1991 04 19 . CHANHASSEN SENIOR REGULAR MEETING APRIL 19, 1991 Chairman Montgomery called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.. I MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Montgomery, Kubitz, and Selda Heinlein , I MEMBERS ABSENT: Emma St. John and Betty STAFF PRESENT: SharminAl~Jaff, Planner land Paul Director I APPROVAL O~AGENDA: chJirfuan Montgomery asked if there were additions to theagendaJ Hearing none, the agenda stands as , .. . I APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Chairman Montgomery asked if there were any changes or corrections to the M~nutes of the Senior Commission meeting dated 15, 1991. Hearing no corrections, the Minutes stand as presented. pJOGRAM , LITTFIN. It Mark Littfin: Since I et with you last time, we've talked to Dr. Welshock at Waconia Hospital andlas far as endorsement and he has looked through it and he is comfortable with it. We've also have looked at some distribution of the tubes for citizens in the city here. There will be a number of, four different ways thet can get them. If they'd like to receive one, they can get 'one thr6ugh mys~lf and I'll bring one out and go through how to set ,it up. We'll be havinglthem available through Dr. McCollum's office at Chan Medical Clinic. I dropped off a sample with him and a cover letter which explains how it w6rks. I also talked to the Crossroads Medical Clinic down next to Cha~ Video down there and they'll be able to distribute them. As far as the Fite Depart~ent distributing them, sometimes there's people there, sometimes there's not. Generally we're there on Monday evening but probably the easiest way if somebody wants them they can call City Hall and'X can runlone out for them. There's no problem with that at all. I AI-Jaff: So Mark, you ~on't Department as one? I e i Mark Littfin: Only bec~use the only time there's anybody definitely there is in the 'evening and that's too limited and just because of transportation, I'd be moY"e than happy to go out and explai n where it goes and how' it ~toJorks. Get a little one on one there. X prefer to operate that way. And then also we've sent out letters to Waconia Ambulance Service, St. Francis, St. Francis Regional Medical Center and also the Carver Coun'ty Sheriff's office and the Fire Department so they'll start getting in the habit of looking for th~ stickers on refrigerators. We've got 100 of the tubes. We're kind of cp-sponsoring it with the company is called Travilla of Golden Valley. Whenl X. first approached as far as doing any kind of a PR photo or article for the newspaper, 'I called the lady that I have talked to. X should pass these around so everyone can take a look atone. In talking 1,IJith my correspondence down at Golden Valley I had asked her if she I I . Senior Commission Meeting April 19, '1991 - Page 2 i I would like to come out ~~or a photo because these are basically who are supplying for us. Supp ying these for us and she said certainly so I'd like to, before we get he actual photo in the paper, we'll have them come out and then probably d~ a photo session with maybe your commissioner or a group of the commission. We can just take it right down in front of the refrigerator down here nd so we get everybody that's part of putting this i~~e~~:;~'sE:P~~~~l~ha~J~h~r:~~~~~ ~:nG~~1~no~~~leif t~~; ~::~c~~i~ ~~~; it their doctor, that's wh we're encouraging it to ,go through the clinic so if they need help from ahe doctor or nurse for information. But it gives pertinent information t~at's vital to us. If we get there and the person is unconscious or can't talk or is having trouble talking which we find a good deal of the time. So if it's a senior, there's other things that they're trying to deal with than having cops ask a bunch of questions and ~~;::e~i~~~.pa~~m:1t~SS;:~~~~~9W~i~:\~~:,s~~:yq~:~tf~~ka~~ i~~Y ~~:~e~tit and carryon with givin first aid if that's the case. It's especially helpful if somebody's u'l,conscious and just can't talk period because they can pass this on and filhd out who their family doctor is and get that into operation. 8utbasical y it's got a decal that's applied to the outside of the refrigerator so it lerts us that the tube is inside. Usually ,being a bright orange like this it's easy to find in the refrigerator. It's set inside on the top shelf so we try to be consistent with that so we're not rummaging through someb dy refrigerator trying to look for this thing. So we'll try to find a cen ral spot or common spot for the decal as well as' the tube. And then wh t we'll do as far as advertising or letting the citizens know about it~s we'll try to'get a public service announcement in both the Villager and t e Sailor and then through your commission meetings if you want to word of outh may help. And like I said also through the clinics so as people ar~ goi~g to the clinics, the doctors can just hand one out. That'd probab y be the fastest way to get them out in the community is with their own family doctor handing them out. But it's going to take a while so we'l~ keep advertising that. I Off of this for just a second. There was somel i nqui ry last time about I this Life Li ne Telephone service.. Waconia Hospital does have a program like that. I've got names and phone numbers of who to contact. Basically it's a device that's worn around the neck and if ~~ere's a problem. a button is pressed and it activates a dialer which goes to the hospital. The cost on this particular one, there's a one time installation fee of $17.00 and then there's a $13.00 monthly charge fbr the system. It's the same system or same type of system that Methodist h~s. This one happens to run through Waconia Ridgeview. Monthly cha~ge was $13.00 'a month and then there's a $17.00 initial start-up fee on that. They mentioned in here it might be a nice gi ft for somebody to gi:ve somebody else. But if somebody is concerned about getting some kind of communication out, if they have a tendency, occasionally we will ca'll somebody just can't get out of bed or into bed or they've fallen and they need help getting up and it does happen. We hear it every now and then ~o it's something that can be discussed. It's available for Chanhass~n. Any questions? tit e Montgomery: I really t:hank you. That's a lot of information for us. really appreciate thatJ That's great. I think this is a good idea. We Senio, Commission Meeting Ap, i 1 19, 1991 - Page 3 ! e ! I Ma,k Littfin: If you'd 'like to coo,dinate photos fo, the newspape" I can check with the Village, ;but if you want to do something like next week, we can have a couple of YOU ladies 0, the full commission. The mOle the me"ie,. Get some of the commissione,s. Get the lady I've been talking with down at T,avilla. !Have he, come out. Myself and like I said, we can just use the ,ef,ige,ato, down he,e to kind of show what we',e talking about. At least get a ~ood initial blast in the newspape, that's available to us. If you'd like, I could coordinate that with the Village,. Montgome,y: Sha,min, would that be al,ight with you? AI-Jaff: Yes. ~1a,k Littfin: sta,t and I'll low, just make We've got 100 of the tubes light now so we've got a good p,obablybe dropping off 25 at both clinics and if they run su,e there's mOle available to them. , t'1a,.ion Stultz: Can I ask a question? Is the,e a charge fo,that? Ma,k Littfin: No. Ma,ion Stultz: Becauseiwe have, they call them Vial of Life now ,emembe, those a few yea,s ago. They're clea, and we have those ,ef,ige,ato, and then a:sticker. -- I Mark Littfin: Yeah. There's a few departments that use the Vial of and we looked at both of them. This is a little bit bigger. It has little bit more informa~ion on it. They're nice and bright. Marion Stultz: I notic~d that. It's updated a lot. Mark Littfin: A little! bit, yeah. The,e's .no charge. With the Fi,e Department, what we try: to do, we cur,ently have a smoke detector give away program that's of no ch~rge to anybody in the city so we're t,ying to do a number of programs like this where you get donations f,om the Legion and a few businesses so you can offer a lot of life safety 0, public safety featu,es at no charge. ! Especially with a mi nimal cost that smoke detecto,s cost fo, example and what the end ,esult can be if they work prope,ly. It's tremendous. The Legion's been very big with donating money for those causes. We've v.Jor ked a! lot with them. Marion Stultz: I think! we should pass them out at our center. Ma,k Littfin: Sure. Y~ah. Montgomery: That sounds great. . Mark Littfin: We',e gding to be in May, myself and the Fire Ma,shall f,om Excelsior. There's a group that meets up at Mount Calvary. I don't know if that's the South Shere? Yes, Sout~ Shore. Senior commission Meeting Apr i 1 19, 1991 - Page 4 . Mark Littfin: We're going to be coming in and explaining the system also~ The reason we're both doing it, I'm kind of going into his territory and anytime we cross boundaries, I like to just make sure we're including their respective Fire Marshall and municipality" so we'll be doing a presentation. I know a lot of people in Chan may go up there and go to that center. Heinlein: There's some that don't go. Montgomery: Mark, would you be willing to group? Mark Littfin: Sure. Yeah. I'll give you my card and you can certainly call sometime. I'll be more than happy