1991 11 15 t..' ~ .;'S . . . MEMORANDUM TO: Senior Citizen Commission FROM:Sharmin Al-Jaff, Planner I DATE:November 15, 1991 SUBJ:Senior Commission Goals for the year 1992. On October 18, 1991, The Senior Commission requested that staff prepair a list of goal and objectives for the commission to persue next year. Staff has prepared a list of. possibilities for the commission to review. This list include the following: 1. A Senior Directory which couldinclude.the following catagories: a. Legal assistance b. Transportation c. Medical assistance d. Nutrition e. Chores f . Housing g. Financial assistance (fuel, weatherrization, etc.) h. Recreation ...' "-'~" ,~"i;; . i. j . k. l. m. n. o. p. . . j Employment Volunteering Case management coordination Information and Referral Support Groups Defensive Driving County based services Companionship ) MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Montgomery, Betty Kubitz, and ,Sherol Howard Bernice Billison and Emma st. JohM '\ STAFF PRESENT: Sharmin AI-Jaff, Planner I and Jer~y R~egemer. Recreation Sl;Jpervisor i APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Chairwoman Montgomery noted the includesn item 10, Other. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Chairwomanl"lontgomery noted approvcH ofthe,Mi nutes of the Senior Commission meeting dated October 18, 1991 amend~d to change Betty8ragg'$ name from Barbara Bragg. e Al~Jaff: Last month's me~ting you requested that I prepare a lisE for goals and objectives for the Commission to pursue for 1992. f made a short 11st and if youwa nt to add anything to it, please go ahead. Oneef the items was a senior directory for types of services that are available for the city of Chanhassen. I have been working with Julie Behtz from Senior Line and, she was supposed to'be heretoday~ t don't know what happened. I,gave her all, the infor'mation that we have for types of servicesa.vailable fbr Carver County and she is going to combine it with what's a~ailable from Hennepin. She also mentioned that shel,lJouldh$.ve somebody from her staff design the directory for us and we would have to ~ut together the funds for it,to bepubllshed. It would keep us on their,systems to where whenever a phone number, would change or any type 'of new agency lrJould be created, they would add it to this list and then we can update our directory on a yearly basis. I did' pu~ a few categories and \1 was wondering ,if that is What you'd like to look at as type of ~ervicesthat would be/outlined in the di rectol"Y or if there ore thi ngs that you feel are not important, then we can take them 00t. If there are certain categories that you would like ~o add toi t, then we can do that too but right, now v.Je' re in' the information col1ecting~tage. Montgomery: That reminds me too. If any of YClU brought any materials that you have gathered last July I think it was, that you want. to give/to Sharmin,be sure to leave it with her. Heinlein: I've got what 1 have but I'm going to call Southwest Metro. I wasn't able to, I didn't bother Tuesday or yesterday because of all the weather problems that they were having Tuesday and then Wednesday and bad for the driVing. Atiyway because I got that peYsonally a~d Iim still ~rying to figureout, that accident happened and I finally lrJoke up to the .fact last night that that woman was in the wrong lane also because she was behind the bus twas on and that was in the wrong lane. ' 41 l"lontgomery: This was an accident that Selda experienced Dial-A..;.Ride. Senior Commission Meeting November 15, 1991 .., Page 2 At TH 5 and TH 101. The bus Dr iver knew nothing of this He couldn't find my house. He had one woman on the bus besides myself and so we went. ~~ell instead of, staying to the right as he was going to turn onto TH 101, he went right on the left side. Well there's a big semi trying to come at us/around the corner. So he slowly started to backup. He didn't see all}'body hI back of him. The woman,did not blow her, horn until scrunch .He was so frustrated. I felt SO sorry ,for hi.rn. He had just gotten the .job. , Asa 'resul t we all sat over at' Amoco . She finally moved over to one side a~ay ffom him so he could pullout. The truck was waIting for him to pullout. We got over to Amoco. and then' we sat there. ~~aited. The Deputy Sher iff came. iThe State Trooper Came. Nobody was hurt. It was .just the idea, I expected to be in Eden PrairLe Center before 20 after 10: 00. ' Something like that. It was 10 ,mi nutesto 11:00 when I got there. And then going back home, I got the ride around the vicinity from, I went to Chaska. I went allover bue to Chanhassen by the time I got home soI'm going to get Dennis on the phone and I'm g6ing tof i nd out just what in the world I'm supposed to do to get home wheTl I (AJanttogethome, What time I have to leave in the morning in order to get there. ~md I want to find out too if 1: co. nget over to To. y"get that morning of Dec$mber the3rd b~twe~n 8:30 and 9:00 but I thought there might be changes in their policy. Montgomery: Selda, ITIay I interrupt just for aisecond. I think maybe that's something we need to get back to is if we need to pursue something with transportation but I'd ~ort of like to ~tlckto what Sharminis 1 isti nghere.' Heinlein: Yeah I know but I figured this stuff, maybe there's been changes in- their fares and things like that and I'd like to get moreinfor~ation from Dennis before I give you everything that have.' That would be great. Because yesterday I was outmost of the day. 8ragg: I'd just like to add that I thinktransportatidn is still our miin ptoblems. Montgomery: I think we really need to get.. .and really work agree with that. , AI-Jaff: So maybe you want that to be one of your objectivesfdr1992? Montgomery: I think so. AI-Jaff: Better transportation. " Maybe ~.\Je can work closely with Southwest Metro. We can invite Diane Hay"vetz the administy"ator forth~ transportation system over and discuss this lssuewi th hey"e and" see what her thoughts are on this/matter. Or maybe we ban combine the goals of the Senior Commission with the goals of Southwest Metro Transit. 