~"UNE 17, 1997
(~hairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
YIEMBERS PRESENT: Willard Johnson, Carol Watson and Steve Berquist
~rAFF PRESENT: Sharmin A1-Jaff, Planner II and Cynthia Kirchoff, Planner I
Cynthia Kirchoff presented the staff report.
Robert Evans questioned why the yard abutting Lake Riley Boulevard is a front yard rather than a
rear yard because it is used as a back yard. He stated that several variances have been granted on
Lake Riley Boulevard. Mr. Evans indicated that the pool will be engineered, the landscaping will
~ professionally done and that the project will exceed City Code requirements. He also stated
that he would like to construct a pool so that his daughter will have a safe place to play. As to
measurements of setbacks, he indicated that through his experience in the asphalt business, the
setback is measured from the center of the road.
Steve Berquist asked why the property has two front yards. He asked if the original plat showed
t_he two front yards.
A1-Jaff responded that the yard is consider'ed to be front yard' because it abuts a public street.
Carol Watson stated the she has two front yards on her property because it is a comer lot.
Berquist asked if pools can be constructed in the 30 foot rear yard setback.
Sharmin A1-Jaff responded that based on square footage, accessory structures must maintain a
certain setback in the rear yard.
l~erquist questioned if the pool would be permitted in a rear yard and if the setbacks were
s~ecified in the original plat.
A1-Jaff confirmed that a pool could be constructed in the rear yard and that the 20 foot setback on
Deerfoot Trail and 30 foot setback on Lake Riley Boulevard were shown on the plat.
Evans stated he was told the only thing he can construct in this yard is a driveway. He
q-~estioned why he can construct a driveway and not a pool.
Board of Adjustments and Appeals Meeting Minutes
June 17, 1997
Page 2
A1-Jaff indicated that the driveway may exceed the 25 percent hard surface coverage
requirement. She said that the property already has access. Ms. A1-Jaff stated that a reasonable
use does exist on the property and that a hardship must be proved for a variance to be granted.
Berquist stated that staff interprets the Code. He commented that a variance is granted because a
hardship is demonstrated.
Evans stated that they would just like to improve their property.
Berquist stated that he appreciates the fact that the applicant wants to improve the property,
however, the original developer maximized the property and constrained their ability to construct
a structure in that yard. He indicated that he would like the pool to work without approving a
Al~Jaff stated that staff had not reviewed the proposal that the applicant had presented at the
meeting. She explained that the applicant had proposed a kidney-shaped pool. The staff report
and the recommendation was based upon what ,,vas submitted to the City.
Evans stated that they intended on constructing a rectangular-shaped pool, not a kidney-shaped.
Kirchoff stated that she spoke with Becky at Valley Pools and that alternative locations were
investigated, however, all would require a variance.
Watson stated that the issue is the lot is less than 15,000 sq. ft. She stated that it is the
responsibility of the owner to determine if a structure can be built prior to purchase.
Berquist stated that he is unsure if he would be willing to grant a variance and that he is uncertain
as to what the applicant is requesting. He stated that the 1% variance from the lot coverage
requirement does not concern him, but the variance to the setback does. He commented that he
understands the desire but would like to see a pool plan that is less extensive.
Evans explained that they cannot use the back yard.
Watson stated that staff did not receive the information that the applicant presented at the
meeting and that staff is at a disadvantage since they have not seen the revised plan. She stated
that she would like to table this application so that the applicant may work with staff regarding
the size and the location of a pool.
Berquist indicated that he does not want to create a false hope for the applicant by tabling this
13~ard of Adjustments and Appeals Meeting Minutes
Ji,ne 17, 1997
Page 3
Evans stated that they only need one variance and that several properties along Lake Riley
Boulevard have received variances.
¥~atson responded that some of the homes on Lake Riley Boulevard have received variances
because the lots were unbuildable without it. She stated that not being able to build a single
family home is a hardship.
Berquist stated that many of the homes on Lake Riley Boulevard were constructed prior to the
la_nd being platted and predate the ordinance.
Evans asked why the City needs 30 feet of his property.
B~rquist stated that the applicant should submit a proposal that may work.
Watson asked if the City could waive the $75.00 fee.
Berquist stated that the item should be tabled so that staff and the applicant may work on an
akemative design.
Watson moved, Berquist seconded the motion to table the variance application. The motion
carried with a vote of 3 to 0.
A.-Jaff informed the Board that the item needs to be voted on by September 30, 1997.
jotmson asked if the $75.00 application fee could be waived for the applicant.
A2-Jaff responded that she would investigate if the fee could be waived.
A2-Jaffpresented the staff report.
Roger Stech stated that the former owner was granted a variance in 1990, however, the deck was
never constructed.
Berquist asked if the deck will be 38 feet from the wetland.
St2ch stated that the deck will not protrude past the boulder retaining wall.
Board of Adjustments and Appeals Meeting Minutes
June 17, 1997
Page 4
A1-Jaff commented that this home is closer than any of the neighbor's decks to the wetland. She
stated that the ordinance has been amended to reduce the setback to 40 feet and that the wetland
will not be impacted.
Berquist asked how you can tell the wetland will not be affected.
A1-Jaff responded that the setback depends on the type of wetland and that the buffer offers
Watson asked if the buffer was natural protection.
Berquist asked if the variance would be for 2 feet from the current wetland setback.
Johnson stated that this application requested a lesser variance than that in 1990.
Berquist asked why the deck is not brought into compliance with the code.
Stech stated that the deck size is minimum for a round table chairs.
Berquist moved, Watson seconded the motion to approve the variance from the wetland with
conditions outlined in the staff report. The motion carried with a vote of 3 to 0.
Chairman Johnson closed the public hearing.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Watson moved, Johnson seconded to approve the minutes of the
Board of Adjustments and Appeals Meeting dated May 20, 1997. All voted in favor and the
motion carried.
Berquist moved, Johnson seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion
carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
Prepared and Submitted by Cynthia Kirchoff
Planner I