1997 02 10~C~ANHASSEN BOARD OF A~JUSTMENTS AND APPEALS I~EGULAR MEETING F~ BRUARY 10, 1997 .. Chai~an Johnson called the meeting to order. M~EMBERS PRESENT: Willard Johnson, Carol Watson and Mark Senn S~AFF PRESENT: Sharmin Al-Jarl, Planner II and Cynthia Kirchoff, Planner I ~AIVE A CONDITION OF APPROVAL FOR VARIANCE 83-14 LOCATED AT 8501 TIGUA LANE, MIKE MULLIGAN. Sharmin Al-Jarl presented the staff report. Watson stated that she believed that the condition prohibiting the pavement of the driveway was imposed in 1983 because of run-off issues. Mike Mulligan stated that he requested that the Board of Adjustments waive the condition of the variance so that the subsequent owner does not have to deal with the pervious driveway as he is plmming to sell this property. Watson moved, Senn seconded that the Board of Adjustments waive condition #2, "That the driveway and parking apron for the house be constructed of pervious surface material." All VOted in favor and the motion carried with a vote of 3 to 0. Johnson stated that Pleasant View Road is icy and treacherous. Watson stated that since Near Mountain was constructed, drainage patterns have changed in the area. 4PPROVAL OF MINUTES: Senn moved, Johnson seconded to approve the Minutes of the Board of Adjustments and Appeals dated October 14, 1996 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Watson moved, Senn seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Submitted by Cynthia Kirchoff Planner I