F.Y. I. 1992 08 11
(J t,-,\, <:) .F=..
(612) 937-1900 e FAX (612) 937-5739
August 11, 1992
Senator David Durenburger
1020 Plymouth Building
12 South Sixth Street
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Dear Senator Durenburger:
In recent months I have written your office concerning some difficulties the City of
Chanhassen has been encountering relative to:ourPcuticipation in the Community
Development Block Grant Program. Since that time, we have received official responses
from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (see attached letter) that would
appear to preclude Chanhassen's continued participation in the program as an entitlement .
community under the auspices of Hennepin County. Byway ofabrief synopsis of the
problem, Chanhassen's corporate boundaries are split between Carver and Hennepin Counties.
By far the bulk of our population has always resided in Carver County; however, we have a
very significant employment base in.Hennepin County, With over 1,500jobs located in . this
area. Under this II split place" situation, we have been able to participate under the Hennepin
County CDBO program. Hennepin County is an entitlement area, thus, we have been assured
of a steady source of block grant funds which we believe we have put to excellent use in our
community. . In the past several years, the few homes that we had left in Hennepin County
were removed either directly by the State of Minnesota or by the City of Chanhassen working
on behalf of the State of Minnesota. relative to. highway improvement programs for Highways
5 and 101. Since the 1990 census shows no population within the Hennepin County area of
our community, James R. Broughman, Director of HUD Entitlement Communities Division,
has determined that Chanhassen is no longer eligible to participate under the Hennepin
County . program.. This represents a. significant loss of funds for the city. that jeopardizes our
ability to respond to the needs of our low-moderateincome,.handicapped. and elderly
members. of our community.
August 11, 1992
Page 2
Chanhassen has participated in the CDBG program through Hennepin County for over a
decade. As 1 noted . above, I believe we put this program to excellent use. Over the years we
have provided subsidies for low to moderate income housing improvements, constructed
handicapped accessible fishing piers and playground . equipment in our city p,arks, and
provided strong fmancial support for the South Shore Senior Center, which although it is
located in Excelsior, has provided a useful seIVice forChanhassen residents. In recent years,
the primary emphasis of the program has shifted to senior support services. We currently
fund apart-time senior coordinator for the new Chanhassen Senior Center. This provides an
exciting example of how federal funds are leveraged since the' entire cost . of construction for
the senior center, approximately $150,000, was paid for by the CityofChanhassen. Other
CDBG revenues are currently being used to support the Sojourn Adult Day CareProgram,to
offer the H. O. M.E.Maintenance and Assistance Program for senior and handicapped
individuals, and conduct a feasible study for a potential senior housing project in our
community. These services have proven to be of vital importance to our community and we
believe that we have managed these funds in a highly profes'sional manner.
We have explored administrative solutions to rectifying this situation but have been unable to
do so. We believe the situation of being a "split place"community having no population.in
the entitlement area is highly unusual and probably unique in the country. We further note
that the loss of population in. the . entitlement county was through public action by an outside
governmental agency. We would therefore request your support in obtaining approval for an
amendment of Section 106(b)(5) for the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974
Amended (Senate File #3031; House File #53-347). We would suggest that it might be
appropriate to add language as follows:
"Should the qualifying area population of such a unit of local government be reduced
to zero due to state or federalgovemment action, the total. population of such unit of
local' government shall be included. in computing amounts' under this section' with
respect to urban counties. II
If the above mentioned paragraph is incorporated into the act, it would resolve Chanhassen's
uncertainties of being able to continue with the program, and we believe it does so without
creating any significant loopholes that. might degrade the effectiveness of a . CDBO program
Your assistance on behalf of the City of Chanhassen would be greatly' appreciated. Feel free
to contact. either myself or Paul Krauss, City Planning Director for additional. information.
We would be happy to meet with members of your staff at their convenience, should this be
necessary .
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
~ J. Chmiel
Don Ashworth, City Manager
City Council
Senior Citizen Commission
~.I '-,(<:)1=
(612) 937-1900 -FAX (612) 937-5739
August II, 1992
Senator Paul Wellstone
2401 University Aventie
St. Paul, MN 55114 i
Dear Senator Wellstone:
,~ ., .
In recent months I have written your office. conpeming some difficulties the. City of
Chanhassen has been ~ncountering. relative to our participation in. the Community
Development Block Grant Program. Since. that time, we have received official responses
from the Department of Housing and Urban :pevelopment(see attached letter) that would
appear to preclude Chimhassen's continued participation in the program as an entitlement
community under the 'auspices of Hennepin County.'By way ofa. brief synopsis of the
problem, Chanhassen's corporate boundaries are . split between Carver and Hennepin Counties.
By far the bulk of our population has always resided iItCarver County; however, we have a
very significant employment base in Hennepin County, with over 1,500 jobs located in this
area. Under this "split place" situation, we have been able to participate under the Hennepin
County CDBO program. Hennepin County is an entitlement area, thus, we have been assured
of asteady source of1block grant funds whichwe believe we have put to excellent use in our
community. .In the past several years, the few homes that we had left in Hennepin.County
were removed either directly by the State of Minnesota or by the City. of Chanhassen working
on behalf of the State of Minnesota relative.to highway improvement programs for Highways
5 and 101. Since the 1990 census shows no population within the Hennepin County area of
our community, James R. Broughman, Director of BUD Entitlement Communities Division,
hasdefermined that Chanhassen is no longer eligible to participate under the Hennepin
County program. This represents a significant loss of funds for the city that jeopardizes our
ability to respond to . the needs of our low-moderate income, handicapped and elderly
members of our community.
August 11, 1992
Page 2
Chanhassen has participated in.the CDBO program through. Hennepin County.for over a
decade. AsInoted above, I believe we put this program to excellent use. Over the years we
have provided subsidies for low to moderate income housing. improvements, constructed
handicapped accessible fishing piers . and playground equipment in our city parks, and
provided strong fmancialsupportfor the South Shore Senior. Center, which although it is
located in Excelsior, has provided a useful service for Chanhassen residents. In recent years,
the primary emphasis of the. program. has. shifted to . senior support. services.W e currently
fund apart-time senior. coordinator for the new Chanhassen Senior Center. This provides an
exciting example of how federal funds are leveraged since the entire cost of construction for
the senior center, approximately. $150,000, was paid. for by the City of Chanhassen. Other
CDBO revenues are currently being used to support the Sojourn Adult Day Care Program, to
offer the H. O. M.. E. Maintenance and . Assistance Program for senior. and. handicapped
individuals, and conduct.a feasible study for a potential senior housing project in our
community. These services have proven to be of vita! importance to our community and we
believe thatwehave managed these funds in a highly professional manner.
We have explored administrative solutions to rectifying this situation but have been unable to
do so. We believe the sitUation of being a "split place" community having no population in
the entitlement area is highly unusual and probably unique in the country. We further note
that the loss of population in . the entitlement county was through public action. by an outside
governmental agency. We would therefore request your support in obtaining approval foran .. .
amendment of Section 106(b)(5) for the Housing and Community DevelopmentAct of 1974
Amended (Senate File #3031; House File #53-347). We would suggest that it might be
appropriate to add language as follows:
"Should the qualifying area population of such a unit of local government be reduced
to zero due to state or federal government action, the total population of such unit of
local government. shall be . included in computingambuntsunder this section with
respect to urban counties."
If the above mentioned paragraph is incorporated into the act, it would resolveChanhassen' s
uncertaintiesofbeingable.to continue with the program, and we believe it does so without
creating any significant loopholes that might degrade the effectiveness of aCDBG program
Your assistance on behalf of the CityofChanhassen would be greatly appreciated. Feel free
to contact either myself or Paul Krauss, City Planning Director for additional infonnation.
We woUld be happy to meet with members of your staff at their convenience, should this be
necessary .
August n, 1992
Page. 3
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
c: Don Ashworth, City Manager
City Council
Senior Citizen.. Commission
~ 1"-,)( ><:)J;
(612) 937-1900. FAX (612) .937-5739
August 11.1992
. .Representative Jim Ramstad
8120 Penn Ave. South
Bloomington, MN 55431
Dear Representative Ramstad:
In recent months I have written your office concemingsome difficulties the City of
Chanhassenhas . been encountering relative. to our participation in the Community
DevelopmentBlockGrant Program. Since that tim~,we have received official responses
from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (see attached . letter) that would .
appear to preclude Chanhassen's continued participation in the program as an entitlement
community under the auspices of Hennepin County. By way ofabrief synopsis of the
problem, Chanhassen' s corporate boundaries are split between. Carver. and Hennepin. Counties.
