1991 12 13 CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 13,1991 .. C ha i r woma n Montgomery r 11 ed the !l\eeti ns to or qer at 9: 30 MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbal,ra Montgomery ~ Betty 8ragg,Sherol Howard~8ey.nice 8~llison.~ Selda Heinl.in, and Jane Kubitz I . I MEMBERS ABSENT: Emma $t. John I STAFF PRESENT = paul K~auss, Planning Directo~; and Planner I I , ' APPROVAL OF AGENDA: iC~lairWOmaIT Montgomery approved the agenda as \ presented. I APPROVALOFMINUTEs=dhairwoman Montgomery' noted approval of the Minutes of the Senior Commissi6n dated November 15~ 1991 as amended by Sherol Howa.rd... .Ch.an.gingth.e wo.rrl'.d IIar.,.t" to "AARpi' on. page 15. All voted in favor and the motion carr ied .' . .' , . SENIOR CENTER DISCUSSI'N WITH,EOSARCHITECTS. Montgomery: The' firstJltemtodaYWil1 be the Senior Center EOS Architects. Nick iueh1 is '. here. Krauss: If I could gite a Ii ttle,bit of introduction. Just by way of ._ updating. 1 think thef' last time \ that we met we were wor ki ngtogetsome ~ concepts through on thSenior Center. We needed to get autho~ization from the,H..o.L,I,s.ing ,a. nd. R,.edeve,.opm.en.t Autho..rity" a.nd fr..,o..m..the CityCounci.l....t..o.r.etain an architect. rthink Sharmin brought you SQme .of the materials that we received. We had 5 sulbmi ttals. We selected EOS Architects. EOShasa ' longhistary of workin~ with the City ona number of projects~including some of, theprcijects a~' oundCity Hall. I'm in the process of finalizing the cont.ract language ow. I have author izationto enter into i tand We ~ve stressed to EOS that.t is is something that we'd l'i,keta get done quickly so we can get under co struction quickly.. Nick Ruehl is one of the pr! nciples in th~ comphny. He could not be here today. 8urt Haglund is going to be an'the proUectarchitectsu- Burt is here tQday. I think he can i ntraduce himself and .~tart asking YQU some questions so we can start defining that project .nd he can hQpefully get tQ work on doing some plans . With that I~ll turn it over t08urt. Burt Haglund: GOOdmO~ning. As paui mentioned. my name is Burt Haglund. I happen to also be on~Qf the parthers atEOS Architecture. . And as such, I have a lQng hilstQry with the film and have been a partner since 1982 so I've beeni nvo,l ved in most all .of thewor k that's. being done in the office a.n..d. '.have m.Yself.1 had some. ~xpe.rie~(.~.'e. w,e worke.d withth..e. .Exc.elsior. ' SeniQr tenter back in the early 80's. What I'd like to do this morning is first of all of coursel, I just came. to get familiar withYQU and introduced to you. I~m a new player here with you and I know that youhaveanQther ne~ player~ JudYColb~that:s going tQbe introduced this morning and $s. I unders,tand i t~ we 'r6goi ng to have a working relationship with a number '. of different people Q~ this, project and we're 'excited abQut,dQing this. .. l,t ~.s fun ta kind of b~li ng togethe,r awh.ole host..of issues, 8 wh.olehost of needs from a lot of P1aPle to make. somethi ng wor k. In say! ng that~ 1,'d I ' I I Senior Commission Meeting December 13~1991 - Pa~e 2 - like to mention that one of the things that we would like to do at.the outset 18 to define a drocess.Away of keeping all of the people 'who need to be involved in commJnicationandinvolvedto the extent that they need to be so as we move ah~ad with the planning and~aking decisions and reviewing progress~th~t we're including everybody that needs to be so it can beasmooth forwarq process and that we' don't have distant starts with it. So that's one of ~he main things I'd like to try and. discuss this . morn...ingandget a fe.e.l. .Ifor'how.. we best do that. So that's one Of.........rn.y thi.n9s on my agenda. Another is that I, know that you have had som~ preliminary concept planning dorie dlready. There are~I'~ sure that you're ~ware that there are some issues ~hat have:be~n discussed about the op~ortunities and some, ,of the Limitation# about the space that you're going to be ,moving into. I'd;like to jus~ touch on those and get a better sense myself of !_ '" I , I, - _ : _ " ',_ ", ( , , .wherethoseissues lie land how we move ahead with th.ose; So those are the two main. thi ngs I'd I i ~e tot ry toaccompl ishwi th you this m.orning, .or, at least get some direction on. So I think first of all r'd like to first .of all ask if you have an~ question~ of me. Otherwise I'll go right into trying to discuss my f~rstagenda which is the wor~ing relationships. Montgomery: Anyone halleq~estions for him? 8rag~: No. I wish yo~ would go r~ghtahead and tell ~:~t H~glund: Well +Jet of ~ll there will be a number of actors here involved in this .Of course.there 'sEOS as the architect .We wilL have our engineers be workihgthe mechanical and electrical engineers working. However we ' 11 coor.dinate all of that and that i nterfacewill be our responsibility. Howev~' r, ~rom theowner~s side or the City'S8ide of course pa... ulisa very. entral figure. You as a comm. 1.ss10n.. TheHRAneeds some involvement in th t they're involved in the funding and we want to make sure that that bO~y is kept informed. Judy of course from Senior Community Services andlseeing.that her input of course and proposed ,wo'rk' with you is part of th~t as well. So what I would ~uggestis that we. first; of all need to. know i~l~t~at from the Senior COfflmissionstandpoint!,if all of you wou~d Ilket:>.br Involve0 as we go through. the I?rocess step by step of the desIgn. Coml ng,.. toa .desIgn or would you 11 ke, 1 n the case of a representative one or ,~ore that can be available because this is going to take a little bit ofelxtra time to be involved in kind of the day today , week to week I ~hould really say~review and update where we are on the planning. That would beo~e thing. How you feel you are best represented. 8ragg: I think a subaommi ttee is the most effective way . I think that the Commission i tsel f woulld Ii ke to hear reports monthly. Montgomery:. We do haJe a subcommittee now that is working on the center issues and that is wi~hBil1isonand with Jane and with Selda right? those 3 . h9.v.e '.b.een the. grOupltha.t .is ..su. .pp.ose.d to b~ coordl.- nati ngwi th _0. th.e..r.........s..e. nlor center plans. So per~aps you could be workIng, you'rethechal'rmanof.that group right? . Then pe~haps you could be the link b'etween us a'11 ~.vjould that be alright with xou? e . 8urt Haglund: Yeah. that would be fine. So that would be Mrs., 8111ison? e -- \ I SenIor Commission Meetiih9 December 13, 1991 - Pagr 3 M t Th t' "iht' 8'" 11 " On gomery: ' a_s rl~ ' 1 lson. Burt Haglund: Okay. .1nd tben the other two would be? Selda Hei11e1n and Jane. Montgomery; T h::1:: 1 :J: e:::: . ba: :a:~ Well good ,that. then from the rest of s but at least Burt Ha~lul1d: 'we'llbJ working on a daily basis very closely Krauss of course and I lexpectalsowith Judy Colby along with you. I will no doub~work, with Paul on how to b.st keep the HRA involved but I would suggest that as we 100R ahead to the next time, that you 'sit and have kind' o. f a w..9rk.in9 meeting bJ.ca0se......wo.rki.ng 9. roup to do the. Pl.anning de.,s.i..g.n... of it. Is that we take allookat having a meeting next week and I would sugg.est thatF..erha.ps n.,'..xt Fr,idaYb.e. fore the Christmas hOli,day. to.Sit down and have, a working sesion and go through ~ome of the details. , , ' Montgomery: Would youilikeus to establish that now whether that's a time that would be satisfactory? . I Burt Haglund: That WO~ld be great. If' we can set something up. Krauss: Well, it so~n~s like a feeble excuse, but next Friday Christmas Party. NObOry'S going to b~ here. Montgomery: Sounds lilke a very good reason Paul. Burt Haglund: We can rlso'do it on Wednesday. Hei~lein: Ii's okay w~th me. Montgomery: Is wedneslday alright with you? "II " 'd" dl" h Bl lson: Soun s goo: r 19t now. Burt Haglund: Let me ~ake a ~ook at my calender. '. I .' Montgomery:' Okay, th1 18th. , Krauss: If I could' m~"ke a s~ggestion here. too and want us best to handl it but' X know we have Selda with the Chanhassen Senior ciroup but Idite11 Oscar that we would bring him in atso~e stage or he could appoint sdmebody. Would it be .lright if I gave him a calland asked him if he want.ed to sit in on this? I . , , He1n1ein:He just will not. he just. completely almost ignor~s.me~ Krauss: Well if I neld to,I can meet with him separately and have down and review ,the ptan" 'I just want to keep them following .along I - e t"lontgomery: Sure. seni~r Commission MeeH ~g December 1$, 1991 - pagF 4 everyth'i ng so that whenl it's open. ! I That's true.1 It should be so they know what's t4on.tgomery:. .I.agreeth11at there should be a man's input. input also into that. ! Kr.u.~; I'll ~ive os~r a call. Heinlein: You mean I ~hould step out? I I No, no. . I Heinlein: We'll see how it works. I BUrt Haglund: Okay, 110king at next Wednesday. I'm open. be the best tIme frame. ! Heinlein: I!1~ Just c ear the date for myself. This is Where/and at what time? I'd prefer to meet here at City Hall. Montgomery: Is there kpace? I Krauss: We'll get you I a room. Burt Haglund: Okay~ ~ow ~bout in the morning? If you'ye meeting at 1:30 like ttis morning, we can set it for 9:30. Montgomery: Do you h1ve the date? What date is that? Burt Ha91und:Decembe( 18th. Montgome~y: Okay~ And I'd like tasuggest too that any members of the Commission who t<Jant td give a nyi nformation . or suggestions members of ;the subcom ittee please do so before that time. beat that meeting? 'Montgomery: Would yo~ 1 i keto be part of that too Judy? I Colby: Yes. I Burt Haglund:. Al righ~. Very good. I noticed from the. Minutes of your last meeting aboutth. intent to having the Senior Center done for the month of May which is I Senior Month. ....What I've done is a starti ngpoi ntfor discussionis I put t~gethera preliminary project schedule just to trace back from May back tolwhere we are today as a starting point and what the, main steps are in thelpr~cessand how much time those might take. So what I'd like to do is give you each a copy of that. This isa preliminary sketch because it doekn'ttaken into account yet some critical dates that I .. . . I I I I I e Al":Jaff: Yes. e . e I Senior Commission Meetl~g December 13,1991 - pa~ 5 . ~e might have to meet ifn terms of the HRAmeeting and meets and that sort of thing but it's just to get a start on trying to understand what stepswre need to go through and what might be sometar.get dates of completingcer1tainthings. If you notice the first item here is called programming and it's shown I'm taking basically through, between now and Christmas. This i~. really to get a gr ipon what are theactivi ties. . \ Wha.t.. ... a.r... e. ..t.h.. e.. th. i ngs.. th~... t..... ne.e...d...... to .b.e.ac...commod.. a~ed. i n t.~at. sp. ac..e s.'o. w..e.......h...a.ve.a good common understand ng of that. And there1n 1S th1S reason to. have .a meeti ng next wee k so wca nget a jump on that . O,ncewe have that, then we can l-eally be serious about the design and trying tOljeally narrow our sights and somealtern~tives to get to that: final plan. And that I see taking about a 2 weekeriod so that by the 17th of January~ or .. . approximately one mont I fl"Om today, we should have a design that should really work with the n,eds. Then we need to produce the docu~ents which are the drawings and specifications for construction for bidding and for construction. That's $oi ng to take a perIod of time". Following that of course the work needs io befbid and ~hen once a contract is ~warded~ the construction. So I jUft laid this out to giye you some sense of the steps that we're going to bejtaking. This needs to be refined. .. We need, Paul find\out how this intetfaces like I say with the HRA and some other things but this gives you a ff rst lun at it. . MontgomelY: I have a ~uestion. I wonder if you could tell me wherefo~ instance the parkingptoblem or the entranceproblem,th~t sort of thing, ~it. h what othe. r a.ge.ncYfw..OUld yoU be concerned that, you meet with where that sort of thing is conce ned. . . Burt Haglund: Well ag~in, we're going to look to Paul to coordinat~ some of that . t.Jho should b~involved with what kinds of issues. We know from the out._set the HRA of .poursenee.ds to be involved. Beyond that I guess we're going to follow paul's direction. . . Krauss: Yeah, . a lot ol~ it Is an HRA question. Of course the Mayo,> and Tom Workman.from the City pouncilsiton the HRA so there's a good connection between the .two.We~,~ going to take the best Clack at resolving those things that we can. .11 mean,the entrance is more an internal desIgn issue. '-'Jhere that's going to be. How that's going to be~ That's somethingyou'll have pretty direct inp1utover... The future parking situation, I don't think we're going to have a ~60d answer on that one. The reason is it's really contingent upon thatCiity Center Park proposal. The central park proposal that I think you've s~en flY! ng a,ound. Heinlein: When will Jhat decision be made? Kr auss : I dbn' t k now.1 They loel'd some pub 1 i c he;' ri ngs . on it i n Oc~ober . know the plans are be~ng further refined right now. I have met with the architects on that and told them that, the designers and told them that if we..hav. e. ours.e.niorce1.lter d.own. he.re.we.'re gO.ingto wan. t some. accommodatio.n for parking. And theneisanotherlower level lot. This pa,king lot ,that we have out here at t~elibrary level is going to be expanded . I'm ,afraid it's probably notgoi~g toiget too much closer to the front door because they ha0e an amphithedtre on that hill that they want to design in. But they are aware of thai need and I'm hopeful that that's something that they'll define in the! next few months and get some decision on it. I. I I I . Senior Commission December 13, 1991 Meetillg - Page 6 tit 'haven't heard of a construction date for that thing. I don'tthinkiit's this next year so we 'r~ probably going to have to live with whatever It~e do for) the senior center ~ndwhatever we have right .now. Now we can look at doing things like, I mean we do have parking on both sides of, the street an.d .~.)eca..n sig.n. thO." se ~lomeh.Ow ,.SO people that ne.ed c.loser proximity to...... the door can get in there. . Maybe we can make a drop off area. We can do things 1 ike that. . I . '.' . '. '..' . ' Montgomery: I think tHat's going to be a serious consideration. I was wondering if we need t~ have any input into the park projector something so there could be some comPT~mise.Is there ahy room for anything lik~ ' that? . , Okay. I can find ouit.. There's a res}aurant onTH7 ~hat has not only handicapped parking a few spaces marked'senior parking which could be done on the A ifew senior parking 'slots. I Krauss: Yeah, see tha kind ~f stuff, I mean it's a city street, we whatever we want with hat. As long as that street's still there. e t1ontgomery: Sorry but I think that's rather a, I just didn't know you'd go with question . aboutth~t. Burt'Haglund:Yeah,i/t!S an important issue. It's one of those like ~ said before, ther.e are oppontunities and there.are lim~tationsand.the entrance to parklng an~ access, that's one so It'san Important thIng to getcr~solved. As lond as We started on that, another is of course the. toilets and r thinkthlere 's been some discussionvJhether to have them in the space or provideaccess.tothe existing toilets out here in the halllJ.Jay. Both o,f the Iplans have shown, you know the concept plans right now. Heinlein: That would be difficult. With the group we have now some in wheel6hairs tnatcome regularly so we almost have to be Montgomery: That per~aps you ~an take up when you meet. But that would be a real consideration. 1 Burt Haglund: Well perhaps lt's best to le~ve space and pro9ram to Jur meeting next week rather morning. ' I Krauss: I'm sorry, l~hadto Tun ups~airs and get my calendar. set that meeting ih t~e morning. Is~here any chance of making afternoon? . I've got like a triple conflict. I.. '. Montgomery' Got anotter party Paul? Billison: What ti~e taUI? , I I I e e Meeting - Pagie 7 Krauss: I ',m open all ~fternoon. Ho!.'! about Y1U Beinice? Can you make it in I'mfle~ible . I KiSUSS: So something ]ike 1:30? Billi~on: Sounds gIOOcdal miss a soap opei8 for one day. Bur-t Haglund: Okay, 1,30 it is. I think .fOi myself. that's about 'wa ntedto get out of 'ttilis morning's meeti rig. It' snice to be heie. It's nicetowoik with you, II'm looking fOiwaid to this . This will bean ex.citing PioJ."ect f.or allot o.f people, I 'mgoing to sit through. themorl'ling so rhave a bettei sen~e of what some of ydur othei conceins,aie and the i nt ioduction of Judy C<blby and so I'm just goi ng .to sit bac kin the cha.ii a~d list~n fOi theiBst of the mOi~ing. ' MontgOmel"Y: Thanks sol much for coming and bi! ng1 ng' this along. I :::::ca lot. t TRANSIT . .MontgomeiY: Okay. Who st.ait? Cathy McGraw: Diane sidI can start. I want to thank you ~or inviting ~e to come and shaie withlyou., I. understand that you people aloe talking about . 'goals and impoitance o~tiansPoitation and Shaimin just said that possibly I could share with YOUr some!ofthe seivices that we piovide as CART in Chanhassen and then wej could tal klatei maybe a.bout how we can help further meet your-goals . Caivier Aiea RUial Transit is a transportation prOgram that's been in existence since 1969. Actually it's been under the administration of Soci~lseivicas for .the past I think ribout 12 years: We provide, there's two ~arts. Two actual aspects of the tianspoitation that ,we provide to the resilaents ofCarvei County. primaiily to the elderly and handicapped., We have ibus seivice',' We have 7 buses. Well actual 1 Y 5 buses a,nd2vansand ~l.Je havd paid bus drivers that di ive those buses. Our ioutes consist of"we do ieg~lla:r adul tdaYCaie iuns throughout the County.Oui' .' seivice piovides tian pOitation service to the entiie county. So we do . , re~ulai, eveiY. day we do an adul t daycaie centei I"Un. We have sUPPoitive . employment.iun fOi cl~ents of'Carvei County Social :services; We have local shopping in the communities for the elderly in the county. We have a metio shopping. iun once a mdnth whaie we pick up throughout the county. .We Pio.vi.de transPoitatio~~ t. .0.. thiee O.f. .., t....h.e congiegate eli ning. site.s in ..diffei.ent aleas and fOi senior enteis for the different senior centers thioughout t.he county. We also .Iave all of OUi vehicles aie handicapped equipped so we do, as much medical transportation for the. handicapped as we can fit into OUi regulai ioute sei~ice. So t.hat bus seivice is available to anyone. . . Ho~"'evei, OUiti ips ank designed aiOU nd serving the elderly and the handicapped. 1n Chantassen spe~ifically we aie on the Visions newsletter' comes out every othei month and they'ie distiibutedthioughout the. County e ~eniorCommission December 13~ 1991 e t"leeting - PageS I at the senior centers Jnd we do have quite a large mailing list. Do most ::n::~m:::: th::. ViSionJ~? Have you ever seen it before? Cathy McGraw: Okay. aybe I~ll mak~ sure that we can get this ~o the city of Chanhassen and Shanrlin can make sure that you get our newsletter every, other month. . :The last!page of the newsletter is our bus schedule. and that tells where we're going and when and how to access the service. On Tuesday morriing at lb:oo we pidk~p inChanhassen. Those who want to we take to Cooper's grocery shopp~ng and then onto the Chaska congregate dining site for lunch and then we bring you home with your groceries after lunch. That's every Tuesday. JYOU access se~vice by calling Liz Miller at home and then our bus driver ChJCkS in with Liz and picks up those who want to go. Ate they ~icked up.at home? CathY ~cGr~w: At homel yes. Andusu~lly we end up helping carrying groceries too~1.Jhenwe t:hringthembackhome. That's .on Tuesday mornings .On Thursdays we provide b~s service to the senior center ~ We pick UP ~well we start in Chaska and thebnll-Jewor k our way through Chanhassen and for the people who come on Thursdays to, the elementary. school . Our bus se.rvice is for that. For those w~o can~tget there. in their vehicles. On the first Tuesday of the month we have a run that goes into the metro area. We stop at tneEden prairie Cehter. '.We stop at Southdaleand clowntownMinneapolis. 'We leave Chaska at S: 3? and we usually are back in Chaska againat3: 00 so that's kind of like antall day and you get off wherever you would like to spend your day shoppin~. That~s about the specific transportation that we have on our regular ro~tes for our buses. We also have the volunteer drE/er program. Are most of you familiar ~"ith the volunteer driVer program that we have? You ,knorl I just can' tbel ieve it.. I think that ever"ybody knows about it until I find out that they don ~t know about the volunteer d..).'i....ver p.rogr.am.......ac..t..u. all~. ".un.ti.l.'. p.e. o..Ple. 8.C. t.ual..l..y ne.ed .th..e vo. .lun.t..e.er.../..d. ....ri...v....~..r.... .'. · program and then they l.nd out so I~m really glad to be here to~xplalnto you what we have avail bleto you. For your future needs ~e havevolu~teer 'drivers throughout thel county and it's primar ily for medical appointments,. Forpeople~1.J~)o have nOr other way 'to get to thei r,medical! appoi ntments. People~ volunteers dri~e their own vehicles. They come and pick you up and take you to your m~dic~lappointment. They wait for you and then th~y b...ring......you. home... .... Thi.S... ~1.x.Plai...ns. .hO.W.. to a. cces.'.s.' our v. 01unt0.e.T ..driver ..pr. o.nram. This sheet is pretty s ecific how we dolt. We have a dispatcher and people call up. They ak~ arrangements. Wedispatchtne,ride to.a vO..lunteer dl.." iv.er and tlh~.n, the. .driver. ,will call .the. person .t. he ni.. g. h.t.... .b.efore ,and let them know whattim~ they~llbe picking them up.' Throughout the, countYllJenave about 315 volunteer drivers and we have about 10 of those i dr i ve into the metro air ea.. We do .ana.wful lot of t;r:ansportat.ionofcou'(se i ntothe metro a'(ea folr medica Is, because of the ~there ~s '(eally not a' lot of specialized medicall care out here in the ~ either at Waconia or at St. Francis so we do~I th~nk most of the cancer r~diation the'(apy · transportation. We d~ kidney dialysis. IrJego as far as the UniveYsityof Mi..nne..sot8 ClU. it.. e often "I' . our. vo. l.unt.