1992 07 17 -.'-' -. '. CHANHASSENSENIORCOMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JULY 17, 1992 Chairwoman Montgomery called theme~ting to order at 9:30 a.m.. PRESENT: Barbara Montgom;ry, Betty Bragg, Bernice BillisonJ Jane SelidaHeinlein, and Emma St. John Ii - i ABSENT:. Sherol Howard STAFF PRESENT; Sharmi n Al Jaff, planner r; and Judy Colby, Senior Center pro'gram Coo'li'di nator : i AGENDA: Montgomery:. First item is, the. approval of the agenda . I would like to put a little note inhere, say! ng that since none of us received the agenda , nor did we recElive the Minutes, we .wi II not be 'able to do ei ther 'of these items unless we tlake a few minutes right now to take a look at the agenda. Would you do that ~ow please. ' i ' Bragg: .I'd, like tO,comment that I'm sure we have a lot lof things about item 6, 7 and 8 and'I hope that there will be ample time at todis'cuss that. 'e Montgomery:" Alright. move around'? Does anybody else have anything they want to add or Heinlein: Well tO,the best of my memory, when I read it last night, I ' couldn't see I anything that necessarily had to be changed or anything, unless Mymemoryfsshort. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 'Montgomery: Okay. Then let~s go onto the next one which is Approval of 'the Minutes which I guess we really can't do this time. We'll have to do that at the next meeting. And the next meeting, for therec6rd,~ill'be on August 21st which is the third F'riday. And if you have not received your agenda by the 14th, we had better do something. Al~J~ff: Call by about the 17th. Because 14th is,the-day when I get the agendas out. So you have to receive either on Saturday or on Monday. Montgomery: Alright. If you haven't received it then by August 17th, let me know/and we'll see what's 901ng.6n. Okay'? AI-Jaff: Again this is really odd, I mean. e MontgOMery: Well, there's something strange going on and I think we should tiace1t and that's why I got the form at the Post, Office to fill out the 16st mail form and just trace it and see what's 90ing on. What happened. They seemed just as surprised' at the Post Office. I tal ked to Sh5x ley. ' She gave me the form. CONCLUSION OF SENIOR CENTER CONSTRuCtION - WITH EOS. Senior Commission Meeting July 17., 1992 - Page 2 Montgomery~ B~foreyou start Bert, I just want td say that I think all of usju~t~weyou a great debt of appr~ciation for all your hard work and for listening to all of us and for justg6ing a really good job. Thank you. I want to say it's very gorgeous place... Bert Haglund= Well! would expect.thatover time as people become more aware of that fa6ility and pepple get into it and can pass that on by word of mouth to., others, that thatwou1d help increase the 'activ'ity of the .seniors. Bragg= It's very hands6me. Ldvely to be in there. And asa senior to say that we have a beautiful building and beautiful sp\ace to be in, it's nice be6auselthink a lot of times we don't value ourselves because we get the odds and ends and everythinci. This was just gorgeous. Montgomery: Al ready. I have had several fr lends from othQr communities who ar~ very envious of t~is facility. They think it's beautiful. e Al~Jaff: We've been approached by different wondering if they 6an hold their meetings at told them that they're more than welcome to. did a wonderful job. Well that's gr~at. I know that as you start to use the space, that's reaily where the proof of the pudding is. .Once y6ujrein and are starting to function and I know you've had a chance to do. that some and it's good to hear thateven.after a week or two, it seems to be wo~king out. Well I'm going to sit down hete and just give you an update of, where we are. At the time that the project was what we call substantially complete is, that's the point at which it's complete enoug~ for use. But not necessarily '100% complete but it's complete enough to use it for it's pur~ose. We do an inspection. By we I mean myself and oGr engineers. Our mechanical and electrical engineers come in and do a thorough inspection on the project\to see what isn't 100% complete yet and we put together a check listof.those items. We did so i~ early July and did ,come up.witha'check list and I'm not going to pass this out because it's really a working document but there 's a check list that we then give to the contraCtor and have given and this then is the contractor's instructions if ~ou will to, they ha0e to go through and complete all of these remaining items in order, before the project can be closed out. And so the contractor's lnthe . proeessof~ompletingthese items, and maybe of these are very, you might even say insignificant but yet they're part of the project and they need to be completed. And so that's what's happening right now. You maY.not . notice many of these things. You ~aynot even notice but over the next, we have ~et with the cont~actor this week aboui 3 days ago and he indicated to us that by the end of 'the month, in about a 2 week period, he expects.to have all of these items completed so that the project can be fully closed organizations in the bity . night at the Senior Center. I And everybody 100es it. You e out. Formally. Kubitz: Bert. Did Paul say anything to ydu about that one exit bGtton for wheelchairs? Yes. On the 9~ter most door? Yes. Bert Haglund: Yes. We're moving that out. . '. .Just had a fit. Bert Haglund: Well that's one of thoseltems that, yeah. Needs to be changed and w~'Te going to be moving that out onto the face of thewsil. Ther~'s a portion of the wall that was setout. It will be moved but to the face of the bat so it will be verY easy to reach. : e Becau.e nobody in a wheelchaiY could reach it Yeah, that's right. No, that we' noticed and we're having that moved out. Some of the items that you may have noticed that are not complete such as the coat rack, isn't in yet. The fold in wall wasSust xecently installed and I~hink they even still have some m6rework to do to fully install that. Some items didn't arrive from the manufacturer and sO as those items are arriving, those will be put in. But again, .the contractor indicated that he thought that most, if not all.ofthosewould be done by the end of the month~ Kubitz: How are they coming with thetabl~s? AI-Jaff: I 6alledBiil b'Neill. Something is happening between the manufacturer and the company that ships them. They have the tops but they don't have the bases. And I told them that we need tables by the 27th . We have to have tables by the 27th and I said, I refuse to pay one cent on renting tables. They're gol ngto have to provide them themselvesandthey said~no proble~~ We would have tables if they had to go up and~rent them themselves. They will do that. So we will have tables on the 27th. Kubitz: We have tables there now but they're not AI-Jo9fT': On the 27th we need long tables as well for Judy, what is it? The Health Fair. Yeah, the Health Fair. So ~~ won't hevethe new ones? . AI-Jaff: I don.'t know. They are really way of saying what Z'mbeen doin~. I've day. Senior Com~ission Meeting luly 17, 1992- Page 4 -- Heinlein: 27th' is the Health Fai i arid now theie's some ti Ip or other that was spread around yesterday by South Shore. Well let's get back to Bert here. I was thinking the two on one day. Montgom~ry: Well, we'll take th~t up latei. Bert Haglund: $0 nevertheless, that's the status of the project a~din the meantime you'ie using it. I have been in touch with Sharminto get any feedback that she has gotten from you or anyone else that's been using it to see if thete Ii any ~djustment ~r anything that we can do to improve it and we've rioted a couple of things. One was the location .of that. press pad. . 