EC 2008 09 16
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
September 16, 2008
Members Present:
Ron Olsen, J.R. Relick, Beverly Foster, Bill Fouks
Members Absent:
Jim Sommers, Rose Kircher, Dennis Hansen
Staff Present:
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist, Terry Jeffery, Water Resources
June minutes were approved.
Presentation by Terry Jeffery:
Terry had been invited to present at the meeting to explain
surface water issues in Chanhassen and update the commission on current and future projects.
He began by explaining surface water jurisdictions within the city and how they affect
Chanhassen and its surface water. In Chanhassen there are 14 sub-watersheds, 11 DNR lakes, 3
DNR streams, 3 watersheds (Minnehaha, Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek, Lower Minnesota), 1
watershed management organization (Carver County). State Rules 8410 (metropolitan water
management) allows watershed districts (WD) to form and each district develops a Surface
Water Management Plan (SWMP). The city also develops a SWMP. The city’s SWMP has to
meet all of the other WD SWMPs that cover Chanhassen. In the plan a city must address 7
major goals: quality, quantity, education, etc.
Terry then reviewed the following projects: Meadow Green Park, Lotus Lake and Kerber Pond
Park. He explained that Lotus Lake’s watershed is nearly all developed and most of the run-off
goes directly into the lake without treatment. He told the commission that 80% of suspended
solids are in the first inch of rainfall. Because there is very little open land, there are very few
opportunities to fix the problem. Bill asked what the EC could do to help the Lotus Lake
watershed. Terry recommended that the EC promotes low impact development practices such as
removing turf, planting trees, removing hardcover, etc. There may be money approved in next
year’s budget for residential projects.
Environmental Excellence Award Nominations
: The commission discussed possible
nominees for this year’s award. Business category: Rosemont for working to restore native
plants on its property adjacent to Lake Susan Park. Residential category: irrigation audit success
story, residents who visit recycling center regularly. Community, Educational Group or School:
hwy 101 neighborhood, Foxford road neighborhood, Boy Scout Christmas tree recyclers. The
commission will discuss this topic again next month.
General Discussion
JR updated the commissioners on the solar panel grant. The company is starting with 30
residential homes. They might promote the grants to Chanhassen or Eden Prairie
residents to start. Bill said the recycling center would be a good candidate for the panels
Bill suggested meeting at the Environmental Center next month.
WaterWise update: Jill updated the commission on the contest results. The
commissioners wondered how many gallons were saved. They would like to see the
contest offered again next year and suggested it be marketed to families by sending home
flyers at school. Could also do a contest between businesses. JR would be willing to
contact apartments and businesses about their irrigation usage next year.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 9 PM.
Minutes Prepared by Jill Sinclair
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