1992 06 19
_JUNE 19, 1992
Chairwoman Montgomery called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m..
MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Montgomery, Betty Bragg, Sherol Howard,
:Billison,Selda Heinlein, .Jane Kubitz and Emma St. John
STAFF PRESENT: Sharmin Al-Jaff, Planner I; and Judy Colby, Senior Center
Program Coordinator
They list me a. being absent.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Chairwoman Montgomery noted the agenda as presented.
Br~gg: Madam Chairman, I have some corrections. It was correct that I was
absent from that. It's so indicated. However, on pages 11 and 14~ certain
comments 'are attributed to me and I was not there. and I have a feeling that
they should be attributed to Emma St. ~ohn.
St. John: Right.
Bragg: And so X'd like to just make note of that. That Emma st. John had
made those comments on. pages 1Land 14. Then in addition I wanted to
comment on Mr. Polster's visit to .the meeting. When we talked about future
goals I had talked about doing something with heritage and he came and the
meeting I missed, he's talking about heritage and history and I was very
interested in what hehi:Jd to' say and I think that we should follow that up
on some future meeting to talk about how we could contribute and give him
more support for his interest in that.
Hbward: Were you not here at the last meeting?
Bragg: No..
It doesn't list you as being absenl.
Howard: Not on this one. It says Bernice Bi11ison was absent..
Bragg: But I was, the followIng. There's two sections of Minutes.
Yeah, members absent.
Montgomery: Start wlththe second of the. other page. So it's on the other
side. See where it is?
Montgomery: On .the back. Reverse there. May 15th. Okay. I have a
correction on page 21~ .Under Update for the HOME program and her name is
Betty Crouch. I think it was Betty Cobb in the Minl,ttes. l7age 21. Under
Updates, HOME progra~. Does anybody else have anything they'd like to
,Billlson: I have a requested change. On May 15th they'0e got my name as
Barbara Billison.
Senior Commission Meeting
June 19,1992 - Page 2
Montgomery: Oh, I noticed that. I forgot to write that down.
change that name to Bernice Billison.
St. John: What page was that?
Montgomery: That's in the very first attendance. Anything else? Okay,
nobody has any other additions or corrections.
Kubitz: Gala's name is misspelled all the way through.
Montgomery: Who's is?
Kubitz: Gala.
Alright. Would you.
It's Gayla is ~hat I thought it was.
Montgomery: Alright. Instead of Gala ~ Wherever she is referred to then.
Anything else? . I~ there a motion that we accept it with the additions and
,correct ions?
Bragg: I make a motion that we accept it .wit h the correct Ions so
e Howard: I second.
Bragg moved, Howard seconded to approve the Hinutes of the Senior
Commission meeting dated Hay 15, 1992 with the following changes:.. Comments
attributed to Betty Bragg on pages 11 and 14 should be Emma St. John;
page 21 'under HOHE Update, the name of Betty Cobb should be changed to
Betty Crouch; t hespel11ng of the name Gala should be changed to Gayla
wherever present; and under Hembers Present, Barbara Billison should be
changed to Bernice B111ison. All voted in favor of the Hinutes as amended
and the motion carried.
AI-Jaff: They have contacted t heCHy requesting that they provide
services for Chanhassen. They would be working through...
(There was a tape change at this point in the discussion.)
Howard: ...so the whol~ thing that h~s to be done is to educate the public
to it so I'm not sure t hat will , the list Is there ready to be published .
I can ~ass that around.
It all depends on how effective the' service is I guess.
Bragg: If you do call it in and they have nothing to offer that they say
they do, that's different than one that is already up and running and
effective. $0 and if they'recompeling for:lhe effort that we would send
Senior CommIssion Meeting
June 19, 1992 - Page 3
their way, it'd be good to hear about both of them I think before we
Montgomery: Well, should we't~ble it for a couple of month~ and then
see what happens at that Health Day and see whether there seems to be
call for that sort of thing?
AI-Jaff: ...presentedat your next meeting.
Montgomery: I couldn't hear you Shannin.
AI-Jaff: You don't want any representatives at the next meeting?,
Montgomery: How do you feel about that? Do you want to wait?
I think I'd wait. See what comes up. Wh~t questions are being
it's a little early. It would be better ,a littler
better sense of what'sg~ing on.
AI-Jaff: Alright.
Montg6mery: Yeah, tell her we're not crossing h~r off the list. We just
are not ready for it yet. /
No problem.
Colby : 'Last mont hwe t a!ked about the survey that was done by the County.
r said lhat I'd get a copy of it for everyone from Gaylaand I think you'll
see that this isn't anything like the survey that we sent out. And it
wasn't a mailed out survey. It was just kind of laid out at the banks.
Montgomery: Very general. Do you know if they've had anyreipons~?
Colby: At the time that she gave me this back, they didn't have a lot that
had been turned in but even if, the way it was distributed, I just think
that the, how are you going to know who picked them up at banks and that
it's going to give a very ~ood assertion of what. And this may, you know
we were concerned that the committee that Sheroland Betty sit on, and they
weren't even aware of this. Maybe this is ~6mething different because the
Senior Servicesmeahing Eastern Carver Count9?
That's us.
That's you?
e' Bragg: Oh, no, no. I'm saying we're in tastern Carver County.
Colby: r know but what is your committee that you sit on?
on Community Education...Gayle
ist ha t group.
Senior Commis~ion Heeting
.June19, 1992 - Page 4i
It lsyour group?
and we've gone to a few of the meetings but we weren't aware of
may predate our being members but.
Well,. there are two different things you belong to.
Bragg: The other one is Just getting started and I'm sure that's not a
product ~f the other.
Now that's the one that you're referring to.
On this other one?
can ask when they have i Community Education~ They're off
. On the Gther matter, right~
Howard: Right.
That's at the County level~
Community Education wouldn't have to do with the health.
Montgomery: So this is not the County. Anything to do with the County.
Okay. Well, does anybody have any comments?
Howard: I think we should all fill them inand,turn them in.
! think that's a good idea. I don't knowhow they can do any kind
of .~. pe~eentage. It's sort of a,I'~ sure that Paul Krauss would not
approve this because how can you, I mean you're comparing what with what?
It 'snotvery scient if ie I would say. It does. let y.ou know though that
there are some of these things.
Montgomery: Well I guess we'd like to know if there's anything that
happens as a result of it. How they use this would be, I'd be interested
in knowing..
So there won~tbe!anything coming from
Howard: Early Fall.
Montgomery: Okay. Maybe at that time we can see,i1 anything happened as a
Okay. Should we go onto the next item.
We want to kn'Owwhen we can look at it right?
They're laying carp~tright now. Yesterday
they, oh the painting is done completely. They said that we could start
movIng in furniture Tuesday. 'Monday or Tuesday . Weare expecting to
receive the Certificaieof Occupancy. Furniture can occupy the space.
That's fine but human beings can't uTltil the 22nd. There was an inspection
scheduled for today but they're a little behind schedule on that. Or
actually the Building Inspectors required them,to do a few additional
things. On the 23rd of June, that's on Tuesday, Bert with EOSwill be
walking the spabe with the contractor to check it. If therear~any
changes that he would like him to make. It's happening. The space is,
there',s an office. There are two bathrooms~ There is a kitchen.
Can we go 1109k today?
AI-Jaff: Ndttoday because they're laying carpet and I did ask. In fact,
I met with Bert and the contractor yesterday and I asked if we could go
look at the space and he, Bert .said >no. And the contractor said, please
don't. ' Said you guys will be in the way.
Window peepers are okay.
e Montgomery: Could we go look Monday?
AI-Jaff: Terrific. Monday you should be able to.
Bragg: What about telephones? Are they in?
Al~Jaff: I spoke to Karen Engelhardt. She's the office manager. We
,ardered 3 phoTles. We decided that there isn't a need for the, one in your
office, one in the kitchen and the receptionist desk. We would have been
able. to get another phoneatth~ copy table and we decided not to.
"Montgomery: People can use the kitchen phone.
AI-3a ff: Correct. It would just be too man>, phones and t he area would be
toocIose to.
Montgomery: Will this be one extension that ~oes to the?
AI-Jaff: We're going to .start, ~ity Hall has only two lines left so what
we decided is get one line downstairs for now and ifthcH was going to be a
problem, then we would give the senior center another line. So then you
would have two lines.
Colby: But they still call City HalL
AI-Jaff: What we're planning on doing was, fight now if you call City Hall
it says, you have reached the City of Chanhassen. If you want public
safety push 3. If you want administration, push 5. Then it would say if
Senior Commission Meeting
June 19, 1992 - Page 6
you want the senior center,pusht hat number.
call to t he senior center.
So that would transfer the
Bragg: There~sEden Praif!e Appliance center that's very good.
alsears out
Edkn Prairie
you don't have a push phone, there's another message to
line .
Kubitz: And you wait and you wait and you wait and you wait and
Montgomery: Well anyway, that's nice. I'm glad it's on order.
be"installed when we're open?
AI-Jaff: Oh yeah. The computer has been ordered. That should be here any
day now.
Wonderful. What kind is it?
AI-3aff: I don't know. It's an IBM compatible. Everything we
City Hall is IBH compatible but I don't know the specific type.
are you ready to talk about furniture?
hqve at
there is,
The .furnitura is supposed to be in sometime next Iweek.
be Friday but it's definitel~ coming in before F~iday the
go and look for a frig, a dishwasher, coffee maker, and I
come with me from the Commission please. If pos~ible
Al~Jaff: Okay.
The latest would
26th. I need to
need 2 people to
Montgomery: Is there anybody who would like to go with Sharmin?
Heinlein: I suppose I could.
Al-Jaff: Okay, Selda.
Montgomery: Anybody else? Is anybody else available?
Howard: ,What time are you going?
Well I thought 1:00.
So we'd be back by 3:00?
AI-Jaff: Oh yes.
Howard: I will go.
AI-Jaff: Okay. We would go to maybe Southdale because there's
ther~ that we ~ould go to.
AI~Jaff: Eden Prairie, I'm sorry. So we would go to Sears in
and then we would go to Best Buy in Edina.
Senior ~ofumission Meeting
June 19, 1992.~ Page 7
I just bought a refrigerator and I was told by ano.ut fit not
selling them, nothing to gain who recommended ~ither Sears or Whirlpool.
And I bought Whirlpool at...in Hopkins and was very satisfied.
Montgomery: $0 you know everything about refrigerators. That's great.
So need to get two quotes. That's the whole thing. . And then
I'm very awareof.the price of one so.
AI-Jaff: We always need to get ~~oquotes any time the City buys anything.
Montgomery: Do you know what siie is required?
Al-Jaff: Yes. It's all in here. I still need to go through it.
Okay. You don't need to figure that out in other words.
AI-J~ff: No. No~
Mont90mery~ That's good. Well. great. There seemed to be some confusion,
-Selda was talking about on the part of the Card Club which thought they
wereJgoingto be moving in like next Monday.
e Heinlein: . Yeah, they figured on having their meeting there Thursday.
AI-Jaff: No.
Meinlein: I was going all around saying, no. No. N6.
M,ontgomery: Somebody'sgoing to have to clad fy that officially I would
Howard: I had a car full of people ready to plaY Bin96 about 2 weeks ago.
I find other than us, that elderly people get things very confused. They
hear one thing...
Heinl~iri: -But r think they got it from this here. If they got the Hay-
June item. It says in there, we are planning to be open mid-June. ~
Colby: That went out 2 months prior to that. That's from ChanCommunlty
Services and i,t was so, and at that time we did plan that. It just got to
thepoint that it wasn't but Oscar's aware of where we're moving.. Imeen
MarionStult~who has been talking about they were 'packing up yesterday to
get things moved over but they know next week their meeting atChanhassen
Elementary and the following week they'll work.
Montgomery: We want to make sure tha~ they haVe an official word...
Alright. Anything else we should know about in regards to the
Kubitz: You said we can get in there and take a look next week?
it. Okay.
Maybe we should think of ilas an escape chute. We don't use
! think that's remarkable. ! think it's wonderful. Really
Senior Com.issiop Meeting
June 19, 1992-Page 8
AI-Jaff: Next week you can. Wednesday ffyouwant to, you can come in
look at it too. Ohi the doors. The electric doors won't be in until.
Montgomery: Can we get in somehow?
AI-Jaff:The automatic doors wonJt be in until Friday.
Howard: Are we still going to have access to the library or not?
Al~Jaff: Only in an emergency.
Colby: Yeah, that's an emergency for the library to get out. A second
exit for the library but we're not to use that~
AI-Jaff: You would have as~parateaccess than the library.
If's coming along really...
. .
II 110ntgomery: Judy, how about an update on the Opening? The Grand Opening.
Colby:Okay~ !have some Minutes from our Advisory Board here.! have
the final calendar for July as to activities. And I have the memo that's
going out to all the gree~ers. rhere'sMinutes on two sides of this.'
The first sheet has Hinuteson both sides for-our Advisory Group. What we
were working on and we would be mailing Qutnext Tuesday and for any of you
that want to' join on Tuesday morning at 10:00 we'lLbe stuffing enve!opes
to all ChanhassenSeniors. A letter inviting them to come and seethe
center and to join in on the Grand Opening festivities. We will send out
the mont hI)' calendar which is the last sheet. in your packet there. And
that shows the whole month of activities and on the other side of it, it
kind ofbrea~s down. This is how we'reg6ing to put it into the papefeach
week. I'm hoping he'll put the whole monthly calendar in the paper next
"week and then under it, put 'a further description of what's happening each
day~ And under the calendar we put in, it'sHnd of small type. Please
call to register for activities but feel frei to stop by anytime ~ven if
you're not pre--:registered. That's just to kind of get some indication of
who will be coming for what'. Also in that mailing we'd be wanting to put
in a coupon for the free directory and it's redeemable at the Center so
they've got to bring this coupon in. And that is just a gimmick to get
people in. You know. I mean ifs6mebody doesn't have a coupon, we're
going to hand, there's not going to be any restdctionon handing this out.
I just thought, rather t hanmail it out to them,. And so, \t hen also the
reservations for the Showboat through Senior Co.mmunlty Services tripon
July 7th... So we~re going to ~e stuffing those on the 23td at 10:00 if
anyone wants to help with that. I don't think it will take too long. ~he
Grand Opening, we're gOing to have at 11:00 a.m.. The Hayor will be doing
a ribbon cutting. We're praying for good weather because we're just; when
, / " (
Senior Commission Meeting
June .19,1992 ~Page 9
we start talking about who we think might come to this, well because it's a
holiday weekend and because Chanhass~n has so many thirigs going on, a lot
of people do stay in town. And like Paul said, I'll be here andI'llhaue
my kids along. And we're planning ongiving'a free lunch that day and we
got real concerned about how many lunches do we order and the advisory
group, you know Marion was saying well I've got 10 people coming with me
and I'm,kind of going, ooh. How many are we supposed to, because we
planned on ordering 100. Now I've got to bring up to Paul that the
Advisory Board would like to order 150 lunches and if it's raining, we'll
probablyhalJe to open up this room to let people come in here and eat
because we certainly can't handle them in the Senior Center. That many
people. The Chanhassen Dance and Performing Arts are going to n.lJve a
couple groups come out and perform. I'm praying for nice weather so they
can be out in the street because I thought then .verybody could ,kind ~f
circle around and see the performance out there. If not again, it's going
to be really tight to get everybody into the center to do that.
Montgomery: Maybe we should limit it to 100. The first 100 people.
Colby: Well what I've been told is that, when you're having a grand
opening and you have an open house and it'sa public.situation~ you can't.
You justnaveto, but the Advisory BoardliJaS saying that a lot of centers,
even with their cOn9r~gate dining, they order a few extra lunches and then
they pack them up and sell them and seniors~like to bring them home and
havethein for evening meal or something. And so we could, you know Todd
Hoffman was saying that there will be a lot of people working that weekend
and wee'ould dist ribute .some but sin'ce 'it's coming out of our budget, I
think t'he idea of selling it so we can get the money back in the budget.
W~ could do that to offer to sell it even at what's in cost just to put
some money back in. Something tells me that maybe the 150 might go. . When
you think about people that you're going to be entertaining, I bet their
families will come ~lso. 00 you want to give it to the entertainers and to
their famil~es? To the Mayor you know. The councilmen will be here. I
mean we're adding up pretty quickly.
Montgomery: Well maybe we just have to think of it as good will and
swallow it and you know.
ColbY: Yeah, I think it was Jane that mentioned this is a one tim~ deal.
I mean we only have a grand opening once and so~
Montgomery: I think maybe we should be generous.
Howard: What is our budget?
Colby: I think we have enough.
St.John: And this Is going to be on July 4th?
Colby: On July 4th, yes. And $0 the ribbon cutting is at 11:00 and then
probably around 11:30 or so will be the entertainment. Noon we'll hand out
the box lunches. And then if people want to stay, that's the day that we
had 'scheduled to have a n'lovie at 1:30. So if they want to make an
afternoon of it.
would beniee if you can speak. If you would speak.
probablyb~ nice if r didn't speak very lang. . We'll
Senior Commission Meeting
Jun~ 19, 1992 - Page 10
Mentgemery: Is the Mayer then geing to. be ~hanking all the different
peaple involved or haw is thatgaing to. be done?
Calby: Well Barbara, guess what? Interesting that yaushould ask me that.
Mantgemery: Well I can talk to. yeu later.'
Colby: Mayb. Shar~in can say. r want to. do what is praper and what is
usuallydane ]but r think. yeuand I talked about this before. rthink your
" probablygai~g to' have tespeaksamehow and maybe it would be, andl'know
youdan't like to. do. that but maybe it shauld be sharter far yeu to. be able
to. intredu~e the Mayer.
Mentgome~y: Well we can wark aut what we have to. do.
Kubitz: We wen't make yau speak an haul".
Mentgamery:Thankyau very much. We'll figure that aut akay.
Calby: And we're talking about having in this flyer that Sharmin sent out,
the 4thaf July activities, it's boxed in an the inside. The Grand Opening
ef the Senier Center;
Haward: I think that shauld have been bigger~
. Colby: Park and Recl guess daesn't think it shauld be any bigger than
their events. But they did kind af hat pink in the 11:00 to. 1:00 sa your
eye$do catch that. Theeuening before, they have a big picnic down here
and what we're haping is that the tents and tables will be set UP right
here and if it's a nice day, it will just be 'ideal to. hand eut t he box '
lun~hes and have peaple be able to. sit eut there. that~s what we~re haping
Is it an July 3rdthen that they. always had the square dancing
Maybe we can euen clase the street.
Fer that time en Coulter Drive to. clase that 'street just far thase
heursbecause then the entertainment ceuld be dene right there.
Carrect. But theie are times whe~ they have it at the park and
ther~ are times when they have it dewn t~e hill. So r need to. theckwith
Tedd Heffman to. find out where it's geing to be ~nd if we can leave it
there far anadditianal day. Or just half a day actually.
-CelbY: Oh yau mean like a stage far the square dancers?
They use the blacktap. They use the street up here.
Or the parking lot. Vou know where you drive up to the back
Senior CommIssion Meeting
June 19, 1992 -Page 11
Colby: They use the street.
Colby: Th~ library parking lot?
Montgomery: What time should ~~all be on ~eck?
here early or what?
Are we supposed
st. John: Up above.
Colby: Oh and then an.invitation, maybeSharmin you're going to have to
say. I'm not.sure wnoall this ....lent to. Under Barbara's name, the letter
is going out to all the seniors is under Barbara's name. And the .
) invitation to all the dignitaries. Vou know be it Senators or
Representatives and thi Council people, HRA and Senior Community Services.
Aowar8: Have w~ heard from anyon~?
AI~Jaff: Not yet. Not yet.
Colby: And that's in your program or in.your agenda. A copy of that
letter. Maybe the 150 will .go evendup from there right? So does anyone
have any questions?
AI-J~ff: 10:30 maybe would be wise.
Colby: 10:30 I think, we figured that.