~eer driver..s col1ectivel.yput on. a.b. ?ut .' 25~000 miles a month. These volunteers are reimbursed theirrnileage~For both our busservice8jnd our volunteer driver service there is a fare. The fare is 50 cents loca~~ $1.00 anyplace in the county. $2.00 up to .15 I I I I I e e e I t1eet ilng December 13, 1991 - Pagb 9 mil$s out of the county! and $4.00 beyond that ahd that's'for your round trip ride. A.nd that's paid to thedr iver and then the driver tur nsthat in at the."nd.of the mont,. .Then the other item I gave you Is oUr brochure that gives you our tel1phone numberls and how to access us for eithet bus volunteer driver program... ta~e chanJe at this point in the meeting. ), . ~.seniOY~ Cathy McGraw: . Actuall~ we don't try to distinguish who'~a senior and who isn't. Ac'tuhlly we pr iimar 11 y are for the elder ly . We' design our service a'(ound that but fo~ an10ne who is really transi ~ dependent ,who. needs to getl;Jherewe're gOln?, Iwe try to ge~them the rlde so. l.Je. don't Just do . elderly. . There's qu~t~ a few translt dependent people who are not elderly t'Jho we take tothei r m$dicalappointments with volunteer drivers. . How much lead .t'Lme do you hs\ve to.. have? Cathy McGraw= We like a 2 day notice. We like it. We don't always~et ::~gg: That tripped mI up because Y needed It this summer. week int6 Methodist an! r couldn't. Cathy McGraw: We have done that. We'll do an ongoing. When somebody has 'to get ..to cance)" radia' ion they ha\Je to. go for, 6 wee~s, .5 days a week and sol mean you don't ca[l us every day. I mean we just automatically assIgn that to a driver ortwp drivers and ,it's done but ~.Je like to specify that t.. h. is.... i.s.a las.t.. r...e. so.rt.~ra..ns.por. tati.o.n. s..er.vice. If o.the. r .PO..OP.I. e.., if .y.o...u have someonel;Jho can takeybu then o.f course we'd prefer you to do. .that. S. om. e. t.i.mes P?OP.le "'d. I. I "It')ave .a. fa. m.il.Y merrber or frio endw~o can take it,hem a co.uple of tlmes a week and then we do It' a couple of tlmes so we try to work it out with the passenger. . ,. . , Heinlein: How do you figure the mileage? I have ~one further with one "of your drivers very polilte. Twice I 've had to use it but there 's times<nowI gather that I'11proba1bly have to use CART more than Dial-a-Ride for short trips like to Eden PrairIe or TH5andTH 4. I go both to'a podiatrist a'nd the. McGraw: That,wJuld be a $2.00 fare. It would b1? Okay. · Cathy McGraw: U8uall~ up to Eden Prairie is about gets to be the $4.00 ~are. Montgomery: That's '(~all y valuable information. I thi n k that needs to be, bettJr known. Bragg: How about in he evenings? I e Senior Commission MeetJng December 13, 1991 - pade 10 Cathy McGraw: That's J problem we have, We do not ask our ,drivers to out in t.heeveni ng. l~dkeep it during the weekday and fy'om about?: 30 4:30 or 5:00. ,Most of them are seniors themselves and they prefer to be home with their family and they are also volunteers so you can't really request a volunteer to do something they don't really care to do. That's why we keep it.specifia to what the volunteer wants to do. If a volunteer driver fOlinstance wa1tsto just drive !withintheirlocal commynity, we do that as well. You know so it 's up to the volunteer to decide lIJhat they want to do and then. we I fi ndthe right volunteel fOI the light .1 ide. . , I Montgom~IY: Is there any van service at night? Driver service? I Cathy McGr,aw: No, we dlon'thaveany evening. We're under Social Services and actually the Countt restricts us to county open hours. Any other questions? br{ngs them in fOT us at the senior Ale there more ,of these that can be left at City I McGraw: I Sure. leah, Thank you. .Heinle, in: ,Marilyn...uy, ually whatever we call it. 'j I'll make sure that Sharmin gets all that e Cathy McGraw: Right. And she does the shopping run in yeah. ~ Heinlein: I've gone wlth them a couple of times to but suddenly I have tolCOOk meal~ again at home. Cathy McGraw: Well YOU know not a lot of people go but for those that want togo,we like to have I it available. And for instance if somebody wanted " to go on the weekly grocery shopping and not go for lunch, we could make that arrangement too. I She could run people back who didn't want to stay for lunch at the congr gate dining site too'. But they wanted to have it combined for those who wanted to have the lunch. Okay? Than~ you. <Diane Harberts: or ni ng . My name isbia ne Harberts and I'm the administrator of South est Metro Tlansitand I bet there's going to be a question, do ~'Je offer vening sep/ ice. I'm goi ng to just pass out some magnets and!'ll refeq t.<:>t.hisin my presentat.ion',MY business card. t.hat has my t.elephone number In case you have some questIons lat.er on and then some pens .If youcoufld just take one and passt.hem on. A ,couple m,i nutes ago wh,en youI;Jer.e'tal,k~,ng about your seni, or cent.er, ',' there w, a, S a, di."S"C,USS,itln about t.heneedof p~rk~ng. Well let. me t.ell you, Dial-a-Ride will certainly help youwitbh t.~at. pal"king need. I don't know how much you know about Sout.hwest. Met.ro r myself so .~>JhatI 'd like t.o do is just. take a couple of minutes . Tell! you a little bit about myself. About the services and then maybe just chat. a lit.tle bit aboutt.he needs. I've been wit.h Scuthl;JestMetro just, Ii twas a year inOc'tobel" : ,Prior to that I was with the County ofAnokafo~6 1/2 years and what I did there was basically 'develop a transit protam ,revolving around the senior needs and then,later I I I I Mont.gomery: ymuch. e e . s..onior. e.o. mmission MBBt...i..1 ng December .13~1991 - pa,e 12 that best 6ustomer serJicewe can. Sometimes there~s reasons we maybe a I.i.t.......tle l..a..te bU.t VJ.e.c.er..1J...ain.lY ty.y... t.o.... ~mprove. An.d al.l.J...aYs.~ VJealWays. w.....elcome any comments good or b d on how we can improve it so thank you. that 6n~ .. .' . . Montgomery: Ofcour~e myq0estion is always~. what is the possibility extending hours into t e evening; t-Jhafwe find is that seniors can~t to community education programs. They can~tget to church programs. can't get to suppers. Y6u know it's an ongoing problem. Diane Harberts: You kow and I realize the importance and we'd love to extend our services to [the evening hours. You know the year that I've been .~\Jith . Southwest Metro tlle questions weal~ays ask are do you want evening SenJlce. Yes. How oft~.en would you use l.t? t.Jell maybe once a week. Mayb~ oncearnonth. One of t!.-he things that we have to work under iswhat~s referred to asperform~nce standards. They send the funds t~at w~ receive. We have to mee.t certai~ goals of efficiency and this efficiency. is a product ofhol.J w~ll utI 1 izedthe serv.ice is so I think that with your need of wanti ngthat,eveni n~ service~ with our need of meetIng ou.rgoal ~ I think by working togethey, by increasing the awareness that that service is available~ I think it~$ going to be a very easy opportunity to deliver that evening service. I Montgomery: Has therelbeen any communication with the Community Educati?n Department for instanci where that~s concerned? e Diane Harbefts: We~ve had, I'Ve had.conversations over the last yeaf with different community edpcation centers that offer classes in the evening and :.t"-'ouldli ke that opportpnity. It's fi lidi ng these pieces. . Now, putting the pi ecestoget hey to extend t ha tser vice. ; Like I said. i t ~ s not somet h 1ng that. ' s impossible. It!'s just a matter off i nding those pieces and putting .them tog~thersowe cah fit that transit with the needs and I think with a commission such as yourself, it's one piece .in Chanhassenthat we can cer tal n 1 y ide nti fy asf-e 11 as. t he other ~ i ece~ in the other. two ci ti "s . Montgomery: So what wrneed IS cooperatlon WIth a lot of dIfferent? Diane Harberts: Exactlly :right and that's one' of the roles that rcanc~o is to be that link betweenthedifferentpiecds but it's a two way street; If's as I said, we coulldreallY use your assistance by that encourageo1ent. By . the awareness of thbe service and at the samet-ime ~"e can. be thatl ink to provide that servi6e t meet thatneed~ Montgomery:... ~.Jedo hav1lesome questionnaires I'm sure that we'll be prepardng from time t~time;andperhaps that could be. . Diane Har"berts: That Iwould be an excellent opportunity.' what we've done with other agencie: i~ thatw~en .theyhave a questionnaire . like t~at, we're. able to maybe provldeja questIon or two that relates to thIS part~cular area such as evening sjervice or trans! t sel.vice.That helps usge,t a response bac~. That Helps us put that plan together and how to offer ~n evening service that'~ going to b~ successful. , I..' I I I e . I I Se~ior Commission Meet~ng December. 13, 1991 '- pasfe 13 Br a99: I', thi nk Iunde~stand what you're sayi ng. I'd just like to point out that the older eye liS why we need evening se~"\jice. Because asenio~", it's just what happens ttJhen you age is that your eyes are not as clear at night.. and if you'rego.~ng to be sa. fe an the ~ighway, it's. better not to be driving. I . ( ... \ Diane Harberts: No, tJat's averygodd point Betty. I appreciate that and you knOltJ~'Jhat I'd like'l'ta suggest is that within this 1992 year that Southwest Metro is com~itted, to taking a harder look at that and I think With... input like that, ~hat's..\I'Jhatmake the pieces c6me tOgetllet. 501 'd 1 i keto maybe suggest ~.hatas a goal for both of us to wor k on. ~10ntgarnery: I was thiJki~9 of all the driving courses too. The 55 or whatever they call It. Perhaps that might be a link too. Oiane Ha)~berts: . That ,Ja very good suggestio.n. Very good; '(ou know if you have other suggestIons Ii kethat, you have my business card with my phone number,. Please g.:\.verne a call. I'm there~1onday thruFridayanyt.Jhere from 7:30 in the morni~g to 7=00 at night depending on what the schedule is but., we:r... e.:9-1.. ly .~'Je.lcarne. fj.-ha..t. inP. Lit. . . I'd eve. n. welcom.e the opp. or. tunity to........come out to yoursenioT center meeting and maybe discuss 'some other..comments' like that lI-Jith your atie:r members. . Thank you. . Montgomery: Well thanks so much. It's nice to know here. e Heinlein: If you want to. go Ii ke from Southdale, just. hot..J is there in the timing I. What .ist:he timing to get to Eden the bus that goes there? ;D. lane. H.arberts: That'.~ a. .T...eal. SO.Od quest. ion selda,. 0, ne Of,.t.he thin.g.s.' that d:rives Dial-a-Ride isr sha:red ride se~vice. That way we're able to keep ithecost down, · By ha\j~nga shared ride, we~,.a little flexible on time. . -Usually the run betweeh Eden Prairie and Southdale I think ~uns m~ybe~bout 20 minutes, depending ~n traffic. I think that's usually what the time allowed is. I'm not srre on that. That's something I can certainly get back to you on. Heinlein: I like to go to Southdale once in a while'but I never know. know I know when the brl s will pick me up at my door but then when I get th~re, how long will I have to wait to get the bus that goes further and the same way on the re urn? Diane Harberts: Sure. What 1 J.Jould suggest that. you do. isto call our Dial-a~Ride numbe:r. On this magnet ~e have the e~press number for bus information to Minneapblis and also .for Dial-a-Ride. If you wanted to give them a .call or to give me a call .withthat question ,lean follow up on that.andanswerthat. By calling Dial-a-Ride you can pose that question to them . Tellthern 'where you live.Whel"e you want to go. Dd you want tosto.p at Edenprair ie fi rst'ordo' you just want to go from your home to Southdale? They',d be jableto give you a response because it also depends on what day and ho~.J malny other people are goi ng that ~\lay. , Senior Commission M..t.~n; Dece~ber 13, 1991 - pa,e 14 H$inlei n: Because basJcallY 1 was und$r the impression t.hat I'd have wait at Eden Prairie fdr a bust6pick me up th$re to take me further then coming bae k it wOL!ld be the samethi ng . Diane Harberts: What iou 're.referrin; to is a time transfer . Som'etime~ because of ,the number of people because they're coming from the ~ifferent pal"ts o.f thecommunitids, wado ask you to t",ait but usually it's a very minimal time. 5 to lolminutes at the Tnest. . One ef the geals for 1992 that .\..-Je've.also identified ~s really stepping up that frequency of service to. 50uthdale simply becau1e of continued requests Ii ke this as ~\)ell. 50. it' does help to have ~omments like this. Thank yau. Thank you very much. , .1 'Montg~ery: Thanks ve~Y muchniane. Diane Barberts: Thanks ferinviti.ng me teday. '.. ' .1 We'll be seeing you. , I H.O.M.E. PROGRAM. BETTY CROUCH. BettYC'rouCh:'. I 'mherl to tell you about .' the H.O .~1.E. program which is an aCr'onyrnfetHo.usehold$ndOutside .t-1ai ntemance for the Elder' ly.We . also. s. er..v.e. t;h. edi.S. ~bled~ndIII. t.hi.nk )-/ou.:'ve. al'feady....heard... a .lit.t~e b.i~ .abPu....t...... us .from Paul and 5harmln.. I understand there was also an article in yeur ne~\)spaper t.elling you fbout us and t.hat the'(e is 'a flyer or mailing going out, I don't know has that been received yet8 . I 'Krauss: No., , not yet. I Betty Crouch: Oh',' ekat. 1'11 just give you a few brief thi ngs and then I have a little video talf,efbr you to watch . But H.O.M.E. wasestablisned in 1980 in our officesi nlSloomington. At that time it was. establishedwTth So.uth Hennepirr Human S~rvices Council. l4eare now with Senior Community, Services. 'We do a var~ety of services for a cho'fe.project.Wekindof li.ke..torefer. to.. o..urse~v.es a.s ci. f.li...ll 's.enJice.. prog.ram bec.ause lrJe .da clean..ing and maintenance and sefsonal work. We have about 15 hamemakers, ~ ' maintenance cbordinator aDd 'a painter and then weh~ve extra help in the summer when it's neede~. We don't do any personal health service but we do a .lot of cleani ng that~is very necessary .lrJe try to help people stay. in .th.e.ir home..s as '.lo.ng a2.'.p. e.ssi...bl..e... and a.t.,.an affordablecest. 5.0. at t...h.i.S..,t.1m.~ I'd like to shaw you t e video. 1 want you to understand that there's m....ay.be been a few changfb...si.npersonnel ~nd it deesn't have the expert.iseo.f Paul and Diana but I h p~ you'll ~nJoy it. , , . 8ragg: 'Ms. Crouch, whlsre are you located? . Betty Crouch: Dh I'm ~OrrYi I'm in, the Sloomingtan affice Community cente~. YOU1'11 see that on the video also. Bragg,:.... Dayou have ani~ ether- 'cantacts.in Carver Ceunty or any ether places besides that? That's fh$ only place we eaT) reach you? 'Bettyer-ouch: That's .rl'Jhere my ~ffice is. We serve the citiesef Bloomington, Richfield!, Edina, Eden' prairie and St. Louis Park. 1 . , e 'e e Senior Commission Meeti~g I December 13, 1991 - pa,e 15 Bragg: So say a perso~ was 106ated out this;far, you might possibly an auxil1i~ry person c~oser or would you always take all the calls? Betty Crouch: . No, IW~Uld' take the call but I' would lives closer to your a~. ea. Thank you. Th t's ~hat I wanted to know. Krauss.:. Well, we're h Vi"9 technical di fficul ties. They're going upstairs and see if thJy can get someone .to come down and run it. Bett.y-Crouch:Okay .1.,Jell . as you can see from that openi ng, it... shol>Jed the four cities it include~. That's one of the things we'll have to change. That are now going. to be serving someone in. Chanhassen. t1aybewhi Ie we're I;Jaiting foY' that, 1'111 han? out our newsl~tter. We try to do two ..' . Inews~e..tters a..Yea.,r. ~.J.sprl.n.g.. an.d. a...fall Issue an.d.' everyonet.hat. c.gets serVIce would automatI1allY get one. Bragg:. The reason I aIked the question is I had need for the service t4!8S fe.fe.rr. ed to C.. ar.ve.rcounty and a very. nice peY'son came out. . and .did the assessment and then I .aited forever because she didn't:. have anybody to send. Finally she gotlsomebodY and I was within about 2 weeks of being .... able to takeover myse. f pretty well. She carne one time and then {she quit. I .thinkt....h.ew. a9.es .~\Jere~..srnall and Plobably t.hat's why but it wasai little unsatisfactory for my reeds. ' . Kubitz: I won't say that about Betty~ I called heY' for snow within a'halfan hourthad somebody calling me to do it. Betty Crouch: Servlng!the suburbs sometimes is difficult. I want to assure you Ialreadyh~ve anticipated that and I just recently hired .3 homemikers that live i~ theChanhassen/Eden Praille area that r~ally only want to serve out here. Theydon'twa.nt to go to Richfield so. I am try! n9 to coordinate. -- Betty Crouch: Bragg: In other words! this Carver County probably service, maybe it's a. ifferent prograrneven. (A short video on the .0 .t'LE. program was pr.esentedtothe Commission at this point In the meeting.)' .. . Betty Crouch: Does that explain it.all?\ I I,. .. . Montgomery: That's wolnderful. It's good to know there's that service. Setty Crouch: . We '~e ~erY proud of the program. I will pe happy to answer any more questions that you mighi have or explain anything~ The process. BraSIS: I'd .like to aJk nOI;J,as 'the program expands and you're coming west wIth that, will y~u nded More volunteers from this area? e . MeetJng I - Page 16 I I 8etty Crouch: '. Yes andlsomeonehas gi v~n mea contact name. I hav~n't been able to make that contact but yes weW11! need mo~e volunteers obv~ously. But as Jane just poi ntJd out 'to you when she called me the other day, I had a call right after tha~ from a young teacher so I ,had him call her back right away and he had J grou'p who wants to do snow removal. The)/'reon snow patrolMonda~ thrJ Fridays so.' . . , . .' . ". . " I ..... f. .. .' , Jane Kubi tz:. We got iii- all cleared out by then and he wanted to come out and shbvel r1ght then And there. He had two 7th and 8th grade boys he wanted to put to wor k .11 said I'm. sorry , we're all done. ". This is 'for time. : Does anybody else in your~eighboyhood need, snow removal and of couy'sethere l.<Jasn 't ant.' , I Montgomery: That's an absolutely wonderful service need. . . Seni6r Commission December 13, 1991 e 8etty Crouch: I guess that's kind program and we're' very happy to be Chanhassen. You can call me or do thank you. I " PLANNING DIRECTOR UPDAfEONCBDGFUNDS. i".1.ontg. ornery: .r....guess p.t'.U.l is up next. '. He's' goi ng the CBDG funds.' '.' Krauss: I'd also lik~lto talk I guess more focused on our budget too. met with LarrY81ackst]~dtl'Ying to get a handle on what's going to happen for the next year's rornd of funding and we're still not sure. We get infonnationon'that in March. Februar"Y-March. In the past we've typically f.unded South Shore.. .1.1 thi.nk, r.ecentlY. it's been in. t. he order Of. $8,.00.0.00 a year. Of course t.,hispast year we gave some to Sojourn but that t'Jas more of a one 'eime 'type of fhing. We don't knohl how much,money ~"e'redealing with next year so it'slxeally kind of tough to know t"hat to do with it yet. And we have some competi~g demands as well. I mean one of theihings w~'ve been ,well.. I think youl're aware that we finance some handicapped accessible pa.rk e.qu.i.pme.n.t... o.ne .oFf the.....,th1..ngs t.,hat we'r.e starting to. wor...k..on h...ere .is. to get some moderate c st housing. Not just on the open market, into town so ~\Je began to talk to some people about some ways of doi ngthat and some plock grant money might figure into that. I had some meetings or .discussIon with Ron BlbckfromSenior Communi tySey"vices about our funding levels. Our likely fuhding levels for South Shore in.the future and basically l.<Jhat I told him iswe 've always had a stated desire here.to keep on fundirigSouth Shorer'to the best of our abilities but as we have a . facility opening up he~e,we 'r,e going to have to balance that somehow. So basically to expe?t so~ething b0t probably not as much as.we were able to do before. Even If the dollars are there, we can't, Ith1nk you're aware wecarionly give 15% o~ the dollars to that service activities so ~e h~v~ a problem~\Jith that. 8utas soon asI know more I'll let you know. I'm real hOpeful, and maybe r'ml ~eing naiveaboOt it but the last t!m~the~ figured the block grant alloca~,lon, .as far as they were concerned 1n 'Washlngton, we had a population of 6,POO. Now we have a population 6f 12,000 so I'm I I I I I I ofl.<Jhatwe represent. Trustt"orthy meeting all you people here in y6uhave any more questions now? (There was a tape chanwe at this point in the meeting.) I e e I Senior Commission Meetilng December 13, 1991 ~ Pade 17 I I . hopeful that that Yiel~s more dollars. The City Council, since spoke, City Council's approved the budget. One of the thingi that we tried to.... do 'and Park and Rec.1t'rie.d..... t...o...... do is put senioract.ivities o.n a....... .m.o're ..eve.n keel sO.lJ.Je weren't justj wholly dependent on Block Grant funds. We don't think we. asked for a ldtofmoney but we wanted the City Council' tofeel. .' comfortable enough tha~ there would be Bortof a baseline amollnt of money t. h.at... COUldbe'...funneled~..t.hrough... B.nd .ae.t.ual. lY.. we c.an hav.e a. ......10. t." .more..... . c.' .o...n. .t...r....o.................l.... ove'r it. There's no s rings attach~d. Well there is, yoU'v~ got to~get City Council approval ut you're not trying to please a bureaucrat in' Washington with it~ Ad I'm pleased to say that both Planning and Park a~d Rec vJere suc,eessful .~ar k and Rec has an allocation I believe of $5,000.00 ~'Jhich~AJill be used in Rrograrnming senior activities so if they need to hire 1 don't know, a low im~act aerobics instructor or b'ring insomebodyfo'r a le..ct.u. .reser'.ies 01'.'. dOWjhl..a. t.ev. er. between what they come upll~i th ,withJudy,v.Je have some fundi ngfo'r I hat. ' . ,/ Montgomery~ Is that f rthe yea'r? K'rauss: Ye~. I SlSOJot an additional $8,000.00 part of which is to be used for youI' functionJng. _Now there's ,a little bit of an accounting thing t"ith that. 1 mean we ~ave somebody taki ng Mi nutes : We. do mailings. ..l.Je do other thi ngs .We maybe start subser ibing to some periodica'lsthat .you t"ant us todo~ Eve'rYCommi~sion in the City has about a $2,000.00 to~3;000.OO a year allocation that I they ,spend on just basic business so that's 'part of it. but then there's sott of an additional, that leaves about $5 ,OOO~OO fo'r discretiona'rY type of t.hings and~A.)hat I'rn hopefult"ecan do Lsuse 'that either i nsteadof 01' ir combi nation with Block Grant or usei n areas wher-e tAJecan't use Block Grant to get senior p'rograms . Instead of programming bui~rograms up and r-u~ning~ So we(11.keep youpos~edon thai. We do. have the $8,000 .00 and ,the ,$5,000 .00 ate gOing to be available to you starting January 1. '. So in your I goals for, when you discuss your goals for- 1992,t.Je have a little bit more in the. way of resources than tAJe had before. I' . Mont9omer Y : IT hat's vet y ,n ice to he's r '. ' 1st hat for sur e the $8,000. OM Krci0ss: Yes. I Montgomery: Great. Ary other developments? Any, questions for Paul? Hot'-lard: T have a quest.ion not related to this. Last time wernet suggestions about form~ng a committee. Was anything presented to C0uncil about that? - Krauss: For volunteer? 'Howard: For fund raising committee\ Krauss: l' have ,not yel and.. i n the 'interim Judy Colby's come ona nd I'd li~e fo get her involvrd with that as well. As soon as Judy gets her feet on the ground, I thin~ we need to work with you and then start making pitches. We don't know IIJhat to ask for yet and I don 'tllJant you to be , I'd r ather you ' d didn ' tgoll in !the position of just asking without a specific 'goal in mind. When we, have a facility up and you need a new refrigerator or.~vhatever, I meansdmething specific, a goal that 'you're trying to raise , I I - SeniorCommissi6n Meeting Decemb~r 13, 1991 - pade 18 , '1 or fund a program, theJ Ithinkyou'l"e in a much stronger ground of. pulling out and making a pitch Sornething .that Rotary canwr i te you a check fo)- $250.00. , - ) e HOlrJard:' Well you knolrJ Buffalo worked 5 years towards making their OWn center and I assume lPJe will still work towards a freestanding center so have thatgoal~ . J Yeah and.becaLfse of the way things fell out here, we jumped that 5 yearprocess~ Originally I thought ~e were going to have that same.5 y~ar problem that Buffalo did. In fact Ithi nk if you remember back when~\Je originally started tal~ing about this, we said think about thi~ina3 to.S year time horizon. L..je~l the HRA.came riding to the rescue and you've got to jump onthit and I ihink you've got t6 digest a lot of thingathat have already gOne On beforelyoujump to the next step. This is going to ~e a real busy year. Comin4 year fo)". you, Shanninremilided me though, there was something else in l'erms of.Block Grant. We met ~\Jith Julie FriCK who is with the CarveY County HRA. They have their own Housing and Redevelopment Authority~ She was se king city assistance on doing a senior housing needs study. Basically for ~s to pay into a kitty so ,she could put together a project. Honestly I t6ld her that we really ~"e'ren't interested. . The reason 'being that I think we can furid our own study out here and be much. ~ore specific~nd it'slgoin~ to bespecificaily what do Chanhassen ' /r.'8s.. i.de. n..t.. sn.ee.. d?.. .fA..h. er.e S.~OU.ld this ....th....i. ng be located?,. . HOW. big, s hou I. d... it. '.: be? What sort of amen tIes? How much square footage? Does it have to '.....have .u..nder.gr.o.un. d. parki ~g? .' .A11 t.hQSe ki nds of thing. s. T. he con.cer n. th..at ....... ' I've oft~n had with a tot of Carver County programs is they get so watered down. They get ver'y lrttle support. . It doesn't seem 1 i ke they get much .' supportfrom the Count Board and I didn't see .t.htowl nga few t.hou'sand dollars to do a study hat says yes, they need more senior housing in Young Arner icaas being ofmu~;h benefit to us: so . I indicated t.o her t.hat. there's a 10. tof t.h. i.ngs. we.., COlt.ldtl. pr.,ob.,ablYWo.rk. to., ge..ther... on but I couldn't recommend t.hat we contribute to . hat, especially in light of the fact that we're doing our own~ So if ' was out of line, tell,me, I . ' . " t-1ontgomery: No, I thipk that was a good move Paul, HO~..Jaro: Paul ,is a st~dya thing or a servict3? ,I . , Krauss.: In the Federaf definition it's a t.hing. We can fund apparently. Howard: We were wonde ing ~bout t.hat~ Well when it'~ done it's a book so I guess it's a thing. I don't t.hey come up ri th t.hat. defi ni tion Sherol. I don't u nderst.a nd it. Howard: Well we have ~o be careful of our 15%. Ky;aUss.. :W.el.l. actual.l yl.~ w..e exc.. ee. d. t.hat. . In the. past we. 'vebeen .ab6.u......t... ..2,0% or 25% servi?es~ut out or the pot ~f money that Hennepin county~ets,fro~ the Feds to dlstflbute to all the urllt.s of, government ,they have to maIntaIn 15% so if another commL1 nity is at 5% ana we're at 20%, it all just.kinds of balances. I . I I 1 e Senior Commission MeetJng December 13~ 1991 ~Pade19 I Moni~omery' T aues. t~iS isn't the ~lace to talk-about. We1*, .e'li get t.o that I.ater. . AnYbOdd. 81...S8 ha. V8. ..an.,>,. . .que. s.tions. . for Paul about the grants? Okay, ~-'J811 we'd Ii ke t.'i meet. Judy Colby I;Jho's the new Senior Cent.ey-Program Coordinator. We've be,n looking forward to this. INTRODUCTION OF JUDY COLBY, SENIOR CENTER PROGRAM I' . . . . . .... . .' . Joan Kveril: I think t~is is my job too to introduce her. Before I do I .,I;JOuld like to make a fEfw comments about your city. Crtyof Chanhassen. iI'm a program adminisbtator for Senior Community Services but ralso.~"'ork in direct service and ~n t.hat~ 8 years ago we beg~n the Senior Center I '. - - -, -, _ ,,- c.a!l~d t. he SOU.t.h.'.S.horeJS.~. ni?r.c..e. nte.r......Whi.Ch. is l?cated in Ex.c.-e..lsi.or~yt. ' ~'JhlCh ~'Jas tose'rve 6cqmmunl t.les, Chanhassen bel ng one of th~m. ..And' all I these years Chanhassenlha~ helped fund the South ShQre Senior Center so t\ihen this movement. of $tarti 'ng a new. s'eniorcenter in ChanhasseFI started I li-Jill tell. you that I .l~oked upon it~",ith real m~xed. emotions because Sout.h Shore Senlor Center lSlvery dear to me and I thlnk lt has made a wonderful cont.ribution t.o t.he ar$a; . HOll.Jever, I also t.hink t.hat 't.his is very, V0Y'y , exciting for the older~peopleof your community and it's something that. you don't see in many com~u.nit.ies. You see kind of ayes we know our population is aging but we really don't think it's the city's business.l'~e think.,. it...'S." the. St.at.e . 01" we th.ink. . it's t.heFederal governm.ent... So I T. aally believe that you live n a community that is showing a real concern for it's citizens and I thInk you should be very proud of that . And as I sit. here'today a ndseethat theCi ty of Cha nhassen isc?nt. racti ng wi th,Senior c.ommun.. i.tyS....erv i.'.ces H.OtIM. E. pl"ogram and' they.. l'ea..ll.y ~'J.ant tOdev.eloP.... a.. prog~am for their elde ly, I feel very good about it. I also feel very good .aboutthe person. hat we have hired to w'oy"k with you in developing " this center . J..Jhen paut, talks about. the C8DGfunds and whether or not they IrJillbeable /tocontinlUe to help South Shore, again I listen very carefully because I'm very tunedjintothat.. Right now that South Shore Center is :::.;el"ving many of YQur' r~sidentsanduntil you get your full time center it ~-'Jill continue to serve I. Offeringthem congregate dining and so I'm very . happy that Paul and the City. of Chitnhassen are saying that. they tdll . conti nueto help .fund' ~oLlth Sho're Cent.er until YOU'r center is up and running as is the Soutr Shore cente)~. I thi nktoo that that isawonde)~ful. outlook on programs,foy seniors because right now you're starting very, Vel"Y low key. You have a woman t",ho's going to be ,wor king 12 hours a 'week and so you really, with that 12 hours combined with Sout.h Shore can right h.O~'J. O.ffe.r. ct...he. pe....o. .p.le. O.[f..... .Y.ou.r... cornm. .unity almost .a d..ailY s.enior cen.t. .er.... ' experience. Judy Colb , let me just tell you that about, what ~\Jas it 2-3 weeks ago. We spentt e day, Selda, Emma St.John, Sharmin, myself an8 Todd. No, Todd wasn't there. . / AI-J8ff: Emma, Selda,lyouand me~ Joan Kvern: Yeah, becluse Todd wasn't able t.o be t.here tf,at day.W$ put in an ~d foria 12 hour a week position and we had about is people respond 'which is reall~ very surprising because a 12 hour position is not easy to fill believe ,YfU me. ltJehad the most wonderful candidates. \, Wouldn't yousay'so? e e Al....Jaff: e I I I Senior Commission Meet~ng . December 13, 1991 -pade 20 I Joan Kvern: That it wls just amazing. BenlrJithhart , the ExecLjtive Director of Senior Community Serv ices and Todd H6ffman, your Director of Park and Rec and myself, interviewed the three finalists andvJelasked Judy Colby' to take on the job. Judy's lived in .the City of Chanhassen for 9 years. She has 2 sons age 7 and 9. She's been very involved as 4 volunteer in their school. .' She has a daughter 17. '.J..u. d.Y.' . a....t....t... e. n... d.e.d... tho e univ].rs.. i;t. Y. . . 0.. f.... Mi nne.' s.'...o. ta., .. a.ndwor ke. .d. i.n.th. e jou..r..n. .a... .1. i. .s.m. .... department but she has be~n in advertising all these years and you might say well, advertising? How can/she work l>'Jith me to develop a senior ,. , center? t;Jhen you work in a senior center, one of the two main qualities are necessary. First you must, love the people you're working,with, land Judy really does enjoy lolder people. ' she told us a stor"y about\l~henshe was young and the volumteer work she did and when I talked to other staff people almost every on4 of us in our lifetime has had awonderful', experience ~"ith either [a grandmother or with an older adult andthatrecllly does carry through. S<D you need that love. Just like a teacher needs to love children and ever-tbody doesn't. And then the second thi ng that's most important is you need io be creative. You need to have ideas and I'll tell you, Judy has them. A~dthenthird, you do have to be a little orga~ized~ NovJ now and then Ifal f dovJllon that when I leave my keys i nthe old purse and my husband has to <I:;ome ,and bring them to the center but Judy has proven and in talking with th+ people that. she gave as reference ~ each one of them has really praised he"1 and tal kedabot,lt how she 'started a project and~."as able to. follow i t thro~gh and that's very, very tmportant.... So I brought along some job descriptions. I don 'tknow if you ~"ant them now. I can give them to Sharmin ard 'keep in mind that this is kind of ageneric.job description of a 'senior center director and you might want to take them home orv.Jhatever. A 1~ hour ~.Jeek position you will not be able, to expect all of, this to happen ~ut when you go full time, then these "kinds of thi ngs happen and so I want t~ introduce to you a woman who I think you will really enjoYl>'Jorking w~th and who will do an excellent job for your city. JUdY.. .' I ,. . , Judy Colby: . Paul saH:! that ~\JhenI get my feet down on the ground and I 'm .s.u'. p.p. os. e...d. t.o.... f..OllO~tJ,. tha.~ in..trodu....ction. a.nd ge. t.'ffiY fe,e. t",d.own o..n .the .d..r.......o....u......n....d...... I don't think that's goiS to happen for a while. Joan was right. I've just had a love of seniors. hat! just know I was born with. ~hen! was very .young the volunteer th t she l>'Jas talking about that Twas doing, I l>'Jas in probably about 4thgra sand I lived in South t'1inneapolis and there~.Jas a group called tehe Littl Sisters ,of the Sick Poor andl don't think they exist anymore . I ,thin the~re's the 8rothers that work with ,the poer, and used to, yoti know God nly knows ~hy you do these things but they talked about thfsat school. I signed up and I took this bu.s to Bloomington {wenue. I remember /si ti ng in front of this drugstore wonder i ng, as I transferred to g~ in 0 Soufhea~t Minneapolis and wor~ with the seniors and I went into their omes with the Sisters and'I would just walk into these homes and these eople ware so poer and ! had never s~en anything like this and the hous s stunk and I would sit there and go, oooh. Now what did I give to tho e seniors I don't know because that's how I remember it. But I kept going ou know. Month after month, year after year and I just loved it. We put on parties and I can remember the canaries in this huge woman and I don't think she ever got out of that rocking chair. But she would smile her to thless grin and I would just feel very uncomfortable I I I I I I e e a e I I I I Senior Commlssion Meet~ng December 13, 1991 - Pa~e 21 I ! with her but here I am land what that might bring to y00 I don't Joan. is "right. ,I've just alvJays .fel t comfortable with seniors. alway~ felt there has~ever been enpugh done for seniors. As I listen to everything available, I'm really excited because this was just, I "m going to be On the ,Ilear ning curVe as it sounds Ii kea lot of you ~"hen you. hear that these eXJjst and we don't knov~ about them and that"sthe saddest , thing Is t.hat Bhereare services avaIlable but 1 think probably all of you. have expel' iencedwhen you make one phone call and they say oh yes, we can help. Oh, you'~e in that count.y. Oh, never mind. , You can't. Well tryingcalli,ng here an1 tyl' call,~ngthen~and I did that for ye-:-rs wit~ my. mother and fortunately II l.AJas avallable to help her so I JUst. qUl tealll ng and did what I had to 10 for her, but there's alol of her friends that didn't have that and so I t.hink that's one of the things that probably the senior center will wan~ to do. And through Senior Community Services, they've just got t.heirJfingers on the pulse throughout t.he Metropolitan area and it's so excit*ng to have that kind of expertise to always rely on because no centeralon~ is goi n9 to be able to know t.hat. whereasthat.'s their goal is to keep 1breast of what's happening and so I'm real excited. I t.Jastelli ng Selda th:is morning that. my second grader aslwascoming he)Ne, he just doesn 'tt.hink this a good idea of course you know asldidri't t",hen my rnotherwent. to 1 wor k . Because I work out. of my home on my " adV,er,tising" ,so, ~o,w, you,lre going"t<;> ,<;lO' another. t,hing .You~no,w, 800",k, N,'ook,at school aDd worklng on tour advertlslng and t.hlS too. I sald yeah butthls makes me happy so you'te going to g~t the benefit of that and hesaid~well t'Jhy do .you want.t.o~\jor,"f wi tht.hQse seniors. He thought I was gOl,ng, to work with the ,senioys ~t ~h$ska High School. Now if any of you have had~ 17 year old daughter, those seniors are not acceptable. They aye not. acc,eptablesohe's kin410f l.AJhywould you t.Jant to do, that as Michelle's slamming t.he door andbrying. Ah, t.hese are differ~nt. seni6ys so I'm I ' -, - ,",' teally looking foywardlto it. . , ,I t10ntgomery: Golden ages tell him. e e Judy Colby: Golden ag S, yes. Ye~h, he thought you were ,all about my age and I said they're jus 'a little bit 61der than that. But. if YOU have any questions and concerns, Ju.st feed everything to me because that's t.J,hat I promised when I first alked t.o Joan. That I'd be a yeally good listener. 'Really ~ood listener. ~. Mont.gomery: I'm sur~ YOU'll have a lot of quest.ions t.hat you'11t",ant. askustoo an',d,' w, e're J,'['"st" delis,hted "to have you:Judy . It's \,IJOnderful have you aboard. Judy Colby: ,Thank you. I'm delighted t.o be here. Montgomery: I think w~, have a lot <?f things we can d6together and it t.akes a lot of cooperat.lon but Ithl nk we've been so lucky to have t.hat ki ildof S,UPPO,)Nt and Sh' ~,rrn,ln" a~dPaul have been ~~JOnd"erfUl" to ,work l.AJith. AndSharm n promlsed me, I want. thlS on t.he record. taking these notes?Tlat she will just be there with us you know isn't: Just. like she's tut off so her experience over the last. year's going to be valuable too. Aihd as Joan said, the thing that's so exciting is that we're starting the cen~er and then we're starting the H.O.M.E. program at. You mean es a volu~teer? 1 wonder about formIng a commIttee rIdes~ I ~oul~ volunteer. BIll I son ~ 1 would tool. Howard: So if you've 10t 30 of us. I i I I i I I e - of volunteers e I I . J Senier Cemmissien Meet~ng December 13, 1991 - Page 23 I . Kubitz: I think that,l ~hen we get .our center geing, there may be seme . . I.... .' . yeungerpeepletee. an.dJsemebedY ha.d said semethi ng temeaboutthere.'s. an awful lot. of kids .out ,here with driver.s licenses that might be I,<Jil11n9 te tr anspertseniers .once Ii n a !rJh!le. Heward: [.Jell 'it's a s~ame to miss a dinner. It's medical first but the Jxtra things are nice toe. AI-Jaff: If we can pr1ve there is a need far evening Dial-a-Ride will ~xtenl their heurs. , . Hew.ard: B.utshe never....1got aro..und to sayi n. ~.' h.ewmany . you nee.ded..... .or... ...anything specific abeut it. ~h1 jusi said 'they had te investigate and coerdinate.' AI-Jeff: Maybe .one thing that we can prepeseto th~m is doing it, .on a trial basis for 3to 4Imonths.. If it's a success, keep it. . If itdeesn't,; e1 iminate< it because t~at/'s how they started the Saturday service. It t,IJas a.trial basis for 3 Morths and it picked up beautifully. Heward: [.-.Jell the first:. t.hing to de is to let people know it's tJ\ontgemery: Yeah the JUblicityt,JOUld bean impertantthingor weuldn't €Ie. I Krauss: Starting our ,wn volunteer efforts, you ca.n always go that route but it's difficult to rg'anize. You knew we don't have the expertise in deing that. I 'Ha.~IJayd: But Dial~a-RH1e \;lJould/make a trial of it. Krauss: But yeah thatlls a different t",ay .of approaching it alld I think .once t.Je have a center- .open ,.or an the verge .of it, yeu maY'l-lJant te puttegether. . The~'e's pOt4ers in cealitians. Yeu teuch base lI-Ji th the EdenPrairieSenier Center. and Chaska and ~<Jhatever graups you want and figure out whe exactly wauld use this thing after 6:00 p.m. -and then it's a matter .of gaing to a Southwest t1etro .cemmisfien beard meeting and make a pitch. I mean we have 2 City Cauncil peeple wh6 are on the Board. It's cemprised .of all lecal people. 1 'm SUie theyl'd, the'laie under very tight. budgetaiY constiai nts and they we,erecentlylcut back'alengwith'all the ether bus seivices..~Yeu ieallyhaveto be, they'ie more than willing to serve but l.Je have te' .. demonstn.'l.te to them thattheY'l"e net going ta\lJaste$7,000.00 01"$8,000.00 because they have to cbntract for these things. Get people lined up. ,That there's actually a demfnd fer it andrthink if we can demonstrate it, I'm SUie they'd" be receptive ta doing samething about it. Heinlein: I talked talOennfs a couple weeks ag.o, and he said they are t'Jeiki ng an same ki ndaf plan but it won ' t be confi rmedlguess until after the first af.the year ~here iegular iouteswillbe more or less planned.... She didn't mentian any~hi ngctbeut it but when I tal kedte him, thatl-JaS befere the Target dealllI waS talking to him~ . Like they're gaing to have certain stations wherethey will pick up peeple as I undeistoad it so t",e'll just have-tawait and Qee what's going ta came .out .of that. M0ntgomery: You mean ~uri ngthe evenings Selda? I . I e e . Senior Commission MeetJn9 December 13, 1~91 -Pads 24 . Krauss: That's not foJ.the evening service. That's for the higher volumes service. But again th] Board that Diane works fo~ is comprised of local people. Ursula Dimler ~'./hoyou know i.s on it and on Monday they appoi ntcd Mike Mason, one of our new. City Council people who 'sa school teacher to fill t.heopen slot. l.J. could, tal k t.o t.hemabout it but. you really neeat.o, in~teadofjust, it's ~ine to come up with an idea and say wouldn't it be nicet.o have night.sey-Jice but it's something else again if you come t.o a meeting ~'Jith tSor 16 Reople r.epresenti ng 31 communities that are served by this t.hing all of whom are making ~ pit.ch and say hereJ We can present you \ LILith this as a package v-Je'd like you to work with us. I'm pretty sure . they would. t10ntgomery: of coordi nation. - It can be do, e ." . t'10nt.gomery) . I supposejif ~.Jedid clo isome kind of volunteer involves. ..and~ommuniation and all that sort of thing. Krauss: And one of th~ things we've found, one of the reasons we went. with the H.O.M.E. program i, they screen volunteers. Most people out here ~re good folks but there'sja lot of craziness in the world today and I don't want to, I mean I don'it. have the expertise noy' does my. . . ' (There ~'Jas a tape Chante at this poi nt in t.he meeti ng.) Bragg:rfhink that's an excellent program. I was very impressed. Montgomery: Well maybl it'anot out. of the real~ of ~ossibilit.y t.hat could coordinate to shbw some need. Krauss: I ~now that JldY's going to be touching base with all the other centers out here and m~king those connections. Montgomery: And that ~OUld be one of our questions. Krauss: It's somethin~ you can start working towards. Bragg: . Sherol Howard~rid~I are representingthe'co~mission to Indepehdent School District #112 orerin Chaska and we would like very much to en.c..our...age some.' .e.....vening..or da.yt.i..me contin..Uing educatl.'o.n for.. s.e.nior....s.... .pe.oPI. e that Can go to classes somet.Jhere and actually take part in something. I'm sure that they're goi n t.o' want to do that i ntheeveni ng . because seniors aren'tsl ngled out... . It. could be young adults and fam! ly rnembers and those people always havet.o goin'the even! ngs because they have jobs .So \.Je'd like to know could thefe be a bus generated or a van or something so that if something li~e thatl~s set~p, that we'd have a chance to go. t10ntgomery: You >know ~ 'remembe:rWhen~eri l.Jithhart vJas here and he made some mention of helpi n~us to get. a venat some point. Maybe that~'./il1 be something too. If we ~ould schedule our own van. Krauss: You could andl ihat's sbmething we can use Block a lot of the senior cehters I know do have their own van I I I I . e' I I ! Senior Commission Meet]n9 December 13, 1991 - Pa~e 25 some drivers that are Jncall. Howard: That would be la goal. I ,I 8ragg~ Oownthe road ~ ways. But who klows. Maybe we c~n speed it up~ Joan Kv.rn: Senlor ~oJmunltY Services owns 4 vans that we wrote grants for to the Regional Transit Board and so that is a possibility. It's not hard getting the van. You !enerallY get a van through writing a grant. It's then the funding of th gas, the maintenance. At South Shore we have one 15 hour a week paid em loyee and then we have 3 volunteers. Minnetonka, th..e ....C..i tY.Of ".Mi nneton.ka.f,1 .t.h. ey ha.v.'.e. ,t.heir own .van and.. t.heY .useall. v. .o.......l.unteers to ckive' the vans. That's'S days a week. Delano, ~"'e have :2 vans out there. We have again ~ind of a combination of paid volunteer drivers and the same in Mound. Bui W.hen you talk about adulted classes, this is ,what you want to bring to Y$ur center. . Bragg : Right, have thJ class in the center. . interest ~nd not just tor seniors. T~en you almost have time when people can come. \ ' Howard: I asked Greg thank' if we could be on the agenda in FebnJarY we h~ve to organize. 1 Bragg: Our presentatin. . , ,I. b . f' f10ntgomery: So transp<:>rtatloncane part 0 it. Kubitz: They had an atticle. ..and there Here others besides so there are people who arahome during the day too. Bragg: Oh, I know tha J. That's a given. I thi nk ~AJhen ourcsnteris up and running ,~'JewQuld tike to sesart classes and things going on. .' At the same time there's. a drtpin for maybe others but what I was thinki ng,of ~'Jas a nything from samethi n~ about camputEn-s or a lot of other things .Or maybe even ci foreign languag~. That's not out of the question. When you thi,."k of elder hostels for ekample, what they offer and what a wonderful play there is all overt.he ~orld wit.helder hostels, you know t.hat life long ! learning. I mean it dresn't. stop when you finish yow- formal education. t"1ont.gomery: oIn.t.. hi nk. tp...a.t.. '.s.' '. somethi ng t.hat we could maybe try to get. some coordinat.ion I Bragg..: "I think it's allittle long'range but nevertheless okay too to think about it. Kubitz:.. .rOng rangel. After all Paul was saying we this for S years.. I t"lo. '..n.t. '90me.r.y.: t..Jeca.,." th..~.n.k P.OSi tive.... Any other . comments abo t the goals? ' the opening? We were oing to think -- so e Anybody else wi t.h anything about that ? Anybody have any bright ideas about about that and come forth IrJith some, .' I Senier Cemmission Meet~ng December 13, 1991 - pade 26 I .. marvelcus ideas. One qf these days we're gcing to. have to. think abeut that. ~ AI-Jaff: l"e can do...th....~;ame thing hIe did last year. Hand eut ef installatien ef a fee smdke detector ~ystem. Paul, de you suggesti6ns? I Krauss' This is for t~e grand opening? 8ragg:'... I'd like tesuJgest getting t1al"ilee'Belgum lhJho is a senierherself anClshe is so. terrific j She is a comedian. She was fermerlyahassistant prefe.sser efthe Secia~Wer k Pregramat the University and she just r.etired and she is geingeut. I I've fergo.tten which big time cemedian has hi red her fer a TV shew. but she i~ from Minneapelis and'she's a person thatwouid ~~E~ beter;rificte haie. I den 't knew if yeu've seen her on television Krauss: I can always*unt nehl that we'have Judy but ene ef the things! we've asked Judy to st$rtwerking an is to. werk up kind ef an agenda to. br i ng bac k to. yeu cf wthe needs to. be centacted. What ki nds of thi ngs need to. be set in place. W4 're even talking hypothetically abeut hepefLrllY"'Je can get someprogrammi ~g started even beferethe center's up. I mean lhJe havethisroem. Wehaye some ether roems and that kind of justtostcn-t building interest so. tl'i'lat ence the dee,s epen it's just a mattereffalling into. that space. ' e Bragg: Has there been any, pelicies setup yet abeut hew you',e use that space? ' If thJe start out with say 12 heurs a vJeek, vJi 11 it ever be offered like theMi nnetonka' Center is TeY' ~\!eddi ngY'eceptionsand and things like that? The extra hours. , KY'auss: Minnetonka de sit. as it cater i ng hall but they t)ave .I,.Je 11 you've see nit. We don't h~ e that. Krauss: No.. I ceuld ~ee occasienally , if th~~re's a cemmunity gY'aupthat needs to. meet and ther~'s no. space, gei ng into. therei f i tdeesn't cenflirct with semething else bu}keep in mind that.whenwe have Judy en feY' 12 heurs a wepk neWi we haveeur Park and Rec felks to. fill in seme ef the gaps and 'hepefully.there will b~ a cedry efvolunteers.1 mean I don't think the .do6rs are going to. be tecked up ~fter the 12 heurs. . Bragg: That's what I \-.Jeuld think and I thought maybe that sheuld be addY'essed by seme cemm[.ttee new that Judy's enboaY'd to. talk uti lizatien of space. . , Men~gOmery: I think 1 st yeaY'at 01del" Americans Month the South Shere Cente'l"'had such a good idea because they had interviews with allsortsef seniorse,tnd put it all together in a beok and that might be semethi rrg that we migh~want to. de at seme point and maybe fer that. I don't knowbut,I thought that wasrreall, a geedidea~ e 1 Sentor Commission MeetJng December 13, 1991 - Pa~e 27 I J I 8ragg: ' That lfJaS Joan'] idea .We interviewed the seniors whoused c~nter that were over Jge BSand then thal wa~published and those were all especially inJited. Th~twas a great day. Montgomety: And that 1an be part of the heritage 8ragg: Yes\, j , Anybody ejse? Howard: Weren't we go~n9to have a Senior of the Year Montgomery: I think t~a~ came up. Somebody 'mentioned 'that. That's, somet~i~ge. lse we coUI~di..scuss.or I.mea~that they could.f!nd out about the timing. Thatwouldi be good. Tthink it's all Vel"y excitlng .No other bUrning ideas here? I 8ragg: Not yet. I Judy Colby: EXCUse me, Do we want to get that subcommittee Paul and I talked about me presenting some programmin9 ideas The months are goi,ng t<D go so quickly that maybe if we had a " that ~",ould ,be tal ki n9 ~bout the actual programming. Not the centerb'ut hO~'J to .U.till.'.z.e. t..h.a. t.... s.pace.. i..f we., had.. .tha.,t c. Omrriittee.". . now.. '. I could ,'wo. rk,t'-lith ,committee before the "rxtmeeting in front of the commission. t10ri~gOmery:' '.. N<;~'-I are lfJf speaki ng of the committee that would be the AdViSory Councll so t01speak for the center? JUd.y C.,OlbY:,. probab..IY "'ot., This is more of a subcommittee. I Advisory Committee.is ,oingto be talking more about goals and and maybe 8Y-laws...bi# more focused to ~rogramming. 1'1ontgomery: Fro.m.the '~.ommi8si~n do you have in mind? r think be the same people. r ' Judy Colby: It will b~ ,the same peo~le? t1ontgornery: Yeah.' 1 ~hi nkthey~~ere concerend with they sortdf go t?gethrr. ~t's hard to separate the from thep,og,arnrnl ng. I, I thlnk they do go togethe,. other people who want tp help with that too. ' Heinlein: l..Jell yeah, ~f a1nybody has .anyideas or I mean thatlrJay, let us kno~""1 Monfgome,y: Well Shartincan,9ive you their numbers. NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION STATUS UPDATE. AI-Jaf~: One of the tLingsthat we have to sUbmit is f or.l. 992.' .as..' .VJe.ll as 1. 9~[ 3.. '. No ,ope.,.... a ti 0 na 1 budget for projections fo, 1993. l.,lhat do you want to spend this I,need to list all tha~.' ., e both ~spectsbecause use and the design And ths,e may be . e Seh10)" commission. Meeq.1ng . December 13, 1991 - PaQe 28 . I . Sharmin, J think we need to clarify what it is that we're talking about. . Which~xpenSeS?Are we talking about this as simply fund raising, what shall we~callitgr6UP which also~then would. do some . P.Ubl..i.C.lt...y an.d some w.ha.t.. shalf 1;Je.sayoutreach t..o.. sup..port the cente...r...but..'it would not then include any of the expenses that go to the center orthat are involved with the ~'enter. This is what I think we need to decide before we can write up what the expenses\are going to be. For inst~n6e just for . the fund raisilng foundation, you t'Jould have the expenses maybe of postage, mail and maybJI don't know, You know that sort ofexpense~ But it'woulan't involve thJ expense that is involved in the center operation itself. ' A17Jaff: For instance if you-wanted to have. a comedian come AI-Jaff: inst.ance? e Montgomefy: Yeah maybe or writing letters to peopleoT having meetings ~T anyt.hing t.hat. lJ.Jould be 1 involved in outreach tote1"1 the pu. blic about the center and it's operatlon. Or any senior needs faT that matter. It l;.JOuldn't be limited to1the center. So you'd bethinking more about expenses in connection IrJith support but. not in connection t-'Jithoperations. And!don't knol;.J, I'm not saying that's the l;Jay it should be 0)" can be or anythi 1'19. I think thatp; swh~tneeds to be found out. and decided if t.hati's a.n. option. ..1 .don'.t. ev..rn knOl;J if that's legal or if that's the \PJay you set ,up a foundation. AI-Jaff: Judy was in he senior center in Mound and she f00nd out that they do have a non-profit organizatioll status established. I think thl~ough Judy . ~'Jeca nco:ntac,t t.htm and see how they went . about .i t. ~1.o.ntgom.el.. y: . Yea~., be. c~lfl:::e Ithi.nk each ....c..entel is .a ~ i. t.tle di ffere.nt a.nd t.hey're fund1 ng18 so ~1 fferent., Iknot-'J that the C1 t.y does not !-'Jant to involved as palt of a Don-profit oTganization. So I think that's very important to define Jutt exactlY.!-'Jhat t.hose expenses Willc~ve~. \ Howard: Well they should be able to tell us. r'10nt.gomery: Right andl I thi nkthatnumber,1 gaveSharmi 1'1 somebody WhO'ssuPpose~to kn6w.these things but you know. Ihaven'thaL a, chance to contact., sorry. Heinlein: I think thal,s part of Judy's, t1.Jould be part of her assignment mo,e 0, .less or !.Jhatevp'r>':ou ~Jant to call it, But anY"'Jay, I. think that's. why we've ~ot youinvo~ved with. I Kubit~: I think afterl~e:ve been that we can't contemplate now~.. " I '., I . I I I ,I I e. e I ~. J Senior. Commission Meet~ng December 13. 1991 - pale 29 Montgomery: That's tr~e and it will need foundation. . I Kubitz: Getting a tel,vi~ion and a VCR or who knows what we that we ~ant that we d9n.t hav$. '.' . , Montgomery: Or we mig*t want it for some other thing and not the center at . all. . I don't know but I it would involve seniors. If. it-'s called a senior' foundation. . ~~l~Jaff.: I also spoke with the trJe're talking about anclhe said identify.! did explain to him agreeriblewit~)l'dith'e' 'h'.a'f'e a'.n'. Y' t-1ont.gomery: L. names t.o suggest? AI-Jaff: WeIll mentined to him that you wanted to have. Mayor aboUt. numbersfoT the Board. that he ttJould ~>Jrite a letter but that we should what. you were request.ed and he was very Howa reI: e Al.~Jaff: The professionals. Citizens from the community. He .' . ..... '. . I wassn excellent idea. II That t.hatshould be the type of peopl$ 'with such a Board. . t'10ntgomery: hJell I suppose t.he next t.hing then is fo t.hink of the specific people who would match~ I !will be in! contact with you Barbara. Hqward: Who'ssuppose# to ~o this? Who invites the people to be commit.tee?. '. . .1 . . ' Al~Jaff:It will be an invitation from the Mayor but the City involved lIJithAtn....hd.. e.!" 81,. on' acre...['....w..e o . are a ~ity commission, then we are not. the ones Who finds outt' who to invite? Al-3aff: You named th categories. The different categories. Kubitz: I thought tha was the end of our's. I.' . h' . \ And then~t's up t e Mayor? Correct. e Howard: You have to ff nd someone who knolt<Js those people. . . AI-Jaff: I have rec~iVed a few names. Daisy Whitehill. , I . Mont.gomery: Daisy Whi~ehill. She's just. been int.erest.ed. I I I I ! '.1 . Senior Commission Meetillg Dece~ber 13, 19~1 - pa+e 30 l . . AI-Jaff: We thought a~out contacting the minister I I Howard: Perhaps one 01 two o~the people from the We could rggest some Dames perhaps wIthout being an Al-:wJaff: Definitely. IT think the list could be generated. I don't see that as a problem. . I Kubit.z: If you sent t~eletterout. to these organizations, wouldn't up to them to picksorntbody? Yeah. I For the organIzation. That would be a good idea. I . .., . It w6uld be , letter that would go out for instance to the Rotary say, send us rOmebOdY. Appoint. somebody. Howard: Even some of the businesses, like the bank. AI~Jaff: Definit.ely. lsame wit.h the church. Montgomery; c. You ,mentined something about putting an ad in the p~per for t,he at large people but... I" don't know who ~...,ould do that . ~. Well ~'Je '11, have to,' I'Ll beeurious fitst of all to see how this comes through the final non:-proflt before we, ..[' Heinlein: The main thr ng is to get the thing started, the buildi ngand everything else and then we know where we're going. Then we'll g6 gund ho. r think thingt are going to unfold'real fast. Ai-Jaff: One other thtng that I found out, that application as It.-Jas trying to fill it out,lwas they. wanted the names of th~ officers and of course we' don't have off ieers. · ... . I .' Montgomery: That's \.Jh \...,e need these people. Did you tell the Mayor that? e Ai-Jaff: Yes. t.Jell. Bragg: It's alive. 't know ~..,hat.more~...,e can do. on it. As 10ngas you know we aret.-Jorki ng' on AI-Jaff: 1t's alive. I Judy Colby: I'll contLct Mound and get as much information 'as they started. r I I e j Senior Commission Meettng December 13, 1991 - Pa$e'31 ,I Montgomery: Find out too their'~. I APPOINTMENT OF SENIOR COMMISS~ON CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR. Montgomery: l.Ale have <:;~meto the last item . heroe which is the appointment of t.he neVJ Senior Commission Chair and Vice-Chair. As you know in 'our . By-laws in January we're $uppo~ed to elect new officers. r think that's something t-<Je.can doi n January b~t I Justt.hi nk that. should be, everybody figure out. what you want to do ab&utthat. ' I . '. '.' '. '. .' . 1 .'. \ Howard: Must. ~e chang~? . Hei nlein: Th~t's what I I was goi ng to say. Montgomery: Well, I t.~ink it's good to have change. I keeps organizations allve and I think there should be a somebody else. I I Kubitz: I t.hi nk t-<Je sh~Ufdkeep Barbara in because\-<Je 've rolling at this level ~ow and then we'll let you off the -- Bragg: But ~ome of us have 2 year appoint.ment.s and some of u~hav~3 year appoiTltments. e Heinlein: But t.his is seperat.efrom t.hat. Montgomery: Yeah. Ri~ht. Well we don~t have to resolve anything I really think that it I' t-<Jould be great to have somebody else takeovet'for the n~jt year..r JUstl.think it would be fun. .It really is an exciting t.hing. I I Hot'-lard: l.Jould you' corsider st.ay} ng? Montgomery: No. I'd tather not let's say. Al J ff' . 1. t' t d - a : Your arm 1S ~elng W1S e . Bragg: Yeah it is. I Montgomery: I know but t.het'e aTe a lot ef capable people commission. I think t~eyshould be doing thIs too. It's like abo~t 5 against. 1 Barbara. Well YOu',1 bett.er t.hink harder. ...you havelbeenvery capable. Heinlein: After all, his is gOing to be oUT projeCt. is supposed tobs fi ni s had in May and I · :hi n k you both have done a good job a ndyou know what's up and .lrJhat's cbming and that you could, it would be nice to still . . . . !. . . . . have you in the spot. t.~at. you are now. I . e Senior Commiesion Meeting December 13, 1991 - p~re 32 8 i Ll is 0 n : It h ink s 6 too ~ . I t"lont!pomery: .t"ell, we 'te flat.teyed aren't. ~"e Betty. I just think you still ~eed to think about itlfor a month and we'll see how you feel in January. I still a great believer that change is a good idea. I think it keeps peo. p.l.e... .1 n.v.o. .1.. veda.n. d k..e. .f' '.ps eve. .rYbo.d. y. . really thinking about what's. going .on. I guess t"'e. have c<?vere. everythi ngofficial here. , . Kubitz: Did you want o...Swedish... ' t'10ntgomery: O~, I'm slrry Jane. I knew there was something else. I Kubitz: Did anybody esewatch Channel 17 on Tuesday night? They had an excellent program on e der carei n Sweden. I t",ished I had had a pencl.! and paper with m~so I CO'll d write thIngs down but afterwards I tried to remember and put some ~tes down. And their goal is to keep all their seniors in their homes ,just as long as possible and they have a pretty terrific program. Of oUY'se Sweden has't,hat first degree health program, which we don't have. rhen In the rural areas they have a, program where the mailman comes. and he krocks on your door and you must answer the door or he opens the doo~- to findlout if you're okay.' ' I can see our mailman doing that~ Kubitz: That',s what ,.r thought. It's going to take our mailman long t.lme.,.' It's not l,ikego.ingin the car.. .but i'nthe' process also serves as your ba~kerandgoodness knows what because each senior is given 5.00 crona or t'-lha~e.ver it i..S a .month besides IrJhatever pension, t.hey have and. they are greaL savers for their pensions~ When he comes with that c.hec.,k o.r IrJh.ateve.' it .i~,..he .a..l..s.'o..serves as you.r ban.k.er and..S.O.. f.ortha...n......d..he' cashes your check~ Heltakes your bills and goes over them with yo~ and takes the money out of it hat and then he goes and pays your bills IrJithit. I'm sure he doesn't dol that. I'm sure it must be through the post office but it's aninterestln~ program. AI-Jaff: Ho[.t.J many senliors does heseY'V'iCe? I Kubitz: I have no ide~ but this is rural and .so I imagine they don't have very rn1any if they 'r'egoingto do all this. They don't do the number that our leltter carriers do. ShallL",e say it that way. Then" they also have a progr~m to keep seniors in by a daycare center. Now they showed this one woman who's husband had dimentia and ~hehas a part time job. She vlor ks3 hours aweek.bra day in the daycare center which she's paid for but. then her husband is put into a program Iimagi ne Ii keSoJourn ~.. But also every so often they keep him overnight on Friday or a weekend so she has time off. Th1Y also keep him for 6 weeks while she takes a 6 weeks vacation. j Bragg: Restbit for tJe caregiver. Kubitz: '. Yeah. And t~en when the seniors do need Dursl ng care,besides all thes.e.home progyamst. at they .have.. that send somebody i~ for so many hours in the >'ea~- or so man i days a week, if you need that help. Like. the H".O.M.E. program . Rarer than put people i "to a :regular nursing home, they I I ,;e . 'e It 1 Senior Commission Meeting December 13, 1991 - pabe 33 I have a senior center that's ascrvice center,. Those ar,e built in shopping areas where there is al lot of activity because they want theirsenioY's ". active. The couple they showed ,the woman went dO~>Jn at least twice a ~.>Jee k toa craft area where they did sev.Jing and handwork and the husband (,IJent to awoo~working area. So,they keep active. They've got to keep doing things. Also in that penter" you see they don 'twant you there any longer t,han they can so they t.>Jork to get you back into y,our home and they maintain your home on your". .. "roa Dursi ng home is.the last resort over' there. t.Jhat they brought up i, the panelt-Jas that they hadn't mentioned for all this care, they hadn't mentioned what we spend an awful lot of our health, care money on is the really drastic, life preserving systems.Nbl;J~>Jhether they have it oi didn'tl have it they didn't seem to'know~ ~utthat's wher~ a lot of our money goe~ is to that drastic care. Keep the vegetatble going. . They also havefa progr~m which is the morning and night patrol. At ni.ght ..there's. a pat.r.ol~comesand. ... eh. eck.s Y..ou. an..d m.ake.s suo ret.ha.t....every.t.h. i ng is alright. Helps you get r'eady for bed . Medication. This sort of thing and then they're off",a,dt:heyqo that and in the morning there's another group that does the safne thi ngto make sure YOU' roe up anddressedand,get bY'e. '.a.. k.. fast,. .8.. n.d. ever. yt.hi~n. g is. 0'r9. anized fO. r .y. ou. .'. All of t.hiS is. ..no......t....... pa.........id 'for. You pay accordin to your ability and it's like this onevlfth . dimentia. That costs er 80 cronas which is not much of her 500 but each one of these services~here is a charge for butit~s minimal and it's according to your ability to pay. Very much like our H.O.t"l.E.' program. Then they, had a, panel ~iscussion. Oh transportation and I think they said buses wereifree tosentiors b0ttaxis or other forms of transportation was on a 10\'J rate. Heinlein: . W~ll I can'l. see that coming over here. '. , '. . Montgomery: Not tomortow I guess. '. There wa~ an article in the pap.~last night about, or J think it was yesterday about all of the new interest apparently by the stat~in keeping the elderly in their home and r'.mnot sure where ~hat, how that program money is available or just what but I think it's worth lOOkilng into. See how that's coming down>> Kubitz: Well aTter that part of it t.\Jas over they had a panel and there ~eY'e 5 or 6 people on ~t. I can.t. remember what all of them' wete. O~e of t.hemt.>Jasa t.>Jomanwho ~.>Jlas a doctor of geriatrics. One was a represent:ati ve v.Jbetber it was stateo!r Federal Trom Kansas.' A young fellov.J ~ Then there was a seniort4./omanwho~."as on the Senior Legislature in California, w~ate\jel that is and slhe~escr ibed the program t~eyhad out there t'Jith the dlrectory a~d very muoh ll.ke H~O.M.E. care. A dlrectory referral and all of that sort of thing. r-10ntgomery: It,. sounds, Ii ke we're on the r ighttrack>> Kubitz: Yeah. A lot IOf it hit home. Just what we're already Ho..n.t.gom..ery: W,e1l I th1ink we have to close but. ~"e really thank you Jane. That's really great. , I Kubitz: . They said th4 t>.,lay to get them out of our co1ngress. centers. I I I .e , get, these programs that t.>Je t.>Jant,t.>Je'll never We ha.ve to go through with...a local Sen101" I ! Senior Commission Meet~ng December 13, 1991 -< Page 34 I I Montgomery: t,Jell, ~"'e'r.e try iris,. Is thele a motion for Sillison moved, 8einle~n seconded to adjourn favor and the motion cbrried. / The meeting was adjourned Submitted by Paul Krauls Director . Prepared .