1992 01 17
~\ JANUARY 17, 1992
Chairman Montgomery called the meeting to order at 9~3Q a.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Barb5ra Montgomery~ Betty Bragg~ Emma st. John,
Howard~ Jane Kubitz~ SJlda Heinlein, and Bernice Billison
STAFF. PRESENT: Paul Krauss~ Plan~ing Director; Sharmin AI-Jaff~
and Judy Colby, Senior'C~nter Program Coordinator
Planner 1;
OF AGENDA; Sa noted as presented.
. I.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 8il1ison moved. Howard seconded that the Minutes of
theSenier Commission rrleetingdatedbecember 1.3, 1991 be approved as
presented. All voted ~n favor and the motion carried.
Montgomery: As you kndw, according to our By-laws ~ every January we
appoint a new Chairman land Vice Chair of the Commission;
I nominate Barbara Montgomery to resume her post.
Kubitz: I second.
.~ Heinlein moved, Kubitz seconded to appoint Barbara Montgomery as Chairman
ofth.e Senior commiSSi..'J...n for 1992. All voted in favor and the motion
carr ie<;t.
MontgO~ery~. Well I'm ~eallY verY humbled actually that yOU want me to do
this a~other year. Thar.e are so many capable people around and I think any
oneoflyouwould probaijly do~muchbetter job and I wish you were doing
it.' However, if youwel.nt me to I wiLl continue with one reservation ahd
that i$. if there is a I cha ngei n the ma ke--up or the structure of the Board
or (jf 'lihe Commission.tthenI might want to reconsider the length of tIme.
Withtrilat stipulation i will, accept. Alright the next item then is the
electifn of the Vice ctairman.' ,
Kubitz~ I nominate Beity to keep on.
st~ Jo~n: I second thlt motion~
KUbitz!moved,st..Johnlseconded to appoint Betty Bragg as Vice
SenioriCommission for 1992. All voted in favor and the motion
. '1
Br agg :.I,.'......X hav.e only on~ .mo'!". e year sol will continue then but my term ends
attheiend of this nexf year. .'
MontgO~erY: Thank you !Betty. You .have just been great. She has been
.iiib-. great help . She's done a lot. I Just want everybody to know that and YOU
':IT all hao/e really. I th~nk you all for all your cooperation all during the
\.( c;:, year. !Vou've been Just great . ,
Kubitz~ That~s what we think of you. You''!"e too good to let go.
Senior Commission MeetL
January 17, 1992 ~ pag~2
Mqntgomery: Oh thank Jou. One other thing that I just want-to~ention
before I go on and tha~ is that we ,are also charged to read all of the
By-laws each year and 10 see, refresh our memories on exactly what our
function is. What our duties are and what our limitations are. r think we
really need to do that and to remind ourselves that we are an advisory
commission. We do not function as an operating board at this point. I
think it's important tq bear that in mind and! think that staff has been
very hel~ful in bringi~g things to us for our attention and the~'ve be~n
very careful about dOii'g that and I think we need to pay a lot of attention
to what they have to s y. Now with the new structure starting, I think we
'need to really review.1he By-laws and see if there's anything that you want
to t'hink aboutchangin9' If you do, bring it up at the next meeting. Will
you all do that? '. I
Bert Haglund: Well it ,is beenwhat, a morith since we met and I think a
lot's been accomplished in the last month. I'm going to use the overhead
over here. Does that ...~. IV. er headwor k?
AI-Jaff: ves.1
Bert Haglund: Okay,g~. eat. And take a look at where we are now with the
Pla.n.ni.n.g. I.. thin.k al.1 of Yo. u received a copy Of.. th.eMinu.t. .e..s. from ou.... r. last
meeting and with ,that "s a copy of a floor plan that we, in concept at
least talked about at ~hat meeting.. What I'd like to do is just put upon
t~e overhead a copy o!lthat so we can take a look at where ~e were a~that
tlme.I guess I'm 901~9 to be off ta~e when I'm over here lsthat rlght?
Okay .At themeeti ng . e had come to a. 'discussion about leaving the stair
in pla.ce, number one. .. And constructi n. g the toi lets over. at t.he. f.8.. r end of
the space and alongsi e of that having the kitchen.. Leaving the. rest of
t..h..l." s,. a.. rea. ...m.. or.....e. ... ope.n . an~ ina mo...r.e ..rectangu. .la. I' ..'ki. nd. of a. s.i.n.....g..1e 0.. p.en.,. .space
rather than having kin of jigs and jogs and cut out type spaces. But
having m6reof a singl ,open space feeling to the center. That we were
able to '.dO by consolid9tingth. e t..oilets and the kitchen to the one. e.n. d.
Then like I say leavind the stair in place. Now this plan'wasnotdrawn up
like this at the meetiryg. We just talked,about more conceptually doing
that and then after th~ meeting I went ahead and drafted thi~ up to make
more understandable. So along with that what we have also shown is that
the office, hlhich we hdd at ,onetime looked at being in this corner here,
we ch.,ose t. 0... put. ..t.. he Of~.li. ceup to... .the r.e.ar away. fromth.e w. i.ndo... wwall.. so.. ...that
again this space becom~s more of a l~rger, single open space that can
provide a little bit m~re flexibility of how you might want to use .that .
space.Sb we've been ble,tokeepthelargest single open area possible
this way. Thete is, w have shown a folding wall that can be drawn and to
diV. i.de ...t.he .s.pa.ce into ti~..wo se.ct.i.ons... s..o you c.an havetwo...act.iviti.es 90i.ng... on
at the same time.Tha . was important. On theohe side of the folding ,. .
wall,. the entrance sid where you'd come in through ihevestibule, that
side would be carpeted~jBut then from that folding wall onward would be a
vinyl floor so that at different arts and crafts and other types of things
'can' happen there and n t being on a carpeted floor.
Howard: The traffic patterns would be better to be vinyl all the
across the back where Reople wal k.
Senior Commission
January 17, 1992 -
Bert 8aglund: You
PagE[ 3
meary through right here?
Be9ause that carpet will wear very fast.;.
Senior Commission Meetlng
January 17, 1992 - PasEk 4
Bert Haglund: Sure. me just speak to yourcomm~nt just fOT a moment.
We do have in this are~ here a sink and work counter for that to happen so
we provided that. Andlthe folding wall I mentioned at this is this one
here to divide this sp~ce into two but we'Ve. also shown a foldi ngwal Fhe!,e
that could be drawn so I you could in fact isolate that cornerr ightthere . .
onto itself. So th~t'an option~hat we've looked at beins able to do .
And I
next to the library so.ifyou were
Kubitz: No, you
. Br~gg: I thought
Oh, I see.
Bert. Haglund: So agai.themainelements of the plan
the vestibule to be adfed onto the building so as you
t.h.e. coa..t.' a.r...ea f..orstor.ge.. YOU'd. c.o...m..e i~, the office .WO.Ul..d. b.e.'. a.s. ....y.o..,u.....'first
enter and there'd be a spot fora receptlon desk. 50meoneto be there to
gree~ people as they ceme. There would be this large open space which
we've shown a .. seating . ~rea in this corner which is more, I'll. calF itki nd
of ,a mi ni-lounge., Sofj: seati ng. Not foldi ng chairs but with a table and
end table,; You can haye that near the window. Then yoU have the large
open space whereI'vf3 $hown here a 'table arrangement of3x3 card tables.
That's showing s~atingl48 people the way I've drawn ~hat. . Then the folding
wall with the abilit.y to close these off. The kitchen here would have a,
pass t.h~oughor a serv~ng counter which could have a shudder that you'd
pull down toelose that off bu~ you could open that up so that you could
se..r.ve. .from. ...th.e. ki t. Chen. II If. . t. hi.S .i.O. o. m.. her;ie wer. e CIO.. sed O.f,.f Wi.th.....the... ....f...Oldi ng
walls, that kitchen is still accessible from the other space and that was
.omething we talked abut. 50 when that room~as closed off. that it .
wouldn't be like youw~re closing off the kitchen too. 50 that's st.ill
a?cess~ble as well as the toilets being accessibl~. And then of course the
slnk llke we talked abbut here,. Th6se are the maln features of the plan.
We have added a door h~r~ at ~he front of the building t6 replace wha~'s
now a windows.e.ction..'IThat.would. ..b.e.. a..n.. exit. door on.lY... That. WOU.ldbe.. an.
emergency exit door ontY. It wouldn't be for coming in and out of the
building. Along with this we're looking at, it's not shown here but this
door up here.isthedoor that goes now from the library into the little
corridor that comes ba~k to the space . We are showl ng adding a door here
~fromthe librayy as thtir second means of exit.ing.They need t.o have a way
to get back throughthls part of the building. Rather than having them use
this, simply putting a door here close to this exit door here. Therefore
we can take this whole space,and have it be used for storage. Rather than
having part of that be a corridor, we get rid of that and we recaptur~ that
space for use of stora e and that would become, part of that would' become
senior center storage. Because we're actually creating more storage space
by doi ng that. 50 we ~ i etrying ,to be as efficient as we can with the floor
square footage that we have. Okay?
, I
Senior Commission Meetlns
January 17, 1992 - pagt 5
Does this htve anything to do with where
Well, are you referring to thi~ door
St. John: No, where the vestibule is. Is that the
, I . .
Bert Haglund: Yeah, that's right.
, I
St. John: How would we get to that from wherever the parking lot is1
Bert Haglund: Well r i~ht now, if you know that Coulter Dr Ive runs out in
front here and there'slasid~walk along CoulterD~ive and that ~idewalk
comes up and thenintolthI!endof the building. That will remain on,a'
short term . That 'SgO~ ng to stay just like it is. The parking lot for the
library is over atthi~ end and that's going to stay lik~ that is on the
short, term. . ..' I . '
St. JoHn: Isn't that ~treet going to be cloied?
Bert Haglund: Well ev~ntuallY itMill but when I
" " - .- - ,- - I
I'm....talking ab. o~t what.f
Krauss: It'will be 3 to 5 years.
S't. John: Right now ylu ca'n park on Coulter Drive too.
Krauss: Yes, you wi 11lbe able to park. And if the City proceeds wi th the
City Centerpark...Coulter Drive W.ill be taken. out. However, there will be
.n additional parking lot.. The current plan anyway shows an additional
par ki ng lot right off the south end of this one. It isn't ideal. You
still J have to waI kfrorthis parking lot,arou nd to the, entrance. .. Ifw.e had
our druthers there'd be another parking lot over there but when that
happens, when Coulter Prive is closed, it's probably going to happen at the
same time. ..new library and we'll move them out and...
John: I was j~str~ncerned of the dist'lnce to wherjtver
Krauss: It's not perfect. Maybe we can look at doing things like posting
a no parking drop off $pot on the sidewalk closest to the door. Because
most of the time the street is open and if peopl~ carpool...
~t. John: Okay. That doesn't have anything to do with the floor plan.
was Just concerned.
Bert Haglund: It's anlimportant point though because it's part of the
whole senior center. Y~I our access. How convenient is it to get to and so
forth and on the short term, like Paul said, it's not going to be ideal
because Coulter Drive .s going to still be there and the parking lot's
going to be'at that en. So on the short term at least there's that
limitation but later o~ that will change. I would like to say that since
this was drawn, we've r.ad a chance now to talk further with the Fire
Marshall and the Build~ng Inspector and I have a slight variation of
Senior Commission Meeting
January 17, 1992 - Page 6
this grouping is right here at the end. I'd like to show that to you.
Okay you each have a copy of this but I'll be showing it on the overhead
here too. Everything about this is the same except for how the kitchen and
toilet grouping here is arranged. From an exiting staridpoint, when the
folding walls. are pulled and we're actually creating that room off to the
side,here, ~e needed to take a look at well, when that happens then how
does ,the exiting from the spaces occur? And what we've done here isereate
a loop so that you can access the toilets from either this side or from
this side . And that when this is pulled, it's easier for people for
wherever they are back here, they can go this way to get out of the
building or they Qan gathis way to get out of the building. 'In other
words they always have a choice of going two different ways to exit in case
of an emerg~ncy. The other thing that this has done is jGst from a
construction standpoint; it groups the plumbing more. It 6roups those
spaces together where we have the sink and the toilets and that seems to
- - -,,' ,-,' :-)
work a l'ittle better also so this seemed to be a little refinement that
after we met,with the building inspector that this seems to justwoik a
little bit better. Everything else about the plan is the same.
St. John: All you do is lose so~e counter space there.
Bert Haglund: Yeah, that's right. . There was a little bit of
here. This still is~bout. that's at least a 6 foot length.
length of counterwhic'h is still a fairly good work space.
Montgomery: I remember one concern that the Eden prairie people mentioned
and that was that the ventilation at one end of the building where the
seating, just the sofas and TV's are was in~dequate because it was at
end of the duct. I just wanted to mention that as a thought.
Yes. This space, because it's not finished yet. It's just
anopen~ unfinished space. We will need to be putting in new ductwork and
the system will In essence be a new system. And so I'm glad you mentioned
that because we need to make sure that we are here for instance in the
toilets~nd the kitchen we have specific exhausting and ventilation needs
but we want to make sure that the ,rest of the space also has adequate air
movements so you don't have a problem. Are there any other.questiens about
theplari? This is at this point we've come to this and this seems to
satisfy". lei of different needs. It seems to make sense from, a
constructio~ standpoint. I'm very pleased. I think a lot's been
accompli~hed, like I said in the last month.
A lot has been considered. I can just see
hard to'do that.
Kubitz: I think it looks excellent.
Tha~'s a considerable savings when...
BertHaglun~: Yes it is.
Colby: Sherol brought something up to me the other day about, is >'thatthe
',' storage area...?
(~*Judy Colby was too far away fro~
comments wereh't being picked upon
Senior Commission Meeting
January 17, 1992 - Page 7
B~rt Haglund: That storage area will be shared.
M6ntgomery: By the
Bert Haglund: (Yeah. They are using some of that now and they wi 11 need
continue touse~someof that but that space, we're going to be creating
more available storage space there and so the idea is that some of that
room will be for the seniors and some of that will still be for the
Bragg: You will need to have a space to store the tables and chairs if you
use it for different ways:
Bert Haglund:) Yeah. That bi~ in negotiation
Montgomery: That's going to take,a while.
Colby: **
Heinlein: The tables ~re ~hat? They're regular.
e Kubitz: No. Card tables are.
Heinlein: No, I'm talking about the long tables that they were talking
Kubitz: They 1 isted 4 x e or som'ethi ng.
Bert Haglund: You can get the tables through here. That's not a problem.
Colby: On that cart.
Heinlein: Well you don't need to pull out the cart. You would just pull
out the tables and fold them out. That's what the fellas do.. We just take
the tables off of the carts that they're stored on because the legs
collapse urider them.
Bert Haglund: One thing that we are looking at, aFldthat is underneath the
landing hereof the stair,we maybei3.ble to get some use for that space
underneath that landing. I~'s not full height like the room but it's lower
but i~ may be enough space so you could, by having an acbess door here.
Heinlein: That would be sufficient I'm sure.
8ert-Haglund: And pu.t the carts straight
Montgomery: It's be a lot 6asier.
8ertHaglu.nd: Yeah, and we're hoping that that's
haven't shown it he~e because there's
that but that's something that we're
senior Commissio~ Meeting
January 17, 1992 .,- Pi?ge 8
would be really convenient. Well our next step here is if this pIa nis
appr00ed by the Commission we would like to, in order to keep~schedule
moving, get authorization to continue on and develo~the plans now in
detail so that in the next few weeks we could put the final> plans and
speci f icationstogether that would then get bid. We'd of course, becoming
back to you to review that but in order to keep the move on here wIth the
schedule, that's something'that if you're comfortable, we'd like to do
Montgomery: Okay. Does anybody have any
decide then'?
Not;..I think they've thought of everything.
Montgomery: They've really been very thorough. Anybody else? Alright,
would somebody like to make amotion?
Bragg: Is6movethat ,we accept this plan as it
Howard: I second the motion.
Montgomery: It's been moved and seconded that we accept the plan as it
stands on the January 17th,site plan~nd presentation.
Bragg moved, Howard seconded that the Senior Commission accept the planas
presented by EOS Architects for the Senior Center construction. All voted
in favor and the motion carried~
Colby: Over the holidays...Isent you all a listing of.~.possible programs
and thought we'd doa mailing for all the seniors in Chanhassen and ask for
your comments on that. We took that list and gave it to the same firm that
did the initial survey for you a year and a half ago and asked theJr
opinion lof it and this is what came back. What was presentedtorne was, ,
please d6n't spas out. That's~hat she said to me because it's real ,
different from what we were thinking of doing. She's just really, but her
reasoning for not making a list was to prioritize . When you 'relooking at
this and you've got this whole list of activities andwe~ve separated...I
have to remember by whether it's crafts. Whether it's services.needed.
Whether it's educational or physical excercise and then in those categories
you can priorItize what yo'u want. 'And as you sit down and do that, her
concern w~s that the number that we'd get back, we might ge~one or two
checks in each area. So what we ,would have is justa real diverse group
of, r want to take knitting or I want to take crocheting. We might have, 2
that want to do bowling and 2 that want to do swimming and then what do we
have? And that's a very good point. So what she thought would be and what
she found out is the better way to survey is what people have been doing
because it's sort of like your goals for 1992. Every January we often say,
we make these goals but what you think you might be doing4nd wh~t you ,have
done in 'the past are two different things. What you have done i nthe past
99'~f the time is what you will do in the future. So with that she has
done this survey byaski ngwhat have you done. Have you io .. for 55 and
Commission Meeting
17~1992 - Page 9
older. Have you used ~ in the last year ~ used adult educational' classes or
a rec~eation~l craft class. Not speclfically have you done the~..~But I
think on this survey we're gbingtofind out an awful lot more about who
we're going to have he'lpi ngas far as transportation . What needs are out
there for people to be transported. Another one we got into was congregate
di ni ng. or someki ndof dining because that seemed to be a r.eal strong
indicator on the last survey and at this point our plan is not to have
congregate dining. But I have talked with some other centers that it~s a
pretty good idea that you maybe closome kind of dining. !twon~t be as
expensive ~i the congregate but not too expensive either if we get
catering. Ifthat~s a really strong desire and we find out that a large
percentage of the seniors would like to have a dining facility and we say
nOT ightaway ~what . message is thatgivi ng to seniors. . . to your. needs,? So
I really am plea~ed with the way this turned out. I also am excited about
the thought that it~s going to get people excited about the center. It~s
PRo It talks about sending this out. and then within a very short time
saying now hi:ilre~s some of the current plans that we ~re dol ng. . Have a . . .
listing of what we ~re doing. The. same people would receive this. . And then
have a third mailing saying ~hatwe found out from the survey. SOiYou're
getting information from ~s...but I~d appreci.te your comments.
Bragg: I~dlike to comment already. On page2~ the
think that's a very~ very good. question.
Colby: Ri!;lht and .item 5~ the way we~re trying to lay this out. . We
about the layout oT this because number 7 i tasks for the specifics related
to number 6. It was on separate pages before. But number 5 they~re.-
saying~ what did you actually participate 'in so we can see what they have
checked for number 5. What they have checked that they actually have
~articipated in. Then what would you l~ke and what would youuie next year
and then any specifics that they want to write down so if they were working
with a hot item they can list it there. I think these are crosschecks for
one -another. What you ~ve gone and if I see a list of crafts.. .10 of them
that. I 'dwant to do ~ 'then how much time do you really have to do them. So
if. you~re someone trying to do these plans and maybe you~re not~. .real
indicators too. .
Bragg: Yeah it just tells what you asked for and the other survey only has
it all grouped appropriately. I know I felt when I was checking through
that so many of them were repeated in certain ~ays and I didn~t know if I
had to go back and rearrange my number i ngorde'r or what? So this is much
more appropriate and it will get what you want.from it.
Colby: It is hard to prioritize but we would like to make it' as simple as
possible. The layoutwe~re talking about doing is one sheet of paper that
you would then~ it~s just.foldedin the middle. . It's 4 pagesbutit~sa
little bookle.t. . What we also talked about doing' if it would be okay with
the com~ission is to, haye you use this form that I passed out to you to a
'typicalChanhassen senior. You're not typical. You~ve been working on
this~ .you've been talking about this for a year and you've been real~ real
involved. What you say is very important but it isn~ttypical. Give it to
i somebodywho~snot bee,n involved.. .doesn ~ t know any of the' discussions
we~ve had and see how they respond to the letters and then! would like to
personally t~lkto each of those people because they might say well you'
Senior Commission Meeting
January 17, 1992 - Page 10
missjd this or I didn't understand this at all. To us it makes sense
because we've been working on it and thinking about it. . Somebody else
might go, I couldn't figure out what ~o write there. So if you w6uldn't
mind.~.knowsomeone, when we're talking about.. .even though a lot of the
seniors are si ngle. In case there ar'e two in the family,' we don't want one
returned. We want both of them to fill out their perspective...
Or maybe if they do it all wrong and have to start o\ler~
'..Kubi tz: A comment I have is,
that I ~ould like to sometime
I can't think of anything that's been left out.
Colby: And that's why number 6 is what you would like to do.
mark those down. What they're saying is when they co~e back to those
people a lot of, ~nd this might not be the case~ithseniors. It mightbei
because maYbe there is a little more time available but whattheySre
saying, when people say yeah, this is what I want and they offered it, it
didn't happen. Jerry can probably attest to that more than ~nyone. So
here we 're saying, what .did youdoi n the last year.. What would you like
to ~o in the future and then they answer specifically. The nice thing
about this also is that she's coding, you can see the numbers. This is all
going to be coded so they can be put into a database and she said'wecan
pull from this all kinds of information. By where a person lives,
transportalion. There's a lot of different things we can pull from this.
That too, number 7 you have somebody answering specifics. We ,would ,have to
haVe a program...all tho$~specifics or track those down. Thi~ is the only
one where we've asked for them to write out ari answer. Everything else is
multiple choice.
Montgomery: Has she used ~his before? This same instrument anywheye?
It's nourilike the one that was sent out, I'm not
The initial survey sent out differerit questions.
Montgomery: No,I,Just wondered if they she used it with
or what the response had been.
Colby: No. She really pulled this from our survey and ~rom talking about
whit I would like to know to try and set up programs. So some of these
questions I think had been asked in the ~ast a year and a h~lf ago. Maybe
not quite in the same way and so she said what that's going to do iseithe~
confirm that thosewer~accurate answers or ~ay things have changed in that
year and a half and here's the response to it.
Montgom~ry: I think it's really well done myself.
Colby: And how do you fejl about handing that out to a
them fill it out?
Heinlein: There's one couple in our buildingt~at are seniors. Otherlthan
that, 'well ~here's two of there actually. I think they would answer. At
least the wife would in the one case. I don't know about.
Senior Commission Meeting
January 17,1~92 - P~ge 11
Montgomery:'Judy, would you like a recommendation from
Colby: ...you. see also on the survey, they didn't have a name and
'8utwe did attach on the back and these are, this is typed 3 up so ,this
would be a third of a. page that would be attached to the survey and it's in
case they are interested in doing any volunteer. And we're asking to
either include it in the survey or theY can send it back separately if
. want to remain anonymous on the survey. But saying\ I'm interested In
volunteer opportunities at the centera.nd asking if they want to be on a
mailing list basically. So we can clean up the list that we currently
have and yes, I would Ii ke to...
Montgomery: Okay. Do they havet.o put stamps on this or is that postage
Would a week be enough time to get
Colby: We're going to have postage paid envelopes...and
sending out first class...
Montgomery: Any other comments? Sharmin or Paul?,
Krauss: No. we'fe very satisfied ~ith it.
Montgomery: Would somebody like to make a motion
send this survey out.
St. ,John: I so move.
Billison: I second.
Montgomery: It's been moved and seconded that we
presented by Judy Marshek.
MaYbe all we can do is try.
Bragg: A lot of people are going, those who
Montgomery: After today they'll all leave.
Howard: You want each'of us to get one of these filled
that the idea? ,
Right. Use that one...
Krauss: And ask them what t.hei~ reaction is? If they're telling you that
it's too long or it's tough to read or you're pryi ng or whatever their'
reactiori is. That's the important part.
Colby: Or else I would be glad, if you just w~nt to do that and I'd be
glad to talk to each,one myself.. .so they can verbalize tome what
,reactions are. I don't want them to think about analyz{ngthisas
writing. this out. I want them to fill this out and then !'ll'talk
Senior Commission Meeting
January 17~ 1992 - Page 12
them.. .because otherwise they~re going to be analyzing
answeri~g the questions.
St. .John moved, Billison seconded to send out the survey on programming for
the Senior Center as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Colby: One of the points that we~ve wanted to stress to get the publicity
and awareness out into the community that the senior center is going to be
here and active and hopefully meeting a lot of the needs, of. the community.
I think thesprvey is a way to st.art that .We have been talking about
trying to have .a .few eve'nts prior to opening and I would like .tobounceoff
a couple idea~. I~vemet a number of different times now with Seni6r
CommUnity Services and talked with some of the other centers as to their
feelings about what would be a strong, e~citing program for even before the
center exists.' I thinkwhatwe~re talking a~out,just because of space is
maybe talking about doing lunches or continental breakfasts with a speaker
~aybe on taxes because that's kind o~ timely right now. We could ~o an
exercise class. We realize how nieethe...one conference room here so that
would be one place to exercise. I don't know if that's a wise thing to set
up before we have the center. I think that~ I'm not sure. I'd like your
feedback on that but what I would like to do is have coffee and donuts or
coffee and. cookies, invitIng the seniors to come and seethe center and
hear our plans. Maybe h*ve Paul the architect here and let'tMemeomeand
just. a little open house and i fwecan do that ~ I would love 'to have it in
the center before it's starts. Before it's built. So they can come into
that space and seethe space because it's a wonderfUl space with the
windows ~nd that and I think it's kind of nice to be able.to.
I've never seen it.
Colby: Maybe we should do that. today.
Kubitz: I think that's a nice idea of ha~ing them in there
Colby: Before it's finished 'so they...
Kubitz: What the pla~sof what it's going
Montgomery: Sort of a sense of ownership.
Colby: ...Screening. That seems to be, cholesterol,
diabetes. That seems to be a strong draw t.othe center. Seniors like.
.that.. It is amazing since I got this job what has happened.. I' mean no
matter where .I am, people. start tal ki ngabout, I brought my kids to piano
and Diane Ferditis a,sked if there'd bea senior choir. she always wanted
to lead a senior choir. She ~ s just a wonderful , wonderful, woman. The
other day at b&sketball with my son and pat. parissenen I think it is
int.roduced herself and we were chat.ting and she said what are reading and I
got a'boo~ 6n....and it's a wonderful book about what's happening to the
aging and I was reading that. And she started talking about all of the
things that they're doing and herPR Person. I mean there's so much around
Senior Commission Meeting
January 17, 1992 - Page 13
that you'ye kind of going, okay we don't have a center,. What fits so I
think some of those screenings would be real easy to do and bring people
in.! almost feel like we should always do something with coffee and
cookies for that homey feeling...speakers around a lunch or whatever.
Montgomery: I was just thinking give them the cookies after the diabetes
Colby: Book of the Month Club is, and I guess that's kind of onE? of my
love's and I t.lkedto...but I've talked to a few seniors who said they
would be real Interested in getting into.~.that would be real aasyto start
without having a center. ' Have a room here and once a month sit down aver
coffee and that.. .communit.y educationt.hat would be i nterestedi n running
that. She could only do it in the evenings so I'm not cert~in if that
,would. nbut I'm kind ofcuriousar.ound where we 're ~oi ng t.o get our
response to. People coming in the evenings or coming in the daytime...
Bragg: South Shore hassomet.hing kind of, is it Discovery? Once a week I
think it Is. They get together .nd they'havea structured reading
assignment ,and it's a disc0ssion ~roup about whatever was covered in t.he
readinss. It causes memdries, reminisenoe as well as discussion. Do any
of you go to that? '
Kubitz: No, but! was going to ask you, what
Bragg: I think it's all structured bYSOffieone. It'ssomet.hing they bought
and then they got a woman who's retired from the Wayzata Schools as a
principle over there who does the leading and she researches everything and
I guess that's the' secret..' Who you get to be the leader. But ~here's a
lot of interest In it. '
Colby: So there's strong participation in that?
Colby: More like current event.s? Maybe
Bragg: Very strong particip~tion. Well yo~ were
Book Club. It's a little different.
B,agg:They have a sYllabus that structUres and the participants
and the~ the leader has done more research andbrinQs out more.
St.John.: Vi, Tendle is the one who's In charge. The leader of
Bragg: And that shows you that works. I suppose it's like Bible study in
away. They have certain readings and they 'ref,.eeto. come away with,
whether the)lwere ,confirmed or. not, I don't mean confirmed from church.
...what that program is before I say yes or no.
Colby: I wonder if I should...offer that in the daytime. ..'
St~ John: It'i always on Tuesday.
Senier Cemmissien Meeting
Jahuary 17, 1992 - Page 14
Bragg: I think it's Menday..
Montgomery: Well maybe you can check with Jo Ann and ~ee
had. in ether centers too. It sounds like a good idea.
Colby: Okay, some other. The ice palace. There was some interested shown
to go oVer 'to st. Paul Winter.Carnival and see thei~e palace~ I~alled
around and a number of centers are, do! ng 'that. It's ~ .. remarkable.
Everybody wants to go see the ice palace. There was one in Minneapelis
that Jane you had, given me the name. What they could do for $5.,00 was
arrange a day over therewith lunch and "everything fer $5.00." But what
happened is they made reservations. Landmark Center offered free lunches
foi senierday and th~t group is set up for 200 lunches ~nd they lost the
letter., So all of these people; they had 250 people signed up. Putin
$S;OO(togo there and ne lunch.
st. John: ,South Shore has a trip going the 27th.
Colby: ...a~d what I was planning on doing there was hook on with. South
~horeand just have a grdup~b over and have lunch with them and they
filled their bus.
St. John: At the center.
St. John: For $4.00.
,e Colby: Fer $4.00.
Bragg: No lunch.'
Colby: So if you thi nk there's interest there, I can...a note in
Thursday ~s paper because ,the timing is now so tight but we could get ,a bus
and go in ,the morni ng. ,Most of them are going in the afternoon.'. .senior
day and it seems likeMinnetenka~s get awaiting lista'nd a bus going over.
If you wanted to ,if you think we could get like 40 peoplethat<would slign
up for that with 'Only 'One ad in the paper, that would be next. Thursday. If
we,could get 40 people to go the following week and set it up towards the
end of that week ,I'd be glad to get a bus. I thought maybe ,we could go at
Ii ke9 :30 in the morning . , Just for the bus ride over, go onto the island.
Seethe palace. Maybe the bus will go Rice Park to seethe sculptures but
not really participate there and then come back and we could arrange some.
kind of luncheon just in this area ,so we dOn't have to pay for;thebus
again., Maybe ~et Southwest Metro to get us home from the lunch. I'd be
glad to try and arrange that if you think we could d6 that in that short
,period of time.
Mo~tgomery: How about you Todd. Do you think there would
Ruegemer: I think ,we could get some people from ~hanhassen...
Colby:' The 50 .people that are on the wait! ng list ,at Minnetonka, if we
dtdn't fill it up we could call them and ask if they wanted to join us.
Colby: I'll put an ad in the paper then
that week like a Friday which would be.
Senior Commis~ion Me_ting
January 17, 1992 '- Page 15
Well if you try arid it doesn't fly~ then what?
St. John: Would they get their pape/ron time?
Colby: They get their paper next Thursd~y. ~
St. John: We don't get it until Saturdays and sometimes'Mondays. I cannot
understand the W~conia paper is dated on Thursday. I always get it~n that
Thursday and 'the Chanhassen paper is' always late. And the Excelsior, Post
Office says they can't do anything.
They're the ones that are holding it up.
They say it comes 1n late.
St. John: rnotherwords, . if r went in there on Thun~day
paper they could give it to me? It's there?
Tom: Yeah" they won't release it to you.
Montgomery: Is there any other way' of publicizing it besides
Is it in the Excelsior Post Office on Thursday?
Kubitz: Because you can call them in the morning
your mail and then go pick it up because I do
there and yOU' get it.
Krauss: Maybe Judy can go over there to make an announcement at the senior
Club too and we can reach 40 people ever there.
Montgomery: Do they haveanythirig that would be
know? Is there anything scheduled?,
Colby: What we're talking about is getting a notice [nthe paper on
Thursdaythe'23rd and going to the ice palace on friday, the 31st.
31st_ Selda, do you know of anything gOing on with the card club?
\ .' .
Colby: On the 31st?
Heinlein: Not.on P~iday.
St.John: Then you wouldn't have to worry about ine
Excelsior address. If yop~anted to do that.
Montgomery: Then you'd have a week.
St. John:
There's a trip,down to the Target C~nterfor
st. John~ On th~ 31st.
Senior Commission Meeting
January 17,1992 - Pag~ 16
Colby: Is that the Ice Capad~s you're going to?
St~ ~ohn: Yes. But~ou could probably pick
involved ovel! there which would be good too.
center is opening and trying to do something
You might pick up a lot of people.
Colby: ! would hate to compete with South Shore if
~oing to that Ice Capades.
up enough p~ople ~hat are not
For finding out that the
even before it. is ready to go.
rfthey're ooing they're going.
Bragg: That's already filled up.
Bragg: . Sure.
Colby: But what I~m saying is that...ice palace.
St. John: There might have been some that didn't get on the bus on the
27th to go to the ice palace.andare not goIng to the icecapades and would
want to go with Chan on the 31st.
HeinleIn: .1 don't knowhow man~ seniors we" have ~n our .congregation but!
just got a thought. I couLd have the .pastor' announce it or have it put in
t~ebulletin. .
Colby: ! think we're goIng to belate On the bulletin
(There was a tape change at this point in the discussion~)
Colby: ...so would ;oube interested in me getting us involved
We.'d have to getpronouncer and judges.
Bragg: South Shore invited retired principles of grade schools in the area
and it was a bigsuc6ess because the pronouncer was a ~enior retIred and
everybody participated and I think everybody got a big kick out of it.
St. John: The ~ronouncerwas ~ retired teacher.
the Discovery class.
Colby: Should we go for that t~en? And Medtronic is sponsoring
remininscing for seniors. Teaching them how to re~inihsce.
to bea training the end of January at 9:30 on January 30th at
MinnetonkaCenter.Are any of you interested in that? If any of you are
interested and personally at this point...Mi~netonka to go for the.
but other than that you might want to hold off on that unti 1 next'.
know you may be traiMing later on for next year.
Maybe if any of you w~nt to contact Judy.
Think about it.
Colby: The response of the seniors that
:Howard: Learning to reminisce?
Senior Commission Me~ting
January 17, 1992 - Page L7
Colby: LeaTning how to present it.so that the children can understand what
you're talking about. A lot of seniors that.
HowaTd: OhI see. For seniors to present. to young people.
Bragg: I could tell. you a little bit about that. You go t~
wOTkshops and they teach you how tO,present yourself. The schools decide
what they want to do and it fits into their social st~di~s cirriculum.' So
far the 2nd and 3rdgrade teachers are all enthusiastic about i tand they
have a list of units where they think reminiscence might be helpful. Maybe
it's on World War II. Maybe it's on foods. You know it's a var~ety of
things and then you decide what is interesting to you and you ha0e learned
yoU can't getup there and go ooh andah. You have to have a , you know how,
2nd and 3rd grader~ are. They're not going to beverypa~ient with you but
if you can put yourself across ,it goes very well., Asa Girl Scout leader
I did this \t.Jhen, I had Brownies and it was a' very big success.. Very big.
One of the best things we did .
Colby: ...wonderful opportunity for the children. But you're right...~eal
frustration if you get into a class that.. .controlled. $0 what my plan
would beright now, attempti ng to get someone as far as a tax class or
'financial seminar? To have that prIor to the center opening. . To have an
open house with a pre-center and show the plans and maybe have Paul talk.
, Get the t1ayor there. Arrange a Book a M.onth Club. I' 11 talk with. ,'.
Those 3 things for certain p~lor to the opening. Would you like me to try
and get~omescreening done? Health screening. .
Montgomery: How much oT;a response do they get
of people show up for that stuff?
St. John: Yes.
Montgomery: Well miaybe we need to .try it.
Bragg: -But you need to have your center ready for that. I mean they break
it up into about 4,or 5 groups. Some gote say Booth 11 or Sooth 15 and
you have to have a hospital that's willing to send people over and that
sort of thing.
Montgomery: Maybe that's a little advance.
Colby: That's kind of how I felt just because I would like them to feel
comfortable with the cente,r... Maybe we' 11 hold off on that. What about
the exercises'?
Heinlein: That's another questionable thing.
Colby: Wait until the center goe~ in?
Heinlein: I would think so.
Colby: One real eXCiting thing happened and I'm hoping it's exciting is
when I toJas tal ki ng to Community Education, the County is' goi ng to sponsor a
Senior Expo in May. .
Senior Commission Meeting
January 17, 1992 - Page 18
Bragg: They called me about that and I w,as going to, I askedSherol 'if she
had had any calls. They asked for opiniOns and they had quite a few wide
ranging t'hings of where they should have it. What sprt of thi ngsdid' I
think would go over and should they have lunch of coffee or something. And
they gave several options of where they would do this. And that's because
Sherol and I are on their Board. We'll keep in touch. '
Colby: ....X thought that would be a gy-eat , I mean that's going to
May... I thought for a Grand Opening, there'sso many groups. ..we
have a Senior Expo her,e and what publicity that would be.
Bragg: Yes~ Never thoughtabbut that. ,That wasn't one of the PPtlons
they gave me. They just said the Arboretum or the center over in Jonathan
where they have their meetings and that was about it. Those two.
~ell both of those have large auditorium facilities and
all of that st~ff~ ..
Colby: That's what, she said would it be large enough?
tell me how many would you assume would be coming and she saidtt.Je had a
business expo. We, had about. 100 people come. She said! think for a
senior expo it'd be about 50. . 1 thought why would you put onanexpo for
50. I can't believe there'd be that few so it might be a problem that our
space isn't large enough but if they think it is. I think it would be Just
wonderful. I 'm going to meet with, them on Monday and I'] 1 show them the
Montgomery: Yeah, maybe find out about the space. '
Colby: rthink that that'wo~ld be just great for that month.
~ragg: Introduce our center to the whole county.
Montgo~ery: Right. That'd be $;ireat.
Colby: And lots of other things but they're all going to be after the
center opens. It's a l~ttleprematureto talk about some of the ideas
right 'now . !' 11 go aheacland plan that bus and should! try to arrange
some kind of luncheon afterwards then? It would be $4.00 for the bus and
Iill find out ~herewe can go afterwards.
,Montgomery: Maybe you c6uld look into it.
Bi11ison: Maybe have something catered.
Montgomery: r don't know where you put that. Unless
restaurant or something.
Colby: Well I'll look into it.
tit St. John: Then they would have to have transportation after the luncheon.
Colby: What I would
. there and seeing,the
January 17, 1992 - Page 19
lunch will be and then maybe arrange with SouthwestMetro.
directly home from the restaurant.
I think we want to be awfully careful that we don't take ori
more than we can do because we are setting our image here. I don't like to
see us take on something that we're going to have difficulty
Howard: I think it would be fine not to have the luncheon.'
bus. First part of it.'
Colby: You know what I can do is tal kwi th the Dinner' Theatre or something
and see if for those who would be interested, that they're going to have a
special area set up if you want to have lunch afterwards and then just kind
of ,whether they want to or not. t1aybe you 're right~ I am concerned about
that too. That's why we're so tight on the schedule. I am con<;::erned
about., Idon't"oJant/our first few things to be...
Heinlein: What are the . lunches from the deli up here? Box lunches. What
do'they charge for those?
st. John: But then where would you go to eat them?
Krauss: I think'they're:about $5.00 a piece. But then
t.hem .on the bus.
Montgomery: 1 don't know~ I t.hink the food part
Krauss: Unless there's a room
gets a littlet6ugh because it
35. minutes back. I suppose if
outside more than an hour.
in a restaurant somewhere. The logistics
takes about 35 minut.es to get. over there.
it's cold nobody'sgoing to want to be
, ,-, /-"
Colby: The what?
Montgomery: The food part sounds complicated.
AI-Jaff: Ahn-Le has a buffet.
Bragg: ! don't think they're even going to let people out of the
very long from, what! 've been told.,
Hei nlei n: It,'sgoi"g to be bitter cold next week from what they're
talking. Also for theSup.erBowl from what I heard this morning.
St~ John: ! think it 1s a good idea for introducing activities at the
center to have this before but I think we should just go with the bus
Kubitz: Yeah and then if anybody wants to group off and
together. '
Montgomery: Well thank you for doing that. That gives usa
stuff coming up . Anything else you wanted to bring up? Are
I was, going to say.
Senior Commission Meeting
January 17, 1992 - Page 20
Judy is there anything else yOU wanted to bring up?
N6, I'm done.
Krauss: We're so organized we haven't decided who~s
I didn't understand you Paul. What did you say?
Krauss:, I'm not sure who'i goihg to d~ this. I'd almost llketo defer it
, , to Judy. and Sharmi n because they were' able to sl t in on a meeti ng that some
of you were at with the woman who runs the Mound center and had <sorTIe very
good ideas. My concern in. setting these things up, just to set the stage
and maybe then Judy can take oVa,r, is where a smallgyoup working!n the
context of. You work to make recommendationsdi rectlyto the City. Council.
CIty Council's tend to be a little bit leery about a lot of groups running
around doing city functIons that aren't directly tied into them somehow.
They like ,to have that feedback and I think they're verycomfortablew.ith
you. With the Senior Commission so my concern in setting these foundations
up and non-profits is, we've looked at a lot of different .models. You have
. the City Council here. You have the Senior Commission here and then YOLl
kind of branch off and you have a foundation getting money. You have a
group saying how to run the Senior' Center and my concern is that Ldon't
want to see this turn into too much of an octopus. This is nota city of
50,000 people. Wi'ret.lkingabouta relatively small center. We're
talking about a relatively tight knit community and I think the tighter we
can make this operate, the more comfortable the City Council's going to be
and better it's going to be. With that, Judy why don't you give some idea
of the kind of things you heard on, was it last Wednesday. In the
dis6ussion ~ith the woman from Mound. .
Colby: One of the first Jobs that JoAnnKvern told me I should get
right away is developing an Advisory 80ard. So we kind of were talking
about. who should be on this Board. We wanted businessmen. We wanted...
from the senior Commission. We wantedinaybe church representation. I saw
one idea someplace of having a youth representative which rthought was a
gieat idea. Have thei~ input and how they could help us. Then we ~tarted
tal ki ngabout,.. how would this group. wor k . with the. Commission. . Who reports
to whom and who has the authority to decide what and then we started . .
:thinki n9 about the group of seniors that have their Board in the card club.
Over at the school. . I've had twoopportuni ties, last night and a week ago
to talk to the other center directors and they said whatever you do,and it
was amazing how many centers start off with, there was a group here and a
group here, how many cities had an advisory group of seniors get together
and look at Buffalo did that and decide what the far reaching pla~swere
for the senior and for developing that center. They said you do not want
to have two groups of people. . You want one group that is overseer of the
whole plah. Then there's the need of the center for a working board" ,you
know so now, and 8aybara and I talked a little bit about this because We'l"e
.real concerned. We're :talkingabout doing a housing study and there's a
Senior Commission Meeting.
January 17,1992 - Page 21
lot of thi ngs i nvol ved. .. .but this would not be wor ki ng on the day to day
activities of the center. .But it would begetting a lot of input ,feedback
into what is happening there and what is going to happen there. Then we
started talking about the, foundation and we need to get a group headil'1g up-
this foundation. You can jUst kind ~f see what's happened over the last
couple of weeks. We're Just getting overwhelmed and we're going to have
all these boards .
Colby: And I don't even want to'do that. I think we do want to try, and
,then legally can we expand the Commission. I mean that's something the
Cit~ Council set up. C~n we legally do this? Expand the commission So
ther.are more members so they can handle the responsibilities and have
subcommittees. I don't know.
Howard: Judy, I think we should separate the duties of the ~ommission from
all these other duties. Now the housing study would come under our realm I
would think.
Colby~ That's why I p~ssed this oui. It's interesting that Barbara
asked us to look at the 8y-laws for the Commission and it's real
interesting to look at t.hese.two By-lelws for the cente'r adviso'rY board.
The 80ard 6f Directors for the Center of Minnetonkaand Buffalobec~use
they :really, they're different but boy, they're kind of saying the same
thing. And I didn't mean to interrupt youSherol, sorry.
Howard: I simply think the commission should stay as it is and do it's own
duties and the center, weare through with the center because once it's
established it has nothing t.o 'do with ,the commission. Isn't this right?
Krauss: Well yes and no. Keep in mind you're the only organized Board
t.hat'8 been established bY the City Council to deal wi th all senior issues.
Howard:' But all we do is advise . We don't operate.
Krauss: Well nobody's going to ope'rate. Well,.if there's a senior center
advisory board. . They're going to work with Judy on a day tb day basis and
maybe they'll make some decisions on doing things but they won't be able to
spend any money. Significant sums of money or staffing or get new programs
or build another cent.e'r without comi ngback t!irough you and Ci tyCouncil.
Howar,d: I can see that. But the day to Clay operation has nothIng to
wIth us.
Colby: No.
Kubitz: My idea, I 'mtrying. to figure this out. We're the Commission.
Then I thought the Senior Advisory 80ardwas made up of . those peopl.e who
came to the center and oversaw the p:rocess there unde~ your supervision.
Then this other one was made up. of citizens from around, businesses and so
Colby: No one gave me the specifics.
Kubitz: This is the idea I hadfro.m previo.us talk.
were those~"lho helped raise funds or findings that
They helped with the funding you say?
Kubitz: Yeah, raised funds or contributions or whatever
what we're funding for.
Senior Commissian Meeting
January 17, 1992 - Page 22
Co.lby: ...when things start to. o.verlap. Because the center is geing to. be
the hub of the activity. That's,where the people are going ,to be. That's
where we're going to. see what the needs are. So if I had this advisory
boar-dand maybe this advisory board says, boy I reaLly, really like this.
The Commission...seemto bewbat we're hearing. I don't know. We're kind
of trying to see what's gcing to. happen in the future but from what these
other center directors were saying, it really becomes a turf issue and, I
gu'ess since you'veali felt a turf 'issue with the Club, I'm Just saying I
sureden'twant that to. happen with the Commissio.n and the.Advisory Board.
Itmay never happen. Maybe ~e're just.
kubitz: Betty you're on the Board at. South Shore.
Bragg: We have both been ex-presidents of the Advisory
St. Jo.hn: At South Sbore.
Bragg: At Seuth Shore and I don't know whether it has changed.
.ii ttle bit Ii ke in an amoeba you know. You get things that come and go
I think theestablishi ng organization over there was the Hi nnetonka.
CommunityServices~AJhich is yaur parent arganization now ,too isn't it Judy?
Senier Community Services.
. .
And what did you do. in that advisory board?
Bragg: All members who use the cente'r are on ,the advisory boar.d and that's
just advisory far the activities and they plan every month what they're
going to do. . They deal with issues and make reperts and talk abeutwhat,
there's a treasury and all of that~ How we're going to pay for this and
all these decisiens.
St. John: And since there were 6 cemmunities that were supporting the
South Shore, we had a liasan fram each one of those and also liasonto
churches 1 n there to. keep everybo.dy! nformed of what was galog on.
Montgomery: One af my thaughts is that if we have the faith inSeniar
Community Services that we've demonstrated and we're willing to turnover
fund raising, channeling it through them sa we don't have to haveaur own
SOt( C){3) and also we have contracted for the services. Your services and
whatever else we'r'e going to be doing, it seems to me then that we should
turn over the respansibility fO.r running the center to Judy and that she
then, working with her advisory board, would handle the operational part af
it. Now if for instance the contract comes up far renewal, then I seethat
as our function to examine what's happened and what's in the future and
wh~t'tha funding 'is and thatsart of. thing.BQt I don't sea that we would
Senior Commission Meeting
Januar~ 17, 1992 - Page 23
!- , i
have ,the tIme or the energy to devote ourselves to the day to day operation
and every function.
Colby: No, and 1 don't think that's what we're saying.
Howard: The reason these are overlapping is because obviously
of, these has a Senior Commission.
Colby: Buffalo did.
Howard: Well they don't according to this.
Colby: ...because when thecent~r then e~isted, that commission that
existed for about a year or two prior in tlhe planning stages, that
commission then became the advisory board fand was expanded. So I wish
would have asked for specific situations but there WaS such a strong
reaction that there was goi og to be anad\Jisory board here.
Montgomery: I thought that was what JoAm') told yOU was the
needed toclo.
Colby: Right.
wasn't going to
of you would be
others. So she
'your commission
But she was under. the understandi ngthat the. Commission
be in existence after the icenter opened up and so then all
that advisory committee if you so chose to be and then sOFTIe
didn't think the commissi6nwas going to be, you know that
ended with the center. '
8ragg: I think that's a good point.
Montgomery: Maybe1.r.4hat we need to do is ~lar i fy l.'>lhat
meant the Commission to do.
Montgomery: That's not our decision.
Well they won't know.
Montgomery: Or you Paul. I don't know. IWei're
.ppointed as members of ah advisorycomml~sion.
Krauss: To the full range of senior issues.
Montgomery: Right. that's what I thought!. Not just a center.
Kubitz: Bunny, you're on the board down i'n Eden Prairie.
,do'? What do they should I should say?
Billison: Well we have just the functions; of the Eden Prairie
Colby: These two don't really. Minnetonka is an advisory to the City
Council as to the needs. ..recommends to tHe City Council ways in which the
needs of seniors can be met. oetermine...1utilized by seniors to meet. their
needs. Evaluate and.. .governmental acti vitties that may impact. The! r last
two duties go into policies and goaLs and ;objectives for the senior center.
But see again, policies and goals and obj~ctives are not in the day to day
Satiior Commission Meeting
January 17, 1992 - Page 24
It still...
Heinlein: Work city staff.
, "
Colby: In the operation of. And that's the sixth duty and that's way down
ont.he 1 1st. . So what I'm saying, if the commission could be expanded and
then you could have subcommittees and then there would be a 'couple that I
would report to to tell themltJhat's happening. What I see the needs that
we'r-e not fulfilling, and those 'two can come back to the commission which'
they area part of and say here's what we're seeing. Where if I'Ve got
this board and they come toanotherwhol,e Iboard and say this is, if they'r-e
part of thatcom~ission.
We have been set up assubcomm~ttees haven't
Howard: So you think that p~rhaps B~rbara should appoint
with Judy on'the center?
Senior Commission Meetth'9
January 17, 1992 - Page 25
'Krauss: We've tal ked about a lot of different models but I sort of
the one, for-myself, where you establish a subcommittee and that
subcommittee has expanded membership of fdlks who use it on a daily basis.
Make suret.Je, have ,ample representation frdmtheSenior Club and outsiders.
Montgomery: Well that then' is becoming ari advisory board.
Howard: ~~'ellthere'd be 2 of us on it.
Krauss: No it's you.
Montgomery: .But if we're then going to appoint other peoplet~o.
Colby: . '," that 'sthe workers. That's the: volunteers. . . ! mean I
evenimagine...you know let's say the senior center is just doing
wonderfully well and somebody leaves some money to the senior center. Now
here we've got this money and the advisory' board sayshere'swheTel want
to use. "Whereas the Commission says! see: a much b;etter use 6verhere~ !
tTulywsnt to be one family. and if on thati 9TOUP 'that has, and if.theTe's
10 people to work on,that advisoTyboaTd bltt two of them aTe commission so
they really sTethere working with the commission.
MontgomeTY: We're still talking about the city' reall~
over what is going on.
Kubitz: And it should.
Montgomety: And it should.
Krauss: You need to speakt,-Jith a single vbice. 1 think you"vegot a lot
more impact that way. And if it's a subcommittee of your's and Tom just
pointed out something. We'd have to change something in the By"":' laws <to
~ave an expanded subcommittee but if it's a subcommittee of youf's, they
can meet,more frequently if they need .to but it's also a, conduit right .back
to you. I mean anything that needs a decision of the senioT commission,
you've got your representatives on there and they'll come and they'll bring
it right back to you and you make the decision. That way you don't have
different decisions centers funfli fig around', dOl ng different thi ngsthat may
be contrary to one another.
a year and
this right
whole lot.
. . I '.' i .. . . ..... ,'';
! think we.'veworkedpretty well together for the, well some for
a half and some .for more than tnat. Most of us have beeninon
from the start when all this...and ! think we've accomplished a
Bragg: :r wanted to, maybe tnis isn't the right time to putit,inbut on
page A of the survey , model survey that .Judy Marshek gave. us. On page 4,'
item 23 where, it indicat~s that there are necycling zones. Now are those
the same as wards of the city of Chanhasseri?
Krauss: We don't have wards.
Senior Commission Meeting
January)7, 1992 ~ Page 26
Bragg: You don't. Okay, well what I was thinking of. Some of us
goi ngoff of this Board or thi.s commission with a :2 year 'term . Is
possible that we could make an effort to".each out so that we have somebody
from each of these 4 zones so that our commission is m01re/encompassing?
Krauss: Well I think you can cert~inlYM~k. recommeridations totheiouncil
along those lines but when we did the first sutvey~e found that,~ost
seniors lived!n one of the zones. It just happened to work that way.,
Bragg: Because I think we might,be missiris input from people.
Krauss: Buttnere's other ways of thinking, of it othel-than'just location
criteria. 'You can think of, do you want a mandate that you have a
representative from like the Chamber of Commerce or do you want to make
sure youhave'somebody who's ~ representaiive from ihe religious
community? There's lots of ways of thinki ngt.o spread the presentation
because I think the locational criter ia won't work veryi",ell.
Bragg: Okay.
-really are
Heinlein: It's basically mostly women.
Krauss: When,wernet with bot.h Judy's, we ,keep on talking about wanting to
have a center that there's 3 different, types of senior citizens. You've!
got age categories. Or physical abi Ii ty dategor ies'. Forwhat.ever reason
it fell out that our whole board right no~ is represented by one group.
And you may want to make sure thatyoLl haverepresent.ation, intnefuture
from all the groups so that activities and you're meeting ,the needsQf all
the groups. I know Judy's very sensitive to trying to do that in terms of
'what the senior center offers. You don't 'wa,nt to get pegged as Just
catering to one g'Coup to the exclusion of 'the others.
Bragg: That's my concern too.
Celby: ...tba~'s the way I look at
Montgomery: How would this affect the erganization of the
Where would that responsibility lie?
Kubitz: Now\'-Jould the other people that ybu want to draw in. would
a subcom~ittee of t.he Commission or an exp~nsion of the Cornfuis~i6n?
Krauss: Well, r think they'd more. likely be a subcommittee. Working
you. SeVen seems. t.e be a' numbe,r t.heCity ~ettledon.forevery Beard,
rightly or wrongly. It works.. It 'san edd number. It givesenQugh
diversi ~y '. but not tod much. Expanded9Y"oUPS get kind of unwieldl ytoo.
Montgomery: 'r guess somehowr can't reallyl see there's so much difference
in havi ngan advisory board as' there is in navi 09 a subcommittee. Somehow
it just seems to' bie the same sort of thing!.
Senior Commission Meeting
January 17, 1992,"':" Page 27
Krauss: I guess the difference may be mo~e ',on paper than Teal but the
diffeyenee is thatthere's not a whole se8atate group nmning 'around ,with
But there would be.
But they're net. I mean they're:a conduit
2 efus are en it, it's a sub~ommitteerc:lther than a,separate
, ,
Wl:;l werk some with the st.1bcemmitte'es. Betty arid Emma
back to the qommission and it's just an expansion of
Krauss: It werks beth ways. If yeu~ve gdt'something you want to:charge
them with, it goes baek down. I think the rear that Judy had tsavery
real one where yeu sure don't want to' have' t!hesituatien a year from 'now
where you set a geal fer the Senior Center" andtheadv isery coromi ttee says
i tdeesn' t.need it. That's net a goal weil.!' keN No.
8ragg: r think they have to realize though ,where thechai'n
Krauss: Well that 's the key but whenyeu set up a whole freestanding
group that gets it'smembers completely independent of you and may want,to
budget' completel y independent of you and aill: that, I thi nk you run a very
'real risk fer that happening.
Bragg: But de we have anythi ng to say about, budgets?
came up.
Having been a part of South Shore how for a few years, that never
I mean they/know that they are adv'ising on programs: really.
South S~ore is not really a municlp~l.
Krauss: We're the group that the City Council appointed to advise them.
And as lang as all that advice, the senior' advice ,carnes through you,' yeu
exercise 'a good deal of 'control .
8ragg: I 'know it isn't but I'm just saying that', how that; advisory
cammit tee wor ks.
st. John: t..Je never had a senior commission.,
!' :
1 i
Bragg: We didn't haveanybody...and believe, me, the things that they
decide to do, the things that are discussed~ave nothing really to do.
executive committee is as the S~cretary and Treasurer and the President
,the coordinator. That's ju~t four that wo~ldbe responsIble to thIs
committee but the advisory is af there are;many more. So there are about
12 o~ 15 people and some of them never ope~ their mouths butthey're ther~
-. - '- , .,-' .. I !
because they're volunteers and they car~abo~t what goes on. . ",
~ i
\ \
St. John:'And then'JoAnn Kvern from the Senior Community
the one that.
Senior Commission Meeting
January 17, 1992- P~ge 28
Bragg: ,And ift.here are' issues t.hat. come u~ t.hat. t.hey don't.
about, then she explains.
Montgomery: Is t.here anyway we ca(lget. some further input from
from the Council ? The Cit.y Council. r ddn~t Know . From ot.her
gi ve .us a chance' to. read. some-" of t.he'se.. I
Krauss: Maybe one of the better
set., up . meet.ing with ourselves,
know who else's been showing up.
'1 would like that. 1 think our direction is
, I
Krauss: Barbara, we can call you, and do xou want to have
Mont.gomery,: Yeah. 1 think t.hat would be i,a good idea. What do you think?
r think we've come to that point wh~re we do have to
Montgomery: ,We don't really know what our! assignment is here and !'dlike
that clarified I think. Also in reIationtd the Planning Department.
Because you've, done a lotofwor k.' I know screeni ng all sorts ofthi ngs
before it comes to'us and I think that's extjremely important and rthink
maybe Judy will be doinssome of the same Ithings but. I t.hink we need a
clear voice from the Council.
Krauss: Let's nc>t. confuse the operat.ions bt1 the center
this thing int.ernally. They're two separarce, issues.
Krauss: Well if experience is any judge,tlie clearer voice is
come from you to them. Then they'll say.
Bragg: What about the Recreation Departm.nt because
part or what they're attemptiOg... '
Well that's what !'msaying.
Colby: . . .and they really are separate and \1 probably. ..problem in
Excelsior. Well I know I wouldn't have to t.he Commission. That isn't the
Commission's problem. If we were getting sued by somebody ,_then ma}'~e I
would mention it to you but what I'm sayi ngis, I dOli,'t. want to have two
governing boards. A governing board for the', center and the Commission
because right now we have two centers and my goal is to make t.hose t.wo
centers one and everybody's happy in them.! ~o now I don't want to be
develop! ngwhatexistsrightnow wi t.hout rea'llY knowing it and I guess it
was)ust seeing the reaction from the people: when I mentioned.it,ithere wee
justa strong.eactionandthey've dealt wiith, like Kathy Bailey from Mound,
was saying the other day. They did, thexenaed up having the center.' They
work very well together but. that foundat.ioh ~roup and the cent.er group
because they have a separate group runningithe foundation money and the
cente., their's walks on eggshel1ssometimes'l.
1_ i
Montgome'ry: Maybe one of the things that ~ill develop
didn't know about being able to use t.heir,50Hc)(3)
It's a duty that City Council's ~on't usually. I mean it
Senior CbmmissionMeeting
Janu.ry17, 1~92 - Page 29
difference.. And if everybody's
co~fortable with it, you know..
Colby: So who would run that SOl, who wodld
We wouldn't have afbUndatio~.
would run those funds? Who's ;responsible for
Montgomery: I think the staff.
Krauss: I'm not sure. Wasn'~Senior
have something, can they he the 80ard to
was the question I had.
Can the commission
Montgomery: But we are city. I mean that' would not elimirnate the
from~ i f you~.Jere talking about .
Krauss: But I think technically, for the ttRS, if
admlnistensthe foGndation, you have the right to
decisions on hd"'J to spend that money.
.. Montgomery: Boy I don't know. I think thfit's a sticky
Krauss: We'll bounce that off of the City (\ttorney.
Montgomery:. Yeah, I think so.
Krauss: What makes it even more cqfnplicated is, mybiggest fearisyoLl
know Judy's talking about having two centers that she's going to'be
responsible for. I think there's 3 because the Chan Senior Club thinks
that YOU know.
.Colby:, Oh that's who I was talking about. This center that we're
developing and that center, which they call it a center their club.
are the two centers.
Krauss: .Yeah, but then YOll might have a new. group of. people coming to this
thing, hopefuLly we will , and they're a new entity. $0 I think 'you really
need to be able to pull these together. We're very comfortable working
with you and I think it should be under your,wing but that expanded
subcommittee gives you the ability to bring inal1 these groups of people
and fuse ita little. .
\ '- " ',' ,
Kubitz: Yeah, that's wherewe.needto come witht.hat expanded subcomm~ttee
which then reports to the commission and then with Judy.
Heinlei n:.
The thought that came t.omy mind,
Senior Commission M.eting
'January 17, 1992 - Page 30
Kubitz: No, we're going to go with one.
Heinlein: No, I mean referring tci .the cltib as aI don't know wh~~. I
Sharmin.when r came in, I was shocked yesterday. All at once somebody
'ohno.t>je're not going to be able to use ithat center. We're -going to
to pay $100.00 some odd dollars a mont.h plus, plus, plus. Andl sat there
like what. That's'the first I've heard of it. Well the President should
have said this.. l'msit.tlngthere like, ~ell then I was get.ting lists and
that from the few that'weresittingaround me. I said just drop the
s0bject. I know nothing about it arid you idon't. I said as far as I'm
concerned, I haven't heard anything like yhat.
The answer is there is no fee~
Heinlein: Well that's what. I thought you 'know but r was
this one :andparticularlythis one old girUthatwe play
she says I don 't know why we .just can ~ t goon thewayt",e. are. She said,
what. about the money we've got? I said what money have we got" You
haven't got any money. 8ythetime they pay for this luncheon today,
are we goi ng to have in the treasury? You' don 'tpay any dues for ahy
amount. I was stunned.
Montgomery: Well I can see what some of
still not sure that'sgoing to solve it.
thinka lot about this.
Kubitz: ! thi nk that subcommittee more or! less has to be formed after we
get the center -going and people corning to 'iit. Just some ideasoT how else
we want to. draw in. .
St. John: Judy, aie you thinking that you are going to be
K'rauss: No.
Colby: No, I wa~ just saying the're just seems to be some tension with the
~ard club and we're going to work at tha~.i That's not going to Jxist...
Heinlein: 'I wonder if it would help if you Would come ove'r
,meetings ona Thursday afternoon.
Colby: I tried to get a hold of Oscar once and I
time and Ididn't try again. I wanted him: to be here
want to just show up. I'd like to have them know I'm coming.
Oscar ag~in and seei1 I ~an't just come a~d talk for a
show the plan.
Heinlein: He showed the plans yesterdaY.iHe went from table to table and
that's what startled me when this came up aft'er tIJe got back hereto play
ca'rds. Everybody did not come bae k that was the're. Sherol saw the~rroup
that was there at the. restaurant. She happened.to be there and when we got
Senior;' Commission Meeting
January 17, 1992- Page 31
back, I don 't knew whether it was because it was snewi og and so.
were driving their own cars and were afraid they might get back
then have trouble because we were surprised that we had so few come back
after having been therefor their meal. As Is.ay, there were four, well
the five of us had been at the luncheonarld [this subject came up . After he
had shown all the, he went from table to table and explained to each group
just what was go1 ng to be done and some 01; t.hem liked it but 1 thi nkthere
were some, the older group didn't seem to. icare much one way or the ether.
All they were concerned about was well we~re going to play cards and that's
ityou.know. I knew I'm eneof the. older [group but net the oldest greup.
ii' ,
Montgemery: Itseems'to me that's going to be something we're just going
to have to gradually werkout and I think 'itwilJ.. I think the larger
issue here is this chai n of command or wh~t~ver yeu want to call it. Or
hOWWEl repert to the City Council and what we're.responsible .ferand I'd
like to see some clarification in for insta~ce how they feel about the
funding and what reute that should take because there seems .to be a lot
confusion about that. . . . .
Krauss: Why den't we get this meeting set lip and
, Mentgomery : Right. I justthi nk there arie! a lotofthi ngs we ...make . some
kind of decision that we haven't explored [yet. Maybe it's 'a fine idea but
I just think there.are a lot,o~ considerations that we really need to 10ek
into before we go. ahead. Would that be alright with everybody or do you
think we sheuld de something definite right 1 now? Okay. Anybedy'haveahy
Bragg: Well I had one more thing I was thi~kingabeut and that
ever identified exactly what our foundatidnlwas intended to do?
Yeu mean the Senior Commissioni
I , __ i I i
Bragg: No.. Foundatien because it has different meanings to different
people. . For example I think when wetalked1abeut thefoundatienJt was
supposed to be local people t>Jhomight want. to contr'ibute some monies to us
so we couldequipeur center. For example the furniture and.pictures maybe
on the wall and different things like that. . . Am I wreng in what that
foundation's functien was supposed to be?
Montgemery: You mean the members of the i1oundation?
Bragg: I thought that was just to be, I uhi nk' I understood .who we were
going" to contact. Different civIc organizations and churches and soon
that might give us money but I didn't think i it was anether geverning body.
Was I wrong about that? Because to. some people a foundation is like a
governing body and then that makeS' uS' into. thiS' octepuS' that we've been
talking about. .
On the back page of the Buffalo.
using, had a lot
And they~re the ones who are
Money given to the center.
Senior Commission Meeting
January 17, 1992 - Page 32
Colby: ...andI think that's basically w~at We're talking about
were not... This is from, it says...admi~i.tered by the Finance Committee
of the Center Advisory Board.. So that's kind of, in looking at the
commission, I would picture a couple possible, be the center committee.
couple be the finance committee. You all are looking at all the issues
, ,'. i
Montgomery: Now we're talking about another very...
Colby: . . .dollars are goi ng to be a big., part of it.
Montgomery: I think we really do need to do some more research
the Council and with maybe Don Ashworth or ~hoever channels the
where we are with this. i
: i
I i
Krauss: We'll pull everybody into the meeting.
Montgomery: Alright. I think that's what we need to do
They rent out their room whichiwe wouldn't be
MontgOmery: I think we should get onto
comments from Paul.
Krauss: I really didn't'have any. We
Bragg: I think we have to decide what we~re going to do.
discuss this further or just drop it? Be6a~se there'seems
, i
Kubitz: When Paul gets through.with his meetings we'll get
Bragg: So you'll take care of that?
, I
Krauss:, Well we'd like to have some reprse~tation on that.
do you ~ant somebody else to be with you?i
Yeah, I'd like Sherol to be on that.
" I " " I I ! i
Krauss: Okay, we'll try to get something set up towards thelatet part of
next week or the follow~ng week. 'i
, i
Montgomery: You know because we do need ~oiresolve this but I just
We need to explore a few more things befo~e we make a decision. If
somebodi disagrees with me pleaselsa~ so. '
AI-Jaff: i We're moving along. We actually have made some progress.
Dir~ctory,we have put to~etHer a.ro~gh ~raft of all the categories
you~equestedbe included in the direc:tor~.' I gave you a copy this
when we came in. Some of the question~ tHat I have are, are you
comfortable with this format? Where do you 'wantto draw the line as far as
Senior Commission Meeting
Januaty 17,1992 -Page 33
the information that is included idhere? ,. tf we listed the senior center,
where do you want us to draw the line with 'lihe senior center? Do you want
the surrounding communities to be included in this directory? Or do ,yOU
want us to expand further or just say Chaoh.ssen Senior Center alone? Is
it easy, wh~n you look at it, is it easy to]find information in it? There
are some, for instance under housing. The pages are not numbered but
there's a fax number on them so that . would be page 3. Or page .2,\ I'm
sor.ry. Second page. If you look under hdusing, is everyone ,on that page'?
Did~veryone find the page? Okay. Last lirie under housing. ' It says do
you want~sslsted living apartments listed under there? We don't have any
in Chanhassen except for one building. W~ included Auburn Manor and some
nursing homes within the area~ How much do \yoU want us to expandoi are
you comfortabl. with what's in there? ' , ,
Montgomery: Does this last one about theiassisted lIving apartments.
that tend to change rapidly? I mean would tihe
the directory cO,mes out? That sort of thi!ng.
arrangement? ,.' i
AI-Jaff: No, it does change. I get a lis't ion a monthly basis from, the
Metropolitan Council and it's just a matter ,of when the place is open and
when it's available and they\get rented ou't [fairly quick.
Montgomery: Maybe that could just be a reterral, question.
So s~iteh that to referral?
WeIll don't know. I
It still need~ a lot of work. I intend to put an .xplanation.
For instance ,CART. . You know what CART iSi.', You know what Dial-a-Ride is.
I doubt that everybody knows what theyare'. : Therefore we plan on putti ng
some explanations. For instance one line th'at says Dial-a-Ride is a door
to door service that will take you betwee Chaska, Chanhassen and Eden
Montgomery: Yeah, I thi'nk it does need sorne explanation. I guess I'd like
to look at it sorne more. 1
, I
AI-Jaff: Sure. I got this back yesterday'at 4 :00 so'I really wish
could have looked at it earlier.
Montgomery: Yeah ,but I'm glad we have it.
AI-Jaff: We've moving inlthe rightdirect~o~.
Montgomery: I think so. Ithi nk there's a Ilot of information.
AI-Jaff: The phone numbers are not all inclUded in there ~et. Again t~is '
'is a rough draft. Julie Benson and myself1met last Tuesday and we argued a
lot about what should go in there and whatishould not. . For instance under
financial resources. I thought that fuel assistance should be included
under financial resources.
It Montgomery: And she didn't?
Julie disa~reed with me. She s~id maybe
It was things like that.
Oh, it's nit picky.
Howard: I think it should be
Al-Jaff: Under b6th? Okay.
Howard: Sure.
Mbntgomery: Or cross referenoedbr som.thing.
Howard: It certainly has to do with bothJ iAre there
you read the article about this sale?
Al-Jaff: No, I'm sorry I didn't..
Howard: Well the State has'designated $lJ6 !million to be spen~ in this 5
county area and it sounds very much like bhey might be doing some of this
same work.
Al-Jaff: Oh yes. Tom called me up and tdl~ me about it.
. . !
Howard: Doesn't it sound like they will ~e 'making a directory?
talking about the ~ame ~iffer~nt types of 'things here.
Al-Jaff: Correct. Agai n, Chanhassenfall!s :between Carver and
Some of the servicei .that ChanhassenqualVffes for.
Al~Jaff: Correct but.
Howard: 'Hennepin's not in that group.
Ai-Jaff: Correct, but Chanhassenwould qualify for services from Hennepin.
I mean services for ~eniors so whery we putt ~ogether a directory we want to
pullout those services from Hennepin. .
Montgomery: How does that money come down~ Do they fund positions
distribute it to social services or what h~ppens .
it .was$418 ,000 .00. Something like that. ;'i
. ,
Howard: It's outlyirig counties.
Al-Jaff: I 'haven't cont.cted the County to find out detalls but I will.
In fact Tom dalled me up 3dayiago, 4day~ ~go and told me about it and
ev~ty day I thought, ~kay I'll do it today~ahd ~ll of a sudden the day is
over a nd never got to It. ! "
Montgomery: I thought I'd watch the ads in the paper and ~ee if there ar~
any ads for new help wanted. One other ques~ion. We had this number to
call for senior answer line,that was the~eDeral number and
for us just to explore that and give ib a\c~11 and see what
information we get in re~ards to Carver Cou~ty?
No, go ahead.'
Montgomery: Okay. 11 anybody wants to c~ll and just ask a question about
some. Ask for a referral for some service in Car~erCountyjust_llkewe
were doing before.
'Bi11ison: Where's that number?
Montgomery: The number is 824-9999. I'm JJst curious to
Bragg: Is that kind of ahotl! ne? Is that what,it is?
Montgomery: Yeah, this is the senior answe'ring line and they now have
headquarters ina c9uple differenbplaces Ibtit this is, we don't have one
here yet but thisii a general number tha~'s suppose to answer all'
requests. I'd Just be curious to see if tJ,hey have some Carver County stuff
on the line.
AI-Jaff: I know they do. That's why I'm iconfident when I sa"
ahead and call.
Montgomery: It doesn't hurt to Just try a'nd see what
Over in Excelsior they have called South
, , ,
True. Either that or as Barbara! mentioned, that
I mean the building I live in. .i. !
(There was a tape change at this point in tMe discussion.)
Montgomery: . . .great. I'd be curious to se'e what I<i nd of response there
would be but I think there's just an untappe'd pool hereof people that have,
just given up.
Howard: They can't go anywhere in evenings.'
Montgomery: So it would take a little re-~ducation I think.
,AI-Jaff: There's one 'more item. ,I'll mak(::lit really quick.
Kathy McGraw who operates,orshe'stheDirector of CART' and she requested
that if the senior club moves to Chanhassentity Hall, to please not change
the date of when they play cards because a! l~rge populationgetspicked'up
by CART and they would 1 iketo conti nuethatl. ,That's one of their, regular
routes. Where they go and pick up everybodYifrom a~ound Ch~nhassen.In
Chanhassen and then bring them to.
Howard: That should be no problem.
AI-Jaff: But she~s ve~y excited with bveiything that~s going
she wished the Commission lots and lots of luck.
Senio~ Commission Meeting
January17~ 1992 - Page 36
I thought it was going to be open 5 days a week:
Heinlein: Thursday's
St.John: Yeah and Wednesday. Fridays.
Howard: Won~t this center be open 5 days 'a ,week?
AI-Jaff': Unless we have volunteers.
Montgomery: Maybe it depends on the volurlteers.
Colby: I know JoAnn would like us to wo~k ~ith
on the days that they 'renot oF'en. IwoulJd :~eally Ii keto be open all the
time. . And I hope that happens~eal early :6~ because if somebody~again .'
it's the initial, first time you come to ~isit the place andthedoor~s
lockbd. There's justa real you know that 1 guess We need to talk about
and decide~ And I'~ hoping the survey wiLl :helpu~ get a hold of some '
people. Even if it's for limited hours. I :don't know~ 10:00 to noon or
something. That's fine. Just so they can dtop by the centeY. '
St.John: The one think would be the mealisat South Shore. If anyone would
be intetested in just the meals, that at dhqse days that, because there
wouldn't be any meals.
Might be able to do som~thing ~here.
i .
I ,
i !
Colby: That'might be brought up fordiscUs~ion.
Colby: I talked with Norwood-Young Americ'a Ihas got a ,they don't have a
kitchen'and that~ a full kitchen to be abl~ Ito dQ the~..but they do have a
restaurant that c'aters,and they make sandwiches and soLip and it 's$3 .00
each. ,And you know, I just wonder if some;tMing.
( , .
St. John: Is that Midtowh?
Colby: I'm not sure who it is, and it just is phenomenally successful.
And it's always soup and a sandwich. .
Kubitz: That would suit me much better
meal at noon.
Senior Commission Me.ting
Janua~y L7, 1992 ~ Page 37
, I
Cqlby: So I would like to just find out ~hat we can, if wecando~hat
because it sounds' like,that might be an i~phrtantdraw. A few years down
the line it may not be. Congregate dining just might be because the
younger seniors are coming up. They're not,going to want that. But for
the older seniors now,! think we should try to see if we can...because I
haven'tt~lkedto Paul and Sh~rmin. '
Montgomery: Well I like the sound of it Judy.
positive. I think it's great. That'sho~ you
: -,
Bragg: And I think too, when I've met witih people from other communities,
when we've had our breakfast,over there, ihat there were people who had
parents liv{ng out that weren't eating prdperly. Even a soup and~a
s~ndwich ~ould help there if 'it was brougHt in to the center.
That's one of the ,things that... 'Aclul t with agi n9
Well I hate to cut all these igdod ideas short but our time has
run out here and I think what w.are goind to have to do is close for today
and write down all our good ideas and calli $harmin and call Judy and let's
think a lot about str~cture and whatwe'r~ going to do next year.
Al';;;'Jaff: We start putting the agenda toge'ther about 10 days before it goes
out so if there are any thoughts that you ~ould like us to investigate,
, '
please me know.
Bragg: I think' this wa~ a hearty and heal~~yexchange of Ideas and
some of our hang-ups are so even though it:: might have been a little
impromptu, it was good.
, ,
Bragg moved, Billisonseconded that the me$t1ing be adjourned. All voted in
favor and the motion carried. 'The meeting' w,asadjourned at 11:30 a.m..
Submitted by Paul Krauss
Planning Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim