1992 03 20
MARCH 20, 1992
Chairwomari Montgomery called the meeti~g tb order at 9:30 ..m..
, i
MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Montgomery, $her!bl Howard, Betty Bragg,
Bi111son, and Jane Kubitz
MEMBERS ABSENT:. Emma St. John and Selda Heinlein
STAFF PRESENT: Paul Krauss, Planning DiYect6r; and Judy Colby, Senior
C~nter Program Coordinator
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Judy'Colbywanted ,to add to item 4,
survey and show a vide6 tape at the end Df the meeting.
Montgomery: Well first of all I'd like to welcome al~ of you who are
visiting today and I hope you're as excited as we all are. We~ust think
i~'s going to be a wonderful addition ~nd we hope that you tell ~verybody
about it and watch the progress with us. lrJea1so always welcome yduat any
of our meetings and we hope you'll urge people to attend and give us
information. Give us suggestions. W~'re always glad to hear from you.
Bert Haglund: What I was going to say~ I didn't have copies made
~eople wanted"them handed out to them so JeTty's making copies~
. Montgomery : AIr ight, would you rather then that "'Jego on and come
that 6'1 do you want to ~alk about it? iDo you want to go ori first?
Colby: I received a note from the grOUP planning it saying that there's
gol ngto be a $10.00 charge, to have a booth ,01. table set up and thE3'y,tr.Jere
going to se~d me further infor~ation and application, which I haven't
received yet... I ~r.Jould appreciatei f We could maybe make a schedule for you
to attend. or be at the. booth at certain timeframes dur ing . this day... And
then I wanted to add that we finished the survey and I'm goi~gto pass out
copies to you of t.he final survey. I'd like to get this mailed ou.t so we
can start some of our mailing and I need ap~roval from Paul on the
budget. .. . . .
Krauss: Ohyou want it now? Yes.
Colby: Yes, yes.
Krauss: Whatever you ask. They're tail ki ng about pr i ntf ng costs and
mailing costs? Yeah, we can handle th~t. In fact we've got that
departmental budget. I
, I
, I '
-Colby: And the only thing about the surv~y that I would like to, this
be mail~donly to Chanhassen residents; and I ~Jould like to , I added a
Senior Commission Meeting
March 20~1992 ~ Page 2
question at the end asking what city you live in because I would really
like to get some of these into the hands of seniors in Chaska. I think
that~hey~+e going to be using our center and, be a par~ of it so I~dreally
like to get input from them also. Going over to the ice palacews ~ad a
major I t.y of residents t.hat were not. C;ha'nhassen resIdent,s In t.he bus. That.'s
why I think that it~s important that. we hear their input too since they'll
be part. of us. Solf it's okay with you I~d like t.o somehow~ .whetheiit.'s
(J},-Jg h (~a,T'cJ- c: 1. (Jb (Jr- t '( trnc: Ci ()\J(~r t:.fle'(C0" I ' (J 1. i 1<1.3-" .'to
get some feedback from them,and be. Ii,ke I say,w~~ll be bIe to
.' j:. L It \/e in.
Mo~ y: Judy, would that give you .time enough if you makeup some
lists for us to sign up at the next meeting? Would that 'give timefol"
Colby: Yes.
Mont.gomery: Okay, maybe you could do
we can all sign up. Would you all the6
ne xt. meet i ng .
Howard: What.~s thedat.e of t.he Expo Judy?
Colby: I believe it~s May 8th. Friday.
Bragg: It.~s going to be a Jona~han is'it. not.?
Chaska Community Center.
Montgomery: Then how about. the survey'Judy.
want us t.o get back,to you?
Colby: . I think this is just for your information.
past meetings so I think I just wanted you to have a copy of the final
you should begetting it in the mail also. Hopefully. If
I guess I'd certainly want to know that., But this is just
Mont.gomery: Anyt.hing else to t.ell us ~bout. t.he Senior Expo program
what~s going to be going on?
Colby: I haven~t. been involved in t.he;planning.
did do is I was~ my children's piano teacher had asked me about. starting
Chanhassen choii so I thought. this would be agreatt.ime t.o kind of
encourage1her to do' that and so I asked If she would play, t.he piano fora
lit.t.le while to.. .soshe~s going to play the piano over t.here for about. a
half hour and when I get more informat~on on what~s happening~nd what
t.imeframe~ I'm going to,ask you all to go and t.ell her how wonderful she is
and, she's a great lady... As far as the planning goes~ there's still
really in t.rying t.o pull funds. from businesses and they~re trying to pull
people in as presenters. I'm going to have t.he H.O.M.E. program there
also. '
Senior Commission Meeting
March 20, 1992 - Page 3
Montgomery: Well good. I'm glad of that. A~ything else? Does anybody
have any comments? Well let's see, I Suess we don't have our forms yet.
Krauss: This is. going to the city Council for their approval on Monday.
At YOUr last meeting xou approved our initial break out of funding
allocations. We have a relatively sho~t timeframe to do thi~ and
unfortunately Sally Hedstrom wasn't able to get in her application to
the time you reviewed it last. But. in !the material I just handed out
you we did receive a letter from Sally :whichis sort of in the middle of
the packet. It's 6naheadingth~t sa~s Sojourn up on toP. And Sally has
request.ed approx imat.ely $2,700. OOwort.h. of mat.er ials to support the senior
daycare program. . It includes a medicine cart. Apparently that's to comply
wi th . St:ate and Federal regulations t.hey need to have that for dispensing
medication ~nd prescriptions. She's 160king to acquire somethlngcalled a
Wanderguard Alarm System. She's deali~g with some folks who r~ally do have
some serious problems wit.h Alhefzmers and it. would help her staff in
management ana she's also looki~g for Some basic nursing supplies,~lsoto
meetStat.e and Federal guidelines. Th.y have t.o have regular nur~es visits
and equipment includes blood pressure gauges, thermometers and that type. of
thing. The total tr.Jas $2,700.00 which real.ly in the scheme of things is
pretty nominal. What I'm proposing to you and to the Countil is a
breakdown for funding that appears on the second page of my/report-whicn
includes all those items you had recommended approval of including th~same.
$4,000.00 for South Shore, $8,736.00 for the Chanhassen Senior CoordinatorJ
$5,830.00 for the H.O.M.l:. program. Now the H~O.M.E. program I'mt.eIling
the Council I only want to enter into a6 month contract. Let's
re-ev'aluat.e t.he program and see if it.'s really doing what it's supposed to
be doing. And if it's not, let's take: the balance of the money {l.nd do this
more... . I included the $2,700.00 for ~ally's Sojourn program and also t.he
$8,000.00 request that we had:for the Lake Ann Park from Park and Rec to
make some facilities there more handicapped accessible. Now obviou~ly
something has to give. I mean we took away an additional$2,700~OOso~what
gave on this was t.he senior housing feasibility study which has $11,000.00
approximately $500.00 allocated. We think that that thing's going to cost
us about $20,000.00 to do but we've already gotten some indication that
the Housing and Redevelopment Authorit;:.y. will pay .the difference. In fact,
the Housing and Redevelopment Authority just approved some new tax
.increment plans and undertaking a senior housing project on an as yet
un~pecified site is now in their plan.! .
Montgomery: Is in their plan?
Krauss: Yes. So if yoU're comfortabl~ ~ith this allocation, I think ifit
works out the way I think it does, we ~houldget to be able to do
everything w~ were going to do plus a little more for Sojourn.
Montgomery: .All the things for Sojour'n then are things and not services
Krauss: Yes.
It Montgomery: Would you like ~ recommendation from us?
KraUss: If you could and then I'll give you an overview of what's
happening with the Block Grant program If you could take a motion
Senior Commission Meeting
March 20,1992- Page 4
Montgomery: Should we do that first?
Krauss: Yes.
Montgomery: Okay. I'd like to have a!motion that we approve fhe
allocation to the Sojourn Adult Daycare program in the amount of $2,700.00.
8i11ison: I so move.
8ragg:. I second.
Billison.moved, Bragg seconded that the Senior Commission recommend to
approve the allocation to the Community Development Block Grant funds to
Sojourn Adult Daycareprogram in the amount of $2,700.00. All voted in
favor and the motion carried.
Krauss: Okay. the Block Grant program'issomething that we've been using
.0ery heavily for senior orient~d funding sources and ~think we've been
making prettydarh good use of the mon~y. i think we exp1ained a long time
ago that through some creative interpretations of Federal guidelines lAle'Ve
been able to piggybac~ onto Hennepin County's program ~hich intheirwo!ds,
makes us an entitlement community. Which means that you're entitled Xo 'a
cut of theHenn~pin County pot every year. Hennepin County doesn't mind
because they get more money to cover us. Well, initially Don Ashworthand
Larry Blacksted of Hennepi n County had a pretty lengthy argument with the
Feds,at the Departm'ent of Housi ngand !Urban Development' about it because
they said well, Chanhassen does hav~ ajportion of the community in Herinepin
County but most people don.t live in H.nnepin County and they initially
wanted to exclude us from the program.' Well 'we've been able t,o get in the
program and been in there for ,something like liar 12 years. Larry t.ell$
me that on, 1 or 2 occasions in the past the Feds tried to bounce us out.
Somestsff person did and they were able to beat it back by quoting that
f~deralguidelines say you have to have area in the County but not bodies
in the County. Well I just got a letter from the Federal office of HUD
saying that in th~1990 census there 1s no population in Chanhassen in
Hennepin CoUnty which is true because the only 3 homes that were there a+e
torn down nOhl. ,r almost U"link i.'Jeshould move a t.railer out there. But in
fact t.he let.t.er st.ressesif you even h~d on0 sole living in Hennepin Count.y
we'd qualify but they are insisting that. we be bounced from t.he Hennepin
Count.y program. I'm not. sure, I $pok~; t.o Larry Blackst.edabout. it. and I'm
spea ki ng to Don about" it. We ~regoing, to have some meeti ngs in t.he next
few weeks. I think we're safe for at least the next. 2year~ because
Hennepin County and the cit.y are under cont.ract to continue t.he services
t.hey.re sOTt of obligat.ed to fund us. But Hennepin County actually has,
been done $40,000.00 some odd dollars nd the Feds withdrew t.hemoney that
was allocated t.o Chanhassen so t.heyhad to come out. wit.h a new est.imat.e of
what money w~s available and they tedUbed everybody's amount byalitt.le
bit. there t.o cover that. Larry still disagrees with t.heir staff's
interpretat.ion and we're going to meet wit.h Larry and LarTY's boss t.o kind
of fi~ure out some st.rat.egyon this~ Now what. we would probably db is call
Senior Commission Meeting
March 20~ 1992. - Page 5
up DaveD~renberger's office. Durenberger's been very supportive of a,lot
of things that vJe've done here and he's got an interest in seniors and in
health. Paul Wellstone we'll contact. In fact Wellstone just introduced
a new health legislation to the Federal government. I called up Ramsted~s
offlce and basically try tb exert as mJch pressure as we can thioughtheir
offices on the staff person in Washington to change their mind. Failing
that, and I'm very hopeful we'll succeed. But if that doesn't work, we
then get thrown I n a pot with the rest of Minnesot~ which does have a, very
large block grant program. The problem is it's a competitive one but we
get'a steady allocation of funds through HennepIn County. ' If we get .
bounced out of that program, we' would have to compete with Re~ Wing end
Albert Lea and everyplace else and when you compete, they can fund a bigger
project you know. We maybe could havegott.en the senior center built
through Block Grant funds but the way in. which we've kindofmicro~anaged
this with $2,700.00 toSojOUY" n and $4,000.00 to South Shore, I think we
would lose that flexibility. And besides, we have a source of funding for
the big projects thy"ough the HRA anyway so clearly our best bet ist.otry
and st~y in the Hennepin program. Don~t lose hope yet.. We'll keep you
post.ed but. I just. want.ed to. make you a~are of that..