AI-Jaff: What time do you plan on being heret
Colby: Oh I'llprobablYibe there probably about 9:00. I've also attached
your greeters . We were able to have a lot of people that signed uptohelp
man the desk in the center so that it can be open up every day during the
month. . So we made two shifts.florning and afternoonbasically~ 10:00 to
1:00 and 1:00 to 4:00 and on the back of that memo is the schedule. This
will be mailed out on Monday to all greeters and along with it will be
mailed a list of ~llthe greeters and their telephone numbers so if someon~
is scheduled and can't attend, then if they would call someone else. I did
p~tsome of the Commission in this month. You are probably not 90ingto be
constant greeters. Some of you didn't wantlo be greeters and I have put
. you in for this month but the next month,hopefuly by about mid-July we're
going to be able to decide how often the center should be open. I'm not
suret hatH will be open 5 days a week . We'll just have to see it's
useage and summer's going to be kind 6f a hard time to ju~ge because
everybody is saying it's not used nearly as much Inthe summer as it is in
the fall and winter. So we'll have to make some decisions or.the advisory
board will have to mid-July about .hat we're going to do in August to get
schedules out. So you should all begetting in the mail a copy of the
greeter letter and you should also be getting a copy of the invitation
letters and if you don't, I'd kind of like to know because that means
something has gone awry at the Post Office but that should come next week
to your homes.
, , ,
Montgomery: . I have a question on the 15th here where I'm scheduled.
does it mean the Senior Community Services?
Colby: JoAnn Kverncalled me and each, well I'm not even sure if this is
each 'month. I think each month they have aBoard of Directors meeting.
Arid!' m not posit i ve each mont h or every ot her. mont hand t hey meet at the
different centers that are run by Senior Community Services . And so she
asked if herB6ard meeting; Senior Community Services Board meeting could
be Wednesday night on the 15th. I plugged it in there and I ~on't know if
it's going .to really happen or not at this point. She hasn't gotten back
to me but I'm pretty sure it's going to happeri. And Barbara, if that's the
case, we might wantto get somebody else in there for you in the afternoon
ifyo~'d want to be'at. .
Senior_Commission Meeting
June 19, 1992 - Page 12
Montgomery~ I don't know whether I could be available Wednesday night~ I
have my ~randson so.
Colby: Okay. And I don't know if she would want us to be.
\ Montgomery: Afternoon is okay.
Colby: Alright. I~m not sure if she would want, you know I'm not sure
what thiiBoardof Director's meeting entails. I'll have to talk with her
further on that.
e Bil11son: ...they're going to differentsites...and the main purpose is
see your center. I think th~t's pretty much what it is.
Colby: Oh, so it's not 90in9to be a. dinner here?
Bil11son: Yeah.
Colby: On it will. be a dinner?
8i11ison: Yes.
Colby: But they'll be going tolats of different places. .
8illison: Well they~re going to .start at our. place like at 5:00 and then
Colby: On, oKay. So it .is for sure that it's going to be here..
Bi11ison: Yes.
Colby: And do we need to have staff people here or Advisory Board?
8i11ison: It would be nice for those that.could come I'm sure...
Colby: About how many people will be there do you know?
Billlson: On the Board? I would~ay maybe 15.
Colbyt Thanks. I appreciate that.
~enior Commission Meeting
June 19, 1'92 - Page 13
Br.a9g: I'd just like to make a comment. It sounds like you have a very
, ambitious start up and. I congratulate you on all the work that was done for
you to arrange all thi~. It looks good.
Colby: Pretty fun people too that are going to be coming in and talking~\
Ihegolfinst ructor was just phenomenal. . He came over yesterday. He' s,ln
. Eden Prairie and he's just, I think he >told me he was 75 years old. No,
what's interesting is he told me his wife was 75 yearsold~ Hedidn~t t~ll
me how old he was. I'm just so excited for some of these things. I'm
anxious 'to see them. . I hope people come to the events you know because
some people are saying, well they just kind of ~ant it for a drop by cehter
too. This might be too aggressive.
Montgomery: We'll see. I really think you responded to the survey in
trying to provide what they said they wanted. Well, we'll see.
Colby: i Yeah we will.
Montgomery: Well I think you did a good job.
AI.:.Jaff: Hay! add something? Yesterday Paul and I were sitting
and Judydoesn' t know this eit her.' And Paul said that one of the
thingsChanhassencould have eve~ done ~as getting Judy on board.
work is very much appreciated by everybody.
Heinlein: I don' t kno.w why "J~ selected her.
Bragg: Emma was on that selection committee so she knows why.
Colby: Yeah, shawas made at me because I dido' t notice her .at the
Halloween. Remember ,that during the, she noticed that I wasn't at
the Hallo.ween thing. She ,was all dressed up as, what were you dressed up
as? For Halloween Selda.
Heinlein: A bag lady.
Colby: What?
Heinlein: My son said it was a bag lady.
, ,
had rollers in her hair and a cap and a bathrobe. Lots of
S1. John: We chose Judy. She had a lot .0J quali fications
and surpassed the others.
Mo.ntgomery: Well she certainly has been using all of those qualifications.
Colby: I want to tell you. Last week I think you would have questioned
it. ,If you~ould have seen me, I was getting really icared. I was, too
much 'is too much but I feel really, after.our last Advisory meeting,
e~erything's just kind of fell into place and now once this mailing gets
out, ! think it's all, it's 90ingto. happen pretty smoothly.,
(There was ~'tape change at t his point in t he discussion.)
Colby: Maybe we should plan somethingklnd ofsp.cial forth~t club.
know they're coming in on the 2nd for cards and we're going to have H
catered. I need to tal~ to Paul about that. Maybe we can do somethirig
special for them. '
St. John: I did bake a cake yesterday. I was on the serving and I
. couldn' tbe there. I have been just missing out and then when my name
. comes up for serving, it's a day that I can't even be theresoI missed
yest eriday.
Colby: Veah. Maybe we should do that because I really do want them to
feel, every once in a while oh,we have our cabinets and they'll be/locked
and maybe they can be available to the center. ~o they still, I want
try to' make that not a split. That we're all one center.
Heinlein: This is what is going to be hard to get across I think. Don't
you Emma? I mean they'reso set on, we are the card club and whether or
not we can gradually get them to feel that really~e're one big /
organization. .
'Montgomery: Maybe it's up to us too to be very welcoming and to make that
come about. ~
Well here about, I think Marion will be a big help.
Bragg: I'd like to ask Bernice ~ little bit about that because she ,was
in~olvedin that Ederr Prairie center ~nd th~t was originally a card club
toowasn' tit?
Bragg: How did that work,out?
Biilison: Well we still hadihe people who want to do, nothing but play
Montgomery: That's okay.
Billlson: And they have a strong Bridge group on Tuesdays~ One wonderful
thing is that they have this Hen's Club and they call it the Woodchucks.
They d~~veTything. They're very supportive ~f everything'in the senior
center and th.y have their6wn breakfast they meet.' They have,their own
Bragg: So if you don't force them, it will just comeabout~ When they see
thatH's their center.
Kubitz: One of the things that after the card club gets into the cent~r
rather~than the'school, and sees the,other activities.
. B111ison: I think you're righL
There's going to be somebody who wants to do something.
Heinlein: I'm pretty sure that there will be some of them but the ol~er
ones I hesitate. There area few that are game~
St. John: Yeah, well just let them play their cards and let them do their
thing but then they will see that th~re's this sharing of other things too
and then they will start getting together.
Well people, I think we'd better move on here.
Montgomery: Any news where that's concerned?
Colby: Not at all.
Mon~gofuery: Nothing? Discouraging.
Colby: And !'vegot to do, 1 haven't done anything. ! haven't put
anything mor~ in the paper or, I've kind of directed at the center." Now
once, we're up and running, r hope'that we'll be able to. What I hope to do
in August is to invite the Rotary and the Chamber of Commerce and maybe the
Lion's to meet at our center. They havi early morning breakfast meetings.
If they come and meet at our center,I think that will be a good
opportunity tooto,try'and get. .
Montgomery: That's a good id~a. Excellent. The Chamber I think was
to send out something with their next announcement oftheirmeeting~
Something aGout this, or whether they send an application blank or sugge~t
that they do or something. ! don't know whether that came about or if
they're going i~doit or, but som~bodY said they were going to.
Howard: ~lhink on our bulletin board, we are having a bulletin board when
the centero~ens, t~ere should be a notice saying applications to be on the
Advisory Board will be available for just anybody. For the at large
posit ions.
How many permanent advisory board do you have now?
Bragg: You're temporary so you don't know how many.
Colby: The Council has to approve. We/have 5 right? There's Sherol and
Jane and Marion and Gayla. . Four. So there's 5 that are working on it with
me and I guess that's why they've been so supportive and done so much of
the work that has, I've gotten lax about trying to .find anybody else.
We'll want others because we'll want to get the community involved so we~ll
want that once we get going. '
Bragg: And you want to have 13 is it? Is that your goal?
Senior Commission Meeting
.June 19,1~92 -page 16
Montgomery: Well we certainly owe all of you a big vote of thanks for all
thelabots that you've done. Certainly mUch~ppreciated.
Colby: They're doing the work of 13, that's f~rsure.
Betty Crouch: . I'm Betty Crouch. I don't~now if you remember the last
time I was here and I just thought I would come and clarify some of the'
issues that seem to be showing up in some of our phone calls and~omments
that .I'veheard. I've also, at Judy's suggestion, have brought with me a
comparison study or survey of how we have iocreasedourservice in Eden
Prairie over the years because Chanhassen is very similar to Eden Prairie
in the m~ke-up of the senior ~ervices and how it was ver~ slow when we
first started it. It has increased but we're kind of starting out at the
same level here wit h you but maybe 1'11 pass t his and you can look at .ft.
Montgomery: One question. Can you use some 01 the same providers or work
people that are available in Eden Prairie in Chanhassen?
Betty Crouch: . Yes. Right now our core staff is serving all the cities,
includtng Chanhassen. That~as been throughout the beginning of the
program. We did have a few more people that it was geared up for like back
in November-December but I actually didn't have the requests that we had
anticipated so the staff is diminished a little bit in that respecland
thatw~smainly in the homemakin~ area. I've only had maybe 2 requests for
homemaking since we started service in Chanhassen and one, because ofa
misunderstanding, that one didn't follow through and one is taking place
right now, as I understand. And it's more a spring type. An all day. It's
not ongoing homemaking which is what we normally think 6fasour homemaking
Montgomery: You mean us~ally you have a call for an ongoing ~ervice?
Betty Crouch: The majority of the homemaking requests are for ongoing ,but
we do have a lot of spring and fall requests too.
Montgomery: Now is there any requirement? Does somebody have to have
handicap problems or an illness or anything?
Betty Crouch: No.
Montgomery: Just anybody can call?
Betty Crouch: Anyone who is 60 years or under 60 if they are disabled. So
those are the only requirements that, and live in the area that we serve.
Montgomery: And then there is a sliding scale?
Betty Crouch: There's a sliding fee scale.
Montgomery: 00 you require a financial statement if theY'~e going' to
Senior Commission Meeting
June 19, 1992 - Page 17
Betty Croucih: No. I do not and that's what I wanted to review with you
toda~. That seems to be the confusion. We have a very brief home service
request. form. I now at least two of you, I rec6gnize names, have seen it.
And basically the topp'art is a demographic information. Age, things like
that ~nd if you're handicapped, the.address. There is a section for the
income information. We do not require verification and this is for people
who wish to apply for the sliding fee scale. If the income is over $2,000.
a month or people do not wa.nt to reveal this, they do not have to and there
is a .waiver and I attach thatq~ite often or I tell people and they don't
have to do that. They just would goat the top rate for the type of
service that we provide.
Montgomery: I think that's really important to make that clear because I
think people are very sensitive about that. I have talked to a fe~ people
who really seem to have that idea that that was a requirement and they
didn't like it and they w~ren't going to do that. I just think we have to
be very car~ful that they.
Betty Crouch: Right, and that's why I wanted to come and talk to you ~oday
and show you, and I can leave these with you if you would like .so you can~
or leave them. I don't know if Judy or Sharmin has them on file but I
would like you to have t hem and to explain t hat no, t hey do not have to
show any proof~ And if they wish to apply for the slidIng fee sbale, they
fill. it out and sign it and that~s all we ask.
That's certainly reasonable.
e.tty Crouch: A~ far as homemaking, I ~ould probably like to come out and
do a home visit. Either myself or my assistant Joy because at that time we
~evisea plan and it helps us to see what the a6tual physical layout of the
house is and how often and how long. . This is very helpful in our program.
But for everything else it'sbasic~lly,they call into the office. We ask
what it is they w.nt. What kind of service and theri we try to line that
up.. We're not an emergency service program. Sometimes it takes us ~ day
or two or up to a week to find someone to take care of whatever is needed
but ~e do try to take 6are of things as soon as possible. And hopefully ~e
are trying, and weexplilin to people if we're not able to get there right
away. I have a great deal of confidence in my staff but I do have
volunteers that help a lot because it's a very small office. I don't have
a full time secretary. I ~aveso~e ~onderfulvolunteers but it's ~ little
,confusing to them too starting in a new city and I know there have been
times when we've had to call Sharmin because one of them said, well we
don't serve people inChanhassen because she'd been gone for you know on a
vacatIon and came back and didn't realize that we had expanded. So I'm
really sorry that those things rlohappenand when~v~r I.am awire of them, I
try to respond as soon as possible or get back, if I know who Hwas that
Howard: Tim Hanson was at my house. He said that people really would not
need the insurance program through Minnegasco or Northern States he said if.
you pay $12.00 afuonth. That's a quite sUm through the year and you have
one appliance breaking. He said we can fix that more reasonably than if
you belonged to this insurance. No~ this implied a semi-emergency type of
SeniorCdmmission Heeting
June 19', 1992 ...,Page lB
Betty Crouch:
That's true.
Howard: You do do this? He made quite a point of this.
Betty Crouch: Okay, .he is the only one I have that could do appliance
repair so perhaps tha~ is not a statement that should have been m~d~.
pjrsonally do have service plus through Hinnegasco because Tim cannot
~espond in an emergency fashion.
