1992 02 21 . AGENDA HANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1992 9:30 A.M. TO 12:00 P.M CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Approval of Aqenda 1. 2. 3. . 4. 5. 6. 7. changes Approval of Mi utes. se~ior Center Formal Plans and Specification. Approval of Senior Expo - Presentation by Community Education District 112. CDBG Funds - P esentation by Paul Krauss, Planning Director. Discussion of enior Center Advisory Board. Senior Center' Programming Update. Review of Seni, r Commission By-Laws. * The Commission will be asked to suggest any they deem necessary to the By-Laws. 8. 1992 Senior Co mission Goals Update. changes was * Commission will be asked to suggest needed to the Senior Citizen Directory ibuted at the January 17, 1992 meeting The 9. Subcommittee r port on District 112 Advisory Board . 10. Senior Commission Comments any that . . . Adiournment ** FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO NEED TRANSPORTATION TO THE MEETING, CONTACT SHARMIN AL-JAFF AT CITY HALL (937- 1900) AND A RIDE WILL BE ARRANGED.