. .
Bragg: I was wondering about other~villages that are like Chanhass~nclose
to a~ area that has a senior centerJth~t's in Hennepin County. Fbr
example, Delano and Buffalo and /t"lontic€Jl.lo and different. places like that..
They're in another county but st.ill get CDBG funds because they service
some Hennepin County people. .
Krauss: Well that.'s a good point and ~e may be able to make that. argum~nt.
We should. We can probably make that 6ase although most of the fol.ks that
Judy's come into contact with that want to use our facilities are from
Chaska which doesn't help that argument much.
Howard: We can find some.
Krauss: But anyway. like I say. don't worry about it too much yet.
know more before your next meeting.
Mont.gomery: If you want us to help yo~ worry, we'll be glad to do that.
Well we hav~ every faith in you Paul. ,I think you've managed very well.
Br agg: You certai nl y have been doing a beauti ful job, of handl ing this all
Montgomery: Anything else we should khow?
Krauss: That should do it.
Krauss: Oh, just very briefly. Most bf you we~e t.here, in fact I think
all of you were t.here last night. Thei HRA wasn't, I mean it t.echnically
so'rtof fu ndi ng this but it's actually theCou rici 1 that'getsfi nal rev iet.'\!
authorit.y .on selecting the bidder so we have this scheduled for Monday .
night. Now two of our HRA members ~rd city Council members including the
Mayor and we'v~ been getting some pres~ureto make sure that we cut costs
I" . , 'i
Senior pommission Meeting
March 20, 1992 - Page 6
as much as possible. I think ~e're v~ry fortunate that we really got some
good bids. If you recall, initially we thought that when the first .
architect looked at it and ballpar ked it, this was goIng to cost about
$175,000.00. Now that included some $1~,000.00 to $15,000.00 wOrth of
furnishings that we haven't bid on yet. But when E05 got involved, their
initial estimate was something on the o'rder of $170,000.00. They though
t.he constructiop component of that was ,goi ng to be $150,000.00. There
abouts. We got really good bids. I me.an the recession hasn't ended enough
yetfo~ Contractors to be real cushy and we got some very good bids~ And
we got a bid of $132 ,200.00v.Jhich is a ireal dandy one. Now it's with a
firm called I belleve United Contractirigs. It's ane~\! company but they are
bondable and their principles have a lot of experience and good background
but I think we got a particul~rly good ibid because they are.new in the
business 'and trying to get some Jobs under their belt. We had a very good
cross section of bids. We had a lot of; bids and all pretty reasonablei Oh
we had 4membel"S of the Council there last night frankly. We had 2 up
there and 2 sitting in the audience and I nudged all four of them and said
this is a pretty dandy bid.. I even caJght Ursula at a party the.other
hightand told her that so I'm pretty hopeful that everything's going to go
smooth on Monday. It would be, nice if:~ couple of you could be ther~. If
you needricies, we'll arrange that.
Bert Haglund: What I wanted to do was pass out to you the information
that'~ being sent to the CouncIl, which is a recap of the bid results and
the recommendation to award the contract to United Contracting. So T,just
~\)anted to pass this out to you . }Ifyoulook to the second page, this is a
tabulation of all of the bids recei~ed and there were a total of 10 bids
received which is a good response. We typically.feel very good if we g6t
ox 6 bidders and it gives a good cross.section. In,this case we had 10
bidders and so we had a very good response. The bids ranged from ,as you
can see under what's c~lled a base bid which is a column about a third of
the way from the left. The base bid ranged from $134,000.00 to $155,100.00
and that compared to our estimate of $150,000.00. So we had a number of
bids that fellbelo~\) our estimate.. We [had just. to the right of that we had
some alternates which we included in the~idding. They were deducts so
that if in the event that the bids didn't come ih as low, we had some
things that we had already thoujJht of that we could back out of the project
to keep it within budget. . Fortunately~that wasn't necessary. We did think
of and are recommending that we accept~Alternate NO.2 which is to use
portable shelvi ng in the storage rooms!rather t:han having fixed, built in
shelving. We talked about that earlier and so we are accepting Alternate
No.2 for that reason. And so therefote the contract a~ount, as Paul
mentioned, will become $132,200.00. . And then .to the farr ightaresome
unit prices and these have mainly to do with the excavation that will be
needed for theadditi6n of the new vestibule. So if there are some, if
there's some variance in the amount of soil that needs to be removed or
brought back in for that, we have ~omeiunitprices to work from, Butthose
are the bid results~ Theriext few pages is some information about United
Contracting. Letter fr6m the President of the company and then some
information about hisexper ience as well' as some references. So this is
what'~ beirig,sent to the Council and-~~king them to taka action.
Montgomery: I understand you had chec ad out some of the experience
the ieferences?
Senior Commission Meeting
March 20, 1992 - Page 7
8ertHaglund: Yes. We're familiar with two of the companies that this
fellow has referenced and they have, like Paul said, they can ge~ b6nding.