Howard: He said so often they t~ll yoult needs replacement.. It keeps
them from repairing it. He said, we will repair it. And so he really
dwelled on thJs.
Betty Crouch: He is' dedicated to helping people as much as possible and to
savet hemm'oney and I think that ~s probably what he was trying to get at..
That he could probably repair it for you rather th.n have them replace it.
And I think he only had your best interest ~t heart but I'm sorry if he
conveyed that he could respond in an emerg~ncy. Pardon?
.Howard: rhejtime might enter in...
Betty Crouch: Right. Definitely.
Howard: ...insurance too but If just wanted to clarify that.
Betty Crouch: And Hinnegasco does respond within 24 hours or whatever
whenever there's an emergency and we cannot do that. I agree. So it would
have to be something you'd want to really seriously consider.
Montgomery: Haybe that's something that should be brought out too so that
people don't have the wrong expecitations you know. If they think
somebody's going to be there..in 24 hours. than they're really angry if
they're not. Maybe they need to know that they're going to have to wait a
while if they want to do this. -.
Betty Crouch: Well normally when weare setting up the appointments, or
tellihgthem when we do say. like Tim~ When he goes out, he.says I'll be
there at a certain timeori a certain day. The seasonal work is done by
Skills Bank, independent workers. And I cannot schedule them. They make
their own schedules. I hope for the most part that they are on time
because it's to their benefit to be on time .s well as your's. But
sometimes unforeseen things do happen. .
Bragg: I have a real problem.
Betty Crouch: I.know you do Betty.
Bragg: You see my name and because I'm waiting about 3 months to have a'
job comple'ted but Tim was right ,oot here and he was more than helpful. I
just thought he was great. And then he told me that one of his supervise.s
would come out and do the actual work and hetold me who the, he~as
picking off this man because he had special skills.. I thought ~ell that's
worth waiting for. He 'also explained .that this person had a DWI or
something lik~ that so this was his community service hours that he was
Senior Commission Heeting
June. 19, 1992.- Page 19
putting in. And when the man came, you know I assumed that it would all
get done but it is outside work and it seems like every time that he's
going to come we ~ave a weather like it will rain or something and he can~t
perform. But therewere'a couple times when he said he would come and r
gave up something else to be there 'and then he didn't come and that '$ why
I put in some calls to Tim. And now .the latest thing is, I'Ve been waiting
at least a month. He's got half of it done. He's got his supplies in the
.back yard and he doesn't come and he doesn't call.
Betty Crou6h: He's been,out of town we found out for the last week. I did
talito~1im.about this and if he does not get back in and talk to us by
Honday, we'll arrange for some other service to take care of it. We won't
rely on J him an'ymore. But itisa specialskille.9 job which we did riot have
anyone else on staff to do and that's why w~ wer~ relying on this community
service person to help.
Bragg: }'ve be~n thinking about that all 'along that if it had been a real
emergencYJ I think Tim would have taken care of it immediately so it's not
a criticism of the service or anyl hinglike that. It's just that this one
wo~ker who has another job and lunderlt~nd that.. Sol just wanted to say
I have been a little annoyed at that. At the delay but then again it's not
an emergency that I'm waiting for.
Betty Crouch:
the situation.
Well we appreciate your patience and your understanding of
Bragg: And I'm sure that there are a lot of things like this that come up
and it's too bad. Itroakes you nervous but basically the service is good.
I just want you to know. that.
Thank you. Well, I thought I'djust give you a little bit '
of an update. AsI said, I recognized 2 oi 3 names here but we have also
served approximately 10 other households in Chanhassen. I think pr'obably
you had update that we had a total of 7 hours of service in April but in
May we had 43 hours of service. I don't know what it is right now. I know
thaL Tim's out doing a job out here this morning and we don't have too much
seasonal work. We've had some requests and we've had people take advantage
of the one time free mowing. Thanks to Judy, we got coupons out which I'~
sure all of you received. The coupons and one of them was a one free
mowing. But we've had several cancellations ant he lawn requests. But I
think it's coming along.
Montgomery: I wonder if there isn't some way that we can publicize it
more. It just seems to me that a lot of people are not aware of it.
understand it.
Betty Crouch: I'd like to touch 00 that too. The last tim~ I was here I
showed you. a video that I had that really 'was not Up to date. But since
then, ,we've had the luxury of having Bloomington Cable TV come and do a
lit tie blurb on our program and it's much more professional. It's upto
date. It's only a4 minute blurb. Actually I have the tape with lIlebut it
is going to be shOwn on all the community cable agencies and it does state
that we are now providing service in Chanhassen as w~ll as the other '
cities. So I don't know how much cable TV is going to help us but if'
Senior Commission Heeting
June 19, 1992 - Page 20
someone skes it, theymignt pass\ it on. Wo~d of mouth seems to be really
great and when your center opens,wecan getsome new coupons out and maybe
we can prevail on your newspaper editor to write another blurb sometime in
the near f~ture to remind people. Especially toward. the end of summer,
with fall coming on and getting ready Jar winter. Things like that.
Colby: Mayberf you could give me a list of the people that nave used the
service and I could ask Dean at the Villager to interview them. Write an
article of whathas,how they've used it. One thing I thought about after
we had: a call Jor.the person that needed the housekeeping. I think this is
probably true of a lot of us is that we call at the last hour. Like she
knew her husband was in the hospital all along and that things were
probably accumulating for her but you don't think about it until you're
just at your wits end. And then, if somebody doesn't respond immediately,
you're angry. So if we could kind of maybe promote it as something to plan
ahead a little bit more so this is in their mind before they were at that
point, I think that that's what it sounds like ,this woman was. Shewas
just really.
Nont90mery: It's the wrong expectati~ns.
Colby: And honestly~ you never think of asking for help when you should
'ask for help. Vouthinkof asking fo~help when you're you know, and
I don't know how you encourage people to, and:I think seniors especially
just don' t ask for help. 'They just don't and by the time t hey do ,Iwas
talking with,I'm pulling a blank now. The woman who has the day care
facility in Chan. I can't even ~hink of the daycare facility.
AI-Jaff: Hold on. I have her name. Hebsen. Sally Hebsen.
Colby: Sally Hebsen. And she was saying the same thing. Sojourn. She
says that boy,ift hey only would have come to her a mont hor two before
t hat but \ they don 'to They wait and she says so wahave to jump on. You
have to turn on ~ dime. Well you can't turn on a dime to get somebody out
.there when it needs to be scheduled. If you promote that as a positive,
plan ahead rather t hil.nas a negative. I don't kno.w ho.wyou pro.mote that.
But I think the center will help. Having the center here.
Howard: If it's in the paper, it can be addressed to. younger peo.ple taa
who's parents might need help. So. we have to acquaint others than the
seniors with the program.
Montgomery: Maybe just send same bulletins through some ~f the service
clubs or so.mething like that. Through the Rotary and Chamber and all of
that sort of thing. Describing the service. So maybe that would be one
contact we could be.
Bragg: I think having the center open will make a big difference and then
having ~urresources.
Colby: We talked about it. One to one rather thgn just seeing this piece
of paper where it doesn't really click but I think if we could do that
editorial about people that have used.it so that it's mare ofa
testimonial. That might help also.
, /
Kubitz: Can you give me...without the
. Montgomery: You mean the cost of full
ser0ice?1 I meari full rate?
/ .
Senior Commission Meeting
19, 1992 - Page 21
Betty Crouch: Well. because of the confidentiality, it would be nice. I
mean I'would ~ad to ask the permission of ,someone who used the program
because like youiself, you don't want me to sa~ you're, you don't want me
to pufthat in. the paper but if you're willing to say that we've helped
you, then that~s. I just can't give you a list of names. I have to clear
it .with the clients .. But I thinkthat would be a really good idea if we
could promote something like that. Is ther~anything elsri I~m not
Kubitz: It being whatever.
B~tty Crouch: Db you knowhow long it lilQuld tale approximately to mow
you talking about your own lawn? ./ . . .
Kubitz: The neighbors do their's in a couple hours. It takes my husband
BettyCrbuch: If you could do it in2 hours, the top cost would be $28.00.
$14.00 an hour is thet~p rate for lawn mowing. Okay, I'll le~ve these
with, where can I leave them? I can give you as many copie~ as you want.
Colby: I don't have any sol would like some for the, so we can have
upal the center.
Betty Crouch: I didn't bring more but I c~n'send some up to you: Thank
you for your patience Betty and thank you all for your support and I'd be
glad to come back anytime you want.
l1ont90mery: . Okay, thanks.
AI-JaU: The requests for proposals have gone ouL The deadline is July
6th. Until then we just decided towait~ There were, I put ~ copy of the
letters that went out in your agenda. There were 4, I'm sorry 5 firms that
were contacted. So 1 just wanted to let you know that this had taken
place. Once we receive the proposals back, we will 90 .in front of Council
and request approval for it. As you know, the money has been allocated for
t he study already. So the Council would then just need to approve the
thing. First it wouldcome.in front of you. Vou.would recommend that the
Council adopt this mot ion and then it would go in fro'nt of the Council. But
we're on track. It's one of our ~oals for 1992.
Montgomery: That's great ~.. I was really pleased to see that July.6th
deadline in there.
Montgomery: The next item is the Senior Services Director. How we doing?
Okay, is everybody ready for this?
It depends on what it is.
Okay, here'~the cover.
Even withtne aged eye, we could see it over here.
AI-Jaff:And in here is the name of the City Council and then Senior
Commission is right underneath that. One thing that we were late in
catching wasChanhassen Senior Center and then a phone number right next to
iL '
ICcould be written in later perhaps.
AI-Jaff: Well, it's in the dir~ctory {tself but it's not on the cover. It
would have been niQe if we could have had it on the cover. But I will be
passing this around. Of course this would have to be folded like so. This
isablueprint. Tne original copywiUbe,or the copy that everyone will
be receiving is going to be inblatk and whits. This is the blue line
. proof. You might want to take a look at that.
When will this be done?
AI-Jaff: Right now it 's being printed, coll~ted and stapled at United
Mailings as we speak. So\~e should be getting the directory prettY'Boon.
Bragg: In time for the Grand Opening?
AI-Jaff: Oh yes~
Montgomery: That is reaUy great. WonderfuL. Now we need to do something
to thank 8etty for her labors who did the layout and the design. The whole
thing. That's a lot of work and she's been trapsingto the printer and
Bragg: Betty Anderson?
Montgomery: Yes.
AI-Jaff: I'm so thankful that she came along to all the meetings. There
were so many times we would be sitting and at Victory Envelope and the.lady
is Jane Shenardand she would be usingt his lingo that I had no clue what
she was talking about . And Betty was picking on it and she was answering
her and-.
Moritgomery: She's a neat person.
Wonderful to work with.
. Montgomery: Well, we'll have to do
AI-3aff: .. . a~k her to' t he GrandOpening. ..and acknowledge her.
Yes, I think we'should.
That was a big contribution.
Senior Commission Meeting
June19~1992 - Page 23
Colby: Maybe this is a good idea to have aarbara you and Sharmiri and
down so we don't miss anybody~
MontgomerY~ There's a long list and I was thinking ~bout it in
,We've just had SO much help really.
AI-JaH:, It would be nice to invite T9m...
(There was a tape change at this point in the discussion.)
M,ontgomery: .. .back in the task force stuff .
Al";Ja ff: Thet hiog is, inobody knew ,about her. Carver County, at least
when we met, Idth Vicky Peterson, she wasn't aware of H. We've brought
tb her attention. Btit Carver County does have;..or how does this work.
Senior Answer Line has... service Carver County. I beHeve it was 2 years
ago when Julietrled toapPToacn Carver County. They weren't very
receptive. The fact that Senior Ans'Wer Line would come and service them.
Though she didn't want to become pushy, she kind of stepped back and
- thought, when they ~ere ready thei'd app~oach. And that's basically what
had happened.
Montgomery: I know Betty and-I were on the Advisory Board hoping that
something would comeab'out and we kept saying, well let me get the center
going. We'll be able to do' something about this but until then, it's
prett y hard.
Bragg: It's interesting that the ~roup'thatwe were advisory t6 had been
functioning forlO-1S years and they had justHgotten to that point that
Julie Benz had taken this on and got a grant to do t his~ Weweret here
our first meeting with the~ whenHshewasready to announce that so this
all come about very recen,tly. About 2, years.
,Montgomery: So we hope 'we can stay in the running.
Al-Jaff: That 'swhy we need as many seniors out there as possible. City
oHicials will beinvHed but we really need, the people that are going
be using the~rogram.
Bragg: Would you, because I was distracted momentarily when you were
talklng.about gettin9 the car and riding over there. Would you give me ..
your information again because I'd like to -come and I just don't think.,
June ,24th?
. Al-Jaff: Correct.
Bragg: 3:30 there?
e Al-Ja ff: Ves.
Bragg: What time is your
Because thathappens~ well
Bet ty and !..
Senior Commission Meeting
June 19, .,1992 Page 24
AI~Jaff: I thought that we would meet ~erearound 3~OO. Leave half an
hour for the r9ad pLus find the room where we are going to be meeting.
it doesn'tnurt to get there early. '
Bragg: Plan on me too then.
Al::-Jaff: So do you want me to pick you up?
Bragg: No, I'll come here.
AI-Ja ff: Okay. Who needs to be picked up at t he i r home? Barbara?
Montgomery: It dependeon the weather. If tHe weather's okay, I'll meet
here. '
AI-Jaff: Alright. Well, maybe you can give m, aeall on the 24th like
the morning sometime. Selda, you'll need me to pick you up at home
Heinlein: 'Okay. If'it's this nice, lean walk~
Okay~ Again, if you want to, ~ou can give me a call.
youeither'wanf me to p!'ckyou up or. Judy, you'll be
Colby: I have to pick up a little boy at Cub Adventure Days at 3:00
it's just down ,at Lake Ann so I might just be a couple minutes late.