to. Because what we're trying to do with the Senior Citizen Commission and the different groups we're working on a whole program just for some specific senior citizen fire safety and why it's important. There's as much emphasis being put on fire prevention for seniors that we can do with pre-school kids and daycare kids and grade school and junior high kids because it has it's unique problems which have to be addressed. So we're trying to get involved in the. senioy" citizen groups. We'd love to do it. Montgomery: Mark was telling us some of the information that he gives in these presentations and I think it's really valuable. I think you have a good program. e Mark Littfin: You know there's national statistics that show just a senior citizen with the injury rate and death rate in fires. It's high in both .the very young and the old so that's why we've done so much with the younger kids and the younger citizens. Now we've got to do equally as much for senior citizens. That's our next venture here we're trying to work on. ~1arion Stultz: We're just young kids at heart you know. Mark Littfin: You bet. For Tom if you want, I ~an contact you either later yet today or sometime next week and just set up a time for a photo. Tom: Actually what I was hoping to do too is I'll just get this all in next week and r might just go with some of the photos I have here. Mark Littfin: At least for the paper because I'd like to h~ve.the lady with this company that supplied the tubes. At least give her some recognition. Jay Johnson: Do they accept donations then or are Mark Littfin: I haven't got an answer to that. Jay Johnson: Those are free e Mark Littfin: ...I don't know that much about their organization yet. What I'll do is I'll just real quickly .in regards to this life line telephone, I can give you a name and phone number. If you're interested you can get it in your minutes and pass it onto your members. The person Senior Commission Meeting April 19, 1991 - Page 5 you want to talk to is, her name is Ardith Maki and sh~'s one of the volunteer coordinators out of Ridgeview Medical. Let's see the metro number is 446-1200. She coordinates Life Line on the telephone. Alert system. Mont.gomery: When we were t.hinking about. Older Americans Month, I t.hink I had an.idea t.o maybe donat.e one of t.hose t.o somebody might be a good idea but I haven't figured out how ~e'd decide who that. would be or whether we could do that. It's something that might be a possibility. Mark Littfin: Well what lean do. Let's see May is the month right.? ( Montgomery: Yes. Mark Littfin: At our next business meeting when I can post. the membership and see if they may want to donate some money because occasionally we'll donate money for here and there. Let me mention it and see if I get some response at least to use for a prize.or something to initiate the program. Montgomery: That would be wonderful because it wouldn't. cost all that much actually for one year. Mark Lit.tfin: I can't promise anything. It's up to the membership but if I give a good enough plug on it, it may work out. e AI-Jaff: When is your next meeting? Mark Littfin: The first Monday in May. What I can even too, if we've got a t.raining meet.ing Monday night, we can just call an impromptu business meeting and see if can get anything to happen at that. No promises but I'll see. ..and provide a 6 months service or something. 3 months. 4 months. Whatever I can get from these guys because the.. .with our dance coming, up, we look at it as a fundraiser and we'll turn around and buy equipment for us and then also put it towards fh"e prevention or fire education so we have money available for that. Montgomery: When is the dance? Mark Littfin~ It's on a Saturday in June. Montgomery: Oh forget it if it's in June. I was thinking if it was May. Mark Lit.tfin: We've got money in our general account now that. we've used for fire prevent.ion or education so there's funds available. It's just bring it up. Our dance this year is going to be at. the station. We're going to try something a little different. Anything else. Heinlein: I've been calls from various orgarlizations asking for money and I never know who I'm talking to. I often wondered if I do want to give a donation, do I just walk into t.he fire st.ation? e Mark Littfin: There is a group that phone solicits and calls themselves Professional Fire Fighters of Minnesota which would include the full time Senior Commission Meeting Apr i 1 19, 1991 - Page 6 . -- cities such as Minneapolis, St. Paul, Edina, Richfield and they do have fundraisers. We're not affiliated with that. It's a legitimate group. Heinlein: I wonder when I get these calls and I think, now it doesn't sound like it's coming from here. Mark Littfin: No. We've got,a letter you'll be getting in 2 weeks. Kubitz: The firemen usually come door to door. Mark Littfin: We used to when the City was a lot smalier. Kubitz: Now they send you a letter. e Mark Littfin: Now with the size of the City. When we used to go door to door, it would take a whole month of weekends to try to canvas the whole city and the time doesn't allow it so we mail them out and the response has been almost equal to what a door to door campaign with a lot less work so. But I did have a call from a citizen last week. They had a phone call. It was a company that was trying to sell them some expensive extinquishers and a smoke detector. It was 3 extinquishers and a smoke detector for $150.00 and there are some so-call~d, I don't want to call them, yeah they're legitimate companies but they go by scare tactic$. You have to have this expensive extinquisher because this one works and the one you have in your house may not. The smoke detectors are $50.00 and what if this happens or what if that happens so you kind of steer away from that. . ..they're just trying to sell equipment through scare tactics which we give it away. Offer .the services free but if you do get calls on that, just kind of be aware of that. Heinlein: I don't have a fire extinquisher since I moved here. I used in my apartment back in Chicago but I haven't gotten any around here. Mark Littfin: The best bet is to just get out and let us handle it. Your best bet is to just get out. By the time you get the extinquisher and attempt to use it, you could be overcome by the smoke and gases and then w~'ve got a rescue situation. You may lose the personal things but you've still got your life yet so we encourage people to get out. That's the best bet. Let the building go. You can always rebuild it. As long as you've got insurance. Montgomery: Thanks very much Mark. We just really appreciate all you've done for us. Mark Littfin: You bet. What I'll do as far as the picture with Travilla, I'll get a hold of Sharmin and she can contact which of your grou~ would like to be in the picture. e Montgomery: Maybe you could have a couple of alternative dates in case we have trouble. . Mark Littfin: Sure. I'd be glad to. Senior Commission Meeting April 19, 1991 - Page 7 . e Tom: We have to have it done by Monday to turn in~ Mark Littfin: Yeah, I can make my call now and see if she ~lJants to come Out by Monday and then you can discuss it here and we can do something as early as Monday. Montgomery: Maybe we could put it in the next one. That would more time. Mark Littfin: Why don't you see if Monday works for this group. If not, make a different date and I'll see if my person can come out on Monday. Jay Johnson: I think what you're talking about is having something not, a general article ~bout the. seniors but specific to this tube? ~1ark Littfin: That can start, it doesn't have to go in this one. the tube, if you want that's fine too. Montgomery: It might be better if we had a little more time. me that's kind of soon but we can check and see. AI-Jaff: It would be nice to go with the May edition. The first edition in ~1ay. e ~1o ntgomer y : It really ~ould. That would tie it in. That would tie it in with Older Americans Month. Jay Johnson: Isn't there a newsletter going out in May? Al~Jaff: We could put it in that too. Jay Johnson: You'd have to do it today right? AI-Jaff: Monday's the deadline. Jay Johnson: Okay. L was told today. Montgomery: I thought it was yesterday. Ma~kLittfin: Sharmin, why don't I go and make my phone calland see if Monday works. If it works for this group fine. I'll just have the gal just make it tentative for Monday and.!'ll check back with you ina few minutes. AI-Jaff: Alright. ESTABLISH CURRENT e Montgomery: Some of us are supposed to be for 2 years. Some for 3 and we thought the only fair way to do that was to draw straws. Is that alright with everybody? Sharmin, do you have any pieces of paper? Will this do? Senior Commission Meeting April 19, 1991 - Page 8 . Montgomery: Maybe we should draw for the others too. Let's see there w~re how many terms? How many terms were 3 years and hO~'J many 2 years? AI-Jaff: We would need'three-2 years and four-3 years. Montgomery: I have this card, while we're waiting here Emma and I thought maybe everybody could sign it. Be11ison: What's wrong with Emma? Montgomery: I mean Betty 8ragg. Howard: Oh yeah. I sent her a card. Montgomery: I thought we couid send her another one. Also her address wr6ng and I thought you should be aware that on that list. Her address 6320 