ~o atBa~n that goa~ or '>,'ou~re gO.Lng :. .:::, ':' .'-. ~': . ~:,.::,:: .::.~!.:~e ~',-, do ~t. Then ~f we're Looking for someplace e!:x~:: '~","', '" .... ~ .... ~ . , ...... L..j ~_..: '.-:.:.' :'-.:;5}.' ..,.i..:- :. k,,.ot c:;'h .s) r(s,o~O1iE'ik*~]- .... ~>: .,.~,~ can ~e l. egiti, mately serve::' v.,, ~... ...... ....... tt.:i~,~:~ucly~"- provide access to? t4hs. t o o'- ~.,~e t~i'n',~ ~,. .... ~.he ~'~..,~-~.-,~', ~'~ '~'- :2, ''.r-r:5. ,.7 :.rp ' ' .' :,. ,.; .:' a ,::.'~.-. :.J a ~ .E '>..' { ri', p ] ........ ? ' T h e .......... ~lt e~ ~. ~t '.B true . area to the north . ~ ....~ ..... '.. ~'F,e next area to be develope<l' -' T'na~."-'m why t,'~-~ '""h ~ ~ t../,m ~ ~ ~ ~ - ...... ~. ~....., .~. t~.. ~ .-.'".;:':' .:'..:::?: i:.c:.':- '::.l: ,.~ er'.s out3 ].ack~.rlg ~b,"~' ~ fel. t that thls Nas 8 r¢:~;.x.:.~,.~ . - . I ~, ~.. ..... ~ ~ I~ ~, ~ ~.1 .... '.. 'i; :; ; ':, ': .::, Is:of, ' ?,.s~,un~.i ng that the interceptor is 'n,~c useo, ~ ~oi,.4 rnu,..~ ~ . :::.r ':.::..' t.4,::,L: ?,.'-~,..~ >..'o~..~ '~ ........ ,..: .... '~... L,.,~ast..~:'- "~0,~ ....... b~e },~astede How mu. ch d~d e~x, ~4a. ste? F~o~,.~ n-iu<::: ~ ·" .., ' (~ (,) I ) ~,. -: .. '-. :::-."!- i: '>',,u have a'n explanation of your pet~t, ion~ ~,~x t you ' :.. ~ :". -',' .r; :h ~'1 <' :' ~" ~' - 2T',.," ...... ~,,her the lines ere c~rsiA':i T . :.~: :r:a:''.:l IL:" il" C d and /.~r,aB peop].e ~o~d rne v, ...... ~., : Ii ~] ~ T n e s .... ~ T ] -~- ' t *' , ,.~ '[ ,:l::~ :: , . ~t: ..... "7:.~-~ :~: oLs ~,;e'r-e .,. e, ~. out ~gnite holes t.~a~ ~>.;e'r-e i'~'-~ ............... - :> v..: ',-','-'~ c...:,:.{ .::: n,".'~ ~ ~. ¥ i e 4 ' ~' .,.. ' -'-' ....... ' - honestly Lo indicate that. E d~dn~t, ren'~embe~' .... . '..r ....... t _c 0 G W e ,.~ 0 [2; . .' ......' ' --'-~ ' j u s 2 a n d ' ' <.','~..h" '~.~ v.,,~/ :. ,::L,~,~ t C,ORtAC~ yOU T bJg~ . - ..... ~.. <".' ..=~ , e,..::~ Z','"~ 'no'[. e'uen sure that even the :[nes the City drew4 ~,',av ....... i,,,ll' .... ' ..... I''' '-- ~-- if this iS the edge c,f the prope'r'~y This i:-3 '~,;r:lS.;:, "'~'.' ~' ::"::: :',,':::,':::; ~ .... :'sJ-n a ~: .~s ..... your ~:,~- oegins. That ma>' oe r, ]'.. g h".::. '.:~'~- ~ '. :'i': ..'>~ y ';"~':3,'~.. "' 1..:! :. :',:::.'' ........ : - ' ~,rlan's and Lee's property ,,~.~u.'z :-.,rze'n s abut..s right onto o ' : :...:::.~.; ..... .::,..::~ ,2,:.~':',,,,er Cou. n,../ plat book and 'you'd see it rea.[ ea's~ :-.." .'- ni'.,.,.'~-.:'~-~ ,~,:~. .... e map fhat. ~ go* from the City didn't -'_:. · ~.:~:.:-.:~'t' "':5 >,c..::::: ar, d ~ rea~.ty ~ould li. ke to have people come o'n up .~:,4 ......... ' ..... use i 's a real big cma~.s~: tge ~,,~ discu ..... :,o~.. -, L. :~ u..".:.h't~.':. ' !"~ *. :.1 '..:,,:..:, L] 'k. L. f~ :. S;: ~..}8C8 C -, - ~ ..... '- - ~,.- -' ' i. ~ peopl, e ,n4~rsfand t4ha. t the pet'.:[tic:, .., , , ?. 'r" .'.' ,::: .... :: ,:.i,:.~}x . [,Je 'F e FIO t SLAt e ~ ............. -.- h:C..::.':"i::; .:i':i,'''I .-~ - ~r~lS thi'Fig ~ '~ ~ ...... ~: ..... ::-.:L,~-~ x ,,,.;at~r~'t going to speak tonight but ~ 'cea11¥ 'fee~ ~"h.::'r · -: .~ ,. :! '!:.).>.:' .;. L, X, .~ ' ' ~ ....... ~ ~" ' ~ I' r]r --[ I ' 7. IC]l t :' O'': misunderstanding. The L_ake Ann Interceptor ~.,¢as put in ' ? :2 :-7:" .......... ~ ...... k ' c, h a d a 'n u r b a 'n s e r v i c e I i n e e h a t ~,J s s a ~ ,_..,.,: . .......... ~ ~.'~'<-:.s.:>nt ~ine. I think some of you m~gh~ renlernoe~ ,~n~:x ...... xt came ..... ' ... you. re tr'v'ing to ge'L '{.'n .<-3:,:',q .:-.;~..~ .{.'[.. a].~ ..... ' ',,~O'.:L. encompassed the actual tine t,~::~ . -: ~ .... . T{--:.:e Cit/ (,Corked hard te get the Lake ~nn ~nteroep~'or c;L:t in , ~,.--.:-~. : ... ,, ..., :1~ ,>' , ...... , ~ , .~ ,~.. . ..... r .::: ~R <..~ Y }i.', .{i:~ .:!{ 'il .';.:..:::,t..:~ "-'~'~ {]]..ion dollars ~,~hich is to be ~oo~.~-~d apd has a~ - - ~ ,, -..- -' w ~w- .~., .. .~. :; ' ,! /.::.;~,k'{',:.ll Si:Ri ::/.';O</)rl8::~ ~ h:t ] i r,,-. gets i i-ItC) t'" ~'~ j. . ~ ~ j. ,.. ,.~. ,. I .. , .. :.:.;:,~ ~ :.....~:~'hJ: ,.~ ~ .... :E:eH~F iS 1qOt S0~ D.g to h~w~ to pay ~ ~atsFc~.~. (t~,~;::~Y'ge N'A .... L..L ~ ""~ ~ "' ~ der t *-F, t ~ -r. , . c ~ ..... ~i'l Y' ::=,t.~ :'i:.:">" {1. 0.:-'.., ~ :. :..~ .: ..... .~s.~.'e 'n or -..o put. ~. a~.. a ke ~ r,.r.--~ :. n-ce': ep ~..or ove~ .:: ':,,,..:, . ~ ~ , .... ~. , ~ ~-' ~ 'm ~ u. 8)fOL .... ::-:; !.: -.'..,' :' .. h.',:~ h >':: .~ .... ~:. n', i 1 1 i o n d o 1. I a r s t h a t C h a n h a s s e n s p e n ~ , s p e n' ....... h e r I.. }(?ui1'i'..{,i;;~elhkJ'll}!: FRight. No,~: ~e don't ~.~ant to let an;, devel, opment go 8. round Are those 5 1/2 million dollars going te sit there for t. he next I0 4~nc.'~ ';'~ot have any use of that investment that ~as put in just a ,..~%:~e:- ~i, omeone k~ik.h ~0 acres ef land er 15 acres e{ land in '~hat a'rea v,~.:-:~'r~i.-., to develop ]~ong before then. ~ don't knou4. I den~t- krio~,~ t'.he people that have sisned that petition outside o-~ maybe those at L~.~:.:I--,,~ L. uc?' 'r. ligh~ands and the fe~ ef the ethers in the smal.~er Aets~ acrs ].,'.sts~ better take another 9eed hard leek at ~hat. they did ...... :~--, " ~nat. here =' a 'reoiona.]. ,~ · (S ..2...~} ~ ~, . I ': I ~ :-' ..... o { ] faciIit~es are their OU.I} Of tea That's shat they T t.'s~; :~}.. utncj ~.n the ~round t. hat b,~e ~4euldn't be using. Ho~ ~.,~hether .,r ...... 3.:'p i u. o~- not ~.t seemed a~,~'Ful strange te unem that 14e ~ou].-~' .~,~. ~. i '~" ur'~xu, uhx. nk ~e c:euld probably sell the alternative plan ................ , o years ago mith this ~ho~e .Lssue of getting our church k. : i'.:~ ~' ',t. L. ()l..l 'f'lC i ,1, ~..~ pY'Oil)e'r~+'V,.., inside t. he sea{er ~line because ~e ~ere just outside of an:s ....... ~-~ -' ' ~ ch or ise Here running into a ]~ot ef cornpl, ications~ {'nc:]~.~,:;'].}.n{! thc~ City P!anner ~ because ~e ~lere outside of the HUS~ line so ' ~ .-~- -~s,o nd ~hen the ~nterceptor came ~-hrough i--'. :..; ~.i '~ ~' ,:l:, ',"! :.--'~ ,:.. ;, .~ d l:,0 'i- t. ~! aL ,.. i ~..~ o o ~ a ............... , ~le site c, ut. o'n o~u:.'u .... ~ n;~ n'~ost ef eu"r property se there ~asn~t. really a via5 :-'~.-.'!' i--"~ 07:::,'": t.')'" '~ ~'r . ' ~ ~ ..... -' , .....a septic system anyway. ~ mean ~ s running right throug -t, 1. _ ' I I - .~ r'~:~ m.~ec~le c:,f c, ur property. It just seems almost 'ridiculou® tc, not b,~ '.;;.:3 }'~oo ~-~., ~p -I-.,:~> it bJhat ~hey ~.~ere te~ll~.{ng me 2 years ago ~as i.t ~4..as ~J.p to "'.-',.:. '.2;il':y' tc:, present_ this plan and once it ~as presented~ it. ~as t. hen the?' u...~.':,',.:],! ma.. ...... ?~ ,...~ec;i:s~.. ~_ ~s like something that's really going t.c:.. ....... t. he kaL, eosh on their ~,~hole reason for opening it up. I don~t, k'nob.~ i'-" :'" ~' i ~"1 ~ ]. ]. el- '" I gUeSS I b~ould say b~ith regard to ~ha.t ~4e just looked at.~. large lot st. uf{~ I like large let stu{{ se that's ~,~here I st. and. 8ut '~'ag.~.a'~-,:il. ess c,'F that, I guess my point ~ould be sort ef like...i hope that this intercepter t. hing ~.gas put in and I don't kne~ a lot about. 'hhis:, s].] o'F 8. su. dden ~e have al.~ these people that don't seem to 14ant to Nil;.h t'_his intercepter~ I hope that all these people that o~4n this :;::orrieheu,, kne~,~ about this or someone made an incredible mistake putting i'r~t'.e'r'c-.eptor. I mean Has it put in ~itheut all these people knobqin8 ~ ,.nis done to force tn~ ~ n ~b.~:~ ...... 'n:-7: ~::,~ ~.970 - Page 41 o1'.'.. :-, c:: r F, eop~ax a~...~ I mean y'ou had this thing going through? That doesn't.. ' .... 1 .'- ~ ~ ~ , , ~ rom gOSrq ~ i!5 see ] i.>,,:~ ~", ~'nc:~'.s k le~ pxobl~m to me X mean ~'f you put 5 ~/2 mil~c'n do]..lar~ ' he:se La ~ assume ~ha~ ~hey dkdn't .j ,~-.t ' ..... "'n.r:,y c:,c:,n'u b.,~a',".t. 't:.o develop it Then it seems like son,ebuo'x played some ' ' tnat.~ just as fa'r as .-.-~ih].e game there to get tnat 8ut beszdes ' i' ...? a.: ] .{ !qc'i-,.:.~..~ .... the '~'.?x qL~.:-;.:s.'ltti, o'i': goes~ I still try to understand this idea 'that t. axes~ you ~-',~.~v.s 'L~o h.~-:-~"ve in,dustr~.al, for taxes and aLL this~ I've Liv~.~,:.~ ~' in quite a 'Pew ~. ~ ~ O O ~,.~ E.. ;.~:~'-:.:-:::-..: in n'~}.' life ~no I've ~ived in aomrnunities where fhere Has just ' . ...... 'rial,.:. no comrnerc~a! and kB had 10 t~mes the sexvice as ~--?.., ..<.':- ;,-~,,,:..',-',~.:::,~..~e'r tax xat. es ~ ¢ , Z ach" ,~ be] .... ~eve t. hat thexe'~:' th~ ,..J.e s' a 'Fit ecs ~: a.:R J'. byQ~ V ~. l~g ~. noustx ~ a ]~/oommex c.~a. ~ you. can gu. ax antee me t r ~a .... ~;... I~ .. ~ .~ ~ ,.,,~,t. s uhe c,n~y way Ne re go~ng ~o be able Lo have ~chool~ ~c,r ou.r kids and . "~" f ' ;~S; '~ .... .~x.~... r, t. he~- s'~ 'fY A~' ' ' " ......... ~nodgn Z 'd ~ove you to prove that to m~=, sometime ..:; :...~ :,'. :x: :-c~. Th~}. ct, ~ t.h~ng ]_s~ I have noth{ng against the Fleet ~arm {n ....... ~ ..... ,cu.La'~-. .,. m ~usi:. ~,~ondering and E ~ant to bring up the p,okn,~ o'F '/cu. ye ::~$:'......e!., .... ,--1 ~'his dow'ntob~n. I knoll you kno~ this but maybe ~'ome other · ../'F--' '.'.T: ~.., 1., ~ ~ ..... Fou '..;.::~ ~.sloped this 4oNn't.o~n corrimercia.t area and now you're , . .) { :-:: F..::s: ::: ,x1.:~ 't tn-{~ on maybe putting it ~,~ay out there. That may end up :'",,'S',N i ~ ~ (':",,Ji-~ S 110 }"O .L Nay QdV{:. otis oi tRose oommNnitie8 doNn the road t4here a ~......,..:.~'~ air i. e znd out to ~'~ edge over here to ShOp E ~ant that to ~.~ and then the -Fi'n~l ,~h~'ng ~ ~"~ t~u~'"~-..,:-, on~,~ rn~'nuE'e t.o t,sl.~_~ me about this He~-~ CounciL. It seems .l. ike Si",.a'nh,sssen is beholden t.o the Her Counc{1. F ..... ' ..... takes mcr,~ than a minute .-.~ ;'::: :. Z ~ ).'. .L I .... ' ~ ~ nt. ~ know is Nhy I mean is Rochester, eoo~v c)u L. !7:.~.:?.C:.-6:L.~$.;2 .d.,' ].O~'',.., Of b~hat 6!e~r,~ doing is assuming that there's_ son~ ,. ..... ", ~" t;'.-~.?;',--e x.,nc_l t..hen I Nant t-e knew dees Chanhassen have semeene en the Her S'c,:.."F~,{;:{] o'i' do :.an'/ e'F us have any say? l'" .......... .ill ~'-- question on the Met Council is o'ne ~ a.lNays enjoy ' F~a~GJ.e tha~" F"..,.'e~-'l:x' .anst,.;.?'~" :3 $ ].it. tie bit different too but Paul, t, Jou.~d you ' " r'-',.,~ n-F.../im~ do :/ou Nant to t.e.~.~ us? - ~ ' ~ ' ' e I' la'., [... L... 8 =':.;q OU'r'F'/ j. .just wenteo to say something ~bo,xb hoN t'~ .,.YiC{}'J,:_:.{Spu. t)/ set4e'r came ab,out because I thought ! Nas going fo oe ~,Jit. h eve'n ,a~'r'~ I have non by the time the thing get do'ne~ l~m Xi.m = c ,::.:, :.,J , ., c:. ,:.~ ],u. ~,.x here s~nce ig68 but an},'~$ay, hearings 6Je nad to rnake ...... ,. .~ . ~ ~ ....... - '~ J :. :..,.:.:,. .... ~.: n',L~.,~'l:.i--rr~llic, n do~Zax ~oa'n fxc, m F~xst Bank St P~uL Z xecall L.o get ........... '- mba '-keg .... ' oecau~e thaL's how t' ~' ~..- '-.',':~4,<:", ,, ,:,,:a .~. ...~ Ld OU~kT1~ ~a.~ ~ ~ , · '..~:'. c..:-,:..~lor~'t. ~.,.Ja~.t~r-or t. he Lake ~nnl Interceptor se~wer because It ~,.Jas · '~:":.~':e,../er. T-F ~...;e haon~t, ta~xe~ uhe hu~ by the horns~ b~hich ~hen Decar~e a :,.~::,, ...... ,..)'~ k.h::~ in'kerceptor system later on~ that ~oul. dn ....... be'L ~his b.~as nc, t just out of the back of ~ ~- ~' ' ' ..... } ~-.U: .::! '," ': 'r'i <.~{ :53 / .~ ,. ), .... ~ .<'¥'. l'k. ?~.:u dca, ne a.'f~ .... : ]..eiuuJ.~nous thought In ' ~ ...... keg 8u. siness Park got going that the I' '::.'.:thi-,a!". ,..,.-::::: ~.~].anned.- . I~',_. :s par~-,~ of the entire pJ..an :,,:~,~,,,::.:::::c,'-',. lt'o not. just. something that came o~,~' of th:, blue and this ~,.~as .::,..¢.-: :ng i-he ].~:.¢.t.::'~ 70 s and 80 ~. ~ ]_ct of people here '.~'- ~ ~ . ., ' .. . nad lots of long black hair. i was quite a ge, od :::',.:',',.:.:..:', .: ,::';,r 1,;?:::5,s Ne ~ I ~ ¢ .... '-- '-' y'ot..~ Jim. Paul, could you address Bill's quests;on ab~,nt 7 ': hr5 ': u. i ~'la: n,., :.....:..:..~::::.-:..: c .... :.~.~..,.I z ~ i v in the early 70's t~a¢:', c:ha.'~o --I to ~'.'. :~ ':.'. '~ ,:'., ,> .::.>:.'~ ~ .... ,... ~::. n ..... o u n c .~. ~ ~.~ n k c h h a s a u t n o 'r' k t y t o o v e r s e e c e r. ~-~ a ~ n f u. n c t i o n s .i :,.. , ': ::: ::: e ,.,' .:c~ 'n c: c,.: n t y m e t r o r e g i o n.I h e C o u n c i 1 i t s e 1 { i s a p p o i ~ ~ ~ '-' -' o' h':~::::u~ ~,.,~n:::~ ':.,'",ey re s. ppointed by. The Governor Ne do nave a r,~presen~ t I :..':~.:,:?.. ~...~a'r':~'::' ~.,.;h,o~s very active on our behalf. She lives in Cnannassen~ ' ' ' '8 ~ d Tn:c: He':.ro C,::>u'nciL nas authority. First of a~L~ you're rnana .... ~e to have :.:-:):r:i::)reh~er~sive plans. You ca'n't elect not to You have tc, have ~' .' ,.'~'L :no'.e.? HUS, A lines ~,.~ithout havin~ a compwehensi,~e plao that oacks up ,:...',::..~'~' r::]ocat, ion of the F1USA !ine~ The Het. wopo!itan Council uses tn~, e s not ~map 'Frog cJeve]opment ~c-:, .::::'ns:~': o ,..~ ~.x!- regio'nal faci I it.i. es that they interact and cont. rol ~,~it.h ,'.,~ ........ ' O ~ve I oprrient or converse.ty :::::::::::::::::::::::: sr.s k:,uil,., ir-~ advance to support 'e .... evenu ue~lopment, from occurring in areas that are i:. ~ ':. :. , 'i Q 'i" & ~.i 'Q k..,S, pr ' -' ~ -~ ' - ;n:::~,-,,','-,:',~'i:.:t:.e They do have the a~tnority to approve~ r~ject o'r ~-, ~ ~ '~ ~" }"i ,:::,~.:,:',-,g::s :i.n you'r comprehensive plan. They can be very tough t.o dea.~ ~,u:.~.. .::"~.-~ ov:..'~" .. ,..> ,,,e.c~r:~ Chanha~sen'~ ~e~at~onship b~th them nas not ~een i ~ -,.. - ~ / I ~;~ ~,~ c> re '.'~oq:.?7:.~llx ¥~e~':e rnovZng ~nuo some be~ex ground ~AJ.~h ~ha~ and csn ' ...... mo .. ~ ' D 0 : . ...... ~uu ]~,~/ They ~_,, :,-,,~.2tive ~"e]..at~.onsn~p b~t they do have a ~ot o: ~ '~hor'~' . .... ~-- ~- '~ I1-. t) - i ':~:' e'.-'..:c:u ¥.~'~.. ~..h '~'~ .,,,~,_..,...'~'~' t.o h',~..~ild~, uhe se~er lines . They do ~ n't:.eract ~,,,~ith H.-r)---~- t."~ k~x-.;.!c.~ the 'nigh~,~ays. Hi. gh~ay 5 is not being bu.tl.t to four .1. anes wes't:. ~,::.::.,:':~t.c:,~,,.~'n at this F,o{'nt because the Hetro Council object, ed t.o it~ lhey~',ze :~.::in,:::.,s c:~'~ange,'..~ ~ ~r pos~t~on and hopefully ~hat Last segment can o~ h~i~.t ' ' ....... "-~ kind c,f authority they exert{se k'.:.~J.% ~".:",aL '.3 u~ ~ ......'.--r'-~r ~. Again t.o ','-spear, I think our rel. ationsh~p t.,~ith Hot nou. nc¢.l~.~ over ...... ~.,een exactly real ~arm. It's like big brother t.e~., ng r ~::: y .~.:~ r s h a ::? 'r: ' t '-- ' i i i (~'"']....:~ :~.~st:.:,:': ~,,~hat t.o do al~ the time. ! think one o'f t. he t.h :.....c~"'r'e ",...rx'~nr~ to do in expanding the ~,,¢~,,~v~,, line is to get some more ~,, .... .:~:<ihi..liL';/ {n ~.Jhat happens t.e our C~ty instead e'F always having Heu. {i':}L.i'lq(3~i! oic;ua,.e F~arce]. by parcel and street by street. Hhat. goes , ~'. i"~ .:¥ : ''~ (l. ~-' ' ~ , ~' C'~ ' .. :,.::~' :'/.Srl,.j~ a./i'¥'oo..~y ~S encouraged to contact Harcy, our represenu~k, ive ,:-:.:, ~..~: blot. Council and te get involved. I think He"d certainly ~,delc:ome it :in-:.I-,..-: p].6ni'~irlg sta:'F-F and commission so again~ ~'d ].iRe to" ' ..... ' ....... property up {n this area and live u.p {n this area "r'eu.r I ..... '-. ,:::> t.~ ~' t.h~ var{sug different pJ. ans ~,:e'r~ ta}~ki.n: aoou'u Cerne o'n l.'..-1 2i] Fi': .? i ~ ~ .(:: ~ ;-, . .... '~ ~ .... I . ,.:i ~-~. :.'.':.. 'n 'c.o R'/a'n. L4e're at 6780 Galpin. Sor~ c,f in t. his glo% in neYe ........ ~' "-'" k our prope'?t'/ a. bu. ts , -t~ ~ o ~'y , ~.~ b..~ ~ e ~..,ee~""~ .... : .......,-~in 7o..r' pr per~ oq the back herre e ,,./ '.-...r: '~'-.:.'.'..: 'no{: .... ~' Jo .,.~ ,:3, ng. 2 v, ear s . P~bou ~,~ the same number of `./ears a®~ yourself :-'~ .... /p.:":~,~;e~' c.{ re]axatic,'n and open'ness and Su. st good family ~i{~ ' h." :.~ "?.:~r,~ ].'>.'. ,,!.~ ~:~jo'>.' ~-he /s ................ ........... - ,~ rea a gr'ea~- dea~ When th~s in~,~rccptor ..'n. ;....~;: c;.¢.d'n'l:: real. ly have much to say about it a'nd it sort of ~.,¢e ' . . . ' - *e - {Ay but i~ ~er, t in an,:i }{~",.;,~,/ I L.'-.JOU l<]n 't sa'/ aga.;_nst ou.l bJishes t,.¢cessar . I ~ .... gel t come c: .....~ ......... {,e'rqt ~o~ per acre OV~ it ano i't s ~ o an ....... · .~.;:{~I::..,.5~ ,"~t,esti,~,n c:)¢ ~.a}-'~en in terms e% eu.r k,'iet4. ~nd t4hen Er:~c cam .. ~ ~ - ~. - .-~ ¢ ~ ..'.:..'....,~;....~'~ h '/:.he petition i.n,tially Hary an...~ I bo,~h felt pretty good abet..~'t :'~',.;. p~:~,'a:,.ki, on and ~..~e s~Sne,t ~t because ~e ¢e~t that the petition L~.--,:-,.':.. 5, nd (4hen Hary and i fa.u. ke,..., uoe u:e '¢rom the NIUSA extension a .?:. :..:.,.. ; ....... ~,,.~e ¢e,.t:. t. hst ~,~e ~8. nted to h~ve the opt.~on si,ce the Z n'heT, ._.n~:~ asses~m..nt is coJ'~ng so those are my thou. ghts '"-'..... .... ' ..... ~ma lzt. tle './elleH Ii'ne ris~'~t'- to ,'.:,~:'.: ;2i'~'i' % .~'r],,:sen C;oulo yOLI explal'n .u ~ ;',~!,:.~,:.,I.3 c,. t., e ~h.5_te on the MUSA ~ine area on the north side o¢ Lake ,.,~',, ,.hat s Lake Luc'/ Highlands suboivision ...... s ::..:), ,::..< ~.:.e,:.::a'.~:::~;e... ,.oi: tha~',~ pr:~-l, oSF. .~ ., designation . It ~4as under tha.,~ pre.~8F. ". '. ': :~: ',." .:::.: !. I (.:, i.,.; p a r I. ? .... ~r,~ yel lok¢? Yeah Right That ........ -'~ . , t other property t' ~'iSI.. ?. ir'~ ;':;'.-:~;..;:'.~..s: ,-,~,..,.:use i,.~ ~...~,as platted Unlike al~ he ' '; '"' .... 72 ,. · ~:'.','~ ,.:.:. ~.::i sc'rs plat ancJ ~f you had the larger map b~e've sho~.,~n ....... ~"h(~ --,..bdivisions that b~ere platted under the same ordinance over [.. J , ~ 'i ,. ::g ' , ,., .f..~ , , . I~_ NI . · ' ~::,>.' t,,~¢, i'nnesota River as ~ell It'o just_, t.o ~ ' ,~.:.,..:;t ~..,..~.~?s deve~.oped. Zt k~as su. bdLvidcd and there's going to ~ ~.. I~ ~ . I ~.. i.;'~ t'~'::P ~.,.La'n ~..,~,,h. ~Je eon't expect further subdivision. Ne 4on't expect., t.c :' t .~(~ '., ...' ,S 4-o,. :~:;erv,:::s i'k , NJe don t expect that the utilities, the on ,..,:':.i1..C.~::i.:~:;; ~,~ill have problems at any time in the near _.. = ...... ~n::~;en Nell this little boundary of the ne~,~ ,~xc .... Do~,~' ~hat mean that. ' ~..S noDooy { n that area , ': :,.,: · '.~-; j. 'i !':!:~ .S.~, .. 6~ . '~.. ~¢ e ~. ......... ' ........ .'~' inside of that area? :: ........... n .... ] maybe you could talk a:eou., that a 1. it.t~ bit more '~ :}" ". , .1:, ,'" .'.l:. ,, ~ ~ ,~ ~ i(.- ..... ,s:~::'-.': l.,le.~..,, again, it boils co,an t.o the Tact that t. he only ~.,~x;/ the :.9.{t" e i l..'::? ' ........ ~" ,'",~, ne't7 have ~he authority te de it, even if Ne Hah'Bee fo "'::::l' .... :. J. ;:;:,": . .:; : ," ':' .... ~'~ ...... t 'r. on ~,~ OO e[n i.s~ my dream h~..s ~.~eeri to di~'i, de .~o~,.,~ ...;L~'~'~n:%t]:' or i.,..]~:~t..~ver lots an~ I didn't sisn that pe~..it~on and .~. '.../e :':::::.::':"l~.~:~:.':o?~ i'~"~ m',/-~.:e that T ~,.~ant to develop a certaJ, n part oF i.t~ No~ a~ ...... o, .;5 ;.';~.~,...,::~e'q m;, ,-",oF~a~s: and cJreamp; are ~:'hot if thie in: gone th'r'' l ~;.::.: ~:~'..~,'k','r~ You'r Zot s oua of there Z '" ... ' ' .' " . oFe~-J yOU. T ~Ot OtJ. t O'F there~ ..,ou: ..... ~ {.:~:i:e~sa'r'~ cab buu- Paul saJo that they do not ~ant varial-i~',',-,~:~ ~'~d ..'i" :; ::.,:~.'? '..' ' ~ -- - --' ~<~:~ ! a]..se s~d I need to clarity Hhat i'~.~e ~4ritten te you. and : ..........L a .s ._. i 'L i e 'n really said There's a let e~ mi~ ~' .... .... ~{ .... :..-,,-.... :~ :~.a{'er~se'r~' Well~ i'm settin8 raiireadeo into semethins that. ,. .. ~.. I~, E:':",:~-,'~ .... ~..-:~ c:lear that. you're ..... hat peti~.ic, n and your 4. a J,:i.~ '~'~tified ! be].iewe as not being en that petition, Z:o~.:;. ::.l:h-,'iste'ns.e¥'~' 8ut ~'ill MUS~ allo~ all these meande'r'i'ngs a'nd ins and ...-:.... [. :%-? ~ ... I .... l - y, I,~. ....... ~"r-,ris:'Le~"~:3e'n' t,..Jell 'then I~m {n if this coos th'r'ough 0'r' l~m out i. ':-, .'.: ',' "' -~ ~ .... -,-- , . ~... e .. ;:~.:., :7 b~hat b.~e've get to decide. No're leering 'For peep].e to ~' .. o~:~s are That's ~,,~hy ~,~ appreciate ....... ' ....... b,~,~l~ Y ~-h~nk Z'd better get a petitior~ going ~ ~ ...._...., ,.~ ...... :-~: ..... ,~ ~ ou ] i ~' -Fi.r~. ~ ' . ,-,e the , et plan verRus the second you're say'~ng~ fi:'.::'. (2:-,'r-~.:::.-~t,:~nsen' I like the first pl. an. :::-r":--~.',-t' okay. You b..Jant to be in the MUS~ line, - - N a v o s o .8. r .:, .... .., ...~ i :c t: ,s: n :{; e '0 %sn't there any b~ay, ~hy doe:z; . . . a Nclex or N~' "~ ..... ~.. i. ee Tho ~ ........ ....:: _:.:... ~...:. ,...~-',,~:~ have :a ].ready got. functional ......... c~rsi, nfkel.~s and fh~i..r.~ .. o~..~n ..... .'-'~" '3 '~:," :F ':"..: 'fi', ~ : ?;~':~'r~'~ ',!~''~e ].ooking at th, ac. There may be some alter~ ~ ...... - ......h ...... ~ .... ~' . ~,obi¥'es k'~r' ~:tc.. ~ '~..s%: ~:,o'',,,L t':n~Nh~..~., '~.~e re ]u. st tryin8 to 8et a Teel for ~hat ~e people. ~n ...ce. ~:~.~a ~4$'nV ~.,.;e'~-~~ ooing to be ~o'rking on this ali summer Pau~ . .~r . I ~ I ~ I . .I ~.. ;.' .... ',..:::':::':'.: I I c:ot.]].d a,:tdress that Nn~n L~e first sot into this ~e ]~ooKeo r ,:.'...:3,,.%-5; }l':" . .:..~..;..~. } o T o 'F e ~ ......... ,aL. i ng a ]ittle donut hole in the HUSA, areu o ..... ,...., ..... ~.,.~c,<,c.~ a'.;nd, u]..tirn~tely art'.er talking to Erio~ aro~ ~ ~ ske ~c:y High]a' ' ' tQa. .... .. ~- 'k'~'- . ~e found ou.t t'hat we couldn't do --'~ S . Nacking that~ what L~e d{d {s we desi ..~.,~.~:~:. t...,..~ ',;-s, ..~ands and T,mberHood and all the other 4 ~72 acre .: ;.:,'; ..... v: :: :;. <:. ",q ::3 4, ] 0~4 res~ oen.ia]~ ~ ........ o,ss 8nati. on and tnere'm text ........ :,:,~.:. ,..)-,~ there ~.,.;ill be t. ext in the plan that. zs very,, e,,pl{cit.. -Lna. ,..~.,,,:..~ · ~-c.:~s :.:~ ¥. .... :.,~..,,u,~: ~:.::J to remain that ~ay inside or outside the MUSA ..... ~ ' i, I~ .~ I ~ ,. ~, ....... -~u.:...c:.{paLxo'r'~ c,',st that's going te change, lhere's a concern that -I- . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ ,~ ~ .... ~ / ;'::{'2~'~'.'. n,c .... ?o Fa'r enougq i gu~.~s and hence fhe petifion to cempleketv ' , ' .~ '-.I-.-,,:~ ~,,oA ].ine and t:' - .,:-'::.-. , '...,.-~.';~,- .......... ';' c,m;.. ,.,,~o,~ - n,xt s what Ne 're "'~.ry..ng{ e,.o teac,. ~ .... t. - ...... ':';.': .... ':,,-, ?:i~.:::',"l~:.:{d'!"l b.!ould a counter petition prove anything: ,--.--'-- ' %L.~.r...P.. t,.~e ]. come k t You ' we got a quick quest ~ on Er L,c? Cornrne:.".t;. ~- ~--~..-- ~'. .... .;v?~,:'n Coux. d i oet up and explai'n some thiv, o~; before T ~ak~ e'nemies i I .[. ~.. . , 'll~-~t C'f my' r~P~'l~ll:~nc, orsthac ~ don~t really ~,:ant to make enemies out o-~2 .... .: , ..... ]eao:.t a :ittle past b,~st, or'; of ~4hat~s ~ore ic:n :l. :,:5 ',; .j. ,..~ i~ ~:; .:2 ~l.l 0 ~l.~ r e c. ~ ~ ~ S t.. .~ ~ ..... - , ~ ..... ~' h, <.:: ~ ...... ,,....,p ] .~ u n d e r s ~- a n d ~ h y. ", d::' ': ." '.'!-' ". ~ ,... "' "'" ~' . ..~ ~ = ' '. ; :. [... :,, / 'V' .k - .: " '~ 'I:.' get. ting late. i'11 ha\/e to cu.t you off J..n 2 rain :--y. t 0 ':":' ' ~..,.i.:;' .~. j. ]. S .............. c,..:;..,~.~:;nk Lo expl.?:~in wnac your petition is o~caLi~ ~o,~ of this is s~.~-",~:)~...~ .. , I{ ....: .':-.:. ~.. ~';., iv k'i.'~'~ ' i ,xrote ~'-cu the City that I wish there were ~.~-.r~rn~,... ~.,~ay ~':'~c: ~..;~,~-: you, Mr. Christensen, Mr. Phillips and Mr Ryan In ~rit:.iqg to '"'-' ':' '_':/ ','. ~".,.:.:~ I:. Lhere Nas ~ome w~y ~h~ pl~n could ~ooon,moeau.~. their ~.,.~ishes. .:~ ...... ' ..... ,...n~ llne around the areas that t4ere in,c{' .... .................. lc:.e, ce<,:~ ~4 1} L "~.'],~! ' ~' ' ,,.,~ .... i't'c..i.c:,'r'~, lh~; people that I ca'nvased, I made clear to them ~.,~hat Pau.~. ~,':.,{:,'., ..... ~.,......]d n'ie. tdhat _~:~ consequences Here. of oeing baithin t'a .. .... · ..... ;~'.- , ...... ~,~,.......:,m line. I couldn't, cont.~ct., I was not ~ble to get · : .'.';,'. '?..;:'.;c;'/,....~.:~. I 'L'F~ed several times to get you DUc I couldn't ~ d~ j '~a~'''' .... ~ ,a..~ C5 0 ri ,~ : .....~.. ........ ' r,{ F'hi]].ips though ~nd I did ~ry to get you to try and ~ C~ ' ~ ' k e ¢-~ -Lhc'Ye's some ~,~ay in plans to present some selu *',*. .,..{ e ns here. Co~_~,.~d th, eir /': .:.:p,.,;v~:i¥::.;.; be drawn out o'F Lhe HUSA new but ~ater when ~et's say this ...... '- t'he H~fro~olitan Council is up in the year PO00 it -.,':;,:_-.:':;,'~',?s:T.,:s~s~.,~,.~ to maybe bump them in or is it possible that iO 20 ,xesrs ':.c.'...: t.',~'~a.'L ;T.L~s 2 !/2 acre with sewer would come back and accommodate therr'. h~,::.~.:..~.<~;· or~.gin.a].ly~ the original petktkon~ X~m ~ust going to read you ...... e ~ ... ' ' ~ a Ci to -{: i ':- c{: u {':;.'.s.~nta'nce. Tt says ~.~e the unders~gneo petition ch .... ty --.?-;<::.?:-r.~;~n.~;f¥~ the Land indicated on the attached map from Io~,.~ density - , k: ch .... .'~..:.:':c.'~";"ic~ , 'no se~,Je'r- service to reside'ntial large lot zoni'.~g ,,~,~.~ · "2 c.t.:.:,-.s n,.ii~:}.mum i~ the MUSA lLne n'ieves ou.t. Se ~,.se Nero s. ssu. m[ng that ..... ~ '~ '-. - ~.,.~ i. -'-" ' * ~' ~ * ~- ' ,' ~' ~,,~ i t h i n t h e *-~ ~* .... H *' - .:~ -..;., :....! !-. ~.. _ ~ ~-,o c:. So I fried to draw it as though there ,,'~'- ' 'r-i~,{~ ~ :,~, - Page 4~,;, r ~ ~ · ~ ~'/ · ..,. ur, ins to make enemies o of an, or my , ~ ~ ~J .... i..i,:..~ _.L.~ ........... - J ~ ' ',...~-,: .-'~,~:.,. ,~.,z.~, uhe best I could with the map that I ~',ad but ~h oi'n ...... , ..:.. .,.,:::,rig ....or,Fi ,:_~=v-~ .... ...).,,,"~t of ~'he ma]or{ty o{ tn,~ people that ..... ' ' -~-~!ect what this ~lap sheb~s, A ma]ority~ And there are , . .::. ..:, ;' . .i_ .::; ~-n.~::'L. L,.~,:~ N.SST',:"{ ,, ~,~,~ Z kne~J di,i not~ and Z did indicste en L. he " ~ ..........' ...... nos sob.der lhat you want te be ": .,., ' ~ ....:x~u ....... ~:::~ rne ,~-xnd that Hr phi1~ips_~ did and that Hr ~ ~z i ,.,:~'~ ~. ~,..~ ........... ' O~O ~O~. ]eave yon ~ m~o]..~ oe p' ~..~ ,... .~.~:,--~ ' m!'~:;.~'n'-'s Kric Do'n~t feel bad I did a pe~iti, en one c.~.rne ~ 1'~ ~ . ~ ~ L.~ ~::,r..: ..... .~ , ~ ~,.;Ul,'::~ the 'same th~ng. It took a .LO~ ,'~ . ~ ., L. . (- ~ .~ .L e .- ?~,::,.:...,v :::~; ~e:-'~,]i'ngs 8~L. on the o+'he ha'nd n ..... ~.,e~.lt{O~S are good : ~'~ ~'~',.::, 'k.,: , ..... 'Fo important to get people into th~s p.Laoe and ,.~,=~s so ~,~e don~'t, hear .later on we~l nobody kne~.~ anyt. h~Lng. "~' i.. ')'~ '' 'ia;',..:...:.:: 1430 lake Lucy Noad' R!e had a se~,~er ~.m~l. ure this winter so ~,.u~::% ' ..... ' , to get se~Jer a.~' f' c ~- '~ O00 ~ Ne 8. r.e goin{~ ..... oe ..o.~k~ o{ . ~ .~..~L.} {2'.,r:. ; .... ::S': :""."-'/~ it makes it a pretty expens3.~e draiRfie]~d~ Ne-ye ~ : ..:.::..:; ,oN'Foba y', ~,.Jhen the extension 8oeo through~ u .4 '..::.q-r.::: N.,?'re .~:~t right no~ the extens.~on merel, y takes care e'F the one . : ...... ~ :..,.,.~L. ~.,~e: have. R.le~ve lived out here so years '"' ' -- .... stkcall, y the Last ceup].e unree years and ~' ' , I~ ,.L ~ +. I ~ ~ · ' ':{~::r:>~'~'~"~- ~ .... I ~.,;o~..~.~.d like n,~. possibility of oeveloping before l~rri 75 ;.; .: ! o,:~, an.:..~ s;o ~¢e ~.~ou.~d Aike, ~e ha~,e ii acres u~ there and I ~eu~d l.i. ke :d~'.= ~':.;"~ 'Fecord hhat being that we're having it extended te take care .... ~ our :~,': · ...,.~:.':.e i..,-~'-...~,~em, ~ wou.~d Like hopefully bJithill a year or t~o to have, ..... . . there ~ . ~.. -¢ .,I ~i I~.;~. e S ;'.i '7~.::, :2.:::~x".:..,' ~,~:x name .t.s ,ee Coo'/. !'m on Lake Lucy Road also and ~' .... --. ,--~ .--. ~1 ' I.., .~ .... ~ .... ~ don't kno~4 i'F you guy's v~ere knv'o].',/ed .{.n .... n;.s ~..~x~ o'q : :-~.: i':";",:..~.:r' . ..... ,f,"," 'L'r~.:~ u ~,.,~:, sorqe~h~g~ T~we ~ved on U~ke L..uc7 Road no~,.~ -Fo'r' .... ~ ~-:i~ ~' - ' '/',~':,si-C:; ~:~ri,:i L. ,-:.~,.. ~¢e~ ~o~th~Tlg t' '~ ' ~ ' ' " ~ ,~.t.. ~ne the people ~h~ lived ~'r~ Yh.e axe~ c~ener~l~ Hid ::;. .': ::- ..-;: ... ; ~s. ,::~ '.': ::-,,.~ ;/ T~ee ..... ;d ~o oo~oof ~h~ rog~o~ ~ou~h o~ u~ ~¢ith tho reg'~oT~ 'r~or~.~ ! .-J ...... h.~.s't' "~ 'n + be u~ed pox ~e ~or that axe~ Zt ~,~ ~-~ei'ng used .... I :' .'~.:x ;.. ,-;..':~ ~.c:, divert t. ha~ ~e~ge oou~h. Th~Y~ ~,~hat ~'hey' ~olo :: ,.;.,i:>,:::,,::::~': ...... '.,' emehl~ ~'~-',e:~ tha~-,~. ? Tn~t' - ~as the package you ~o].d us. :~o ~o e,..~ , , I. . . ,... J · ~ .'~.~:' f..he '),.'~-~s-, 2000 I got that ~n u;r~.t~ng someu~here and I'm no'~- .s~b,::~u ~.~:~ --:::~ ,-, ~ ",..,.~: {.~ot 20 a,-:res~ on Lake L..uc'~ at the. far east a'nd I ,~,=~,~ ~,r.: ..... z' 'r~'t..c-nLi,~'.'~'',.. ,. :..:.,::.,'~ .e~no ~.,c ..... ! mean I'm not inter'-~ .... havi ..... ' ... b. - ' r'~d "~' ~, d T ~-hir~k that you ~" , ........... ~',.'.' ~-..:.;.-:::": .?.I.: .~:;~"o~.:. rrie o~a an ..... ~u. ys keer~ ~orgett{ng "":-.. :-:, ',' ~:s ..~;:"r'.:::' peoF;,~e who L~.'ve here and b.¢ho mowed here fox specific xe,~so'ns ~::~, ..... '1 .... : ...... ' ' ~ bev ~/snt. to do a'n© 'nc, f Ii" '." ~ ' :' .: :~ t.. i )'/<.:jC, L. ~E. :Er i ''~ ~ '- ~" ' ..... h~ ~.....~z .. ............. C~.:.~i S oor'ne i'0 a'F~d do t~13a~ ~ ..... ~ . . ~ · '- h,:P p e,::':, :'~, 1 .:3 ~...,~ h o h.r~ ~,.:e t .... , ~ . . ~ .... ~,..~.,- n~re ~ve oeen in Cnannassen for 14 '/ears ~,~ :.Tel L:['.-,C: tlred of people coming up ano telling me t,~,,~xc they t. qant to !-',<v'>,' 'r".::~ ou'l:::siders. ?'...l ,c~ b: ~h~ Planning Commission and the poople c,:'r 4-t ....... .... · '" ;l.:)i~ -'i] s;hould ].~sten to ' le H~o are here And the .~.~=.0~.. cc.,t.~.,.,... :.-.'. ~ .--'l '1 .::]~,::.tf.,'-,n::5: yO~'.L' '.L 'notice ~.he C.~i-y Cot.:nciZ is kind o'F al I. ~.f. fferent.~ ............. . TN~,~ .... ' ...... ~ ~ ,~c~ve'n'~ been re~ exczted ... nd E. he 3, u~er pec, i~ ..... u' ..... "..:::=.~n..:. 7 th:hR you sh,ou~d get ?he message okay and the ex<~.~ Game ~ n.0 :',~-,~-...~ e.~ c,'n the street. On Lake Lucy Roao. t.,~e didn t ~a,~ the tner Ne didn ~ ~... hex ~ '- ,. - _u. th .... .. ' '~ have a oho{ce. T .... to;- ced ~ ..... i'-~ '~ ~'~,~, ' ~' ~" ' .... m'FiCd/J RJI iO :~ ;: .?:'.,.., ~ ....... n .. ,,.not,,J t.,:hy' y'ou keep bringing up the 'fact E don't u. .,... ~ ~.-. . ~ ~ 1 .... i l'F :'L's the City or if ~t's tn~ P.~.anning Commission, x~ep:~ ~-,-~,, ~5, :,,.~ { ',.-..' ..... ~ , ~ , ' . .:, t..'r'",.e i .4 .- -.,... ..:., ~, ..... t'hat they have to use the interceptor. .¢..'-'~,~ ..¢ ~,<~ing use,'x.~... ' '-'~- t' '- ' i. sn t sitting the~-e .:':-:. ,. T .:..:....t..~..~Y:;n't .... J,e ~nir~g oeing useo? I'~ ' ..... , .. ~.:~: } :.. · ~ ~., . : :: :.'h.'7 .:3 'r'i [5.. k'j:: t ' ~: b..~ ' ' ' ' ' ' '' . . n~::.t, >,'ou're trying, that's shat t:he people here t'n -: 1-::.: :~.~-:.: '~',,'-'~-. ...... :}.:::~5. Pg, .... used ~-'~-,. all. I~ i.s being u. sed~ It's., con,,~::~o~.ing tx'.,e. ~.: ..... : ....~,~.~ ., ~ <::L's ~hy 5..u ~gas put in so ~,Jhy do ~... have :"~,..~. ,_.-'q~:., ,:-, ]. op~. ,. ,. ......o~.:~ tnaE t,.ae have ~o use i. ~-n~p~',~r~ ~, . Et's. t .... , . I '¥':' !':.-.:': :.: ...~,:.:,c,,:_~ ['::,oJ. nt .Tust another clarification agai'n is that ' ®t x,'- :."...':,:...': ].,:5:-.:.: .oe'L:s pul in the HUS~ ~ine doesn't Force you to suhdzviHe ..... '" , . L ~. 'n g ' ( :, .; ,:U 'i"l TM '{'' :' i .. .... · :u, od... it m, ake~s you pay part of the intercen~o:.~. , fee ' . .............. u'nfo'r'tur~ately Gary !eft and he coulcl'n'u +al.' ..... ' k.. 4. .-. .. k~ ~. ,, ~ , - .- ..... , .:. ',:., a .::::~ ':- :::.: a g,::: :.~..~ h e n -t:. h e i n t e r c e p t o r ~.~ a s p u ~ f ~-, a ,...;:::, .::~ :'r': t',"',<::-F]c:,~Ja~e for the interceptor ~ere, there ~,~as s. per:ding ......... ~ ..... - ...... J ' '~- ~..~ .~ ' :.::-:<.:.:-:::-.:~er:'~'. ~.,x..:, ....... ....~ aga~neu a1 1 the proper, figs and -,cf'..: x::'nd ~:.:'~::: t.,~a:~ placed on them k'no~ing -Full ~el]. %ha~ -.- -". -:.':~- ~ .... '<- .... ; ~ he:,,, point Tf3a,~ d{dn t enter J. nto {t ' ' :' .::~ .'-':' .:::~ '," ,,..' :. 'n g ?. h ,~ o p p o r t u n i t y t o u s e t h e t h i 'n g i n t h e ...:,:"~:.51".~ ,~d,.. :'.,~OS an 8cEion b7 8 Czt7 Counci~ 3 7e ...':' .::.,-::'~:.:~.:.::,..:. I ,:.'>:~e assessments haven't be~'rl levied ye :-'~,.?"~. t'n ~..r~<-: 'n.sxt 7ear or t.~o but that goes through ..... ,,n~ more pub!].c ' ....... ' '': --' '-= ' ~ happens. That's completely outs/d , .'..z-.~ .. i-Fy. il::3 ' ~ a./~,:.: bJ~E.!"i toa,~ , .......... . .'. ~'~ .......... ;.x<r or no ~ 't-he HUSA Ii'ne is moved at ~h:s po:nt This i , ...... , ~. ~ ,.u ...... ,'l}O ~ year:B ago . ._. .. r,~k. t,ie t,Jouldn''k. . ,. have to pay until the yea¥' ~:o~,~.n.,.,.....,. ¥ : .:.: c ::., ?. 7" :' N :-::: ~,,J,= r e ~ o ! d t." ~' '""--5:: '::.:' ~,,,h.:~L th,::::7' told us ~en the pu.t it in. : mean i Has t~'~re : I''~,' 5 ; ~., , ~-- ..... ~ ........ .... :,o "/ou have to pay that . ':--. . .l 2''~' = ' ':" the Ci Hanager kine s oeen n~, e for z7 ':: '.. :..: :...:. :-:: /':.:1:.:'::~., 'n, .{ n a I k i n g t. o ' t y ' ' ' ' - "- ,. ..... _. ~. ,".~ z. e 'v .~. e c{ a <:~ a .~_ ~"~. '.::; '..': 'k ~''-~ :.~: ' ,~ n o u g '- "- ~ i e :':i ..::.:.'-..'.<','~:'::'::~:!:. ~'r'~ fac:t, i'n his we'r-os '~hat he t' ht it was going to n...e~ .,.e, ...... ~ ~ . , .i .--:. ~ .. '}." 4'...?, 'F' . ......... not ~-hey put in a :T-~".'-:~:~'~ ! ,.,.~:":e...,"~.~::,~ or ,.. .... · .: :~. r~x'.,x~: a bearing or doesn't ha~e a bearing? ,~<x:~. Council? Who levies? ..... ... - ~. - .:'..:~: l? .3 the City. Yh~se are fund.e that the City e:xpe {,...'.',- ! : i...:o '>..'o~..i ::.fee t:qo.~.. ,..~,ere 8 a 0oli eoti. o .~e eeF1 p ...LPG :- e M Ii?.,::% '!. i~ :,...~','~:2 }.:-'..v'?"'{ ng that asse.,~sment? . . ~.,,~:~.~ .... t. hink that's a go~e issue ane beyond your cornrne'nt.::~: i-,..:-..,-. ~. ~'-.:~.].k to .'/our counc~]~men abeut that so. Pastor Pike? ?i ,"...:. ~ Pi.':,..:~ ....... k:~.s ~..h, ere been any studies on ~hat th, e property values ~,..i:~'.~., ,:..~,...>"'~" ,- . . . ' ~.n.~ H~JS~ line b~hen that happens? ,-;~a., ~.- ..... !o you say studies? o? ~-' Do you ila,~, any idea ~4hat the property values ~'II '~' 'ii: ,{~ 'i i :-' ~,, ,z';i' ~ .............. :. u~../ ~.r.~.!~ p].~ ..... c~ ' , ,,:.'.;..,. .,.! ~o up. Absolutely. I had 2~000 acres :n Nacian a'q,'"! ~'....' ..... ',",t -" nd I can speak from experience Tha ................ ,~:.-.: .::.~ a . ~ s it ~ Tr~e>, go ~::'. ' *'h ~' .:.; .:: ':. .: ~ <~. 'n '!.: ., F ~h'is ....... h1'dq,a, line assessment~ is this true of N',JS/, ~ ::/":,::: ::nc.].u, ding eout. h of TH 5? :':' : ' .:: L: S :::: ~'<::,. It isn't and in fact it does:< not go ocr,J,, to your ..... - ..... .:.~,.:.-:~ }.,,or..: :4ere nc,~.. ~n the origina~ f].o~age for tha~ ' ~ ke Lu ,..t',r,:~ue'n~'en My name i~ hoots Christ. ensen I live on L.<:, CY move.:i :.n 10 ye,ars ago and from informati, on from ou.r neighbo':' v~e Chat 20 years ago they ~ere told ~ithin I0 years they v,.:ould ha.v'e ye.,:'rs ago :~hen b~e moved in they told us ~:ithin t0 years; t4e ,.:::a:.,~.::':r. s~<:> when :<~e did buy and Hith thoughts of the future ~:nd our ",-.:i"",~].ot'~ :.i"qere b.~: e,'l r~lreNer~t, ~e thou. ght of 1'~UtNre oeve~opNet'!{.';- 't'::94'~:':I for t_.Ine Lake and for good decent, subdivision /4hen the time ,e-age 49 t'..' ........ .~ . nd '" ~' t.o !so it our future .i:.~ ,:irt.il; ' :~i.: ;... i '" .. ~ ~ ~l~ h} LJ ,~. a S U :-- . ""/ Thank you for your comments .Sir · ~ ,:{:~ "~'~ '~' ~ 0 k., c~ ~.'i:.~',-,...' .: ~...: ._,,.~,..~,>,-./shit bio ].ire at 702.1. Ga.tpin back up against ::'.':' ':'. :':-:'.~, '," ' '7' 'c..., :.:-:.~'," e. I v c~ g o t a n o r c h a r d t h e r e. ~ n o t h e r 6 f e e t o'F d r a "-: 2 ~.' . .:.....~ · 1 r ]-").:4 '...'~:'I~ - I ,- ~ t ~ ~ . ..... ::; ..... i ~,O 0 K ~ u LJ p t 0 t h e 8 e b,i e r 8. Tid ~ d o n ~ ~ ~.~a n t t o o e e x c I. u d e,:.~ ": ;-,.: '0 ':' 1-,.::-: ::-::.:.-:~:~.....~.,:>:';- I ~ ne a 'nd 'not,~ I am. .:, ._... ,, '," i s. ~?, 'n :::; ~, n I ' cl b e'+' t. e 'r g e ,.. h a t a n't i p e t i t i o n g o i n g ..... . .... ~k~ ' .... n "'. t.'~' l'~'i':s--'!'.: ':3,:.'...iJ,e l.~.::~,jple on the petition have any comments? .~::. .... sis .' :t.~.:'.::r, 3~.~s'c. l~:,ecause you ~"'~'n~d the ~-'ition doesn~e 7'ou~ :::.:c':...~,J.?,...~ 'f?-c'~rr~ c,:?m';ng up and teLL~ng LiS what your 'Fee~kiiqgs are. ~:;:.:x,.. '...~ '.. h&.'F,;?. ,:l'ome OT'~ Np . .. otner ....... , ;."-'~ x. r."~.'~:..~.:{',~,o~..i?;~-:,i'l",a',~e a question about something than Lake ~ ~ic ..... ~ ':~.,.::r t:alked t.o the, rny ns. me is Hark hla!.tnob~ski, on 7250 Hi. nnev~ashta Pa-rk~.,~.a>.' · :5.",".? ~ ....~ " d $' ' ' ..,~.:,. ....... al. ko o~omeone at the Chanhassen CLt. y Hall~ ,,,e~.e~-day_.o~... ano I ..... ' *-l--,em ~f f'h,:>re t,,~as any properties that were tar r,~t ,*,--.l for par t*s .3 '.~t:o ,-.;¥'i,:J i t.,.~s:c ba:E:ical!y t. old no thieve ~ere'n't~ Prior to buying my F..-,:.-:,c:,.:~':-t'.y ~::~:n,:.i .!et me poi. nt it cub here. This is the property right 'lshroL.~g ~ h,'..~,'{:. F"r,.or to buying that I talkeo to ~o Ann Olsen and you knok.,i ....... ' -~:- ~ ~,~.8:f;~ ab. lo Ilo build on that property 8hOlj. ld I choo°;:~, to ...~:~,..-..~-;. ,::.:.":'~ u.:e].l,., ~ i{ you want te find that out you need t.o buy, t-h.,q.., ~ ~.n¥-oc~c..-;'t'::x, , ..;,~ .......... : .......¥ ,;iiu~ss .,. o like Mark to explain. Mark's most famil-:ar ,.,,it.h ..... . ~'~.- ' of t.t~e plan speaxs for tr~,~ need :.~:"'.;..~;~.',.';c:,¥~a!. p,':rl{ fa. cil.tt.~es ~n that part of to~n. As you're well a~4are~ . ~ J~ ! .. ~, ~ ......... ,.,~}: ,~ :.,,~.,,~ ~{ you !ive in 'that area risht, noH or ~ you ~st plan to ~ oents in ~ark .,~s,,,e ~.aen petition drives b~ the neighbors for res~"' -~-~-~ ...... ;,~.~. ~I-- ~rgeted as a .... ., ...... . ........ ,.,~ area around Lake St. 3ee has long been .... F" {thor ~ - ~ ' just ...i)C-;-i: ~.~";.l .?: .:-31'es,l ,"'~i.~ e ~, ju.:sc passive open spa,se or . Li/ oe~ private:::.. . ns.t line was .~-,.~. ,.L-- ' {i ',i) (.3"~ . .... } ~'::~ ~" >:,ou.~s ~uia~ly as a cit.'/ park Nihon t. awn ~,~ '}~ , r.r,-..:. ~..'.C:~:~ "~'~'~}l,,~'q some t~me ago, ! think it predated hy a 1,cng snot t'.he :.?F~as:.c:: c:,F ..... · ~r ....oart~cular site The line N~o general]y dra~,~'n be(~u;:.sc ~.a~:~ ..... ~.~. ':'.:.{.i '~,.,'r~,-:.'"-' i,:;)r~s are fairly moist in a lot ef that. area a. pparently .1 , .- .~. i ..I · .~ .. , 'l;..." ,._:, :..~ .~R~n,u;~ iL your property, i.s a. res.[dential property and bu.i ~,:.. .....-. ,',c, 'r'.s~.{~c:,r~ it.. needs te be design,.~ted green if~..c.l;].::,r' Ae I Yore'fenced ~,4ith my comments on the green space surround¢ng "',q ' -' : ~- have park and open space in +'hat '¢a,-i. l i~r',,' ......... ~- De taken :. :,,::-:,'h ....... r,-~}...~:~n-~- t,o ~n'tp~y ,~e--,~,,~c~s~a.~ ~-il~ y h. ha~ your property ~ould ' t~'.'~...: .... ,,~',-pc:,~:e so n'~d. xr3,:-;~ you can provide me ~ith oome information on uhe ~ ..... ,_.~,vek. r~e~ and talk about ' amnd ~e'~.k .... . ~ I/ ~. ! .... '.~ ,~ .. ~.. ..... ,..., ,_, .~ I., . , . r..' .,..:t.: ")il ~.fJ,'"i. - '. ~ ~'I { }~ II I~ [ {Ii ~ .'~ }~'II ~ (i}l~..l?'lel- than ~ric for t. he no development scenario., ~,.,ie :,'",aw.~:~'n o l':~_~.:{ ...::~. ~c:,'h c:,'~: speakers on Ichat and I think ~e as a group ' - 'F ~ can .. .,. .,) .c ~.1 ::. .......... < ,::)'F' .. ts,ii~ ~gou. ld like to hear some more comments on that. - ' ,Corn;lib/I,.. Hy name i.s Nayne OoDnx-, i .L ,,-.~, .......... ~ ,- ~ ' ].1 just. ciive ...... . . r~r~'k, knoi,J ~,.~he're this ends .::. ~, .: ::; c: .~. : .:)'~ l..~l',.:sre 14e ' ~'.':q at I guess l ~.~ . above that I guess th~ p'roblem ~. -' ~ ...... d believing that fhey're going fo look 8't this hole i'n ... ...' :?:: {) ::l:, '[' &3 , ,.~ t.. i Ffi e .... ~,:~.,.:-~ .:::,'f .~ HUSA and ~-h~nk th.ts one s going to . ~ reca. l.L some ' .~ L, ~ . a~out, this coming through an asica!~y ~,~, a~. ~,,,ie ~ ~ i i (:~ '.:i.::' to i'"'. ::~o now it. lookR to me like you're trying to include 3~t ~n ~'(:..":',~ ~.;¥~t..il ~,,~.~:~ get. thi,s. ~hat's rea.t~y all comi. ng to a head. l[t seems;. {t.'. ..:.:.~:.:.- .... ~. . e a~ donu. t. to me. ......... ~ ,.:.,: ,~ nl<a.'?.'... ~ t. hank you. Joe, d.~,.i, you have sornethi, nge. - .. :'-"!,'.,',"'i.'n- 1"1')..' rlan~e- is ~Toe I4orin. I live ~.,,~ ':~,.'-t to Ted Cosy u.p here on L... ~ ...... ~ - ' ~ . t,is area here can eCCOmFF:O,:.iJate I . .::~.,.::~, r:.l.::. ;..;I",o ;,~an!2 t.o be in the HUS~ line. bJno bought i'n that ~7 ~..; ?- !:' ':-1'~ (~ .S ,f':, 'F "' ~ ~ ...... ' .... ,..~.?~ V e I o p rr, e n t. ~ d ~ d n ' t b u y f o ~ ,... h e p u r p o s e o f d e v e .... ,.... t , ~ ' ~oons -'--el enjoy +' ' , ' ~- ', ~ ~,~ Up OKa. y ~ T .~:....- :,:is~::..,{-' ,an,~].':/. I don't ~,~anl- rny property values to ~"' ::..:.':-,'t. ,.....~;:.~n'~; +o be t. axed at a higher rate and I do'n't ~.,~ant to ha',ye to. pay q _ 't~ ~ ~ 1 ,., ?.;~P.:c.{.a .... ~'s:F~,?:5:sments~ for services ~ ~I]. never use~ Ymca :..:::, ,2,::.(~:y' I fee] the same say. I live next. to Joe but I defin~,te]y~ ,- o 0 .8 '::1: ".' ,?. :C3 ~ L - :",:U' ..... ~r,r.-). Il positive.ty do not ~ant se!4er and ~4ater. %::, ..:-:v 'i.,::'r :.., .,. rn Nancy Tic;by a'ne I live next to~,o~ and T.~,~. a'nd ="''c.~, z~:.~n and " toe :5;ams ~.Jay ,~ . 2 { _1 ~ ..... LI , .:-.:;.:.,.-:.~..~r. 'i.s:~:. I,.,~e mov~, out ',n t. hi.s area. ~de've l{ved ~' {or 6 year . . .? . , i .~ ~ . ,, · ,~.... ........ n.~',...'e .d .... '~c'~'-es~ ~e bought ,..he propert'/ ~ ~th no intentions in ' ~ - '- ~ !- k'i,c~ ~'~'.-.':.-~._ ,.{',,,.~.d~r~g .~}'nc:~ t'.o develop and asain~ ~e den~t ~ant to be assesseo for ,... ~t..,~ ~..u,'r"',-¥ .,. uus:t ~ant to add one thing. I ~,~at. ched thi~. H~*' Counc{1 ...... - .... .~ '.r~,.:.':.:.- ~" t..,.~:5~ ~,:~un,le,t I've been at this a ~hi~e. The very pu. rpo'.::~,~ o-F the :~.: ':' (" o ~. ~ 'n,:.:~ { ]_ '"' ~", U b '," ~ ~..,,c n m er one put. .... ~.-~o~,~. I believe~ besides overa].!, p]..anning~ .... -:.-~ t,:::, (:,'r'~.:~,vent 't-.heer:~ donut holes ~e'r'~ talking abou. t ' ~,, 'f '~' ~ ~" · ::...,~,..:r H':aL '~';''e Hot.. COUnC].~ ~S supp~seo to do namel~ ~c make an eff~c'~..ent~ · ~ - .l~ .C_ ~. ~ I . I '-" ~ ~e nc . ~ . cq~..~,....~r:~ s:,a.y 'kha,._ ~...,ecause he's C.ft. 7 and he's not supposed to knob~ about; '~t'.~,.~'k. ... :-::, ,.. ; 'r, ::- .~ .~ l..?',.,'.:~! ~ '/ou have to uecide to go ale or 8,0 none. Z mean sc:, as far ...:..~; -~,.':::::,~ c~o ..... ~.~u~... cio sc, Ii,t. That i'n ~eneral the only u,~ay I u'noer~,,..~.~'' ~'~ ..... ~ that "' F '~ w id b~it that oets a~ay Eton the very purpose ~.h~t.. .;.-..::;.t ~..~p t;,:.-;, do. The purpose is overa~ p~anning. Et's unfortu, natel, y not;. to .::...':~or~-,n',;:.,,sau.,;-: each, ~.'ndividual as an i'ndivioual All of us have to live ~.~ "-~" "-' . hing at times in life. Pol. lce protection. Fire prot. ect.:~lon. "~ .~ ::3 (.1;,:7:, ~" !.1 ,:-) 'c ~i · :..' ','~:.7:'l'.~'nc..e all this sort of thing. The purpose of it is to ma~..;-;~ ... ..... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~' ' i ,., i L..I I~';:'~ :'~;';'i' :.-~'..~';:.' 'co,..n,L~l~:,l. ..... i.c poi. icy ~ ~ea~7 be~eve t. ha~ .~.~ronglT. T... 'feel. ~'~:.-.':,~;:.~.:"I rea.].I?' do but the fact ~s they'~e not going to approve it~ --~'.~i.. t..- Thar, k:s ...Tim. Other comments? .:. . ...,. ~ -:.. :.~: :. T, .-':~ si. ', xee t4~..th~n commune, ties that b~ere entire!.y ~,~tnin ~- ~ .... :'.':;.'f,.-.. ~*::,.: .... ,,~.:, ~ssue ctidn ..... ~ come up and ;'m famiL~ar. ~,;i&h most. of t. he ,...,uher ~,': .::-, ,", 'q ,;,: r up t..o a st'feet ox 8 ra~Lxo~d ~hat makes some kind of sense. ' ~-i ','-~ ~*'T-O'~-,"nl,..~.,... y n:" -~ o'"'f1:erentz . I mean you look at the HL.JSA .:.i. ne · ! :;.-i:..;'.'nc.s up ove'r the years and it does dink a. round ali. ore'T- the p.~.ace ,.- ~ ..... F iling se~,.¢e'r® here or something that. you need .:-:.:. ~. ::: n~.:,~. Lhe et. razghues,~ thing but ~hen you leek at it ena comrnuni~-' '..::,~}.::~i:~;~ c:,::'~r';'~rnunity b>.' communJ, ty, it is a re].ative~y straight .~.nd unifor ...,:...: i',",-:i.::;;L,':_~'r~sen I'o just. ].ike to comment.. Progress marches o'n snd it. ?.: u: .:::. ,-, , .:' : '{~ ...... ' ..... op]e t4ant no part of the surrou, nding developmen'h ~',~..',,,' 'r-.:~.:~ '~",:'xa.~.lv ........... ]zv.ing in a~ I don't, knot~ a fairy ~a'nd because you've so~.. U"':": ?;v~..:.:.l~ ThaL's ,,.Jha,.. ! said orig{nally Bob. That's ~,~hat the ~ ~ ~/~ acre lots Let's have ....... ane the Piann~'ng r~.. -~ ~:~ck an sa ynu can't have th~ This is the or~in~..~ .,..:,~::'~ ..rnen'L c:ame '" - d id _ _. -., ,, ' ...... i ',/e d +p ..~-:~:-' ~:~.: .... "r'ece ,xom fhe P~a'nning Depaxtmen~ Z~'m obsolete no~4 but .~. . . f .I . ~ . l~..J · :.~:.:...,.,.~.:.,::,:~ ,:;~,.~ e,~.s. ~,.~,th a non-~erviced area in Ehe m~ddle o'F it, ~hat I ~--ied --'.:. ~ :?~. Tr, c~'r.?':~s' a ._~',L_. of .jzgs' and jags mven~ in the other propo~''~. .~,.~.~s a..-,~,: ~',. evo~"~ · -~ ,d back and I don't think that ~t. really ~n~e~.::x Lb.:' ~'-'~.:~i~. ,.f~ou'nci].. a~ ~ co'ncept~ ~ thk~k the pet~t, io'ne¥-s wou!d~ ~ ma.jori'L?' thi'nk one thing that we did specifically change, and Eric iI-~ l'rn t,Jren,j Paul ~¢as that se basicalA'/, are pL..~.tting into ihs ordinance that. i{ you're ena septic system~ even thoNgh -',:. :-, :T .i~.~ HL!S,.q _~ine, that specifically are net going to require any kime unless there's a total failure and He"re ~4'riting that :::3 c:orrec'h right? ,~tt ,s _he ~,;ay the ordinance 'reads r~.gl"lt no~,~ at you don't '~ -" i'll~ unless it 'fails or un]ess it's ~ithin ~50 feet of y'our house {i' :1.:' ~ '.;:':);< ......... ~. ~ 'n ! .? :?.:: ::.:.: 'r'c,u. ~,.Ja'nt t.o subdivide bas~oa~Iy. N."~:,',:'..." ":,'.,c, r:.' eu.t are '/ou assessed for the potentiale If you re ",'~!j?,:'% ] ~ ',."is .~-.~'r'id you have ~ 0 kay ~,.,Je ha~/e 6 8or es~ wou ! d ~e be.~ as~:~.~:~a~..~,~., , o'r. .,.. i ' {~ iii'. ~m~,J ~ '" -- {~P qL~.~r-Le'r acre assessments, that bJe coJ.~d develop or sornet, h{ng . : ::-. }-.~ ;?-':- e, :'' '' 'Il -- :E ~i ~ 1: El: ~' ' .... y ~here's t~do kinds of assessments here and '~ha'L'~:' ~,ihe're '- ' " r~c] . '~ ' ' 'TM.... -' ' {.,~:-: .::-.: x...i o'F c.:c, nfu. sing There's a trunk charge and tha~ trunk cna, ~:~ .:,~" ..... ...... '"',,:: ~..{t.~ ,' Cot,nci].. ]..evieo' as a pending assessment e years ago The ........~ h.c; ... ~ . , " ........ -.. ,. '."~;)e {s the cost or a share o¢ the cos~- to ge,t that · . ..... o..., iv'.t.:..':'~',::.e[z, to'r i'n the {~reund That doesn't allekJ us to use ft. and {t ~::,¢s':,; for .an'/thJ. ng to hoer up. Zf you. developed you. r prer~,erty, you ~ou].d F}sY ... ..... ~.:,-:::.,_ ,',::c,s;ts, [~ell Eric's a~gare o'f thi~ because E'r'~c h,¥:f.?re: ,4'non he split his property in M~nnetonka but k~hen you develop your ~ 'J 'Fi 'h 0 ...: ,:':,oe"rt-.-' ?-'ou b"r'inc~ ~.e~,~er ~,Jater street~ in up to the propert, y ~'~<..~ i -.::~:-::--,..!,:..-~r..end th,st's just something that you has a developer in that cas',.r~'.~ :..:,::,t:.~.,..~ a,/ lot a'nd t'.h,..oe costs are distributed against each lot.. The ,.'.-hs'r~.::~¥: is something .again that ~as done :3 years ago but no, you ~ou].d not ~-',av'e .~.:~ny~ :~el]. you ~ou~d not have any particular assessments aga[.' .... -::.-'..::,::~.:~ .... ,x L,n].ess you develop. No~ there is a chance and [ can't tell you .... .~ r~eat :.rig because: a ,....'1 ty .::/-ut. you b..~oL.~].CJ neb, er be involved ~'n an assessment" -' . a.. I... ~. '~.:~,..:n,::::~' .,..~o~.:.I.:':~ Ye'.~'z~.et,.~. t.4e].], leB's g[ve an example. E'fi you ~4ere ,Jo~,.~n t r '~ e ...... +- .-~ '" . .... ssed ~...~,. ,?'n,, rx,:->me~.~c'~'{y pa you o'n the street. ~,~anted to develop and r:..-~.~:~-~- .... ~,~:~:~x o¥~ the other sfde. Zt b~ouLd be brought in front cE your ,~.~,r,~-~rt.y..,. .... '-t pr perry In Chanhassen development, is asked t..o pay i.t.'~ -[' .:-}. :?: ~iE~ ';~ ',/6.: :.. Fi ;~ o . ,..,.':' ': ':',,-.., lope': rna'; ..... come back to ~he City and say I L,~ant you to ~3o ..; ; -," (~} ~ ~t C:' ~ t'.':.,.:~,t 4'-:::: .: rtL:l--,.] i o pro: ' .. ..... ~:!(:J p~:b..~. ~,aa.r 'in.--,.:,. - . ..... jet,... The City Council ~>~ou]d then '-'o 'lc '~ ' ..... . :.~ .... ' ....... ~:ially Nou~e be a ..~ ~..,,X ~t because they pot. eh ';...>," ::..," Tf-,.'>ore'Lical. ly ~ne' City Council could determine ~hat~ >'cu. shou. - - ~ . ..... i _ - ~l ~ ~ ~ , ~ .-.i --. -.:.- ..... :.;:_.:,-:~ :.:,..::,:.~:,...~::~ you have b~'ne~Y that Ln She ~uture you could hook ~:m tn L'",'::: ],:s,c:a~ ]:~ne. ' . Rea]isti. cally. City Cou. noil~ find it extremely t:.::.. :':.'.::~?e,. ..... ......... - ~.'-'~.,-:~-,~rr,:.nts'e against individus].s ~lqo s'ren~t going t.o :,e .:~'~:.::~ '~-~-:::-n ~" ,? .:: p :. n :: .an',/ bene:/ts. Typically ~n.,t thew like to do Ls th¥ov,~ ~*' ........ - , . , ::.:~:.x :,u :.r,.:~ ,.-~:~e~c, pe,- ........... and say e~the: you pay ~or Lt or J.t~ .... n~ ..... ~' going to ":,ff:.{::'.:3,.}~'O. C~': ...,',ey qigure out some ~,.~ay to abate the a~sessments unt. i~. ~ :-,.,:-I: '>, ... c>c:, oecide to split up your F,:ope:t.y ano ~.hen zt~s ass~:..::..:.:~,:,,.~. .~.. -,:,:!,c',:,'t h.~vl]., you .~t Nou].d ne,vex happen but that's typically the ~,~a'x' it. .... *'-,.,.. ::: ',... ',.:: i ',", ',, ~..,~ ~,:'L about county, as~essments?~ The eventual. i '.":' . ..: :..J ':>: ::: ' T'haL '::s not an assessment. That's taxes .. ' ',,-' - T know from past history ~':, ......'- rt' :~ '...,,' . ;. ,,'-~ T h,,:.~-. .... ,_¢.:, v-'pecLaL as¢.e~menCs .......... .... ] {. I.~ ~ I . . ~" .,. ~.....-:: ',:.,::.~ :'.,"~o::es;r:: this in Chanhassen by ~tself I've observ .i'n '..~',.',.:.~s ares t'.haL if you have the potential, if you run a seNer line across · ::',::.t,.'~' ;::.,ropc~r'i-~.'>..' an,:t you're net using it yet, yeu may be assessed. The value I ", -J-, x,/ ::'? ';/.:.~..~r ~,':.:_:,pe~u,. NouLo be ~ncxessed because the po~enL~81 .... .... ;-:, 1-.~-~ough you may have no i~Ben~io~ o¢ developing and t.h~f ;. '.-: .: ~' L. -', ~.; e ':~, e'r~ e ? : 'r .-,>:.;.:t '- ~.'.-..:~use rne Paul Can everybody hear Paul okay back there? i .:", ' ::., ;..~ ?:; :;' T.. g,.:es.~' it is fundamentally Eric Nhat you're saying..{.s true ','~l.t"' ~ ' ..... ~" 'r" ~..~ 'n ': a ............... .:.m,,nt. The Cit. y Cou'ncil ~ent. through a lot o'f meet.{'ngs s.'p,'4 .2::':...':::-~:~:::ions on it. before putting in the interceptor a~a ,.-~:., ...... ..~ ..... ~:i t::,~ :i,...~t t'n. Tne cost should be levied back agaznst t. he benefitting : ':.,>::' '~-~.:::~ ~.,~ho i'n the fuLure~ a~ some point in the futu. re ~o:Ld ,.: ,.. "' ...n~tL :'nLe~oeptor. That's ~he on~.y time ~4here ~.t s .~ ...... ~ ,:::,~' ?....':': i,:{ :: N'::.: :: ri ]".[%d:~ fLJ. tu.t~ Lateral assessments don ' t Nor k that ~ay. L.::t er-" .::': :: - . <:: ,.s ::: rr~ ::~ : ~ :... ::.:-- *- - say. yc, u have to have some irnme~i~a ~e benefit a'nd un.1.~,<'':',:.:,. .:> vo:,'. ..... !"r':_,:': P:.'..~'-'in R,.,t if you're running it just for the " -"~ .... - ..... pu~.Iic benef:.. ...... u ~.~,.... ~..:.:,~,,,,:-~.! <',:,er '.s ~et to pay an},'~ay. ~sn't it true that they ha. ye to hook UK:. :i':..i-~:in e~ certain per~od of Lime and non %hey're .~..a~s$~ eve ..... , ..... ney · .'.',f,:In'L u:snt ~t ':':',->oas:' If a'. seNer is run through somebody's property, it's ;~i'thi'n -: :::..::. .--. t o'f '>.',:3u.r u,,o,..!::.:e. ' is the ~a.y the ordinance reads, you. have a. cer~in,......~. .... ~--' ,:.3, f ~ hook up and then you are assessed for it e~t agai'n~ ' "~- i. nfj yOU k~Oi.,~ '-~ ' L.~ ......... , ........ r(:: ....,... , ,_n~, City Counci1 is confronted ~,~i.'"' ",' ..-.. : :... ,. : .. ,.~ ~. ,.~ --,.:c,,p~c¢ ~,;ho don't ~¢an~ ~o pay that They s~y ~hey don't rae4 it ':: "";'~:':' '2' ; ...................... -,,- ~ ~ ,-, ,-,~ .~. ~ :..: ...... ..-. .......... : ..... :~ very tough -Fo: ~ C~ty Couno~ ~o ¢oroe people to ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ..... :: v:ne,~ u,~e>, :e not ~oL~ ~o ~ ~ irnm~L~%~ b~:~¢J.~.. :.'.;,::~':,'?' ::,?y :.t.. doesn't': ever h~ppen but i&'s very %ouch. c':'a.nn: r',g Commission Heeti. ng '"'.~'/':.-:~ 6, '!.©qO - Page 54 -:~ ~ ' '~e happened with the trunk That's what ham~eFeo ~..~ (-?. (~ ,.'?' ,:".~ e y T ',q a t ' ® w, ~c~ ...... t.-', .i,? t.'.ru.~.k, b~e ~ere a. 1]. mad as hell. they ~ere putting the thi. n.g in ;:'~--,,---': ':,...;~-~. c~;:,:~'~"~"]'.', want it. but they Nero just going to...and they premised us ,t..,.~,-'-. i~..:n ~..,~c~idn't. ........ have to pay un, iL the year 2000 a{-. ..... ~east anH~ not: y...~-.~..:~'~'e · .:..~:~').'in.{:~ ..:...:? 'r'e t~inl{i'ns about assessing it next year. Hhat kind c,~ ~ -- ~'*-:. -/a,.; g,..Ey~}: ~31',./.s us for be~eving anything you say? ' .. ~ ~ ' ~ .e ' something ~,~he'n ~ {: '.~....~(;~: Y,.:;,ti know .~ guess ~t s tough for m.e t.o -re_pone to ~. ......... ~: .... ~ .... ',~.:~ ,?~ ,:.~u!.'. the infc, rmation I get T.::.'} Ce.,~'::l:,"' .~ ~-:'je'L sway saying thau. He were there. Rio're stuck ~.th ~..h .... ~i.,r"'"~._(:Si-lk~Sl a::E;.aess'~,.ent and that's not fair for the poop.lo ~lho have been you'd like that. i~.eTM.-~;~ue to be addressed ~ I think f~'~' '" ....~ ~_ .~1.. Lo respond directly to :l'!''Iri..~'.,'% ~ I ,::t ::3uggest again getting i ~ ., ' -_ n,~,o assessments ~s not sp-~c~'F~ca]..I.y ,...,'!-,;,". .,,.i~;iz"r'e dealing Hith here but I ~euld suggest given that that. is an ~','-~i:~:.~3:.~:~1. ~,,(Jth Nhat ~e're doing here~ that you start out by ~.~ritin8 a. ].et:.te~-' 1.::;, 1".h'~e hls'/o-'r and City Hanager. If you basically feel that something t.,:.':,]d t,? yo~..~. Get it in here in writing and fe].~o~.~ up i4ith the City :i'e~.~',"-,c.{.] . i h,e!ieve the City Council directly addresses assessment issue,s.. ~--'-~'- ....... b. lel]. i't sounds to me like if they're putting fhe HU%,~ hine .!:~ 'L.~ '.. C..' ':: ~ ,',' ~ · '~ ":.::~:rt:.}-'~.:~:',- ~.,,~.:~st:~ tbs~--,.. that's. ~hen tney' ~ou~d try to ...... charging ~s No~.,.~ ' '-'n · --':..:.~-;~-:~ ~.. ~: ..... ~{: not t..hc~, t. he issues arent connected bue it sure sounos ?u?:p:[c;¢,:::,us that ~t s kind of com,.nO at the same tJ~me ~e're ta. lkJ. n~ t..hi::'.;: ~:~'nd ~..:,c~fc.,~e it was something they said this isn't going t.o ha~pe'n l .. .. - ::; L ~ ::3 .:;:. ).,'o;..t 0uy~;~ aren't go'no to get se~er here u. nti]~ at least the year 'I~' ,, "~:t, 00 .;'?~ .. that's the problem He"re having is that. when you move ~. Yh~', to~d me at 1. east the year 2000 and no,4 ~.~ ~ ' ..2 ')'" ?: :~1' ')." ,:.~:, ri ~%: t. ~ ~ ~. N {ii ...... ....... ~"~." s kind of like ho~ do you believe anybody~ ,.- '...':'3 ] .... .,,.,.. it'- ~l-~ ',-., ;:.: -~-- t:. ' T l:.h~nk .tn defense. The C.Lty at that time I don t think .:::}~;.:..':,e.:::.ted oe',/e]eF;rnent that we've seen here in the last d or 4 years ei ..... .-I ,"c.,.:,y ,-,u~. t.[~d.~.'s b,~h'i b~e moved nero. ii don't ~ant "- i. ~:".{},"! t ' Yt:::ih.~ I ,....~nderstand that. but then t. hings change and that's ~..~h'? l .. ~-t, { ?-:~'..'~ ~.~,..,~.,.ng gets poured in concrete .tn government~ '. ......... 'r ~-',..:.:r ~:. :-,~,, I ,..h'z nk one of the things that staff is so careful about t'.~:, tell peop1.':{-~ },'e~4 kno~J what they cain de and Hhat they cai] expect and :'.;.::.;-r..c-~t.{mes ,se So overboard not trying te tell er not frying to give people ..i .'.;!.;':.::-.i;.{'.: sh,:l)L~.'!.: what te expect.. ~t's a tough position to be S"-<~};. ~;:.~'..,'idsor, .... I have 13 acres just .south c,~: mrince's proper,. ........ ere. ~..J,o u,:_~ my neic~hbers across the street~ Steckdales~ they have abo~,'t- · ..-~- 'ko ,~;~,. ~-~.';~') ..... 'n~s nave about 20 or 30 just to 'the~ 1807 bdest a'nd ~,..~e · ',...-. ~ ].;} kc:: ~xe. al.I. moved out there for the open spaces a. nd Ne moved. .... out there ,. ,,.~ the natural landscape and all but we also understand ~. t. {r.:,:.-c,g'cc;~s~s '}:/{~ gei. ng te happen and Ne ve a~ three talked abou. t it and b~e ~,:~u t. heres disadvantages b~ith the MUSA line moving out We also {i t : . [.- t ..........~.., ,~,~ ~,. ~ :.. t~:.::..~ <: : ..... ~,...i,~.:,ntages and we think the advantages far outweigh se our ,c::q':.. 'n'k. 'a;;, if "e ~x ~ do.~ de something like this donut hole~ please don't ex~r~'nd ~[.'.' .{>ny furthe'r south er any'-Further v. fest because ~4e like being in the .................. s snout.. 140 or 150 acres ts .... ' ' : ~" .... ,,<,~re My ~oroer ].ine zs he 'r'~ · .... ?c~ '~,?csek' '/eah~ jus'L quickly~ My name is Ed Hasek. I live at 6570 k.u.;,..,c:,,:l ~ I i ...... e n ~-he ids o~ .... ',({:-' . ......... ¢ ~. o ,_. b.Jest s , Minnewashta. For ali prac~ic;.a.] I 2' ~ '' ~:' 'III r iI!i} I{} i i } co'r~siH¢,red. .... . V{ctoria., in this city. ,lust in thinking , people a.'a''~,. o'qe ;:.,:~ ',';." ',' 'r; ~ ~'~'~;3~ ' rr~oved from Hinneapolis to Lake Calhou. n and Lake of 'L'~, ~e l...s ~1 es '-c, ' ~',xe-.. on an ~state At eno point in 'Lime people moved ~','~, om ~ ake ma~ ~,--... ,:-~,--,F,~... ;.."n%~; co 1~,~.'~. on an estatx~... People are new mevi. ng out e{ Hinneten~.,,~ '-o oa,'.,,'er to all kinds of places to live en an estate. Chanhassen is ~. I_, ~ . ,..~e',,.'e].opmen .... Yt e going to happen arid to think that you. r es%ate .!~: :i~.'--:.{riO t.c:, }2, e there forever is absurb. It's absurb te think t. hat i'L~s i':0.,.~.~0 ~::~c',--es ,',.-F land and be on an estate, tha. t it's maybe t:.ime t.o t'n.,.{'nk i, .,:;',"...',~..~l ff~,:',v;TnC'J t'.o the next. area which ~sn't in the way of development. '~....' C:. '. i . ?: ha"r--t". ; a'nks Ed Joe? .7,~..;." Mc:.r.-'.,.r~: Yeah~ I moved to this area~ Chanhassen primarily because i ~{,.'In'f t:'h.;l'~!,.:; Sc. ion Prair.(e was really sensitive to the needs of t. he ...~ ,.:_~o~,~ncrs;:; in the ~,.~ay they developed. Okay? ~ncJ that.'s al..~. ~,~e re as:k:xng. t;~--:."~-.::~ not asking for hundreds of acres in estates. We're just asking t'.h:ct .:;;.,,~r 'a~:~eds and ooncerns are being heard. you had something else? U;-t,.':: R'.ivkin: Yeah...because of development like th,s. You have fang b.!{'k h:.:,c~c~ .::~.~.~:~se:~s:::~ment $30 ~ 000 ~ 00-$40 , 000 . 00 for a 20 acre parcel and you're etit ~c ~ -~o~'le $5 000 O0 assessment That's unfair They've ') Wn~ ~s Chat fair and b~h~ don't bCe nave ,:~. xi i{v.:~.-"he. ;..,~--:~]../ .... .,,:r~. ~sn't. to ].ive~ ~s long as ~e'xe here and ali we're aski'n~,, ,,.~. , tn~ pet~'~ion T 'idn~f y ~,:.,.. .-:": .~:~ :~,::;,i'ne ~ua.r.c~.ntees. When I ori. g~nated ''s ,~ ~. o ..~ sa ,,.~ c:.~.~'L of t. he MJ.'2~. Rll i said ~4as ~,~e'd like '* ~-* guarantees , , ~ C~,~I~- ,'S ]_ik.~ some stability that we're not going to be .guar~.n~.e~,:...~ .... :.~.... ',4e Non L ~.~ assessed for things that He don t use T' *' t .':, 1~,;:-{:. .yuarant. c~ed that ~e're not going...because of a huge property val. ue · q,:-.;'c...~,:';~.c: ~:.;,~ ..... ~..~se of a potential {or development. Those things t~ap~en ~hen ~ '~ t ~ 8 ~ t,. ~ . .8 .... 'S l,,t n ',/ '::."::-':~:..~ r.~.- {'nc'~,.Jde,.:l in ,.he MLJSA boundary and everybody kne~, ' ~ ~n,i ~-h-~' ' .. ! .... ~ ......... ~ ~.-_;~.. :..:..~.:~.~:.~..~ the~"}'-*'itio'n because it ~as...reaction~ emotinn~ about, that '- ..... ~--t T'I.i be tn~ first one to go along with th,:~ ma.jot, '~- ~ u.' want. to develop our land and Lake Lucy Flighla'~'~'~, C, ..... / u~{':.:.~;,:::',.,'..::'r- . . ,,,eL :3 'Fine if that's what the majority wants but ,~,~" .'::~r.:?4~ t..h~-:~ majc:,rity didn't want that.. :.:.~...: C(';,.?~,, ,'~:~t. scsres me the worse is I think is the potential., of ..... ~.'.....' 'rsc~...ed up as far as the ~s~e~_,oment~ and the best bJhen yx.,~ , . ., ~'-,,, } .- ~ ~ ~- , ~ ..... .~ ~,. ..... -' u~e'nt th'rough~ I can't remember the guy's name but he Ii. red 'ri.c~ht on .: .'. ,' r,.?~'r o'F Lake Lucy Road and CR 1~ and he got assessed ~2~000,00 for the . ~ ~ ~ e~/ ,, ','r '.,....':~..~..~:.'~t.:.,.x o~ having this road go by his property which he ooesn .-':>;it ,:)'r: an,::; those are ~..h~ k~nds of things that the City does to you. ~...h~ '-- your ]and and that's what.. ~ .... ~ ~, ' that. is ~. ' i e -~'.~. o ~',.-:~.u,::,-.~ w:i~:.h ~o? 000 O0 in assessments and he wasn't ao:.'ng t.o b~ ~b · .' . .... :. ' /. ':.:i< ~. ;. ~-. :"-..~.. :~'~,.. vk.i.'n He -Fc~ught.. if.~ in cou,-'t, and the City lost.. They c. ot~.. o'n t. ~e',~y ~. ' " n;~'- '~home t. hings scare us ,-.~,F,~ ~ .:".:. ~.% ';-" ~ ....... - - ' ........ ~ know I was a.t that. Council meeting b.~e].l I think we hs,.'~ s,.t.,rne [' "i' :' '~ ,'.~ '1 .~. , - ~ ...... ae~ on the issue .,',. '..: ,:: <'. .~,. .] .:~ ',:"~ t. ,'nput. from the multitude of opinions and si ~ · .~ 1 ' ~ .~_ .. ~. . ~ ~ ~.. ~.t .~ lat,~ and Z think ~'d Like to close at th~s point and rea.~, y i. '.,~3 ',..: ' '"'" ~ .... ~ t ;--, ~-,,.~:~.',-~>,u,o.:.~::~ ~c,r the t~me they spent, coming ~n and ge..~ing up and I .t '1" ~ ' ........ -i...~:..~.~,:,r~g a ,~.:w,:a re going to have mo~e meeL~ngs ~hroughouL ~he surnrner~ ",:: '.' ,'-'. ; :. 'ng .T.~-~ the 'newspaper. The V~llager Z believe ~s our. .... .- -: '.. ., =. ::s. ' t.4,?'-r'e ,to.i..ng it in both. ~'~' :':.':,, "'!'l '~-;c':,t.h ~;0 keep ~ '~ - '. waL. ching for notices. In 2 weeks it will be sou m:: q . '%,.', 'i'.'hank you . m,-,,oc' Wildermuth seconded to adjourn the meeting Ali voted ~ ~'? sno ~,e motion carried The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 p " '~'-~- ' by ~ ] Krauss : : .: e ,2. 'Ii ,S, Y' OT ,- V~x L · , ~ ......