'But 1 think we 'vecaptured everything and at this poi ntwe should in the next couple of weeks, like r say see everything. Finally to 100% 60mpletion. I was notable to be at the giand opening. I. apologize. I was out of town that weekend but.oneof my partners, Zak Johnson was there and I understand that you had a .lotof activity. . Montgomery: 'There were a lot of people around. Well wasn't Nick Ruehl there? It seems tome. Nic~? I don't think he was there. AI-Jaff: No. OnlyZak was here. ~ was hoping to have been there. Montgomery: Well we missed you. You missed great entertainment. Wonderful lunch. It~as a beautif~l day. Montgomery: Well we certainly do appreciate what you've done and we'll be in,touch. Maybe some things will come up you know. As you say with use, we may find out something but right now I don't think ther~'stoo much that has come to the forum. AI-Jaff: One thing I'm having to point out to people on a regular basis, those are automatic doors. All we have to do is push the button. They , don't know. ~speci~lly the people with wheelchaiis. They'iehaving tdget somebody to open the door fOithem and then they would roll in. I don't know if we need a sign or they'll catch on in time that these are automatic doors It \, \ III Kubitz: Sharmin, somebody going 00tthe other day when we had South Shore over there, h. used the button but the door started closing before he could get out the door. Okay I can ask, when I was talking to the contractor about it, he he can prolong the time the door remains open. Senior Commission Meeting Jul y17, 1992 - Page 5 Kubitz: ...behind a wheelchair and grab the door but he couldn't get out before the door/started .closing. AI-Jaff: Right now it's open for 20 seconds. I requested that it be 20 seconds. I thought if it was longer than that, especially during winter" the cold air would. stays open a. long time. know what is a good time period through the door. r thought 20 " adept they are. Maybe we need to watch if somebody's Bragg: Well this Cliff Pederson is pretty adept at running his whealchair and he was the one. '50 it(is probably the timing. You have incr~ased the timing have you? AI-Jaff: No. Bragg: Or was it at 20 seconds? It's at 20 seconds right now. Was it at 20 seconds ~hen he was trying to go through? I , AI-:Jaff: Yes. And if you want it longer than that, r mean we could seconds. Montgomery: Maybe we should do that. Try that. I'mwondering~ .would ~t be possible t6put a little not. with an arrow on it to show. On the door itself so they'd see that as they'~etrying to open it that would point to the button or something. ' Bert Haglund: Usually, for myself, when I walk up to a door. When you see that button, usually it ',s pretty evident because it's right verY close to the'doorand the button itself has, I believe it says push. Yeah, it has a wheelchair symbol on i~~ . Kubitz:7 ...finding out that it!s there and getting used to it. Well I called it to everone'sattention yesterday and there were about 50 seniors. I told them that those are automatic doors. All you needed was to push that button and that's when we had the majority of the p~Q~le in wheelchairs. e Bragg: For wal kers or other equipment used for ambulation, that t.akes a little more time. You have to push and then get back in posItion again and so I think ~ou have to realize that it is going to take a~ittlelonger. But you want the time incr~ased on the door? Montgomery: Also maybe it's an education process here. Oh yeah. Senior Commission Meeting July 17, 1992 - Page 6 .~ Heinlein: Sure, try it. Bragg: Doesn'teliff come to the card games too? Brags: So he would be comfng more than Just to visit. Bert Haglund: You mentioned signage. We are gcing to be adding another slgn~. Right now thewo~ens iestroom is evident and ioujustcome up and the door is there but you need to go. down the hallway a bit and around to get to the mens. We're going to put up a sign to say mens restroom with an arrow so. that 'as you'r~ going down that first corridor. . Kubitz: ..~because when I was there one day and one of the men were doing the greeting, and he wanted to use the restroom and he said something about this womens group, they'don't even have a restroom for the men. I had to take him ~nd show him where it was. . St. John: Howdoe~ a blind person with the braille on there in'the first place everi find the sign? -- Bert Haglund: Well the sign, the signs are located in what's been established asa standa~d locaticn for Ithe sign. So that a~a blind person feels that there's a door there, and there's like a door knob and so they know which side of the door the knob is on. That's pretty evident because they can just feel that. Then the sign for a room is always placed on the l~tch side of thed90r. The knob side of the door at 60 inches in height. So that is a standard and so the blind person will autcmaticallyjust know that they canjustgo~ and if there's a sign there, that's where it will b~. . St. John: ~eah but to find that, for a blind person when ~person with ~yesc6uld not even find this door around ther.. you mean to the mens room? Yeah. He'd haVe to have help. Bert Haglund: Yeah. A blind person is going to be at a disadvantage. There's nodoubt~ Yo~ know first finding their.way. So the sign that we'll be ptitting up is really an informational sign. We can still have braille on it but that's just a disadvantage. Bragg: I think you have to assume there's certain orientation you give to peopl~ ~ithvis~al problems just to s.y well, that's where they are. You .can't avoid it. Are we required bylaw to ha0e~a directional sign for the blind Bert Haglund: No. The brallle~s required. only on signs which are like permanent room signs. Which identify a permanen~ room like the restroom or in an office or conference room. If the sign i~informational, which a .. directional sign would be, thenthere.s no requirement that that include braille. So the two types of signs. one requires braille, the other does not. So,on the information or directional sign. actually that typically wouldnotinclud. braille. Montgomery.: Anybody else have a question? Thank you very much anxious to hear on now the final completion and that everything place. 'It'sreally, excfting. Bert Haglund: Yeah, great. Well I'm very happy~ In hindsight, I think the construction itself got prolonged a little bit longer than we were hQPing. But all and all, I look back on it as a very good project anO I'm glad that you're pleas~d with it. Montgomery: When did it start? I was trying to remember that. you startconstru6tion? Senior Commission Medting , July i7, 1992 - Page 7 , construction didn't begin until May. Bert Haglund: Well construction didn't begin until. In March wasn't it?, Montgomery: So it went fast. e Kubitz: They did the outside. The foundation. But the interior. Bert Haglund: Thatoidn 't begin unti'llater in May. It was a construction schedule for that project but here we are. And r ithinkit looks nIce. I t~ink the colors worked out well. The Heinlein: One of the ladies I spoke to the other evening,Wednesday.was it or Thursday? She said I can't believe it. She said I was inhere when there was a. lot of ,storage i fl' here. Stuff allover the place. She" said can't believe it. Such a beautiful place. Bert Haglund: Alright, very good. Thank you. .SENIOR CITIZEN HOUSING STUDY. AI-Jaff: ,We have received 7 appl i,cations for thesetlior hous! ng study. Paul 'andr spoke yesterday and what ,we decided was that we would have a meeting' ,On August 18th. We will invite the City Council ,the HRA and the Seniot Commission. I will notIfyall the applicants and we will ihterview them. I will give you copies of their proposal. Their SIC proposal:rhave not gone through all 'of them yet. But I will get them to you very soon YOU would have enough time to go through them. I will send a letter to make sure that they are all available on that day. We would probably bloc.k, if _ you give me one second. We would probably block the morning fo. .. interviews .We could probably start at 9:00 and end at 12:00. I If we would give each applicant approximately 20 minutes. And then maybe Paul and I will figure out what questions to ask, unless you would like to meet and be -- Senior Commission Meeting July 17, 1992 - fage 8 part of what questiohs to ask. Prepare with us the questions. That choice is. up to you. 12: PO we thought we would order ,lunches. And then l:QO until probably 2:00 we would try and pick someone that w00ld conduct the study. We would evaluate all ihe people we interviewed. So I hope everybody would be available on the 18th of August. Montgomery: What day ,is that? AI-Jaff: That would fall on a Tuesday. Judy, I didn't mention your name but you are included. Just'don'tfeel left out. Is everybody okay with the 18th? I think so. Looks alright. -- e AI-Jaff: City Council will be the decision maker. The HRA, we're using their money to conduct those studies so we are inviting both. We got excellent reviews so I'm sure we will find somebody capable of doing the study. And then maybe it's premature to talk about thi* now but I don't know if you want to organize a subcommittee that would work on the housing' or if you want the Senior Commission to handle it. ' Heinlein: We go to too many ~ubcommittees, we're going to befalling over ,each other trying to get together I thi nk, unless it'd be somebody out:;s:ide' of this group. Al-jaff: Sure. Again, maybe it's prematQre to discuss this right now. Maybe all you will need is to meet once a month' and this commission could continue the study. 'However, if you needed to meet morethaTl once a month, do you want to take this up or would you rather form a senior housing committee'? Montgomery: How would you feeJabout starting out as an entire commission project and then seeing how it develops ~nd at that time then bYeaking down into a smaller group if we feel that's necessary~ Do you think there will be a task force that works with whoever does this? M6ntgomery: Let's see how it develops. AI-Jaff: That's my question and that's why I'm wondering premature. . AI-Jaff: Maybe we should leave it up to the firm that will be conducting the study to decide whether a task force should be put together or if the commission could do the work. Montgomery: And how that should be made up. Let's, wait and see hoW that develops. I think it's a little hard to decide. ,St.John: I think that's a good idea. Helnlein:8asically I think we've all worked well together. Some of us put up with each other for 2 1/2 years and still haven't gotten verbally involved or physically. ,So that's one point to our credit. Montgo~ery: You watch that and see how that develops. Okay. Bu~I Just wanted to let you know. Yeah, and everybod~ think about that and decide if you want to be part of it or how you feel about that. Because I think it Isteallyan important proJectano I think it's going to require a lot of~ . . e Senior Commission Meeting July 17, 1992 - Page 9 AI-Jaff: Something you started 3: years ago and-it's all coming ~oDtgomery: Yeah, and we~eed a lot mo~e, information again too if We're going to do this. That's old informationi that we had then and what we need is,.but_ofcour~e with the survey we'~l b~gin to get it but I think we need to do some visiting and.... ,- I . Bragg:. ... I agree with you andth~.re' arelso many different types of senior housing. When we. see what some of, the co/ munities are doing and yet again we're new and we may go another step further, or we have other needs than they have met. I . I think it really helped.us lodo all the visiting we did when we were figuring out something about the Isenior center and' I think that would be again valuabl~ experience for u~. And everybody start saving ~articlesand t~ingstrhat you think. apply.: . You know, I think that was ~,\elpful last tIme too. That we tr1ed to keep our eyes open and see.what other communities were doing and what's ih the paper. I don't know.' Do they have any idea where they're. ~ ' r Al-jaff: I do have a couple of studies t~'. at I had ordered thr'ough the AmerIcan Pla~ningAsSociation on senior h. usi~g. I even had them printed and,madecoples of them so that I would d~strlbute them to you. . However I never thought it was the right time to give them to ~ou~I always . .' '. I thought well, let's start the study and then I would give you those studies. Montgomery; Well whenever. The lo~ation ofit1 Al-:-Jaff: Close to downtown. There are a few sites that we have loOked at. However, all of this is premature. But.yet there are a few sites around the city. e Bragg: I remember in my home town which ,is about 5,000 population. When they,HUD built a high rise forsehiors.1 It had to be within so many feet of a downtown 'area so they couid walk to 6tores and so forth and also there had to be some pleasant places they could walk such as, well we do have the start of that-here in that nice little fountain out a ways. But those things were mandated by the HRA. Heinlein: We're not talking about high rises here. e Senior ~ommission Meeting July 17,1992 -: Page 10 . . . Bra9g: No,but any kind of. What I'm saying is the housing had to b~, arid it was a-high rise that they were-putting up there. When I say high rise, it. was 5 stories and for that town of 5,000, that was a high 'I ise'. Montgomery: Well I think this is really a fascinating project. important and I think we really need to dosome good work on it. Bragg: And some of us are, just about. ready for one. Montgomery: Yeah, we'd better hurry. / Kubitz: We're getting closer than we want to admit. Anybody here have anything els~ you want AI'-Jaff: We, members of the Senior Commission, Paul, myself, Judy and Julie Benz went to Carver County's Senior Board meeting. We discussed the possibility o~ having a SeniorAn~werLine. There are a few citie_from Carver County were represented. They don't know.yet if there is a need. They know ,that Chanhassen needs it., They know .thatwe are willi ng to have it serve the ehtireCarver County area. They don't know how they are going . e to serve Carver County. On August 23rd 1 believe it was. No, can'tbe. Bragg: I think it's the 20th. AI-Jaff: Yes. At 3:~6we will go back to The Senior Board will be meeting again. At that point they should be able to decide whether they will implement this program. Senior Answer Line does not go into a community unless they can provide service for the entire county. Again, we don't have any answers yet. They were all very....with what Seni~r Answer Line offers. There wa~ this one lady from Watertown and h~~ name escapes me right now, but she insisted that ihere was nO need for an information and referral program. However, she's Very knowledgeable and what is available for seniors and we'tried to make'her understand that not every senior has the knowledge that she has. She couldn't understand~hy. She insisted that there was no need for a senior answer line in ,the county. Other than that, the officials of the County that work with seniors were very receptive of the idea. They did have a few questions regarding funding, training, and Julie was very good at answering most of their questions really. We have agal n, Chanhassen is the only cl ty that knows for sure that a senior answer line is needed. Weare the only city that has equipment to he ndle it. We had s.ome money allocated for buyi I1ga computer for t.heseniorcenter and Dave Hartley, the computer person petsonth~t did all th~ cbmputer set up for the city, contacted Julie Benz and worked with .her so that he would get a machine that both the Senior Center can u~e and it would be ready to use by the Senior Answer Line. again, we are the only city that is prepar~d tohandl~ this program~ e Bragg: Sharmin,I want to comment on the fact thatwhen~ver discussed that you.'re referring to Chanhassen and what we're here, they ~lwaysrefer to it as Eastern, Carver tounty.Are Carver County? . 00 we cover the entire county at this point? - SeniorCommissi6n Meeting July 17, 1992 ~ Page 11 us the courtesy the way down to AI-3aff: Veswe do. Bragg: I wonder why they can't Chanhaseenbecause I think we go And that's where... e Bragg: Jeah, and then there's t~at pickle factory there Chanhassen. I . , Ai-Jaff' Southern Chanhassen,'b~t Chaska Is to the west of us. ~oCthe . south of us isShakopee and that ,s Scott County.,. North of us is Hennepin County. 'East of us is Hennepin dounty. So yes, we are. I . 8. r.ag.g:. It..s.e.em.s to'me....,....it.WO. U.'.l.dibe s..o .m.uch a. nic..er...defin. ition .Of.....,.t.....h..e...a..r. ea in the group so we could identif . ourselves. If they would do that but it's'not your, you don't do this and they, but whenever I read any bulletins from them and they're always refe~ring to Eastern Carver County and I think, it would be nice to I have our own, it's like we're out where the i ndians are or somethi ng. I ) AI-Jaff: ...majority of Carver Jounty is rural. And I don't think that I they think that Chanhassen i~ pa1t of Carver County. , , Kubitz: T don't think they know thow much we've grown in the past 15 years. , .'.... . I . Montgomery: Well I hope they begin ~o realize that we can a 16tthat would be helpful to the rural county. and that's what We were interested in doing. And maybe that will come throughj AI-Jaff: ' I 'venoticed.that the~ore We wOr'k with them ,I really want to e. stab.. lish a... wor ki n. g r.ela. tionsh.iP~"Wit..h. Carver co.unty. '. I. .thi nk.. i.t .is v.e.....r..y.. impor'tant. It's not just with s nior activities. It's .witheverything. 'With recycling. . There aresomajy other things that we work with Carver County on and they're beginning ~oacknowledge us. Bragg: That'8thepoint I wanteJ to make. I don't know what break throughs we have to have. But llgrew up ina small community as I just said, and so I know that itdoesn',t come over night..... But it's a general awareness that I think, it's time' that they acknowledge that. . , I M. on.tgomer...Y.:. B... .ut don't YOuthink~w.i thsome of the redistrIcting ,that's gone on and things ha0e changed that 't will become a little better. , - ' . Al-Jaff:Wel1 we will have at IJast two representatives from Chanhessen. .sot.' .h.. at . W...i 11. .m. a. ke... ad. i f.f.e. renc. e.. . J.1AS , fa.. r as staff go. es, Judy,. myse 1 f,. pa.u.l, have been tryi ng to keep 1 ntoucl/ with a lot of Carver County staff .We havegone.outf.or lu~ches:.We'vE/ visited with them a number of times. Just to establlsh a relatlonshlp. I I I e Montgomery: I think it help~.. j AI-Jaff: Judy,what is your exp~rIence with Carver County staff? e Senior Commission Meeting July 17, 1992- Page 12 Colby: Ithi nk they do look at us as outsiders . They say, verbally, well of course you're part of Carver County but I think there is. 8utldon't believe that 'happens to Chaskadoes it and Chaska's growing comparably to Chanhassen. I mean they look at Chaska differently I think. Bragg: Chaska is their metTopolisand you AI-3aff: The'County Seat is in Chaska. Colby: Not that they've not alldwed. It's of course you're, these, services are available to you and that. And maybe I'm defensive. I know. AI-Jaff: Well when you firstst~r~ed until now, have you relationship is changing? That they are more. Yeah, I think they want our information. They know that we're far and away ahead of what everyonee1seisdoing. Although now maybe, some of ,the comments I've gotten too, maybe they feel a little awkward that they aren~tasaggressive for the seriiors, ~speciallyin Chaska., . Bragg: Sherol Howard and I are par,t of Community Education in DistrIct #110 and I know Sherol is very disappointed that they didn't do more with the seniors and all that and yet it's taken us that many, times going over there for them to acknowledge that ,well we'le part of that and make ~'I was surprised and rather pleased that they called on me. to corne over when we had that community day, the 3rdofJuly, to blow up balloons'andhelp with,brochures because I felt well, here we are. Right'in this community and they had a little group that basically they're Chaskaites and they ~ere the ones that were there sol thought well boy, I'm going to show them we can work hard here. This is our community. But they said they have gone out to Victoria and other places so they view themselves as likeChaska's the great mother lode. Colby: well that sort bfcomesfrom the School District too. That~s really felt in the Chanhassen school., That this isa Chaska ~chool district and initially you grow up with that then and that's somethi~g that'. kind of hard to. Although 'your group did call to utilize the Senior, Center for a few mornings duting the week for pre-school. 8i111son: What did you do about that? Colby: Well the firsttirnethey approached me I 'just said that that would be impossIble because we were going to be open every day. Now, we're not gbing to be open everyday .nd I have to bring itupin front of th~ advisory board. It don't know how they're going to feel~bou~ it because that's a 3 month commitment: Montgomery: Don't you have to have ~pec1al equipment and all things for that? Well they'd use our tables and everything\but they said they'd be to be on the days that we are not open. They'd take the two, mornings we're not open so I havetobr ing it Up. That just, 1 justrecei ved . ' e that call yesterday again and obviou~ly they didn't listen to us the first time. And'maybesomebody has told them, I can't believe that .it would hav~ gotten over there so quickly because we just decided to not be open 5 days. Senior Commission Meeting July 17,1992 - Page 13 st. John: Yes. With all the facilities that we have here are adult people. children. Bragg: It would seem to me it wbuld have to be an adult group B~agg: Andthey'~e Colby : Well normally I guess they've gone into schools or churches I mean ,which ,would be more adult orient~d. . They came and t6uredthe f~cility. wasn't here and Pa~k and Rec took them down and toured it and they evidentally.thoughtit would just be great because they've got it divided off for parents meet in the one sectiqnand the children meet in another section. Another thing is we don't have, folding chairs tables. Colby: Like I said, I'll bring it up in front of the advisoryboaid. be kind of surprised if they did say yes. II .AI-Jaff: One thing, the Senior this space. However, any other should be able to. The same as every other space in City Hall. chambers, the. City Council has priority . Any time the Councils wants this room, it should be available for them but a lot of other gro~ps come use it4 .BoyScouts. Girl Scouts 4 .Athletic Clubs. Everybody. AI-Jaff: . Colby: So if. we're not open, we can't say no then? Is that right? Kubitz: Are we committed to only 3 days a week for more Colby: No we aren't. We just did that for August but I think. Kubitz: Well...get figured out. We're going on a month right now. That's ~hat I said to him. So that's why. . . .but that isn't going to work. . Montgomery: I would think That jls usually when people Colby: Well maybe we can get into this when we're talking about the center operations. Bragg: Funny . Seni6r Commission Meeting JulY17,1992- Page 14 . Colby: Yeah, I know . All of a sudden I realized that I got we were supposed to be talk,ing about here . Montgomery:. Okay. Is t.here anythi ngelse that we're called about this senior answer line? Al';'3aff: Nothing really. I just wanted to update you on it. Nothing we can do until the rest of the City and Carver County make~p their mind as to what they want us to do. If they want to be part of this program or not. Bragg: But we are committed to it are we Sharmin? Do we allocatedtci the computer-and all? Well we bought the comr:>uter. We have all Montgomery:. How about the staff' time? . AI-3aff: That's s6mething that we have to wor k on.' Aga! n, Senior Answer Line doesn't like to go into a community or to serve one cityonly.They would rather serve the entire county~ .Their grant includes Carver County. If the County says we don't need you, they're not going to step onthelr toes and say, well we're coming in whether you like it or not because if they start, Ifthe starting point is not a good start, why even be here? .I mean they want a good relationship with whatever community they're' working with, which makes a lot of sense to me~ Bragg: Sharmin, did3ulie Benz say anything about Dakota County or .Scott Count.y?Have they done anything there as it becomes a seven county area and! was wonder i ngwh~ther they had penetrated beyond? AI--Jaff: I don't remember. I really can't recall. I know that the majority of her work is in Hennepin County. Because that's, most of examples that she uses are from Hennepin. Bragg: Well we know that because we attended some aftheir meetings where the CORE group was there and this was an off shoot of their needs. But I guess I'm concerned about how she plans t6 proceed and have any precedence of any other of the seven county area using this. Al-3aff: She. said every community is the.;.. She handles. every communIty and she said that she is quite certain that Ca:rver County is notgo!ng to be Ii ke Hennepin because we have so much rural.. .have to handle it different.. She doesn' thave a strategy yet as t.o how she ..' is' goi ngto go about implementi ng the program. . If we decide' to commit to the Senior . Answer Line, she wants to do it very sdon and establish everything before she goes on her maternity leave. . She really wanted to get started before she goes on maternity leave which will be r believe in October? Fthi nk that's what she said . Ai-Jaff: Yeah, she wanted an answer soon. Senior Commission Meeting e July 17, 1992 - Page 15 You know I would like to see the senior center have somebody come give some talks on how to use a computer. Making seniors computer literate and then out of that perhaps we could find somebody/that would be interested enough to be on the Senior Answer Line for us you know. I could see that progression and they may get', very excited. I'd beexci tedabout it. I've (thought about taking classes at the Vocational Center,blit! thought well, if somebody could be brought in and teach this, just the fundamentals to see sopeopl~ could learn more about it and then somebody might want to go on and take a l~ttle 'more and thel;l volunteer like that for the center. I could see a progr~ssion nicely that way. AI-Jaff: We can have everybody choose stuff. Colby: You know I was going to say, but r thought it was a little premature, it's so silly to have that office sitting there. When I'm 12 hours and half the time I'm noti,ni t. That would be ideal. That just be ideal. The only problem is, I thi~k we'd have to put a shade ~he window because I think you'd, set an awful lot of interruptions. Well that will be inscon. Colby:' Oh, are we going to have blinds on that window? e' AI-Jaff: Absolutely. Will those be in by the 27th? the rest of the blinds for the center come in, those are If I really want to learn it, I'll get my son. Bragg: I think that maybe you Could make a contact to Cargill that they' might even send somebody out ,to do some, a couple of little light classes and bring. . . .class I took over at Excelsior I lear'ned that. St. John: What was it, Too 8asi~ ~r? , Kubi tz: , Well they started with, the program they had at t.he school was, 1st and 2nd graders and then ~e ~ent over to Cargill and that got very confusl ng. ' , St. John: It was i nteresti n9. 11 was along too. Yeah, it was interesting but I got nothing out of it Bragg: What I 'want to say is, if you get your feet and then get an understanding, then you can go out . understand it very easily. e Maybe he'd be willing to come teach us. Senior Commission Meeting July 17, 1992 - Page 16 e ...computers. Just ho~ to get into the computer and type a or what would you like to do? 'Well how to use the Senior Answer Line. information I suppose. Br~g~: That might be a really practical thing to start right out here's a proposition and .this is the machine we're going to use. And this ii how you would do it.' Al~3aff:That, when w& commit to the Senior Answer Line, training sessions. We will have to get volunteers.. , Bragg: But if they don't know anything about it, they hesitate tp You know. that's why 'I say, get your' feet wet first before you wade you want ,to swi~. Cblby: Should there be somebody i lobbying this one person that you said is real'negativeon it? I mean if we really feel strongly that this Isa need for our county. r e Bragg: But do people phone' her. to get this information? that would AI-Jaff: The reason why she is so aware of everything. We should have had together our senior services directory~ AI-Jaff: Yes. So she is the computer for Watertown? AI-Jaff: Exactly. Maybe ~he's feeling as if Bragg: That's what I'm wondering. If she's feelingav.sted lnterest this and then'doesn't. .' Al";'Ja'ff: She is a volunteer. She is a senior citizen. don't khow maybemldtdlate60~s. .Colby: Maybe it'd be wonderful to ~nvite her here. AI-Jaff: Absolutely. Montgomery: And to learn AI-Jaff: Which is what she wants to do. Colby: She could be the trainer It Br'agg= A consultant. Yeah, she could learn the computer herself. e St. John: You don't know what her name is? , Senior Commission Mee~ing July 17, 1992 ~Page 17 Montgomery: I don't remember either. No, I don't. Bragg: Usually people who say we don't need it are the people are deeply involved and that's why they don't need it. But if should happen to her, then what?' Montgomery: I felt the rest of the people though did seem to jump in and say, yeah but everybody else does need it. . Al-:Jaff: Some people that worked for Carver County were very, very. Vicky Peterson was very receptive of the idea and she was pushing for it. I thought Tracy Swansorrseemed supportive. Ai-Jaff: She was asking a lot of questions. Oh yes she was.. But she was interested I AI-Jaff: Yes definitely. She was very interested and she kept telling, Paul got the .feeling that they might want to base this in Chaska. AlthoUgh it didn't make sense to me. . .. I'm sure it Wouldn't be based here because' we're, I hope it's based it. We initIated the idea. Weare readyforit~ We can start here and then let the other cities pick up from Chanhassen. I mean I'm sure we wouldn't mind if somebody wanted to share the load. But let's justget...and we'won'tfindout until I guess the date was August 20that.3:30.Ifyou want to invite any friends to attend that meeting, would be wonderful.. Th&ffiorepeople lobby for it, I'm sure.themore .you will influence the decision of the Board. So everybody put the date down and we'll see what ,we can do. St. John:'What day of the month is that? Th.t's in Chaska? Montgomery: Thursday I belieye. Correqt. Heinlein: That will be a busy week. The 18th. the 20th~ the 21st. ,Montgomery: Then we'll be alert right? Heinlein: I think I'll go to Chicago that week. e Colby: 8arbara, I apologize for: not being here at the beginning of approval of Minutes. I think I've got an agenda item that would fit here if we're finished talking about the Senior Answer Line that-I'd like \ to plug in. The Senior Agenda for Independent Living. That SAIL project; Senior Commission Meeting July 17, 1992 - Page 18. It I got a letter that, if it's okay to put it in even though! wasn't here to change.itat the beginning. Montgomery: Okay, go ahead. It Colby: Is that okay? ! received a letter from Sue Tewaltdand,theSAIl.. project is interested iri gathering Aata regarding~enior~andthei~useage of. local services. Too bad we don't have this to present to the Senior' Answe~,l..ine. But they're trying to find out what barriers there ,are to using these services and what needs there maybe where there arena services now. ' So what they want, to do is they want to get a focus groups together. Get this information and she's asking our help in finding 12 to 15 individuals who area variety of these things. Some single. SOMe widowed. Some mar,ried. Varied income levels but they are not going to ask those questions. " They're not going to ask financial questions because that does seem to really put a block, but you kind of know that there's a variety of income lev~ls that they're looking for. Approximately 70 years of age or older and willing.to come toa 1 hour meeting (refreshments served). ' Bragg: You wouldn't have had to add that because I'm interested in that for one. I'm ver,y i nterestedi n the SAIl... In fact that is why I. did apply to this group that meets. in Chaska on August 20th and ! 'm going to be there. But I missed the first meeting of that 9l;ouP because!. went to the dance and, the ,Frolics that day that they were having their first meeting. So anyway~and Ido come from a rura1area and I.have been in the city for a longtime. But I think I haven't forgotten what it's like. And I.think that I may know of somebody else that could very well be a married,male that Just recently retired. He's the one that fixed my. house and he told me that he had been a counselor in the Edina High School. Is he a Carver County resident? It He lives in the edge of Chaska. Just a few miles out thi~ way and that if a person would approach him; that he would be. i ntere'sted .he only worked on my house because he wanted to help Colby: ,They would like to do this the first wee.k in August. asking i* if somebody her~. I felt this was more of'a commission. This is a little bit more general than the center and I'm wondering if somebody can take this over. She's included copies of a lett~rto :these partici~ants and 1'11 justguicklyread it.' Your participation is requested to help gather information which will help us decide how the SAIl.. project should operate in your county. We'd be very grateful if ,you'd be willi ng to participate. ,If YOLlagree, you'11be invited to a small, approximately 12 people, one hour meeting during which you will be asked to fill out one page form which will help. us gather information about local services. No financial information will be requested and you dO,not'need to put your name on the form. An example of a qu~stion might be, are there'any'needs you have for which you have not been able to Qet services. Refreshments will be provided and we'll try to answer any questions you may have about the SAIL project. You'll receive a letter or telephone call to inform you of the time and meeting place, and the meetingplace'wouldbein the>center here. Weare hoping to have these, weIll shouldn't say that. Unless all Senior Commission Meeting July 17~ 1992 - Page 19 It I of~hepeople that want to partitipate live way but someplace and there~s a morecohducive area out there th~t Sue would probably try toffnd th~t. We're hoping to have th~ meeting~inthe later p~rt of July andl just have told her that wewere~ July'was hot probably theimonth we could arrange to have this done. So Betty~ would! you be willing?! i ' i Colby: Well ,apptoximately 70 ye~rsof to. be kind of hard to get her~ Ii thi nk looking for probably say 15 people... , . , ! I .' . From the whole County thpughdon't I . ' ' And hopefully 12 will attend., So 'can I people? i I heed to have? I age or older. she said i2to I I i r would be willing. I Bragg: Yes ! To do this and try to fi~d the Bragg ': Yeah, how many. do you think we I I wish you would. you think? ! , just give I Or gi0eme copies of that. I i e i Well I'll give .you the whole packet and 1'11 give her a .call and know that you'll be working on it. And iike I said~shewould like first week in August. I I i I Bragg: So I should call her right a~ay? Or youlwere going to call her? Give her my/phone number. It's 474-4034. And if there's anybody ~ if I.'m being pushy to take this, does a~ybody else that~on the Board here that would want to ,be on it? I! , Bragg: I think she would. I Sure I. I ,I She Volunteer~d for this other program. I i I I i I Do you think Sheroll would want to w6rk on it,with e I Bragg: Maybe we could pull you in kicking and I , screaming. i inVOlved? That's what I mean. I Kubitz: 1 /1 I think she wquld.But is there anybodYjhere? , i ...yOU have to be over 70. Colby: She said approximately.' iI~m'sure that tli1e,re~s going in there also. I Bragg: Yeah, because I know tha~ this man wouldfbe .younger. be 70 so. So anybody else? I Montgom~ry: Not at the moment. i AI-Jaff: Do you know if they ne~d staff to get get involved. I really want. to i" I Colby: I think she talkedfo the receptionist UR here feeling t.hat's where it's happening. l I . th d. I . ) ~n e ~~cuss~on.' Senior Commi~sion Meeting July 17, 1992 - Page 20 tit Bragg: I think that would be wonderful. Al,..Jaff: And to that grant... should I have Sharmin the contact? - AI-Jaff: I know your 12 hours is.... (T8erewas a tape change I Knowing what hours you do have here and ~hen. , I Colby:' Well that I think is the biggest problem~! The hours have been, you know I've got about 2 weeks comp time coming now land I think the hours have been so, if 10 can say I'm going to be hereon Tud~days and Thursday and be consistent with that. That they can get a hold ~f me then. . . I I . Leave messages with Paul Hoffman or someb'ody. I'll talk:to the front desk. You can call the operator. , I I \ \ I I ! book, ye.h. But what I'~ seeing contact ~nd maybe what I'll say is Sharmini with the City and e Colby: Well no but. Colby: here is both of .you for , I ~ontgomery: Well where sho~ld they make the calli then? ,one place or the other. . They can look it UP in the phone that I think that they'IL\needa. .you are wor ki ng on this jointly. the Commi ssl on. i I Colby: Betty, how available are you to get, beca~se I .know booked too. I I to keep myself. available for t~is. I'm very int.erested I wouJdn't mind having my homelphone given to those . I . ! I Bragg: I'm trying in this project so people. Colby: Do you have an answering machine? - 8ragg: No I, don't. Montgomery: And then you will keep in touch withISharmin...exactly what~s . Would that be helpful? I . Bragg: Should we be' in touchabdut ,once a week dd you think? I Montgomery: Would that be okay with you Sharmin dr would you the calls coming to you? Butseeing~ou've got Sd much. e AI-Jaff: yeah, I would prefer if you would takeithe Senior Commission Meeting July 17, 1992 - Page 21 Kubitz: Becau~e you're tough to ~et a hold of ybu're so busy. i M~ntgomery: Yeah, but then you'll be in close to~chso you both ! Bragg: Maybe if would set that up as once a week. i i AI-Jaff: But ifthe~eisanyway w~ could tap into that branch and then use it for the city. I mean there's a lot of...j, Bragg: See this kind, of things I don't get involved in. interested in the service in the seniors. i . . - I I i You're goi~g I e , Did you all know this about Betty? ! I Well they know it is. Senior Adjustment! to Independent t2:TvingI That's the project. Senior Agenda for IMdependent , i Colby: And that's how I'll present it to heT. on this specific thing. I Bragg: Just tell her I'm an Occupational Therapist and in independent living for seniors and that's why!I'm 'Bragg: \ I i Montgomery: I wanted to say, if yoU have seen iDthe paper, request for proposals for Carver County for all kinds ofdifterent social workers and all sorts of different things. Did you notice t~at? ! i i Montgomery: It was in the Villager'. You might ~ant to take a look at it ~ The last one. I didn't take time to read it vert carefully but I~did notice that there was a long list of requests and I don't know whether that's just their usual one or whether this was, . a little different .It said they had received money. A grant and you'dibetter take a look~ Just to see if there's somethi ng that fits. Well that's great then Betty. ,What I shall we call, this? Shall we give ,it a title? I I \ i I Montgomery: SAIL' subcommittee? Or is this not ihroughthe I I ' , Bragg: No, I thinK this should be through the/Cqmmission. I'm recruiting myself from the Commission. Because I'll be going off ,the Commission and then I'll have this, this will be my project.i i I I i No I didn't. ,AI.;.Jaff: Call it SAIL. Montgomery: But then if you go off. e Bragg: Then call in and you're I the you can me say, on month. And at any time if you need to . . . Senior commission Meeting July 17, 1992 ~ Page 22 e i I Montgomery: " Betty, will you be reporting to theil' Comm,ission or how are you going to .handle that? I I I Bragg: Yeah, I'll be happy to do that. As longlas I'm a member Commission, I'll ~ertainly keep-everybody updated but then. I You don't plan on doing it...? I I No, but I mean I'll not be, I think there should be a Commission and I would be happy to step ~ff. Billis~n: I'm goi~9to be vacated too. ", , , , I I I Yeah, we'r-e on the 2 year plan and Bragg: You're going off after 2 years? some ~reon the 3 year. tit , I , I We'll have to take that up and figufe that out I " i I Bragg: I think you should look back up to see when these I "'1 Montgomery: At the end of the year. We said we Ichanged, we January~ \ I I " Bragg: Okay. And in the meantime, I'd like to look around and see if there ~ren't'some because I think we're remiss arid we're taking all the female issues and we're not looking at male issues. i Heinlein: O~ I don't know about that. l I I I Mont90m~ry: How do you spell her name? , i I I i I ! " Bragg: You're bringing your husbands and all that but they need the men. Kubitz: ..~somebody wh6 was a volunteer or the ~~eeter. husband, it was a volunteer greeter. i I Montgomery: I think we should get back to our adendahere. a bit. Okay, so then Betty wi 11 take over this iinformation gathering and the volunteer gathering for the SAIL meeting. Ri:ght? And who sets time of the meetil1g? \ I Bragg:. I think I'll have to contact this lady. Sue phone number? I C61by: I'll give you a phone number. It Bragg: Tewalts. Colby: Nos. And you dial, 1-466-2689. And she ~s as easy .to get ahold of as I,am. She must have, ! mean it's like callmelbetween 3:00 and 4:00 in the afternoon or.call me between 10:00 or 11:00ih'themorning and I get the message at 12:00. I'm not s~re if ~he's full~time. Maybe she's not. " BOARD Seriior Commission Meeting July 17, 1992 - Page 23 e Bragg: . J Would that be a Wacon~a number? Yeah, that's what I'm thinking is St. 80ni. St. Boni,okay. , St. John: And you can call that free. Bragg: Okay, I don't need tije 1. Montgomery: Well then next week we'll have an update and next meeti ng. . . e Nothing has changed really. You wanted that item on the Montgomery: Yeah, I want to know if anything is ha't=>peni ng. HoW' about the City Council? Are they not appointing anybody because of the two vac.ncies 'that ar~ coming up or what aie they doing? I believe that is the case. The City Council is so busy and tied up with so many different projects. They all work in the morning and that's~hen the Advisory 80ardmeetings are. Montgomery: Well maybe this is not a good arrarigement. Maybewe ask them to reconsider. If none of their members is interested in that, then why do we have that as a requirement? Maybe we need ,to that. What do you think? Was it adopted by the Council? It wasn'~ adopted Colby: No, Ursula's the one that really'set out the... AI-Jaff: But it was never adopted. Mont~omery: I think it, well we can look back and see. , AI-Jaff: No, I'm quite cettain. We never took it in front Council.. . Montgom~ry: Okay, so it's not official then really anyway? AI-Jiaff:No ,because we didn't have enough members. . Therefore; went in front of Council. I e Heinlein: Yeah I think it was, if you look back when this all started, I think it was Paul suggested that we have terms o~ office. Montgomery: W~'retalking now about the Advisory Board for Center. -- Heinlein: oh the of her one. Senior Commission Meeting July 17 . 1992 - Page .24 How.many members do you have for the Advisory Board? Colby: We have. I thought we had 5.Jane. Who am I missing? Jane, Bunnie. Gay~ Kubitz: Gayla. Bragg: Marion. Who? Oh~ Marion Stultz. Yeah 5. And I do think that a is, the people! have asked you know over the last couple months~ is that it'sa.working board. They are expected to do quite a bit andthat.s hard. I meaD that!. hard. People's lives are full and we're asking them ~o not be just sitting there and advising for that 'hou~or two meeting but to then go arid have to work on certain projects so that is, I think that's 90ing.t6 take us more time to get. AI-Jaff: I think they ~eed to get used to the center a~their space before they commit themselves. Colby: I happen to know a couple of gentlemen that I think I could get i.nterestedin sitting on it but they don't.they.re not fitting into that' criteria you know. Colby~ No~ No. That wasn't. That didn~t have Kubitz: So then you could maYbe pull in some... Or else bring their kids and we don't want that. Montgomery: Well Judy, do you feel that it should be requirementthatthey.re all part of a w()~king Board? going to. . e Montgomery: Does it have to be. Colby: If it doesn't, then I'~ just 90ing to go for it before these commission seats open or else we~llbe in conflict ~ Because !'llbe after them too. If it doesn.t have to be. if that hasn~t been. then like' .to get, well actually I .mreally free to get those people in as far. aren.t I.as fa~ as because it's temporary? Well maybe ndt. I guess we decided we were still trying to stay In those guidelines. Montgomery: But I think you will have great difficulty trying to~ind somebody as a working Board who is also part of the/business community or school or something. I think that.s impossible. Kubitz: It's all done in the daytime during their working hours... an Advisory Bo~rd, do you have to have all seniors? e Colby: At this point Ido b.ecause it really. you know will settle, down now. July was just so wild. I think Senior Commission Meeti ng July 17, 1992 - Page 25 e to settle down now and I'm thinking, we need a year under our belt. We really do. Everybody's kind of asking me, well now what are you going to do in September-October . We can't plan that because what we've found, I'm trying to ~eep on the s.me subject here. I think it would be~eally nice if I h~d the freedom to get .ome more people to sit on this Board to work with us fort~is year and then next year present to~the Council, here's what we would like and here's wha.t we think we need. . Because then at that point I think we could hav.anAdvisory Board that does include businesses that don't have to do the working part you know. Ku.bitz:Anotner putting an awful othe~ people ~ho . the projects... Colby: And we do. We keep getting more and ~ore, just like this SAIL. project. We keep getting more and more things that .you hate to let drop but how much can any one group do so if I can pull some more in and have a temporary Board of let's say 10 people , and they can be .the contact with the bu.iness community you know. Montgomery: Well did you feel you couldn't do that? Colby: Yes. I thought I had to keep in those guidelines. that, then I think we could find some more. Kubitz: As long as it's a temporary board, e Montgomery: It seems to me it would make more sense than all these .roadblocks when we really need the volunteers. Colby: Should I go ahead? AI-Jaff: ...work done .and we have to f111 those positions. add on. . Colby: Okay. Colby: I think that's our key. .We' 11 just say that we needed that . AI-Jaff: As ~temporary. Bragg: Sort of like a shake down cruise. Yeah, .becauseit just seems to me we have a stalmate here and there's some impos~ible conditions that we're trying to meet and I don't know why we're making it so hard for ourselves. You know, we really need those ~t.Jor kers. Yeah, and they hav.n't so. It We probably expected that people would apply. Montgomery~. Yeah, but theyhaveri't. Senier Cemmissien Meeting July 17,1992 -, Page 26 It Montgome~y:That's been quite a few months we've been werking trying get that. I 'just den't thinkit'sgeing te work. I think maybe after the center gets rolling Montgomery: But then, if this is a temporary beard, want to change it, then that's okay. just present all ef theapplicatiens to the Council they'll make. Right now you just need a ,few Some more people, yeah. Okay. Montgomery: Well, 1 think we ' 11 ge ahead and de that.. And then next month you can let us know what 'sdeveleped , if anything. . 1 e Colby: This past week a letter was sent to the City, to Barbara <at the City frem Senater Mellstone. Thankyeu for inviting me to ~ttendthe Opening 0'f the ChanhassenSenidr Center. I'd like to c0'ngratulate you and all the volunteers in the cemmunity for yeur extraerdinary dedication to this preject. Unfortunately, my schedule does not permit me to accept your gracious invitation. rcertainly regret net having the opportunity to meet the peopl. who put so much time. and effort into impr6ving their community. Please keep .me informed of the activities ef the Senior Center. and if I can be of any helpi,n the future, do not hesitate to contact me. Paul David Wellsto ne . Montgomery: That's not bad to have in the file, right? Celby: Yeah, I know. I thought I wish! could wr;ite a letter meanisn 'tthat a wonderful no. And it was after the fact. . I wrote it 2 weeks after. Don came though and I think Don was Colby: Ithi nk' i,t was successful . Ithi nk that the dances went on a little bit longer than what they might have had togc on but theywerese cute. I mean they were just so wonderful. Seldatcok seme pictures too. De you havesemetee? Yeah, great. I was real happy te see hew many. people did attend. And the comments were, real positive from everyone think it was agcod start. Kubitz: Did ycufigure cut about how many people you had all toll? Cclby: yJcu knew it was seharo. My husband ceunted ncw toownenhe was thaie and he said, I.think he had about 125 or sa 'I think that he caunted. Se I think a lot ef that was, seme'ef these were families. Although it WaS kind af interesting because the little girl that wan the candy, I thought it was a woman that goes te my church and I theughtshe must have been in Senior Commission Meeting July 17, 1992 - Page 27 e on the danceline and she wasn't. She said they were driving by and sawall the activity and thought. well let's go over and see. what's happ~nin9. Sol wonder if there were other peop}e that did that too wKen they saw that. activity and $0 they walked through and she guessed it so ithisl! ttle 7 year old won the \candy., I had hoped that it would 'have been a 70 year old but you know those kids with candy, they can reallyfis~reit out. The seniors I guess were taking it out and eating the candy. So we didn't know quite how fair\thatwa.s. What was the question, I:m sorry? No, how many people came? How much candy was in there?' Colby: 125. That's a guesstimate you know because what happeDedis when we counted was when everybody was sitting out and watching the dancers. An awful lot of people came afterth~ entertainment aDd were in the cent.r that had seentheentertai nment. ' Kubitz: There were people e Colby: Were there too? Kubitz: Yes. Colby: Yeah. So I think that that was a' low figure. I think that we,and as far as the lunches go, we were real cl6se to, and I ordered.150 lunches. Well I thought it went fine. So that~s all for the grand~pening. . AI-Jaff: There'werel0 left. Colby: 10? So probably 150 would be closer to the were there because I know some people did eat lunch Montgomery: Okay, well how about the next item Judy. Center operations. Colby: Well we're trying to get an awful lot of bugs worked out with the greeters. Because we didn't have a procedure book for them and ,we're kind of trying to develop this as we run into the problems for them. You know just lIke. Bra.gg: You probably ran into enough problems to get, your book started through didn't you? I'm thinking that's a, probably you know, a shakedown, . that'~what it is. It tells you where yoU need to handle those. Colby: That's right. So we're trying to'getprocedures down. Tracking volunteer time. Tracking how many people are coming to the center for what Senior Commission. Meeting July 17, 1992- Page 28 ~ventsand we're working on that and that will hopefully be ~efined ~ver the next month or two. We're also compiling a mailing list of Chanhassen residents which we had but we're alphabetizing them. And then the people that are coming to the center. A list of those people. The.CardClub. We're trying to figure out how, ,what needs we have for each of these so it will be the whole seniors of, Channassen list but then there will be every, put me on the senior center mailing list because we're not going to be mailing out to all of the Chanhassensanymore. That's an enormous list for the number of people that come.' So we'll probably' do a smaller mailing for the people that have asked to be on the senior center mailing list. Kubitz: Don't you think we should send a calendar out to everybody,? Colby: Well we just don't /:'lave the budget for that. expensive. 8ragg: And I think that it's going to be very difficult because myself, I have an Excelsior mailing list. I'~ on the Excelsi6r address~ I have an Excelsior address and the day that theiGrand Opening was held, I met 'a couple that areactually,they have a Chaska mailing address but they are like me, wi thi n the legal framewor k of Chanhassen a'ndthey were saying, well 'we're here because we're interested but we don't think we're eligible. And the.. .wasthere and he said, well but you live in Chanhassen~Well, but our mailing address is chaska.We feel like we really don't belong. I said you belong just as much as I do and I told them where I liVe. lhat's going to be harel. . Colby: Yeah, the seniors mail ing 1 ist can be anyplace. \ That can be anyplace. See they'll be the ehanhassen seniors mailing list. They'll be the senior center mailing list which can be Chaska, Victoria. Itean be .anyplace. I.t can be Eden Prairie. Anyplace . And then the specific club so if someone is interested in quilting or sewing,. hopefullywe'll.have ' lists of those people because they might have events that they'd like to have labels mad~ out to mail specifically to those people. . 8ragg: Well that 'is going to bea big job' and it's certainly going worthwhile. Then you'll be serving the ones who should be served Colby: We tried some lunches and let's'justsay we're not going to do. lunches anymore. We will maybe do some Millie's.' What we've decided is that we'll maybe see if the seniors will pay a couple extra dollars and set a much better quali ty meal. So we . wer,en 't satisfied at all wi thtne meals that other centers, but again we were in the forefront. We said we thought the chicken nuggets were awful and that had been the favorite of all of . these other centers that this company served and I had called andtalk~dto the center directors and they said that. And when we called and said this was unacceptable, they went back to the other centers and the seniors admitted that they really hated thern. $0 they were just being polite and ,the company now has taken them off of the menu. 'Bra~g: ' That 1s a very interesting thing because I knowyoti ~aid,to me, Isaid>T'venever eaten chicken ,nuggets. All 6f those other seniors are going to e Senior Commission Meeting July 17, 1992 - Page 29 Colby: I mean she was real surpri~ed. I kept her ihformed everyday of what was happenfng with the meals and you could tell that she waS just like you're not, you know so Ithi nk they are going to have ,to relook at a lot of it. They took a number of things off be<::;ause of our" comments and changed it so. But \1 said. I think they could have given us prime rib and I wouldn't have gone back. That first impression is so lasting. Well what did you think of yesterday? Colby: Well you know, it's real harclwhen I had to try to thin that gravy out.. .when I saw that. most people. said that was the best of the three. Yeah,it'was the Salsibury Steak and it was just like a.. .yeah, most people said that was the best 'of the three. And that is more'the level that. I would expect to get for that $2.00. The mashed potatoes and coleslaw~ They said it was a pasta salad and we got coleslaw which. . :butyeah ,they need some ,work but that's okay. We're not going to be their guinea pigs anymore. Bragg: Well you know, if you would decide to have meals from somebody like that, you should have a cook for about an 'hour and a half. You shouldn't have to do that. - Well it shouldn't have to be done. I mean it should have you know. Bragg: But I know that other centers do have appointed paid for it. Heinlein: But the thing is we can't do that here. Colby: See this isn't the congregate dining., So anyway, the lunches. Everybody wants something like that so we're going to things exchange box lunches. Maybe-just once a month, wonderful food and everybody loves the boxed lunches. Bragg: But ffyou get boxed lunches everyday, you're not going Colby: No, I'm saying we'll just probably do this once a month because of the cost. Because we can't keep .it that low. ~Wellwhat else does she serve? Colby: Oh she serves meals. There's meals over there. It's just the. cost' is the problem because you're talking $5.00-$6.00 for some of the meals. Kubitz: How big are those portions? Are they bigger need to serve? II Kubitz: . . Would that make a difference? They're h~ge, yeah. this really should be talked about with the Advisory Board taking the time here but anyway. just know that everybody'S senior Commission Meeting July 17, 1992 - Page 30 e going to holler at you about how. awful the lunch was and we 're not gol ng to ever go back. I think the Commission should know about it. /: Colby: On no, that part, but I mean not talking about what, Advisory Board makes some suggestionsas to what to do. St.John: Could I just say something? I don't know if t.his is the time or place for it but since you're talking about lunches and having some lunches here at Chanhassen. .As long as South Shore has the congregate dining and Chanhassen is supporting South Shore, have those lunches on one of the other days when South Shore is not open. That SouthShoreisavailable. Heinl~in: Well you'd be traveling back and forth then. St. John: On the days like the card club. You know, have day hereon Thursday. When does South Shore serve lunches? Monday, Tuesday.. arid Fr i day. I can't follow what you'regetti ng at. e That we should have meals on Wednesday and Tuesday and Friday. Heinlein: Ifthe.food is from there. From where? From South Shore. No it isn't coming from South Shore. Kubitz: We might draw people here that would normally go there. Here again I think maybe the Advisory Board should... Kubitz:. Li ke .the people that came to the Open House were on thei r way to get their grocer les: They had the thing for South 'Shore welcome. . The ones that came were on their way to get groceries and they stopped in. Montgomery: Judy, did you have some other items about the operation? tit Colby: Right. The one thing that might be ofa little concern to the Commission that I wanted to bring up.iswe've got a number of trips planned. ThIs next week we'te going to Showboat. We're going toAl Capone's Hideout but Senior Community Services added a trip to the Casino down in Morton and it's going to be the South Shore and Chanhassenboth will be sponsoring that trip and I know that the Commission a few months ago said that they were opposed to us doing that and our Advisory Bo~rd Senior Commission Meeting July 17, 199~ - Page 31 e said they've had so many requests already to go there Board said, you know. Heinlein: Well we're not gambling here in the Senior Center per se. We do play for nickles or something like that but I mean, that's not really. Thi.s is fun. But when you do it away from the senior center, what has got to do? Colby: All I'm saying is that the Commission, members of the mention~d they didn'tthin~ that we ~hould be supporting that Ad~isory Board said. Kubitz: We didn't take a vote on it that the Commission the sponsor. . Is that the right term? Of the gambling but that doesn't stop the Advisory Board and the Center from doing it . . Heinlein: But I mean pepple that can't afford to go out there. Montgomery: 1 think that the decision at the time was, that the Commission didn't want the ~enter involved in going to or taking wasn't it? Heinlein: Well people are going there. -- Montgomery: But we would be sponsoring it, if we. Kubitz: WeIland then Senior Community Services is sponsoring one. Bragg: 1 was told~andmaybeEmmayoucouldtelr me differently but. the Community Services, Western Hennepin County, Ben Withhart'soffice is using that trip as a fund raiser for Community Services. And they got the same kind of a dearthat.~.. Montgomery: ...that we didn't approve. And it seems tome we have not approved that. 8ragg: But that 's their. fund raiser and agal ns(teven with ,South Shore against that. But the headquarters where you go for your training and everything Judy, those,aretne ones that want to do this. , They need a fund 'raiser so! supposed it would mean that none 'Of these centers that we're talking about sponsored it but they are and if anYbody wants to go, they get to gO. And that's 'a benefit for the Community Services. Montgomery~ Well can we put it so that it doesn't involve the Chanhassen Center but. . . Heinlein: Well I don't think it does. e MOritgomery: ..~.this is availabJe through Community Ser~ices. (There was a tape change at this point in the discussion and due to a problem with the r~cording tapes, the remaining 20 minutes ofthemeetlns was' not able to be transcribed.) Senior Commission Meeting July 17~1992 - Page 32 Bragg moved~st. John seconded to adjourn the meeting.. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned. Submitted by Pa.ulKraus$ Planning Director Prepared.by Nann Opheim ..