1992 02 21 CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING tit FEBRUARY 21, 1992 Chairwoman Montgomery called the meeting to MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Montgomery, Betty Bragg, Sherol Howard, Jane Kubitz, 8ernice 8illison, Selda Heinlein and Emma St. John STAFF PRESENT: Paul Krauss, Planning Director; Sharmin A.l-Jaff~ Planner I; and ~udy Colby, Senior Center Program Coordinator APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Chairman Montgomery noted to approve the Minutes of the Senior Commission dated January 17, 1992 as amended to read the meeting was adjourned at 12:00 noon instead of 11:30. APPROVAL OF SENIOR CENTER FORMAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Krauss: Maybe we should just give that over to Bert. Montgomery: Fine. Okay Bert, do you want to tak~ over? Krauss: Actually before Bert doesg~t started, just to let .you know in terms of propedure~ We're trying to track this as quickly as possible. It's going to the City Council Monday night. e, Bert Haglund: Alright. 'Wehave the plans, the drawings and the specifications completed now and that like Paul said is being sent to the City Council ,for approval to solici tbids on Monday night. So what I'd like,to do'this morning very briefly with you is to sho.w you what we have for the set of documents. The plans and the specs and to show.you or briefly go through how the plan hasfinally come around. . How it's f~nally arranged and some of the why's and'wherefore's of that so that YOU have a good sense of what it is that'$ in those plans. So what I'm g010gto do is I think just so upon the counter her~. We'll just spend ~fewminutes here. I've darkened in the walls here that pertain to the senior cente~. So as, I'll just start at the beginning here. As we come in there's this vest.ibule that's added to the end of the building which has at the rear of. ita coat storage. As we come in there's a powerassisted.door so that you can handicapped accessible power assisted front door. And we've alsbmade this door like that also. We have in this vestibule tack boards so you can have notices pinned up and so, forth so there's a fairly good sizetac k board that would be here. And also in this vestibule is a heater so that this should be kept fairl~. . Bragg: So there won't be any drafts in here. Bert Haglund: Well, there wIll when the door opens ,of course. There is heat. There's cabinet. The heater on the wall in the vestibule. ,We're also prOViding some v~ntilati6n in the ceiling space so we're trying to kee~ that as comfortable as possible. This will have a quarry tile floor so it's okay to come in with boots... Okay then as we come into the center, like I said this isa power assisted door: There's the office here as you first come in. There's enough Toom in this office for a desk and a couple of chairs. There's also a window right here from the office so that from th~ office you can tell when people are coming in. The main space' here is trying to keep as much of that open as possible. And this first e e Senior Commission Meeting February 21, 1992 - Page 2 part 6f it coming up to this line right here i~ carpeted. Then there would b6 a folding wall that can be pulled here. On the other side of that then in this area is vinyl tile. You have another foldingw~ll'that can be pulled in this direction so that's the area that will betlosed off for what' we call here is crafts) We've shown here too display cases so that whenthis'isopened tip we have right on the main space you have a nice display area. So we have two display cases here. In'thisarts and crafts area, as I said it's vinyl flooring. There's also back here a counter with storage cabinets bel~wand above and~ sink. A double sink here like you'd find in the kitchen sink. That should workout very nicely here. As we continue on down this cdrx idor ,this corridor by the way we.'ve kept this barpeting coming down through and through here. This corridor we have is carpeting. .. Bragg: What kind of carpeting are you putting down? Bert Haglund: We've set aside an allowance of so many dollars cirpeting. ,We haven't selected thee~act carpeting still. Bragg: I recommend very dense, low one bepause people in wh~elchairs crutchesandsQ fqrth have a hard tIme with carpeting. Bert Haglund: Yeah. So we're going to be getting together. again to sit with you and actually select thosefinishes~ But we kept the carpeting coming back here so that~hen say this is closed. off as a roomtheti all of thisiscon~istent. Here we have what we have labeled a coffee nook. We haven't' labeled it a ki tch~n .We checked with the Heal th Department and the idea of having a range in that room is not feasible. As soon as you put a st.ove or range in that room,' itpushes us over the line and now we hayeto upgrade everything toa commercial status and very ~xpensive. So there's not arangein,here but there w~ll be a microwave which this would be ohthe back, there's a back counter here and that's whetethe micrdwave will be located up off the counter. And then there's counter along these two walls here and at this end there's a refrigerator. Underneath the counter, a dishwashe~ and a sink and then an ampl~ amountofcdunterspace here where you can have your coffee machines set up over in this corner and then a pass thru. into this rOOM. So this affords a pretty decent amount of storage and counter space. The coffee machine should be able to ,do a lot, within this space but it won't have th6 range. ' Heinlei n :Wi 11 we, have enoughoutletson ,the side? The ione side if we , well we're going to have .a potluck next Thursday.. .and I ,was wondering if, there would be, ~ouknow enough outlets if we brought things in that we could heat. Bert Haglund: Yes,. We tried togi ve you an ample amount of outlets, yeah. Billison~ . 1s there that much different in not having a they would have a range in the kitchen. I thought they 4It in the kitchen. Kubitz: No. As soon as you put a range in, you've got a cooking which goes to all stainless steel and ceramic tile. e St. John: And that is not inithe plans? Senior Com~ission Meeting Februriry 21, 1992-Paga 3 Bert Hagl~nd: It's not in the plans. It's quite this room would have to be atileast half again as large in order to accommodate the pieces that you have to have in for a kitchen that's commercial rated. " 50 it has ~obe much larger plus everything that's. in that room has to be.ffiuchhigher quality stainless steel and your appliances have to be Natfonal 5anitatiori Foundation rules. John: plan. Yes, that I. realize. I just didn't realize that that was" not in e i, Bi11ison: I1ikethe idea that yoU're having materials on th~ floor here so in case people,. take coffee land they spill, people are much mor.e likely, to spill that have little tre~ors and things. So if they're going to eat down in this end around thekit9h~n~ that's the kind of flooringyoG have. Bert Haglund: Yeah. Easy to~lear this whole area.- The kitchen will also have vinyl flooring, Andwha~ we have here Is an opening. There's not a door . It's just a pass thru openi nflso you can enter' the kitchen here. There's another opening here so you can just easily walk thru and ~round here. .It's not that you haveto"go in"and back out the same door. Sothat sh6uld allow people t6 congregaie and many people to be in this _a~ea without getting too congested. So that's what we call the coffee nook~ Then we have two toilets here which are full sized for handicap accessibi!! ty for, not onl y those wheelchairs .butwi th otherdisabili ties. And those will be ceramic tile floor and be of the size so you can have plenty of room in this. So you have", a mens and a womens. Also in this corridor here, We have a drinking .fountai n. So we have a drl nki ng fountain. At the end, this is labeled corridor and this provides the second way of getting out from .the library through the door here>and then out through a new door to the outside here. So thatrwU!l be the second way to get out ,of the library as well as from the senior, center in case of an , emergency. Montgomery: That's an emergency exit? Emergency only. So there won't be any entry to the building It's justf~t getting out in case of an emergency. 8ragg~ It seems like a lot of space given over to that' but I know it's vi tal' atid our 3 doors, 4 doorsgoi ng out of that.' Bert Haglund: Yes. This is a Code requirement. Because of the number of people, the potential people that can be in the library; This ~eeo~d door that they havenseds, toga into a protected corridor. They have to be able tostay.in a protected corridor all the way to the out~ide. So in the case ofa. fir~~ where the fire alarm would go off, this door would close~ Normally it would be held open but it would close so that becomes a protected corridor for these people to go out. St. John: In that case ihen this would be the onlY exit for those people? Krauss: No, you would be able to get out. e Senior Commission Meeting February 21, 1992 - Page 4 8ert Haglund: You could still go through thisdoor'but it's just that the door would close. You could still go through it. But normally this will beheld open by a magnetic holder so that door is really open soa~ you look through here, there will be light coming through. You'll have essentially an open carr idor there. , 81111son: Are you going to have .xit lights over those. 8ert8aglund: Yes. So that's how this back is a~ranged. Then as we continue down here, you can see this storage room which is a real ~ood sized room which will be shared between the senior center and either city, I'm not sure what they will say would be stored there for the cIty there will be some sharing of storage there. There's a fair amount of storage under the Krauss: We couldn't tise that. Montgomery: Is the library alsO using storage? Krauss: They're in there now but. e Bert Haglund: The library will not be using any of this storage. What we're doing 'is actually what the library comes over to this wall here right now and then there's this back corridor that comes around to the open space back here. So that whole room is going to be opened up and then we're going to divide that room about a third, two thirds so the library will have. it's own ~torage here which they like because it's not shared. Howard: And the corridor is gone? 8ert Haglund: And the corridor is gone. And there's no door between these two so. They'll like that better~ Yeah. So they have their storage and it doein't s~ill over into ~our storage. We've also angled the wall here. The existing walla are actually at ~ 90 degree angle like this but we. created an angle wall here so that it's easier to gettable~, cards into that storage room f6r better access. Then the only other rooMs that are remaining here, ~his is an electrical fOOM will stay as it is. . This is a mechanical room which . will stay as it is but we're going to be adding a floor sink in here so that for ~aintainirig this spacethefe for janitorial purposes. There will bEi af loor s.i nk here. There isn 'tone now. Also in this room is a new heating unit that's going to be put in here to serve the senior center space so senior center will have it's own heating unit and control. So it'aseparate from the rest. 8ertHaglund: It's air conditioned, yes. e Heinlein: What about air conditioning? \ . Heihlein: Somebody mentioned that it's going to be so hot Bert Haglun~: Yeah, ii's heat..and air conditioning. Heinl~in~ Wjll at if anybody says anything, at least I've got an answef., Senior Commission,Meetlng ,February 21 , 1992 - Page 5 Bert Haglund: But you have your own,> thermostat to be able to control the space separate from the rest .of'the building. So that's how this is ultimately arranged. This is now being 'feviewed by, it 'sgoingto be reviewed by the Code, Building Cod~ people. Fire Marshall and so~forth but this has been developed by working ~ith them so. . Montgomery: It shouldn't be any problem? It shouldn't be anYP'foblem. St. .John: Was there something about the stairs? Wasn't there going to be some sto'fage in that area? e Kubitz: N~, they can't use it. Bert Haglund: . We thought' we might but no, as it turns out. Kubitz: At ou~ meeting wi~h the a'fchitect. Bert Haglund: As it turns out, no. That will just stay as it is. As a stair. and th~re won't be any storage in that ~oom. So this is how the plan lays out. So that you can see what we have here for drawings, I'm just going to go cine by one just so you're ~ware what's in this set of drawings. First wj have a sheet that desoribes all the demolition work that has ~o be, don~tothe 6xisting room so the center sheet describes all of that. Then there's .thefloorplanwhich we5ust looked at which is basically the wa.lls and cabinetry. Then there are SOme drawings showing sectiohs cut through! the walls, getting into the details of how it's constructed. Of the brick and the block. Steel studs and a.ll of that go together so there 'sa sheet here of wall sections. Here is plan of the ceiling and looking dow'nat the ceiling showing the 'delay in ceiling. Acoustical tile. Where the lights are loc~ted. Where the mechanical. Howard: The lights are Ii ke these lights? Bert Haglund: They'll be, they~renot quite likethis. They're flour6scent lights here but 'these light f i xtureswi 11 be Ii ke.those you see 'upstairs in the offices. They're a kind of gridded lens. They're not just this plastic lens but they're what's called a paraboliclens. They're kind of silvery looking and if you wanted you could just go upstairs and see th~ type of light fixture. . Bragg: Elderly people need additional light sources so I'm glad the blue dots. e Bert Haglund: Yeah. Also this shows where the fire sprinkler system has to be. That's what the dots are. These rectangles are the lights. . And ,then the ones with the X, those are heating registers br...ventilation and heating and ai~ conditioning. So this shows the ceiling plan. Here we have,: sorrie more details showing the, for instance here the doors. The Senior CommissioD Meeting February 21, 1992 - Page 6 e different kinds of doors ~hatar~needed. The door frames thatar~ needed and then ~ome details .about how, what happens where a window meets a wall and how that is supposed to beconstr8cted. How tho~ematerials can be... And here we have a shee.t showing the cabinetry. This drawing for instance here shows the display cases as you look at them on the wall. So there are two display cases side by side that have glass fronts and adjustable . shelv i ng . Each one would have three adjustable shelves." e St.John: Sliding glass? Bert Haglund: Sliding glass, yeah~ And there also will be lights in display cases. Andthen.these again show the cabinets. .For instance the arts and crafts room and again some more details.. And hereshowsthe outside of the building. How this is going to look when it's added on to the end,of the building from the west and then from the south. The roof of the vestibule addition, there will be a roof drain up there and then some other details. Then there's a sheet showin~ the structural, this is drawn by a structural ~ngineer. This is drawn by a structural engineer.' Showing the steel beams. and pre-castconcr.ete. Then we have so'me mechanical,' drawingswhich~n this case tijis shows the ductwork that will becibove the ce11i'ng and how th?lt's all going to be arranged. I have another sheet that shows .the plumbing. This is the logo for It. For the toile,tsoverhere and the sink in.the coffee nook and the sink in the arts and crafts. And then another sheet of ~echanical. ag~in just descrIbing some of... Then we have the electrical which shows the lighti ng plan again. . Shows .the light fixtur~s but also how they're circuited and where the switche~ are and all of that. Then here's what we call the power plan. Thisisih~ plan thcit actually shows where those receptacles are. And we have receptacles in the office here so you can see, there's one out here in the vestibule and then. around the open, space thereon the walls. .. Over here at the work countel-. Here in the coffee nook we ha~eon this back counter we have 3 receptacles~ There's on either side 6f the sink and then over here, or actuallythii is being reversed_ We'\le shown the refrigerator here. Actually we're putting the refrigerator over there b0t here we have 5 receptacles Yight here. So that will allow you plenty of place. So those are the 'drawings. Andthen along with that is what We call the specifications. Where we actually describe in writing work that's to be done. Material~ to 'go 1nand spec i fy . . . That's a whale of a job. Howard: Do you have a projection about the length of time start to when itis completed? Bert Haglund: Yes. schedule right now. t~e city, They Have one and just keep it As a matter of fact, I'd like to give you an updated I can just leave this here. We gave several copies to some extras and I think you're welcome to take this for your own~review. e Montgomery: Does Sharmin have a copy? 8erg Haglund: Yes. Bert Haglund: There will still'be ~ome light filter through. It won't 100% darken it but. (Everyone was talking at once ~t ~his point.) " Senior Commission Meeting February 2~, 1992 - Page 7 e Bragg: I brought up carpeti ng and that ' s way ahead of all. this but I also, wanted to bring up the fact that it seems most places have a large video machine. Is there a way that you can sort of darken the room. I'know you don't have to have it completely dark' but that!s a south exposure there . Bert Haglund~ We can have blinds... Bragg: Oh ~kay. But you don't have to specify that at this I just w~s curious if that had been included. Bert Haglund: It's'included in the specs. The selection of the blind, that we need to do yet. I , St. John: Excuse me, the mini~blinds? ~ert Haglund: Yes. St. John: That would not take out off the light? Howard: Oh yes it does. e Bert Haglund: What I've just given you is an update on the ~chedule and ju~t taking it from t~is week forward. Here we are on February 21st reviewing the plans with you. The City Council meets ,next week to approve the solicitation of the bids. We have bids scheduled to be received on March 13th, which is just 3 weeks from now. And then the City Council would meet on March 23rd to approve the contract with the contractor( that ,th~n would sign~l the beginning of the consttuction. March 23rd. And what we 'veshpwn ,here is to expect the senior center to be substantiallY complete or finished to the point that you can be~in using it in mid-June. At one time we thought we might not need City Council approval to go out to bid or to approve)the bids but in fact we do. And so we needed to schedule around those dates. So the completion date has pushed beyond May into mid-June. " , Montgomery: I think we u~derstand how it goes. Kubitz: By the 4th of July it will be done. With some more unscheduled. Montgomery: Well, we're hoping it will stay on schedule. ( " you know, that offers an interesting possibility becau~ewe July 4th get together here and you can maybe combine a grand with that. Krauss: Well always have a opening event e Kubitz: Well let's' not plan to push it off. " Meeting Page 8 Krauss: No, I mean it would be open before that grand opening. Sky rockets and all. The other thing I'd like to review wit.h you is where we think weare with the cost of the project. And we have sent a lett.er to the Council and I think I'm going to pass a copy of this around to you as well. And what I'd like to just direct your attention to on this letter is just to the last paragraph where'we'veoutlinedourestimate of the, construction cost. The budget' has been set at" $175,000.00.. That's what's been made available. We estimate the construction cost to be $150,000.00 and then with some fur nishingsa~$12, 000.00 and acontingencYd to pick up 'anyunforeseen~hings that you so~etimes run int6 in remodelipg soweh~ve . ci contingency of $8,000.00. So that brings us up to $170,000.00~ So we do expect the project to come' in wi thin the budget and hopefully under ,t.his. Montgomery: Very good news. 8ert Haglund: One other comment, just so you're aware. disturbance to the library because ot cutting in a door, angling a wall so we have met with the library staff and coordinated that so they~~eaware of ~"hat's goi ng on and so that.'sall been coordi nated with them as.well. e st. John: l.Jhat is covered by, the furnishing cost? 8ert Hagldnd: Well. that's something w~ need to sit down and meet yet about. We~ve set aside a certain amount of money. I know.that we've talked about, some tables. Some chairs. Perhaps some shelving. That's anot.her meeting that's going t~ need~o take place in the next week~or two to pin that down. 8utwe need to...wall covering and the carpet and that with ~ou as well so that's something we need to doiin the next couple of weeks. M6ntgomery: Are there any other questions? Any to make? Al-Jaff: I have something. On the 26th of this month...Da~eHartley who is doing all the computer work for the city, are meeting 'and we're going to try and get a computer with programs that would. have something for referrals in the future. I just thought you might want to know that. Montgomery: Oh,_th~t's wonde~ful. I was thinking about that. great. Bert Haglund: Otherwise that's ~llIhave. Montgomery: Well we thank you. You've certainly done a great job do appreciate all your listening to everybody and trying to fit in suggestions. I think you~re very good about it. e (8ertHaglund: Thank you. Montgomery: Shall we go ahead then and take a vote o~ thisT Senior Commission Meeting February 21,1992 -Page 9 e I make amotion that- we accept the I second the motion. Mont~omery: We need to say plans and specifications. Bra~~: Plans and specIfications. I ( , ,- ~ _ - - .' .../ Montgomery~ It's been moved and seconded that we approve the Senior Center formal plans andspecifieations as presented. . t Bragg moved, Howard seconded that the Senior Commission recommend t6 approve the plans and specifications for the Senior Center as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously. SENIOR EXPO - PRESENTATION By'COMMUNITY EDUCATION DISTRICT Montgomery: Woul"d you like to come up.;to the roic here and yourselves and tell us something about what's going on? Jeanne Strauss: Thank you first of all for allowing us to come 'today to speak to you for just a few minutes. I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Jeanne Strauss. I'm working with District 112. I am very glad to be ther~. I'm th~ new person on st~ffso I'm going to let the person who has been there a while talk for a few minutes. . e Gay Mattson: My name is GaY Mattson .and I do the programming is my main responsibility and so I set up the classes and the activities foral1.age groups. I do, adults as well as youth classes and would be looki ngfOHJard to using the senior center as a plogramming space and working with you people and your people that are coming to the senior center to come u~/with classes that you specifically would Want to see in that center. Wehave Betty and Sherol that sit on our Advisory Council and we'd be looking to them to~ive us some advice and working with a group as a whole as well. So I. will be in touch. Do you want to ~ell them about the Seniors Eipo? Jeanne Strauss: We have a group thatJs working 6rnetworking with ~ whole bunch of boards with this thing. It's going to happen on May 8th at the Chaska Community Center. We're going to start atapPl"oximately 8:30 in the morning. Have a welcome at 9 :15 and go throughout the day u nti 12:00 and we hope to offer a variety o~ opporturiities to seniors includingsomevelY good entertainment we think. Some seminaYs. Some exhibits from differ~nt service providelgroups. We're anticipating we hope at least a .crowdof 200 or more. St. John: What day again? May 8th. It's a Friday. e St. John: And where is this going to be? , . Jeanne/Strauss: Chaska Community Center. And we're working with Community Ed boards. We're working with senior citizen residents. County Extension Senior Commission Meeting' February 21, 1992 - Page 10 -groups. I think there's about a dozen different boards involved Gay Mattson: County wide. Jeanne Strauss: Yeah, throughout Carver County. And there will be transportation ~rovidedthat day to senior citizens and we hope that help them out getting them there. I don't think we've decided as t6 yet have we? Gay Mattson: Cost for, the day will' be $5.00 to coverall ex~enses except transportation. If you need transportation it will bean additional $3.00. But that would cover a box lunch and saine muffi ns in the morni ng S.t registration time. Muffins and, coffee. Coffee available throughout the day. Box lunch and all expehses. So $5.00 w00ld coveV everything ~xcept transportation and then $3.00 for transportation. Jeanne Strauss: We recently had an opportunity to meet with Judy~olby. She ,came over and visited with Community Ed staff over.inChaska ~ ','Lthink you have an excellent person here and in coming today and meeting you people, you're just an, excellent,energetic, fantastic group and r wish, you the best .inyourendeavor with the centet here so good luck to you. And' thank you again for inviting us today. e ~10ntgolTlery: , . publicity? I have one question for you'. How are you going That seems to be a necessary part of this. Jeanne Strauss: We are gettin!;l the' word ,out into the Community Ed biochures that will be going out now about the m~ddle of Ma~chthru.the beginning of April. There will be word in the 'newspapers. I'm trying to think. Newspapers . We' lL hlt a couple of the ra.diostations. J Shakopee and Hutchinson radio ~tations. Oh, and we're putting out flyers at various locations~Therewill prObablY be flyers here at the library~ Probably some/~pstalrs. Libraries, post office,banks. places that would be frequent~d by people interested. Howard: Would it be possible for us ~o exhibit perhaps a ~n~nnouncement? Bragg: Are you aware that May is Older" Amer icans Month? I Jeanne Strauss: Yes. Yes. That was part of our planning. We had a couple of dates open and then somebody brought that up: and we said well has to be In May so ~hat's why we selepted May 8th. Bragg: So we don't have to feel badly that we can't open in May. Jeanne Strauss: We'd love it, yes. . Krauss: In fact Sharmin and I were just talking. There's a few things we'd like to see if we can arrange to have over there. We'd like aBoard for our Senior Center. We offer a program, the H.O.M.E. program. Get that word out. Have Southwest Metro,if'they're not already an exhibit. Or they shouldbe~ CART. CDBG FUNDS - PLANNING DIRECTOR. SenIor Commission Meeting February 21,1992 - Page 11 It, Jeanne Strauss: Yes, CART will be exhibiting. Southwest Metro, 1 don't remember but ~>Je' 11 contact them. And Judy's name is on the Iistto contacted for an exhibit. I don't know, have yo0 been No, not yet. Jeanne Strauss: let Judy know: Okay. So she will be contacted. If you have So yes, very good idea. Montgomery: Well thank you verymuch~ We appreciate it. great program coming'up. Colby: . I am hoping'that we you are.represented here as a Commission. I'm hoping also by the we'll have the Advisory Board so we can have accommodations... it's a great opportunity for us. ' e Krauss: We've got some la~e breaking stuff here. The City's block grant allocation increased somewhat. Not as much as I would have hdpedbut somevJhat.Up to $41,511.00. Now this isa prelHninarynumber. It'sgoin9 to be refined somewhat but in past years it's pretty reliable. .WhatI need to do is to put together the package for the City Council to appro~e. Now in recent years we 've be.en devoting a greater and greater percentage of this to' senior related activities. Originally our primary focus Mas on South Shore Senior Centey. a ndin discussing this with JoAnnand Ron 810c k , vJho's the financial pey'son over there, I thi nkfot a longtime we've told them that as we develop a faGility here we're not looking to totally abandon South Shore. ,That they offer some services that we ~on't. At least ~t the outset and that a lot of' our residents go up there but we couldn't fund it at th~ same level we've been funding it at. . What we funded them, I think we gave them about $8,000.00 last year. I'm proposing that' we give them about $4,000.00 this year . The balance of the funds, in 'talking to Ron. What we~ve done in the past, in the past year. We funded Judy's position and the H.O.M.J?:. program. Now because of the way the block grant money is given oui, we did~'t f~nd a full year; Their year runs from June to June . So it was like 6 , well maybe a littlernore than 6 months. It was like 7 or8 months that we funded last year because Judy came on in December. '.. Montgomery: Does it go through June or July 1st starts the. next? e Krauss: Yeah, I think that's true. So what .Ron did on the H.O.M~E. program and the senior coordinator was annualized it. Instead of having a 7 month, he made it 12 months and he added 4% over what we had from last year .to bover inflation which I felt was rea~onable. And that came out to those two figures. The 5830 and the 8736. Now I asked Ron for some infonnation on how well the H.O.M.E. program is going. We've heard that people are calling but we're notcerta!n how many people are using it yet. There's a letter that outlines a little bit of that that I passed, Qutto you that talks about the activities that they've been do'lng. We're going .to contact the H.O.M.E. program to get some more specific information. At this point it will be my recommendation to go ahead and fully fund it for SeniorCommisslpn Meeting February 21, 1992 .;... Page 12 e nex~ year because as our center hits the ground, as the PR effort takes place, :r think there's a momentum that you have to leave some time for, it to build. And we just want to make sure that th~ funds that we've been giving them are being used appropriately for activities in Chanhassen. They're good folks and I'm pretty comfortable they are. Right now my preference or my recommendation would be to give it thebenefi~of the 'doubt and let's let it go through the coming year and hopefully it will take off like we think it should. One of the goals I think that we had established for this year is a delayed goal from last year which ~as to get a real solid senior housing feasibility study done. You kno~ we've talked toJudyaboutthat~.We'd have to go out for bid on it so you'd get other bids as well but we had thought initially that that would have cost about $20,000.00. We had that money reserved this past year for it but we took it and we sj:lentiton Bert for the senior center. So what I'm proposing is . .. . '. . . I that we need about $20,000.00 of reserve, about that amount to get a feasibility study done. The prbblem com~s about that I've got an $8.000.00 request for handicapped accessible recreationalfacilit-ies over at Lake Ann Park. . You may be aware that our Parks Department has been making all out recreational .facilities more fully accessible and we just built a very nice facility out here by ',thegrade school. It's pretty expensive... r think. it was about a $30,000.00 effort with some city funds aryd some locally'raised donations and some supporters of the school but it's a real neat completely handicapped accessible facility for the kids. So we want to keep that . stuff going. So that ~as $8,000.00. Now the problem I came up with was that I overspent our$41,50d.00 by about $5,000.00 to get all these thing&; done. Fortunately though! think we can still pull it off. OUr tax increment district plan, our t~x increment plans were revised to outline a senior housing as 'one of, the eligible projects. In fact ". we just got it ' approved at the PIa nni ng Commission the other night. . And' in tal.ki ng to Todd Gerhardt, who's our Assistant HRA Manager, he felt that we could come up .wi th .the extra $5,000.00 that we needed to complete that se'niorhousi ng study out of tax increment> funds. So what you see here, that proposal that I have laid out on that sheet is, it totals up to the $41 ~511 .00. At least it totaled up that way to me at 8:00 this morning and I wasn't quite awake but it should workout. And what that leaves ~s is $14,945.00 towards that $20,000.00 study and we'll make up the difference for tax increment. Sol put this on the table for your comment and review and if you agree Wit-hit, hopefully your approval or if you have some other suggestions, we can still incorporate that. We did not receive a request from Sojourn this.year. You also have to keep in mind that we~re going a little bit far on this. one in terms of the amount that we're payi ng towards services. You know we have that service cap. Normally 15% of your money max can go to service. and we 'vegot much more than that.. Now the $15,000.00 for the senior . housing study, it doesn't count. I mean they don't count that as a service. That's okay. But the H.O.M.E. program and the senior coordinator and the South Shore Senior Center are services. That's about $18,000.00 out of $41,000.60. So we're probably pushing that ca~ but it's figured over all of the eligible communities of Hennepin County. We'll probably be 'okay but what this is isa11 the communities submit this to! Hennepin County. They gel it out and they say ,they see if they meet their guldelincis and ~fthey don't, theyc6me back to the cities and say you've got to alter Your, request. We haven't had to do that in the past but )ther~'s a possibility. e e S~nior Commission Meeting February 21, 1992 - Page 13 .e ~10ntg6mery : you d~? If that happens Paul, then what is the recourse? Then what do Krauss: Well they'll come back and tell us that you've got to lower the amount you're spending on services and increase your capit~l expenditures or yoJr planning budget oh something cilse. How we,'ll Juggle tha~at this point I'm not sure. \ Bragg: We've never had the H.O.M.E. program before' have we so this is an estimate~ Krauss: Well .infact you'd have to raise that if we got in trouble. That's a capit'al expenditure. That's the kind of stuff that lsckay. Krauss~ That's a contract, Montgomery: If we got into trouble, could we lower the amount the Lake Ann Park facil~ties? Montgomery: Ohyeah. e Krauss: This is from June of 1992 to June of 1993.' St. John: You have to lower all the services. when to when ~hen? Howard: There is something for South Shore Center but center here. Krauss:. Well there is. I mean we have Judy and we're spending more than we ever spent on South Shore Center on Judy's position. Also keep in mind too that I have some money in my budg~t and Todd has some money in hi~ budget that is completely o~t~ide of this. Together we,had about $13,000.00 for a v~riety of things that we can, I mean I paid Judy Marshek to do the stuff for. her assistance on getting the sur\leytogether. Todd has money fOY'programmi ng. I think Todd might have front ended thecos1:.on the trip to the Ice Palace. Yeah, so we do have the ability to do things like.that. I think we're in pretty good shape. There's certainly going to come a point though with the senior center and it should, that if you want things like, and Judy and I were talking about you know, maybe there's a need for a wide screenedTVorthere'~ always the possibility the Council might trim back something like the display cases to save money. that's where the volunteer effort~omes in toralse the funds for actually out:fitting it. e Bragg: Actually they have more ofa sense of it belonging to them if they d6partlcipate in raising some fund~. st.John: I would just like to see about the South Shore. There's so many of theCbanhassen areas that are serviced by the South Shore and that~is . not forgotten with the dining and the van and some of the other programs. And there's a lot of them" that come over and take advantage of that which is good and hopefully that until the Chanhassen center is in full swing for 5enio~Commission Meeting Feb~ua~y 21~ 1992 - Page 14 e ~ll of those things, that they wIll consider helping suppo~ting shore. K~auss~ Yeah~ I think t~is does that and this is consistent. talked to Ron when we started getting into this about 5 months ago and let him know that we never had i ntendedto abandoned 1 t but weprobably~ere not going to b~ able to fund it at the levels we were. And realistically las soon as our' center is open, apart from congregatedi ni ng. 5$nior centers are obviously much more than jGst facilities andp~ograms.They're socIal relationships and they're friendships and where you're cbmfortable and you don't Just snap your fingers, Bnd say everybody come over here. Eve~ybody will go over there for lunch. But over time realistically, if we'le doi ng our job, a lot of the stuff that people go up there for,excel=>t for the dining, they'll probably start coming here and that's by desjgn. Brigg: I think that they f~el eventually more and more h~vebeen this way but in the meantime they will be utilizing that space. Montgomery: One thing occurs to~e. If we do fundraising and channel those funds through the Senio~ C6mmunity Services, it can only b~fo~the center. We wouldn't be able to raise any money for housing or anything else using that route. e Krausa: Right. No, and you're not looking to raise funds to buildbousing or anything else. That's going to. Montgomery: Or something outside the ~~riter. Okay. \ . K~auss: . And we're in much better shape than we IrJere last year too of, Todd and I were able to sell the City Council on actually starting funding. Normal city revenues, starting to fund senior programs and prbj~cts so we have some access into m~ney.that we didn't have before and it's not subject to the whims of bureaucrats in Washington. Just subject .to the whims of bureauc~~ts hefe. . i Montgomery: Anybody have any more discussion? Do' you anything? Krauss: 'Yeah, I would need a motion .to take forward. Montgomery~ Oka~. Wouldsomebodylik~ to make a motion that we approve ,the al16cations for the Community Development Block Grant proposal? 8illlson: I second the motIon. Howard: I make a motion that we accept them as proposed. e Montgomery: Okay, it's been moved and seconded that we approve Community Development Block ~rarit proposal as presented. Howard moved, Billison seconded that the Senior Commission recommend approval of the Community Development Block Grant funds proposal as presented by the Planning Director. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously_ e BOARD. Senior Commission Meeting February 21, 1992 - Page 15 e , . Krauss: For those of you, well I think everybody was aware that, we broke i ntoa subcommittee to meet wIth Ursula Dimler to discuss a senio'f center advisofy board~ I don't know if it was a~ official subcommittee OYwe just met. Barbara was there and Sherol was there. Somebody else was there. , I Montgomery: Judy was there. I Krauss: Well yeah, we wer~ there but tHe lidea on this ad:-,isory board and get s~me input!from the City Council on how they would prefer to do it. We had hoped the ~ayor, would be there as~ell. couldn't make it but Ursula was the,re and Ishe's been very supportIve of senior activities for sometime. And~he \had some pretty good input in fact, and growing out of that discussion ~edrafted an idea .ofwhat a 'senior centei advisory boaid should be. How it should be maoe UP and ,...'.." basically what we 'vedone is taken this arid I 'vegot it scheduled,foi the Council me.tin~ on Monday night sO,that t0ey buy into the concept and basically directme toask Tom to write t~is up so we can get some volunteers to staitsubmitting applications. You should also think, when ~ego through this, you should also thinklof who you think would be good candidates. I know Judy and I have spokery about one person inpaiticular because tapping somebody on the shouldei and saying I think you'd bee. dandy candidate fOi this thing ,and gettln~ themt6 apply would be,a good idea. The ultimate selection would be up Ito the City Council. But I think you can pretty well, ,In fact what we nOim~lly do, that I just thought of that is normally when we have people applxfor say the Planning Commission, the Planning Commission interviews them fiJrst. Maybe we should follow that procedure so your recommendation can ~o t~ the Council. But you really bught to ask people to volunteei. , Or ~he iesponse when we get to the newspaper, we ge~ some response but you 9 t a better response faceto~face contact.~ . Anyw.a.y w.h..at w..,e.. 're..l00..k..ln. g at"".' is. ~h. aV.ingone. Ci.,.t.y.. ..C.' oun. C,il.,..m. e..,.mb..ei .on there. This is, the last page of YOUipac 'et.' One City Council membei and, it was ieally impo)-tantwe felt to have t ediiect tie into the City council.. Three. members o. f the. '. se. tlio.r C. om~ission ,..becau. sethiS. .i.S,re,a.l.1.)I an adjunct to what you do and we don't want ~o lose the connection to you f.O...l.kS. . One memb.e.r. O.f. theChan ~e.ni.oi.. .Clu.~.Ha. ve th.em have a desig.nat...e...d slot. Since they aie going to be the biggest usei of the centei, at least iln." ,tiall y and prob.ab.1Y ha.ve a dedic..at...ed P~S.i t,ion . Twosen...io.i .ci t. iz.en, s" at large. There was some question as to whe~hei Oi not these need to be Chanhassen iesidents and they probably should be but one of the things we weietalki ng. about was that theie are. somell Chanhasseniesidents, ,liong ,time residents who' have done stuff like move toChaska fOi resid~ntial S1." .tuatio.n..s but st.ill.....ai..e heie.,and th,e. y're Ime....mbe.is of the C.h... an. seni.o. i. .C1Ub and we don't want ~o exclude them I wouldn't think. So I think you may want to be a little bit loose on that kin46f a iule. If people aie hODestlY. int.erested., in ,W..h. at you're do.ing. hlere a..ndt.he. y hav. e a s.t.ake in the. community, wheie they sleep at night ieally may not have a teiiibly big bUiden Oi barrier tothat~ Two interestedl membeis of local chuiches..We don't know who oi)wheie but the religious community.is faiily active in providing senior programming and in counsellling and directing people to 1 seivices. Inteiestinglyenough I played iacquetball with Fathei Steve a week ago. . Fi,isttime I met him. He's. thel n"e,w priest ove.r.... at St., H.ub.ert'so Very dynamic guy. He actually beat me in ~acquetball.And he's ieal , re ( l Senior Commission Meeting ~ebruary 21, 1992 - Page 16 It exci ted. It's hard to tal k in a racquetball ~ourt. but, I won the first game. But he'sint,erested. He's very interested in this sort of stuff and I think that st. Hubert'~, asI understand it, has one of the largest. senior .components in their congregation so I don 'tthi nk you 'have to designate any particular church or whatever for this but Judy's been making contacts with all the churches and see what kind of respon$ewe get. A representative from the business community. Vou really want to be able to tap into somebody who's got connection to Rotary and Chamber or both because those are the folks that have the financial wherewithal to be real supportive, not Qnly verbally but financially. And two representatives oftheschooldistr icts. I think you saw tonight, the school distr iets are really starting to do a lot. There's a lot of opportunitiesforjaint programming and we do have two major school districts inthecommunitywh6 we think would be interested. So that's the initial proposal for the advisory board. Now I don't know that this really parallels. I don't , think it probably does parallel the advisory board that you have at South shore. And I guess I see, over time, I honestly see over, in 2 or 3 years you're going to need to re-evaluate this somewhat and probably boost the, representation with the people who are there at the center every day. But until we have them there everyday ~t'skind of hard tado. Montgomery: Wouldn't it be possibl~ for these members subcommittee membersor~nlargethegroup in that way? Krauss: I would think that that would be, I mean it may be a pn some project and you have an expanded, yeah sure. Krauss: If you're comfortable with it, we'll go ahead and try and City Council t6 approve it. Bragg: It sounds good to ~eand you have 12 people so ,it's a nice cross section of the community. e Bragg: I think this is a very good start because when you go from scratch, it's kind of good to have the whole community behind you in this way. South Shor~'sbeen going on for 7 years and our lines are pretty well established so that, it is more or less... Montgomery: One thing the Commission should be aware of too is that I Wo~ld hot be ~ppointing people to this advisory board. You would be submitting your applications just likeeverybodx else. Just the same way. Montgomery: I think it's a rather good compromise. Krauss: And I'm pretty sure Ursula ',s going to shepherd Monday night. Montgomery: She was very definite about her feelings about it~ Krauss: Well she does a 16t of volunteer work too and . I somecgood experience. e Montgomery: I imagine sh~'s been on a lot familiar structure. Then let's see, do we Senior Commission Meeting February" 21 ,1992 - Page 17' e Krauss: Yeah, you can give a ~otion on that. 8il11son: Iso1move, oryouhaven~t. asked forTt yet. Montgomery: Well let's see here. I better ask the I'd like .a recommendation thatweapprovethd plans Advisory Committee as submitted by Paul Krauss. ,8i11ison: I so move we approve this. 8ragg:; I second the motion. Bil1ison moved, Bragg seconded that the Senior Commission recommend to direct staff to publish a notice in.the newspaper and to seek. nominations from appropria1te groups to form a Senior Center Advisory Board. All voted infa~orand the motion carried unanimousl~. " St. John: I should hav~asked this before. It Districts. Montgomery: Minnetonka and Chaska. st. John: OhMinnetonka. Okay. SENIOR CENTER'S PROGRAMMING UPDATE. e , , Colby:8efore I get into the programming, I'd like to let yo,u know what happened with the survey. I was real pleased with the way it was filled out but we did run into some problems and that was... The biggest problem was that nobody put their names on it so;1 couldn't call them .andtalkto them about it. And they came back to me sometimes out of the envelope. 'Some of you might have just dropped them off in an envelope that had your name on it but maybe they opened it and set it on my desk.' Well I didn't know who's survey was who's to find out. And really theyw~re pretty simple problems and one was wherethe~e were couples involved, theY.filled out one rather than one individual filling out onesulvey.They. filTed it 'out together so. when, and the way 'I Yealized this and tell me if I'm wrong, is they Bsked are you male or femrile and they put down both~..If I can ask you to write down the name of the people that you handed them to and I'll look up the telephone number to give them a calland maybe you can give them another, because we've got a few weeks now, give them. They don't have to rill it. out. again but. just. so t.hey have it so if I'm t.alkingto them about it., they'll have it for reference. Okay? Howard: I thought it was st.atedt.hat. you needn't sign your name wasn't. e Colby: You don't but this test I needed it so that then I could call and say was there anything that was uncomfoft.able. I wanted to be able to.. interview them and Judy was going to call and talk to them specifically about it. . And if the~ feel uncomfortable about doing that, then don't put their names down. If you think they prefer not to but 'that. was the poi nt of the test for us to get some input.. . As they were reading it~ were they confused in any areas that. they thought could have been stated mOle clearly ahd there were subjects that Were obvious because of the way they answered. Senior Commission Meeting Fe~ruarY21,1992 - Page 18 a But somethi ngS; might not have been so obvious that they 'd Ii ke to you . know, and if youthi nk they'd have a problem with me calling , don,t put their names down. Okay. The programming, a couple ,interesting things have happened. I'll kind b~,run through first of all what plans are fot,this spri ngand summer as far as what kind of services we 're planni ngapd then I'll back up and talk about wh~t's happening specifically now. We are, we were planning a trip on April 8tH to g6 over to the Fannie Hill Dinner Theatre in Eau Claire and see the play, "Here Lies Jeremy Troll II. That's going ,to,be a one day trip. On the 30th of April there's a wonderful group that puts on a play called Remembering the Times of Your Life. It'scalled Theatre 65 and it's a group of seniors who are presenting this play at different centers and I thought we would just connect with Minnetonkasinc:e we didn't have a center for them to come into. I guess th€':l couple ~-Jho are reminiscing are going up into their attic and they're reminiscing about the joys and sorrows of their life together. St.)ohn : They , re comi ngto South Shore too,. Colby: It's going to be at South Shore also ~nd I think because. of the spacial situation at Minnetonka, I thought it'd be ,easier for us to connect ther~ as far as being abl~ to fit. 'But do you think we should connect with South Shore? We talkedab00t this and thought that maybe becau~e Mi nnetonka/was a larger center. I guess I ki nd of thought too that most of us have s~en South Shore and I wanted the opportunity to see the Binnetonka one also so I was thinking of that;, so I kind of did a dual reason for it but I think that there's'more space available in Minnetonkafor us.to.fit int~ since we can't have it here on our own. -- st. John: There'd be space at South Shore. . Bragg: Yeah. They're putting a little stage in the middle they'll fit around it. It's like a floor show. Colby: Would you prefer that I hook up with South t1innetonka? B111ison: I'think if Minnetonka has the room it would be nice because many of Us haven't been to Minnetonka.We've all been to South Shore. \ tn, Bragg: So~e of us will go to SouthShore~ Montgomery; Yeah, there's still a choice. You can go Colby: : That's true. Okay. e Montgomery: That's the 30th? Colby: That's the 30th of April. In May there's something ~alled:~eritol Frolics. Are any of you familiar with those from Brainerd? They haven't ~et the date for those but we will be taking atri~ up to that. In June we're going tohaveamyst~ry tri~.In July, Unive~sity of Minnesota Showboat. In August we'+e going to Hayward to Al Capone's hideout and then there will also be a second tl"ip in August which will be an overnIght at the Riverboat Casino in D0buque, Iowa. In septemb~r ~e're goingt6 do tour Senior Commission Meeting Februar~21, 1992 -Psge19 a of the cranbeT'ry pT'oduction' in Wisconsin. In OctobeT' foT' the leaves we'T'e ,., goirigto take a train ride,upto Duluth and also theT'e is aB1g Island Festival i nAlbertLea, that we're going to be connecti ngwi tho As we're making plans for these initial trips to Fa'nnie Hill in Eau Claire, I came into the office one day and there' was a flyer that Mary Stoltz asked if we could put a not~ in the Villager about going to Fannie Hill and it was the week before our trip. And here the Senior Club is planning a trip~to , \Fannie Hill inEau Claire one week before we planned our trip. Marchd25th. e Heinlein: Yeah, well I won't be ,home either for that. Colby: And it is a ~iffeT'ent play. It's called Gteater Tuna but I felt real uncomfortable about continuing the plan for our trip and then having it in the paJ:ler that here ,the Senior Club is having this trip and the, Senior Center is having one later. I thought that's going to imme:diateTy, ,it wasn't anything planned. It just happened. You know it just ,happened so I 6s1led Marion and talked to her and the way I T'esolved it is, I'm going to put the ad in the paper for Fannie Hill going to Greater, Tuna with the SenioT' Club foT' MST'ch 25th. Then I'm going to say also the following week South Shore will be going to Fannie Hill because SouthSh6re~illbe, you know we 'regoing to be connecti ng with Mound for these day trips ,and so then if you are unable to make the one on March'25th, it will bea different play but the next week South Shore will be goinga,ndmaybe I can arrange a bus oveT' theT'e foT' people ~hat w~nt to take a shuttlefr6mhere over there or ):Jlse. you can arrange your own transportation. Butthenit,'s not going to seem like 'right ?lway there 'stwo clUbs, in town competing. Bragg~ I think it's a good thing that this i~ showing up so you you have to coordinate it. Colby: It was T'eally too bad because MaT'ion and I talked, we've talked so much because of the Ice Palace an'd she was such a gogetteT' to get, a lot of people to sign up foT' it and I felt real bad ,because I've been telling heT' about some of the things that we were doing and it just didn't clink to MaT'ion OT' to myselfthat~ and 1 ask6d her do you have anything planned? Does the Senior Club have any plans at this point and they don't. SoI'm, going to make sure I take sometime tosi t down wi th Marion a nd go over what Jour plans aT'e so there isn't any. -Heinlein: She won't be back until I think, about the time of this She's gone now. She's down in Florida. Colby: me. Maybe that's why she dT'opped this off. She didn't mention, that to , Heinlein: Yeah, {hey left for Florida: They won't be back the end of this, middle of n~xt month. Colby: Yeah, she asked me to run it on March 12th. The week of March 12th. S6 anyway, I felt bad but like you ~ay, it's T'ealgood that that's happening right away and I think again it will resolve itself when we're in the faciI i ty .' e Senior Commission Meeting February 21, 1992 ~Page 20 e Montgomery: Judy, would you mlndyepeating what came in July~ I think we didn't all get Itdowh here. Why don't yoU start with May. It was the Geritol Frolics and then the 6th was a mystery trip. I mean for .June. e Colby: No, no. folder. .It's north. It starts with an M now. Colby: June was mys~ery trip. July, Showboat. UniVersity Showboat. Montgomery: Okay. AndAugllst? -Colby: August is Hayward, Wisconsin. . Al Capone's Hideout. August an overnight trip to Riverboa.t Casino in Dubuque. St.John: That's an overnight? Colby: Th~t will be an ov~rright trip. B111ison: Those both were in August? Colby: Both of those will be in August. September, going the cranb~rry production areas. , , st. John: Where is th~t? Brllison: Eau Claire. Bil1ison: Madison? st. John: No, that's south. No. It's a small. I don ',t have my. Cranberry bogs, wherever they are. Colby: Actually we're making some phone calls there few different places and we want t~ make sure we get into one that has nice tour and a lunch 'plannedso this isn't firmed up yet. working with th~ cranberry area. Montgomery: You know it might ,be helpful to us if you would give of this so that we would be able to .tell people. Coll:(y: You'll be getting that and I;Jhat 1 was waiting we'd have this GeritolFrolics date. I mean they're really ast~ange group. You have to drive up to Brainerd to pick up the ticke,ts and then come back and those are all the tickets I have. But it's supposed to be worth it. e St~ John: You can't go up ahead of fime and just put your nam. down. have to be there on the day that they start selling the tickets. 8ragg: They're presented itin Washington D.C.. over and it's Yeally quite good. Senior Commission Meeting February 21, 1992 - Page 21 e Colby: And they do tnis every year but they've had such response they can afford to do that. Colby: It'ssuppoied to be wonderful. St. John: And every year it's a different theme. / Colby: That is the reason that some of these things were just kind of up in the air and I thought if you wanted justa'general statement, I can, sure do that and send it out'to you'., l' II type that up so, you don't have to worry about copying all these things off. Montgomery:, We get it with the Minutes but we don't get it month. Colby: Three. Colby: OkaY, that's fine. 8ecause I planned on doing that anyway. Howard: Have the other centers,tGis seems heavy on shows or theatre. it been proven'thatthjt's what appeals to people? Colby: The reason it seems heavy on that is probably because April at Mi nne'tonka and that was an additional. Although the alscithe same kind of. e Howard: And Theatre 65 and Showboat so there are four~ , Fannie Hill is not? Colby: Well Fannie Hill, we're not going to, well South Shore is. Showboat, when we had our creative meeting trying to make some decisions, they did go back to what drew and what didn't and they ~aid it's so hard to tell because from year to year it changes. 8ut the Showboat always sells out. Every year so it ~as sort of like an automatic that w~'d have to put that in. 8ecause that always is asked for. The GeritolFrolics Just sounded wonderful. And then the Theatre 65 is something they haven't> had before so those, I think that's why but I don't think it's, when, you look at, June's mystery trip and then it's Showboat and then it's Al Cjpone's Hideout and then it's Riverboat Casino and cranberry productionand>the Duluth train and the 8ig Island Festlval. II Colby: It didn't seem to be hea0y on the shows. trips. This doesn't mean there's not going to be other event~ that we're going to be doing during that time. Especially with the Grand Opening connections and I think w~'re going towaht to do something. I also would St~ John: $0 there, is a variety. 'Montgomery: Yeah I think there's a lot. Oh he did? Okay. Senior Commission Meeting February 21, 1992 - Page 22 -- like to have, and Paul's nothe)"e but Sherol mentioned that if we could do this_,is have a fundraiseranddo a trip Ii ketoGrand Casino. They offer a real inexpensive, package to go up'there and if I can do adaytrip up , there and charge a little bit more, maybe we could buy that 0CR or that television set. But when Paul was talking, I thought maybe before I planned that I should gO over to the bank and see if they'll match funds I need and go to a couple. 'Montgomery: Maybe you should talk to Paul first before you lay any Colby: Oh he said it was fine. \ He said it was fine. ^ Howard: I brought up the idea can we legally do it ,was my thought. Colby: Can we, legally do it and this morning when Twas tcdking to about it, he said i~wasfine but I don't know if there, Sharmin"do you , knot.\) of any, problem with that ? Maki n9 a trip a fundraiser because normally like the Ice Palace, we .broke even on ~hat. We maybe made $4.00 or $5.00 and' that's basically what I'd like to do with the ty"ips is to keep them inexpensive but pay for themselves so we don't. Where this one I might .~ let's say the trip costs $5.00. I might charge $8~OO or $10.00 and keep that targeted fOl something but without an advisory board too, I ddn'twant" 'to sa y. When is that trip? ~1aybe it could be later. e Bragg: That was brought up to our advisory board, the same thing. the Casino was offering us $300.00 if we would come upon ahus and s,o on and so on~ They said well a lot "of these people are living on a s6cial security check and they go and they're gambling and^we'refosteringit in order 'to get that $300.00. Howard: Of course it isn'tlimited'to them. Anyone can go. Bragg: Well we voted and we voted it down. So it was interesting. the advisory co~mitteethat voted it down. They didn't give us anY breakdown on how many yes or no but. Colby: .. .and that was the argument to bring gambling into .the f ilst place. "The people that are using it aren' tgoi ng that should be using it. St.. John: And at the advisory board said that they would rather just donate that'much money as it would cost them and have a money making that way instead of taking this trip to the Casino. Colby: I ,t..Jould plan it after, probably not in March. . .just ,because . snows and that. That's always ,our biggest snow month and... Howard: This was Barbara, you should getting. tax free status ourselves . . Montgomery: Yeah, we will not have any tax exempt status ourselves so any donors in order to be able to deduct their donations from their, income tax, w~will have to run it through the Senior Co~munity SeYvices. And itrwill have to be designated for the Senior Center as I understand it. Colby~ Right. But what I'm talking about here is. Montgomery: Ands6 I suppose, they would have to know, I don'i don't know~ Senior Commission Meeting February 21, 1992 ~ Page 23 - Howard: And ~f there's a contribution and people would want we'd have to run it through community services right? Colby: Agai n, I would tal k. wi th Paul on that because this is. would or maybe with this, if it isn't~. .that'sthe bookkeeping to have to work out on that. . . r;Jeinle'i n: I recently had an occasion. I had some f lowersputup.at church in memory of my husband a couple of weeks ago and the gal that:sin.charge of .. handling such things. When I called her she said well I.won' t be here. but you'll have to go up aDd get what you want. I went up'to Gienrose. Well the church has a tax free deal and I didn't have to pay tax on these because ,I was gi0ing them f~f servic~ in the ~hurch. e Montgomery: Well this is the second part though. I mean I'm talking about people who wa.nt to make a donation of $5.00 and then deduct that $5.00 from their income tax asa contribution~ And tl;len there is the other part about being a,bleto not to have to pay the tax. But that's a second part. And I don't know whebherwehaveafirm arrangement. I think we'd Have to make that connection with the Senior Community Services first. Colby: What we'll probably do is have a check written out to Senior Community Services. ...the whole thing. Have them pay for the bus and then whatevef remaindet would be Into our fund accoun~. If we wanted a donation. . e Colby: Right. And then for thetYi~. That part would be taken out~ everyone feel about not doin~the,they fill up. Montgomery: But isn't that something we would have to check Colby: No. Montgomety: It's okay now? Howard: It's strictly voluntary and she said just check~ write Chanhassen Senior. ~~10ntgomery: 'They'd have to be instructed to wr ite that on the check. it would be for the Chanhassen Senior Center. Senior Commission Meeting FebrUary 21, 1992 - .Page 24 - that they would, seniot center directors were.talkin~ that they oould probably fill a bus every other week to go to the Casino and that's kind scarey. Montgomery:. I don't know if I'm happy about that. 8ragg: Then you sponsor it'. If somebody c6rnes back and they spent theilmoney that they should have designated someplace else. Montgomery: I don't know. I just SOlt of hate to stay tout Maybe later oy something. 8ragg: It's a good mayketing ploy for th~m. Very good record as sponsoying this kind of, it's gambllri~. Montgomery: We might have trouble with getting our two church representatives~ Maybe not but. Colby: Okay, let's talk aboutfundraising events. Would you be interested ih a fundraising event or sh6uld we w~it again until the c~nter is~open more to do that? If it wasn't ~ ga~bling situation. MOritgomeri: I don't have a problem there really. Bragg: I think wheleSouth Shore makes most of theirs i~ through crafts. Crafts are sold and then usually when in the past we've had our homemade" beautiful homemade quilt and then we sold laff1e tickets for that. . e Montgo~ery: We wouldn't have that available. Brags: No, we wouldn't have that available. For! the immediate thing but also it.was Aesignated ,what is ourpr<:deot and then we'd have' a l5ig thermometer and it'd show where our funds. How Ifar we were in our funds and then other projects are suggested. St. John: We did the air conditioning at one iime. 8lagg: Yeah, we put air conditioning into the van and we that. And fora VCR. ( Colby: There's a variety of things and it just kept adding upunti1.you reached your goal. ~1ontgomerY: Maybe there's a way of having a fundraisel without 8ragg: Food sales but I don't know if you can ;have food sales anymore. Montgomery: Well we can be thinkihg about that. 8i11ison: I know Eden .Prairie does well on their . Blagg: But can they have i~? 8illison: , have food. I know in Excelsior, we couldn't. Couldn't sell tickets. There are laws, SeniorCo~mission Meeting February 21; 1992 - Page 25 e 8illison: We've had it in conjunction with our garage garage sale. And ttoJe've had the bake sale . We've done Montgomery: I think if we had somethingspecifid ~e were 'for, that'd be easier todoit~ St. John: When you had this food sale, did you ~dvertlse and food sale? Or did you just advertise garage sal,e? 8illison: It was in the paper. It was in the 'senior column in the St. John: And the food. sale? 8illison: As. a garage and bake sale, yes. Colby:' I'm 901ngover to Eden Prairie next week and I'll talk to her about th~t. I know there is a problem, although th~ churches all do bake sales. Montgomery: Maybe you can check with somebody h~re b~ different in Eden Ptairie~ I don~t know. Mayber 00 you know Sharmin? _ AI-Jaff: I'm, assuming that they're just not following the rules. Colby: I'm kind of assuming that too because I think around here you don't ' see m~ny, even in the churchs now... 8111ison: Well you have to get a special ~1i nnesota for that and that costs quite one time or you can pay a huge amount., , St.John: South Shore was looking into having a stand for pie cream on Apple Days and you had to have a license, inspected~ndeverything and it just wasn't worth it. You pbuldn'tdo any of the baking. 8illi~on: That's why we didn't sell hot dogs or anything like that..~ Montgomery: 1 think ,we'd bettei pay attention to starting out and t.Je don't want to... 8ragg: It behooves us to know all the things that the gbvernment has said . you can 't do.' 8illison: Considering you'vebee~ doing it for so many.years and no one... e 8ill ison: I think that would be fun, although I wouldn't be Colby: Okay. The spell i ng bee. t.Je haven't gotten any calls.on. assu~ing we will' notb~ having a spelling bee unless anyone calls. Senior Commi~sion Meeting February 21, 1992 - Page 26 e I Colby: So I'll probably wait one more week. We Tan the and didn't get interest in. Heinlein: I us~d to ,be a cracker jack at that stuff but I'd be afraid of it now. Colby: Weil it ~ould be fun. Could be fu~. 8i11i80n: I think it would be fun too. Let's work on that. Colby: And also I tried to get a hold of, remember we talke~ about having a tax consultant come in to tell us about taxes and AARPoffersthi8ata lot of. different centers. I have not been able to get a h61d'of the man. They called and said yes, we can schedule. So and so will call you and he never has. I keep calling him and he's always out doing taxes now and sol called the other person back and said gee~ it's getting so late. I want to get this, if ~\)e're going to do it. Oh, I'm sure he's got time to schedule for you but he has, never called ,me back and I'm getting concerned now. ,.Are . ' most of you real efficient about your taxes? I'm looking at it, we're at March 1st. Oh you all look like you need it still. Look at those faces. Do you think it's too late if he calls and says he can be here on a certain day? I 'mconcerned about having the timing because of the paper unless I people know that somebody will be here on a certain mornIng if we want to schedule the time. . . Colby: Here? At City Hall? .e St. John: ~~e ,have somebody at South Shore. Colby: . That's doing it, ~~ah. HeinleIn: There's somebody that comes in with the aehiors too. woman that comes in ~nd helps the seniors here. H~inlein: No, at. Howard: At the card club. Colby: At the ca~d club? Heinlein: Yeah. Colby: Well maybe, you know !'mthinking. I really need to have a tight~r,every time I ask the card club what they're u~ to," they say nothing. All we do is play cards. You know that's all !'vegotten from all.. of them. e Hott.Ja rd : vJould Marilyn have anything to do with that? Howard: They have blood pressure over there at tim~s and .they have tax. Colby: Whodoe~the planning of that then? Senior Commission Meeting February 21, 1992 - Page 27 e Heinlein: Not anymore. She's out. As anything to do with programs or ~hat I guess, as I understand. Colby: Marion andl are going to get together and. Heinlein: Well this is Marilyn. St. John: This is something that you don't work agairist Colby: Well" that's what T',mreal concerned about. I'm that they aren't telling me that... Heinlein: No, they mentioned it later. Howard: Jack Oscar. Heinlein: He is not a coordinated person even in presenting a meeting. He 'sgetting the sametreatmeritthat I was getting., You don 'ttalk loud enough. Even his, wife scoulded him that he wasn't, tal ki ng loud enough . I mean there's people there that are hard of hearing, alright. But then let's be quiet if ~"e want to hear what's being said. rmeanit's difficult because they continue to play cards. I Colby: Are there any other eVents that you.'re aware, of? e, Heinlein: W~ll the blobdpre~sure. How~rd: Potluck y6u said next week. Heinlei h: Yeah, there's a pot luck next week. Thursday because the schools are closed so we're going to be there by 12:00. But other than that ,other than that .trip"you \,lJere talking about. That Fannie Hi.llthing. 8ythe way, what is the trip her~ going to COst? The one that you're having. ) Colby: L~ell that's what r was just... r thought I' dbeat the y~u were going fora commercial thing and ours was $3.00 more. Heinlein: Well there was another group that were going that she had heard about and she contacted Jim and h~ ~aidr can do it for less ,and that's why. / 'Colby: apples. Our's ,is $3.00 more. Now r don't know if we're comparing Where you're stopping for lunch and where we are. Heinlein:, 14ell the same place. Fannie Hill~ Colby: Well we stop for a coffee brea~ on the drive up and back. Heinlei n: Well ,they do too. r got the notice from him -, Bill ison: Who is this Jim? Heinlein: Jim Albrecht. He has his own travel bureau. And the club has always done trips through him. Senior Commission Meeting February 21, 1992 - Page 28 Heinlein: With him, yeah. The mystery trips and everything. Colby: And so it's going to be a little bit awkward because they all like him. Th~y've been real happy with what he's done and they're talking about doing a mystery. trip this year. Heinlein: But let's remembe~ this much. actual seniors do not go. We.have to drag Watertown. Now that's talking about going Watertown is going and. That a lot of our senio~j, in from otherlocation~. to this trip to Wisconsin. St. John: Victoria? Are they goin$l? Bragg: Waconia? Heinlein: Waconia I believe and then of course Waybu'rY which takes in some of our group. So basically that'$ hot'" she gets. And then we. have been having the s~nioY group, olub I should say from JaffreyPiper. The'retired people there have been joining us. When he lets them know What. sort-of. trip we're, going to be and he picks them UP downtown. So I mean this is ho~we've ~otten a bus load.because if we get 10 from the group here we're doing good. - Colby: ,.~it was not mainly Ch~nhassen residents on that... St.John: I think that those trips that the Club is doing should through ybu since you have the center he're and at least work with yoU would have the... Colby: .. .comfortable when the location is here. Montgomery: It's this inbet~een that we have to make do. Colby: It is and i:t's going to be just a little bit and I just don't want to step on anyone's feet. HeinIel n: don't know expensive. get it for See she immediately what group that was And she balled him you less than that. I called him when she heard of this other. tha,t was going up there and it wasrriore and asked him about it and he said,oh lean And he uses a big bus... Bragg: I was going t6 s0ggest that ~oucontact District 112becauss'they do a lot of things through that particular bus company. I think it',s . eithe'rout in...or Waconia. Heinlein: It's one of themth~re. 8ragg: I get the school-news from Dist'rict112... (~h~re was a tape change at this point in the discussion.) It e. REVIEW OF SENIOR COMMISSION BY-LAWS. \ Senior Commission Meeting February 21,1992 - Page 29 Montgomery: ...Do~sanybody see anything? ideas? Bragg: I think we should look at the first item there where they're, talking about an advisory board and'see if that coincides with the. materi~l that was given to us. The last page of the handout for this month. There's one City Council member. Does that tally reflect? It says a senior citizens advisory board. e Br agg.: Yes. , ~~, Montgomery: You're looking at the wrong one. Here it is back. Do you want me toYead it off? B i 11 ison: Yes. Howard: where do we have it? Montgome+y: It came with the Minutes of the last time. Not the new Minutes' that we just got but the month' before that it was included., can give you ,this one and let you two look at this. AI~Jaff: would you like to table it. Have another Billison: I was Just going to suggest that. Montpomery: It c~me with the Minutes for December. Bra~g: That had a copy of the By-laws. Al-Jaff:Another thing I can do is-maybe run copies of it after meeting so everybody;.. Montgomery: I don't know. I read them over a couple of time. ididn't see anything ihat ~eemed~o me right now we needed to change because we're not changing the numbe, of anything~ But I think it's worth. eve,ybody lookingat'and seeing if it needs to be updated. Howard: If you find the January 9th letter. Montgomery: well le,t's table it then and we'll take it up next 1992 SENIOR Montgomery: Sharmin, do you have some stuff for u$? Al~Jaff~ Yes. Actually at the last meeting I gave everybody Directory. e It starts out Adult. Daycare at the top? Senior, 'Commission Meeti ng February 21, 1992 - Page 30 e AI~Jaff: Correct. And the ~uggest any changes that they would like have been working on this but I made, the suggestion doing anything until I get response from theSeDior Montgomery: How do you want us to respond? Do you want u~ to verbal response or ~ive you some information? AI-Jaff: I prefer that you give me back the.. Montgomery: The folder itself? AI-Jaff:, Yes. Montgo~ery: Alright. Nobody can suggestions. AI~Jaff: ...you can read anything. Montgomery: Okay,. One in particular that 'I thi nk should ,be alcohol and drug abuse information and I wrote down a couple And there 's several other just little.. .have some questions. Anybodyelse have some comment~for you to hand in? I'll put my name on it incase;you can't read it. - . AI-Jaff~ Okai. That would-be the best to do. time to review this? Do Montgomery: Well, would you like to work on that for next time only thing isI don't want to delay the directory. You know if waiting for this. AI-Jaff: We only m~et once a month which really prolongs the thought we would have the Diiectory done by May. Howard: Ab6ut under th~ housing. Now I had reason to call yesterday and through the senior ans~oJerline, isn't that the number you got'me t,o call? AI-Jaff: Yes. Howard: I was referred toa Sally Koudner who woiked fortheLutheran,i~ it Lutheran Housing7 Lutheran Social Service. And she was very helpful I 'about housing. Montgomery: That Was in Minneapolis wasn't it? Howard: Yes. But she also covered this area because she asked I was interested in. 561 think Lutheran Social Services could under housing. Montgomefy: Or maybe the Senior Answerline if that's. . Howard: .Well that is listed. They will refer; you to Lutheran put the Lutherari, one in there. e Senior Commission Meeting February 21, 1992 ~ Page 31 i i Montgomery: Well how should we do thi~? It seems information sooner than a whole m6nthrrom now. :, / \, ' AI-Jaff:Yeah. I thought the past month would this. Would ,you like to take oneweeki and then Montgomery: We 've been.. trying to do this for a couple of months arid I think we've really got to do it if we'fe ~oing to put this diredtory ~ut. AI-Jaff: I r~ally n~ed yoUr input on,lt. 8ragg: Set a deadline and then make sure that you have it by Montgomery: Do you have ~ill yoU do that later? \ . the numbersint'here then in Get the phone inumbers down. , i i would have t~e phone numbers that second Montgomery: This is the 21st. Send it into Sharmin. i How ab6ut by the 28th? February . i 8ill1son: Send it or have it in Sharmin's office on the 28th. i ! Montgomery: Right. Additional number. or 8illlson: Is that alright with you? Montgome~y: . Does that he~p? Al-Jaffi Maybe if we do that, maybe b~ the 20th I would give you draft of this. ' i i ,e Montgomery: Okay. before the meeting. Then th~y could ha~e it before, !I i AI-Jaff: Yeah. That would give me 2 ~eeks. AI-Jaff: I hoped that we Montgomery: I did make a few calls and I thought they I . ,. AI-Jaff: Good. WonderfuY. Was this ~asy to fead?Did you haVe . difficulty locating something? ! . ,'. i , e AI-Jaff: Yes. these too. When I make of the 8y~laws, I will make Al~Jaff: I'll ~ake fresh copies. Montgomery: I mean today. Senior Commission February 21, '1992 It Montgomeyy: Alright. Anybody any other comments on the anything else Sharmin on the goals update? Al':'Jaff: No, not really. All the oth6r goals have been unactive last month. Southwest Metro will be m~eting on the 26th of March then I will hear more about how Dial-arRide is operating and wh~t extended hours. " , ' Montgomery: Do you need any comment or support. for that sort of thing? AI-Jaff: I will contact Diane HaY'bertz arid find out if she needs commis~ionor numbers from the commission to be present that day. will contact you and let you know but that would be on the 26th. ,Their meeting normally starts at 7:00. Th,y do not last more than 1 hour~ MontgomeY'Y: Is that February 26th? AI-Jaff: Correct. I Montgomery: At 7:00? i AI-Jaff: Correct. As far as the housing study goes, that is still i'nactive.. payl was in front' of- YOU' to'day- and requested ?tPPl"OV'_etl' for monies to be spent on the study. Again that still has to go through the City Council. AI-Jaff: ,Correct'. 'That's one of your started on this. As far as the senior date. Judy has been working ort that~ the programs that will be presented on . . \ . J . 19oalsfor' 1992. You want to get 'center programming, the~pening And I believe she summarized some ;that day. -- Montgomery: 8ut that will 'then be done now that he has the ar:;>proval? , ON DISTRICT 112 ADVISORY BOARD. 8ragg: Well neither one will go in March because Montgomery: 1 think Sherol, didn't you and 8etty have wanted to talk about? Howard: Dale said that May they're going to have something about seniors. Montgomery: Well that's that Expo. . No, about th~progTam~ing. e Oh, I see. Dkay. 8ragg: Jeanne Strauss who was here today called me about starting some kindof.a program, intergenera.tional progra,m in the schools in District ~12. District 276 is already doing this and they have developed a reminisence program whereby senjors learn how to do reminisence with younger children so that they can meet ~oals of the cirriculum and I Senior Commission Meeting Febr0ary 21, 1992 - Page 33 - they're doing it in th~ Social Studies. So they have appointed somebody on the faculty who is the coordinat6r. So I told Jeanne Strauss who had called me about that to make thatcontabt. She was very glad that ~omebody was alyeady paving the way that she could consult with. I think there are about 5 people from South Shore there ~oingto cooperate in this and we'll have our initial contact probably in March. Find out for me what.it is that I did'wrong or what worked well. ,The subject I've chosen is the differences in going to the grocery store in the 20's and 30's as compared to going to the grocery <store now~ Because. my father was a merchant and my grandfather, was a merchant. My brother was a merchant so I, kno~",what it's like,; In order, to ma ke it go, because! I thi n k we're going to ma ke our first contact wi th 2nd and 3rd graders'we have to have, they have shoy't attention spans and we have .to have materials presented and I ,haven't quit~ figured out how I'm going to do this. But I might put a pencil over my. ear and an apron on. Regular store apron.. Remember when they had those? And ,I'm going to have a little packet of the sales slips that they used to use. I'm going to distribute those around for the kids and th~n we'll talk about what's there and how the per~on hadtojuse those things. To pullout something from the high shelves and that you couldn't go in and pick it out yourselves or they'd say no, no. Dori't touch. .And ~o I'll hav~ to let you know' how it goes but...I need your sup~ort. Colby: 8etty, what sbhool are you goi~g to? Bragg: Wetre goin~ 'to Groveland and E~celsior.The first two grade schools. . Colby: Can you come into 112 or you can't? Bragg: Well not, yet because they have to approve of this. Colby: I have a class that would welcdme you~ 8ragg: I'll let you know how it goes. 8illison: I think that would be intendsting. Colby: The response I've heard, and there's other centers that are doing this for Other things and the training ~nd that. I brought that up'i month ago. . Maybe you just didn't connect thait it was the same thing. The kids are just you know... Bragg: The training 'period thatthe)l gave us, they had a video of swoman from Edina who does this on making breakfast. She showed how they made cereal out6f ground co~n and she ground it in a~ old coffee grinder so she had some props,. And then she showed how they made toast. Take the lid off the stove. She. didn't hav a stove there. She had a very good way of making the kids imagine that this table was an old fashion stove,. Can't you just see that? e Heinlein: I recently subscribed to 'the magazine, Remi nesce and I sat last night and I was laughing to myself about things becaus~e it all goes back you know and you begin to thi nk,goll y lhatall was before my time some of it. Senior Commission Meeting February 21, 1992 -Page 34 ,e And the kids can't e~en comprehend~ 8ragg: But you have to have some props and you have to make it int~Testing because if you justgo'in and just tark,they're bored very quickly and that was one of the most helpful things that they provided in the t-raining period is a little chart of the attention span of6 year olds, 7;8 and so on~You had to think ofwaysandI~lso talked with a fTiendofmin~who taught 2nd grade and she said w~ll you kndw if you.re going to have them fill out a sales slip, they don't know how to multiple yet and you know. They a-ren't too hot on long addition either. You just have to do little things. So the ?oint I think of thepeTson that undertakes this is that you have to think about what you we-relikeyouTselfat that age and not make it, so sophisticated that they. can:'t stay with you OT, they '11 be talking 'and whispering and it will be very uDsuccessful. { Montgomery: They'll let you know. You'll get you-r feedback 8r agg : Yes. (Everyone was talking at ~he same time~at this Montgom~-ry: Maybe~omebod~ can find o~t about doing it in I Bragg: I think the~ will be6au~e that's why 3eanne e Colby: That's right and I can do this~ South Shore is doingthe...and they 'Ie doi ng it at, Mi nnetonka you know and ~ ..what I'm runni ng into is there'are so many people doing thesam~ 'thirg. What I want to try and lsto not do all the thi ngs that are happeni ng around here but somehow bring it into our center because I don't warit to connect us out there because the~our centeTi~n't,the focal ~oint. But I also don't want to in ~dmpetition with .any of these progrrims. Bragg: But look at Jeanne Strauss was Ivery happy to get the name of the person over in Minnetonka District tha~'s doing this. In other words, she was going to make a.contact right now and find out what's working and isn't and that 's good you know. I said this. before, l",hy -rei nventthe wheel. Colby: Maybe the...should come from t~e Senior Center rather than District 112. Maybe it should be under OUT Tealm. That's what. Jeanne and I are trying to talk about because that's ver~ goodPR fOT the senior center. To get you out into th~ schools rather than th-rough community education. .So JoAnn Kvern, she called JoAnn Kvernand JoAnn had a concern about that too. Bragg: Yeah, ther~ are a lot of things' that have to be thought abou~and certainly you do want to have your cent~-r have credit for doing this,. Montgomery: Well people I think we've come to the end of our time is~here anybody that wants to add anything OT should we adjoGrn? Heinlein: I'll see you the first par tof April. e Mohtgomery: Oh we're going to miss you,' St~ John: I won't be here next month either. Billiso~: I just ca~eback from Panama and I had my SO year anniversary setting foot on the country of Panama where I was married in 1942> When told the people!n the hotel, about that, they 'really thought that 'w,as really' something '. But the place is a shambles . The peoplei nthe Republic have notta ken care of it like the Uni'ted States government did . ,Like anything. ,Senior Commission Meeting February 21, 1992 - Page 35 a;, w; Montgomery: Maybe we'd better adjourn and then we can talk. I Billison moved, Bragg seconded to adjo'urn the meeting . All voted and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned. Submitted by Paul Krauss Planning Director Prepared by Nann Opheim e- -