And so we're comfortable in recommendiMg them.
t10ntgomery: Any comments? Paul, do we need to
this, the okay of this?
Krauss: It wouldn't hurt. I can carry that forward to the Council.
t10ntgomery: Is there a reccimmendation,then that we ask the
approve the allocation for the bids for the senior center.
construction bids.
Howard: I so move.
8illlson: I second the motion.
Ho~ard moved, Billlson seconded that the Senior Commission r~commend to
award the bid for the construction of the Senior Center to United
Contracting in the amount .of$132,200.00. All voted in favoi'and the
motion carr ied.
Montgomery: As soon as Judy g$ts the tape fixed
Howard: l wanted to ask. I assume we~re going to have 12
passed at our-meeting last month?
Montgomery: Let's, when Judy gets back, let's ask. PauL, befor,e you go'we
have one question that just came up about the Advisory 8oard. In the paper
it said 3 representatives at large which would make a 13 member board.
I understand"i0's supposed to be 2.
Krauss: I'd have to check my notes but as I recall, when the Council
reviewed this they asked for an odd nuinber.
Montgomery: Dh I see, because we had passed it as 12.
that. AIr ight.
Krauss: As I recall 1 was added.
Montgomery: I see. We weren't aware bf that.
Krauss: Yeah, they felt that the comm!i ttee structure bel ng such t.hat,
always want to break a tie.
Howard: But 13?
8ragg: At the Mayo Clinic they don't have a 13th floor.
Just consider it a lucky number.
Senior Commission Meeting
March 20, 1992 - PageS
Montgomery: I guess we'll have to. Okay Judy.
Colby: I'm a little concerned on the advisory board in th~t we have not
gotten any applications outside of the commission and one at large member.
I'm 0+ course real.~nxious to ,get this 'board going because I need the
assistance and so if any of you are aware of businessmen, clergy, that
t'.iould be i nterest.ed in applying for t.his, I'd really appreciat.e. We have
to wait until we have a full folder to 'hand t.ot.he Council and they've got.
t.o review and approve so I'm afraid it.'s get.t.ing lat.er and later and lat.er
so if any of youdan help. Paul did s~nd out letters to various potential
.applicants and we didn't. hear from t.hem so I followed up wit.h another
letter and applicatioM.
Colby: We already have one. Marion did. And also, Barbara are
to be talking about sale later on and ~aybe I can talk about?
Montgomery: Yes. Yeah, we have t.hat farther down here.
Bragg: Maybe some of t.hese people would like t.oapply for the advisory
board t.o t.he center.
Colby: Okay. And I'll talk about. it because I've got applications for
t.hat too. So we can t.alk about. that. so if we could...
Kubitz: Well the bank offered.
Colby:/ We sent sbmet.hi ng over t.o t.he bank
so sometimes.,
Kubit.z: Oh, because they offered you know,.
Colby: . . .before I was on the board here but the
Kubitz: Did you send one to Jay Johnson?
Colby: I don't know if Paul did
t.hink he can stir
Kubitz: For the Athletic Association.
Colby: I don't think he would fit,into the categories that we have~
Kubitz: Well no. The Athletic Association, at. large.
Colby: I'd really love to keep it seniors.
Howard: It does say seniors at. large.
Colby: I would really love to keep it seniors if we could.
Mont.gomery: It. was Cindy Reese at. t.he bank who came here to make a
present.at.ion I remember.
And maybe if phone calls from you would.
Senior Commission Meeting
March 20, 1992 - Page 9
Okay. I can give her a ctill.
tit Colby: Because they do have the applications.
Montgomery: Well we'll have to work ori it~ We certainly
your help if you know of anyone that yduthink would be a
That ~ould be helpful.
Howard: I was under the impression that some people were to be
Paul mentioned.
Ho~ard: Inviting them.
colby: And t.hat's what he did. He wrote a letter to them.
Colby: Strongly encouraging them to and they didn't so I wrote another
lett~r which they probably have now saiing, and I wasn't as subtle as Paul.
I filled all the applications...
Montgomery: I have a feelirig that once things start going, that we'll have
'more response. But OTcouise that doesn't help you in the meantime and you
certainly do need more help. You can't be 40 places at once, that's for
sure. Appreciate that. So we' 11 do what ~"ecan . Will everybody call
B1111son: Yes. I will right today.
I'll talk to Jay.
~1a ybe he k nOt.Js somebody.
Howard: I only know at large ones. I'm not familiar with business
Colby: Well, if we want somebody on Community Educatioh on
Jean Strauss mtiybewould be a person.
Montgomery: You know she might.
Bragg: Does she live in this community?
Colby: She's handling the seniors for community education. She'd"probably
,be a.great one and that would be a good tie in to not overlap on th~ngs.
~10ntgomery: Is she from Chanhassen?
Colby: I don't kno~ where she lives.
Montgomery: I don't think so. She lives out somewhere.
Or Gayla might.
Colby: That's okay beeause...District
Montgomery: Oh I see. So that doesn' matter.
Yes. I'll be glad to.
Senio'r Commission t1eeting'
MaTch 20, 1992 - Page 10
Colby: Gayla would be a good one. She'~ more co~nected with
so that would\ I think that's what Paul and the Council...
Kubit~: Could you call her Judy? Cal Gayla.
Howard: Or both of them.
Kubitz: I, have 2 teachers in th~ neigHborhood that I know about.
Colby: That's a thought too Jane.,
Colby: A teacher 'from the elementary school.
Montgomery: Then we need one from Minnetonka too~
Ma~ion: Our bus driver is Marilyn KOhl and she said her husband, she's
trying to talk her husband into joining or applying for the adVisory board
and he said he doesn't think he's qualified but he is. He's a consultant
and he's retired now.
Kubitz: He's a senior. He qualifies.
Montgomery: WHere does he live?
Marion: In Belle Plain. She said sheis been trying to encourage him and
he just... He's a very, very good man and I'm sure that he would be veTY
good. /
Colby: Marion, what is his name?
Marion: James Kuhl. And I ~ave ~er address and the telephone
can give it to you.
Colby: That would be great. Thinks M~rion.
Montgomery: Well I guess we
do something.
Now we just haVe to
Have you got any applications with you?
Colby: Not down here. The applicatio~s are Just fo~the board here...
Kubitz: Because ~ thought mayb, if I took a couple applications today,
would you mind?
Colby: Oh, that's fine.
MontgOmery: That's a good idea. 'Could we stop up at the desk and ,pick,
some up? Do they have enoUgh there?
That's a good idea.
Kubitz: Pass them out. The more we get passed out.
more appllcationsthanour 13 members.
Senior Commission Meeting I
March 20, 1992 - Page 11
Colby: We sure hope so.
Montgomery: ~1aybe we should put one in the paper.
Tom Lapic: We certainly want to accept your advertising
t'10ntgomery: Does anybody else have any br ight ideas?
Colby: ~~hat about the Mi nnetonkaSchool District? 1 've met over there
with community education, Jim Jones. r wonder if hewouldconsiderit~ He
reclllyisa fire and future thinking, and he's more than willing t.o bring
his teachers to our center to teach. put the classe~ on at our center~o
we don't. have to worry about. He was just y,al open. That's another one
that maybe I'll. /
t10ntgomery: What about Jan Gray? Is she actually part of t.he.
Colby: She is the one that is producing the film and she maybe in a
situation more 1 i ke mi ne,that her hours are part time and a few hours a
week that she puts into it. I'd reall* like to get a working boardth~t
wouldn't have to...and J don't know..~but I can ask Jim that..
Montgomery: Anything else Judy?
Not. regarding t.hat..
Colby: I'm not. quite sure why Sharmini put. t.hat in because I don't. have any
thing to report on the Older American'~ Month. I guess last year t.he
CounGil or the Mayor said that a resolution be passed declaring May Older
American Monthfo~ Chanhassen. The on~ program I did want to mention is,
and here ~e're on the boundary lirie again betw~en Hennepin and Carver but
the Minnesota Senior Federation, which is a ve)"ypol i tical group that
~eally does wonderful things for seniors, is beginning aWeet Hennepin
Chapter and I~'Jasi at a meeting where they are more than wi IIi ng to have us
joi n in. They ~"ould'preferthat IrJe start our own Chapter eventually but 1
said at this point there's too many th~nge that are beginning out hereto
have anot.her. It.hink we're going t.ospr~ad ourse10es too t.hin. ~heyJre a
great group t,o work with to find out what's really happening in WashingtoD
also and they have invit.ed Paul Wellstone on April 15th regarding his "
,National Heal th Care plan for a single fee and that's gol ng to be Over" at
the Minnetonka Communit.y Center. So 11'm going t.o t.ryto arrange some kind
of transport~tion for our ~rea residents to get over there. It~s also
going to be a home...program wit.h a bo'x lunch and t.he morning program 'wilT
be telling you about Senior Fed~ration from like 9:00 to 10:00 and then a
'present,at.ion by the Senator and then ,time for quest.ion and answers with him
afterv~ard and a box lunch: They also will be inviting Durenberger to speak
hopefully like June t.imeframe.
e Montgomery: lA/hat's the date of the onew! thWellstone?
Senior Commission Meeting
harch 20,1992 - Page 12 '
Colby: April 15th. And that will be~ there will be i~fo~mation on that in
the paper.
Tom Lapic: Is in the paper. (
Colby: It was in there yesterday? Okay, I missed it. So depending on
what kind of interest I see in that, it will be, the cost will. Here's
where we can't use Dial-a-Ride because they don't go to Hennepin County so
we've got some of these funny little things... It's real hard to decide if
we should rent a bus for that or if I want to try to use CART, which would
be less expensive so we're going to see ~.Jhat lI-Je can do with that.
Howard: Where ~o they normally meet? This group.
Colby: They do not~have a meeting place...does not have an offiqe. I
think probably he's going to be meeting a lot at Minnetonka Community
Center Just because the facilities there are too neat. And Ithlnk they'd
be something lik~ quarterly to discuss things and then they break of~into
committees. It was pretty impressive all the programs that they were
involved in with that Senior Federation is really is something. I know I
was there maybe 5 years ago in St. Paul at theb-mai noffice and I couldn't
bel ieve how I nvolved they l-'Jere. And how much good basic information you
can get from them. So 'we'll probably 'find that out on the 15th. I' '
certaInly hope to attend that.
, ,
Bragg: As far as Older American Month, you're having the Senior Expo
duiing that time. Maybe~ unless we're~eady more, thIs constru6tion is
through, mayb~ that's enough.
Montgomery: We just have to be patient I guess.
Colby: AndjGst adverti~e ourselves at that Expo.
~10ntgomerY: And I hope that the t1ayorwi II, proclaim t.hatas Senior-'~10nth
again. You'll have to make sure of that. '
Colby:. And the other t.hing that is going to be happening in May is
Geritol Frolics~ And that is one of the pTogram~ that the seniors Have
al~"'aysbeen real excit.ed about. going up to Brainerd. It;s supposed to be
just a WOnderful presentation. SeMior Community Services went up there.
They have a funny way of getting tickets for this. You have to dri~eto
Brainerd and ihe ticket office opens on a certain day at 7:00 a.m. so they
drOve up on Sunday and at 7:00 a.m. on Monday they were 8th in line and had
just an awful time getting any tickets because the first person in line was
a big tour company that bought out. almost everything. So 'it's real
disappOinting because t.hat's one that IknowChanhas~encould have filled
up an entire bus. and we will only have 20 tickets. And South Shore will
have 20 tickets. So what 1'm going to have to do is I will put it in the
paper ,and we will hav~ a registration form that will have to be postmarked
a certain date. No earlier than a certain date and take first, come first
serve which is just a shame for one of th~t.hings t.hatYbuwant, you know
everybody~ants to go. It's just kind of irritating that, I don't know~hy
they just don't run it longer,
Senio~ Commission Meeting
~1arch 20,'1992 - Page 13
Kubitz: Is that only on Monday or is that ,a weekend?
Colby: It's about 4 or 5, these go a whole week that they pres~n~ it~
of/course the tour company that was buying up all the matinees.l
Kubitz: How many of u~ haVe got ,friends that have
that ~an get tickets?
Colby: And that's about it for the programming update at this point.
Montgomery: Okay, Judy thanks.
Montgomery: The next item here. We're going to r~view the Senior
Commission 8y-laws and "approve them. So would you please refer to
copies that you have... Okay let'S take it. page by page. Let's take
look at the first one here. Section 1. Duties and Responsibilities.
anybody have anything thet'e that you think tAJe need to change?
8ra~g: It seems to me that thai pretty well describes what We've been
doing and it still appli~es.
Kubitz: ,I read them all ,over this morning. I found nothing t~'change
anyt,~here ,
Montgomery: Well let's take Section 2. That has to ,do with meetings.
When andvJhere and how many you have to go to and all that. Anything you
want to change there? I think that seems to have fit pretty well.
8ragg: We've been meeting now fOT about a year ~rid it seems like we've all
sort of conformed to this.
Howard: We only changed one date.
~10nt,gomel.Y: And the special meeti ngs have been' okay I, thi ok.
Any other?
8ragg: It's'like standard operating procedure by now.
Montgomery: I guess. Alright, that's okay. How about Section 4?
electibns and that sort of thing. Any changes there?
Montgomery: Okay, Secti6n 5. Procedure. I do have a book of Robert's
Rules in case we have a terrible. ..sometime. So far we don't seem to have
run into that. Section 6. Public Hearings. Anything new?
8illison: 'No. I don't see any changes.
hontgomery: Alright. Section 7.
stick to that pretty carefully.
Miscellaneous. I think
Well then if there's no.
Kubitz: We haven't had to even have a public hearing per se and our
meetings are always open.
Senior Commission Meeting
March 20, L992 - Page 14
Bragg= I'd like to make amotion that the procedu.-es and what do you call
this now?
The By-laws.
The By~laws be accepted as printed.
Montgbmery: For the Senior Commission.
Bragg: For the Senior Commissicinbe accepted as printed.
Kubitz: I second.
B.-agg moved, Kubitz seconded to approve the By-laws for the Senior
Commission as presented. Al~voted in favor and the motion carried.
Howard: Well Betty and I wcint to the ,meeting last week
we.-e more encouraged thanatourpTevious ~ime there. And they di~cus~ed
their goals for the coming year and they had a whole ~ection on i~niors.
Planning the Expo and discussion with local senior ~rogram providers and
prelimina.-y plannin~ to develop a subcommittee to advisory counc~l planning
commission on senior issues and progTams. . And a brochu:.-e di rect.ory. And
they also mentioned thatt.he.-e's going to be a meeting bettAJeen, o.-'a
meeting with Gayla Mattson, 0"ean St.-aup:s, Rita Stapleton,tAJho is a senior
on the advisoryeouncil from Chaska, and Betty and me. And we haven't '
hea.-d. They are p.-oposing this meeting so we'll be hearing about that.
Montgomery: And what tAJas that meeting then to, t..Jhat w'as that. about?
Howard: Just to discuss the senior part sepa.-ately f.-om the general
meeting I assume, didn't you Betty?
Bragg: Community Education has cradle to grave. They're the Youth
Commission and they'.-e tal king about p)-e-school activities and they get
into fixing b.-e.kfast in the school for the kids that don't get to eat
beforet.hey ~ome. It's an enormous school dist.-ict. It includes Victoria,
Carve.- and Chanhassen as well as Chaska.
Howard: And people in this, they had an extensive .-eport od a 1a'-ge
semi na,r that t.heyhad held and a number of membe.-s had at.t.ended, sot.hey
seemed to be vey"y active.
Bragg: We hadn~t felt like we belong~d because t.hey kept. talking about.
youth and youth commission and after school activit.ies and ministerial
association needing more activities s6 kids wouldn't. get. int.o t.roubleand
all that. And we're at the age ~he.-e we're not getting int.o t.Toubie but we
have. needs too. And so ~.Jhen t.hey sho~.Jed us that t.heyhad these goals and
that we were included, we ~ere very encouaraged.
Howard: We may 90a9a1n somet.ime.
Senior Commission Meeting
March 20, 1992 - Page 15
B~agg: I think we will. I brought their Community Education bulletin.
Spy:i ng, 1992.'
Kubitz: I got one in the mail. I did.
Bragg: Yes, you should have. You should all get one and th~y do offer a
lot of things~ YoG should be aware of these things. And Minnetonka also
has a brochure 1 i ke this of thei n Community EducatiOn offer ings. And I ~.Jas
going to show you that there is lifelong learning and here's another
bulletin I get from Lakewood Community College and they have continuing
education and ,elder college. I thought it would be neat if theycould,find
something that we could all be interested in. If the~ would come here and
use our facilities sometime when we don't have cards or crafts or something
and then just open it for some of the things that they specialize 'in.
Howard:: Elder Hostel only they ~vould come to us.
Bragg: Yeah, only this is not Elder Hostel because you don't go to some
fancy place . It's just that they Offer it IrJi thout credits. You don't take
tests or anything , They work thisout~.Jith seniors. So this is alrea.dy
established. And then I also brought, because this isa special interest
of mine. This Elder Hostel catalog and this is huge. This is the United
States ,and Canada and everybody that has a college somewhere ora community
education class can develop sort of a short course and that allows you to
plan a trip somewhere maybe you haven't been. Like it might be up to
Canada and the Maritime Providences out there.
Bragg: I haven't but I have friends who have. But
can' ta fford" tota ke a trip like that.
Have you gone to any of those Betty?
Howard: They're not expensive comparatively.
Bragg: t"o relatively speaking but if you're living on social security.and
a little pension of some kind, it's nige if you could do something in your
own place 0'(.
Howard: But they have them like Bemedji College
(3 T' G tJ : ~ . Judy Co 1 (;;/ 1 ,3 1 c, () k, U p f () r
things so I could share them with you.
us. But I brought s6me of these
You must be developing some files
Colby: Yes, and I'd love to have a library in the center. ..
Bragg: A couple of my friends got me involved in this Elder College andl
IrJentto one and it t-J,as just so int.eresting and it was held not o,nthat
campus. That's way over nearl>Jhite Bear Lake. But they had it in St. Paul
at one of the senior centers. So there is a way th~t they do this. And
the lady was from China and she talked about-what was going on in China. It
was about the time of the Tannemin Square thing and I left with so much
more understanding of what those people had gone thrown because this women
tlJas very, she spoke English and was very.
Senior Commission Meeting
March 20, 1992 ~- Page 16
Howard: What was the cost involved? Do you pay them to come to you
put on a program?
Bragg: I suppose it woGld depend on how many people
like to leave that up to Judy to check that out because once
you know just like the Minnetonka Center ~ffers some things.
it up and get a few other centers to come here.
Bragg~ Very little. I think we paid about $18.00 and we got abou~.
Howard: Each person. But I mean a general fee.
(There was a tape change at this point in the discussion.)
Colby: Vicky Peterson from Carver County came over and me~ with u~and
talked about, quite a whil~ ago there was an article in the paper' about
sail funds and we asChanhassen were curious to see if w~ could get any
those funds~ It sounds like it isn't really a fund~ It's projects and
funds have already been allocated for this project to be developed in
certain areas. One of th~ main things that Vicky tried to get across to Us
is that she's very anxious to have an advisory board to work with ~ndthey
would be meeting quarterly to talk about all of th~ needs, be it from
daycare to t.-.)hat t..Jere some oftheotherthi ngs that she ment.ioned t.hat' they
were working on?
They were stfessing foster homes quite a bit.
Colby: Foster homes was one of them. So Paul was vety
hand out to you the application so that we would be recogni~ed on this
committee. , . .eachgrab a couple if you knot..J someone here. My concern of
course is t.hat it's in competition it'Jithmy Board but. it. really isn't.
Marian was saying someone ~alked with ~er about it and she was concerned
that. it was golng t.obe Buchahand becauset.hey really are involved,
they're going to be involved in a Idtof things but they only will be
meeting quart.erly. Now i~ t.hey're going t.o break that down into
subcbmmittees to woik on different projects and that, I guess that remains
t.o be seen.
Kubitz: What does SAIL stand fdr?
Colby: Indcipendent. living. seniors, what. was It.?
Montgomery: ~ere it i~. Senior Agenda for Independent Living.
Kubitz: Thank you.
Bragg: I was especially int.erested'in t.hat inst.ead of aligning ourselves
with the metropolit.an area, we were aligning ourselves with a center of
Minnesota and we would get more int.o,.the rural ar~as and I just. thought.
that. that was very interesting that<that alignmen~had been made beca,use it
was Belle Plaln, Glencoe and down as far as Nicollet Count.y which iewhere,
isn't it St; Peter and,
Senior Commission Me~ting
March 20, 1992 - Page 17
And Litchfield.
It was 5 counties.
Yeah, it t<Jas Carver, McLeod, Mee ker ,
8ragg: I thought that would be very interesting because you knot.J We keep
getiinf luences out of theci tyall the time. And actually we' -re qu'ite a
ru-ral county, and especially t'Je'reeastern. t.Je ',re -really attached and I
think it would be exciting fo sta-rt finding out what the othe-rs a-re doing.
Howard: They would ~eet and-recommend projects and such to the 8o~rd
Commissione-rs of all the County Commissions as we do to the Council.
they didn't seem, very, as if they were doing anything.
8-ragg: They'-re just getting sta-rted and I think they need a few
fi-recrackers to go off.
Mont,gome-ry: I thfnk VickYlrJas saying ,they have the se-rvices but it seemed
to be the linkage that was missing. That they didn't seem to be getting
that ac-ross and people weren't using them. Well I don't know.
8-ragg~ A lot of times you don't think of something until the need is
t,here, and I,'m mo-re talking to some of ou-r visito-rs today about how one
you can be feeling very healthy and be ve-ry ~ctive and the next day you
have somethi ng happen to yo,u and YOU need these se-rv ices a nq maybei t' s
just fora short while but how do you link up to them? How do you find
them? And then t<Jhen your need is no longer there, then you'-re back being a
fai)~ ly independent senior again. And that's, vJherethat 1 inkage is you
know. l.Jhere do you plug in t<Jhen you're needed the-re if you-r f-r iends don't
knot.J abou tit?
Montgome-ry: That's where t<Je' -re hopi ng ~\Ji th the di -recto-ry that's bei ng
developed that we're going to send one to each senior in Cha~hassen to
people find that kind ,of whatever kind of help they need.
Howa-rd: We'd better sta-rt usingH.Q.M.E. or we won't have it.
Montgomery: H.O.M.E.programtoo. The H.O.M.E. p-roSram p-rovides se-rvices,
all sorts of ,different assistance services to help people stay in their
hoMes and it includes $tuff like lawn cutting and. '
agai n.'
I t<Jill. I'm not going to b-reak by w-ristover cleaning the
It put me dOt<Jn.
Howard: Household and outside maintenance.
t"1ontgome-r)i: Yeah, all kinds of stuff besides the assistance that,
inSide so we're hoping that people will also use that program.
t"1ontgomery: l.Jell as far as the SAIL p-rogram is concerned then, I guess
IAlhat they really need from us is to decide about whether.. .be on this
advisory committee: As I understand it, it is an additional commission for
Carv~r County. That they've never had a senior commission before. Sbrtof
like we are forChanhassen but this is for the County.
Colby: They did have.an advisory board for .a few years~ I sat on t.hat
it just was not an active group and this one I think Vicky really is
motivated to get it accomplished. ~1aybe setup goals and dosomethi ng..
Senior Commission Meeting
March 20, ~992 ~ Page 18
8ragg: I think she rook~d at us With amazement at what had h~ppened
so fast., and I would be int.e-rested in being on that..
i"10ntgomery: Any other comments? Did you have something you wanted to add?
Okay. Judy, hOf..\J about that take you had toshof..\J.
Montgomery: Would you rather we do ~hat.?
okay. W~ can include it in the meeting.
Well we have t.ime~
Colby: I wonder. Do you want to end the meeting before the tape?
that would be.
Colby: This is Mi nnetonka Community Services hi red a person ~'Jho is dol ng a
monthly video, a half hour program that's going to be on cable television
and it's called Seniors Corner and the first one that she did. Now>~.Jhen
the center opens here, I'm hdping to have a library of these so it's all
going ,to be totally on senior concern~ and information as to where services
areav9.ilable and everything. I'm hoping that I'll be able to librarY
videos so if someone has a need, whether it be adult. daycareor it's gaing
to be maybe asa caretaker or caregiver for a senior, that you could,come .
into the center and have. that available t.o look at,and get themost.current
information. And this first one they did on Senior Community Services
which is a Unit.ed ~~y organization and one of our commissioners...
Judy Colby showed the video tape from Senior Community Services to
Senior Commission at this point in the meeting.
~10ntgomery:. I thought that was- very good.
Bragg: I knef..\J I l.Jas coughing and I thought oh, I said is there
can erase that? I thought it ~as more obvious than it actually
Montgomery: Well does anybody else have anything?
8illison: I'd like to read a poem for Sherol. It is a nice thing. I s~id
you read it and she said, no you read it. So if- I may befor"ethe meet.i ng
is over I'd like t6 read it: JU~t a line to say I'm living. That I'm not
among the dead. Though I'msett.ing more forgetful and mixed up in my head.
For sometimes I can't remember when I stand at t.he foot of the stairs, if
r must go up forsomethi ng or I've just comedown from t.here. And I go' to
therefrig so often my poor mind is filled with doubt. Have I just put
a~"ay some food or have I come to t.a ke some out. I got. usedt.o my
arthritis. To my dentures I~n resigned. I can'manage my bifocalsbut6h
God I miss my mind.
Colby: I guess I would like to say one t.hing in that. film they really did
talk a lot about the lunch being such an integral part of that center and
that's been ment.ioned a number of t.imes 'when people tal k about the center
that we aren't going to have that facility. .Well I've not ~iven upon that
and I have found an organization that I might be able to get a hot.
here for $2.00 a. shot which would be wonderful. Tha only, there's some
logistics. They'll bring it in hot so we don't have to but we'll have to
dish it up and then the clean up so there's again, at 12\ hours a week I'm
sitting here well how are we going to get this all cleared and the help so
there really are a lot of things that are happening bGt until we're real
and until I've got som~people that say yes, that's fin~ or, I'm feeling.
Senior Commission Meeting
(March 20, 1992 - Page 19
Montgomery: l-<Jell I think hJ~'re just in transition. Once we get
we'll get the people.
Colby: So (here's some real positive things that I 'mso excit.edabout.
But that was a wonderful film. "I'm kind of serious about, if we~ve got the
time, about hearing about your reminiscence.
8ragg: I haven't done it yet but. Emma did. Emma st. John went to the high
school and they presented on their one room school and she brought a lady
with her who taught for ab04t 25 years out in Carver. No. Well I think It
~"asCarver County. Rural Carver County and she said they spoke to high
school students who you think aiethe ones aredisiespectful and wouldn't
be interested in listening at all and she said they were just thrilled with
them. They really listened and they wY"ote them thank you letters and
everything. But she said that the trick is to have so~e models of
something. Some reality think th~t they can look at before you start
talking to them. So gimic kS~'Jou.ldn't yo.usay?
8iagg: And she would pY"obably tell you. about it.
mIne but I'm going to.
Howa)~d: PiOpS.
Montgomery: Well people shall we adjourn?
Bl11lson moved, Bragg seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted
and the motlo~ carried.
Submitted by Paul Krauss
Planning Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim