1992 05 15 . AGENDA CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION FRIDAY, HAY 15, 1992 9:30 A.M. TO 12:00 P.M CITY BALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Ap~roval of Agenda Approval ofM!inutes History of chi11anhassen, Presentation by Chris Polster Update on Senior Center Activities Survey Update on se1ior Center Construction Update on sen1ior Expo Update on selior Center Advisory Board Update on HOME Program Senior ci tize1nHOUSing Study Senior servic1es Directory "Senior commislsion Comments Adjournment I .. FOR TIIOS~ OF YOUlIBO lIEEIl'lRllN~i.'ORTATJ:OII TO THE IIBETJ:IIG. CONTACT SBARMIN AL-JAFF AT CITY BALL (937-1900) AND A RIDE WI L BE ARRANGED. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. .