By far the bulk of our population has always resided in Carver County; however, we have a
very significant employment base in Hennepin County, with over 1,500 jobs located in this
area. Under this "split place" situation, we have been able to participate under the Hennepin
CountyCDBGprogram. Hennepin County is an entitlement area,thus, we have been assured
of a steady source of block grant funds which we believe we have put to excellent use in our
community. . In the past several years, the.few homes.that we had. left in Hennepin County
were removed either directly by the State of Minnesota or by the City of Chanhassenworking
on behalf of the State of Minnesota relative to highwayimprovemeiltprograms for Highways
5 and 10 1. Since the 1990 census shows no population within the Hennepin County area of
our community. James R.Broughman, Director of HUDEntitlement CommUnities Division,
has determined. that Chanhassen iSllo longer.eligible to participate under the.Hennepin
County. program. This represents a significant loss of funds. for the city that jeopardizes. our
ability to respond to. the needs of our low-moderate income, handicapped and elderly
members of our community. ~:..
August 11, 1992
Page 2
Chanhassen has participated in the CDBO program through. Hennepin County for over a
decade. As I noted above, I believe we put this program to excellent use. Over the years we
have provided subsidies for low to moderate income housing improvements, constructed
handicapped accessible fishing piers and playground equipment in our city parks, and
provided strong fmandal support for the South Shore Senior Center, which although it is
located in Excelsior, has provided a useful service for Chanhassen residents. In recent years,
the primary emphasis of the program has shifted to senior support services. Wecurrently
fund a part-time senior coordinator for the new Chanhassen Senior Center. This provides an
exciting example of how federal.funds are leveraged since the entire cost of construction for
the senior center, approximately $150,000, was paid for by the City of Chanhassen. .Qther
CDBa revenues are currently being used to support the Sojourn Adult Day Care. Program, to
offer the H. 0.. M. E. Maintenance and Assistance Program for senior and. handicapped
individuals, and conduct a feasible study for. a potential senior housing project in our
community. These services have proven to be of vital importance to our community and we
believe that we have managed these funds in a. highly professional manner.
We have explored administrative solutions to rectifying this situation but have been unable to
do so. We believe the situation of being a "split place" community having no population in
the entitlement area is highly unusual and probably unique in the country. We further note
that the loss of population in the entitlement county was through public action by an outside
governmental agency . We would therefore. request your support in obtaining approval for an
amendment of Section 106(b)(5). for the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974
Amended (Senate File #3031; House File #53-347). We would suggest that it might be
appropriate to add language. as follows:
"Should the qualifying area population of such.a unit of local government be.reduced
to zero due to state or federal government action, the total population of such. unit of
local government shall be included in computing amounts under this section with
respect to urban counties."
If the above mentioned paragraph is. incorporated into the act, it would resolve Chanhassen's
uncertainties of being able to. continue with the program, and we. believe it does so without
creating any significant loopholes that might degrade theeffectiveness.of a CDBO program
Your assistance on behalf of the City of Chanhassen would be greatly appreciated. Feelfree
tocontact either myself or Paul Krauss, City Planning Director for additional information.
We would be happy to meet with members of your staff at their convenience, should this be
August 11, 1992
Page 3
Thank you in advance.for your assistance.
~/ J2f?~~_. ~
Donald J. Chmiel
c: Don Ashworth, City Manager
City Council
Senior Citizen Commission
JUN 3 () 1992
'~' .
Mr. Dale A. Aokmann
County Administrator
A-2300 Government Center
Minneapolis, MN 55487
Dear Mr. Aokrl'lann ,
You%' let.ter to Mr. Fe.ney, Manager of t.he HUn offine in .
Min.neapolis, has been s:efe:rrecl to u.for replY .ince IllY office is
reapona1ble for nat.ional policy fot: the communit.y Development
Block Grant (CPBG) program. In your letter, you takeia8ue with
aome port-ione of a let.tar.ant by Hr. Naqoakl, Direot.or of BUD'.
Data sy.tem. and Statistic. Division to Ms. Hayden of Hennepin
CO\1nty'. Offioe of planning and Devalopment. speaifically,you
question the basis fox ~he deci.ion reflected in that letter. that
HUD will not. inolude t.he city of Chanhas.en in the formula
computation oft.he Urban Hannepin.County'. share of COSG funds
for Fe~eral fiscal ya~r. 1'92 and 1~93.
In your lettex, you clte ..ct~o~106(d) of the Houe1nq and
.Community Development Act of 1974 (the Ac~), .. amended, BUD
Notice CPt> 90...24, and 24 CFR 510.301<d)(2). . You conclude that
eaoh ofth&8C1 clearly indioates t.hat once . unit of general .100a1
government elects to particlpate wi.th an urban county;lt. will
remain A part of that.\\:rbancouht.y for the period of time for
which the o~unty 1. qualifying fo~ .uch 8t.atua.
tt. is t.rue that HUDq.nerally make. the polnttha~, in
d60idinc;to.$gn a cooperation .vreem.n~, a pa:ticipating un1.t of
government ia to underltand that-it i. making a deal.i.on t.hat.
will be binding for the entire per1odOf tbe urban county
qualifioation. '1'his 11 an Lmpo:rt.a.nt point for .uch unit I of
governIl'\ent becau.. it carr!.. ~ith1t t.he d.isqualification of the
pArtioipat.ing unit from receivingfundB from the state undar.t.ha
CDSG sma.ll Cit.ieaprograrn. However, the Department has not .. .
previouslyencountexo8d tbe aituatlon that h.. now develop"d with
relpeot. tot-he Cit.y ot Chanha..ent ~bata lIo...oalled ".plitplao."
would have population rel1ding in t.he county at the ~imeof
:)o1ninq 'the urban county oon.ort.iull\ but. would not. have ~
popUlation re.iding t.h.re .ome ~i~ dux1nq the r.main~erof the
qualifioation per1od.
Sue Millar
Lou Thompson
.:John ~A9ollki
Thorn... "eeney, S.,s,Minneapolia Office, office oftbe Hanager
, .
. \h.....l.t-.._.___.....-..,~' -... ,..;"W',"""" ...,.."
'," ... -- ,,',--
12 e'
NeverthelesuJ, ",e are now faoed with that aituation, and we
mUlt,abicl.bythe statute. In conault.ationwlth HUD'1II0ffleeof
a.neralCo,unsel,we cieteX1l\lnedthat t.he'language in 8ect,1onlo6
conoern.lnqthe formulaoaloulation clearly blooks the inclusion
of th..balanoe ofChanh..sen'. populat.1onln 'the formula for:
determining the urbancounty'8 entitlement Amount. ~hl. sneahs
that the county will raoeivenoJrLOney t.omeet the needs of that
portion of tha.City. , the bali. for our conolulJ.onisfound .t
seotion 106(b)(5) of the Act., ae aited in tbe Mr. Nagoski'e
letter.t'batsEtction ~ead.,' in parti
"Incomputlngthaamoubt8 undarthl. .eotien with~e8pec::t to
any urban county, there .hallbe 1nolucSec1all of ~he areaot
any unit oflQoal 9ov.~nmentwh.tch1.p.J:tof,butnotl
loca.ted. ent.12:ely within the.boundarieaof ,auch urban county
tfi:be,partofeuch 11111\ of local ,overftm.n~ w!llahle within
the bO'undari.. of.uoh ,,~ban oountr voulc!otherwi..b. i
lnc:lude4 ln C,Jol'lputiag the amount for.uchurJ:aan county uncSer
thi.. ..at.ioD . . . . ." (emphasis add.ed).
. " .' ',4
Youque.tionthisj:nterpretation becau.. that ..ctionrefar8:to
the flarea" andeloe.not .pacifically mention the population ~r
other. formula faotot'.. However, the area'of a community i.not
used in the allocation. Th. faotors that are u.e" in 'that I e
fcrmulainclude thecharaoteri.tiol ofpopulatlon,povert.y ahe!. '
oertain hou.ing e1..men-t1 tb&t. are 1,;qattuS within'tt)e ar.a. !
(Sectionl02(b) of the Act require. HUDtou.. thell\QBt.recent
data avai.labls'froJl\ t.he Cen.u. Bureau for pu~o.e. of formula
computation. each year.) .80.U.. ~he area of the City tbati.
locatedvithin HenneplnCounty do.e.not, nowcontaJ.n any of tho..
charaete;r:istlc8,.. reported by the V.I. Bureau cfthe Census,
t.here is ,nothing that would beinclucled in the fot'Jllula fo~that.
area. Sence, the Count.yreaeivednODonay for the port.ion of the
City 'that is wlthin the county boundari... 7urther, ba.ed on the
lanquagein ssation 106(b)(5) a.cited ,bove, we oonclu"ed that
thereW&sfto ba.i. forinolucilng in the fcrmulathe
cha.racterist.ic8of the city that arelooated outaide ofJ'fennepin
C~nW. ".
SLnoe.neitherthe law nor t.he a:egulat:Lon preolud..an urbAn
cou.nty,frornexpending8ome of It.. entit.lement. funds outsJ.de +t.s
jur.t.d4.,ctl" onf' the County, at ita O,"PtLon" mi., Y U,8. ,8ome of .i:t.; 199,2,
fund. forth!. purpo... However, this .eem. to be an unlaii; . b
eutcomeeinoaunder .eotion 106 oil tb..t.&t.u't..th.St..~e w li" fa
r.oe!.vi~g credit for the City'. entlre population in determ1n ~g
it. share of fund,. It wa. foJ:' thi. re.lonthat the J)epartm.n
'" ',' "
. .
. .
. .1
..... -- ---'-
F Ii<oM ~ i-'~OCc.p;i 1 NU .. \..\..Jt'll "'....... Q"
. ,,",. . . ~~'? ,..,'"
stated in the Maroh 11, 1992, letter to Ms. Seyden that BUD would
deem the oooperation aljlreement to be void for the balAnce of the
county'e current qualifioatl.on pariod. This was not intended to
mean that the. City and. County lDUat take aotion to nullify the
oooperation aljlreemant. Rather, it waa intendad to signal to the
City and the State that BUD will oonaider the city to be eliljlible
to reo.1ve funds from the state eillce the state will be l:8ceivin9
its share of CDBG funds based, in part, on the city'. population
(end other relevant dem09r&pbic oharaotaristlcs). If the City
and the County both want to oonaider tbe city to be a part of the
urban oounty for the balanoe of. ths ourrent qualifioation period.
they lII..ydo so, but it will not :.....n tbat BUD will oompute the
formula for the urban oounty or the State on that baeis. pleaee
let the state and Mr. Feaney knOW 1f you elect to oonduct your
urban oounty program in thie mann.~. '
Xt ie understandabls that tbe county has been proceedin9 on
the auumption that the cl.ty will nmain a part of tbe urben
county conso~tium and has, accordinljl to your letter, been
developing it'! annual proljlrlUll with tbh in mind: Ho...ver, we dO
not bslieve that we bave the discration under the law of
inoludinljl the City in the urban county formula computation. X
apol09i.e that we did not foresee this possibility and oall it to
your attention in o%der to avoid the additl.onal wo%k that thi8
llIay c..use fo", you. fle..e lat Ill" knoW if you have any tUl"the",
queetiona inthi6 ~tter.
Very 8inoerely your.,
James R. BrOughman
DlreQtorr sntitl.ment
com=un~ti.. nivl.ioft
--.:..~ ....
. .-, :. :..
,-,::-: :
... .
(E)payreasonablecJosing costs (normally associated
with the purchase of a home) incurred bv a low-or
mOde:-ate.incomehomebuyers. .
(b ) UpOn the request of the recipient of assistance
under this title, the Secretary may agree to perform
administrative services on' a reimbursable basis on
behalf of such recipient in connection with' loans or
Jr'3.I1ts for the rehabilitation of properties as authorized
under subsection (a)( 4).
(c)(I) In any casein which an assisted activity
described in paragraph (I 4) or (I7) of subseetion(a) is
identified as principally benefitingpersens of low and
moderate income, such activity shall-
(A) be carried out in a ,neighborhood consisting
predominately of persons of low and, moderate, income
and provide services for such persons; or
(B) involve facilities designedfor use predominately
by" persons, of low and moderate income; or
(C) involve employment of persons. a majority of
whom are persons of low and moderate income.
(~)(A) In any casein which an' assisted activity
described in subsection (a) is designed to serve an area
gene:al.ly and is clearly designed tomee: identified
needs of persons of low and moderate income in such
area.; "such activity shall be ,considered to principally
benentpe:sons of low and moderate income if (i) not
less than 51 percent of the residents of such area are
persons of low and moderate income; (ii)' in any
metropolitan city or urban county, the' area 'served by
such activity is within the highest quartile of all.areas
within the jurisdiction of such city or county in terms of
the degree of concentration 'of persons 'of low and
mode:-ate income: or(iii) the assistance for such activity
is limited to paying assessments (incJudinganycharge
made as a condition of Obtaining access) levied asainst
prope:ties owned and occupied by persons of low and
moderate income to recover the capital COSt for a public
improvement. "
(B) The requirements of subparagraph (A) do not
preVent the use ,of assistance under this title Jor the
development, establishment, and operation for not to
exceed 2 years after its esablishmento{ a uniform
emerge:lcy telephone number system if the Secretary
determines chat-
m such system Willcontrlbute' SUbstantially to the
safety otthe residents of the area served bysuc:h system;
(ii)l1ot less ,than 51 percent ,of the use of the system
will,be'by persons of ' low and moderate inc:ome; and
(iii)other Fede:al funds received by the grantee are
not available for the development, establishment, and
operation of such system due to the insuffic:iency of the
amount of such funds, the restrictions on the use of such
funds, or the prior commitment of suc:h funds for other
pUI'J)oses by,the grantee. The percentage of the cost of
12-1 '-!.
the development, establishment, and, operatioD!E'
a system that may be paid from assistS.nceun ' .
title and that is considered to benefit loW and mo erat
income persons is the percentage of the ~oPulation to
served that, is made up of persons of 10~and' moderat
income~ ;
(3) Any assisted activity under this title chat involv
the acquisition or rehabilitation of property to provil
housing shall be considered to benefit persons of 10\\
and moderate ,income only ,to the ment such'housini
will, upon completion, be ~pied byj such persons.
ADocsdoD aDd DiStribadoDof Fands I
Sec. 106.(aXl) For each fiscal year, peche lmounT
approved in an appropriation Act under Section 103"fo1
Jrarits in any year (excluding the amounu provided, fo!
.usein accordance with section 107), the iSec:-eta.ryshar
reserve for grants" to Indian tribes 1 percent of th(
amount appropriated under such section.' TheSecreta1"\
shall provide for distribution ofamouilts under 'thf
paragraph to, Indian tribes. on the basis ofja c:ompetitiOI
conductedpursttant to spet:iiic criteria reir the selectior
of Indian tnbes to receivesuc:h amountS." The' critern
shall be contained in a teiulationpromlllgated by the
Secretary after notice and public Comm'ent. Notwith,
standing any, other provision of this Act, Such grants, tc
Indian tribes shall not be subject to the re~uire:n_~)
section 104, except subsections (f),(g), and (k)~
section., , ,',' ,I
(2) After reserving such amounts for Indian tribes, th( .
Secretary shall allocate amounts provided lfor use unde:
seetion 107. \
(3) Of the amount remaining afterallocationspursu.
anI to paragraphs(l) and (2),70 pe:'dentshall be
allocated by the Secretary to metropolit!n cities anc
urban counties. E:tc:pt' as otherwise specificallv autho
rlzed, each metropolitan city and urban county'Shall be
entitled to an annual grant from sUch allocation inar
amount not exceeding its basic amowtt, computec
pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2) of subsec...ion(b).
(b)(1) The Secretary shall determjnethe amount to bf
allocated to each metropolitan city which!shall be the
sreater of an amount that bears the samel ratio to the
allocation for, all, metropolitan areas as cither~
(A) the average or the, ratios between-+
(i) the population orchat,city and the pop~lation ofal
metropolitan areas; I
(ii) the extent ofpoveny in that city and the extent 01
poverty in all metrOpolitan areas; and 1
" (Hi) the extent of housing overcrowding I in that cit)
and the extent of housing overcrowding in an metropoii.
. , I
tan areas; or ' ~
(B) the average of the ratios between~
Puclisnea by W.". Gcrnam , L.Ir\'Ielrn, Inc.
(i) the extent of growth lag in that city and the ~tent
of growth lag in all metropolitan cities:
(ii) the extent of poveny in that city and the extent of
poverty in all metropolitan ~ and
(iii)the age of housing in that city and the lie of
housing in all metropolitan areas.
(2) The Secretary. shall determine the. amount .to . be
allocated to each urban county, which ,shall be. .the
greater of an amount that. bears the same. ratio to the
allocation for all metropolitan areas as either-
(A) the average of the ratios between-
(i) thepol)Wation of that urban county and the
pol)u1ation of ail metrO-politan areas:
(ii)theextent of poverty in that urban county and the
extent of poverty in allmetrOl)olitan areas: and
(iii) the extent of housing overcrowding in all metrO-
politan areas: or
(B) the average oCthe ratios between-
(nthe extent of growth lag in that urban county and
the :::tent of growth lag in all metropolitan cities and
urban counties:
(in the extent of l)oveny in that urban county and the
extent ofpoveny in all metrol)olitan areas: and
(im the age of housing in that urban county and the
age oihousing in. all metropolitan areas.
(3) In determining the average of ratios under para-
ltal)hs (l )(A) and (2)(A), the ratios involving the extent
ofpoveny shail be counted twice: and each of the other
ratios shall be counted once: and in determining the
average of ratios under paragral)hs (1 )(B) and (2)(B), the
ratio involving the extent of growth lag shall be counted
once. the ratio involving the extent of poverty shall be
counted one and one-haif times, and the ratio involving
the age of housing shall be counted twO and one-half
(4) In computing amounts or exclusions under this
Se1:tionwith resl)e1:t to any urban county, there shall be
eXcluded units of general 10=1 government located in
the county the pOl)wations of which are not counted in
determining the eligibility of the urban county to re1:eive
a grant undenhis subsection. except that theresha1l be
mcluded any independent city (as derined by the Bure:lU
of the Census) which-
(A) is not pan of any coun~
(B) is not eligible for a grant pursuant to subsection
(b)( 1);
(0 is contiguous to the urban county;
(0) has entered into cool)eration agreementS with the
urban county which provide.that the urban county is to
undertake or to assist in the undenaking of essential
community deve!ol)ment and housing assistance activi-
ties with respect to such independent city; and
(E) is not included asa pan of any unit. of general
loc:11 government for purposes of this section. .. Any
ind~endent city which is included in any flScal Ye:1r for
purposes of coml)uting amountS pursuant to the pro-
ceedini sentence shall not. be eligible to receive assis-
tance under subsection (d) with respect 10 such fiscal
Ye3r. . ..'
(5) In coml)urlng the amounts under this section with
feSl'ect to any urban. county, there shall be included all
oftheare:1 of my unit oflocalgovernment whicl1.is pan
of, but not located entirely within . the boundaries of,
such urban county if the . pan of suCh unit of local
government which is within, the boundaries of such
urban county wouid otherwise be included in coml)uting
the amount for such urban county under this section.
and if the pan of such unit of localgovemment which is
not within the boundaries of such urban county is not
included as a pan of any other 't oflocal ov.
for the ,urpose of this section. 'Any unount received by
such urban county under this section may be'used.with
respect to the pan of such unit of local government
which. is outSide the boundaries of such. urban . county.
(6)(A) Where data are available, the amount deter-
mined under paragraph (1) for a metrOl)Olitan city that
has be:n formed by the consolidation of one or more
metropolitan cities with an urban county shaUbe equal
to the sum of the amounts that would have been
de:e::nined under l)aragral)h (1) for the metropolitan
city or cities and the balance of the consolidated
gove:nment. if such consolidation had not oCC'J.1Ted.
This ;:arag.~l)h shall al)ply only to any consolidation
(i) inciuded all metropolitan cities that re1:eived
grants :;.nder this se1:tion for the fiscal year preceding
suc~ consolidation and that were located within the
urban county; .
(in. inciuded the entire urban county that received a
grant :.mder this section for the fiscal. year.. preceding
such consolidation: and
(im took place on or after January 1, 1983,
(B) TOle .Population growth rate orail meuol)olitan
cities :::erred to in section 102(a)(l2) shail be based on
the population of (i)metrOl)olitan cities othertban
consoiidated governmentS the grant for which is deter-
mined under this paragral)h: and (ii) cities that were
metropolitan cities before this incorporation intO con-
solidated governments. For purposesofca1C'.uating the
entitlement share for the .balance oC.the consolidated
government under thisparagral)h, the, entire balance
shall l;)e considered tobave been an urban county.
(c:)(1) E:tcept as provided in paragraphs (2) and (4),
any amounts allocated to a metropolitan city or an
urban county pursuant to the preceding provisions of
thisse::ion which are not ~eived by the city or county
for a :ise~ ye:1l' bCC3uSe of failure to meet the require-
ments ofsubseccion (a), (b), (c), or (d) oi see:ion 104. Of
P,tCtiMM1 "". w__ ~ · '- .....
1600 South 2nd Street, Hopkins, Minnesota 55343
Fax 933-2101
July 21, 1992
Walter Levesque
Bob Miller
2nd Vice President
Paul Krauss
Planning Director
City of Chanhassen
690 Coulter Drive, P.O. Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Tom Ticen
1 sf Vice President
Linda Stokes
Dear Paul:
Carla Pavone
I received your letter of July 15, 1992. In the . letter you raise some
very serious issues regarding the quality of service . provided to
Chanhassen by Senior Community Services. .
John Blaser
Past President
Toni Anderson
Karl Dansky
Robert DeGhetto
Alison Fuhr
Marty Guritz
Commissioner Tad Jude
Leonard Kopp
Connie McCullough
John Nelson
Senator Gen Olson
Steve Rood
Russell Weinstein
Bob Zagaros
The role performed in Chanhassen by Senior Community
Services is very similar to that of, for example, a consulting
engineering firm (the obvious differences being that the
engineering firm also claims a profit and deals in a different area
of expertise). In the example of a consulting engineering firm,. an
engineer is assigned to do engineering work for the city (inour
case this person is Judy Colby).
Daralyn Peifer
The engineering firm is judged by the City on the performance and
quality of the work done by that individual. We also should be
judged on the basis of the. quality and quantity of the work done by
our employee assigned toGhanhassen, Judy Colby. Thisagency
is made up oftalented staff like Judy, each selected and assigned
to a particular community. Our employees, and the work of their
volunteers, are Senior Community Services.
We are funded for 12 hours of service a week in Chanhassen.
Frankly, the job has been larger than the funding allowed, with
Judy willing to expend extra effort. She epitomizes the type of
dedicated, talented, quality staff at Senior Community Services.
Our purpose as a non-profit charitable organization is to serve the
residents ofChanhassen. We feel our service, provided in
Chanhassen by Judy, has been, and will continue to be,
excellent. Independentraters at United Way haveforthe pastJour
Benjamim F.Withhart
Executive Director & C.E.O.
. A United Way
Supported Agency
, ~
years in a row rated the quality of our service, due to the efforts of our staff like Judy,
the very highest of all 140+ charities receiving funding from the United Way. .
You state in the letter that there is "no particular item that I (you) can put my finger on."
This statement regarding the quality of our service makes it very difficult for me to
respond and difficult to address.
Besides the quality work done for us through our employee, Judy Colby, let me share
other support rendered to Chanhassen at no cost to the city:
* JoAnn Kvern attended almost a year of Senior Services Task Force
meetings prior to our hiring Judy. She offered advice and professional
expertise to assist the task force in their deliberations.
* We have broughfinformation to the Senior Commission regarding
how other SeniorCenters .are governed and information regarding
foundations through JoAnn Kvernand Cathy Bailey.
* We provided Judy with orientation and direction regarding'the
development of the Senior Center and the scope of its activities.
... Judy receives regular phone contact, information and support from JoAnn Kvern
and uti Iizesthe expertise. of' other Senior Center Directors such' as Cathy Bailey
(our Westonka Center), Jennifer Crotteau (our Buffalo Center), StevePieh (our .
. Minnetonka Center), and possibly others I'm not aware of at this time.
* Judy participates in monthly Senior Community.Services' Senior Centers staff
meetings where information.is exchanged'and issues are discussed. She also
. has participated in agency-wide quarterly training sessions (usually ona topic
in the field of gerontology or a related field). '
*SeniorCommunity Services also supports Judy's efforts atChanhassen
Center by offering monthly trips, volunteer recognition, officertraining, and a
regular newsletter toChanhassenresidents.
* JoAnn and I havet>een available for various consultations and/or moral
support, including attending the grandopeningon th,e 4th of, July.
In regard to theHOME program, as we originally projected, the start-uptime .fora new
ro ram - new in terms of operation,and also new in concept - ta~es some time and
~at~nce before the program is operating at the levels of an estab"she~ program. (~~r
Ie Chanhassenseniorsalready had agood,idea of wha~ asemor cent~r cou
~~:~fhr~Ughtheir g.ood e~perience withb~he so~n~~toyr~k:n~d~~n~i~~r~~~~;~;~rove
centers). A companson With a compara e com u ........ '. .' .. h' h' n
helpful in assessing the real progress the HOME program has made tn C an asse . .
..- ,'.
During the first 12 months of HOME operation in Eden Prairie, the program served
three householdsfora total of 87 service hours. In only seven months in Chanhassen,
HOME had served 11 households for a total of 80 service hoursthrough June.
Chanhassen residents will receive an additional 1 00+ hours of direct service in July.
Theseservices have included lawn mowing, house repair, masonry, painting, and
carpentry. Clearly, the utilization of HOME services has far exceeded realistic
expectations fora brand new senior service.
The HOME program may have enjoyed an even higher utilization if it had received
expected publicity. It was our understanding that the Chanhassen Planning
Department had promised to take care of all the publicity and promotion of the
program. Obviously we were mistaken as the promotion of the program was left to
Betty Crouch at HOME to work out with July Colby, e.g. a newspaper article and
HOME coupons mailed out with the Center's survey to the seniors in the community.
Also Betty and Joy (HOME staff) have spent a lot of time in recruiting volunteers.
Before HOME was operational we were told that 5 or 6 community volunteers were
eager to participate. None of these promised volunteers materialized, and much time
was lost in trying to contact them.
In the future, I would suggest calling me directly to discuss and clear up any
misunderstandings. We strive to bea partner with the City and have felt good about
our working relationship and support given the senior program by the City. Please call
me if you have any concerns or suggestions.
Benjamin F. With hart
Executive Director
cc: Chanhassen Senior Commission