8ecausethey are working on their goals right now as well. e Bragg: Let's do it. I think it's one of our number one priorities. Senior Commission 1'v1eeti 09 Nove~ber 15, 1991 ~ Page 3 .e Montgomery: I thin~ so too. I really do. '> \ AI-Jaff: .' Okay, I will contact D1ane.once we're done today. . So comfortable with the categoTies outlined here or would you like them? Would youl~ke to go through ~hem individually? . . . Yeah, why don't you list AI-Jaff: with senior '> to see you have it second on your list. '. Montdomery: Are these in any kind of order Sh~rmin? AI-Jaff: No. Random.' them. Montgomery: That's what I was thinking. Al~Jaff:This list is fOT the Director. Montgomery: Right. That's nota concern about that is something we couldGse to pTior1tize~ j I 'e Al-Jaff~ Okay. Transportation would be just what's. available for o~Chanhassen as:farasitransportation. For ihstance fhe CART, Dial-a-Ride, Southwest MetrO. Heinlein: Southwest Metro is connected with Dial-a-Ride " I Correct. I meant the buses that go to Minneapolis. If got~ Minneapolis. Heinlein: There's only!, where did I read, thete's only in the morning arid. in the evening. . That's all. There's a lot of shoppi ng down ther!?. No, but I mean they go early enough so it's too early for shopping Ai-Jaff: Cbtrect. In the morning you go to Minneapolis. entire day there and then you can,eome back at night. i . Kubitz: That's for the worki~g people. That isn't for Rugeme~: Ohyeah. I g~ess what do they get oGt of Chanhassen or earlier? e ?\l-Jaff: there" The last bus I believe leaves at 7:40 or 7:30. Somewhere around ,e Montgomery: Long shopping day. AI-Jaff: Youarr i vei n .Mi nneapolis about 8: 30 and you. si tat 3' cafe and enjoy a cup of coffee. .Third item, is medical, and I think that speaks for, itself. Nutrition. Ch6res and that's close to the HOME program. Housing. Financial assistance such as fuel, weatherization. Recreation~ That's where Park and Recreation gets involved or what's available in the area. For instance the Dinner Theater would be listed I assume in there. Employment. ,If a senior citizen would be interested in hav ingaparttime job'. Volunteeri ng. Be ' it services catered to: the seniors or the senior volunteering their servibes~Case management.' Everybody on the commission is familiar with that. Information and referral. Probably United Way vJould be listed. Support groups; fUcoholism.. Physical abuse. So on and so fo~th. Defensive driving. County based services. If you're in C~r0er County, these are the~types of services available to yo~. Compan~ollshi~~ 'Yes. Senior Commission Meeting November 15, 1991 - Page 4 Kubitz:. Under companionship I don't kno~J .whether it goes in 'support group or ~ompanionship but some of the cente~s do have a call~in program for those, home bound. And so they get a call once a day, to see how they are and so forth. So you want that one combined? e Kubitz: I don't know whichwa~ that'would group but it kind of falls into both. But homebound people. I : Heinlein: I believe the senior group here has!6ne that d6es call members to check on. Dorothy and I can't off. hand remember her name. I guess I'm getting old or something but she does call, especially those she knows are laid up or something like that.. Or haven 'tbeen to meetings,. '. . Maybe you could find out and let Sharmin know what Heinlein: Yeah. I'm sure that she does becau~e she always has something to say at the,meetings if so and so is ill or they're not there. We had a very good turnout yestefday. I was, surprised.: Montgomery: Sharmin, where YOU have county based service. Will that be . ~eferenced into the different categories of services that they Correct. \ Kubitz: Is that just Carver or daesthat inclUde Hennepin? AI-Jaff: What's available in Hennepin for Carver? Yeah. e AI-Jaff: I gave Julie Bentz. She .came to about 4 hours discussing the directory and that'we have on tarver Cqunty. Senior Commission Meeting November 15. 1991 - Page 5 e Heinlein: I was going to s~y, I have this one here. AI-Jaff: Yea~, I gave her a copy bf that. And she was really pleased. She said one of th$ ~robrems they have is they don't have enough information on Carver County as she would like ~o learn more. " , Montgomery: Do you think you had ~llthe information' that Margaret has coll~cted? Apparently she has quite ~ bitiand that's included Al-Jaff: on Carver speakers. past year. , I gave her that 'list. I really gave ,her everything that County. Everything that we've collected up to date. from our Even verbally vJhat I could remember 'that we've done ovey-'the I just filled her inon everything She was very pleased. That's a monumental job. Al~Jaff: She thought Chanhassen is definitely heading in the direction and of,ten she said, oh I'm so jealous. Let me work ofChanhas~en. You get such ~ood support~ , 8ragg: It's taken them all those years to get where they are tapp ing in a ndwe ' vealy" eadycorne t ha t ,f a r . Montgom~ry: It's taking advantage of what the~'ve already done wonderful for us too. Sharmin's b~en putting all this stuff on computer for all this time. e I P1I-Jaff: I told her about the support the local paper has been glvlng u.s and she said that was wonderfUl. She ~eally thought 0e~ere ~erylucky. WEJ dO too. Okay, so are you comfortable with tne Yeah, I can't think of anything off hand. very thorough. So you thi~k it covers everything? It's agrest list, yeah. It covets a lot. We do have"and Julie and I discussed this and Barb and I have discussed this many times ~ We do have, a pr inti ng company in toWI'"\. ~1aybe when thenon':'profit organization status paperwork is completed and weare in the process, maybe you can approach one of the company's anda,skthemif they wOuld print the directories for the commission and havethemasatax write Off.. It's ~efinitely something to consider. ' " ~'- . Moritgomery: We can certainly try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Maybe somebody has a connectiont.Ji th s6me other pr i ntingcompany. AI-Jaff= It would be nice to contact local companies first and then. e ~1ontgomery: I wou.ld thi nk the)lwould get ,a lot of thanks for would be great. Okay, anybody have any other suggestions for ~1eet i ng Page 6 I'm just so e -. Julie? I just think that worked out so well. Julie i~ interested too. That's heiped. AI-Jaff: She's a Very .nice person to work with. Very, very wonderful.. Montgomery: Reme~bei we met her at that meeting. AI-Jaff: The second item we have programmingoft.he senior cent.erand grand opening. Do you want.anyt.hing? I'm sure you do. What do you pict.ure for t.he srandopening? What. would you like t.o see?' First of all I'd like to know when. AI-Jaff: Soon. think it. would be nice if t.hey could be c6mbined. the grand opening durihg senior Moht.h. AI-Jaff:' That's what we're hoping for. I meah that would situation.. Anytime I received a phone call from people that wanted to s0bmit an answer to their request of proposal. I said that. ideal if we ~ould have the senior center compl~ted.by May. construct.ion in Minnesot. i~ unpredictable. ' I 'Montgomery:, But they could do internal wor k surely.' on the outside or can t.hey start on the inside~ e A 1 -.J a f f : I don't know.. Jerry, do you know? What. exter ior ~"or k they have to do s very minimal compared to (Alhat 'they have to do on! the inside. I don't see any reason why i tcouldn't be,done by May because. if they just have t.oput a ~ouple partitions up and dosomei nter ior work. To the extent of ~",hat they have' to do,i t shouldn't be any problem to get somebod)/ ,j n here not that far after, if you can get all. that paperwork and all the red tape done a)nd get everything in line, the'construction I w6uldn't think would take thatlohg. t10ntgomery: Jerry, glad to hear ,thst. I haven't had a through this report from Paul. ' I'm sorry. It was completed yesterday but I can fill there. . Do you wint me to talk aboutj it now or wait? ....get. through the agenda further down here. AI-Jaff: So you w.ouldliketo see the senLor center grand opening 'i'illld Older American Month combi ned? Tha,t would be the ideal si tuation.We ~",ould hope that's the way i,t would wor k out but if it did open in May, what. would 'you like to see? That.'s vJhat we're shooting for and t-Je're doing our best ~o complete the center by May. What would you like to see? e Howard: see? You're saying if it doesn't open in May what w6uld e Al--Jaff: ,Correct.. SeniOl- Commission Meeti ng \ Novembe'(15, 1991 -- Page 7 Don't we have time to plan this after ws can project the finishing. Yes, definitely. HoWard: 8ecau~e I think why waste the effort in discussing of not doing this in May. 8ra~g: I Was going to say I participated in ceremonies over at South Shore but they simply moved into'a church that was already co~pleted and w~ 60uld te1.1exactlywhen but it took me about 2 months to get the entertainment and I had a speaker. i " Heinlein: So do this about February or so. Ruegemer: I just think maybe what Sharrnin's trying to get at is trying to brainstorm a little bit. Get just some broad ideas. see. Ruegemet: Yeah, you don't have to ~eally pinp6int anytKingright now. start trying to ge~ the wheels turning. Get the wheels turnlngtrYi~g come up wi t.h something. e AI-Jaff: Start preparing for it. Getthi nki ng about it~. 8ragg: Do you have a new person on board who'~ working yet? We will get to that'too. 8ragg:; Okay because when that coordinator cani look at a program, then you know whether you~re going to do any meals or what you're going to offer there. Then you can probably have some people,slotted in that know about that.' AI-Jaff: So-you would rather the person from Senior t~R~ care of the progr~mming? J 8ra~g~ Or at least let us know what ~e're going beginning so we can kind of feature that. dining, we'd better. not. talk about alIthe That's what I'm saying. And .if We're going toplaycards right away, maybe we could feature somebody from the Club talking about how, What historically the~ did and you know. That~~ th~ way I se~ it. . Howard: It would be nice the preparation to make Montgomery: Yeah, that was to be used e Hm'Jard: Yes, and also at the opening. AI-Jaff: Yes. Potentially. l.Je can think about talking about it.at.that time. Senior CommIssion Me~ting November 15, 1991 - Page 8 . Heinlein: Won't the new person that is coming jin to help set programs and'that, won't they have a hand in so~e of this? Bragg:' I would think so. I would really like to wait until that on board before we really dig into it. Heinlein: Bec~usethey're s0pposed tQ beg~nwhat, Decemb~r is it? Potentially? . AI-Jaff: Okay. I just had a suggestion from Tom. He in0itIng GOvernor or Ronald Reagan to the opening? Ronald Reagan? The pre~iere senior ci;izen. i cbuld probably find a senior citizen right Howatd: When do they appoint the Chanhassen Senior there is one every year. Isn't that in May? I Montgo~ery: I don't remember. When was that?: e Howard: Well ~hat should be part of May. , . Al~Jaff: It~as in May. Montgomery: That could be part of it. Some of; the. local people that have beeninstfumental like the Mayor who wanted to get this going and some bf the other people t",ho have wor ked so hard on it', I think should have a chance to ~alk about what started it. That sort of thing. \ i Bragg~ I certainly agree that we should ha0e our local input dignitaries from ~6re. AI-Jaff: Okay. I Montgomery: Would ~<Je be able to send out invitations to the as se~iors in the area? : AI-Jaff: We could do~hat definitely. Mo~tgomerY: Besides an invitation in the paper and you know t6 to publicize it. I think that's going to 910 important. Sure~ We have a list of names of sen~or citizens e Kubitz: It should be an open house sO~<Je get the younger crowd in too. t"lake them aware of t'Jhat the seniors are doing.i Senior:Commission Meeting November 15, 1991 - Page 9 e . e Heinl~in: Well to begin with it would be sort wouldn't it? The grand opening of the place. should be. Bragg: I. think that should be o'ntheagenda fO'f our next month's meeting. That we startte zero-in on that a little more~ Will the rew person be aboard by thEln? AI~Jaff: I'm hoping~ t1ontgomery: Let's put that on the agenda for next month.' We'll about it and bring some ideas. ,AI-Jaff: Okay. Wonderful so we' 11 combi ne the programming American Month into one and bring it in front of'yeu. MontgomeYy; Yeah, we hope that works out that way. AI-Jaff: Would you like to pursue the housing study Mohtgomery: I think is really part of our on accomplish don't kno~ what the fGnds are. Howard: First of all come the funds. Al~Jaff; If it is one of the items you'd like in front of Paul. - Montgome~y: One of .the things lnoticed was t projections of the number of seniors was ShOl"t a little bit of what they had expected. Tpersonally know of3 people who would have loved to have stayed here, very productive people who moved out of Chanhassen because they couldn't find single level housing. 1 think we lose good people; Howard~ This is a big needl think. All the mutliple housihg such as Chaparral where I live isbi-Ievel or tri~level even. I thinks one level projec;t vjould be a very good idea. I'd be the, first one to move' in. Mohtgomery: WeIll definitely think that shou~d be one of our goals. somethingabou~ that. Btagg: Are we still talking cibout item 4? Th~ goals for AI-Jaff: Yes. i Bnagg: I have in mind and you can shoot me down if you want tobut~ thought as senior 'Commission we should begin looking at our heritage because we have a lot of seniors no~" whoiwill soon be passing on who are early residents ,out here and if there is already a hbritage preservati6n, then X'mout of Ii ne. But i fnot,! think we should, as a commission stand for historical preservattontoo. - Heinlein: Is ~here a historical society? There is isn't It's a statewide agency. SeniOr Commission Meeting November 15, 1991 - Page 10 Yes. There is. But is there a Chanhassen Montgomery: I remember Jerry Ruegemer came here to one of our meetin~s talked about the fact that he vJasinterested ih that and vJanted to get sOmething goi ng. Ruegeme~: That's me. I have.an excellent source too. In fact where I grew upin t1aple Grove, our next door neighbor is a Kerber. Ralph Kerber . He grew up in Chanhassen so often I go out there and I talk to Ralph just about, his uncle in faci owned this land where] City Hall sits on. Just the historical information that he has would be 1 think very beneficIal to thi commission. e' Bragg: ...beeh thinking about it and I believe the paper~ublishedsome piOt.uTes and little .stories underneath too . . I applaud that and 1 wish we could do something more but I don't want to be duplicating what another agenc'( might-be doing. . i . .... .' .' KuBitz: Well Bernie and Helen Kerber live right in also grew up here. There's a lot of them. (There was a ta.pe change at this point.) Montgomery: Well I think we can certainly encourage started. Then maybe it ~ill develop. J AI-Jaff: I think it can become ah activity. What you would do is have certain members go and gather information. Brlng it and then we. would t"rite it all down and then one day youwill have a book that would be published by the CommissiOn on the history of Chanhassen. , J Bragg: That sounds like what I was thinking on that. I would like to See usdif. Sometimes you write goals and objectiv~s and say,~ will dothui and so by the end of 1992 and if it means we've accomplisKedthat, thenwe can erase. it and let somebody else carry the. ball from there. I wish we had a Kerber on our Board. 1"10nt~]Omery: Ithi n kone 9f the things that was reall yi nteresti ngtOme, I looked back over all o.fthe task force, the .last report th.?t vJe had that t"e. turned in and looKed to see what all of the. needs wer,e. It's quite grcitif~ing I think when a few Of those have been addressed but there's still these large holes. Like housing, transp6rtation that we ha0en't settled. But I suggest everybody 'take a look ,back at those. Sherol,do you have a copy of that? e Of what? I know but I didn' t kno~\) ~\)hether you had Senior Commission Meeting November 15, 1991 - Page 11 e Montgomery: Of the goals that we setup as the Maybe if you don'tr maybe Sharmin c~n. , Heinlein: I have all of that stuff. Montgomery: Well maybe you can give a over. Ithi n k tha twi 11 help us as we something. AI-Jaff: Okay., Maybe. I should get Bernice a copy as well. Montgomery: Ri~ht. But it was intere~ting I think. Of course .it hasn 'thappened yet but! track. 8ragg: I think we'vedon~, when you think how short a time meeting, I think we've accomplished one of these in getting going. Montgomery: But I think we've certainly had some wonderful cooperation from the staff. It's just been incredible.! just really applaud you. Does anybody have any other suggestions as far as the categories? Maybe next month that's something else we can take up and see if we want to add something afte~ we look over that part. Think! about it for a while. e AI-Jaff: them with happening AI-Jaff: Well it would be. 8ragg: The age of the computer- . Montgomery: That would be really helpful Sharmin. That w6uldbe gre~t. Okay,.do we have anything else? Sharmi n, do you have anything to add? Al-3aff: Transportation. Y6u mentioned that ~as one next' ,>/ear? Montgomery: Yeah. AI-Jaff.: I was just thinking, maybe we can alsoinvife Kathy j'v1cGra~\) Carver .County to attend our next meet! ngwi th Diane Harberts' because is responsible for CART and Metro Mobility. I' mean she's the transportation person. e Montgomery: Yeah, she's a nice person. I remember.talki ng to.her. Yeah, very . And shell-Jorks closelyw1th Diane Harberts from Metro so maybe between t.he two of them they can take the concerns Shall we do that next meeting Senior Commission Meeting November 15, 1991 ~ Page 12 e of the Senior Commission. That wilt give them a month. Okay. Well if it doesn't work, then He"ll do January. Okay, I think that would ,be a good idea. Howard: Ist.his time t.o discuss our next. meeting? You. di~cussed possibly changing th6 date. ! Yeah, did it. get ,in t.he Minutes? I didn't see anything about it. Well maybe we can rneniion. Can you put it under other~ but maybe we should talk about other now because we want to knot-J vJhenthe meeting is. How about setting it fort.he second Friday . in December because we'll rUn into, what. is it? Is thatthci 14th? e Howard: 13th. Montgomery: The 13th, okay. Is t.here any conflict with anybody ~here? It just seemed, it was so close to Christmas with the following week we might have some trouble with people. being i ntown. If that will be alright. I worry about it. Heinlein: The 13th on Friday? Montgomery: Oh well,.we don't worry about that do we? That's g60d luck day. Heinlein: I was just looking, the Senior's Christmas Montgomery: Okay. Well let's wait. to take a Vote on that. until we get down to Other to ma~e it official but we think we're okay. Alright. AI-Jaff: ~hat's what I was just asking JerYY lf a vote was this. Montgomery: Yeah I think it We'll do it under it? It has to be Montgomery: For what? AI-Jaff: If a vote was needed to change the d~te of Senior, Commission November 15, 1991 I I i t I Meeting - Page 13 e e AI"'Jaff: Okay. Are we recidyfor the next thing h.re? Do you I' '- I I RAISING COMMITTEE I (PRESENTATION BY HO~Jard:, This I thi nkls very' immediate becausea.s you,r-ememberwhen went to Buffalo they had this man>elous committee of people frOm the community raising fund:ifoT their, center and they worked 5 years for NOlrJ we're going to be~aving a center soon and we have no committee. So ,I think we should probably presentthls.When lsthe next Councllmeeting? I ,', , AI-Jaff: This coming ~onday, the 18th. , I W611 that's aJlittle soon. - ,I December9thlis the nex~meeting. Howard: Well I think ~efinitelyby then if And alII did is make ~ategoriesfrom which 'to draw for this fundralsing committee and then I think we can discuss it. First we should have of coursE~busi ness people f. ,Second, professiona.l people. Thl rd, civic organizations. And foJJrth, political and government people. Thenthere's 'another, and I think all of those should be in0ited by the Co~nciloY ,the City Hall. ,But then there 's another category Of citizens at large and this probably should beadv~rtlsed for, which is how 1 got on this committee. Just have it In the pa~er for those who are interested but ~ do think there~s, one otherthi n~ t.hat we should be sure to, include different areas of Chanhassen because so often you heaTMi nne~"'ashta say, we were not included.' So I think ~e should have somebody from western Chanhassen and southern. Northern anCl central kind of blend together. So then we can just today dis6uss theke different categories.' . I How aboutusin~ the voting districts? I " ' , , , I Howard: That would bel a good idea. But I do think it's something to think , . t about to make sure we get people from different areas. The ones at large, there would be a categbry of people. Not necessa'ri ly seniors always on this committee who wou~d be interested. There~ must be a lot of people intermediat.e age, who m~ght have parents thl nking' of moving into the community or at retire~entage who would be interested. And then in the ~~~i ~~:~~~ ~~~o~; ~:'a~ i~~ n~;~ii~d w~~~; ~~u ~~i~e f~ ~~t~~~:i n~Oc.~~~it. ~:~~ Ie To beinvol vedwith th~ seniors. Fori nsta nce', say someone i ni nsur ance where he might be,look~ng froma,business aspec::t too rthink is very often coincides and I don't ~hink there's anything,wrongwith it really. I ' I Montgomery: You're cotlcerned about a conflIct of interest...?; I , ' Yeah, but I ~~n't knowhow. I AI-Jaff: r don't thIn:k'there is. It's a non-pr,ofit. I I I i I I t i i I e t1eeti!ng Page 14 I I Howard": This opens up Ian area whe,e people miS)ht be mOle selve on this committee if pQssiblycit means busin~ss for them. " ". '.. .... , I whatever. i, ," Bragg: Would you also Iconsfder people givinQ a donation where they'd get a little plaque ona cha~'r or something like that? that t.hisbed '~iJas purclased by so and so. Howard: Well, also when we get our tax free, their deductible would they tot" Barbara? ' Montg9mery: Yes, and that's !lJhat~.;Je need. We're waiting " I Howard: And I do think recognition is always good. I . Montgom€n"y: Ithi nk " I Im~ntioned befol"e there'~ some people in my neighborhood who are very anxious to be helpful arid I imagine that's ofa lot of people. Tlfleythink it's a good thing. " " "I i Howard: Well I think ihis can be done both by adver'tising .We have Ihever discussed the size committee. I I " " , . Montgo~ery: It seems to me it should be rather large. working comniittee for ,$omething, it's better small but to contact a lot of ditferent types of people,: it kri6w, maybe 15i 16. W~at do you think? i I I thinka~ least that many. I think I .. : you coveriall these categories. I . I AI-3aff: . Jhenyou canl have projects. '. . I HOt.-Jard:. Well" that's right.".. Do you. WE nt to discuss the different categories and suggest! people for them? F01" instance, businesses. .Wehave the,bank and they haver expressed an interest already. Probably the utility companies. They'r"eusli1allyinvolved in a function such ,as this.\And a newspaperman would be hice. I i Montgomery: I thinkh&'s been on our committee for I ' Howard: But let'sjus~suggest oth~r businesses. 8r~gg: Well I think ,t~e Rotary or whatever. I Howard: That comesuntJer civic. I Bragg: Oh you're jUstltalking aboutbusinesse~? Howard: Yeah. I. I I Bragg: Because I think sometimes are on thos~ ciVic org~nizations. e e Senioorcommission Novemb€!T 15, 1991 t1eet~ng - Page 15 I I BT$.gg: Ministerial. i .., . .':, I .! ' ' Howaord:I had that under professional. But we can just discuss it.' altogether .1Ae should Ihave a minister' and lavwel~<Jould be a go<.)aidea. Educator'. And I don't I knoN ~.JhetheTNe could get a doctor. They'ore so busy but perhaps we could get someone from the medical field. . . MaYbefroJ one of the And then in t~e civic oTganizations v.Je have a Doweha0e a Juhior ChAmbeT of CommeTce? AI-Jaff: I don't thinJ so. I HowaTd: Well ChambeT Jf CommeTce and Legion and we h~0e RotaTY. have Lion's? I Yeah. I r'lowaT'd: And theyhavel a business woman's organization Chanhassen? I I The League ~f Women of Toda~. I , I HowaTd:Not League oflWomen VoteTs, although that's on my list to~'. thi nk.l'xead about buslnesst,.Jomen. And then maybe we can gaT neT some help f'Tom the Chanhassen At~letic Associat..ion that Jay'S so involved in. AndL had listed Art not knowing we didn't have an art. This lady we met the other night was justihthe.PTocess of forming an Art for Eastern Carver. Well everyone belongsfo Art but I mean,a local ~roup that meets. .. .1.: ,. I Montgomery: And therelis som~bodytrying to form ona. I HowaTd: Yeah,for EasteTn CaT veT County. , " , 8Tagg: UndeTother welweTe going to talk about that. I HowaTd~ Yea~. Andth~ngoveTnment.The MayoT of COUTS e.. city goveTnment.Some(i,)nefrom theTG.Of course it'd be maTvelousifwe could interest aTepre~entatlve or a Senator froM this area. 1 did list League of WomenVotersl and then the Democratic, and Republican ~lubs that are organized 10cally.IAnd the categoTY at layge I think we should have some retired people ana definitely some homemakeTsshould. be considered. Now these might beadv~rtised for Tather than invited because I don't know how you 'd know whom tol i nvi te.And ..the categol"Y there could include the people who might have parents who possibly would be interested because of theiT parents. ' I b.' .. . d ,I h . ' h Ku ItZ: You dl n' t get- t,e F 1 re Department in: a nYI<Jere . I .. Howard: No, I forgoti t. Well that'd beunde)" city government I have,a lot ofothersi listed under businesses but locally, the I I I I I I I e Senior Commission Meeti!ng November 15~ 1991 - PaQe 16 e " I i I " industry~ assuming we ~et a grocery store and we do'have some food already. We have ~onsdruction and electrical and heating. And entertainment and travdl. We have so much business ,in this busifless park too. Printers. Youk~owwe have the mailing business. It 9ives+ a lot of ideas of peo:leto contact. And real estat[e and insurance. Now those might possibly if we get in the senior Istudy and a future housing development. ,Certainly estate people !would be interested. Andinsurancepeople~ I ' ' ' ~1ontgomery: As I Undel1lstand it, it's up to the City Council to appoint this committee. I (, Didn't youga~herthatfrom Buffalo? Montgomery: I don't kJow.. That was in some of our early Minutes somewhere and that's l-'Jh>' I kept contacting the Mayor and I think he,~\Jould be part of this. " '" I Well eithert~e Councilor Paul. I . Montgomery: Maybe we~eedto find out how this committee is get going. I ! Ai-Jaff: I will conta6t the City Attorney and see what. I I Howard: But ~e shouldlhave a commit~ee sO it can start January~February at t hel atest . 1 Montgomery: Now ~\Jould ,this' be the Board of Di rectors then of the Chanhassen Senior Foun.ation? Maybe you can check that out too to that ~ould be the way to go. I That would'6e too large for a Board'of Directors. I I But you could.ldra~\Jfromit to form a Board of. Directors. I Montgomery: I don 'tknow,. That's what we need to find out What the structure ~\Jould be. How we would accomplishi t.. f i Okay. This Is all be learning I Howard: That's all I had. i I Well'than}.: you Sherol. I ' AI-3aff: I did'receiv~ some paperwork fr6mou~ Attorney's office. filing everythiJng 1;.Jithl the IRS. They do the operational budget Senior Commission for the year '92 and '93. Montgomery: I don't think it 'sfor the Senior! Commission. I', , '. Well' the Foundation, I ~ m sOTry. , I , . ! I I I i .- e Senior Commission Meet~ng November. 15, 1991 _: pade 17 I I . I ' ~1ontgomeY-y = For the foundation , right. I don 'tknow, in the past, I ,know sometimes people have ~iledv.Jhat they call a proforma budget. And youkno~'<l they kn6~ you don't kndw what youire going to do or ,what it's goi~g t6 cost or anYthing else but ydu've got to put some stuff down. Because it's very , hardto predict but yoJ know you're going to need stamps and need printing and that sort of thingJ , I AI-3aff = ~Jhat! t",as t~i nking of doing, la(st night I ~"as were going to go aboutlthis and I haven't talked to Paul aboOt it y~t basically list that th~rewill b~ senior center. This is how much is allocated for it. In the future the sertiorcommission is thinking about putting together a dir~ctory and that would cost approximately so much. Programmin!J and that WQuldcost so much. The City has allocated this much money. Funds have beeM drawn out of the Block Grant money so t.hat~"oL1Idbe t.he~budget. I I I t.hin~t~at.'swhat you really need t.o che~k out. wit.h t.h~ At.torney to see if' that belongs 1 n there. I don't know ~ Thisisout of my kno,W,ledg,e but. y",OU needlto",b, e, v~,ry ca" r, ef"ul Wit.h"whatyou're listir"g and make sure it's justexact.ly what they require. I don't know but the attorney should know that . It.' hould be helpful. .' , ~ I \ The 810ckGraitmoney, I know they've cont.ributed x,number~f , '" -, I -,,: ' , . dollar,s to South Shore I but that could be a pelcentage of that money which would take pare ofyistng cost.s ~nd everything. It's a diffe,ent amount eve)"')! yea,but so ~"ouldi ours be. ,', " ',"1 t-10ntgomery =, t.Jhethe, that belongs in these figures , ! don't"know lrJhatt.he attorney should be 'able to tell us. :t ~"ould t.hi nk. l' know theyehas tob~, to pr+selve YOUr non-Rrofit status that has tob~ cey-tain pelcentage of funds ,that ale just f,om publicdonat.ions,. I knollJ, that changes ,and I I'm not author ity on that sort. of thing but it's something to look[into.' To makesuy-e, we bear in mind all the )r, eS,tYiction,IS,., I t,hink,l we have to rely ,ont,' he ,a, t,torney. Al~Jaff: ~hey are wo,~ing on it. They definitely ale wo,king o~ it. I talked to tihem yesterd*y and I received some huge documents that'wewe,e goi ng,th,ough yest.erday. Li ke I said, now they need, they can complete all the wqrk other 'than th~ opeTationalbudget and that's something that we would have!to put together . But it's going in: the light di,ection. It's rnoving in the right ditection. Hopefully Ina month y6u would have ,it. : I I Montgomery~ Okay~ anybody el~ehave any comment.s? About the i I ARCHITECT SELECTION FOR THE SENIOR i.,., " 1 AI-3aff=WelltAJe had five responses for the Rf='P . Jack Ande,sonwas one of them and y6u'all know kack Anderson. EOS Archltects who had buil~the fire station'an~ City H,all.IAIl the applications that we received were wonderful. I Imeaneveyyonewas highly qualified .We prefer working with people that we've had ~xperience with. We know what t.ypeof work they perform. dne of the lbwest bids we received was EOS who had done the fire station an~ has done s~me work on Cit~ Hall. I . e i I Senior Commi~siori MeetVng . . I " Novernber15, 1991 ,-. PaQe 18 I Sragg: They were. the ~owest 'too. .1 I Al-'Jaff: Correct . Arid the figure ,that they submitted foY' a'(chi tectuY'al fees was not to exceed 1$10,152.00.. One of thejreasons that they stated they had submitted such a 10wfiguY'e is because they really hope to. work on the senior .housing project t.Jhen that takes place. L.Jhen that happens. The CityCounci I will be vdti ng on this i ternan Monday. Staff or Paul put thl,s together and he isrecdmmending that EOSbe awarded this project. ~hat's where this stands at trle moment. On Monday, whatever the Council decides. Tuesdaywecan cont.actjthein and say okay~ get going on it. . 1 . I Was Valer~e the one from EOS? I I AI-Jaff: . Yes she was. t Correct. I Montgome.. ry: Yeah, theyl' seemed very interested ,in ~inding out needs we had. AL-Jaff: A lot of, inlfactall the firms sent somebody here: Did they?) I Al~Jaff: Yes. We went through the~e. They all sent ~opies 0f the ~ask force so theylwereall Commiss.ion was looking I.for. , ! I . . Howard: . I simply can't relate to an exi~ting Yoom I . \ It's becau~e lof the vestibule thatw~. . I I I I thought that wasn't going tb be done Tight away. , I , Ai-Jaff: Yes it will be. Yeah, we want~d cord. The longter:m pian fOY'City Hall is I I Howard:' SO t. hey' r. e. got.ng to do, the outsIde portion' of thefutul"e. AI-Jaff: Correct. c~rrect. building. And thevesbibule. I I Howard: Of course I chn't ielate to most of the prices seem awfully. I I Al...Jaff: There"sa vety large, well not very large but a hill that wOuld need to beremdved. II imagine retaining walls:. There is ~ staircase that might have to come outl and that, the . demolition of the concr.ete staircase cou 121 cost quite a bit I. Plumb i ng . \ I Ruegerrler: Electrical.1 Running the electrIcal into there becausecur'rently there isn't any type oiFelectrical receptacles, on any of the walls. Exter idr: wa1 Is. .And~\J~atsharmln Is tal:ki ng about~\lhere i the staiT~olf~? come down, I thInk thajt's t.JheY'e thepY'oppsed bathl"ooms 8l1d those faCILItIes I" , I I I e e e I I the base~ent and we showed them what's out the studY that, Judy Marshek: prepaY'scj.for ve'ryfa~lliar with what the Senior . to be. Sorry, I kicked that the . westerly Wing. Senior Commission November 15~ 1991 . e r~l-Jaff: Yes.. very curi.ous as .hands on.. .1 Meetl.!ng - Page 19 I I I , ! e I believe the , I Senior Commission Meet~ng 1 November 15, 1991 - Page 20 I Howard: Latch key. AJd they do not hav6 one, or didn't have one? II i e Well they said Ithe ~inisterjai Association had come ,to them about this: Butr wanted to Ibring out the fact that once a~ain this has.been' going on for about 20 Year~ and so we're Johnny Come Lately and we.have our ov-magenda and so we tt.JJre just fitting octrselves \into listening and trying to figure out where we!fit in. ' , Howard1 Ithoug~t it ~~d to do with adu t edu6ation'and bring some into our center. I it doeJ. That wasT'!'t on the agenda. I think that was the I I Could YOU;I request that on .a future agenda? I . I Bragg: I think we could. We only went to get a f.eel for thing on that ~~ednesdat was what they call SACCo Did, you what that was going tOI be, about? .., : Howard: That's the before and after schbol. .. . . . i Yeah. That's the children of school age. S'-school, C-caring ot something. 1 buly looking up JE$ is Jonathan . I I That 'swhy is ~oLi'vebeen going on for ,20 years and ,you're already revising your By-laws ~hich is whatthey1did and they voted on that~you can imagine how we felt. But we wer~ li$tener~. And I think asyou'say, we do, ,if vJe'reintere~ted in Adul,t Education,! which is I am. Ihav~ been ever S1. nce I was an u ncj:le'r graduate , that, ~"'ehave to put that, that will have to go onto the agtnda. ! ' . ~ HowaY'd: Were you put off , as I was, f i r$t they played a9ame . They passed around. They had ea. ch.1 o.f us listouxstrongpo.. ints. Our own strClng ....po... ints and then give them to the person next to. you~ !Exchangethem with the person next to YOU. Ahd then went around and discuss these. It 's like playing a game at a shbwer. I thought what are we doing? I '. . " .. Bragg: Again, they ha~e been to several workshops and this is.a warm-u~. They did this. I think th~Y'ewere seveY'al put off by.that be6suse;and they did kno~'~ each other and they'd been! on thiscomrnissioneY' for quite a while. I fO'rgavethem! for that ~ .. .. . .' Montgomery: Well Bettk, do you thillkthat there is someonk on the commission that you woUld be able to talk to ahead of time? rheChai'rman . .1 . .' . ,. .' .'. .' or somebody about whatl' you would like to discuss. What you're concerned about. I I I I Howard: We were so ~ehave to ~ee that initials. e e 8ragg= Hels the one )j w'oltld call. He, is paid by the distrIct comfuunfty education. I ! .' He's the ,Dhiector of Community Education. . I. . Bragg: ..Yes.And he's Ithe one I would ask when that's going to be onthe agenda because we are hoping to get/on that and I think If it's all going to be earlychildhood~ducationotthatsortof thing, I think we've all been through it .We'\)$ al'l }"aised children and a11that but their particulat problems wete not, I don't feel qualified to talk about it. ! ' . . Howard= Right now theJhave to...they ~ave a tremendous time schedule here. This done by Fe~rUary and t.his done by Marchand that's why., they're concentrating on thesejthings. They have to have action on them soon I g~thered didn't you Betty? I ' Bragg= Yeah. But I think the one positive thing there' is a real push f<>r using elder mentors. .' :That's what they called them and that would be the~olunteers from the senior community and howthey~an help in the school. N6t ,j0.$t as room visitors' or anythi ng but to bri ng t.heir experience to I think the one I'm involved in is bringing.experience 1 i ke.for example Wor Id il..Jar II to the curl' iculumwhen the students are st.udyin~ about World War II. That they can say there's a liv~ person that went through' that and these are the things that went on. For example the stamps and the shortageS and breaking up of the families and that sort of thing, But at this point we're notriadybecause we don't have our identIfied seniors to r1raw from fora program like that and they would receive~raining. But it was interesting to see how they were reacting it. It was,the,Mr., w~at~~as his name? · ! ' I Greg Shank. I Shank. His immediate, his on it. s~e spoke on it. ! Is that'GalaIMadsen? ! 8ragg: Gala Madsen, that's the one: 50 this is just from off the top of our heads. Ourfeelinksonhaving gone to that meeting. It went on from 7=00 to after 9=00 so they've got a very active group. rt.wasinteresting to see the members of the group and they come from, they're all ages and it'sa very active groyp. , Montgomery: l: would gLess if they're inviting' seniors, thatthey,would!:;.e interested in knowing 0hat a diffeierit perspective is that you might have. 'I .'. ,': ." Bragg: I think we d1dltell them ihatwe're inteTest.ed I :did. I said that 's why >vJewere there. That, we were will allow us to bringl somethirig to ouf center when we I . I Meetilng ! -Page 21 i I Yeah, I thi nk tihe Chai '(man is one as k hi rn what cMa nce ther e t1.Jould be. B0tIthought IthatGregShan~was. iN./" Senior Commission November 15, 1991 i ! Meetiing I -.pag'e 22 , i I i offe~ educati6nal aspedts too. But anything, it's a big thing~ not. pioneering 1 i kewe iare. They,'le way aneadof Us. I . . . I . I . I Montgomery.: Okay, wel~ now '. I take .avote now on cha~ging like to make the motion? . . I H6ward~ I make imotiJn that we meet on thes~cond Friday of /December 13th. I . I I I Bragg: I second the motion. I I Howard~oved, 'Bragg seJonded to change .the Senior Commission meeti ngin December from the fourth Friday to the second Friday of the month, December 13,1991. All voted it. favor and the motion carried. I I How aboutajtittle Christmas type thing that I Okay. I lit i. We'll all!bring what we think is a I At-Jaff: Kind of cookie pariy? I i Heinlein: A grab bag br i I Kubitz: How do you wotk your grab ba9? Evel-ybody puts then you take it out? I I I Montgomery: I don't k~ow. Do yoti want to do that? . I I If you don,tit's.okaY~ . .. I r No, it soundsilike \fun. Why not? . Heinlein: Okay. i I Howard: Bring a small) gift and something to eat. Bragg: How about brinking something that tJJe can give c~n give to needy chi18ren. Toys fof Tots. Maybe bring could give. Do we nee8 anything morefoi ourselves? I. . Heinlein: Oh,it'd J6sb be f~n. i.... . Bragg: It doesn't makkany difference. I was' Just thinking one of the nicest Christmas's Ihbd was when theplac~ where I was working decided instead of exchanging~ifts to each other to gb and buy something that could be ~iven to a ch~ld under th~age of 10~' I . We do that i nfBrldge Groups too. I I e e Do you want lito do it that How about both1 . i I i Al...Jaff: We also havela food shelf through Carver County. We keep the h~reand then rlghtbefore'Cnristmas we takelttoCarver County_ , . '. I '.' . , .' .' . Hel nlein: We were told yesterdayt.o bring something next week 1 ikefor Thanksgiving dinner and that. ' That was asked up at chur-ch too so T 'took something~n last Sunddy there. I will have to do something fotnext Thur-~dayfor- here. i / I Something sm~ll. Non-perishable~ i i No r mea nt . I I Montgdmery: Oh, for the Food Shelf.Oh, okay. . ' I Heinlein: ,Yeah. Either that or money they suggested (I . We'vealwaysjdonated non-perishable food. i Anybody etse have ~nythin9 to go under our Othef I.. . , AI-Jaff: I wanted tornention for your i nformation item that we have... It~s the census~ The breakldown of age gr-oups. And'if we include people that are age 55 and above, JJe have over 1,000 senior 'residents in Chanhassen. thought you might waritlto know that. And our brojections indicate that this number is going tb double within fhe next'decade. i I ' " - t1ontgomer-y.:.1 noticed I the 45 to 50 gr-oup, there werel,15? in so they're comi 'fig up. I . ' I ' ,I . i Al-Jaff: We have a latge population of people ages 65 among the seniorcateghry. 110. Seniors ages 75-84. people. I thought tha~information might interest you and thene5 and a..bov...e we.. have.. 35. pe.oPl.R' . 1Hanttoknol;J tAJhere they are. Howard: I noticedthe~ have more males than f~males. myself but the papert~lls us that. I don't thi~k that's Ylght. tha~ men. I I Bragg: But thatinclu~eschildren. I That was for! your infor-mation. 'I . .... '. . ..... Montgomery: IapPTeciBtethatyou gathered that. That's very I I I AI-3aff: vJe just recelived i tthe end, of last month . I i i I i ! Meeti:ng - PaQe 23 I i i I 8ragg: Yeah, and it W4s so much fun i -- I ' I Meetiing - 'Pas:e 24 i i i Montgomery: It's' i nter!esti ng to compare Al'-Jaff: Sure. Andth!en Senior Community Services , Adele submitted a grant. . Re9u., est for a grant for living at home program. ,.1 Who di~sie submit that to do Ai-Jaff: I believe it1s[the State. So we haven't heard Montgomery: lIt's ce'(t~inlY '8 well written proposal. I Al-Jaff: Defin,..iteIY aHd I .t.hOU9ht YOu,......m.. 19ht be int.erest$d in at this. I. Bragg: I was also hap~y to see the company in' which your included.., The places that we had visited when we went out in the bus loads land then the, car. [.Je had visited mc!trw of these centers andso to see that their programs and out progrrims/and our goals are all being~ they are the same. so we 're not ventur i ng lout on uncharted waters. I I i i Montgomery: Okay, is th~re'anything else ,anyone would like to bringupj Howard: . I don't know that this is at all pertinent Barbara but I wondered 'why at Minnetonka Cent~r we pay $5.00 for shots and at Excelsior at South Shoraitwas $2.00. I I Montgomery: I would S?y it. depended upon the collaborating hospital. had ours fromRidgevie~ atWaconia and ~hey probably had theirs knows. Methodist or who knows. I HO\,4Jard: It was very w~llorgani:z:ed but I wond'eyed if the center makes money available. \ I I don't think they do. A d "f' th cl'ol. l".t. 'd bo' . h" h" k b ,n 1'. . ey '"' so met 1 ngto t 111 .' a out.. ,. \ Montgomery: 'r think it's the other way aroundl. That somebody subsidizingi~ from th6 other end. . , . i '.. . I Howard: That's over tWice as much over atMin~etonka,; ; . . I Montgomery: ,Maybe we should call up and find out. I'll out. I . . I Bragg: I think the ho~pital probably went overboard to make that contact. I think I hav~ to say ~hat I think Ridgeview,i~ involved because Chanhassen been part of that South Shore .Cen-terand that's why they did that. when r programmed forlthem, I have contact with Ridgeviewand they well Excelsior, that's] in Hennepi n County. Isald yes but a third . I It No. e e' I ' i ! I e Montgomery: I think t~at's a good ide~. 1 I AI-Jaff:, I think that Iwould be best and then 1,'11 updat.e has happened at our next meeting. I Howard: It should mov~ as fast,as possible though. committeeo~ganized.1 I 1 Montgomery: O~ whatev~r we call it. Whatever structure this be. If it's going to~e a committee or a 80ala 01 tr.Jnat I don't t,hink we'need to set.tle on that. What t.hat's supposed to be. , ' I A'l-Jaff: Okay. I will do my best to,. I' 11 moVe it as fast as I fas,tas humanly possibie~ . 1 I' " Montgomery: I noticediback in t.hose Task Forc~ ~ecommendationsthatthey suggested that the comMission structure the advisory board or vlheteverthe governing body wasgoihg to be for thecente~ and suggesting that it bean adv lsory council. 'You !might want to look back at those ,notes and see ..t'Jhat that said but that would be aidifferent group. f i . I I", Kubitz: Advisory council, is a different group. I I . I 1 : Mont.Somery: Yeah. Thktwould not be a fund r~ising group. Kubitz: The big. commilteewaJ moie fund raIsing than back up. 1.1 .: ( Mont.gomery: , Right. andl that's I just wanted tol ser:>arate t.hetwo and I'm not talking about~his large cOfflmitte~as an advisory council. not the idea. That would be separate. ' ' . . 1 Kubitz: I think thea~viso~'y boaid is made up of people center and use it and 001unteers. I Ai";'Jaff: I thinkthatl group will be formed by' the programmer. .1 M6ntgomery: 'Yeah, right. . I , i , . 8ragg: My input is th1atonce it 'sestablished, it except you have communliiy services involved. I Kubitz: 8unnyis on tlheadvisory boatd' at Eden Prairie. I . Bragg: Yes she is and: I'm on the adviso:ry board at South I 1 Montgomery: So that I,-Jli Ilbea' separate sort. of thing. We.' Te not about that when we're italking about fund raising or whatever you I ' " . . 1 Senior Commission Meet~ng November 15, 1991 - Page 25 I ", I I people coming t.here are f,om .Chanhassen. Then they take a different. of it. I ,I I quest.ion. 'RegaTding the fund ralslng committee. the iHayor about this before he schedules itona I 1 . , AI-Jaff: I have a want me to talk to Council meeting? e I Senior Commission Meeti~g . November 15, 1991 - Page 26 . call it. Community sUPPort group. . I Al-.Jaff=But you mightlwant/todb it. comrnissio:n to' be ,on the advisory board. have that kind. Nominate Just so Bragg: Certainly at tHe beginning. Montgomery: Yeah I thJnk so. When it' beglns to take shape to do , about tha~. J AI-Jaff = But hopefull I,' by next meeting you programmer. \ ~10ntgomery: Anything ~lse? Okay, shall we adjourn. , I , Bragg moved, Howard seconded to adjourn the meeting~ All voted and the motion carried~ The meeting was adjourned. submitted by Paul Krauls City Planner I ~~e .