instead of 1320 which it says on the list there. There's a little slip on the envelope there. Instead of 1320. Draw them out of a cup or something. AI-Jaff: Emma indicated that if she drew a 3 year term preferred it, to please change. Okay Betty got 2. Montgomery: Alright shall we write these down? Betty is 2. e AI-Jaff: Emma is what's left in here and that's 3. Emma did indicate that if she got t.he 3 year term and someone else was interested in it, to please switch with her. I don)t know how you warit to do that. Montgomery: Okay, and Bernice is 3. Kubitz: I'll switch with her. I got 2. Montgomery: Okay. Jane is 3 and Emma then is a 2. Okay. yours? Howard: I have a 3. Heinlein: 2. AI-Jaff: Seida? t10ntgomery: And I have a 3. Okay, I'll read them over again. Betty is Emma is 2. Sherol is 3. Jane, 3. Bernice, 3. Barb 3. Right? Okay. MEETING WITH SCHOOL DISTRICT #112. e AI-Jaff: A group of people that'are very interested in what is happening with the senior citizen~, they do belong to agencies with Carver County. Different cities. Some of them run senior centers. They're getting together about once a m6nth trying to initiate a progra~ to basically do what Judy Marshek does with the task force study affecting senior needs. They also want to start developing programs.to, after they assess the e needs, what they can do to provide services senior Commission f'1eeti ng April 19, 1991 - Page 9 Montgomery: Now is this District AI-Jaff: District #112. Montgomery: Plus the program providers? AI-Jaff: Anybody is invited actually been attending are from #112 and I've larger. Montgomery: But they'r~ all part of the school, community ed? e AI-Jaff: Correct. One thing that we did the last time was we were divided into three groups. One group was trying to assess needs within Carver Count;. While I mentioned that Chanhassenhas done an assessment study already for the city. The second group was going to try and put together a brochure directory. And if they were going to distribute it to seniors within Carver County. And the third group was going to try and work on funds. It is a good group. They are trying to basically serve the seniors but at the same time my feeling was Chanhassen is ~head of that group. We can learn a lot from them. t..Je have started shar i ng information. Exchanging information. It would be very nice if a member of the commission could attend this meeting with staff. If you want to elect somebody, recommend som~body, I'll be more than glad to pick the commissioner up on my way out there and I'll take them back home. meetings last for an hour only. Howard: AI-Jaff: Probably once a month. Once every 2 months. It depends. now, the group that Chahhassen joined was the one that is developing communication Ii nes. I thought this would be excellent as long as we a,re working on a brochure. That would be excellent. Exchange that information. t1aybe we can put together abetter a brochure that has more information and it would be a well rounded brochure or directory. t'10ntgomery: I thi nk my concer n was, as I read your notes about it, that this was not, they were going to meet'again like in August or september to check in with each other and I thought, that's a long way off and I'd' really like to get it going. Al~Jaff~ The entire group of the three different committees. Montgomery: I see. So they will be ,getting more information? e AI-Jaff: Yes. The subcommittees are going to be meeting on a regular basis. A date has not been established. All those agencies, or representatives from the different agencies were complaining about. budget cuts. I don't kno~" ho~" much they can accomplish this year but they are a good group. I thi,nk that toget.her they can accomplish a lot. Even when we were talking about directories we thought maybe one city would put all the Senior Commission Meeting April 19, 1991 - Page 10 It information together. The second city may volunteer to do the printing at their building. Together we can put something together. And that sounded like a good idea. Everybody puts in their share of it. ~10ntgomery : is a different need. ~"iontgomery: I think it just developed that dthat was such a great have that information coordinated and gotten out to the peoplEl of Chanhassen but I hope that we can do thatso'on. AI-Jaff: Our resElrvation is thatChanhassen uses quite a from Hennepin County. The rest of Carver County doesn't. AI-Jaff: Correct but at the same time that would give us to what does Carver County offer. Montgomery: Right and I think that's what we need. AI-Jaff: So staff's recommendation is that, would one of the commissioners be interested in attending those meetings? Montgomery: Do we have a volunteer? Bernice would you like to do ,that? Howard: When are they? e AI-Jaff: They're once a month normally. Afternoon? Evening? AI-Jaff: No. They're at 7:30 in the morning. 8el1ison: I'm up. Howard: After she's through with her jogging she can go. 8ellison: After I get done jogging. Jay Johnson: Do they serve donuts and coffee? Al-Jaff: They serve donuts and coffee, OJ. They're a nice group. They really are. ~Je meet at the Senior Center in Chaska. 8ellison: If there's no one else who would like to attend, I will. ~10ntgomery: Okay. We have a representative. That's nice. Thank you very much. e Bellison: What do I do? Go with you and take the Minutes of the Al~Jaff: No~ No. Th~ meetings will be delivered by us. It would be basically what we do right now. We will be receiving agendas. There will be, so many times questions are asked. Seniors know theirrieedsbetter than representatives know them. I believe that weare learning but. I am sanlor Commission Meeting April 19, 1991 - Page 11 e learning what the seniofs needs are. When I'm around seniors, learn what the seniors needs are. Three years ago I didn't know what the seniors needed. A senior being at those meetings will be able to speak for the rest of the seniors much better than I would. Let them know that Chanhassen has a commission. That we are trying to accomplish. Kubitz: Do you suppose we should have a tepresentative from the group that meets at the school too? ~10ntgomery: Per haps Ber nice can be in touch with that group? be a good idea? Heinlein I suppose I could go if you wanted me to. 8el11son: I think Selda would be good because she does a lot of and various thi ngs. AI-Jaff: Okay, Bernice is going to be the representative. ~10ntgomery : tolJould help. And then you can keep in contact with the group. Okay. When is the next meeting? Do you .know Sharmin? AI-Jaff: They have to notify us. Then we'll contact you or send you a copy of the agenda. - Montgomery: I remember working before with community ed and they were just great. They really accomplished a lot and they lJ.Jere very supportive. AI-Jaff: It's nice for the commission to have a representative. ~1ontgomery: They 'vehad a lot of helpful things to provide too. very generous. Anything more? .AI-Jaff: There's one more thing. I'm sorry. They also indicated that, like I said they were in three different sub groups that are working on different items. If, for instance you decided that you wanted to work on a different project, then you can...join the other project. Montgomeiy: Maybe when you get the Minutes of the last one idea. PLANNING DIRECTOR PRESENTATIONS: ~'10ntgomery: The next item is the Planning Director Presentation and Paul can't be here today and so Sharmin, here we go again. The meeting with Senior Services. e AI-Jaff: We met with representatives from Senior Services. Ben Whitegart, 30 Ann Kvern from Senior Services. Don Ashworth the City Manager, Paul and mysel f were at the meeti ng as well. We tr ied to .get a feel from Senior Services how do we go about establishing a senior center if we fouhd out e through our study that ti senior' center is needed in Chanhassen? And would they support such a decision? They were very supportive. If there was a need for that, for a senior center, that they would help with the planning process. They have had experience planning .for other senior centers. They did indicate that every senior center is completely different than the other. They haven't had two that are identical where they went through the same process. They will provide services if the city is willing to of course finance the project. When we discussed the senior commission and the members of the commission, they said it's nice to have somebody from, a ., .member of the Council. Maybe somebody from the Chamber. Somebody from the bank. They encoura~ed a mixed gTOUp that would work on the senior, center. Senior Commission Meeting April 19, 1991 - Page 1i Howard: That's what Buffalo did. MoMtgomery: Yes. I think ever~ place we've AI".-Jaff: They are really encouraging that. They do service Buffalo Senior Center as well. t10nt,gomery: One thi ng I wonder if you could tal k about a 1 i ttle bit. think there's much conc6rn from the Chanhassen senior group that it is center. What we're talkihg about here is finding or building ar.eally facility and it would in noway change ~>.Jhat you're doing there now but would simply provide adeq~a~e. I a good e Marion Stultz: I think it would change because we don't have the time nO!;J you know. We can't have a -potluck until 2:00. MontgomeYy: But I mean this is what it would change. If we had a new buildiNg then you'd have wonderfuloppoitunities. Marion Stultz: We can't have a bake sale becau~e the school is in session you see and in the summer time we bring baked goods and it's all melted, if it's frosted it's just terrible. Montgomery: Right. And that's why and a lot of people are recognIzIng that that isn't adeq~ate and what they're beginning to really want to do is provide something better. It's a long process but I think it really sounds encouraging. t1arion Stultz: Because t.ve're thinking of having boxed lunches. be a way of getting money. Each one bl' i ng, years ago you know I used to make them and bring them to dances and they'd raffle them off. We thought we'd each bring a box lunch and wrap them up. Nobody wants to eat at 2:00. So whatever we suggest; we run up against a brick wall. Montgomery: Maybe y?ucan help us fight for something better. ~>.Je need. e Marion Stultz: Well I don't live in Chan you see so I'm not able. HOt'Jard: You're Senior Commission Meeting April 19, 1991 - Page 13 e Montgomery: There are a lot of people there who ara though right? Marion Stultz: Yes. ~1ontgomery: Maybe they could helpufight a goodf ight . Jay Johnson: You definitely need representation from any senior organization within the City. This type of deal~ And all the larger organizations, I would include, probably one of the larger organizations in Chanhassen is the Athletic Association which has about 400 families as members and represents.basicallythegrade ~chool kids. Getting a repfesentative from them. The snowmobilers organization is another very large club here in town who might be able. The Jaycees are falling apart. They're about to disband because they don't have enough members but if they ever get enough members again to have a charter Jaycees, all those organizations. Montgomery: I do think we want to be clear though that what we're trying to establish is the center for seniors and it's not a sports center you know, and I think they need to know that if they're going to support it. Heinlein: All they're looking for is just a place where they can have a kitchen and a place to play cards and that. At least that's the goal right nOl;I . e Montgomery: We've been trying to find some short term space, or interim it's hard. Bellison: I think we should appoint Selda as a coordinare between this group and their group, as long as she is active in that group. Montgomery: Would you be okay with that Selda? Heinlein: Yes, I suppose. ~10ntgomerY : Great. I think that's a good idea . 8ellison: That woGld keep them aware of everything we're doing. Marion Stultz: You know I don't mean to complain about the school because they have been just wonderful to us. I mean they set up our tables and we have no, t"e are very short of men there and the men !JJe do have are physically unable to set up tables and chairs. And those tables are heavy. We have our own tables. We have our own chairs. They have 3 cabinets out in the back where the chefs or the cooks of the school are. We have dishes and our supplies and things so all t"e need is something that we can call our own. This is t"hat it is. But we don't mean to run down the school because they have been just wonderful. l.Je 'rehappy !Jle have a place to go but it sure would be nice to have our own little place. e f(ubitz: Basically that's what we're here for and that's what t<Je're looking for. We're looking for it more than one day a week. e Senior Commission Meeting April 19, 1991 - Page 14 ~1ar ion Stultz: Yes, I was just goi ng to br i ng that up. I thi nk people would come more often. They'd probably go every day. Now they can go to South Shore everyday. ~10ntgorriery: Sharmin, have you come up with any other ideas for space? We've investigated it a lot but we haven't come up with anything. Montgomery: Well, if you look into the Chanhassen then what would we do ab6ut the rent part? AI-Jaff: That's one thing I wanted Paul to be down here for. While speaking to the City Manager and to Paul, well the City Manager mentioned the renting of space inChanhassen Dinner Theatre. . ..Dinner Theatre and that was one thi~g we didn't budget for. Montgomery: That we do have a budget? AI-Jaff: We didn't budget .for vJhen we spent the CBDG funds. Heinlein:. Did you spend all the funds? rent anyway. Jay Johnson: I don't think that they'd Montgomery: Well I think that's debateabl~. Jay Johnson: That ~as one of their things. that are ph)'sically there they' 11 pay for. that they can obtain. They can utilize but gone. Capital equipment. Things if something goes wrong rent is something that's, e Al~Jaff: That's why I wanted Paul down here. Montgomery: I see. Howard: l,Jhat a nice civic donation for the theatre. Heinlein: I think if Mr. Bloomberg were still in control. Montgomery: But he's not. But there may be other people that would be t;.JiLl ing to help but we'd have to know more about it before we could solicit for anythi ng. AI-Jaff: This is just~n idea and wehaveri't checked into it. Howard: They have a lot of space that goes unused most of the time. AI-Jaff: We could. rent the space twice a week for one entire year and see ho~.J it wor ks out. . Say this is reserved for the senior citizens of Chanhassen for two days a week. ~ Montgomery: Is there kitchens? They have everything at the Dinner Theatre. Marion Stultz: Is she talking about the theatre? Senior Commission Meeting April 19, 1991 - Page 15 Montgomery: Yes. Montgomery: I don't know. Marion Stultz: They only have the one kitchen don't they? Marion Stultz: That's alII saw. Ai-Jaff: They've got a'kitchen. Jay Johnson: Yeah, but it wouldn't be the type of facilities the would want. ~1ar ion Stultz: No, t.Je couldn't use it because they're the time. Montgomery: Well, that's something you could find, out too. Jay Johnson: You don't,have facilities, kitchen facilities right now. You can cook? They allow you to use t.heir? II Marion Stultz: had chol-<J mei n. do that. Yes. We don't use'it very much. We have though. We made chow mein there one day...warm up things~ Kubitz: You could do a.covereddish lunch if you had your own space. wouldn't have t6dook. Mont.gomery: That's true. AI-Jaff: That's why we want to build a senior center... What hearing is that, l-<Je ~>.Jant to keep playing cards.' ~Je don't want Montgomery: Make any changes? AI-Taff: Yeah. And this won't change anything. The center would always bethers for anyone. ..anyone who would want to come in and play cards. Th~ club ~ould rem~in, the club it's just that. they would be meeting different place. ' Montgomery: That's what we're trying to work for is enough people to do whatever. Jay Johnson: But there would be other activities going on... ~10ntgomery: There ~>.Jould but it wouldn't change what the club is all. It wouldn't have to. Marion Stultz: We have great bus Senior Commission Meeting April 19, 1991 - Page 16 II Montgomery: And that wQuldn't necessarily change. I think it would be great but we need a lot of support in order to get somebody to dO.thIs. ~1ar ion Stul tz: Can we get Carver County? . Do we have any I nput with Carver County to get us a director? They said that they couldn't afford us a director when our director passed away. The one that we had so we have director. Our bus driver is our director which she can't devote enough time to it because she drives the bus every day for the other center. She's gone in Carver Co~nty. Montgomery: How many hours would you need to hire somebody for? knovJ? Marion Stultz: Well, I suppose when we meet. Montgomery: Maybe \I~hat you could do is thi nk about it with your group (<ir i te up l",hat some of your needs are. How many hours or vJhat sort of. Heinlein: Basically she'd only have to be, practically bethere~nce a month when our regular meeting i~. Marion stultz: The other director was there all the time. center's have directors and they're paid in Carver County. them has a director that's a ~aid director. II AI-Jaff: They are centers. This is a club. Mar ion Stul tz: Well hovJ do you di fferentiate between a center and a club? Tell me? Marion Stultz: But they did that in Carver County. Heinlein: But you don't have the Jay Johnson: A center's a governmental organization spons6red by a governmental entity. A club is a group of people who got together and formed their own organization. Marion Stultz: Yes we do have By-laws. Yes indeed. Heinlein: We've never followed them. Our By-laws were, we always opened with the Pledge of AlI~giance and that was the start of our meeting. Now we don't do any of that here. ~1ar ion Stultz: I haven't read the By-lat.lJs but there's a big thick book of By-laws. Montgomery: Well, I think that's the place to start. and take a look. e ~1a'( ion Stul tz: And we only have a meeti n9 once a month. Jay Johnson : Businesi meeting. Senior Commission t1eeti ng April 19 ~ 1991 -Page 17 e f1ar ion Stul tz: Yeah ~ business meeting. week if ther~~s anything that comes 0p. But we have announcements eve,y Montgomery: WelISelda~ maybe you could take a look at that too. combine the By~laws. Take a look and see what the structure is. Heinlein: Because that~s the way our meetings were officially opened every time l.Jith the Pledge to Allegiance and a prayer or something. Of course I,r.Je were meeting in a church but it doesn~t hurt to have a prayer for $nybody~ Montgomery: What you need to do is to really put something official together you know that you can show to somebody and say this is our structure. This is the way we were set up. This is what we like to and this is what we need and if somebody can write that down so there is official documentation 6f what your needs are~ I think that would be step and would help You. f1ar ion Stultz: l.Jell I... Carver County as a center and that ~ s l.Jhy I ca n ~t understand. . . Montgomery: Well~ take a look at-those By-laws and see where they came from and I",hat it says. e Howard: I don't understand why if you were a center, how did Chanhassen be60me part of the South Shore Center? Stultz: rdon't. either. That's one of rny questions. Howard: Because obviously now we are suppose to participate in the South Shore Center. But how did this evolve? Marion Stultz: This is our big chip 011 our shoulders. Jay Johnson: South Shore has, various centers overlap considerably. We have seniors in the southern part of Chanhassen who are closer to Chaska and would go to Chaska versus coml ng up here anyway because the>' 're close,. We have seniors on the .north side are closer to, I mean we have Chanhassen within a mile of Mt. Calva,y Church where Chanhassen borders about. Less than a mile I believe where Chanhassen borders to the church. We have seniors in that neighborhood where it's much closer to go there then it here. Chanhassen just by the way of it's situation is, we~ve got four different school districts. Four different phone exchanges. It's just split that way and we'll never be, we've got lakes that separate us. We t.rled to get one postal district at one point and whoa. It was a riot in here. We had a lynch mobs in here ready to lynch the City Council because we wanted to change and move these people f~om Excelsior to Chanhassen. As far as they're concerned, they live in Excelsior even though they're Chanhassen residents because their zip code is that. There's no t..Jall or rules that say that if you live on a certain street, it's like a school district is but everything's open to everybody. e Howard: But Chanhassen will not support two if they're supporting that one? - Jay Johnson: Oh sure. The South Shore is better at communicating. South Shore comes in every year and solicits funds. The four years I was on City Cou~cil, the South Shore came in every year when funds became available and had specific projects and asked for funds. Your group didn't come in once and ask for funds so South Shore got the funds. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. The South Shore was better organized. Senior Commission Meeting April 19, 1991 - Page 18 Marion Stultz: There's two different counties. That's what I can't understand. There's two different counties. Jay Johnson: Yeah. Chanhassen is in both coUnties. Montgomery: We do overlap and that's. Jay Johnson: The city of Chanhassen is in two counties so we are able to take and utilize, the block grant money that comes to Chanhassen is Hennepin County money. It is not Carver County. We don't get anything from Carver County so that money gets sent up to the South Shore. It's real easy. It's administered through Hennepin County. The money's adminstered and everything. There's a lot of people in Hennepin County that don't like see us spending a lot of the Hennepin County money in Carver County but we're getting away with it more and more because the di rect.or or the person ~-Jho admi nisters that money says we can do it so we're doing it. It used to be almost 100% of the money went back to Hennepi n County through South Shore but now ~Je 're tryi ng to spend it other ways. ~10ntgomery: I think one of the attractions at the South Shore Center for funding is the fact that they do congregate dining and that is a big deal t,hing.Ifwe had the proper facilities,we'd be able to do it here. Marion Stultz: Almost everybody that goes to South Shore that lives in Chanhas~en comes to our center too so... e. Jay Johnson: A lot of them also go do~n to Chaska. Montgomery: And it'd really be nice if we could just do it here. Heinlein: Where they are now one day a week. Montgomery: Well I think it'd be really helpful and maybe Selda would like to be part of this too to find out just what your organization basically started as and what. ..and do something. Write something down. Your needs and just really make a presentation. That's what you need to do and it takes time. That's ~"hy if you have a director, it doesn't do just to have. somebody just for the day. You need somebody who's going to do some planning and some, it takes more time than that. It Jay .Johnson: If the Ci ty of Chanhassen formed a senior center and hi red a director through Senior services Agency or whatever, part of that director's responsibilities could be to be your director also. And that beyond doing congregate dining or whatever is going there, the functions that your organization currently does... Senior Commission Meeting April 19~ 1991 - Page 19 e Marion Stultz: I think we need somebody professional to lead us. Montgomery: That~s been our thought. That we don't know how and we think that~s what would be a necessity. Marion Stultz: That~s why 'it's just been going downhill in the years since we lost our director. Montgomery: We're working. We're trying. But tha~ would help us. Marion Stultz: these things. I'm sure it would. Somebody that knows how togoabo~t I don't know how to do it. Montgomery: Well, if you could get some of that basic information, that would help. I suppose we had better get on.with whatShannin was going to discuss with us. Ist.here anyt.hing else wit.h t.he Senior Services? AI-Jaff: No. I just want.ed to have everyone get. updated on thatmeet.ing. Montgomery: Anymore questions about. t.hemeeting wit.h Jo Ann and Don Ashworth andSharmin? e Jay Johnson: Is there interest in forming this senior center representative organization that's in here in the next to last paragraph? . Yes, I'm sure there is. Jay Johnson: What kind of timing? Montgomery: This apparently was supposed to be organized by t.he Council. What I have found on several pages here was that we wanted a representative or no. Where is it here? Senior Center representatives organization and that'that was to be appointed by the City Council so I didn't feel that was our function to appoint. . Al '"';'Jaff: What we can do is I can research .this. Bri ng your recommendation in front of theSenio~Commission. The Senior Commi~sion can make a recommendation to the Council. Montgomery: Okay, but we need more access to all these groups. More names. More ideas. Jay Johnson: But the Council's not going to act on it until you send it to the Council and say we want you to act on this. That's the function of a commission to advise the Council. Montgomery: r thought they already had that information. It AI-Jaff: That was more of a Montgomery: Alright, good. Then perhaps we had better do that.Alright, would somebody like to make a motion that the City Council appoint. a senior Senior Commission Meeting April 19, 1991 - Page 20 -- center representative organization? Can you do Jay Johnson: Sure. You can make any motion... Montgomery: If it's part of the last of the Planning, or should it be a separate item? We can do it next time. Okay. Remember they thought that we should expand the number of people who were tryi ng to recommend a senior. center. That they thought we needed broader representation than this group can provide to research this and get the public behind it and to get the kind of support like... Howard: Like they did in Buffalo? Montgomery: Yeah. And apparently we need then to suggest to the Council that they do this. 1 thought they already were working on it but apparently they need that from us. So somebody needs to make amotion. Kubitz: Do we suggest people or just? Montgomery: Well, they'll send some back to us and then at that point we'll add .to it I would guess. Would that be right? . AI-Jaff: Correct. Montgomery: I don't think we'd list the people at this point. need is to have them do that. AI-Jaff: We the staff. AI-Jaff: What we can do is contact different organizations. Howard: We contact or the Council contact? Jay Johnson: We, the staff. Howard: I make a motion that we recommend that the staff start investigating a local group. Heinlein: I'll second that. Montgomery: Do you need to say any more than that? Is that enough? Al~Jaff: That's enough. Howard moved, Heinlein seconded that the Senior Commission recommend to City Council that staff begin investigating the formation of a Senior Center Representative Organization. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously. e Jay Johnson: Barbara, I just had a crazy idea. You're talking about getting a temporary facility. There might be some rent involved. The Senior Commission Meeting Apfil 19, 1991- Page 21 It rent's not budgeted. There's organizations that have money who might be willing to, yoU know civic organizations in town, who might be willing to put up a month's rent as a donation. I kno~ the Athletic probably, twist the Board of Directors of the Chanhassen Athletic Association to put up a month's rent. We can afford it. I'm the treasurer so I know we can affo~d it. Montgomery: That's the kind of people we like to have around. Jay Johnson: Right now, when I took over as treasurer 4 years ago, we were $600.00 in the hole. I borrowed money from the City. Now we're about $4,000.00 to $5,000.00 in the good which is less than a quarter of our annual operating budget. We have an operating budget of around $20,000.00 for the kids. So I mean I would assume that a month's rent is only about a couple hundred dollars. Heinlein: How about the Lion's Club o~ something like that? Jay Johnson: Right. I'm saying if you hit the Lion's Club, the American Legion for a month's rent, you hit the Chamber of Commerce for a month's rent. . Montgomery: Jay, don't you think that this group we're trying to get together would be in a good position to try to solicit? Jay Johnson: Exactly. That's how I put the two t.ogether. If every year t.hese organizations. We find 12 organizations that want to donate one mont.h of your rent. Montgomery: It.'d be great. 56 we need to find ~ut from Sharmin cost would be and then we need to get the Council to appoint the bring it. before us and then we'll get going. Howard: Does the Legion serve lunches every day? Marion Stultz: Except. weekends. I mean Sundays. Howard: So there's no possibility there? I know t.hey also have lunch? Marion Stultz: Yes. Montgomery: Sharmin, are you okay now with what we're doing here? 8. MEETING WITH JUDY MARSHEK. AI-Jaff: Paul and I met with Judy Marshek.. Judy is the person t.hat., she's the person who did the senior's need assessment study for the city of Chanhassen. Some members here are familiar with her. I don't. believe Sher01 or Bernice know her. e Montgomery: Very nice, efficient person. Senior Commission Meeting April 19, 1991 - Page 22 e AI-Jaff: The Senior Commission had requested that we draft a request for proposals for senior housing and senior center. We met with Judy. We discussed what the City's intentions are. What the Senior Commission's intentions are and we came up with a rough draft proposal for the Senior Commission to approve. We can go thl"ough the draft if you want to. Montgomery: Would you like to do that? AI-Jaff: The study will decide whether there is a need for a senior center and senior housing in Chanhassen. There will be two studies basically but related. Should the senior center be located next to a senior housing complex or where should it be located in the city. Do we need a physical building and a structure in Chanhassen or is South Shore doing the job for the City? What type of services should there be in the center? These are all things that will be requested from ~\)hoever is going to do the research for the city. Size of space they wi 11 be doi n9 . They t",ouldhave to prepare a step by step time table for the city as to how to go about forming the group. Educating the public. Bringing in the support for building the center. There ~ill be a senior center needs analysis. What type of needs do seniors have and how can we accommodate all those needs into the center. For instahce there's some people that want to play cards. So we have to have that space in the center. There are some people who want to do craft's work and so on and so forth. Market analysis. That would be another thing that the consultant would have to work on. e Montgomery: Meaning who would come right? To the center? AI-Jaff: Who would come to the center but what is the market of their, it's like if we for instance for the housing. H6w much rent should be? What can people afford? What type of housing should be built? We want finances for the senior center. How are we going to go about financing it? When it's in operation, ,where are we going t6 get those funds from? Are we going t.o get to a point where we say.. .center anymore? All of this will have to be. There wi 11 be uti 1 i ties to pay. The City wi 11 end up ovm! ng the center but those will be the requirements from the person that will be doing the research for the city. Housing. Through the study that Judy Marshek did for the City we discovered that there is a need for senior housing but we don't know to know to what extent. This study will tell us exactly what type of housing is needed, if housing is needed in Chanhassen. How many stories? What should the facility look like? Is it apartments 2-3 stories high? Where should it be located in the City? How much rent do we charge? How do we finance it? So on and so forth. Montgomery: I thought that it was very comprehensive. . Heinlein: I noticed that St. Hubert's has given up the idea temporarily of putting up senior housing. e AI-Jaff: Correct. We want to find out where there is a need for the senior housing or not. What staff is recommending is that the senior commission recommend that the Council authorize allocation of community involvement. Block grant funds to finance those studies. We had requested $26,000.00 to serve this study. e Senior Commission Meeting April 19, 1991 - Page 23 Montgomery: I had a c00ple of questions. I wondered about the time inv61ved. Whether this isgoingtob~ sufficient for the extensive infotmation iequested. Did she seem t~ think that that was a possibility? Montgomery: If she gets it? AI-Jaff: She thought a 6 month starting in September. AI-Jaff: Yeah, if shedoea it. Montgomery: She thought she could do it in ~. months. Would she have extra h~lp? Does she do this alone or will she have a staff working with her? Did she say? . AI-Jaff: She didn't say anything about that but Judy is capable of doing things like that. I know that she does have her own research group but she's a representative. She's the one who always attends all our meetings. Montgomery: But she does have other people? Kubitz: Did I hear right that she wouldn't start until September? It AI-Jaff: By the time we get approval. By the time we set. We have to send out the requests for proposal for bids. We have .to get some input. Well not input but when we receive the bids, the different bids then. All this takes time so I don't believe we'd be able to start until September. Ho~ard: I thought we already had amended this? Approved? AI-Jaff: No. It's the allocation of the money that we had to recommend fot approval and we had to approve the, these are the drafts of what are we looking for. MontgomerY: The request for proposals. AI-Jaff: Exactly. Requests for proposal. What are we looking for that research person to do for us. Montgomery: r was thinking too of the responsibility of going ahead and doif)g all of these things based on that report. It has to be a very responsible person that's preparing that report. Heinlein: Well she proved last year. with working with Montgomery: Yes she did. Heinlein: But $26,000.00. . AI-Jaff: It's not Just going to be for these studies. There will be mailings that will have to go out. If we need to take trips to go look at other senior centers. We need to rent buses. There are a lot of side expenses that we have to account for in advance. I believe that that will Senior Commission Meeting April 19, 1991 - Page 24 e be used up all that money. But it's always good to have that. Can it be then switched into some other activity if all of that or is that a possibility? Al-3aff: I'd rather have Paul answer t.hat. Montgomery: We hadn't actually allocated the funds. What we had done was to suggest. t.hat they. At-Jaff: That's what we're recommending right now. Montgomery: But now it's to okay that expenditure. HOI1>Jard: I thought the City had spent that. Al-3aff: No, we haven't spent it yet but the City Council. be doing. Howard: It's this allocation? Montgomery: Yes. Montgomery: Yes. e Howard: They just. ..money didn't they? Al'-Jaff: No, no. It. hasn't been spent. It has been allocat.ed. This will re-allocate or allocation to community development block grant funds to finance these efforts. To finance t.hose studies. Montgomery: First they get the funds and then they have to show what exact.ly t.hey're going to spend it on. Is that t.he idea? Then they have account for everything that is spent according to that request right? AI-Jaff: Now we get int.o the details of the proposal and this will be going for senior housing and senior center and that's what we will be going to t. he cou nci 1 ~"i tho t10ntgomery: Now let's see how do we wor k that? Do we recommend that the funds be allocated or spent or how do you want that worded? Al~Jaff: To be allocated. t10nt.gomery: Allocated, alright. To t.he feasibi 1 i ty study regardi ng the senior center and senior housing right? Does that cover it? Okay. We need a motion to recommend to the Council t.hat $26,000.00 be allocated t.o the feasibility study regarding the senior center and senior' housing. . 8ellison: I so move. Kubitz: Alright, and e Bellison moved, Kubitz seconded that the Senior . Commission recommend to the City Council that $26,OO~.OO be alldcated to the feasibility study regarding the senior center and senior housing. All voted in favor arid the motion carried unanimously_ AI-Jaff: Okay, and then the second thing is, are there any changes you would 1i ke to see i ntherequest fOT proposal? ATe you okay v~ith that to go in front of Council? Howard: This is Resolution 191-26 we're riot discussing? Al~Jaff: No. No. We're still on. Howard: Has this been allocated or is this just a suggestion? AI-Jaff: This has been allocated. Howard: Okay~ Now that's ~oney spent. 8ellison: It's allocated to be spent. e Howard: I mean but to our way of thinking it's gone? anything more to do with that money? We don't have AI-Jaff: Yeah. So now tell me what money are we now talkihg about allocating? Howard: I realize all that. I'm confused about where this money There's $37,000.00 we had. Montgomery: Yeah, is part of that. But it's not, I mean that was our suggested spending. AI-Jaff: (,Je said that there will be a study. This is going details of the study. Howard: And they've spent it. The total allocation of $32,000.00. motion carried. So $32,000.00 is gone? Montgomery: Thank you so very much for coming. Marion Stultz: You know You're talking about housing. Is there any possibility they can get HUD building here? That's what we live in Jonathan and I'd come back here in. a minute if we. had one here. e Montgomery: That's what we're working on. possible funding. . We Kubitz: That's what we're going to look at. Senior Commission Meeting April 19, 1991 - Page 26 e Mar ion Stultz: See if t.he gover nment. wi 11 bui Id a HUD bui ldi ng of our income. Kubitz: When you get your '. fill it out. Montgomery: Thanks so very much. Marion stultz: Well' it was very informat.ive and t.hank you for letting us come. ...it has been very informat.ive and I know Selda keeps us kind.of informed on what's going on. I come up wit.h all t.hese different questions and she says well come in and list.en so that's what I did. f10ntgomery: Thank you for comi ng. Maridn Stultz: Bye-bye. Come back and play cards wit.h us Howard: I ~"anted t.o ask you. Am I allowed t.o bring somebody who's Chanhassen? Marion Stultz: Absolutely. We have one of our members who comes from Minneapolis. e Howard: I talked toa gal who said oM, I like t.o play 500. Now we have $37,000.00 and $32,000.00 is allocated? AI-Jaff: We have $26,000.00 of that ,money that we want to be reserved for this study. Howard: Of this money? Ai-Jaff: Correct. I thought t.his had already gone before the Council and been " This is for the 1991. What's here... We're taking this out of Montgomery: This is number 17. Howard: I'm on page 11. AI-Jaff: Yes but out of that money we are allocat.ing $26,000.00 for. Heinlein: How can you allocate it to two different places? Kubitz: We have last year's and this year's. Montgomery: They're two different funding. e HOlfJard: So now we're talking about. last year's? Sen or Commission Meeting Apr 1 19, 1991 - Page 27 e Kubitz: This $32,OQO.00 they have to get rid of before December because it's left over from last year. Al-3aff: If we don't use it, we lose it. Montgomery: Yeah, it does get Howard: Which is no excuse t.o just. spend money anyway. Montgomery: Well no but. we certainly need this. We need the study in ordert.o do anything. That's always a pre-requisit.e. Howard: Okay. So we're talking 2 years moriey. I only heard the sum $37,000.00. That's next. year's? AI-Jaff: Let me get Paul~ Howard: Oh well, it's not that important that I underst.and it. Montgomery: No, it's very important. Bellison: This is confusing. AI-Jaff: I'll go get him. It Mont.gomery: It says Senior Citizen Commission at the top and then~t'~ from the Planner and then it says CDSG allocation year XVII. It doesn't have a page number on it.. Howard: No, I mean where are you turning inside? Montgomery: It's in front. ~f the grant. development block Krauss: Well I heard you talking about money and my ears perked up. Montgomery: Well I think Sherol would like a little more explanation about which funding we're talking about. Krauss: Okay. We get an annual allocation. Howard: About this block grant. Howard: $27,000.00? Krauss: No, no. Act.ually it was $35,000.00 or $36,000.00. Of that we financed a number of things. We bought handicapped accessible fishing pier. We put $7,000.00 some odd dollars in South Shore Senior Center. That. was the only senior related acti0ity. . Howard : Playground. Senior Commission Meeting April 19,1991 i- Page 28 e Krauss: Well, actually see last year we had...but last year we couldn't figure out what all to do with the money and the reason for that was we knew we were starting a senior commission, or looking at doing that so. were in the middle of the senior needs study so what we did is we took $26,000.00 of last year's. Howard: Of that 35? Krauss: Yeah and we said let's pigeon hole this. We'll call it senior something and we'll figure out later what it will be. Okay? Now this year we had $37,000.00. It went up a little bit and this year we're funding. Howard: $32,000.00 arid something. Krauss: A total of $37,000.00 and something this year. Howtird: But this you'vealreadyallocat~d $32,OO~~00. It's been approved? Krauss: Well actually it's all been approved now. They approved the rest of it for the Old Village Hall last night. Now what we're proposing to do, ...senior related activities. What we're proposing to finance the feasibility studies out of is the $26,000.00 that we pigeon holed last )/ear . e HOl.-Jard:No one explained that to me that you tucked it away from last year. That's I;Jhat r wanted to know. Where' s this money coming from. Krauss: Now we think that that, in talking to Judy, Judy Marshek who worked with us on the other study, we think that that's going to be enough to pay for what we need to do. If there is some additional funding required, because these things get fairly technical in terms of, you want the best information. If there's additional funding required, I think our HRA, which is looking into supporting that senior housing aspect of it, is probably going to be willing to pop for the difference. I should also tell you too that the idea of and the seed's been planted in a lot of people's minds about a senior study and about s~nior housing. All of a sudden a whole lot of people are talking about it. From the City Council on to, I mean we've even had developers calling us up lately saying that they've heard Chanhassen is thinking about doing so and so. The City Manager is calling other HRA's and finding out how they did things. It's actually starting to get serious you know and we really need to be prepared to go ahead to do something when the opportunity arises. We hope that the feasibility study, the feasibility study has to answer some real basic questions. Is there a need or isn't there? Should we. do this or shouldn't we? Then if we decide that we should, it's going to tell us how big should this be? l.jhere should this be? What sort of faci Ii ties should it have? What kind of rooms should it be in? How many room apartments should it be? Should it be apartments or should it be townhouses? I mean there's all kinds of questions that need answers. . Howard: What's the accuracy of these? You know Chanhassen has developed so much beyond what was Now that projection was a feasibility study wasn't it of some Senior Commission Meeting Apr 1119,1991 - Page 29 e Krauss: Yeah. It's hitting a moving target. It's tough. Howard: I should think this would be tough too. Krauss: This is tough too except that lrJe weren't wrong on the projections for Chanhassen. The Metro Council was wrong. We always told them they were wrong. It was a matter of their believeability catching up to reality yet. Heinlein: That's what we learned last year on the surveys and that. The amount of people in the age groups and all of that. That's what we found out last year. Kubitz: 1,300 .lready and 2,000 or more. Howard: I thought it was 4,000 or more. e Krauss: See we're going to have better information now too than we had last year. Last year Judy was getting information from commercially available sources. She'd get mailing lists so if you were a member of AARP, you'd probably show up.on a mailing list as a senior household but it's not U.S. Census data and the U.S. Census is basically complete now. All of the data is in so we'll have some real hard numbers now to work with. Also while the community's developing so fast and it's a moving target and hard to hit, and this is my own gut reaction. Seniors don't tend to be as a volatile a group. t1any of you have lived here for a long time or Selda, in your case once you're here you're going to be here. It's not like somebody moving in. I need a bigger house and we move in and then I'm going to go someplace else or my company's transferring me. So I think the data for seniors is probably going to be good a lot longer than it would be for the rest of the community. Now we've even had one development group say that they don't care if lrJe do our own feasibi 1 i ty study. They're going to have to do their own specific one to please the bank for financing the project. And I can understand where they're coming from because we're trying to do something. You don't ~"aste a ~"hole lot of money on plans. . You really don't and studies but we don't know if the whole idea makes any sense yet at this point. He's talking about needing a study that says should you have air conditioner units in your apartments and hOllJ big should the closets be and all of that. We've first got to find out if it's a. community goal to do that and give us a good handle on what it should be. In fact...some of the options we've been looking into for financing these things don't involve private financing at all. Like I say, it's really neat.. There's all these ideas floating about in people'S heads about how possibly to finance this through tax increment and set it up so we don't need to go to the bank for a mortgage. One of the things we've been talking about is ways to cut out the middle man in these things. The reason that developers aren't building senior housing today is because they would lose money on the deal. They can't charge enough to offset the construction costs and the property taxes and development fees and then profit to make money. If the city does the project, we cut out the developer. If the city does the feasibility study, we cut out that. If the city does finances it ourselves, we cut out the interest on mortgage. So there's all kinds of things to be looked ~t. -- Senior Commission Meeting April 19, 1991 - Page 30 e Montgomery: Judy had done some other studies about senior housing or senior centers right? Krauss: She just completed one in Shorewood for senior housing and I think Brooklyn Park she did a senior center and senior housing. She's done a number of them. Montgomery: So she does have an idea of exactly where to go with it. Krauss: Keep in mind though that while, those of you who have worked with Judy I think there's a comfort level with her. I think we all feel good about her but we're obligated, in using the federal funds we're obligated to put this out on the market for anybody to bid. I mean there's a chance you might come up with somebody you like more. Montgomery: I was just thinking that it really is a big responsibility. We're hinging this whole thing on this report and you want ~o make sure you're comfortable with the person who's doing it. e Krauss: So that's where we're at on that. I don't know what else I can say on that. One other thing too I touched on is, if there's a decision to go ahead with these things, I think this is a good point. Like I say, there's a lot of people out there and it's kind of the movers and shakers in the community who are started to get interested. But I think we should look at getting together a working group to work with whoever we pick to do these things and it has to obviously include representation from the senior commission but I think that's a great time to rope in a couple of City Council people. Montgomery: We've already done that. Krauss: You know we'll drag in people from the Rotary, the Lions and the Chamber. Montgomery: We really need that or we're not going to get any, we ju~t did that... Jane I think is especially interested in being involved with that. And maybe some of the rest 6f you too... Howard: Well thank you for explaining to me where the money's coming from. Krauss: No problem. Well I thought that's what it was because I can remember last hearing about this $26,000.00. What are we going to do about it? Are going to buy a bus or buy this? What are we going to do with it? Montgomery: I think this is a good thing to spend it on. AI-Jaff: Paul, one of the things that came out earlier and I said I wanted Paul to answer...interim space fot instance... e Krauss: Well there's a couple things~ I don't know. It depends on whether or not we can use the block grant money for that. Senior Commission Meeting April 19, 1991 - Page 31 e Kubitz: Well Jay was.saying that maybe get the Athletic a month and the Lions Club to pay ~ month. Krauss: Well see there's lots, and maybe the city would Kubitz: If we could get this committee going, then they ~"'e need and maybe help find a place. Krauss: See I know we're real tight on space. We've looked before and th~ goal is it shouldn't be only to get a room or whatever. ...there needs to be a program. You need to have. It'd be great to have a room for the senior club to play cards in but I think you're going to want not only that but you'll want to have other activities too. Montgomery: A couple of them were here today and asking a lot of and I think they're beginning to understand. e AI-Jaff: We explained to them how this commission is functioning and what they plan on doing... Heinlein: See now I question that because the ones that I belonged to have always opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and all this. You know that was the beginning of our meetings and we had our By-laf..\Js. In fact, I was one of the charter members of that group and I never see any of that there. There are no set rules. No nothing. Well she says that they do have so we've asked her to get the By-laws so that we can. see them and find out just what. Krauss: Well that's the thing. I think we're more than happy to take them at face value and whatever they want to do, we'd like to work with them on. Heinlein: I think we've got that part. Now I'm sure that she will get a hold of Leon and get those books. She takes care of any of the tours or that. We're trying to eliminate his cut. We're organizing for the 12th of June for seniors to go to Chanhassen Dinner Theatre to see Me and My Girl. We're asking less than what he would and we have to have at least 20 to make it worth while for them to take care of us. It'd be a dinner luncheon and the shm" and we're charging $26.50. Now if he were to do it, it~'JOuld cost us $29.00 something. He says the club is not making any money on it and this is what part of it is because the only money we get is a dollar dues a year and then the coffee money which is a quarter. I tr ied to gett them to pay 50 cents for a cup of coffee. Montgome~y: Selda, you can really help them to get organized. I think t.hat would be a st.ep in the right. direction and then if they're able to talk to them. . Krauss: Well I can say this too. On the space, if a space is found in town and if there's a way that we can use, ,if it's eligible to use some block grant money to finish it off or to make it adaptable. we're in no rush to spend that $5,000.00 tloJe have to make the Old Village Hall up here handicapped accessible. Senior Commission Meeting Apr i I 19, 1991 - Page 32 .' HO~.Jard : much? I ~"'as wonder i ng, why are they dol ng that? Is that bei ng used that Krauss: It actually has been used and we have so few places for ~eople to meet that we have scout troops meeting over there. People in religious groups. We've actually had a couple of instances where...somebodywho was handicapped wanted to get in there and couldn't and they actually had to send a couple guys out to pick up the wheelchatr. Montgomery: Because that's a requirement. So maybe they'll find that there is a group that is even bigger and more important to find space for and to share that. Howard: Last week Betty and I went to their Thursday meeting and someone suggested to us that there was 8. large room behind the library that 's not being used. Krauss: It's not. I could show it to you. It is fairly large. It's unfinished space that is being pigeon holed for ~xpansion of City Hall at some point. It's kind of tough to get to. If you want to see it. Howard: No, they were mentioning it foY their group. I mean wondering what the possibility was. e Krauss: We're actually trying to look into that. It's something we considered before. Access is kind of tough. The only outside door is to the street. It's not through the parking lot. Montgomery: How about the kitchen? Is there any? Krauss: No, there's nothing in there. Howard: See they want kitchen facilities too. Krauss: If it was useabl~ for ~nything it would be a stop gap thing~ Montgomery: Somebody was talking about the fire station~ Krauss: The fiye station has a classroom but it's down a fairly steep staircase. Heinlein: Wasn't there some comment that we couldn't use theiy kitchen. Krauss: They're very possessive of it. They make us pay for it when we use it. ~10ntgomery: Well I just thi nk theye's ceytai nl y a clammer for some interim space and if anybody is able to come up with something that could be adapted,it would be very much appreciated~ . Heinlein: If I were still living in mY home in Chictigo, I had a big store front ~.Ji th ki tchen faci Ii ties. SenioY' Commission Meeting ApY'il- 19~ 1991 - Page 33 . -'-'~owaY'd: Well. if it~s stop gap, plugging in a coffee makeY' should be sufficient. MontgomeY'Y: Is theY'e anything else Paul would want us to do OY' know about? HowaY'd: Does the apaY'tment building have paY'ty Y'ooms with kitchen facilities? Al-Jaff: They have a paY'ty room. Krauss: It's pretty small. AI-Jaff: VeY'Y small. Krauss: I see the space that gets filled over here a pretty big,I mean it's a gym. MontgomeY'Y: It would only accommodate 30 people. HowaY'd: This room would accommodate them. You would need something about this size I would think. e Heinlein: But it isn't, I don't know. Like 1 said, we can't handle the tables. There's nobody there would be able to setup ouy' tables. Because what men we've got, one of them passed away about a month ago. Well he couldn't have done anything. And the directoY' isveY'Y, the president of the group, he is ill and has been and there isn't anythi ng he can do. And _ the other fellow has had a heart by~pass and he isn't allowed to lift anything heavy. Well that leaves two others. Heinlein: Well some of them probably could. Kubitz: How about the wo~en setting up fo~ you? Bellison moved, Howard seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 11=30 a.m.. Submitted by Paul Krauss Planning Director Prepared by Nann Opheim ,- ~..