1992 09 18 . . . Approval of Agenda AGENDA CrANH. ASSE. N SENIOR COMM. ISSION FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,1992 9:30 A.M. TO 12:00 P.M CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Approval of Minutes dated August 18, 1992. Commission Procedures - Presentation by City Attorney Roger Knutson. Introduction of DaL Lemme and discussion of Program Specialist/Senior Coordinator's Respo Isibilities. 2. . 3. Center 4. Update on Senior Ce ter Advisory Board Activities. 5. Update on Evening T ansportation. Senior Citizen Housing Study. Update on Senior Ao I wer Line (SAL). 6. 7. 8. Update on HOME Pr gram. 9. Senior Commission omments. Adiournment ** FOR THO E OF YOU WHO NEED TRANSPORTATION TO THE MEETING, ICONTACT SHARMIN AL...JAFF AT CITY HALL (937-1900) AND A RIDf- WILL BE ARRANGED. Workshop and Exhibits - Aftivism and Advocacy - Accepting the CbaUenge-October 8 and '9. 1992. St. Cloud- Holiday 100. Over 60 years old - $30.00 Under 60 Years old -$40.00 Reservations must be in by S ptember 25, 1992. Diane Levitt j The Minnesota Boar on Aging 444 Lafayette Road . St. Paul, MN 55155- 843 . .