'probably not...
v6u can bring h~m with.
St. John: Can I ask a question? Back to the directory.
were cutting down some o.f the numbers because you had all
Victoria that were not in Cnannassen.
AI-Jaff: Residents.
John: Residents, right. How do you determine addresses? What
,Cnanhassen residents that have an Excelsior address'?
AI-Jaft: I know the residents at Chanhassen. I know the stfeets of .
Chanhassen. We have,' there area few streets that are confusing. 14e don't
know which ones. Kings Road . Half o'f it is in Chanhassen and the other
half is in Victoria but we know where the numbers terminate. Where the
bo.rderis~ It's no problem.
Al.;..Jalf: No.' .Weknow that you are in Chanhassen.
Colby: You've gotten mailings from us ri9l1t'?
Bragg: Yes. I was going to tell you that there's a wrong number I get and
I think this was delivered to my door. It has 6320. Not 1620 but it
didn't seem to. be a big problem. I tried to co.rrect it a co.uple years
usually ha~e the agenda hand delivered but it doesn't
Senior Commis~ion ~eeting
June 19, 1992 - Page 25
but it'sstilf c6ming off the same way. It's 6320 instead of 1620.
I get it anyway. There are only about 6-7 houses up there so.
Montgomery: Anybody else have anything on the directory? Distribution.
Mont?Omer'y: Okay, do we have some comments? I have a couplebf comments.
OnelS that Selda!s working hard on put tln9 t0gether all of the history of
what we've been doing and she hopes to hav. that ready for the opening.
And let's see. Oh, I got.talkedintodoing another cable television thing
which is a panel discussion about aging which has really been fascinating
asa matter of fact,. tIe had one meeting and they'regoin9 to be taping
t hat on Tuesday.
Howard: When will that be shown?
Montgomery: I don't know. I'll have to find out. Somehow I think I'm
afraid to find out and don't want to watbh. But it is interesting and
there's twoot her women doing it . Alyda Goldschmidt and Vi Kendall.
they bad some fascinatin9. '
They' rebot h wonderfufpeople.
Montgomery: The question is, how do you see your life different from your
mother's at your age or your grandmother? "And .this has led to all kinds of
wonderful discussions. And if you people think about and call me back, I'd
appreciate that because t~at'simportant information. '
Bragg: I nadafascinating week last week. My father married a year after
my mother died and my step mother is now 94 years ~ld. She 6ame to visit
last \",eel<. She came by plane fromF lorida with her daughter and so I was
sitting there just observirig her and how really br~ght 'and bushy tailed she
is~ She was a nurse and she tau9ht~t Mankata State for a time. But where
she has slowed down, her 9aiti$ a littleslower~ Her eye sight seems to
befascinati~~.She gets everything but her hearing is terrible. And
she's always fiddling with hearing aids and I could hear one whistling a
little bit and I thought,ohhowuncomfortable that must be to have
feedback all the time. And she didn't have it in there quite right.
when she didn't have it in, which I jhou9ht was more comfortable for
then she was out of it completely. So you know,I think if you look at
the things that you think would be handicapping, hearing iaoneof the'
things that would be most handicapping and yet .it doesn't appear to be.
And because she'd be into everything we said and she 'Was doing not only
crossword puzzles but those cryptocrypts wher,e you have one number and \how
she could do those. And yet if she was looking right at you and you were
conversing about something, and then suddenly the hearing aid would go off,
she would look blank at you and then all of a sudden Ithe subject would be.
just different. And you can easily say,well you know, she where iis she?
You know, she's really out of it. And all.it was 'Was hearing.
Senior Commission Meeting
June 19, 1992 - Page 26
Montgomery: That's something we all need to be aware of too at the center
I think. To be very cognizant. Observant and find out who it Isthat
needs details.
Anyway, Ibrbughtthatup because we will have maybe
who are in theIr 90's comlflgto tnecenter.Andyou don't realize how
really old they are because they're, i fthey .can 'be engaged in whatever
is you're doing, they are, but you can't tell them from youngir people.
, . ' \, ' "I
Montgomery: Does anybody have any little bulletins that we should have
something going on?
Are we on number 10 now?
Ves, we're on number 10.
I have something. I think it was~ednesday or so of last 'week. I
went out to get my mail and in it was an issue, my professional group has a
book, magazine called or Week which we g.et free. If you're retired, you
get it. It's not the commercial journal that we would get. And along with .
it a leHer saying the ,long term -care alternatives. And both of them were
focused'on health care and it's reforms. The two people who wrote this
article ate from the state 01 Wisconsin which is a lot like our state.
They have prepared a video called, I'd Just like to read this to you. The
videotape is called the third step to dignity. It was produced by the
long term care campaign. Thecoali tion of 140 organizations including my
professIonal group. At press time t he video was available in limited
quantities free 6fcharge' from the long term care campaign, and there's a
telephone number. Once the supply is exnaustedhowever, the tape will not
be reissued. And I was wishing that we could get a hold of thatlape.
Just the third step to dign'ityis I think what we're focusing on as a
group. It's where all of us in that third stage of life and the fact that
we have some needs, that's why r was telling about my step mother. That if
we can get those needs met iothe community, there's no reasOn wnywehave
to go in nursing homes and things like that. And this, it happened to come
the same day.Iwas going to throw it. out because I thought this is
something I wouldn't care about but it's a Golden Care Plus. It~s an
insurance plan that was put out by, let's see. Banker's Life. ,If's a well
known insurance firm~ But it's dealing with the same thing and It was like
a double whammy when they both came and I thought well, now one has to do
with somebody's makingmoney off of us andnere's another that says,
there's no reaso~ why we have to spend that much if we can offer an
alternative. Which is what we've been talking about today. It '$
remarkable how. focused our conversation was on that very thing. What I'd
like to know is Hanybody else is as interested .as I am, that we might
phone in and get a copy of this tape and view it.
Montgomery~ I think that sounds like a great idea. Long .term care is a
real problem and nobody wants to even thInk about it. I think that would
be a great thing.
Bragg: If we can intervene at an earlier age, we don't have to go that
way. Okay, I'm going to take advantage oftl11s phone number and then I'll
call and see if 1 make it early enough on to get it. If it 'swart htilhile
. ;
Senior Commission Meeting
June 19, 1992 - Page 27
for us, it might also be worthwhile for our seniors.
Montgomery: We'll put that on the agenda for next time and see what
happens. And if anybody else has any information or access to some on long
term.care, maybe that's somet hin9 we should begin accumulating information
about. Okay. Anybody BIse have somethIng? Judy, anything else?
Heinlein moved, Billison seconded to adjourn the meeting.
favor and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned.
(Submitted by Paul Krauss
Planning Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim