1990 06 20CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JUNE 20, 1990 Ph,':%:.~,' ins'n Conrad c:a]~led t' .... · ~%~ n'leet, ing to order at 7 40 p m MEMBERS PRESENT'..,at. eve. · En'mrnings~ Ladd Cent~oc,;~ ~,~'1~ .~an 8at'~ii al"-~S.~ Joan Ahrens MEMBERS ABSENT: Tim E'Fhs.'r-i':.~ Annette El!son and Jim Wi!dermuth STAFF PRESENT' Pat. ti. ?,'rat!ss~ Plannin8 Director; Jo Ann Olsen~ Senior Planl'~er; ShaY'ffliTi AJ~-Jaff,. Pi. armor One; Gary Warren,, City c: nngi neet; ,:;)e~J.l.e'F ¢ Oo'osultanb PUBLIC HEARING: WETLANO ALTERATION PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A WALKWAY PATH THROUCH A CLASS A WETLAND TO ACCESS A COCK LOCATED AT 7016 SANDY HOOK CIRCLE, CHRIS ENGEL FOR LOTUS LAKE BETTERMENT ASSOCIATION. i... (~. J ,.~ i'" 1'%I, .... }1_'., { 701.6 Sand'/ Hook Circ]~e ...... ¢ ~he staff report Chairman Conrad callec~, ,_~x .... he.~.i- Tl]g t.o or44er , Ch'r'is C'n{!c!: Hy 'name is Chris Enge].. For the record~ Sngel at 7016 Sandy ~.-~oo~{ Circ].e. That's my residence. I don~t live en the tennis cou. rts t. hsr,~}~. 8L~t~ I~m presently actin8 as President of the Lotus kale Betterment Asso,ciation. That's ~4hy l~m here tonisht i.n resard to this issu. e~ X~m ne Counc:.~.l or the Cornm'~o .... i4~.ion members are aware o¢ 'hhe p"r"ocess t:.hst is eak.{.ng place on this piece of land over some ~8 rnonthe now. lake to make a statement regarding the sta{f report. First. o{f, concerning th,:,~re's nun'~erous indications, numerous notations in here as to ¢iI.]~ and the property it says, in various sections of property was filled. I'd just ' . rna { ~ because in essen.....:, the proposed or the intent:Lon c:,f 'iF. he boarcl si:. the Betterment Association Has not necessarily to fill the came dow'n and laid a truckload of rock so t. hat we could access more eaeily our ].ske..:~h,:::,r¢.{¢ property at 25 feet there. It aZZows us a]~so to bring our k-:,c, ats a. crc:,ss there. Not necessarily our outboards bu.t our canoes. The rafts, some paddAe boats, et.c. and the reason also I hrin8 that point up is in my conversations Hi. th the DNN, speci¢i, oal!y Pat Lynch, our greatest error thak. 11 can see wi. th what c,~e did at that property is that we sJ~rnply made our pat. hway too eJLde initially. We made it 25 "Feet approximatley h'/ sppr,.:~xi~n~:.:h.c;ly 42 feet lens up from the ~akeshore. The DNR re:~u]..ations spec:{fically state that there is not even a DNR requ. irement for a propert..y oNne'r- oF' .a. private .Landowner to seek a permit {rom the DNR 'cegard.~n8 access to a lake for pri',/at:.e boat launchin8 ¢.nd that is, we do yes have a dock ' ~ ......].aunch boats there And we fei h that ou.r position i.'..i].S]-~2 bU.t We ;3..:.?~ . . · pret. k.y {:;qt~arec! a~.~ay ~,.¢.ith the DF!R and like i say, I do have a copy o{ the E:,NR re~u]..:~t:[.c>ns in front, o~ me and ~ don't kno(4 i'F you have that hut under ..... / ~ ]~s wna'c, l'm d:.ll:l~. _. :).0210> c,t~u.c:tu, res in Pfc, Loc~,¢ecj ~,Jaters, subparasraph Ck!., ' ' ' ' refer'Yin8~ iI::. states that privately o~ned ramps shalA not exceed I~2 feet .:Ln p !. a n ~-~ i n g c o m m i. s s i o n .iune 20: lee0 - Page ~,,,~.idth,=, .... nc.,' ext. end mo'r'e than lO feet beyond the ordinary high Hater mark and i. note ordinary h.{_gh ~!ater mark also ~.~ould indicate, this paragraph is refer'r'i'ng to p'r'operty that souJ. d be in Hetland area or into ~..~ater o{ more than 4 lee'Il, in depth~ Nhichever is less. Excavations~ 5 cu. bic yards or less and p].acement of up to 5 cubic yard8 of crushed rock~ 8ravel~ clean sand or srria]_], stones shall be algomed in order te provide a stable base and main,.~xi'n u~.. --~ o'r' the ramp~ ?~oain~ this paragraph refers to semeth~..{ng tr"~at t'.he DNN ha:{¢ condoned as a natu. ra~ process {or alAobJing access te the lake~ This is a F~rivate property and bJe felt that since the DNR did corns doss al. cng ~.,..~iti-~ the time ~ast summer ~hen ~ met Hith .lo ~nn and some o'~ the ;~.r~=~r staff people~ He agreed that ~..~e Here in violation ef the ~id'th of this property and b,~e fe~t then that ~e still ~ould be allob,~ed some type a boa¥'du,~slk~ pathu,Jay~ Nhatever. Quite honestly~ the 12 {est Has something t.h.~:t Ne ~,.~otJ..].d have preferred because it ~¢ould give us better accessibility and 'llhe reasor~ tha. h I proposed or He proposed simply a pathbJay Has siNp].y ~-'~oth{.~"~g more than a compromise bet~,,.~een us and the City along ~ith trying to comply ~,,~ith the DN~ se that ~4e could in {act have accessibilty to this area and granted at a lesser cost to the ~ssociatien sines the gra~/el is already ~n plac.::e. I refer back to also the fill statement that I made at the o'~'~.se{: Ne .~..d no~ {i]_~ th~.s proper,~y. Ne did not bring dirt do~,~n~ not pu].], out' p~.~.rple koosestrife by any illegal means. Me simply brought the reck dot4n and laid it on top of the muck that e~as already there~ ~-- comrnent~ final comment regarding past practice HoL~ld also ] i kc te rna,,~s one because it ~4as also mentioned in the star{ report about past practice~ have lived on the lake er near the lake {or about 4 years nell and have not,.ced that in the last year~ speci{icaA].y on the ~est side ef ~etus Nake~ there are S properties that are relatively nell I Hould say ~ithin the last 8 ~i',onths that have path~ays to the lake and I ~as over at those properties yesterday, lheir addresses are 4~e0 Bighorn Drive~ ~80 Bighorn Drive~ and 4Fl. 8{.8horn Drive. ~qll ef ~h~ch have highly developed lakeshere property~ d-e0 Bighorn Drive has a rockbgay path te the lake Hith pavers that they use as stepping stones. 480 has a beN,der edging a~ong the ~akeshore b~ith sod up t..o t. he b~ater{ront. Rnd 421 has developed la. keshore ~.gith,.sos ® ~ and a sand beach u,~h~..ch obviously they dumped sand there. I guess i only bring up this point as ~.o discuss and to point cut the past practice. I question the sta'Ff comment about the consistency and the recommendations because in fact these ~:~roperties have far extensive~ more extensive deve!epment o{ their ].akeshore than u.~e~ne proposing here. ~ ~¢ould ask the Commission as ~ell ~he City and the sta{f te reconsider en their recommendation te the ictus k. ake 8e'l:terment r%ssoc~ation and as a coNproNise~ if you ~.J~ll~ a~lueb~ us a rook pa%.hHay to our dock. It Heu.!d be the upside ef that {or us~ as I men~%ioned ea.r~ier~ ~,~ould be ~4e~r'e talking about an area that i.s thru ~,.~e'%]a'r'~d~ Ho~,.,.~ex/er~ the cost ef us putting deck in as opposed to leaving as .~.t is and removing the rock that's in violation u¢ouAd be i.n the ~C C ~J ~ . ~ 'neighbor,~;u,c~ o-r' ~:7~800~00 just to buy sections of dock My conversation b~ith Pat kynch yesterday~ eno final note. I de not have ~,~rit'12en documentation ef this but Pat L..ynch quite henest!y I talked to him and asked him ~hat his feel[.ng Nas again about the rock as opposed to the dock or boards because I ~,~ould refer also to Je ~nn~s comment abeu. t a boardsalk because there's no speci, ficatien as to ho~ the boardb~alk ~¢euld be constructed. If in 'Fact ~e ~ere to put a boardbgalk do~n by simply bringing 2 x 8 beards and butting them up side by side and laying them dob~n onto the Frluck~ I N,~ould question the amount of vegetation that b~euld groH u.p through those hca'reis:. 77 asked Pat Lynch about, that. fact. and he said you're exactly r'ight. The poirlt being~ the DNR ~,.~eu.td actua.~ly prefer rock be used for the pathu,~ay as opi:;,os:.ed t.o boards simply because reck is more ecologically sou. ncl than a board pa'th. I,_ike E say~ I don~t have t,~ritten statei'r~ents from him to · kha'L fac%_ but tha'k ie in {act Mhat he t. eld me yesterday, ihanl< you. Conrad' Thanks for your comments Claris. Are there any comments? Other c:on'~!'nent..s? Is t. here a motion te close the public hearing? Batzli moved, ~hrens seconded to close the public hearing. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The public hearin~ was closed. c._. o n r a (.~ .l o ~q n n, b e f o r ~ u.,, e g ~- a r o u n d t h e P i a n n i n g C o rn m i s s i o n ~J h y d o n ' t y mu. ta].k t..o us a little !]:it about rock path versu, s boardHa].k. ol. sei"~" Ag.~.i~ t.,.~e're ge'kting different, and I don't ~,~ant to p{t different peoi:')le ,:'n ~'.he DN~ against one another~ b..~hat, ever but ~ho I u_sed t.o b Jerk t4it. h ~(.:3 Ceil. 'Skrat~ss and she's our distr~ct person and again speaking ~,~it.h he'r~ r~xx p'r'efer 'Lhe ~'' ~ ge'Lt, ing different opinions ~oard~.,.~al ks over stones so He re and that h.~.ppens i.l~ any department so I don't knob~ hop.~ to ar.gus different ~',eople's opi.'nion~}? on t. hat ~,s far as the board~a]k and our reasoning for th.et~ and yes t4e don'B have specific dimensions on that and ho~ it shoukd -- t ~ ' .... n.,~ c:on:~!~tru, c'~ec, but ea. son~.n8 as Cel has said and then also the Ni. sh Ni]..dl. ife an,:i the Oorps is that that's there~ The beardt4a~k is there and J.. I~ ~ . c.~ .... ~ you re not ~utting in more rock or putting in more dirt bJhen zt erodes .~3L,.,~3y or t4oodchip:B or u,~hatever and that's one of our reasons for supporting th,l~..~ r~:~'' ale'-) J'-;,r~ c)uc'ht.u ' up Bighorn I knO~J Of OTiS lot that I did go vial*' ........ · I .... u~',~tre 't.n,~t al. ready had a clearing _here I u.~as a natural clearing "-"-'~ al~o~.,~ed t. hcrr~ t.o access the ~a. ter. I haven't been to those other lots can check it out. Conrau I t. hink ~,~e have t.o. difference there is Hetland versus Conra,i' Ol,;.-a¥. On 8ighorn~ b~ere those bJet~ands? The one lot. that r looked at b.~a.s not ~getland ~ -, n r a ,c', ' ..7 o a n ~ q u e s t k o n s ? ' see Steve looking up the c)rdinance t. here~ I Has Honderi'ng ol(..~;~.rl~nce sa~d about ,.he boardbJa].ks. ~s there anything specific abeL.it ,:._rr';mir, gr~:: I don"t knoN an,..~ I m nou look4ng "For thau. but I can tell you that i'~:.'s bee'n u.~hai:~ ~e've done in the past but I don~t knot.,~ that it's in the O r d ~ 'o 4;. ~1 C: e . Ahrens Is the intent to lay the boardb~a!ks deign on uhe g'rou~o or to have -~ !:. e ]. e v a t. e d ? ,....~"].:.x,s.'n ......... L..ist~ally' w~,e.t we ye donee, what., has ' 'c~een clnne i~- they've ....:u v.~s. t..~- ................ :x: .... ~s. ]. o t o.-~ -,:. irr. e s y o u. ' r e t h r o u g h .... A ~ o t o we: I.~.' ~,u' .~.. s~ t..~.~ '''u.~''',a.' n thewa~ ~,_.~,~, so it i~' ,,~' . Posts i nrc f h,.~ water ,,qhrens~' $o i'F someone came in and man'Led 'Lo build a boardwalk and as,.'.~.~ for a perr,,-~.Jt. have almost always given f'~ose' ~ >'es. rqh'~"ens; rfin e~evated boardHalk? So it would be e.~evated over the wet].and? It. ~4ou.]dn~t be sitting en the ground? Hob.; did the reck path get put in F',].sco to begin with? Nas there a permit for that? There ~,.,~as none? So s;orr'?'~ I forgot yok!r rlarlle. ^ brans' Chr is. .... ~,~..' m~ee~ of ou.r knoHlege~ again~ between us and t. he co~-~tr,e, ctors ~,,Jho did the work~ there was a permit obtained. And >'ou did n,ot~ ~s~..~u~.~_.~.,), didn u just come dow'n there and dump a ~oad of rock !.,.Ja.s a pern'iit ob'kal[ned to the best of our knowledge~ *',h're. ns' l.,.la~, that part of the b~hole permit process of the filling9 0].sen' Nell I don;t know i.f you remember~ Ne went through the whole wetland al'Lera~.tio'n for these lots and that's where there Has a permit, that was 'ril. led out. But. the Git},' maintains it was'n~t approvec!? Olsenr No. The're was a letter sent out by the previous p].anner~ 8arb Dacy stating thaL they did ¥'eceive the perNit app!icatio,n, bu.t that there may be a b'Jet].a¥q,:i on the pr,oper'Ly and a wet]ua, nd a..tteration perJllit might be 'rc~q~./ired. At. that time t. hough I think we were only working with Pfa'nkuch ~nd Fros'tc and then when Ne got to that process~ that's ~..,~hen we got into t. he !~.otu..:3 L. ake Betterment. ~ssociat. ion, Chris Engel: Nell they had used our land to access the properties to the s:oL~t.h of u.s to do their !akeshore work and damaged our property se that we basic.:R1].'>,' had-t.o br~.ng something in. If~ was c~.~'-.dug uo, from th,>~. 8cheat .... and ~;~:o {e'r-th ano ju ~'t. cJu. rnp ..... m~. rec ' ,..~ ~-n ~ k t. here to make itp-- ~,'o'rblc,:~..~ e t.o get onto your dock or in you'c boat~ or ~alk through there without walking into any rriuck. Ahrens' I guess Hhat s really key here for me is cho. u it is a. Class A wet.~arld there~ Your quotation ef the DNR regulations~ ~ didn't hear anything that mentioned acc:ess te the lake through a ~etla'nd and what would b,a ora}.' with t:.he DNR. Ch'rir~ N'nge].: He].l that's not really true because i'f you read~ I can give Lhese copies, because ~f you study the DNR regu~a, tions~ they wou].d not refer to the regulatio'ns as over the ordinary high Hater mark unless they ~,dero d.R:r¢ou, ssirlg a wetland. That does denote wetland~ 19-90 - ,r-"age 5 -' - . . -~- nas jurisdicts, on only at the u.].sen bJc: should point eLi't, t. hs.~., the DNR ' .... c:. r ,i ;i. n,::~ r '>.' I", :~ .g l'", u.~ a t e'r m a r k a n d b e ]_ o N. C':',:i.s Er, gel: I think it's important fo}" the co~.~mission and all o'F us to h~..3:~",- i'n m:.nd that },ou kno~,~ ~,.~e try to entrust ~che Yish and NiJ~dlife~ the DH~ Ni~-h protecting ouY' natural resources a no I~rn { ~,e - ..... ,u. ..... NO'nder~ng if an}..' of ~.u~: {.',~-I.'.~",:~ '~',c,,oJ-r~ fee].({; more qual. ified than the DN~ ~ guess to rnake the decision or to override Nhat the DBI~ says or Hou. ld all. oN it. in this case. _ .. I '1 _.J ' r'"", ' .L T' ' ;~ ""' '~ O,:)n'r'~.~..,. l.,,lelj, u~e c~o have an ord-, lsan.ce and Ne .~penu over .~he .~ iLO years ..,.~l"~o].e lc:t. of time. . I . . ~ I .,:' r~ ~ . ~ Co¥-~¥;:~o Ho i'L doesnt but it does prot. ect Type A and ~,,r-~ 8 ~4etls'nds have restrictions 'For everyth{ng Con:'scl:. So it's not that the City hasn't~ the City has spent a ,~,~hole lot of tin'ie~ just a uahoAe l. et ef time over the past I0 years protecting the Netlanc!:: and that's ~Jhy you're here. lhat~s Nhy there's a Net].and a.~'k.e~.-;3tior~ lC~ro,3ess. To try and keep the ]~akes a l. ittl~e bit c.~eaner than 'khe'>' sro and unfortunately those ef us en the Planning Commission have spent far more ti. me than Ne'd ever Nant te listening to Net.~and issues but b.~e do. ,,r i.s Enge].' ! think it should be...again like I sa.'/, Pa.{'. Lynch as opposed t.o ,:?.::~.~{.1. 51::.raus'.::~ u.~as the district representative for the DNR up un-1.%il very ':.soon'Lly~ In fact. Pat kynch probably has mere e×perience ~4ith this area than Ce.{.]. ;:.-ck.rauss Nho's also quoted .~n the staf'F report2. Ab, re:ns: Nell I think the City position of requiring boardNalks over the Ne'h}.a. nd:~ is based on good pub]~ic po]~icy and I think there's a .~ot of bset. la'nc)s in the Cit. y of Chanhassen that He seek te protect that are not under '~.l'~,s .ju. risd~ction of the DNR at a~.~. i mean it's not that the DNR ju'st. ~anted to finish rny statement. I ~ill go along Nith sta{{ ~"ecommendation on this. X think i'L~s good that uae require boardt.,aa.~ks a that Ne r~s.~e a consi .... t .... nt policy i think Ne need to have a ce'ns{stent poi. icy rather than havin~3 some peop].e have boardNa}ks end other people · . ~ ~o a'rea. I ~11 go 'feelS. nS free ,_c, juet ~- ' .~o~ build anything th'rough a Netla .... ~ .3 S 1. a { i r e c o iT1 m 8/. d a b ~ O n Cl-,':is :nge].' Are Ne re,ore conce'rned Nith upholding the ordi'nar, ce or a're Ne rfi,3, re c,911(3(2rlle~ Nith...actual~Y proper Nith those agencies The fact of uhe ..... ' *' Ne n~'truct a beardNalk hecau, se~ out. matter ~.s~ 'no~ }..'ou.'r~ eel].z~ng rrle thau co n p t D o e of uJ,--,od~ b.:,,-:aus:-~ in fact the NOOS is Nhat Nerve don~.~ '~n t' e as ../ ~ ~ . ..~ . ,~ . ..~ -~-~ .... ' ~ CU. O 'O :.~-~a~. mea'n ~ t.~3 ...k;,etc. t~.- ~':, e. No. Does t-hat mean Ne h,s. ve ~o do i No_ uqut. u.~l-',J, ch rea]..ty is better for Lotu. s Laker You uel~ me on one hand ,~at y'ou. 'r"~ c ncerne ~_~out ecology and the survival of L~ot.u~ Lake~ I exp.l.a, ine,:::l 1;o you t. hat the DNR in 'Fact to~d me that and al. so by the 'regulations it doesn't state constructing boat ramps out of ~ood~ It talks -~ .... k co 'K 'Lin b,'.:~ah ramps ou.t o~ rock arid sand Those are providing a ~_:, o U . n 8 .. r N (3 g ion Heeting Page 6 '"at,-_iral f.iltra-tic~n to the iai{e. Boards cio not and }'et you~..anymore ,,/~-~.:_,e~-:,'-:'~ion to sro~ up arou. nd -~,_.hose buaro..~ than you do ,~hrough that r .... ' a~tt,~rment o'f 'the lake. Not. Hhether He ...,a_ng to the ord~.nance. De b~hat's ~ight for tr~ Cson'rad~ I t..hink ~,~e a. gree .~it.h you that .~e should do ~hat~s right, bJith the ~ak.:;~ for t~,~o reasons. One~ He are concerned Hith ~ater qua].ity. Whether it skot. us or any other la'x~. T~,~o~ consistency of our inte'rpret~.~.ion of ~ ~(-$ Or.. ~./lalS(}.?~ iS real. important beoa~ise yon quoeeo or your r~esrelloed sci'fiE} ....... ~a. ve been doing ~h~ng~ pxoper~y and ~ha~ ~,~e ye ~ d heYe ~s ~.4r'~en e~e are incons~.~e~nt~ then the po]..icy becomes .... ~ ~-~s a very' 1~o--I ~.,.~a.y t it i nc o'-~'~ ~o i s t.e n u. a ~ ~o t k'~ e n e v e r p"bo d'},' ~- ~ ~,.~so co' 80 back to he 0 y of ..nanhassen to sa}, you. ye al.l~o~ed it over h~r,~ and you di. dn~.. here ~1 ..... ~- .. , ,,~x~ ..~,:.~ e~ 'f'rorn a suit standpeint~ {rem a lassuit~ b~e don~t have an o~-,u.inance. Once you break -~-he ordinance yeu~ve basical.~y ].n terms of ho~.~ './ot~. 'rt~.le on ii~ you basically dorset have erie anymore. I think your point]. th.at. "/ou.~r'e bring~_ng up Cbt'is is a valid one. If rock is a better ~..:uu,.~.~t..~t.u.t.e ~r~.~n a boa'rd~..~alk~ ~,~e should knoll about it and ~.~e should cha'nge s~to I~ve ~..,een ~.nvolved~ I hate to keep sayins l~ve been here~ but I~v~.; beeT"~ better and ~e didn't say prove it and ~e did'n~t have technical evidence but t'nc'x' did say t. hat board~alks Here ecolosicallx supe'rier. You could set ~'~,...o some ct. her .~'.~.~ua-~ too. k-lo~ ar~ the boards 'P_'reated~. And you kno~J~ set i'n~o those things. If the boards are treated b~ith something that's I . . ~'-gkca]..ty poor~ ~..~e may be damaging the s{tuati, on so ~ understand /.,~nat. '/ox'"r~; sa?'i'ns. I tl-,ink right no~,~ ~,~e don't' have evidence t.o say that ou.r po]~.cy i.s not right. ~ thi. nk ~e'Ll challenge staff ton.~ght to come back t.o ' ~I~ t.t bit about that. ~-o make ~.ure ~,~e are enfornin8 apc, licy us and ta.,~ , s li ].e ~ ~ i;;hat's the r igh'Ic one bJe're obviously getting some different informa~ir, n s o"F 'r },." ~I o e T1 . Ah'r~'ns'.. I ~.~a.s ju~-"t~, going to say ~ ~.~orne rocks are also treated ~..~ith p,st.'ro]..eum F'roducts and all sorts of other things. Chris Er, gel: There ~gas also no mention i¥'i a'Ny O{ the previous testimony or -' 0 ' ~ ,~ f Y , . ,:_~ocurnent.{:~l;i,on.. UJUt .... rankl the firs'Is time I"v,e ever heard or read a.'nythi, ng about an elevatec]~ nos kge're inte elevated boardi4alks~ 'k..::~'ni:~h'k.. $ornehob~ thak's an ~.ssue that just a~ of a sudden's been ra.[sed since I gues~ ! guess maybe since i breught up the peint ef hob~ vegetation b~ould~ k~l'~e'n I visited ~,¢ith So Ann~ heb~ the vegetatien is going to t. h'r c, u. g h b o a. r d s. Con"tad' bJ.',P,].l uhe;.' should be elevated, Cu'~,'r is-~ ,.TnS{d.:..,.~ ' ~ha~ ~'',~ ~::s laever been mentioned... The commission report from }'~ 'r"c.h, ~.~'nd- City.. , Council~ they never~ ever gave us-- a directive to make ~-,.~:~.k.h~,.~a?' out of x~l~vated boa. rd~a~ks Co'rt'-,'-ad' lt.~s,_r>robs. h]y ........ assumed that people Hou. ld because they cl{ci'- ~'~ t ~,,~an-'-u. get ~,.jel; but again~ it's ene of those things. ~ den't ~4ant to ge'k., too t. ech'~'~lca], but basic:ally a ~,Jetland eperates all tegether. If yeu ~nake one i'B~ ih's no longer a. wetland that's serving afu. nc*"ion so a.o ~oon uL iy'l potemtiakly a barrier through there~ that ki.[Is that t~set~and loc, feet t.,~id.:!~ th{xy b. Jould cay a. nd you put in a 3 ~oet s'hrip~ tha. t ~..-orik.,~3n'~:~nak. e:B khe wetlamd. The b~etland basically doesm~t function properl}x That's; Hha. h 'k. he experts have told us and ! ~L~ees I don~t want to · l:..l-q,:{~'13 e~.rly ftlrther but that~:s rn}~ understamding~ 8rian~ questkon:~? ,::.,;-,_.,...-'-x.i" No.. I a.~iree bJit. h 3oan'm~ comments for the rr,~-~~'eco.~. part~.., . i ~,~ssss_..~. ~ x. ye ?.~,.x'm o'a I:'.h4~ <::,:Bn~rnissi. on long enough te~ unfertu, nately at ~eas'h from the s}~p}xlic:sn'L'.'s pers;peotive~ that a boardHalk is elevated so the s. rsumer~e th.?;~: .... t, Jo'm'k srot~ I think is diminished b'>, the fact that v,~e're aLZ assuming .L ~ · ,, J.- k k-l~:~...y"r ' lh~:~re's- r, ever. been any water .......... ur, der that area there~ I"ve. 'n~s c;oL~rk'.s a. nd I ~m deign there all the time. Over the I0 years l~ve ]...~i',./e,J-t:.hc~r{~ '~:'r'",er~:~':~ meyer been water there under it. Before there were cs;omc: old L:,oay' going out there fo the dock~ They.' bJe'ce su.s~. ~a. yi.'r'~s on +'"'~ . ~ .... :s mou..e. ~P, roe f.uow~.Bs ..... b~s.t, er. .~ rna ~ Z 'LhiT~k thins t,4hole t--.~hi, ng ti'r',~'s ki'nc.1 c:.f 8ssanine I've lived there i0 y'ears. 0u.r "~ n.si.~3hborhoo<:l ha:~ a ~ltt~e strip ef property. New neighborhoods have come and put in 3 docks '~ro'r' their neighborhood. ~ sand beach~ People are bN-JJ_,:lin~j house:B aoross the lake from us putting i~n 25 fe,:3t beach area ToT' ~..~--,,;alue res:ioe.~'-nc~o b..Je~ve get a little bit of gravel t~h...re te set '~. ~,.J~.{Bheu'~'t. 8{.}~tt.tnS- ...... our shee:s muddy to set {nto our boat ~I think it's g.:{~'k.-L.{'r-~g F:,reLty darn assanine te ask us te spend all kinds of money ..~ow'n on ~jrave]. or raise a. bove the grave~ or take :...'~o',,~r~.,~.," Tha~".ks -~ror your cornrnents~ bu.e' had a. public discuss.~on' ea. riier~ ~--.~ I ...... :ousity ha. sod o'.q that comment Jo A'n'n for my r.~:~ u ir. i _~ ~..st OUt of cur ~. ~ puJ.~-po~xes of c]~arifi. ~"- ,~ ~ ~ , c,~:~,~iof {.:~ ul~,:~ permit tlnen is i no going over ~.~ v~et.~;u~: ,,Jmere is the Olass R wet'and then? ',~ did was to use the aer{al.s b,}lore an'>-' a t w .... ~ ' ~ there where there was vegetation it ~as a Clas° .......... flowi'ncs or not · k'---~ '-~k sec:tion~ regardless'ss ef b,.lhether there'~ flow:inS water is~ ,.~,~il1 considered a °la.s:s F~ we'BLand? come ~.ad~;k .e~.S wet.]~a]nd vegetation. x2,..7'.,~i:i]..A* I:;SYl''tl- it typic:ally ~_ ,.:-.:, ,- ~ ',' a ,..., ::: ...... ,-:,s. Ne had t. he~ ~.~11 give you. a'nothe'~- chance !' .... ' '~'" ].° /', .... '.~ 'J2. (~) k e e p s 0 m .:) c o n t i !'i u. i t y u i:-) h ,-~... r e . T tq a n k s C h x i s. C o m m ;~... is t ,.rnm;r~g:c: bJe].l~ I was looking for the beach!et ordinance n~,e. YOL!. haven have yeu been puttin,:~ boats in over this area inte the lake? ~ - . That was ,4no.~ I was wonderi, ns abou. t l~ve gof just ~.:. r.,'~ m i ~'~i :.~'.~ 0 k a'?', f i n e . . ~...~. c,:::,uF, le of c:omme'r'~ts a'nd Z guess thaY wouZd be %hay whaY the DNR has to ~a~,' .~.:~.: O~ {'lq ~' . ~ _ ...... :-rest buu we define what's a ~et~and. The C~ty def~ 'k ...... ' wl3;::i'k will be done to wetlands'. Our ordinance i.s more strict p 'f' {l~ :3 C: 'i' 1i..,, ~.:~ ~...~ - -hha.n -l:.}'.~.e DNR regulations so what they have'to say is of ceu. rse o I-.~,~.~. i t L' s:'n ~ t. eek. s~r initiative' ..... o{ what Me do. He'ye alHays requi'~eo '-"....,o,c.¥',:.:,'~,.,.:::~"1~"3... . ...... thr,'"-,u. 8~ wet,ands ilq this situat{on~ b~here you'r~,~ getf'{n.g .... from the .. ........ you }",ave to go over a wetland to get t.o the lake In every case sinc}.::e I. v.:) oeen here we~ve required beardu~aLks in that situahien. ,:::i. ,~'~.,.~ ' - kS ~' n" ":" boo'r'oNc~.l ~. I sO'fee completely with Ladd. If there's ~...~ln~;thin8~ Nerve 'n,u ..... .:;~- f,.:?:.~rd shout having a gravel path befor~=~ and I ' ~ '~' fee o,._~.'~- ro].c. ~:t. all t.o punish, I~m not {nterested in punishins you peop].e fo"r' "~'"' C' '-' '''~ 0 G ~ 'S ~ ' ,2, own there by making you. remove the[iq just i'c. I'F I ' ...... ,,~:~.,,.6: to veLe on this tonight I have ue go {or the e! '~ ..... ' W ~ .... , ....... ,q,~:.~u::~:~ that's u.~hat e ye always done in t. he ~ .... l,,~,,,, ....~ ~ '?'ou'F 'th.lo 'neighbors. to the other~.~'i,~e~ may be here asking to ,o .~t- .... rocks , ',,'::,.,.~ '"~ i n :~ '1:..:? a..:"", ~'., fi ~::. o a - ' ~ ]. " , .. ~ ~' ......... t,:.~.~,~-,, ks when we've already, ,ox someone e.~.:~e ~s goLng to -'-'omc; J.'n ~.~'nH-- .._ say~ now you ~ve ~c~ranted boar d~.,.~al k~-~, .~ and you .... ~'ve g'r'ar'~c~,...~ ~ rock~'~., ~ we .~:':: to {.~et'. some t:estirnony and find out if a. rock path i.s just as good~ 8ec:aus,3 iF i'I: is, Z'd b.3 fc, r it. For Zeaving it. But if ~ hay {? L,:::,'r',~.Sht.~ I have no choice but to follow the staff's recomme'ndation~ ,._.'- ~'-:_ n r a d ' .ir o A n n ~ w h a t d o y o u f.~ h i n k ~. W h a t d o y o u w a n t t o d o i n t e r m s o '? .... O]..'z::er~" l..,Je!l I car, get documentation, if you kgou. ld like~ from the DNR ant! t'.h;3 Irish alq(J WiLdLife Sere'Lee and the Corps. That will take some time~ I sues:B it's uF, to t. he applicant ~4hat they' ~4ould like t.o do but ne matter .... ~ha:t. I'I! .!ook int.o ft. C'o'r-~'Fad' bJe]! tell rne~ you"re comfortable wi'bh.~ we've got a policy' c, ut i:h.?:'~-.:2 requiring bosrdt.,~a].ks~ Nou.~ Hr. Engel is telling us tha'b DNR is saying +' '-'-,: 't I .... ' .~ ~ p o a. 'r d w a ]. k T '~ ~' ~ .... , ...... rec.,.:., are just. ~ts good or mayoe be~'-fer than a ' - " . r,au s; ~ ' ~ ~'v,~ been told in the ~ '~ I t ' ' ....... · ~ paSu OLI.. that s jl.~st hearsax { '0,:1:: o ¥~:7:: i {:; t e Tit L,.~ i ~ h 4 iq a b .n ,~ c,r~uhat 's j,.uu' ~'., maybe not. hearsay but that's what the exo~'~ ,~.rts have told us Nh.:~r~ ~4G'v.:3 eg;,{e~a a sub.je,:2t. 5o I guess T ~m curzou, s aoouu hok,¢ i11uoh b~ b~aTit t.o challenge w~',~:~.L we ve heard zn the past. F'~hrene'' Nell. I th:ink u4ha. t ~u_~ ,,~ m,.~n~,,..,rx said was ~ they were comparing crushed ¥'c:,c:L' walkways with ' ...... ds ~ t ,., n;u~:~r uhat we'r-e o'n he gro',nd. They ~eren't tatl{i'ng ..... q v.::. u.;:.:, .~ bO ::.r,:ljW,S. 1. k:3 verSL[:S orNs~le,u roCk Wa I KuCays ~ You Were point ..... Any other comments he.r~9 Chris, do you ~Jant Lo say c':-.,'r'i.s ~ngel' b.lell again, I:d asl-.-, t.o~ reiterate ,'.ne po~. ~nt c,n +'._.,h,i~*~-. I mea'n g,xn':'l.,crna'n ~.'n }"~ore Fne'n't. io'ns th, at all th ® tim ~ that ~.,,e~;. ~' b~,,eT~., ' around or sa'o' _. r,~=p ye iscussed elevated board~a.~ks. ~ ye hear~ · ~. ~ " ~ ~ ~ - ~) ~ e Ti .:{:.~,',/cy'} ..... r',nc OT yOU ,c. al~l-'.. -,. about elevs, ued beardwa].ks This process has ~--. 8o~'n~ ,:}'~'~ '~,c,r over a year . z have read every docuNent thac you. peop~.e ~v~ N'r}tte',-,. i have not seen the werd elevated beardwalk. NoN all o{ a sudden ~..,,:._,,...,,~ . "~' C U. dc~' -r ~',..d.c ~ p'ou'rse~ to a woro tha.. fits the cause, ml. evated - I ....... ... ,~ . ' .~ ~..:.w,~x, ,..~:,..~u].k.F..!o~ i it t,~as such a concrete {ssue to this cemmlssion o{ an <~,:..~ boe.~,:J~,..~.u.l~{- I subm{'t to >'ou that you wou!d have p~.~" ~ it in these c~ou~..~%:,nt:.s .::,u" 'now i 's an issue f~h. at wel~, x.t s some ~,;a.- tha. we ca'n mak i'nc:hes? An inch and a half above the seil? What are we geins to get into ' --' ~,.,I~-,., ~. ' .... .- , _ . '* . ; mean ~',~':~-.:.x: ....... L ,.... nd of a ~-ofa~, I mean Hr. Her~ has gr',t a poin~ .... ,_.v.::: ~,c~c~n ~,,...~esting t.a,,,pa>'ers~ dollars for month~: over ~c,O O0 ~,~o'~th of rock ,~ < i'L's Sao~.n~-i to cos'c us $I~c0..00 to pul.~i it ou~ .... ~nd i ~. ~s al~ t.h,~.~ ~e .simp!y ask Lhe commission and t. he Council that ~.ge want a pat. h~ Big des.! And n,:::~t..~ a].]. oi: a su. dden b~e'r,*_ talking about, we'*-, e going '>,_o .a.'r,'g~.~'*o over elewa, ted bc, ardtgalks. Ne're going t.o spend more money of t. he DNR's.: federal t.l-,.m overall ~'espons~b$]~y of this ~,~ho].e process. C,::~!"r'r.ao" .~.. o. on t think you should. .... o '.": 'r ;_:~ I f h i 'n I.'.., t. h a'V~. ' s e. '~', e a 1 i 'n s a n ~ c o rn m e 'n t t h a t. y o u j u s t. m a d e . U e ' 'r e v.~,:o~'re ~...~ast. ing taxpeyex money which is real, &hanks for your eomrnents~ .~ ~ ,:J ,~ . : .: :l) 'i-, ".'.. 11 e e a i] y fl'] o T- ~ ,'..~ " ' { the DHR '~ .'1. c' k ',-":" . ~ . ~ .... :::rv Th,at's ~,~hat c. he DNR said .C.::;.'nrs.,:..., lha s good. You can keep talking to the DNR and you found s,c,:'nobo,:..:,-'y that. wants to 'talk to you but w,~ do have our own ordinance. .... ~... .... nas been to thi® property ~,, :~: ,'-,e'rr ,-,e s be~n ehere Pat Ly'nch ' - Luci!l.s S'l:.raL~s::.:~. HoT. G of you have been there. You dolq't eveiq know L i.'irs . r-~(sT-r Yeah ~ you hay© . ,~..rr~i'n].'r, gs Did Pat L.¥'nch say ~ge were ,~ezng irresponsible because i'f he did ., .:.., .......... ... o11o~.~ u.p on t. hat I think we soul f~,llo~4 u>., ~.4i'k.}-", 'Ll-',.s DNm on t'-- ' ~ :-- ,. r~t.. I think Pat Lynch should come here and talk t.o us . I_ .7~.I'!'~.::3 C:C,, J 070 -- Page 10 D'.,t..¥~].i: 'v.!.::-. ].. ]. '~'~,:}~ Z ag~-ee t4ith the applicant's ear~ier co,:nrnent that our 'Fi.'r's;t c-o'nce-rn i's ~.~ith the ~etland and I don't, agree b~ith his last cor'nme'nt. ~.:,<-' ..... i,;:::::": ..... l t h~.¥',l'., thai1, bJas contradictory fo~. ~,¢ho.,.. he said., earlier but i+-, ou¥" ,:::~)nc.?rn i¢;~ for t. he ~detland, I think ~,¢e should look into it. If the gravel path 1::3 a ',,'~.0. bI.3 alternative, ~,¢e should kno~.~ about it before t,.¢e make them :3F:,~5'r~d d;8,000.O0 to take it out if it's not harming the ' ~ ~.1~- ~ ' 'tan.~e I ~. Get r"d.~¢ hy 'Li-~.q:'>" ~..,Ja'n'h uE: to vot. e c:,'n ~t, ~,~e can ~u I d like to ' ' 1 t n.~.~ h i.n her.3 to ta]k to us ~.bouu this kind - ~ atb ~' ~ ~".,'-,':"~,~x, ....... cd me snout' ......t~[,wu, he's ~::8'./ins is %hat apparently there's never been t~¢u boardwa~ks in the '~ ': ri "& ~ ~e c. a :;:~ <x :~:.; i 'n t....~ h i c h t.,.a e ' v e r e q u ~ r e u e .. p a ~, u, t. h e"r e '". I'":, . ~ ~. h e'r e :,ac: ..con ~.~ate'r and here they're saying that fhere's never been water l:..a:'' .:x substantia~ period ef time. !hat Nay be relevant and it may not. see I don't rememhe','. ~ , putting i'n a boardwalk over a Hry_ spot emed that tlqere was a~wayo waeex <..,.~.E;e'n No, e e done it over dry areas. L; .i3 "? ]. 1. I i a V .':2.' [.,.J e: C ....i S. uq n 0 e i ' b,J,e ' r e ~,,J i ] 1 i n g t o t,,.,', a i 'h Dick lle,'F'r' I could certainly see an elevated t.,~alkway if ~.,;ater was passi'ng. It':;~; bu~ilt up and then pub rocks en ~t. You're changing it. The only .......... ~..~ .... an~_~ then Mash riehl ~..~a-~c:~,., out u~ste'r k. hat NoL,.].d .-o~'~. in is ~t-, onset ~ .... a:.j/:~in. Th.er.:?~ ~sll't anything passing under this. The only time ;::. ~..' ,:. r~d:i. 'ns ,...,,,::,""~"'u.~;~ is ~hen .... /,-,%,~.~ Creek~ there's a creek Nehind~. my -~Juse 'f].o~.[ng rea! strong and the La. ko is in excess... Nr,'~rninEic~. r,ob.i aDc, ut right nell? Is }'our lake back up? Hinnewashta's hi. ghe'? I :[. Il ' ' '~l~ l' l' ~ I 'v.:'~ ever seen it. l.-Iop.~f about Lotus? .. .... ~. as h]..gh as it's ever bee'n but it'.e '.. ~,:::;.. ,.:~:~'F"~-" !L's gotten over our dock c) ntb, a.t ~'? ~? ~'- .~ a cou. pi'e ¥,.::j.:-> a'ncl St: cdot over rno:~{;t people's, a lot of people's docks and 2 days later ~.::[:':..i"~ Ll-,e e~'ress of the c~-eek, i',h ~,~s.s back ~-o it's normal .level En'~ri~i'n&is' Nhat about right now? Things are pretty high, right now. i¢..Jhat .:-.; ~., ...... ~.., k. Y ~ ..:~i 'L] 't1 1-'1 .'.3 L,..I '2 c';~:~i'nE.~:3 .~.:.. i .... up to t. his a?ea t4here you've sou t is oc~,, path? Co'n', .....~..:o" n;u~ '-L. see ~he~ issue is not. really water. It.~s not a ~,,acer issu. e. lNc: i.:ssu, d: i:3 preserving that Het~and. To ~et the p~etland survive and once 7'ou break i.t~ as the experte have said~ that once you break it~ you break .{'.:. ~..,.~.'}.~:.{-~ somethin.g that kills the vegetation then you no longer have that V,~;~-}.',--c~::;'--~ - .o.-. I'...!c, ~ t "-."',",~.f~ u. :sm>' recollection too~ That everythins b~e"v'e heard i'n ' · ;-;.J .... ~h,s'?'ve got somebody t,~ho app~r~n k. :'-, .:'~ pa s L~. , ;. ~. :...C' to;, Ifa ] k ilo. ~'c:.'n'~'c.,d,.. - ' l.,ie].].,.. I. sure think, they. ~should 'De o~xt. here_ . If tu'r,ey're ~e..~]lins us .... ,:i'~ ~ ............ p e r 8 o Ti c~ ,conu,.u. i,:3tory -things 1',4 sure i~ke i~o talk 'Lo maybe eha ~ "~ :3u.~?crvi{:,:_l~'r- 'L..o ~,';~.~t. If ~,qe"r'e t. alking to one pe'rson and so,~r,,eb, ody ~..ise is '[-..:}'t ~ ~' ~ , .... ~..Tng to s.n,o,~her~ T think we need a supervisor to h~Ip in the i. spute ~.-:c. '~"~ecess:a'r'il>' br:~.ns that one person here. I think v~e need seine geod _ I, , ,::~ ,s ,,,. i c.e. l :x; t h e r .e a m o t i o n ? O].:'!~01-i ! 11 E'r'y Sure Z . . d.C.!O'fl ~ ~4 r'' ] J." I [Ii 0 V Ct '[' J'l a-ti. '[l h e P 18 FI O i n g 0 o m [J'l i 8 s i. o n t 8 b 1 e e t ~ ~. s ~., =. ~ 1 a n d ~ l ~, .~ .~ .....f ' ,.~ ~ [ .... pcb--miL pe'r',dJ, ns more ,_.ssc~.m,ony by the approprza'he people on ~ahethe~ ~,~ ~",~a¥'el pakh }.:~ the proper alter'native-~m ' · - '- ' -. ~, a'n elevated boara~da!k. 8atz!i moved Emmings seconded to table Met!and Alteration Perm:~ ~8~-'" for the kotus ~ake Betterment Association to 8et more testimony reBardin8 a 8ravel path versus an elevated boardwalk. All voted in favor and the motion carried. .~. ..... _.,-,at v..~i].l more than likely come back in 2 weeks bzl',L ~4e'll i-'~ c, 't:. :~_ 'i: >,' >' o u a n.:..-J I e t 7 o u k n o t,.,'. C:,Ise n~ j u..l. y 18t. h. UFn;;~ins:.:.::' And I c.~,ut~,oo I t.,~ou.,'icl~ sa>,' too to these' applicants so they do'n~t- h.cv,:. 'False hoj::,es~ it may b~e]_~ be that if Pat Lynch comes in here or someone .c... F" ~' ' n FI '- { ':"/} '" / c'; ' ~ . .... .... p~uh is equivalent~ the City may ~4e oe,uide -I~ .. ~I I ~ ~1, to So t.,..~i,_.l-~ elc, val_e,u oo~r,u~,.,~alh:s in situations any~,.~ay. r, ~ f ::':~ c. 'r'~,,:2i e 1 ' I h a n I.-, y o u. APPROVAL OF MINUTES' C: c, 'n'r a,:i ' ',q P F:'"~' o va 1 o f N i n L :'L e s ~ J LJ. n e ~ t h. r:~.,.¢ ..... :~ '- "t vo'he o'a 'k. hem tonic~ht any'~a'/ Let'~ deter .... ' ' i'...~ . ..... :2, ~"~ 7 S. ,:_4 ':D ......... u need a quorum to vote? L'. & ':t. ~'¢; ]. i" E:, o n ' L >. o · - . - , ~' ~ "~ them ~,~ith , /iL, ~u r On lne Hinutes can c ¢ ...... approve a L / t.:, I ~.'.J i'", O ::¢ h e'F ,...:u: .....L .L i L ". '.(D ~ , ~,~,, 7, ':'-"i:~C.':T '~ ~ c~o'n 't e~ther . E:.cl-.::_!i: T'k '. .... - .... '- i'n ~'~ .... ' ...... -"L.~nrn~ nss , T.,. "L..f-,i'r~14we can approve, t. ne' Hinu. tes , Do you guys ?-, r' ....... ' [ ".-", ........ .. ' ~egal .... *~'~ ..... . ,,~ouion a. nd then ~.f it's n~ ~'..~ ~. ].. ~ 4,. ,..~ 'v" i ::3 0 L~ S , ~-:n~;..~r~C~s' Et w~] be 7cu. Nhe goes ~o je.f~ and not us ~ecause we ca'n'u vc,-ce. ..:.~ .... ~ .... ~ rnov.:.:~ thau ~he H~nu~es be approved as p~esented~ ~ .-~ . ~.$ ~here a ~a~z~ moved, ~hrens seconded to approve the M~nu~es cE the Comm~ss~on meeting dated ~une 6, ~990 as pre~en~ed. ~ voted ~n Eavor except Conrad and Emm~ngs abstained and ~he ~otfon CITY COUNCIL UPDATE' ',<r..--....~.as' bJe ;v,.? had basically 'trio meeti'ngs ~.c'i'nce our !~c~t. ~.~,~¢ ~--o .... ~ ~ ~-:; r .x .... ~ ~ n i n g C o m rn i s s i o n, 0 n E u ~q e 4 t h a z o n i n g o r d z n a n c e a rn e n d rn e n t ?c:',-kai','~i. n8 to the recerding of permits sas appreved by the City' Council t.h.3% Ila:3 since been published and is now in effect. As you may th~:~t: ',',:-'3c; t.o deal. v.~it.h their filing of conditio'ns agai..'rlst property .cc~.~,.~ Ai.~I .... ion Permz'h . .....- ...... , ~.. ~-~. ~ ~_.., .... .,, ~ .~:. ~-- -' ..... t .:~ ,.. i e N o r t h t.,...~ e s u N u r s e r i e s U e u "'J t ~ - co'ntinucd or actually, yeah it was centinued, lhey kind e¢ dismissed it. I :%_ >' c;. }~ } ..... } ,.I ,S '...4 ......... ~' u'.u; conclzti,sna use pe'rmit t.o expand North~e~t as the;/ < :, U % ]..ii.. I'I ,'.7: <'] ....... ~ '- ' ' ~ ' : '~ ' ~:,.c ,..n<~ Plann~..ng C,ommissL. on meeting ~,.~as app'~oveo. The ,s~.:~ns for ...~,.:.'~:..,,an P'rofess.~o'r'~al bu'~ !ding Here approved bgith the ~x ~ per ._ ~ e -r'{:.(:olnmc:.r~d.<.'t;io'q o'ir the Planning Commission Zlmmerrnan r-.~.rn~s ~xs given ~.::~t ~_.~_,, .:>va!. ~,,e.h p'roSect~s pretty ~4ell b~rapped up at this point ~-'.','cl:n':in..{~r}," pi.e.~ approval and s{t~ plan approval for u. he PHI bui~,._inq~ · -;>:i:::.c'~'~:~:i,:>'~'~ t.o t. hat site ~as also approved. They're coming in for their ;.;.0.:x: .r.?:,prov:~'d. The 5at. hre ~;ddition subdivision into tb.~o lot. s ;,~as apprc, ved:~ ,~ ..... ..?,...',x..., ~.:c ,:?oun,:c:¢k gave us enough money to fi. nish the Comprehens/~ve ....... i ~-', H u. bo n ..... " u.~..'':5 ~. :;,~n .... ] ,~ m.:.~:u..~.s an, .~oun~s s '~vlsio , ~eall'/ noeh].ilg cerri, bl }, :u. !..{; 'n i f i c: .~ '~'~ t. a n d t h.~,. ~ C o u. n c i I t o o k a c t. ~' o n t. o a p p r -'.,, v e f i r ~.~. t. r e a d i n g o n ~-,.. ""~ lr,::';'r:i.~g o'F', inai"~,:3,% aNendffie/~'~u pertaiiqirig to varianoes. Th.~u soi~ for se. co ~-x'~ ...... ""- ... H .... --I },, ight and it prob~u!y ~,~il.l be e.-.: . - g~.ng t.h'rough~ We d~d hal. Ye ~:;.:, n .2 a din i n :~. t ......, a t i v e a p p r o v a I t h a t b..~ e t h o u g h t b~ e ~ d 1 e t >' o u k n o,.~ .a. b o u e,. ~ ~.," s >' o u. i-'i..:l:~.;~'rd a c. ou. pl.:2 rr.~etings,:, ago, u,~e've ~beer, ~orking u,.~ith the ob~'r,e'r©~., ~,f.. the p'~-.::.:3(.~; 'c, uil. d.i¥'~g te ~nsta~l pollution centrol equipment. Rle ~.Janted them to <..:, <3ourse ~_~o th~.s huE. ~..~e ~.~anted to make sure ~na ~c eidn~u.. !ook~ " h.c.',,'.:.:~ .c. .].ot e'F .... 'isua~ impact, b.Je originally ~ere ~,¢orking b~ith a roef 'r" ~' '~ -I ~.- -} rnoui,~u.,%-,:..~ ].oca,...~.o'n. lhey ye since relocaBeo~ ' the unit to the side of the ~..~ui~ going to be - ~ oo~lo~a..ued by the building .!;:'nc~ .~:x~.: ..... ~'n6~ t'rees~ There~,~ going to be a screen ~.,~all that. ,nat..xnes u..~ .:..::<..~.:_:::i'n.~ ~.,.;all to come ouu and conceal this th~ ~'c ' ~ ,, ,,sx~.. e>;uw~t~:::~ above the roof line. There's no ~.~,~.~ to conceal that~ "- . .{'.i ~:>(,:i i'~,rl~.S.:5', fO'F ~-," ' ' ~ ~-~ ,s. vi. ng one chimney projecting up they re eliminating 6 c:ms].J.'e'r s:ta. ck, s;_ 'that are cur'rently on the roo{s so ~ge thought ..,,,,~.a~=. a of going about it ~]e d{d r~%~;~ an informational if.~m .,,~ ............ o.. , ' DeeTi t. 8. R.i ,i~ .,.~s~.~,,,~.uic. n o~,mi'nary. Just for information purposes ~.,.~e've ' ' I" '~',~ .:.: :: ~.:,,..::,_v', ....... ~ " ,~=.,u it before about the possi, bili'~'},' of - '~' .ins ~...oith an i'ndividua] t~aho ~'~,~'~-' some~~''~:',* ....... rd~:~:k, or6tio'n ~ 1,4e"v'e bee'n ~..c~lN' . ....... . ........... c ...... ~,~., e .... , ,,.~ve oe~:xll about s ,5:: ~" i c: [ ~ :~:'5; ,_. r la 'nm an'>.' ,:3,'F t h e o,_he'rs'~ ~.~ho have ~,_a- ~ ke d t o u s P, ~ ' ..... i- If i p'rosress:es tob..~ard reai '-~ittai se'l' ~ ~.---- ., +- sub,~ ~ ~i Ke~N you posted on %hat~ T h a t. ' s i t P,~'r. C: h a i r m a n. ...... . ........ , ro t ,~ Ci by ~.-.. ',- ~ u ::::: c ?'i c,,:::, n ..,. a 1 1 .o y' f;a s 4, m o'n* h s t. o o b f a i ~' a p e'r ~,~ i +' '~' ~,~ h e *' . 8..-~ t'. ,:.'.: i i ' ,:.1~ m o n t. h s f'r o r'r~ t h e d a t e... t/ :, ~ ,,I,, I 1 r.:.:-:~istere..J a !,stter the nexl:: da>' and basicall'/ told 'they ought to allo,::;s, te .c~,,c,u 3 rr~c:,nth~ to coo through the approval process aha therefore the>.' d b.:::':t'"er .~et on the st~.ck an,:':J undertake the Hork. I've not. heard bac~x fr t. h e rn ~s: ~.' n o e. t,...J ~- ' ye a 1 s o n o t. ~' f ~'~ e d a n u m b e r o f o t h e r 8 r ~.~ ng-~, ~: p e r mit h ...... ~'~ i d ..... e,-- s .......... t' .... hav.:~ to h,.?~ brought into compliance · ..; i dj : .... i' 'i 'T.: } o<:.'r-:'rac!~ Ol-::c./, a'n},-thins else h,~r t' n? ~,~,ore ~.,~e get. int. e ~.ne di~'c"ussio LAND US:- PLAN DZSCUSSZON - AREA LOCATED SOUTH OF 2381 Tirnber~4ood Drive 1831 Audubon Road cS 8 o~ 0v,~^' ' (41'~~,o.~ ~.,~ .~ n Road Hills Propertie's Inc. Hi.I ~'-' ~o Properties Inc. 8141 Hap ]. eb.~ood ~e~ A,oorn katie 2040 Oak~4ood Ridge 814! Pine~,.~ood Circle 532 Lyman Blvd. i630 kyman 81v.d. S541 Audubon Road 5751 Thomas Circle, Hinneapolis, HN $5410 8731 Audubon 1751 Sunridge Cou. r~ 2061 Timbe'r~Jood ~r 1581 l-~eron Drive 2041 lirilo<~rb,~ooo Drive 101 E. H~nnehaha Pkv~y, Hinneapo~is, HN 730 Voge!sbe'rg Trail 2031 Tirnber~.~ood Drive 4~z4 East ~ 17th Street, 8urnsville, HN iSil Lake Susan Hi~s Drive P 0 Sox kSO! Lyrnan Blvd. 9260 KioNa Trail 1850' _ ~_ake I ucy Road 105 Pioneer Trail ~2~ Co. Rd oO Naconia HN ,.'o,.,~ Parkla~,Jn, Ed~na, MN 7600 Par kla~An, Edina, HN 55435 4817 Upper Texxace, Edina, MN 55435 8121 Haple~,~ood Tewraca S851 Audubon Road 8120 Pine~ood Circle 1540 F. leron Drive b!in~esota L. andscape Arboretum 6620 GaApin Timber~,~ood Property O~Aners 8600 6rear Plains Slvd. 8109 Dakota kane 8481 S~gan Court 8~,7~ ¢ ~460 S~JaT"~ Cour% 2320 Timberwood Drive 1491 lis't-on Dr ire 8140 Haplee.~ood Terrace 8121 Pinev.lood Circle 8020 Hidden Court 9.350 Kiok~a Terrace 9366 KievJa lerrace 2050 Renaissance Court e~',oo P, enaissa'nce Co, irt ....... " ~'h vl-'.~ agenda ._end the reason you're a.]~l here ~db ,..:2 1i ..i,L:,. ~ ,:2 TI'SX'[i ii2e8'1 Oll ~ ,..~ ~,,,.. ~. o. nk ~.'ou for attending, is to ~nformally d.~.~'c ..... I ~ ?3 41 'i-i i.'J i'1 { "h, , . ....:...,', Lh,.~ Planning Commission ha's been worki, ng on fo~ ......... ~- .... " ~:'= ~'5; ~ ~- ~.'l :ri ' ~'' ~ ~. .... :..',:c: 2 >.'ma'rs. ! clon't, know hot,~ long but. 'tonight vJna~ Ne .~. . ' ~ ~ , '/'ou', cc:.mments, t.de're Soz. n8 to na'~e our Planning sta'f'F, Paul K'-~auss .: ; ..... { ~ ~ ~ .q -~ ~ · ~.. ~- . ..,, ........... ~ l.::.':a .~.>..' i'nt',-"oc~uuu the dLres~ion for you Tonight is prLmari!/ a .. I 1 ~'n~.?'r.:5 ;.~e"re ]oc:,ki¥',g. for cc:,n'~n'~ents. It'°~, not a puc, J. ic hearing. There F ~ 0 Il ~_h!.:2 '~ .......... ' ~' ' ~ '"* t..,,,~un .... -~,::;~ ,:} ].s a public hearing but t. on~gh,~ ~s just a~ in'Forrna ~....:-:~t:,. i. 'F'~{J t'..J~l .... r e t.,Je, as a~ P]_ar~'ning Commlssio'n get a c:hanoe '~o en)b,J ? ~-' .'-~,:::~- fee. ob.~:~ck from you 8ut ~,por'ifica~l'/ voe"i-e .... +c:,nisht. the developmenL that's occuring south e-F TH 5. ~.,~o vJee''~' iF;OliL~l aSi.:l.' ~ ~ .~, [R~] e ~Je [.,Jets t81 kiN8 .~l .-. F q ~-; . , ~ - ~" ' ' ~ 'F -' h ;..'.':' ;,,~O.'i"iC t.C:, ].l. ri'iit yOU honi~ht tO a n'aXiffiU, iTi O~ ~ t '' ' '' ...... ' ' ' ' ,,, ~ ~, rl'!i'f'iU es GiSCUF35iO'FI = ~e ....... F mF ~ t. ¢ ' e b e f o r e I c a I 1 o n s o m ~:; ~.¢ o e / a : i l;e t..a, h.a,::~r ,:~i e'ren~_ poin s o, ',/l bJ so .t ..... ,. . ..... 't..in'~{::~ i Na'nt. to hea'r all the ether perspectives before we ge back to p.:-,:'r::son a :second time. I think i.f you make a comment, just for our inf,::::rmatS,:::,'n and I think for the record v~e'd !ike te kne~ your nan'~e and yonr ' . '- ,,e an,t vie hopefully bji]..1 get us out of hera ~>.' ~ '-.~-.- ' ...... ,'~ ~ic hear T'.-'~c:r? u4'; Al. be a t;me b.~hen ~e formally present our recernFnendatiens to the ' ' ' -'' ~ · :::crr:TiL]'~'~i ...... ¢o'r' their input There ~,.¢~1 be a time and ~t ~4ill be .::, ,, ..... ,,¢ ,, r,,-~o,,,,.¢,, ar:.:.~ a h.a.~f ....... aft¢,- t,~e dig~.=,,¢~'~ Hhat t,Je've hear'q .... from the various ,::.c:,rnrr~unit. y groups. Tonight again i.~ a t. sme just to ~' ~.,~ ~...h you. r ~, ..... ' ~.,~...us~,=~ and maybe combine tq,:.o,.,<s~h::, and t'nen ~,Je re going to take those ~ t-o .... ~'-~. ~ .... "* , I ., [., U [ lear, ;..;5.~'n t,.~hat. ~,,.ac: think are good planning guidelines ancl bring bac ~¢ a plan L,.,~.'L' ti'-~R~, Nor ..~ ro~ the entire oommu, nity of Chanhaesen for the ne;,<,¢ 10 ~ , .. ~ .... t ...... cle n i ..... :-':"rs-:. ~.,,it...~ ~..,,~k. s. si ~ ..... I ~ould you introduce ~he P~a n p~ ............. ' fo .... ~ t ..... her .... ' .... ~ .... ~ O' p e 'r', 5. 't U p f o r c o rn m e n t s m a >' b e T ' 1 1 g i V e y o u a ~-', r i ::~ V~ e .,~ . .......... ~..,-~ .... :. ,t.,~o~ Lt makes a~. Nho!e let ef sen°~ I think {rem some of your .:: ....... ¢:;.:.~:.:::,i , ,::;,'ne o~ the mc,:~ important t.h~ngs ' ........... ~. you. %e n~ov~ng .n hex ~.o. z L.n~'n~, By ;2 i..; ,_ 'k. ~.. '11 .j :3 C', iii.:2 ~.~ O ,..! I i,L~,~:. 1 O · .,. ,' ~'" --,no wi,at d~ rect. io'F~ ,~."Fianhas...~een Is ~ v ~ ~'' ' I .... to ts~ ~-' b ~' ~his is a plan buu it s not zoned ~x '~ i.- '[73:1 :. ,:: ]. ~ · ...... ... a C'U.~ ~ ~ ,~ ..... ~ S~oir~ ~o pu.t if{ ~.~',,... '; :. t..-...~.:2 i-C' ~ 'h ~ k ,~ erenu ~nd of ,'~,~,~elopm~nts but tlnat :-~,ba-~':, t. hat:. i'n all cases the :chins t,~il! fol!o~ thaL. This is our su. ide. Lde ~ ........ . ~ uh '- is viot a cast in concr~:,~ If s cert,~x-~ ~'-~.' ':S L:. ':~ :{~ :: k.h::~ O,:~L. uO~n ~ne is, l::~ . ~ ~ ............. -"?. l,.~ ~ '- ~,~n it ty uou. nci]. and tha. t's anotr,e~, 2 o i ..... ................. '.?- a.;.::;o haL/eib't2 ta"'- to Ci. ~ ' n... ~ur 'the n,eec~ng t.o'nigtnt :.s ~ ~,~:~. some o'F you. r .T ,-,;,, ::, u '"-. T o ::; b.a.: :~.~ ~ i t h y o u i n ~,~a~t-,.son .s.orr',,:~ O'ff .... uit~'~ oJ.r'~ e C t i ON8 f~ .... ~c~. k.~ b.J e ' re -~,<: ~'n lis' :,'.:: O~ (P. I OpeT'i Jt U.p, about 2 years ago, n~ay'os a. y'ear a'nd a ~alf a~o ~.:.';~':.'~ :;c:me oF u:: ~.Jere l ..... re on the planning ~,nm/ssLon~ u~e st,:rhe,t l ayin:~ ~ r,u~sl, er~ ~ho T th nk is a real f ,:20 ri :S ',..i ~ ?. 3. N ".L ..... ' -' 'P ~ ~ 'm ..... ~ ...... [...1 I .... ~ ~. ...... ~'~e'f 6~ . ~i'Fe f C~u iS. TtTler~ L}y al'Qy iTI.eS'FtS L)~L NhCIL. bJe 1.1:1.; ,,:', ,:'1~ , .1'_: 1. Et ''./ '" ~ '~l O ~ ~ .... ' ,;.~,:..~b~ll 8offle 8ui,le~itle's 88. y hold does Chavlhasse'F'l 8'vow ~ ol~t~.: o!: ....... ' ....... "~" { ~a'Frfl 8. no ~,.~e lir,,~,.~ , :..~:"3 ::~,:.',v{..:':. ~.>~Jl., here N~>Ti ~_t bJaS t F'~ +- ..... ' ........+hat Nay. So reality really is t. a~' ~ , .t..,~. of ,;: ".",:.t :. ;3":'C: S:C, FFiC '[' '~ i R~ ~t, File 'FiCJ R'i~ ' '~ , , ,~at u~ere real importan'b, at "'-' * ........ .t. ~.,-~ L - "' ~ I l~ . ~ .~ . ,r .,,, ~ .;.::,...:. u,. -'c, es'n~L ~.7' ~.u..~ ~mpoxLant Lo the C~'Ly Counc~ u . r~e~ ~hey ~eerned uha~ the ...... ,-," ~ -Felt ,:....:.:, ~,~ ~ .:) 'r- .... ,... o '-~.: .... ]..:c ~,...~ ~. t h s o rn e o f t. h e ~ e d i x e c ~ ~ o 'n s a n d I e ~. m e t e ~ 1 y o u ~,..~ h a t ~ ~ ~.~ h ~ 'n ~.~.," c:,:_.,;r~o ::.~ 'L,-~,:~n~ ~er.s. They ~.~e~e to ~ocus developrnen~ commercL~l de,,/eloprnent u i _1_I , ~.. ~ ..,. ~ ~'? ui-~e c,._.,>,'ncob~n area so it's not scat+'ered around Tt'm focused It's ~'r"~ .-.., '.,' ~ .':-: :: :~.,.:', ~.': ::c> I>.~,-;."' have .a str o n8 ce htr a ~ '::usi r~es:s district. That 8,.~N,c:G~ ' ~ ' rea cl..::~::s':. T',c. a].::o~ ~:or lack of visien or for any other nesative 'Fesso'r~ ....... ....... :::1':'~.~ t.,.~e dc,'n~ ~',~. like hob.~ t,ue~re ~ro~..~in8. They may h, ave b.~.. ~e'n ,'--a,.. ill'ns a'r'~d ' ~ ' a ~' .{LJ. St NOVe,'.i .: ..... 'Q ~ ~.. i ,. 6'3 ~ I' i ...... " k ...... t ,-~' ' ,. ~.. e 8 oNu. i~ patter'ss ano i'~:-:',.:-~}::i' ,:..::,or :, ~...~e ~::.dn t hear a ~.,~hole let abeut ~'h r *'b' ' ' .,- ~ .~ --' Froffi pact expe'yi:~lqce .it wa8 ....... :.e',.-: .... n.:~b ~.LCf.:~t~ land u.s~ in e~,e uture ~ - '-' * , I O'~ "':.~a:. ,::'l.sa'~' tJ"~xu the natural features tlnat a lot of LIS moved out here ~ ~ ' - ,~ s those frs. rural. :eatLJ. r.:: ':~"~.::~t ~,.;e ta,.k o'oout and ie ,s those 'natural {eatures chat ma~,~ n see'n .:.:-"~ .... ~"-,.~.,,.'-~', ...... i 'Lhink .:~ Lo~ o~ a enrich has been ~ven throuc,'-~., er,u~ ~...:;~::.] '' ....... '- ~la'n'ning to preserve t. hos<~ natural {eatures i ,::> e Ne'r: ..... ~', .. ~ i, ~)L~'-d '~ p .~. ~ ~.. .... ' ..... '-u'in .... ::s 'L~', ~'~ im~ortane about and ebviou, sl'} ..... ,':~ ..... er ....... : ' :.: '..-: ~ ~S , , ~', t I f e ~ ~ ....... ~._~ ~,.~ O ~ I'", -' :....': ..... ',3 .:~ '; ..... )..'" ,:::, U ' r e n ~ t d o i n g i ~ e n o u g h b u t b e i 'n g a r o u~ n d a ~...,~ n ~ ~1 e ~ N e ~,~,.. ~'.~. '~, , +'.. ~,.. .~ '-~ *' ...... ............ .~ ~-.~- H h~r~ ~ much ~ ~.~ c,ou.~,.~ . ._ ~-'m~[- ~ ~.J~, f i * '~ n-', ......' ':'. ' ~_.:~.~.~ c,.: o':~ ~'~,~:.~ ~- '~ ~.~' thLnk ~n ,,,~,~:~.~ ......... '~'~ ~-~ ~,.~ ':;'L:.~-. ~. '0,} ~:,;~.._: ,:.. ~ ,; : : 'v," C: :,0 f~' i~ ~ - P X p ,~': C: i~ ~3 L. i :3, :'i :E: L-.; 0 'F C: .. ~. m ~ u ~ ~ ~ i '~' ~ ' ~ ' ' ~ u ~,:;.::':~ ".~ ,:_~;~."".::;,:;,t..~':.c~.sin~ ic except in ts'Fins oF requ~T~in~ a qua.~ity :~rot4 :~'...'::~.:: '.'a::: ,~,',-,.::~ .:ohs ~.,.~as ~,o~r~ : ~h~n~ red,ted ~.,.~asa c-,.~ntLnued . ~,. c ,.~ ...... ~ .~ i ~ ~ . -- i ......... C'~ m~" h ' ~ ' * ~J' ~*¢ .... ' ' " ~. -"- aFmQ many of us are not real ~,~Id about zn,~u~:~,ial some ,. ix'r~-~ 2. nS~ Corem i 8s :L,S, n h!eet .{. ng ~1:.'[: L'.J~ ¥.Y'~}i~ ~LIu iTIC~.'l'l'/ c:,f U. 3 8.'f'e~ri ~ '~ t -' " '" r,,~ ' - L,Je 'Felt ~hat ~4a " ..... : .....~ ...... as We i ., .:.:,,...,.; .... ..~.~ ; ,c,,- i. nc]t..;::::t'? -, al. uhat ~..,~ neak y m .,~ . '...~ . ~:.::~ .:x qU..3. .L ._, , ~.¢.¢ S..].SO , 8.~'C~ ..... ~ ~1 'k. herc:'s s~, many othe'~ i. ssuee th . .:: c:. ?' L 'i~1 '~ bJ ~'? J ........... '~,:'::,'.:..:;.~'~ ',.'.'.h(.: .L :3 :E;',..~ E.' :!;' ,3re to plaR.,~ b4~ere- ~ - yOL~ car serv~.oe the ~ ....... · oN L.~Q a~ b.a,s trie,:lJ '-:-:; ...... ~,,:t'":e,* ,,.,,~ did t:his ' ~ '- " ...... ' ' I ........ ' "-' t "~'.?'~ 'i"; {.'i 'i' C:, ,:. :! LJ C %:' ./..',r1,0~.¢ .u ,..~ .L.i. ,,..s eO (~0 i ~ ':~h NON.] 8, ,. L. ~,¢ NC~, to ........ h u c m y hav .:~: ..... ,...: ...... ~. ,-,'r, ,.:t., I ~ ~- o f y o ~ v . 'oc S e b~olq be'f-,& b~- .............. c, , ~- ~ , , . ....... ~' ' - . '--, .... --,-'. ,:,.::.:-.:.=,';-..; % ~.;an'L to k~::;ep comments to under 5 minu. '~'~¢'''. ~qs Z sazd, T ~,--.., ...?; :...:..:, ~.. :. c~ i'! ~:~ r e'/ ~ 0 ~ 0 t. O 'fl i u. ~ , r-~ (-~- ~- r~ ~ ~ ,,,. :'".,:::: .':. ":: i :'...~ :: ~ ~ ._ ';~ _ _. ,, , o r p.~ ~.,p I e ~. o g c, b a c k i f 't. h ¢,.. y , a'.u e :?. '~ ~,:"~ :::.. c] ,:. ]'..'" .::: ::::: :=:. ~ o ", .... t. h,c r e c c:, r d. ........ - .......... ~'.'!"r. .~ ' ~ ~ live at 8020 A *- 'n ~,.~:-:::r::;: ~ I T-;.. t ........ ~,, 4 ~ t- ,L ~lO r ~ k.::':; tO . ,~ ,,,_,.:.~, ,.,.~ ...... ,,..~ ~_s._.ates and" have a peti~' n he e that ..... ' ~1 ~ ego a Lt s s gn y ;.:;'/ c- z:.:?: 'r, ',:. 'l"c:, uhe ,...c:,mmi*'ez,o'n. It'~' ,,.~a. ted ~' Apr ~* 'nd ' ... ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ / . . . , , ~ uk, ~h¢~ plan !'d lil-.,:c t.o 'read it qu. icl{ly if I may. It says, Chanhassen is , .: .... : .:. :: ,.. , .:.::.. ',,-~ ,. :~a] ,.~ov.::~]..opm.s¥'~l~ excee,is projec:ted expec'ta'~"Lon® Farn~iy u. nit¥; "" '/ ' {' 'J;' I J."...."O i '1'] 'k'.he2 hou. ses, ;i,) c t~ ~e ¢actor a .:.::;~ . ~'¢" ;~ ~ '?lg '., i ] a be:coN .. ...... '.:::.i]..s'olc¢ as tl",.s HUSA line shifts ~,~est and south. ~,,le the unde ' '. C: .. nu~.,:,u~ o.,.., cc, mrnexcLal or ,, ~n dens~ty zon~.'ng 'i,.::: '~ .... ' ,~, ','~C s o 'n e i t h e r 5-' i d,:~. .... o'¢ T i.'.l 5 ¢ ¥- o rn ,..-,*"'~z,.4-~l~.' ~.) cU, ¥1 ~'b 0 T }{ 4, I a Ti ct ..... ~;:.'~ ','~"~:':' "r'al ].'FOaCl '~- .......... ~ ¥- a c I--. =s. 0 u r p o s :~ t i o 'n n urn b e r o r, e .~ s C h 8 n h a s s e n n a s ......... "' '"c'.~,,::{rec.{:5:' of thou. sanc~:s co perhaps millions o¢ dollars ,,~,n t~-':~:~ do~.,.~nto~,~r~ ar.sa . ...... ~ :.1:, ';'i "/ ,:..~ i" ,k~. ~.:J p ~ 0 p ~ ~b ~.,4 ..,_ / - ., '~ ' ' .... , ......... u c;ohipete bJith exi 'Fi:~ sffial! 'bobJiq D~ls ....... '~ V i c t o r ~ a, S h o, r e N o o d C h a s k a E x c e Z s i o r ~.,.~ .... ,. : : _,,.: ~ .:,~ L'i";:{J '~,.Ot',JriFi}; ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ .... ~ '" JC': -~ ~'' - e, .... ew. POLlreO C:O'QC'Fe'k.e or " :.'::C:.. o ~..~ i ]. ,:.... :[ 'a ::~ :.; with ¢~atroofs ..... ' ..... : "'~ 'j ] .::. :- ': 'n L.~ ~ '"'-'~'"~'=' "~ ~' the buildings often contaLn ;.;i:~ ........ = ....n.'[~-'~u. , ~.:s rear Of ' ~ ......~-' v:.:.s h,].,:::~ ~'..,...'.:~:~:;,..':~,:~ '~-,'-~ th.s su~xoundin~ neighbors Number 3~ b~L'...n ...... ~_.. . .~,,, , . ~.~' i I ,~.I ~.:~::'":.,~ ir~,:..~L~:.:;r'.rJ, al~ - _ come 'noLse and odor, pollution. Prese'ntly the /:: ..... : ,,:.:.:~'~:~.,..;.:.' kJ',C:' air Cron'l nearby irldustrial uses and are an offe I. c.,.~,'.' G.~::'L ~C:,F, ~...]j~ ~., ~. :~'ncr.~ase bJrhen ~...Je are h. ryiT~ tO fi'F~d b.JSyS 0~. ' ,....- ,=-~.; ] .n ~o/Ig~stecJ Y Da,u. .Lt ri~ake8 !qo ~;elise tO ........ ' .... ] ...... ,,~.~, ].al or of{ice Nses b~i1t oTtly o~sb.¢ No'ce '~.':'' ~'i~i.:; ,. .5 :i..::., t' '" is ~:i oigni"Ficant departure -FTom t'~ '~ ,, .... ~%.~ :-!': C; ~ :~ ~:T~ i i'~ C~ S:3 0 ',3 ~ -~ ......... ..:~, .~. :': :-...:: ', . ::. 'F .... ;.u~'.:: is:::~ue aga.-~? ,~o.,n~ 7~ e ~,,~. a fu_t;u.~e l,a. ncJ ...... ~...~ "2 'i:' ;. : .L ,~ ~_.'..i: /Z.'b' ,~ ..... .... ~ ' :- ~ ...... ~- -' .... '~ ,,,_~.., ~'~"].d head south ,::.; .~.,.. 'r, ..... pr,u~..,a.~.p]e the ~,jc,., ?lo~,.;: % :-.{:..,2:3 ,~:} ].""' ...... ' .... ~ ...... ~ not ' .... ~ .Js:.J.c:.¥'~. This i~ ~:~,,~ider~ced by nu. rnexou~ nou~ .... ' ..... ::,~..,t:.:~ ..... '~...~:~n~ a.n'~sn.J_~kes. One . :n,.:~.i,::::,'? l;ra-~-Fic art. eries in Chanhassen. Ne the u'ndersi~ned raise ''~ ' ~,s,' than ]~0~4 --' ' ....... : ...... ~.ons to zonin~i ~he land for an/,~h.].ng ot ~ .... . , .:.~ ._; . ..{. ',. 2 ..,: ~': '-.~ [~ . i~ , ..~ ~ .I _ .~ ~..~, .. ' .............. ~ ' ne Tim er~,; :~:~..~'~"e ~,-.~ou].d like to stay c:,n limberbJood~ So yes. · ' ' ..... :~4 F-:,eop~Le Nho ~ ........ i~ .. ~' i~:.:' ! .:I '? C? .... ¢: v ,~ '.,....i.. Ni ~i ~., .....: i .~ '.~., '.) ,:' ~ ~. .... 4~ ........ ~ -~ F.,,,~ uo a] !ow a ~.n.--kesperson "~ 'l ,'; ~' '~i.{3.'k..-i': ? ~ .:a'n e,~.:~.th maps a¥~d some positions and some .... .~.~ ~:~,..J.,::,'n h..e~'n8 Ne a~lo~4ed on Hatch 14tn an hour and 20 minutes ............... al:3o cons:iders Sunr~ ...... ~,~s~ and ~al~e ~ .... ' ¥'~ d,-,p.~ tner.:0~.' ~'~:.' consi~o,s~-s ~-hose neigr~bornoods" ......... as ~..~e ............... ' ~ ..........' ~ ~ hort~ you. r . .- I ..... · i k: :'::,;~!'h.:;~::::::~ an,:i :~-:r~,:..~ ten,ns this to about ~5 minutes? ~ .il:..~',.,.:{. 8d [; :: ,:;.,. o p l ,%. :s,,_andins up ?saying the ~affie i}i,~ '/ :'i- '.~) '-~': ~, i ] ~: meet ing was uo coet a var i ety ,..~ :.-: ~.: :.} .. h e., F.~ o i. 'n ¢:. c:, f ~" ~'- ' ~" , ...... .,~,,~,::~ ~,., ,..., ,:_ :, ,. .~ ....... are ing to look s'!- Chanhasse~ ~:~ an overa]..~ ' ............ ff '~' ~. z roper woe,~.~ ]. s: 'not ~ <.~-;. ~... ,,' .... ' ~' ~e o~ other 'Fe~'~~ ' - .~ ~. }--. J, ~ .... ~ ~ ~ * ~ · '::,1:,i'?~;:: : ::_:.,a',.,',s ~. x. Fr~c fo ~ any o ~..h ..,r ~ imber wood ,sommeTits ~:'o ar e yOU ..¢",,._..:, .......... .-,..,' ....... ?:r~,a' ~.:t "r'.s.;.;1]"./ ma>,' not . Le'~'~ 'S move of'¢'~ of Y.'i. mber¢~o<.¢o :. :.i..;-:..: ::S,..-,:;-,,-.a'n¥-~' t4hat about, me? T'rn the guy, this ~s L,.,~he%~ you Nan'l.; ' '' *,"; ',"',(.'r ~.;;,uilc',i'r'igs i'r'i my 'Crc) hr law'ri,, ?:igr~¢ e. ~.. ':: :' "; ~'" '; '.,'i '0 .,m ~ . ! '),' ~ .... ........ ~: .~( ;: .... ;'...?: C' .: ::, .:.. ,' ; , .::,nc:, ~,.,.I<~' Cochran.$ st;. 1.751 c.¢,nr{cJge ~ ..... t. C." .]]:~ L.;. '}' .i: ['! .3: 'i- ,::; .... :D d s ;-' a~ i 4j L~J .s~ .~ .::. v-::. '" ~., ,.:':,c, ,...'- 'i ':',.q: it ' ........... ~- hey "re~ !ooki ~,O at all t..~ ,,0=.~¢ ......... i ............ oou,_;o a'qd ~.r, ' ' ' "' ~ L h e (::.: .... -1:.'- ~' ......'..'~,; ~:::,tJ ',:1. ,:::Offlffi4b;-';O.~a.J_/JL mc{,j~.'P i8. ~ ~ ' { ~,:1i~ R top of &. ;.. ;-~.~., ,_ you ' 'r .:? ~o.~. 'r'~ 't:.o ~ ......... ' .. ~. ]~,~.b;u ~ ~ 8i 4.~ r i~ w %C:,L.~ .... '1 . , I I ~' ~ ' b J ~.t ~ t / L) ,.x ~.- '; ", :.:.' .:;, '...: ' '~' c: " ....; s, ;.t:.. ~'L h a n s n y.' t h ~ 'r,,~,o ~ I s e s % o u n d, ~,¢ h s t ' s g o. ~ n g t o k'.,,_,..... ~,~ ~ o o. n .... , . . .. , t...., l ... ~ · *- ,~ !- ~r:~ i ' '~ ,..~ ......._; .: ...... .....,," ::'..:;;o.';.n..g t.o ~ee the bui!d',ng o~ .... bu.i].d~.ng::; 't.,,o .......... ~ .-~.1 ........ ! ~ · :. ~::, '., :,',: '," ,:: ;.' ~'.,',. 't I'"~ i 'n 'S c: ~;, r e n ' ~:.' ~". x a c t 1 y b ~ ..... a u t i f u 1 t h i ,,~ ..... ~" *,. o b e h o ].. ~¢ -~ . T '~ c:, '-n*n.:5 l"h.~;~".:. 7'4 1.[k."'~ t,o Aoto is that the zoning to mo, .,. mea ¢.. + :.....'~-.;,t. T '~' ...... ~ "' ~ F:.~% ng ~'ndu-%x'~ - Z/c:ornme-,-o~ zone ~,,oc:,m ,~orhood's front yard ~teral~y' w ere , ,. :2,.~ .. ......... ;: :.; ,- -. .:;:: F x,:::,'F;c. ~ .;.r~ea'N it.~s;, ;. car~ throw a {ootbal; .... here atto I ~';~ 'NOt.. ... .L. f ~..)orhoods ,n other communiti have been a zot ;..a~....e.,..;. ~ .... :.~ -.~ ..... ~.~- ...... ung Ive not. iced in communities that loo, .:..'a.:' ¥;"~' ~-:: ;:'~t ~' T' a,:t:"u. ~. Vt: ~S; tn,;~t, ti'~¢; always ~ ....... ,c~'.,.,.e1 a, ge soa. ces, . ~,4he%, ~P'{ng t..ht-;re ~ ~her,~8 ~1.,2,,,=. soMe~.~ ~_ ~ ocesn t ma sense ~.,,,:::~:'~.::~ _,.c; n ha. nS. I mean zero and {t just ' ,-- ke · ,...-:a vc.'r'>-' co'nc, ernec]. Quite frankly I came out. here ju~::.,¢ 1~. you :3a , . .., . ..; --~ ~ ~ I.. I.. t _ ~ .... L. ' " ,'" .... -~. ::., i~; i..,',, ~ .: ,:.'.-, :..: .;~ )., ::.'~ I'-._ ~ ~ e r .3 ~,,~ ....... i ] ~ t~ e R o c o rr~ rr~ e r c i a ~ o r :L T-,.~4 ~, .:,.~. ~. .... ~ ~. d. ..I '~.~ ..... ,..~ ~ ]~ '.a~' i. '~"~ S :s .1! i ' T '- ~o~e,J heT e for you. r re~ie~4 t_auo and '.," .:' .-' ..:::, '." :.: .~ ~.N 'v' .:2 G T1C...L ..... · %(. :7'..::.:" %t-i:=. ~ ~ ~ i ~ " .... 'rcvis~.,?)'ns c:,f t. him purchase agreemen,,~+'. ~t says a va;~ ,_~ u -._ " '.~'' ::i~ .'.:.'_...':' .:~::.J~:/.,&:/'1'k. ,.'~r.;.'~D..;i]. t;p. b'/ F.Bo~]*~..- ~/9d ~e~'~o/TM, ,~. , ~b).-',g.~,~ ~u.,] ..... ~a~',..'s,, . ~:;.Bo · " ............ hat ~'"'~-"- of %h~ng bu% ~ ~..~ou].d ~ik~:'' it u- ~..~ ....... ,~ ~... r-, 'i]O ~,~ '0, ., ~ . .... :: , :.. J.:?; 'I'I I~ ~. ,~ f...J :%; ,:2 i.. ~ t y ~-' ~;; ~- '. r .}.7: ,.:' - ~: .... : ~ ..... i':__: ,:2 .:3 C:"N'3 othG'.l' ?t~. ~ ' - ., !~. ~. ~ ~ I~ - 'c' * .~"~: ~ ~ ~' ~' '- ~'~ ] ',-;:::.:.;~c:, e ;..::,, c, S:O].L..~t.{on to this problem. J.. mesri you have }..,,?,;,~,J..e ,. , f .... ~ _ , .....~. ~_ I~ ~ '..: .. ' :.:..' , ~ .,. V,:'. ...... I' i '~ i '~ ~-.4 .... ~ .. , ,. . r...., t,..Jh~L,* I live a.t ~..o.~.~ ~-,deu,~..,on n..oo,.,.~, a.. ~-~2..... ..... ......... ::.:,,:_:, :.,:'5. "::,,.:2 .............. :~ ':2 to expo.~d a ...... ~e ~.z,.. " a_¢out ~ t.h~ ..:" :.:...':.':i:z;': ,:::'r-: ,:':,'F~...;," .... ,~::~,_ Mi'I-,..:~ s ta~. king,- h . ~ '-- there'?; a !o~'. ........ of :-~"nc:.:~z~r': ,. ~ t ..... '._L ' -n ...... ' 4 : tc;~ ..... : ,. ,_., . . .' , ~,:..... .C;::'.:ll. '~2}'m,:D p'F'Ur-:'Ot:,U':..:~ dOVO~O[Dfi'i~3rlt a]'C~ h.,Ut T ' 1.h ...... O c. .-.".'.'.,:, .L'.. l:,(..:l~: .... ;.:~_.~'bi.",./E: OT a~ pO'f"SOf~ who ~8 ~fl,Ry~...¢-,;~. o'r'i¢~, .¢ ...... c~+-:=,D~ LL, o...,.. ~-'.¢tr,' . -¢:. CUT' .. :.'..,' .:.-::~:, :.',,' ' ......... ,:.:,u L t,:) ~_.he ~;e~% and al-'t~ ....... iOL,~' .... ~ rr~ consi,:der au i i i 2 I' ; ( -} (: ::..~ ':~> ,;.i(.~v~S_~.oi':;'i'a':3nt Pies ~'f/OOTpO~ ~u~c~, there's a oo-lqst:i ' ':- ~' .,: ,.. ; I &; ~ ' i' ¢._; .2~ ', *.x .::;.~.'::..>':.',t..::,, i::i_:',~._ p...::.l].Litio'a L.t~a~ ,sofae:3 onto. ri~?' property .... and I can oertai. ::. ': , v .¢ ::. ! c:, :; Ic, o,-ting up the hill a much shorter distance bJhere t~ ...... .......... · ..; ,:t:~: ,::;, .{ r[ 7~ to b,:~ sbiOk'~R~ U.p above 8N'>/ surroundi, r~g struotures that ..,....,_',., '' ....... ~ t ...... '"'" ~I'~ :...... n.i ~ ,~:~:, .3.? ~ hink b~ith some of the others that the':e ar ,. , t ..... ,~ ~ternstives nertainiy there",B a need :7 ' ..- ~' ~_ ': . ,~..:2' 'C. ~', .C u. {~ ,:D 81 .~ S .~ ..... - .... : ........ '~-'- ~i. ng in other pla~-es along ~I'-'~ ...... :.; ........ :.~--~.... ~.,~ ...... ',, what s,sem:B to be ~4or" . ..... e ~ ~ ~ ...... O~i~ ~O pt:b ......... .; ? ffl e n r. p r e s: e 'n t ! y I 'n -,. c r ~,: ~... ~ ~, ~::' ~ m e 1!:1 ', ':" "~- :3' ',..! 'i"! ti' (: (_~ L; 2 i ¥: :'13 i (1i 'L9 rl ~., i 8 J. C~ O "v" e 1. L., I l ...... I. ...... ~ '~ be avoided Than~-, ou :..'_', :' { t: ,:::, n.3 ~._.,'f" ,:3:, .,~ erns t. ha '~' CeLl 1 d t,.~e i. "'vcy' Eioo:~ H¥ is Gerry ~.~,ivey. 12,: '," ';-'>," .,-:~ ..... ~ :: V.:2 'Fi i R~ , ~.Rrtle '" ~ '7:..;'h.r :,,.".:i:' ::}ourt.. ;.. ',:,::',..,':? :~'F,::L.t.Z rr~u. ch the same ,7:oocer ns as peoF,:. . >' - ~ .... , .... ,:4, , -, , ................ , ,,~.:.:.... I ~.~ ;ike to ~:how you. c,'n +'he map %': ...':-: ::';:,' .::....~' ~ igf~t t' '-,, ~'~ .... '~ - '-' ~*'" ......., ti .... 2.: i:' ~ 'I~I (2 C' -1. I... ~ ~ ~ I t~ L. ~. ¢.. ~. L.~ 2. --~-.' i ....... ~ ...... ; t ~"uf~ C~ek ~ook'~ng : '~ ~ "' ~. j ~j ~, ,~ e a s t. b..l h :..: .: . ;':.z~.. T:'~iS S: he c.:.i ...... ' ' ~ ..... T'~ ~,:O'-J. r,~t ' ~3~S . . · '. ~.._,': .. ...... .[.]] ,:..'.;...]"~"'~ c;~, .... y' ~. . .... c:x ~'%~ ~,.o i'f'l <,, ........ ....~,,~ ..... ',-','...-' _ .~ ~.[:L~ q::; ~o~ere the po~er ~'~ .:,..::,,..: ~.oc,,-. ~-;~ ~1-2~,.. .:~ aYt.~z~¥,, ~,ac~ ou can see a ve¥7 :.:...7: .-~.::.... :---', ........ ' ]. ~ .... ' .... CJ' 7' ' '..' .:-:' .:. '":- ~_ ?~ o 'ne,:~ .~ ,g.~ . '-' F'~ n.::~ h - Ch k ~-" i ' .- -~. .'- - , ~ · .:.. ':. :-' '.- ..'/..' '~ ,~ ,:.:. ~. 4~ L.. ,:.:, h a 'v .e % ~.g c: LIr 'r e T~ u F' e O p l e h · " ......... : ~ '~iC~u:3'L"~-~al pYO~e"Y%Y .zt. 8ee~l~ ~ .... . ,_,L'.,[.,.L ~.L I-I~ ~.. ~ ,.~ ~ ,. ,g. .4 ................ ' ,~ ...... ~ ..u ' .... ~":';' 'cw,S'ffl ~,~ ~ ~ Ca~ SOO ~ _,,, :.... ,:.... ,.., ..... , , . ' ' '' : .... ' ~ ' ~- ''.2;{S~"i'~YI~- ~ ....= ....... ~' t' .~ '~ ~ t. h ]. n g s ~ ~ . a. · ".-:', .:~ ., ~'~',-=nu a r~ir amount of time n ,'~ ~.it.y '-.> r" ~; ' ....... · :7 ~-, .;. n .~' i :::; c u.s :c ~ n d t h e h o m e ~.,~ ~ ~ b u i ~ ' ....... ~..X,]aL .... ~' ' a~V ~ '~ '' ~ ' A .-T .' 7' :~...'.~ ", ?' ",' .(, ~ .... ' ~'~ .... ; ....... w,F-,ic, to m.:3 ~,.~ou~d be ~ome~zng c,f 2. :,.. ,-;:j I'.::., t...:'~l;c s. ~.,~hole lot. c,f t.~me x~ght no~,~ bu~ h ..... ] ;"'L].':~ ~.,i'- la e'r ~..~,n~, ,_. ,or your time ,.. ..... _ [.. i~. ~ '~:. ".': ', : ..- : '; ' .'~. 7: ::-.;~''-'~ ,~.I"./ n3. n'~.:~ is Doug 8.ari¥',sky I live at 872~ .... · - -' z. ;" ,; : · ~ '-' ~i'" t. ' .... u,~u i~ o · - , ...... ..,. :., .._: ~ .::, . ', ,, ~ .:~ ¥' · ... ~ ..... · , ' .~ ..:...;..-' i .,:. i ~ ' ' u 7 ,.:; ],. T r', a p p e 'r', u o f a c e j u s t a c'r o s s t.. ~ J ~ ¥ . , U'U,.-~O~ ~r ¢ ..... "~'" ou~T~ ~:~ ,S M i" i" ~:~ F, f ,CO~St~T -' ~ ' · ;-, .... ,..'. :"- '.:' ..: ..... :~.-. ..?,,..."[7 [ 'a '~Z.~'~.~Z~!'. .3Y,e.8.. A~, ~ ~0 J~J.~ u S'~.'FeSS .... ' ........ '.' : ' ~ ~' ~ T': '! ~J ~ ............. 'I" ~.., ~; ~. ~ ._~ ._ ;. ~. . , .....: ., .... ~_~ '._- .;.~'.~..~ ~,~,~u ..:~ ~,~.~.ng oposed i~du~txza~ .... . ~, . .r ~ 2 ": :'.".t.'~ ..... t ~"'~ ....... I. ~' . ~ -'- -I- ~. r.--~:3 ' '~ ~ ' ~ iT'll: +'"'~ ~ .......... ....... .... ' ......"'.'~..'"" ~... +'.- r '~ :. ':3' , -- ,' ~ 0 0 r ,-- i e e~ ~ ~ c~ E. ~.:' 'v 'U: ~ J. 0'~-~ k S f'~- h e , , .. ~ i _..~)i~- ~ ~ ....... .~ ',.' : . ..v,..: ...... .Sk/.?UI [FIO~ .?~ dV,~.[l'i3.'~.~CS.]~J.}" ~ '/O!..L CL'.Fi :s;::~:; ~xu OVC~i'" .... ' ......... ~ .... ~ ..... 'xc,~ can see the .........- c~ .,. :~': .d: ',' c~d ?" ]. ~ ',.~ .... ~.:~ ~_ ~--,.4 :~: 7 ~ ~ . · ~,~t 'Lhat has got to .. . .... . ..... ~2. 2~ 1~ ~ r .. I.. ' ,_. .~ ~- 1 l.-. ae~,~, ~ C affect OR ,~ ~ _~. ,~ ... ~ . . : ..?:_': .~ ,::.:.:. .... ~. a.,.,:::,:A'r~e'r's;. ~ Nou] .... d propose ~o'n~ ~}'~t i'q support ,""~.,. Nila~ so:ne :..~, ~' ~..~ ;~:-:'. .~, ~ .... 1 I - .... :.,.>,.-.,...,c. . .... :~':,'.:~ sa'yi'ng. Tha. t. the~e a~e no pl ~''-' :': ,. ..... - , : .,.. x ~. :2, y ,:! .:: 'i' ",i ~ '~ ~ ;. ~.. ~ i e ?' r ;8 ..... ['~ ~ F- ~ r z~{ ~ ~.s ]L~' '~ v .~ .~ ..... ~'..~- _ ~ .... '~' j I ~ ~ ~, .~- 4~, b. ~ I.-~ ~ ~ - s. I~ ~ ~ . ....,': '.../:::':~;:.; d .d'k ~,e.:~:~,.. ~i~..'J<,.,.. L. he s,,.~ ~ [~::~ ~: cr~b the ', ;.. .'2 'ri '::: ','i:; :'ti ~ ]{:i~i il! i O I ~ ~ L.: ~2~ ~ R~' ] C,~e ' ~ ~ %.:-L]~ ~[ ~.~ ..~ ~:.- .,. -' - ' - ~ One of ..,.. : .:_..:~:::':';':.- ..... :::,c:::::t:.':i.'F~:.~ :-..,.,'e.~ here south o¢ TH o: . ... "{.~i:~",:'. i:'-,~ ..... he 'ressc,'n ~ ha t. ~hat is ~ ' ,.,.~:.'r.~.. ~ ,o'r- t t is hat u. .':: :. '." ..:, ,.::, ' '- ' ........ h ~ ' 'n ' ' q h t o ~,..i ,.:¢ O " : h a ' '~ f ..... ' ::., '.,,' ::: ::-:. n', ::' ,::':' ~"', i. I ,:i': e n .~ n t t ,~ g e g r o u. p r i g h t n o ~,; c u t ,, :,.. .... . :,,; ,::_' ~- .. ~' l ;..: ::: C: ,:D 0 :,. :% ~ .,, b '!2 t~ r E: (2 % 0 iff ,:D · " .'- 117 doesn't have ~'he popu. lae{,',':, d ~ ....... feel tns. t if this site ~,~a:s cor~s:~de¥'e,i ' ~' ....... :'". .... ,.. ':',,:'.t,~.~?' ' !1.0 ~.,..: F~.~' ~' :E:oriic~ o-F +', .... h e p e o p ]. e &r ~-' c,-, ricer '0ed a~.., 'c ~ ~e 'i" e N,:3, L.~ :.. o :.: .:.::., -~ ' ~ .~ ~:~, 0 yOU. .... :.:..-;. ~: ,..~:: ~',c i:':3 f o r a :. z t t ~.e~ diversity,~ ' m , e -t k ,,, ~ , ',: :, .. '," ::: ;:. ,- ::: '.:;.::.:-: 'ri I: i 'ng a 1 a r~..~ o ~4 'ne r t h a t h a s ~ 8 0 a c'F e s a t ~ ~ ........ ' - ''~ ..... ' '¢ ~ ~ ,, ~ or L- 8.~' lt:O ..~ ~ . '..~ .~ , ~ . . ' ' t d e v e ! ....... ..... ~.~ '-~.:. .--{,'~':- ,,:~-.~:..I::. ~.,,~.:~ ~...,e~.i.~:;',.,'e i'a lanS that i:s ,qui~ ~'L'~abl ~r~i'h::::: '(,::s..:';' r,~.::.. ",' I'~ ;. i'~~' t.' .... e a ~ ¢ * ~ ~ ' '-' ,:.:. , ::. '..: '..:':; i ":_ ;. '-.., ,'c:, develoc,_ ,~ ,¢' '¢ emp].o?'rnen% ~.:::u~-~', a s:ervice base. for the --' :.::~:..:':.:t','. ~..,....:' .., in,,. ~t real~y ~il~ ,..~.~;,, .... ~.~::~e ~,,~,.. - " ............ 1.::,rnen-L tc ~oc..k a~- ~s a balanced tax ' ......... nd '- ' " "i: L..'~ :...,L~ ~iL. ,/'.' .~ ~- ~:' ~ ~ ~ ~2 ' ' ~ I it: ] I;:p :~ ',/.:::: · . '..': ..... : I _ ,. . ~, ~ ~ ~' '~ , i ...... - ............. :~<: C T ", ..:.." :' ':.. .:." ~.~ .:.. ,.., d ~ i,.., t.; ~:: ~ ~_., :., p ,..: ~ t ~ 'n :. ~.. :, ,,. ~ +'~. N ~ 0 ~Y ~ r T h: t i s: s.. p .: e .2': .:::: c::, T .... -",',' ...... '-Z. park. l, Je ,.,~1 Z have o~.~'r~ ~p~c:e ~4e bJ~~.~ '~d~: ~:' .... .-..: :-~:~.'.':[.:::...'; .::,,:.~ ~.,~,::~ t4~ll ~ ,:. ~ ',,,' .:¢ ,..~:::~i~n controls. This ~s :~un~:c[~ing ~.....,~.t 'c:-' ...: :.~::: c,::::,..,.'r'~L c:,'n in c, ffe¥'in~ a ~,.~ay o¢ development, aFrO this :..-~. .... · '. . ...... '-~:.~" '~.7::':.;":.1: rl':ec{:.: ~,lS s'n~:i .L~ t. hiTi"~,, y~J k,/qob~ Nhat. ff~'/ ,:3o~3cer .:..; ,. ..... .... ., ...... : n .:..::~;N..:x,:._xi?;.z~,>" o.,.,..~ fr':Lends but I t,a.~ gtc~'~ _ .~: .... ,. ' ' '-' ~ Ilk '] ..... · .... .... . .... i iCY Nap :i': [",:i.'p? }, ~"i~ {2 C{? Yi t._. {{~',"' ~L!~ i ~,jOi 1 ~ t.i ~. ~ ~ OOLi d ! ~u.% L).F) ~ot~ ~ '::: ,.:'..: .~'~'~:.1~ '/oN ha'v'0: C. ONiT~e'Fci~ oe'R~er~ over heTe aT}Q yOU ~ ~&V~ ..:.::::".', ':- .~r, ~.c. to'ria .and '>,'oc have one in Chas~,,~ and thexe teak1'>' ~I~ .~- t-. ~ h ~' 4 - · F-:. - -Y~': ~-:.'r,.c"r c_on'ime'rcCa.l c:e'nte¥'s .... ¥'~..~:.~r ~ i t i~l< if yoo. os some ' "-' ". ' ': "~., .~ "-.~:..~':' ".:.'"~ ,c':- , '> ..... h,.3 ane~J,s,r , f_.k~, ~ panacea 1~o'¥- i TI,SfaS. Si .... i19 '-/0l].'i"' :7: ) ': 2:2, 7 :. ..i; ..~. .{:.~ .{'} (.~ '/ ..~ ~ ........ ;. '7, ::. . :, :7:-~ . '. .~. .:. a; sro I~..,,~'/i;~%~ -kk~,.:%ir full tax load a'no there al e a t3~ le¥- e · ' ~,' R ~ ~'" - Y' .: ' :l,, Cl ~'~..~',.'~'.., >. ~. ':.i:'GQ 'C t ...... ~?~ .... ~. - -- J .... ' t h o · ..'". ~. ],1} 'c'r c::3 ~ b.~,L~"C.C::i' .~:~,.~ {~e(4er a~,:] fire al"id po~ioe aT]d 8o oR a , ... , .... :.: .:_:, ', ~ :iwi ~"JUx COTlSt'F~lOtiOl'l ~irld high~,~ay mai ~ .... , x. : .... ,. J .... I ,. i.. .--- ' .... .,. .:;3 ..... ~..... L.~,C/ ~4.:!':i-&~ p&}"i. Fl,:~ ]~O~,.,iei-- taXeS . ~ ~ c~ ::~ w, ......:~..~.] :.. :;~..::. <.': .,., :..:. .].i .... ,",C':l ~',alv%~ ~-~ ~ .... UL .. ].O~iTle,~w ~ ..~ ~.(~ ~.i k >. ~' :' :. ~.;,.. ........ ~.,. ~ .:.v,,~: ,::'.-.~ } ..... i~31e .L ~ <. '~:S ~ ....x ~.: L . ~. ~ i .... ~ k'n o ~..,,s ~ ~ ....' .......................... : .. '. ......:2 .:.;oil.' ...... ~'['~o" kY'~e dTs. i';sageNaYs were c:o'R3~J~sr, z,, , .. 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' ' i'..-, ,.-:.-., , .: ' · ~. -... ~ ..... . , , , 4. ? !' ,Z.~ -. ....... ::.:. h ~ 5 ?3, LJ i~ L.J. :~: t ...... $ m: i .... :- ,~:~ ~ ?/ ~. !q Cf r ~ .. ~'L '0 C.{ .E~:; ~ .::.. ......... ' ~ .4'. g,..'.:,::':~:?.:, f...s,'c 'kh.LspJ.e. ce here. At that t~me, ~here Ni·.!.i h.,,~ pu"' ~ ~ i o T h e r e v.~ i. 1 !. e p u b, .~. J. ,3 ,,, ,::.: .-:.:, h ' h a v e , "' -~. ~ . .~ ~ ~I ~' -' ' ' ' * 2.. ~. ~ ~%1; I ' '- ~ ' ' '- ~ 'A '~.. ~ i'r~3~ ,e:~ L4.21 ]~ as y0u ,c:~e0~p..]~e . ~ rriea ' ' .:". ': :.:.r;.::~:t.'. .... ~' , .... be ~ , ~-h~ ~'}-', '~"~ee~.~a}/ o.~..~ ~ ..... ~Tik ~ix~ u~,:3 c:!Ne'~ 0ut r~:~,~.Liy N.?.~. .... ~ ....~ .~ .-i. :.i:..!t '~'~ ~.; ''~, '~. L. ,:i: ~ . ,.. , ..... n.,~:; ....... ~'~;. x. ~f ~ gave ' ' ' I.- ~- C%~CahE;~S t~ ~E3:::~ ~ ,-~,'~q~ ::~ i'r",~eT',.,q4 .:31 i,..4 ri'~E~'.:~L~.~' ;~'::':~ .2'k~'':I ....... , ,.. · .:.., .:. , : '~,;!:: ',,.,,' ,:3 ':.' ,'3: ...... ~ ,~3 'F'! }" O, ........ a. :e 'k L 0 r ,=; n,.. ¢ m, ~. bJ .~ ~. h bJ 0 ~:~ b ............ ~'.. ',:-~:' ~, ~ t.h~ n~' '~. -' ~ ~ '~ ......... ~ ............. '.~ _. " ..:..:,.:"~':t' . .;::.,'~'i,.; .......... c~/ c;.i...~..._, ~.eY'e .... ' ,, i _ ~ a ~ ~ .j :. i .:': '. :'.7.....'' 3.;';:3 i~."E'IL].:'7:. C.C;,iTi[l'~C-'.rit o'n all c:,E the F, la'r':s and ........ ..l " ,:i ~ .~ fs. rther south on TH I01. i '-' ' '. ,:..~ .,. :' ." :.: .. ~';'~ i. m .~,.J .1 e': ,.: . .~..]. i'v'._. ~ ~ ~ ~ ::: ':'::~ :.:: ,:,:~ :~:~'LJ y ~.~':~ ~ v..~ ~. ~ k. : : '... ~..::.. t.~,'.....,:.::,,qer oik. lee have c:o~peteo {reeway.o..:, a'nd ,'-~,<..:-: , : . . 4. ,:., ,:, ~" I--~ '" ,, " t U d '>; , : . ,,. · .... , .' ,' ". ',:i .:% ':; L. ¢~': e 0 '¢ - ~ '" ' 'l~ :'i:::i !_.':;:' .::':',':::.'..:.:'~,:l th,e':.:-3 and then a .harSe service s.'r'ea. :5o . , ..:.:~.:.:. :: ...... n': gc:, :. r~:: ,~,:.; s.~k 7'c'L~ .~ ~ ~' ~'' ~ .... ~ .... ':, ' ~'5 ...... ~ ..... ..... .: :'.>::: ::;,o'; !:.'.. [ <.::,';'~ 0': ?', ..... ' ~ ~ ' ' ~ ' ' ' "~ .... ~ ..... .... :. .c ~. 1 .... I .i. ' , / :., . ,.:... ; ~..: ,::: i ':" ,:? C: ~.. I 0 ':'i ~, 0 ~...~ ~,.J. 0 U ~ ~ ~ ~ L: ::~... ~..~, ':' ~- ".:'.;..::: ~."7 ".'!', .4!, n'~,:{~.:o': ~,i,: ~^~,a.},' ~ na S a ,~>'pica ] : -m 4. p tt , ,. ~ ..... ......... ., .. ~.~e e. ~,-W, ,C~ .... S. ,S: ~ ""[ .' ~'. .= , , .~ ,.. , ~ _ - .~. L., +. ,.. .,: ~ ..:, :,' .~ :: ..... ~: ,.eetJ_n8 to'n~::~,~., ~e don't ~,..~a'nt this p!a'¢, ' ..... .... ....... ::.: .::: ...,est c~:.n,g a p!.a'n can do is t. el..~ peoi.~.Le ho~.~ a':.sa ~.:~: ~..,,:, ..::,~ ~..c:, c;.s ........ e ~. c:,F) ::;c:, ~.~ ~a u ; eal tots aren ~ t "Fea~. ',/ OLit. .......... . . ....... tal' ' '"~', .... ~ ' '~ ' "'" ' ' ' ..... ' ~ '.': :'i : ', .... ~'-~o?3&': :~? u.d" Tl-~e 8. r~ ~ '~ . . .,, ~ . , ~ .... ~ .....~ ,-,1~. ~. L~ - ~- .'. ;~.~. ~.,:.:,~i .;. ~ ~ .~r~L. r~ob~ . ~ ~ ~..,~u t.~[fi~ t.o ~t. aT~ ....... ~ oo . ~- . ........ ~ ~_.~ .,. u.~. - ~ ~ ~"~ ~.8 ~ ~ ........ · .... , : . t. Jt ,c:,r~ ~..,, ~.; <>t.~3er Qa~,~ ~ ~,x,~e a gut 'Fe,~!. R~}ia'k tho:T~c, s'," ,:.~ .... :'~" ' ~:':, ~..'.:':-'r, .3.~./,L- ~"o h:,e ..... ~ ~ "~a ~ ?~ ~ aOOt~L. ~OF[~e .. .. ~.,;~. .:I" .... :::';'O'~;'.2stec~ ~ G:~:~...,~eoLal~)' ~n t~a~ ~ower st-~ud'/.' ar .... ; ~,~. , ,,t..~ ~ ~ e. ~ ~ .... I '~.%~'i;.:~i ~ or :?'v'.":"' ...:: :", .:)?',:.,:,~y. ,'~,':t. s: ,,.',~, e you d prefer to ~n,.iop yo~.:": . ~' ';' .: .:~. ,.'.~. ~. .:, r .:7..:~-: ;3 -' '" - ~. ~ ' -' k " ~!..-:.:-,..,fi ~ S~...ies::; .~.-o ss , and I don't '-h -- . k-,e.~ ....... ' ................... ' "'~" th .. ~ ' ......... ~'h..5 &:. '> .~.... ; ....... :~,..~.. '~ n .... ~,s ,.~ou. , , TH 101 needs atctent, ion~ .~ ~,.~, ........... , ~ ~" .... : ~ ,: .:, .~- ,,.~.. (~:, .~- ~., - ~ .~ ..... ~.. - ' ~. ~, ~ ~ ~, ~ .m ~ ,., .. -:>~._~.~.~ and the -._:,.:~ . [.,.i, ,.~. ~ ~ L..,~ i.~ ri k t3 hose I ~1., ,,~ ~ ~- . . : : :,.,.'- ;', ~., ')'C'L.~ .. , '.' '. .D'C i. · ''] ~'": '" t-')'" ;...;~c; .... ,. ............. ..........~ ..... ,-'.-.,~.:,... .-::'~:c,::: ~:..~ ,:::~'n end rno::st of my' la'nd i~- zoned med~ur'n de 'n s: i *'~. '/ '~' ig,-,'~ '~'' .... '....:.~:: 'c.o" .... '" .~ ./~i .-: '.' :2 C:,'- ,.- " 0':'] ~iPe it is I_. : ...... ' ....... r./;.FI, g 8. i30ut i~ 8~l~. here i!G} COT' .. ' " ' ~' go a~other strlp of lanu a.~....,~g here, , · · ::.'':',.' ~-1,:?",-'~.:~ ,4;ome$ a f..-',' r lane n.;ghway j'n%erchar:ge Thru trs~, . - .-~ .... ,::) -~' ~ .'ii'...:;c:~:~:~.. ,::,"-'~~ _ , &~ th~ aT,~.<e~ .=,~< ..... Ti M~. ~c '~,,.*'c" ~ ..- :. ,.:.' c ', c', 'nF. * ' ......... : cl.'z* c ..... ., .... :+. · I ..... ~ ~ ' ~ · .... ~ ..... ~,~/ ' ; ' t,,'3 ,...I ..... " , .',...,,~ ' .:..i'i't:..,. :~ ':..':,,.,R .i'1Oi4 iqC,',,~...., ;~.'*'.e r~.> 80 ~ 138 ,uo 1'5 oi.~ .... ~ r8 .go g to 'h~ }." , !~ 4~ -.{ ........ ~. b..: ..... p i O"? i..m f,.~,.r m._-3. ~.. ~ c~ n o r c.~ ~ ~ / L ~ ~ .~. ~ i'.g ! ......... ........ ~ '; F,s'r ::;:,~.; ~' 't:. i ';",<~ ; 'n here ~,~-:si~, ...... ~,~..~.~ .~ y o u r per s o'n a i ~... ~ . . ;.. · :~;~ ,... .... --- r ~ " .... '- i 'i ..- L. OLd Ti,.~4 ;L ,L.x ri O ...... 1 ~ . ri O t ~.x.] ! :~i; ~"i '~..:D ~; C:: 4.! '= " ]. ~.L.,L"47:i:{ ~.2'Y'it.~,R I ..... ' -.. ~.~ .:, ha/ u~ ~x ~,~.;~}-" I ! .~ .; ,. :.. :: ,:.::, i.'., }. ~ '~ {' "~, ...... '~ , .~. aS., a .-,~: .... ZOn? You keep ~a~k~ng about ne, ~,,.. ~ a n y m o r e i 'r~d ,_. s t r i. s .i. T ~ ........... ~ ' ' : ~ - ._.~ ..~ ~ ~_.. i -;2 .._ L ~ F~' .~. ~ , , ~ ~ CJ' 4 '" ~. L ~ ri e ~,,.J S e v e I o ~ rr~ e 'n t L,,; i .~.. u. h, e '~ 'r .q; c: 11. e ~..~ '" ,2 ' { ::'].".' ,'~'k.:J{. ,{i'F .;2 ,,3C:,'i"iC er tied .~lb<3, u ~.. ~ ,.,,,~¢ ~ - .... h. ~,~ ~ I~ .-*.~ ',~. ' ' ~ .... h 4; '../' .: ? ,7;,,,~,::~,c.;n ti~e :E:emi .... ru. rsl c~t'/' ¢' '¢ ~ ....... ~ ............. . .j '. (:. , . . .. .. .-'"...:: ,:o.',.',:.u: Lc, avoid the u'nappealing look ~-ahich characterizes so ma ,.' ,:::, ';-, .; ';-'~ g i:z. 9oi'ng to have a negat{ve {mpa,st on C'na'nhasse'n and t '1'; ';;j ~- '; ', t_. ,r:;: I r', . i LJ. ~ L. .... ~ ~. . ~ . O~'f~ i ~,x:~ .. ~., ~ i :.2.;. u.; ~ i.:~' · .... .,. .,.': ....... ..; ..;-:..::'. ~. ':. ,.. ~ t i ,n_ u ".,.,' i. :s',.x a ! i. ';,', u n a p p'- ~,., s. .~i i. n g o i t '/ o_ ~-, h :i $ h ~.,,~ a >,' c; c, 'r .',.: 'F~ ./~} :% k~ ;. O ! p ~ '~' , ..~ 4;¢ ~. ~ ..... ~ ".:,~x .... ::;:: .::::,'r :,-J~ ~! plan to De ~'q¢ ..... ~.,.. ~.. .~,~ . ~ ~.~. ~.._r ..... ~ .: ~ ....... .. . . ... .~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ . ~ ....... ~k~: ' t<. Cha ~ ~"" / ' . :.~:.i".'.~. vi.:~;~,.,::'} of S~'as:s, trees, archtec:tura.~y appealin:g re:~'~c~e,~,.~.~:~; ~ .. . ~ ..... ...... > z: A",or.:3 e].:2ssi~.8 'v"{eb alolq8 a hisA~,~ So~3~ ai ....... ~ ~.~ ,./ ...... ' .... ' ..... ILs ~..-..~-iolc, gica~' c-ut~i'ng ,c,¢f ' .... ~, ~.... . , : :=;: .... .:-'.'.'~ ;...,:..:..~.::.:: .;:{;Li,S~'I s:3 i :J. Ffi;_)~:.:~ L, JOOO ~~U!qr.~{ se Co~r~ ~ v-~.~- " ' ~ - ¢ -,- -"' ...... ~ ' ,q L~ O N ~ . I ~j, O ~ ~ ~C, ,...:, ~., ~ h :{. :;3 .......... ,~nvironment. of a conti' '' .... neig"" .... '- r. ._ ..... ~. r ....~ ....... L-.~ ' · S >,:::. ;,. ,._; ...... _~.,:.::,gl. ca!, m .... ~ia] and va.l. ue imr, acf Noth~ns i .;..;~ .. :.. , . ..... ........ '--': ...... '~ ~tr~;~ of residential ].and sic, rig one side o-F__ .. .' ..,. ; . L, .; ~,,{{< ::i: 8"i ,~ .L .u '-' ' ' " isoia1'es the ne~,.; area whi. ch as ~ do~:' r~ot ~ .. -. , ~:: ,:i:, 'l ', ~ y :~;,:;., 0 ~. a z ]~ / .................... -: ,.r. ' r~<..~o to interact' wi"c~* , ..... .... 3.: :' ~..~'~ , ,..,', if~ 'F~E:!o~bo~ ' lhere ~:; a.i. so .'?" ....>,.~:;:::.::..?',--, :;.:.,". p¥'.c:?erlLly .... trying to create a service ~4a. ter []la]"~4}.';~{~-'J'](2} ........ :i,¢ - ' .... ~"~!' '- 'n' - - ' p"OpO¢S~S i'noi" ' ............. ~ o <~ & :~ ~; ~ ~s L~: ;~ 'Q ,c-~ 8 ~ "~"' 80 L~ 4¢; /'...e o '~ .? e .:'> ':" .: ..... ; J '{~ :3 ~; ~'ic..~ , ~ . .. /~ ~ ~J k; (:; '{'i .... ' " ·" ~ ' ' ~"' ~ '{ rids ar 'N].'.~' '{ ........... · ' ".. :':. " '.-:~,",~. ::::; :[ -'c. LJa~: :[.o:~ 4:::~ they do not harvest tt~z nut¥ .ient?:z ~ T": a".~'{:'.{ ::. . .... :'.".:.:.,. ::S.:..", '.'", .:P :: : bec:~ :~oted. Ma'ny o~ ~he ernp~o':/ee~ of ~"~ ' ~.. . .:: ' . ... , ~v:~,..J:.:;'k '[" Z~'.:i OOhl3'~LZtq: ~0 OLJ. r ,O&'!2': ~ ~ ~e>. 8'FC: T]Oe i'"~::.:/:~ :~ ,....~,:::, ~ ~_::.:: 0 ~ '::':. ~'," -~.. -.' ........ ~ -~ ..... --~mr,,ercial uees bring i'nc, e:sed +ru ~-k a'nH cst ': ....... e zonin~ that creaL.~,s and ig~':P',/stes:: '"'""~ ' .:-:":.:::;:.:~,..:.:: .... fa:L. itl 41 : O Ti'"I :~ W.i:.l have industrv, o5-F~c.e :~'nc] .... .:._ , ~ . . ~'z ~ .L ~:": ; . : ~ .-- _ I . ,... '.:.,: .... ~ '>J,".*' ,::.:O RO't. t:'Nder ot ~ ' +' ~A ~ p ~ ~ * " ..: .... :7"9 .:::'~:~:;::.ricts which means that thei: tax do]~ .............. .... ~c~.r goe:s iR ..... ; L.~:-. ~'~::':" ' ..... ~ ' CIt: t'"' :.~. ,-~ ~e 0,~ ~j~::;:, e~ ~.% t .... : .... ~ -- ' "~" ' I"~- ~-h ,~ .- Rp . --~ 4 ..... .. : ...... :.: C:, il.'/, .... ~:.:3 Oou .... >' or ,... e b,la~ers .... ds wh!.ch b~e .... ~o nc: .... c~ _. - '-- h,$ .~ p ~ g o u ~. o u'r _. ~: ....~. ,~,, .. s F, r e :; ,s 'n t:.. ................. i:~ , .......... u. rc that ~hey wil~ ................ ' ....... into EE~ :' -~ N u '~ "' .-'-::.:.: :'. t.. · _ , ,- ........ ~ .,~ab~ .,. ~.:.:. >' ~ ,:.,~ .... h,? :::eb~e:~ ,:rid water ~o they' ~ z ~ p~-":,~.~ .... :. y reo~ ~:~,:-~- , i ~-- '-/ ..... "~ h,> '.:": Y'. : : :[. c: ':', '.,..;i~! ff',c:::':~ tha. u Ne :iii ~.e {l. ar.,en c,':: c'.,'F C:.J..~"C.~./IAL...~E.:~ . orn : .: ..... ::,'a.::::'::.. ~:~r" o ,_,.. .~.,... >,'ears . f,.!o~se p,ol ~ ~ ' ~ ~'~'"~ ....... ................. :7..:.' '[-. .: :~ ..::~ 'ne :~ 3 ~' ~. v.s c ,~ n', p,=' t i t i. o n i ~ b~ e e n c o u r a 8 e m. ,";. r e c,::) N,m, e r ,3 i_ ~...~.:~: :'.::::',..'::'~"-~'~: o'.,.,er~z5 million ool].are' +'o,. 'r e'.J I~' ~_.a .z i z- e 'k. h i' s a rea b.J h i ,"..... Fi. bJe "- '" ~ -~ i'f we'r:~ ~'' 'l:in.~ more cornn"~erc:.f, al ~ ',,..;,::-: ~;'".::: ~ ' · :" ' :2. 'v' .2~ r'i .:m .-- ~- i {2 ~..; ',.J..[ i ~ 3.1'i,..~ .... 8..L., ~ .... r ...... ~ - · ..'.:.. :.''.''~r4 ':<.'"'" '4{~::n b'~':'::~ nee::.tJ a vet>.' hea~-hy r~,:-z~b.J~''~ ......... bJ h e'b. h.e r s ,.>, ~ i~:~ v- e si ~_ ..:.. ':'i "F ' .... ~" '~'. ,:~ f o ' ' r I ] o ~,J e r :t:: p r o p e r t ¥ .... ,/a i. u. e ::; A n d .... · .,'.. ~ :-' :.,~.::': c:,n:~ ~:nd prov~t),~,-.; .... ~he a~eas a,:~..~ pe . ...... ..... ~E on. , a rqa~x .... "." ',...,::::h ..... :: bu~.i.i c, ver ther.,~ and I want to c,~,¢l nexL. o . ...L~.L,': C' L '.: 'r ~ t:. -::..::': tO bL.lii,..: riexL, t..O hi "' ~ J ~ '~ - 8r~bJexYs a'~(..] ~ reeNay8 a~o ,{. nou~%r .ia ~ · ~. R ~" { ~" h ~ Y ~ ''~ ~ [ilay riot '. '"i..- :.:i-,c., ',.;.::,:'~t ~.o oo thah but there is a market segr:ent ou:.. ~e~ e ..... ' '-' the i. ,.4 ~-~ ...... ... : .. {':. 3 :::. -::. ~.,..I h s. '.t. c. s :i ::),:3 d o n e w :L t r ~ a. n ._. ? ,q }: .,. a ?'i : o r z o ~ ~ i n :: ~..... : .-. ...... ':'~:.~o~...~::. a ec::~.;~re~ o{ the current reE:ide'nt~ o~ Chanh,:.ssen fo": r~ ~ ..4. ~ ~J , ~ ~'- :' ."~'.'r: ...,,..: '::'t'~:'~; ,:'~ V~'S~ 1. planne,..~, ,./4sualiy appealin:g , <. · -::: I' ),, ::.': ', '~ ,:.'.:, :_i I :'~ ~ .... ' ~ ~ ;' = ' :~c~':' .:? . ...... .............. ~..~: u'ne majo'r ~hrust o~ p~a'nn~ng~ :~.,nz]..ies move. .... , ...... " .. i ',: : ,:;.7 ::.:: i ,:.., c: rl,C e :3 ~ 'n O '- t ~eL ,.~..~ '~ f i. c:~:s , H o re ~ o ,.,-' ~: ~ i. t / r ~ s ~' d e T~ L.. :..~'~<... :. . , ~ ..... ~ ., ~ ..... q :.,'~ ~. '.:. :.. ::.., .:. ' ::..:. v .L d ': :'~ :::' rno,-e large scre residentia~ zon~¥~,g. The wes~'~,.,ar,*"~ ....~ sh ;,_,:7.:': ..... i,':.:- :-,.~_[ ].. ]. ~:,L. F, rovic~e mU~., r ........ ~,u~al land on t~- ..... ,. no"r"'""t...~ .... .... ~ , ~ ...... L ..~-v.d .... ' ~' ,'.':.::, :-.'>' ...'.,: .... i ~.:7-:~:,:::,-'::':i;,p 1~... .dO,. ..... T[Ot b.~ i sJh 'co su[~Q i I e Hot4e'ver ~ ~./;,~..., L l,:..~a:._; .i. 4-: .... ~ ......... ' ...... I '- ' for south of T~ ~n,~ t~,~. p!an i~' rno:::'t:'.. ~::~u:f..ta"-' ' .... -.:::.:. :; d: ~'~t' ::..::1. . ~'.~,o~..: ~he ':esLden~-i.a]_ is the blue spaces ~::,?, tni?:~ ..... !,4e ",'"~'! '~ ' ' ke 'or more ..... ~ ''~ , .: .,..:.~ :.. ~. ..... ~ ....... ~ ~...,e '~OL P, o 3'0 'ko p,,:{'. · ' ...... ~' ' :::.,..: ,' ~:::~ ~ .::: . T h e b I '~- ' ........ ~ e d '" .,. t..~? ~)~E~Oe o~ ~.~1~ [ASp ~>nO, ,c~ L.' ..', :) , '3..:: ,, "~ ,u :2/ k> ,:. :-c:. T'i [T~ ,~ o c~ .~ F~, 'F ~ , i .L I.~, ' '" i"t-~ ~.t..~ b'ue ~'~ ..... - .... ~ ~ ~ ~:'~ - ~h~_s F'ink :.,~ . . . " '2 ':'! .:~ '-', 'i"i (i' +' :': ,'.{3 f ~'.: :~ _. I I J.. ¥~ u. ~ ~,:J .L ~:, ? c~ ~. ~ . ..;. i ~.. o..t. i Z ~ U i i ....... , ' ',j-:. :: . ". :. ~_ ; ".: '- ' ' ~' not fo'roe +'n,~m ' ~ because th . , - ~.., ,, F,~ .... paying fo '~' part.1, of t~ ...........,,-4 7 ,:': .J.::'-. ',., ..;.: ].. C:'l .... r.;; 't"i (..{ I'- Fi e / ,, V e t O S ~ a r +' ' , , ,~=: i a, ...... '.,...~ :5;: ,.'.' . . : {.' . :,..::"~.;i.,:.;',;.J",'Jisjj:3 q' O:~LO~%Ti.~isi t,ohoEho'f- it '8 'f'~dONki. 8. i ~Yf'i'i oY b.,;hs.'~L.:2: , . .~. . I .... I ... I~% .... 3 ' ' O O W 'R i .............. k...' L.:: J. ;...: t .. ~.. -:.:; 5 .:: ...... . . ; .[.i"; .F: T';'::~ t ~--~,:..~.~; ....T '/' :--~ ~?:D A]ph '¢ .... P -s ~ _~ k ...... c :': ~ . !: ;:...: '' (.; c' l.J. ;. ':-I ~,_.. %C'U]¢C.) T~ 'F k.~..'O ~ ~.,~ ~:~.::, tiio. L. ,..¢o~..~.d .... '.,./' :. ~:' :-...:'5:~ ":" 'o ~:: a c 'r e 8 ri,c{ a 9 r .i c u I t u r a ] a O a, n .=;, .,~ ~., I ~ ....... . . . ~..; ~¢ ;~ ri C C) Li'T' ,.5; g-G . . : ' , :'.- ..... i O r ~ W o. / N r:, 5. % e ~ ~;o' ,e .:2 - ..: ';'::t. ,,~ ..... .:..::. J.'c c::o +''~"r,d~ nO o'ne is facing ~}qe h ' r ,.,. 4 ',"'::.':.:;:_2~.r!'.~ r'fisYhie'~. Ldp',-', ~ IS: ~.;iJ..~ l i'FiO tO pu%chase oB hz~r,..,,a~.:; a,,..~ [::,u::E:y. . . ., ~.. {'~ :[ .{':; ';--': ~.....~ a '> i ,a :~ :~ .o n ,8 ~ N. : n g o A I '/ o c c Li. r s ~4., ,~: r'i e >.: ~ ~'-~ g .. ,.;ein.g re~.oned h. ,.,. ._ f t. ~9 ' " ~-: :-, ;i .~ .......... . ,, · I 1 ~ b ~ I . , ~ ~. ~- ~. t~ .... 4- L ~ ~ ..... ~ ~ ~ ..~ ~ <4 ~ YJ ~ . I O O 1' ~ C~. ~. ~ i.~ o. }~ }-~ '~ <?.: 4:> !.¢ ,..; x.-.o ~..- ~ (.::~ x. <::5 'c: ~; ';:. ..: ': i- :...;.:'.: :: v .. :.:: :,,; ~ ,.:=:'n .,. c, rr:F, ar e,.~ ,...o no n- T es i de~ 'n+', i a ~ suo h as ,..';~ .... - .... '-." ...... ~he HUD no;~.se spec;~..a.lisu., v ' .: ::; L,...', .J ; 'i' J. ,:i,".: ,.::T':'}," ~re~a'/:3 ths'[~ ~¥'¢iI 9eTIsra~ ti'~S.L. ~ir~d oi: lev,8:.~.. ,,.x~ 'rqc,.~.::..~.:::.. , . .-:': -. .... : .... :.:,: .... ~..~e:~,. A~a~'N, ~ost o~ the ?-1ois~ co~'ies ~ , oN Lhe ~.i L;.,::i;,, , , ~ :.', ; . ~ ,..;..~.~ .,.r- .::. :, ~.. 7:';OTii Bg tha'~c doe:N rio'J~ gel~srat~ trNc k traf-~ ~[ c ,. ~?,4Lf-:.~- [.'>." '-' '" ,::.:,u- '~ ...... Fam~iies with childxen fha ~ reside o'n ~,',~,.,; :. -- 5:-:;.. ._'; ':. -., ..s: ~':: t:. :=.:; c:,fh~?,._.,, fail ..... ~-.o "aac'-~,._.~. ~:, ~-heTr,~ ... children street safety . ?':, ,,,...,. .... .' ~ 4" . ',, .... ,..::/ L::~a :. .~ , S~,~ c,~oa'~ ~ ~ ~i].J. ~ C,L~T'~Q 8.'~ ~..~',~,~.CyC~..e ~.:,'N ~ ..... ~..~.:.e s~,'.':"~.:~h.:!~: ' '. "' t: ')' ~:: ~.~ :-:.' .:d:S ........ / ~ ,:3~5r sBd re~p~c~ c,% ~.0~ s~..r~,o . aTi ..... ~. ~.~'~ .' :~"~ ':: : ;=.,i..=.->.." in 't:.',--',.~ ::~t:.re~ or m~ll 8~ound... SafetF ~s not a major ' . ,' ' .~' : ~;,,:.:. '," .5:':i~ r a ;~;::.~';, No1" ,~ .... tr e~:~ ~ F~,:J F~or ~ <~ ....... P'k~ <-~ o~ .... 1 i Ti9 I ~.~¢* ~.~ ~.,:;~4 ~ ~:<:~.~ ~ .... ~ f~ ~. ;:~-~ ~:¢~.; ..... ':.'J: -': , 3 ~ T,'!~ 33 i'.'1- ~ SI. L _. ..... ,';,,~-~i~e:qs ~n this tou.;n can tal'o up "-~, /0%: ~,-r .... ' ' . .......... ,~ % -- t... ~ ..., ,~- ~ i -: ~ ,E' :,'.., ,{{~ ..L. R :7: .... h, i. ~' . .~-,.~,:: ~.~,:"~ up t,:.~ 4 '-~-,"',~ .... ri.?:~ ~,~iq and .... ~ot to Ne~It{olq PaY~"{R'~, ..... ].ots~ ?;i- .... . . . I., . ~ ~ I.. ~, ,~- ~ ~ ~4 ..... .... ' .... ~ :.:-: .'% ~ ~:::. ":' ,:7:., '..,. '] S: ~';. 0 T ', ..... ~ ~ ~.° ~.~, ~ C 0 ~ ~,~:~ ~ ~ i S S ~ e ~ ~. s c, . ¢~ ~ 8 r ~ e'.~ e' ~ .... /' ..... ~ O R -.~ '.". '"; ".~.5.:.:::r.:::. 'f~c:,:::;,. I._.,.~-'-'-,... ' s see. The: e s adequate g'F~Fi S~,3B, S. YOG1i:..i ~.. ..... ~. l ( . .:, , .... used the school and for par k -¢~c': ' .......... ~ ' ~' ,:;:'~ ;'F~ ~"i ?~ bJ~ ,'...~ ..- ..., . ,",. :F.':; ~ ~ ,_ a r ~ ~..> L~. s ~ ....~ ¥' o nl ,.~ ~ a ~; k a a iq c: V ~ o t o r i ~.r~ o,... ~ ' .......I-' .... is ~im~.lar' to a large o~=;',~ce or 'flat top i.'"'-" ..... [ i .:' :':3- ', ,:',L:3 ]..oC~. ,~;~OR .... ~,~.,~::~ nOt ~OFC~ ~.~.z ............ .,.x ,.. ,..~ .... ' ' ' ' -~'~ l~ O'FiS NtltLJre 'reSi,j.~ cad volu'oteeT' L..,_. L.',.4U..~L,..~ ~'.; l'- ': ' :::.: , 'l "h .J'] S: l,. i ~. ,' (..~ ",7'. , ~ ~' - ............~ - . , ,_.~.,, ~. ~ , ~. ~ . · ~. ~ ?.-)--~ x- r .. "' " opor il " c',,--~ ~s:=;; u , OS,.2.~ L.,e;~.:R ? ,. ~...:-:. ........ '" ....:-', "' ':"1 ':!: 'F' '" '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ........ ..,,.-. :',:.:,'r ....,, ,m .~:.and OR IF ~,,~h~ch again is: 't. hi.s u. ittle si ~ , ~ ~ ....~ .~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ...... ~ ., ~. ...; ;".~ ..... c;'~ ':' ,:-; '..~ oi" a'r-i~9 area Dp t[l~.x~ e oR ~ll,,;. iqighbga},' . Dresen?' :.l:," ~:~;~....~ .L': . ~'" ............ , .... t./ . . ~ ~ ............ ~ _ ._ L .. ~ ~-' L~OA p'}" ~ ~ 8C 1 ~ ~e d r~:~c':,;:~':,iel"~'{.'.. · .L ,:., ~:-.}~', ~ ~,:. :; .L ,.2 ~. !~ ,.- O :.% ~ ',~ ,,x--; '%"CeS:~ ~ 618. C L. J ~'o ....... ~' ' ''- .',:.:F:-': :n,'.',';'~.:?";." 'C;Ut ~''ni..S i'F~o'r,.e'/ H'~klst be used -For capital {NproveNe'n'Ls .... F:~r ~ s ' ~ , ~ ..... ~..x ~.. : -'...'~-~.'2 ~.l.,~.; ~ ] .:.,"'i'FiSt¥; . i he: iTI,_iLI{5;~ y OnODa...r ...... - L.~d.~d .i:~} ~J f'S'~ .... ~'i~ .... ' ........ ' ~ "~ .... ; .... ~ ........ ~''- h ~ ' ' ~ ~ ~'' --. ~ ~ ~ 'J h . ~ · ,-'n:t'ng the qt~iet, peac~fu! e'n~oymant o¢ an c,~'qer© ame'qi."c,,' , ~ .~ ~ ~.. , / ~ ~ , · T, ". :~.::::,..;,-:.::¥-;:z~ to r.;,,.; ,~i.s proper't}'. Non-.resLuentiak uses shou!.d be ,....3r .:! :FF: .~ 0.8 Ti 'k. ~ a '0 CJ S h o LI ~ '''~ t. " .. .~,..~ serve a reques ed need. Hak . '- .... ~ .... is 'F;O+' qoi~o LO oe t,,e sa[fie as ~ihat o,$ ,~. ~, ~ .... ~ ...... ~.,,.:, ,~ exception of a ].ittle o .L./~ - - ' ' ,_. s N'Srce 8:S {3: <-: .. . ..... r,e t:. poz n"t T :'."? ;a~ ::~: e 'r",/ :t ,-' d: ~ c. ad ~'.:c:,Fnes al. enD a't t' ..... ' r~eq YeqL.!.ire t .t .... . { .. :- ~ ..i .. .-~ - F- ....... '- ~< '--" ' ~ ' ~"'~ ~h/ch mean !Lke ..... ' .... ..::'.::'i :F:F.{:.h, ¢..~].0C:,' COY ri~~ Lira O~S.].t'/ ,~3,~1 .... ~./~iiq '-:,...; ";",..: ~,- ':'.:::c", x"~rds bac:k up to the berrn,a. Finally the !.ou~ -'-' ~ ge . Pre-Ferably leave u. a ;a~ m ao¥',",=.~'": ~ ......... : ''- , 4-,I t* I~ ,:.~,.~. ,.-;c;~a,qg,xx in ~he zoning zab9 coule L...~;; me.,:Je ,,.~ -.- i_ ... I .I I .... ] .~ ~':..f."...;'..::. .::,. ......... ~ .. ~.:.e H'ia,..~e i or a~1 'FutuYe CoDstrLlO~On O'F of'~ice, .;.:o .. -::.; .-': ';:'~: t' 'r' 'T. a I . ;-."~-' t~ s; e n t 1 y i t a ! l o ~ s t h e b a c I< o f a 'n z ,, ..~, ...:, ,_ r i a i o ...:. q'2 ':-.::::ct !:o ~{) re:s;icJentLaL ~ot. This s,~.~x~ be ,c,~.~,~,:,~:~,..~ to a m:..n:~.~,~r,~ .:: ~ '- " The ~ ..... + ~ ~.~-~a + 7'~ - ~ ar~er '/et~otg "~e'-"? ' ~: ...... ~ ...... - -- ' ......... ~ .... '": ] opFne Y~ts a 'F ou 'F~d r'~ ~. i '~ ~.,J~u ...L d F~"~ c,w ~. ,:'-':~ :.. :/; . , ~ i ... :. ~ '.: ,i..:. '... ~ ,~.~ ,; ,,:. . . ~ ....... ~ .... ' · ..'.'~i . ',..fi~' ': .~ ':.'~C-,{: ........ ''I note ~hat se ~.~e also ............. W~.~ ........ L..Ov¢ ~ ii' !. ",..:.. ,~: .':,.....~ F~.-~,:.:~.:.~ ?':',~q,::! ~..~ ~:~ ~aY~er 'y'~ ~o~ sectio~q~ ~ a~airi are '~ ....... ~.~L ::. I .... i ~ . i .. ~ ~. ~-~-~. .' .... ~ ....... ~U ~."J~ J-.~ r ~ ~'~ ' i' '.' '~ :'7,"- .-t ~. '' ' J ' ~' ~ 1 .-~.~ .... .x.. ~'o~ .... a.~.:J ~ may not do ~t bd.u tne-e i.s a m~rket ~or ~"' '- ' .:', ,'.,'",q'-:ibilit~e?: -For i'Fi,-~,stry and business The Fnoet i.o-:~o-x~l . ~. . . . ~ ........ . .,~ ~ ..~ ~.,. . _ .,..~..~ " "~ ........ be ...... I .;:.'- .: .'''.''L:".-':~.'l~-r:::~ ':':"rd~','].'/ pace. ~t doe~ noL need to insta.~.l a.].~. . .~ .., ....... r .... ~ '-'~ ' '' e~':' in t" ~0 years ~ .... J ' . ............... !~,.~I.~..>..1 , ~:~ ~e~cJ JlC, ! .... '",K a",i ' ' ': c:.:.'. ~'.:-~;..,i'n Tu- ..... ~ .... ,-¢ h~ 9hb~.av 21© ~ ~. L % X.'~ V' t' }." .,-. ." , ,'. ~.'; ' ;[ : : "~' ,:2 ?~ i 'S :3 1 ~ t i ~ ].. S i O O ~ V i ~ ~ O YI ~] p ~ Y S ~ . T h ~ Y e 8. Y e ~ ~ ~ ~l] ~ Y ::s bg h (5 '~ v, .:.r ~ ., .... . ..... .:i';'l S.i.;.. i'17 G*,,'O"r' OT d; hiAg L.~iS 'F ~.. ~ ~ ...... e ' ..... ::' {,:L:, ';'l t. ' ..... " L. i , . v, ,:-.5. ~ i :._ . S O 'v' ~ Y R C. Y O ......... . i-" :" · ':..3.: :, :'i<.'5 :.:"~' .;:i;.' .-i '~"i,-¢ -t'. '* -'h = , ~ .... t ....... ¢...¢_e 'r'~d ~ :.' :_ ;'..:.~ 7 i> ,-~-:.:'~-; r'- ,.. i.n.~:~-' 'Fxorr~ 'Faxazng ,=n~...~ 111ng ,_.noir propex~v~,, to f~ .... ....... .~ hi,¢Jl-'~e:~?:t. ' '-"'- -' .... Th.s farmer may have sozd an,d .le'r"~ i,_ ~¢'---~5 ::_.:_ :.':',., :;;._ ,:'? ,::::, :. ~ ~ ,:::; ,.: ..... p.~a 'n.eo for ~n advance thus giving people pu'ro : ::,..-.' .'. ,' . ,:'.:.'r- bi&'.' ~, i 'F~'icj O'¢ ~ 1.1. ':S eX isteno8 . TnJs tn~/ oho~..,o.u ~" ' :.' :-..::.: '..~' :.',,,:.~[,::..a ~,~::? ~.,¢is: , o make at tha~. ].ocatio'r':. The c,f~ ' ::.'..: .: . i ,:-.:. ri :{:: o'0 :. ,x ri-la.p aL T,J 4 * nd .~ S%Yeet b~h {,~h is o,,,'e] ...... 'n,~, up ;'":eye a'r-e ~'he two pink site~. This would be ~ 'r'e~.~.~c;t.s'q~.. . .' .. ; ~... ~ ,. kc .~. .. ~ ~ - , L; e a ~ '~ ....... p r c;, b .~. e m o y' ;-. . , .. : :;: L{': *. !~ ,~ '~ ~ . . .,, u,.::..~ .:C'.r. 1;T; !"h.;~ "~ ~ ' ~ ' ' ~ ~ ,-:..r:x ,.x >, itl cxj.:~';%ence a~d .~.. jNSt ' ' e ~-' .... {O'F '- ' ' ':q ].:: ."~q .;-;;:,<.:,i...:I". .,. ' iT 'FIO'C Sa'/i g e ~ .:: . '. :'.:':.:: ': ..!:-~:i ,:J.e t, ~.~, ~ci'r": .... ~ or Tesioe'ptial use -r '~'t. the F,'reoe'st . .I ..~ · · I - ~ ' ' - , ,~,3 .: ,..r iau . The bJ..ue is ~esidential r · , ,',is ou. d ma ~ mayb~-~ ~-he ~.ea~t .{.~u~, ' ' ' ...... bu" I'm in fawor of protacti, n9 ~'hese houses he "'~.-,:: .- "~., L.~ :'2 d.'. :::~,: h C~ "~ ,::~ f -' ' ' ,-- .I.. .~","Y ".' .,hio.!,:-~:i.n.~. The~e people ~hie~ding and ~he~e people and no ........ o o ~ 'r',, .... ~-~'" -.' .... '-' "ko to -'~v~ you. som~ ~hou. gh'- ' ' ' r,: :.. n 9 c o rn m i s s i o n¢' h ::. t sot t. o f p r e s e'nt s m ~ :% --,'-..,-., t-.-I 1 [, ,... .......... ~. ~ k:s ~ guess ~ that meeting It ~. .......... a i '~ ~ .... .4,' i :: S;,J~N,J;} '[i h{ i"i~:~; doTi,:~ 013 th~~ TiO'F CF~ 8i ~J~ ~ ' ~ . ' J i ~. t ' t'~ '-/ ~ ~- ~- ~ ::...~: '' ' ' .,'~ ,?-~ ( 'j .: i:' :: i- ~ .{3 i.:3,'iq Fi-[~.C~{3 !,.',jJl~'l" ~ L.I I~ ¥ ~; ~ Cl~L-~: ~*.~'i"' ~'FJ ~2 ~4,.. ............ c.-~p~-~c~} ~:~ % 0 ~'J~ S~'~. 'h"" i ~ ~ .... .~ ~. ~ ' ;... :: '.-~. .::;'.:,.:.:.~..: T-~ mbe~-,,'oc',,-I ~,:: ~ you kr, o,, not you maybe but .... ~'~h.~4'..' , -~ ~ ..... ._ .~, , ~ ~ . ~.-* .. _ '_ ....... I ]. I ......... .. ~1~ ~ I .~ 1~ ~. ~ ~ J.. I._ ~ :,.:::~ ,.~.:.:..: :;: .. .,~.::., .. ~ e ~eo~ie tna~. mowed .in a'qd bo, tJ9' '~ . , , .... ~'~ L~. [ ~.: ~..~ ~::, tF :., L. ,r ~ ~.j.... ',....".~ ;- ~ .-. ' -: ~-. :/ :.... ,. .::> ~:, ~ .::::: 1.' ........ ,-~ things li~"~ that ~,.,~as '~' . ., ,~.. . . -~, .j, 5 ._ ~ ~ I..~ ~ . ' ~ ' ' ' ' ........ ~ . ~ :' ::' ..... ," r:.::: ',';.':.u:~so ~() 7'ear:g ~rom nob~ b~e don't have thJ..e ,same th~ng~ ~t'.. ~,e~e t I0 years . . t.~ ~... ~ . . . I .-/ , ~- ~. ' ' ~ ......... L;.,:~ ~ }.~ " ~'u Of F,~ on },'oLi sai~...:~ it's ooi!n'{: !:..::::.'~ ................ ~ha'L ~ e seing te have progress and all ............ "- :;-'. d~ Y -:': i,4 a3 S:a "-, s :~:. ~:~ Lt ~ ~ p u i C, Ti ~,J 8 r ............. that .... I l.y '.' .:: >:r'. "'XP'":''> "::':'"-- ~'hing:-:: and Z ~'~"~' ,,,o ~ " ~' "' ............ ' ,' ..... ' ............' ~'~ - .~ i ~, ~ ' ' bJ h a t '1 f 9 0 ~': ,J, .:::~ ',,z e",,-' >." o 'n,:::~ ", t { : :2; t: ,:';:,Ri rl C..3h'~.::/ i TI ~3/"I,:.~ S,8 i':'I., we don ' ~',.. want another equa-:e i. nc.f; .... :. ' :-:' :';.,~.''7:' :...:' ...... ., nat© is it a acu t. ha ~,,:e ,.. , ,.:.: :_. i 'F . -" t "' '4 ~ i .~ _,. , :.-'.~:saic4 t.' ' 'f '~ ....... ' '~' have to 9o ~ith .thi~ plan? I mean ' ........ 12,. i ...... .: :.-: --; .... ~, ::: -i- C. C' ~fi ~:; :3 l':. }" ~ ' ~ ~ { ........ .¢rouqh i 'm just wonderi, ng becaL:ee it. s:eerns ~,~ ¢~.s ~,,..;e r~$',./.:: · :_; L :": :.:-::;,::: .... = .... '~rr,:,t ion::: m>:c-!,=' that bJe are .. . ....... ,~ ....... ~,,.. ~ ..¢ ~ . . . . ::: ;'...: ."'~,.":, :i L.; f ~c.~e ~ :r:, ba i l(:.o~,',,.. 'C.. e p I a lq'F~i Tqg pY ooeE3®.~ carrie ~ .... ~r c::Li~;.~ ~~.:, ,...j.t.. ~:E;E:i'Fic>..., '.' ~' ~ ::: '7" .::~',.-""., '' .... ~.: ,,... ' ...... ~..hese hi~q~s. :. jus~ ~..n~ ~k u~t,~;~ .... .. ;.~, ....... . . .... ':,:; ;'~o .... p::r,.:c,, ch._ it s difficu t an a~_ , s ....... h:x ....... ..:. . . .,,,,,:,.: n,4: :,:3,'r" m: sta ~s ~...,ei ~g mede and :.t. 'cea]., ~'¢., seer,~ :.. ,...,.. a .L,, ._ .... ' ~ ~' .., ~ ~ e 8 e ¢. :S % U RI p t. i 0 R S.; t. ~:"'~ ,:% r d-~. ' ;7-" .. . :' . r::..: ". ) ,'~ r'n,:':>ti. On O'~- on u..~.:~ ro~Le and ~¢¢, Na. ke a~ t ~' :'..".'.' . ..,. ,,:.-., . . ~uet think ma'yDe you ~h~,,ld~,,,,~,~ apprec~at.e. ..~.. . . ...... .~ *" ....... ....... · J f , ~ t' ;.: i: ,:'~' thi:; ~..zm.s an,u e~ o'rt-ra~her ~han making ~u seem ~ke a .:. . . :~"~:...t, 'Ln.~'> .... ~e.Lt, 'k.~,s.~,... ,_.ney . . ~ .... ~ e Ci.~y~ Coun,c~ 1evil. ..... , c;,r , .... . ' ' ' ' ~o=9n It ~ real easy to ~' ..... ' ................... ~ ,:"~,:i;.:..; ~ .'~ ~.~.:.~: :')~ :I-. ,_ ere and ~ ........... o o u. 1 o s h o ....................... ii . fa4, :'~.c.~ <: :::,e':' ore yo',.~ ~,,~ere and I i i Red the cot I ..~ .' ::' ~ L..~': ,~".,....?.:3, du k. hah. ?J~ Mere preservi'No t"- :~ '~ :..'~..'~... .-~ ~ ~%..~ 7: 'k.' ..... Lb,.",, ~Sht we e.~er~ prooaoly ,..~ ~ .j{~. oo[!lh]u, rli. ty ri ~ {~i' · ..... ' ...... ' ...... t~ ~ ' ~" ~t itl ~. r~et.Y'o - " ' ~ ' ~ "'lq ~' ~ ~ .... . ... .>.., ..... T m a~.-.F:,~'-ec'iative of the effort i ......... I,b: Y'~'~dl k/& LiO ',-..*...'.. i ,.:":- :'.' ' ' ~..:.'" [',,"} k...P J ]. ~.,.J~ ,a u ,..~ ~,u prc, oet58 ~.8 . ~ 8 i i .L ...08 '" , ....... . -r i .... i. ] ~ .,- ,I ~ I., .... ~ ~ _ ....... ~ -C .., ',-",,,;'~, . ~-.',¢ ,..:,~.:,.::L:,z'/ arl'~ ~ ~o z r~op~ Z rri not curt · ... · · . ....... ~. I.. ~ _.c . r Y · . ~ ~ .f .. ........... , ............. Leer ' ' '-" ~ i',,le ~.<.I. ^~ .......... ~ i~~'.'~ to say, : k}aok r~sht u.p to uT~a,~, a'.Bterink o"-," ' ' .:: '..:, {.- ':.:' {s {- ,:.~ h'~ i ''~ ''~" e S::C;I .... ~ ~' ' "' "" ~ ~ ~ eJ ~... yOU ". ::-' '- .:,,:.:>.:. ',.'.. :; '...,.::. i :::, ~ .... ::¢ n c. t .a. r e a I p ~-' o b ~ e m. I i k e ......... ' ..... ' ' 'F.e e -' ~'"" *" ¢-" ' t a ' k i ...... t., ~ .... , ........ ' ': :".,'k. 7:?," pa,:':,p.~.~, I I '¢o'f' t re ~. ,. T~9 ,..". ,'. ..... - . . ~.~ d ~ e , o o J.. .;. ~ ..... .:,....:, ,c~ El:: '~ '~.'. ,.: ....... ~ ,.;:c.:;",~i"~ ,;.,::..,? . Ply' ',,'iai1~e ~:.-'s ~1 ~dw R~,3ha. r'd.~.3A aTid i l.'~'." 7:: ¢.'n ~';.' ............. ' ' -~ ~ ' ~ ' ik,sJ ~"'"' ' .' .... ¢i-r-,.E;t bl'ot.J.g~., rip. i'[l.~:~ a · .,., ; h ,: .~ ~ L.,.: .J~ :::2 , ~' '~' -' .,. ~ -~ '~" p ' 'F ' i ~ ' . d '~ h.s n s i n'~ ~:.:. ].. ';:." · ."'""-- "{',,,-',,:.c','~':~.:;:!. : thl. nt( one 0'¢ the things that's scarey to rne a, bc, u'L' -'. ~-...:~ l-. ' - ..... I. -F'.F' // ~- · -'F'o~ : ~ '; - 1- -.,- I.. '- . ': :. ::- ~',-' .;:, :',:.; ~ I ,",f '¢ :-:, .¢ ~.. i 'r: ....... ,, ............ :.! ::- that up t-,-: the · "'.,' L:'. ¢ .i :.. . :2:. L~ L..' ._.~ ~ ~ ~ - , ._ ~ . . .. ~.~ ~. ..... 01 ~ ....-. , ,, . . .. .... ,' ':,::i ....... ? y o '"' ~ . , , ..": 'n ',,. S ,0'~' U r ~ o m m e n t s. A n y t h i n g e i ~ e e .- ":"..",,:"' · To,dd F'aqui,":k fron'~ .od20 Tim..~r~,~<:o Drive .... "' ..... ' ~ don'"' have s pr,"h .... ' .... ' ....... ' ': .4 '::.," Y1 .::. '..' .... ,::.~ .'),::.:, 'F' 'f": e i <:i ~' io () '~ 0 V e 'F Pi e r e J. t ..... . ':::.: ::../.:, ~','",.:::::~-e s q,..~it.e a b~.. o¢ bu¢¢eT space around ...... ' ~ ~. ' ~ ~ -' n"- hav-<~ a p'robl, em ~4ith the m~dd:e . . ..;;: ..... ~ , ., .... ~ .... . .-.. ~ . ..... r .... - ,', .2 .'-: · '. . ,.... .... ,. L.~ <.,~. s; ',t. L,,Je"v'e ~ot a'not' "'.:" '.?'...,":~-:~.,~ ..~ ] ' he thi~:$ ~-",,<:~" ~ ~e've hear,i from thi. s meeti, ns and ........ ~,..enc.lance and ~'her~'s alw,~y~:, room , . . . ~ -r. :'_.',r. ::. ~j ~ ...... ~ :' ,--,,'-'.v:=,-:, Conrad seconded to adjourn the meeting. .a. ll voted in favor ' ....... i~d ~' m~ting ~as adjourned at :i' 'i,:-.~ {l ;'~-a~ ;ii-L: ~ 0~-. CSrr