1992 09 18
SEPTEMBER 18, 1992
It Chairwoman Montgomery called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m..
MEMBERS PRESENT: Barbara Montgomery~ Betty. Bragg, Jane Kubitz, Sherol
Howard, and Selda Heinlein
MEMBERS ABSENT: Bernice Billison and Emma st. John
STAFF PRESENT: Sharmin AI-Jaff, Planner II; and Dawn Lemme, -Program
Specialist/Senior C~nter
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Bragg moved, Heinlein seconded to approve the
Minutes of the Senior Commission meeting dated August 21, 1992 a~amended
on pages 11 and 12 changing McCullough to McComb. All voted in favor and
the motion carried.
AI-Jaff: You all know Dawn Lemme. Dawn has been hired as a program
specialist with the Park and Recreation Department. Her experience
includes the operation of a radio station and working as a recreation
supervisor in Buffalo Grove, Illinois. Dawn coordinated senior programs,
summer day camps, children's programs, special events, various trips and
public relations. Not a senior herself but she will be representing the
interest and needs of the seniors very effectively. Without any further
adieu, I giveyoti Dawn Lemme.
Montgomery: Well, we're reall~ glad you're here Dawn.
Lemme: It's good to be here and ~'m real excited to be working with the
Senior Center and I've met so many wonderful people already. I'm really
looking forward/to doing some things. Thank .you for accepting me.
Bragg: We welcome you:
Montgomery: We certainly do.
Kubitz: So far I will give her a AA+.
Montgomery: Maybe we could talk a little bit about what your
responsibilities will be with the ~enter.
Lemme: As far ~s Iknow~ you know I don't know that an official job
description has been setup but I will be doing, my primary thing will be
doing recreation programming for the seniors. And that will include the
use of the Senior Center and the scheduling of the Se~ior Center. I will
be planning trips for the seniors. I'll be planning special events and
you ~now my, other job as program specialist/senior center coodinator is,
I'm doing programming for other areas of the city as well so the seniors
will just be one of my other areas and I think it should all coordinat.e
real well. We do all the programming for the other activities. Youth
programs. Our special events. Trips. Things like t.hat 3 to 4 months in
Senior Commission Meeting
September 18, 1992 - Page 2
advance before a newsletter goes out so I will be coordinating all the
things for' the seniors then with the aid of the Advisory Board and just
suggestions that I hear from people along the way far in advanc.sowe'll
be able. to publicize and hopefully get the attend~nce going and get the
center to bea growingp!ace. So my primary thing will be recreation
programming for seniors.
Howard: The nice thing Barbara is that she will be available for
hour ~weekwhich Judy of course wasn't so just to answer questions
. might ar Ise.
Montgomery: That's a great advantag~.
Lemme: Well-I've already set office hours downstairs and that's just for
September and probably October and as I. think everyone has found 9Ut, if
they.need me, they can reach . meat my upstai rs desk as well so I Ii ke to
do a lot of running so I'm up and down those stairs a lot. It doesn't'
hurt meat all so I'~ always available, as what Sherol said.
Montgomery: What hours have you set now for?
Lemme: Off the top of my head I belie~. I'm spending about 4 hours a
day. It's usually like 10:00 until noon, or'10:30 until noon and then
1:00 or 1~30 until 3:30. It's 3 1/2 to 4 hours a day ~nd then I'm also
~oing, even though the center i'n'tactually open on Mondays and Fridays,
1 've had some other, meet! ngs and other things going on. and been doing
work.on the senior items in my upstairs office even when the seniors
aren't around. '
Bragg: Dawn, will you be coordinating with the Ca~verCountyDistrict
Lemme: Yes.
Bragg: Instead of with Hennepin County?
Lemm~: Gay Mattson is on our Advisory Board and I know her fro~ other
coordination activities that 'we had to do with other programs so yes, we
will be working with them on trying to offer some trips and things like
that. We don't want to do too much duplication if possible. Thesame
being~though, we'd like to try do some trips in cooperation with Victoria
or with Eden pr'ai r ie has expressed a strong interest i ndoing some,
cooperative efforts and rthink that. would be just great. You know if.we
can't support a trip on our own possibly, it will be nice to know the
trip~s going to go anywaysbecause ~e've got a couple other centers or
whatever that are interested in doing that with us.
You know some of us are in School District #276, which is
Wi 11 you be c'oordi nat! ng anythi ng through them?
L~mme: Well the MinnetonkaSeniorCenter is through Senior Community
Services, as far as I know. I did just receive .a flyer on a cranberry
trip and'that'i, 'it was coordinated by the Minnetonka person and ,we did
receive the information. There is aChanhassen stop so we're still going
Senior Commission Meeting
September 18, 1992 - Page 3
to be working with Senidr Community Services in hopes that they'll still
continue to keep us on their stop list for trips. I think it would bete
" thelr'benefit to do that because there are a lot, of seniors but we are
a1s0901ng to try to do some local trips and things on our own. I think
the desire's there and I think we could get the people. So we're going
to try to really work cooperatively with all the senior centers and I
hope to be able to meet all these people. Previously it's not on there,
I worked for Hopkins/Minnetonka Park and Recreation for :2 summers so
I know a lot of the people over there as well. I know Donna Tilzner
~ho's been fhere and Dick Schwa~tz for years.
Howard: Eden Prairie is not included under Jo Ann Kvern's?
Lemme: No, that's separate. Th~Y're run undertheParka~d Re6reation
, Department like Chanhassen is now so they will be able to give us
" hopefully some ~aluable ideas in that too.
Montgomery: Bunny's had. of course, years of experience with that
Lemme: Right. They have expressed 'interest to Judy previous to me being
here, th~tthey would like to do some things together so I think that's
Lemme: That's what I do.
That's what I do. That's
Ptogrammingfor all ages.
well. Try to incorporate
That's my degree in school is Recreation.
what I like to do ~ndI like to do the
So I'm ~illing t~listen to suggestions
some of those things.
Bragg: Yeah, there's always'strength in doing it together.
e Lemme: strength in numbers, yes. And as I said,
expressed interest in doing things "as well.
Montgomery: Well it soundsdlike you"ve had a lot of experience
coordinating this sort ,of thing and I think that's really a
advantage for us.
Montgomery: Anybody else have any questions about what her.
Heinlein: Well I've heard~verything before. We had a
Lemme:Okai,that would be ~e again. rjust briefl~ wrote down a couple
notes of what we discussed. Our main thing was trying to incorporate the
temporary board as a permanent board. at least for this year. We still
will submit/that list of names to the tity Council for approval but we
did Vote on a President, a VicePresid~nt, a Secretary and 'Treasurer.
e Montgomery: Do you want to list those names so we have them.
;Lemme~ SUre~ P~esident is Shero! Howard. Vice President is
Stoltz. S~cretary is Selda and Treasurer is Lola Kagol. And
Senior Commissiori Meeting
September la~ 1992~ Page 4 .
next month be de~ermini~g committees and getting some committee heads.
And so we can get some work going on those different items'such as public
relations and as needlework~ crafts; we're going to determine what we I
think the committee should be and determine what the descriptions of
those individualthirigs will be. So we discussed officers and did the
voting of that. We also, I submitted a rough draft of some By"'law~so
that we can have some sense of structure. They were fairly simple
By-laws. They Were kind of an accumulation of about six other centers
By,-laws and we, had some conversation on those and everyone was also asked,
to, bring those back next month. Next month with some other suggestions
and we will rewrite them or chan~. them around or work thjm out and then
,have those done up so those will be permanent also. Like I saidiw~
don't want to be super strict and super structured but we do W*nt to be
structured enoughthat,we can have a meeting that flows and that ,things
are,accomplished and things are done. And'so that is why I guess I
wanted to do the By-laws. We discussed program ideas for the fall and we
also discussed trip ideas and we discussed greeters training that went on
in August. We just talked about if we felt that that was, had met the '
needs of'the people and it sounded like that went okay. We're still
going to have to continue to work with our greeters and knowing what to
do and how to a~swer certain questions but they did get areal good
lesson on phone. How to an.wer -that phone because that can be kind of
difficult sometimes. So those are Just some of the things I guess that
we discussed. /
Howard: I'm sure they'll be interested to know that Judy is going to be
on the Advisory Board.
Kubitz: Judy and Jay both are on now. And Selda.
Lemm~: Right; and Gay Mattson is going to continue.
we'~l have a 9 pe~~onboard.
Well it sounds like that's shaping up then.
Lemme: We accomplished a lot I think in the 2 hours that we were ther'e.
Montgomery: Well that's great. It really helps when you have
structure to it. Anybody have any other comments about what's
'Hei nlei n:
group, as
there for
coming to
I think things are working pretty ~ell. At least I think the
we were the other day, we ,accomplished quite 'a bit. I just sat
a whil.. I had no intention of going any further th~njust
the meeting.
Bragg: \Not being on that Board, I have f'eltthat the last couple
meetings that yoU're all very disappointed and weeping and wailing so it
sounds just wonderful to hear you satisfied and nobody has anything to
say negative.
Bragg: Since she got nominated.
Heinlein: I'm still think about that. My son s~ys, mother.
it. Confidence in me.
Senior Commission M~eting
September 18~ 1992 - Page 5
Howard: Oh we still don't.have a~ymore people coming.
8ragg: It will turn around though now.
Montgomery: But that will change.
Bragg: You have structure and you have leadership.
Heinlein: We have the Blessed A and the Weekly and I mailed off the
other letter to the Sailor. I wrote them and asked if we could put
articles in their paper.
Howard: Jo Ann Kvern at one me~ting had said they were going to stop
putting their ads in the local paper that they have.
Heinlein: Yeah~ but did you see that big one?
Bragg: I'm sure she intends to stop because she's had... Then somebody
should say something to her.
Kubitz: Well it doesn~t make as much difference now that Dawn has got us
into a good article where it's the same type.
Heinlein: But heard yesterday a complaint from a woman in the beauty
shop~ the one r had doing my hair yesterday. And she said she's gone in
and talked to him and she says, all you know is sports. She says that
Villager is sports all through the paper. She said there are other
things that people are interested in. She says everybody isn't sports
minded. She went in and talked to'him.
Bragg: I'm sure that will help because he is a new editor.
Heinlein: I talked to him too.
AI-Jaff: May I add something? As far a running articles in the
newspaper~ that's a public service. r don't know if we can ask South
Shore to stop running .their a~ticles.
Bragg: We didn't ask. They volunteered.
Howard: JoAnn volunteered. Sh~ said, if it will help~ we~ll be
to stop putting ours in. We didn't ask.
Kubiti: She made the suggestion.
Montgomery: Then maybe we have to leave it up to her.
Lemme: I've been submitting press releases on a weekly basis now to the
Villager and we kind of switched things around a little bit. We have now
the topic or the item that's occuring first and that is in ,bold. Not the
date or the day.
e HO\l>Jard: I had asked for that but they hadn't done it.
Senior'Commission Meeting
September 18, 1992 - Page 6
Montgomery: Who then primarily is going to be doing the publicity or is
it one person who's responsible for that now?
Lemme: We'll probably have on the Advisory Board a publicity person but
r will be, on a weekly basis as part of my responsibilities, sending
press releases. I do that for. all the other recreation programs and ~do
the newsletter for the City now so that just kind of fell in and I don't
have any problems doing that now. I'll just do them on a weekly basis
like I do all the other ones. .
~einlein: That 55 Alive is at, is that
Kubitz: No, that's going to be here.
Lemme: It's here. That's ours.
Heinlein: Somebody called yesterday afternoon and I had no
There are flyers on the counter.
Heinlein: She said .shewould call again.
Kubitz: That's November 4th and 11th.
Bragg: I won't get the paper until next week so that~s, the trouble with
people who live in the north end of the village, or city. We don't get
the paper until about Monday or Tuesday. By .thattime it's allover.
Heinlein: . . .andthen I will put pictures i nfrom Wednesday because 1
.tooksome and I've got a couple more to shoot off. I'll probably use
that Sunday so I will have them then within the week because I toak quite
a few. All that were there.
Montgomery: D.wn is there anything that you'd like to ask the Commission
to do for you or you know, is there anything that would be helpful to
Lem,me: At this. tHne, no. I think I really need to just si tthrougl) one
of the meetings and find out a little bit more about the items that you
are concerned about and that are doing. I guess I would jcist~skthat
you keep the lines of communication open and hopefully now that we've got
an Advisory Board, as far as the acti0ities that go on,in the.~enior
Center, maybe we could get some. things accomplished and do some things
there~ Like I said; just keepth~lines of communication ope~ and I'm
sure I~ll be coming to you ~ith some thing~ but X don't have anything for
this month.
Montgomery: Alright. Then you will be coming
Commission meetings'?
tit. Lemme: Yes I will.
Montgomery: 1 think it might be helpful if you were to write
happjns at the Advisory Board. Some sort of short Minutes to
Senior Commission Meeting
18, 1992 .... Page 7
previous Minutes, if .there's time. I know sometimes it doesn~t work
that way.
Lemme: Selda, being that she's going to be~ur secretary, willbedoin~
the Minutes for the Advisory Board meetings.
Have you seen her handwriting?
'Howard: You want them included in this?
Montgomery: Well, if the timirig's okay. Sometimes it isn't
have to get. . .
meeti ng is goi ng to, be ,the third Wednesday as your's is' the
so that should ooordinate well.
Well except that maYbe that's too short notice to get it
Howard: No, ours will go in the next one just like ours.
Montgomery: Yeah, in..the next one. Yeah, that will
So there's no problem~
e Heinlein: She's seen my handwriting. What do you mean?
my handwriting. You're the only one that can't read it.
Montgomery: She can't read mine either Selda so cheer up.
Kubitz: Selda's handwriting is great. You just need a magnifying glass.
It's just as blear as can be. Now mine is a scribble.
Montgomery: Is there anything else about the center that we
talking about here? An~ other plans or questions?
Bragg: I would just like to ~sk if today is the first
~amilY Education meeting?
That l~oks like it's well attended.
Lemme: Yes.
They fill thei~'max~ You know they ha~.a maximum
people that they allow to sign up ,for all their programs 'and Ithi nk it
will be a good way for everybody to just see that the place, I mean I'll
make sure of it, if I have to go this weekend and clean it upI will but,
no. When everyone comes back ~n Tuesday to see that the center is in
order, it is just as nice as it was when they left it on Thursday. Early
Chirdhood is going to work very, very hard to make sure that place is
spic and span clean; before.
Howard: Dawn, have they asked to use this after the first of theye.r?
'They have not asked.
Senior Commission Meeting
September ie, 1992 - Page 8
Howard: We were talking about increasing our activities so we could
offer something at least one of the two days we're not open~ Like have
Monday becraft day orsomethi ng. l
and helped with the Bingo a week
, ,
Heinlein: Well that's another interesting thing.
women coming in and wanting to help with crafts.
Yeah, we have some volunteers that ,want. to come
Kubitz: She wants to do crafts too. She and Dawn and I had ~ 1S minute
session yesterday., Terrific.
Yeah, I saw her when she came in. She
Lemme: But yeah, they have not asked nor ~ave I had to, I
.Minutes. I know that Judy had told them she could make no
for J~nuary so maybe they asked Judy but no one asked me.
Howard: I imagine that will!have to be decided
Lemme: Probably'. And it's going to,depend. I really would like to work
at getting the center to be open 5 days a week, even if it's just a drop
in type of thing. So I'll just cross that ro~d I guess when it comes.
Bragg: And maybe it's going to be harder to keep order with
than they thought it was going to be too. You never know.
, ,
She's very nice so.
That's encouraging.
Lemme: They're very, I mean the person who's runni ng it has been doing
this for like 7 years ,and then they have a'large parentoradult<to child'
ratio down there. There'~ probably 6 adults down there right now with
those kids and it.s a parent with the child so the supervision is very,
verY high and,even when ~he parents have their session w~ere they go and
talk you know kind of about parenting skills and that, the' kIds are doing
a stTuctured activity and they're not just open free time. They're doing
~ structured activity so we'll I guess, we just haJe to see but they've
been doi ngthis fora ,longtime and they know what we expect of them .
When we went thrdughthebuilding withthe~, we told them this place
smells new. It looks new~ When the seniors comeback in here on
Tuesday, I~needs to be the same way that it was when they left on
Thursday or Friday and so they know that it needs to be kept nice and
they're ~oing to do everything that they possib~ycan to do that:
. Montgomery: What days are they using it tn the wee~?
Lemme: Mondays and Fridays until 1:00.
Senior Commission Meeting
September 18; 1992 - Page 9
M6ntgomery: Okay, anything else anybody?
AI-3aff:, I contacted Diane Harbertz. Within the next 2 weeks, evening
transportation will begin. One thing and that is, we aren't adding buses
or Southwest Metro Trans! t is adding bLlses be'tweenMinneap'olis and
Chaska/Chanhassen/Eden prairie for midday as well as late evening. Now
we don't know exactly how late the buses will be running. . Most probably
until maybe 8:00 or 9:00 but it will be available for the seniors as well
~s any resident of Chaska, Chanhassen or Eden Prairie. When I spoke to
Diane, . s.hesaid she would really Ii ke it very much if seniors were going
to an activity then everybody would be picked up at different locations
and then brought to onedesti nation. ,So if you want to schedule evening
~classes, and I'm,sure you've spoken to Diane as well.) (
Lemme: I h~ve not spoken to Dian~. With them. With Southwest
Howard: Sharmin,is, it important that we use this?
Montgomery.:; We should all go somewhere.
AI-3aff: There is a. need and maybe after a while you will have a
circulator that willa:lways be picking people up and taking ,them.
Montgomery: Well it's progress anywa~ but 1 hope tha~ we use
If the need continues, the~ rather than sto~ping at a~oo, we
would go to 9:00. Rather than 9:00 we would go to 10:00. I mean it
depends on how much ofaneed is there and if it is worth their. time
because a bus is subsidized. F6revery hour, whether you use it arnot,
Southwest Metro pays $23.00 per bus that is being used and I believe the
later it gets, the higher they pay per hour. So then on weekendsit,'s .
.a1so higher. And then there's aSl.1bsidy per passengeftthat they pick up.
So there is~ lot involved.
Howard: Well my questiori is, should ~e all make a point of using it
within the next~onth or so~ even if we're just coming into go to dinner
at th."Riveria or something? We should all make a point of using it.
~eah~ l.use it quite abit~
Montgomery: And xou ~now,now thit it's getting darker earlier~ this
presents more of a problem fo.r more seniors who don't drive, or anybody
who can't drive at night. $0 it seems to me, and I found that a real
frustrations because it ended. at 6:00 and this was really a hard thing.
Montgomery: It probably wouldn't hurt. But! was really encouraged by
Heinlein: When is it starting?
AI-3aff: Within the next 2 weeks. She couldn't gi~e me an
Montgomery: It's a wonderful service. We're really lucky
NoteveY"yplace does. r thirik that's'gY"eat. Pleased about
e 8ragg: r took it one .timefrom home over here and they were very
surprised to have/it come so close to Hennepin County for me but they
didn't say, well we can-tseY"veyou because you live there. $0 I would .
li~eto use it too and I think I would come over to Chanhassen mOY"e .
SenioY" Commission Meeting
September 18, 19~2 - Page 10
MontgomeY"Y: I hope they have a lot of publicity.
Ai-Jaff: I'll check with her on that. Another thing
want to do Is maybe midday you woUld Just decide to go to Minneapolis and
then come back at 4:00 01' 5:00'because it-s not very conve'nient to wake
up at 6:00 in the morning 01' 7:00.to catch the bus to Minneapolis and
then not be able to come back until 5:00 01' 6:00 at night.
Montgomery: And no stores open at. that hour.
Al~Jaff: Exactly, versus now you can.. .going downtown and then coming
. back.
8ragg: Once it'starts, will you have to phone them to
the bus tomorrow or whatever?
Ai-Jaff: Yes.
Montgomery: And it still picks you up at home.
8ragg: So like a cab~
Montgomery: I've had some problems getting a Y"ide.back say in
afternoon because they're so busy with all of .the work.
Heinlein: Well between 1.:00 and 4:00, that's why I haven't been able to
change to go to the doctor ... that I want because I 'mnever sure that I'm
going to be able to..:Occasionally he has, i know he's blind and he has
his big~og with hi~. I think he picks him up in Chaska and he~s on the
bus when they pick me up at that time and he drops him off at Lund'.s
where the men carry.ou,t his groceries and that for him when he 'sready to
Montgomery: It
AI-Jaff: Those are good hours
hav~ to stand In line.
Montgomery: Well it's a wonderful
helpful if we could get them to
seniors to take. You know fY"om
if people knew that, they could
Howard: It doesn't matter when you shop really.
go shopping so at the store you
Right. Well, that~s enco~raging. That's great.
Senior Commission Meeting
September 18, 1992 - Page 11
How ,far east does it go, do you know?
Al~Jaff: Well Chaska.
Bragg1 No, east. Mall of the Americas or? ,
AI-Jaff: Okay, tbere will be a shuttle that will go f~om the Ed~n
Prairie Center to the Mall of America. And that's going to .be called the
BL.ine. That is being worked out with the'RTB, the Regional Transit
Board. And if it's not in effect yet, it should be taking place wIthin
the ne~t 2 weeks. I can't re~ember the exact date when it's sUP~osed to
Bragg: But again, that should be in the paper too.
Heinlein: Well that's like the shuttle from Eden Prairie to Southdale.
AI-Jaff; Yes, very similar. . One thing I would like to approach
with is maybe a connection between E.den Prair ie and Chanhassen.
to the connection between Eden Prairie and Southdale. Butwher'e
take that location from? I mean should it;. be from Market Square
. Prairie Center? Or are you following me?
Sim,i tar
do we
to Eden
Someplace that stays open long hours. That would maybe bea
Heinlein: . Well, they, usually pick you up at your home.
door transportation really.
Montgomery: Well is that what you were thinking of here or a shuttle
AI-Jaff: They have what they call time transfer which means, they'll
pick you up and get you to, let 'ssay Market Square and there will be a (
bus wiiting' at Market Squarebut~t would, that bus would be there on the
hour. So at 8:00, 9~00, 10:00, 11~OO and that bus would have a
destination which could be the Eden Prairie Center or Mega Mall or.
Howaid: Well I imagine the new grocery store would
Oh they're going to be open 24 hours.
'That'd be a good conne6tioh then because then
I'll see what we can do on a trial basis and see if people
interested in something like that.
Montgomery: I do think we need publicity and a lot of direction because.
it seems to be people just don't see stuff or they toss it or it needs to
come at people in a lot ~f different ways I thin~.
Senior Commission Meeting
September 18, 1992 - Page 12
Kubitz: Fr6nt pa~e headlines.
Montgomery: . Yeah, ~nd all.~ver the senio~ center and
Howard: We discussed that the other day and decided church bulletin
board is a good place. But 1 think it's true, we do have to.
Montgomery:' I don't know,.. it's just hard to get the message across
'unless they're thinking about it at the time, it just doesn't n~gister.
AI-Jaff: I spoke to the publicity director,' rthink that was his title,
for: Festival Food. I didn't tell him about the Lark. I was talking ,to
you about it. It's the shoppi ng cart with an attached 'electr icchair .
We talked about that at one of the very first
AI-Jaff: But anyway, I didn't talk to him about that. I know Barbara
you mentioned that.' Maybe it's 'time we should get 'someone working on
thit. '
Montgomery: When it's the right time. '
~l-Jaff: Yes. But he said they will have a bulletin board as you enter
,the store. And if thete are any type of community activitiesot anything
the City would like to advertise, we're more than welcome to use it.
maybe that would be a.good place to advertise that.
Montgomery: Do they have. Target opening date?
opening date?
AI/Jaff: 28th.
28th of October?
Montgomery: Okay. Well I think that's progress. I think
Ai-Jaff: I thought it wassep~.mber28th.
Bragg: Boy that's soon.
Kubitz: They said they were going to open, that article
said -November 1st was going to.bethe Grand Opening.
Montgomery: Well maybe it's Octobe'r then.
Kubitz: Operi the store but then the Grand Opening.
AI-Jaff: October 28th, yeah.
Howard: I think so because they said it woul'd be too much rush and they
want to be at the first of a month rather than the middle of the month
the article said.
Senio~ Commission Meeting
September 18, 1992 - Page 13
AI-Jaff: Yeah. it's October 28th. I mean most. everything
finalized. Signs are going up.
Howard: When does the new bank open?
AI-Jaff: The new bank was hoping to open in October but I
be November.
I thought there was a sign over there, November
Montgomery: Things, are going sort of fast it seems fInally
anybody have anymore thoughts about the transportation?
Target is gOing to break ground
Montgomery: Are they really, for'sure?
Al-Jaff: You'll be able to find out this coming
. I
Monday.. The followl ng Monday. The 28th.
of Council for their final a~proval and once
going to break ground.
Just where is that going to be?
AI-3aff: Ta~get?
Heinlein: Yeah.
AI-Jaff: You know where the Corn Hut
Take the ,'corn out and put in a Target
Hei nlei n: That's good. It's. closer.
AI-Jaff: Alright. This item appeared in front
Monday, and it would have been a"week ago.
8ragg: Tuesday was the 15th of this week.
Al-Jaff: This past Monday. So it would have been the 14th. ,
think of the date of the meeting. It appeared in front of the City
Council. They approved ,it. So McComb will be contracted to do the
feasibili tystudY for the seniorhousi ng. The first phase is
approximately $9,850.00 and the second phase for the architect
$9,050.00. so the total would be $18,900.00.
Howard: 00 we have a timeframe on how: long this takes?
AI-Jaff: 1 would say a couple of years to complete. the study. But
that's a guess on my .part. But it.'s definitely going to take longer than
the study that Judy Marshek did for the senior needs inChanhassen.
Montgomery: Well, it involvesranawful lot.
Senio~ Commission Meeting
Septe~ber 18, 1992 - Page }4
Bragg: Now the McComb's were going to do interviews. They stressed that
they would do interviews. Is there a chance that the Senior Commission
will be interviewed as individuals?
AI-Jaff: At our last meeting you mentioned that you wanted to be on the
task force that would do the housing study..
Bragg: You mean the Commission agreed to do that?
AI-Jaff: Yeah. You requested that and.
Bragg: You plural r'mthinking.
Al'-Jaff: You plural ,yes.. The Senior Commission. I haven't spoken to
any rePTes~ntatives from McComb yet but I will be lettirig them know that
the Commission is interested.
Montgomery: It may take a different form, r don't know. I
because we're familiar with the way Judy workedand.do they
differently. r don't know.
AI-Jaff: You'll definitely be kept updated with ev~rything
on and you will have a say so in how the study is directed.
Bragg: Because after reading all of that, we find ourselves
and,more interested in how they're doing it.
Al'-Jaff: Ab~olutely. I have mentioned before that X db ha0e some
articles on senior housing throughoug the United States. Different
projects and maybe the nextmeeti ng we'll .summar izethose articles.
Bragg: I'd like that.
Montgomery: At some point I supposed we'd like to make someex~editions
here and thereto take a look at some housing. Maybewecanl arrange
t ha t .
AI-Jaff: . Sure. Sure, definitely. I think that should take place with
McC6mb rather than staff arranging those type,of things. .
Montgomery: Oh I think so too. Yeah. That might be something
could bear inmindL
Bragg: If you talk to them, say that we'd have an interest 1n
Montgomery: They might have some suggestions. Some different
we could go see.
AI-Jaff:, There,is a project in Mankato. I'm fascinated by it because
I used to live behind it and it was, it used to be the old campus for
Mankato state. It was abandoned. The building was vandal izedand then a,
developer bought the building for $1.00 and turned it into a senior
housing (project. That bui I,dl ng is one of the most gorgeous bul ldl ngs I
have ever seen. I mean absolutely beautiful and there is a waiting list
for people to get in there. I can take some pictures of it
Senior Commission Meeting
September 18, 1992 - Pag~ 15
Howard~ Did a private developer do this?
AI-Jaff: Yes. '
Montgomery: That's interesting.
Bragg: That's the lower campus then?
AI-Jaff: Yes.
,Bragg: So that's walking distance into the city and shopping and all
that stuff.
AndYdu know about that don't you Betty.
AI-Jaff: There's one problem. It's very easy to go down
Know about that. If ariything respiratory, I knbw
AI-3aff: If I can take the video ~amera down there, I'll video tape it
for you and you can see it. They have the congregate dining and you have
certain rooms that are handicapped accessible and there's always a nurse
on call. It's a secured building and very attractive.
Montgomery: What level,of care do they have there?
AI-J~ff: I don't know the details.
there was p~o~ably 3-4 years ago and
'more than what type of setvices does
interested in the services.
I really need to, last time I was
I was interested in it as a building
it offer the senior. But now I'm
Bragg:No~ you know seniors, you know the problems.
Montgomery: You know thinking of all those brochures we decided to throw
out that you collected ~~ carefully. Well, but there are probably
changes/since then anyway. I'm consoling myself.
AI-Jaff: Now Dawn has them. She hasn't gone through the boxes
Montgomery: Okay.
Senior Answer Line.
Let's see, our next one is number 7.
How's that going?
Lemme: Yeah, I just got to ~ydesk so I~ll work on the
Montgomery: ,Anybody, any other que.tions about that?
AI-Jaff: Xf anything happens with the housing study,
Senior Cemmissien Meeting
September 18, 1992 -Page 16
Al~3aff: Gelng beautiful.
Mentgemery: It Is?
,Al~3aff: We met with Vicky Petersen and Arlene.
B~~gg: Helli6ksen~
AI-3aff: Thankyeu. And that was last week.
weeks age. She requested, they wanted to. knew mere details as to. what
the City's respensibilitiesare gein~ to. be versus what the Ceunty's
responsib11ities are. And we said we really den'twant to. de all of the
wor~. We're gei~g to. be servicing the entire Ceunty~ Wedoeipect sefue
help from the Ceunty. ...right new is to. put dewn what are we willing
to. de. When are we willing to. staff the phenes so. that they can start
programming what they need to de? They will be veting en this 4temen
the 24th. Befere I start writing the schedule, Dawn yeu den't kenwthis
yet, but we have to meet just to see what would wer~ eut. When'weuld
heurs be. What heurs weuld make sense.
Heward: Itheught ~e had hours we h*d to adhere to.
. AI-3aff: Yes. And that's 9:00 to. 4:00, 5 days a week.
to let the Ceunty knew whatheurswill Chanhassen staff.
l'-lilling to. actually have a persenthatweuld answer the
Mentgemery: So then the Ceuntyceuld pick up the other
AI-3aff: Cqrrect.
Bragg: If yeu'll netice in the Minutes, I kept asking yeu weuld yeu
write a position paper where you'd put do.wn facts so. that,itceuld be
explained at the meeting. Are yeu geing to. be there? Because that is
the first item en the agenda for next week. Decision to. approve or
disappreve recemmendatien en the Senier Answer Line. Because they said
they've already spent two. meetings on this and that there are ether
things en the agenda. So they want to. finaJize this at the next meeting
which is next Thursday. .
AI-3aff: There was anether misunderstanding because when we met and we
actually spelled eut what we were willing to de, Vicky was writing
everything dewnand then after that she called me again and she,said,
stillw,ant it in writing.
Bragg: I knew that theyweuld and~ knew they want to. facilitate it
fast. T.hey want to. put iteut en the table:. Yeu leek it ever. Yeu vete
and then it's taken care of and they meve en.
Mentgemery: New Betty yeu're.the Chairman ~ight?
Bragg: Yes.
Montgemery: So. she really wants it.
AI-Jaff: So if I put something together,
together, we'll send a copy to you.
Senior Commission Meeting
September 18, 1992- Page 17
Bragg: Sol re.lly want it.
Betty, is there an agenda that goes out?
Bragg: Yes, there ie an agenda.
AI-Jaff: And there are staff reports attached to it?
Bragg: It says, Introductions 1. Under 2, Decision to appr~ve ot
disapprove and I talked to Arlene Hellickson and she said, we've got
get this off the agend~ arid ~nto other. things.
Howard: Nothing was attached to it.
Bragg: No, there's nothing attached, if.that'swhat you're
the meeting's group.
Bragg: Make copies if you will.
AI~Jaff: 20 copies be enough?
Bt.gg: Yes~ Yes, I think so.
AI-Jaff: And then you can distribute them.
Let's see, I can count and tell you
We can send you 20.
Bragg: We need at least 13 so why don't you give.us 1~ at
'~l-Jaff: 15, ok~y. And I'll seDd a copy to Vicky~ Vi6ky
copy of that too.
. )
Okay, good.
This has really got to sell in other words.
AI-Jaff: I have a feeli fig it wi 11.
Bragg: Yeah, it's got to.
Biagg: Right,exactl~. It's ~oo good to turn down,
but there are
know what
~ragg: That's good. I know that tbey were very interested
a lot ofpe6ple that are very conserv.tive and they want
they're spending their money for. So we!ve got to spell
A~-Jaff: They're getting something for almost free.
Bragg: So you will have that in your, are you gOing to send it allover
to Arelene so it can be pa~s.dout at the opening ot the sessi6n?
Senior Commission Meeting
-September 18,1992 - Page 18
Montgomery : Well that '.s what'has to come through then
AI-Jaff: I spoke to Vicky and Vicky said there's no need
there. .She said we were there for 2 meetings.
AI,...Jaff: Who's going to be presenting the item?
Bragg: Are you going to be there to present the item?
AI-Jaff: No. I will be at a conference.
Bragg: Okay, it's in the afternoon.
Bragg: Yes, you were very accommodating and I realize
AI-Jaff: I mean there is nothing new really to say.
making that vote now.
\ ,
Bragg: Dotting thei's and crossing the t and that's what these people
want to know.\
AI-Jaff:Yep; absolutely.
Bragg: Well thank you very much. I'm trying to put two things,to~et~er
but we are the ones that are really kind of sponsoring that.
AI-Jaft: The same questions that we have been answering
Bragg: I know but they have to see it.
Heinlein: Do you want them to send copies to you and then
Bragg: No, you can send them to Vicky.
AI-Jaff: I'll send them to Vi c ky. I'll send you one copy
Howard: I'd like s copy too. Then we'll know what's
AI-3aff:I'11 be more than happy to send a copy to all
Bragg: And I've also wondered, I got a copy oft.he resources that Julie
Bentz has on thecomput$r. She sent that to me. I was wondering if I
could come over here and have your office copy off enough for those
me~bers and I would include those.
AI-Jaff: Sure, no problem.
Bragg: Any time? Any special time, when you're not involved?
again, r need 15 copies.
Senior Commission Meeting
September 18, 1992 - Page 19
Al~Jaff: 15 copies? How many pages?
Bragg: Just one.
AI-Jaff: That would take approximately, what would you say, 1 minute.
Montgomery: Maybe Sharmin has the copi~s.
Bragg: No, I don't think you have a copy. She mailed it to me and she
promised that to me and I got it ~nd now I thought, well I have to
distribute that. Okay, thank you.
AI-Jaff: ,No problem. If I wasn't available, just ask the front desk.
Tell them that you have spoken to sharmin.
Bragg: I ha0e authorization from you, okay. Okay, thank you.
AI-Jsff: And that you're a commission member.
Montgomery: Okay, let's go on to 8. The update on the HOME program.
AI-Jaff:Who did I speak to that was so satisfied with the HOME program?
Bragg: Maybe it was me. It was after my problem was taken care of. Then
4It I felt I had received very good help with it.
Howard: I was satisfied.
Bragg: I also noticed that South Shore is using it now.
arrangements before but now they're using HOME.
Montgomery: Oh they are?
AI-Jaff: .We haven't discontinued our services with them y~t.
Montgomery: How long does that contract run?
Bragg: It was 6 months I thought.
Heinlein: The last one was 6 months wasn't it?
Bragg: T_hat was a trial period'of 6 months. I think that's what Paul
Montgomery: Well that would have expired then ,wouldn't it?
the contract with them?
AI-Jaff: No. Not them. But we haven't cancelled it either.
Montgomery: Maybe we should look into that and see.
Bragg: It's Betty Crouch that you'd have to c~ll~
Senior ,Commission Meeting
September 18,1992 - Page 20
Montgomery: Yeah, you'd better check that out"
AI-Jaff: Or just ask Paul if he has paid a bill
Montgomery: Yeah, because I don't remember.
AI-Jaff: Wh6ndid you call them Betty?
Bragg: They finished the work for me in June I believe.
Montgomery: I haven't talked to them lately. But surely
talked to you about it, wouldn't they?
Bragg: And Betty Crouch 'was here when? It was this summer. Was it in
July'when she was ,here and made a presentation for us. t think it ,
started in the fall, last fall because I know I was going, to
one of their people rake my yard and then we had the October
then they of course couldn't finish.
Al~JafT: 50 it started sometime in October.
Bragg: Well I think so.
Montgomery: Maybe I don't know, when Judy's contract was
did they assume that the HOME was too?
Al...;Jaff: One has nothing to do with the other. It should have been over
in March yet you used the service in June.
Mon~gomery: I have . copy of
gave the exact dates 'in there
Howard: But they issued those coupons that were good through
Jun~ or something to e0eryone in Chanhassen, remember? So we
,least until the end of June.
AI-Jaff: I'll have to check on that.
Montgomery: Well maybe you could check that out.
AI-Jaff:, I haven't done my homework. I apologize.
Bragg: 'Oh you've been busy. Incredibly busy.
Bragg: I think for Paul's benefit, we should let him know whether or not
we 'r,esatisf ied:' Those! of us that u,sed i twere satisfied so he could
Howard: I thought it hinged on how many people in
Montgomery: Whether we would continue it?
Howard: Y6s.
AI-Jaff: And the. numbers were increasing, definitely.
Senior Commission Meeting
SeptemberlS, 1992 - Page '21
Bragg: There were more people than just us that used it.
Montgomery: I don't think this had a date.
AI-J~ff: I can check that.
Montgomery; Yeah, it.didn't have a date on this
Bragg: We're still leaving you with a lot of tail end things but
we should know that. ..' ,
'Mont~omery: I think we should find that out.
Bragg: Because now comes the raking season again and we should
somebody we' can turn to for those of uS,who can't do that.
Kubitz: Well if yOU call tt1em to rake', you'll find out.
Al~Jaff: 'Another thing I wa~ going to suggest is, maybe if the HOME
program is no. longer being contracted with ,wi th the City of Chanhassen,
mayb~ through Park and.Rec we oan organize a Rake-a-thon.
e Lemme: Just got a flyer in the mail through Minnetonka. They're.having
some type of a Rake-a-thon and'if there's any seniors that want to have
their/yards raked.
Bragg: But maybe that goes according to school district again.
. l
Lemme: That ma~beHennepin, that area. I don't know. I just got 'the
flyer just before I 'came down here. My mail was delivered so,1 have.to
look at that.
AI-Jaff~ Betty has a very l,rge yard with lots of trees.
Bragg~ And I love my trees but I hate to rake. Can~trake.
Montgomer,y: I Just got a notice that it will be $60.00 for my lawn
service to do the fall clean-up so if we could arrange something, iti'i a
good service. I had another thought too. I was th'inking that maybe it
would be a good idea if we, or-somebody started compiling a list of those
contractors or service people or companies that do a good job that we're
really satisfied with. That we Just have a list because it-seems tome
that is always a terrible problem. I just went through that.
Bragg: ,It is aterr ible .problemand there are certainly a lot of charges
beoause this was about 5 years ago I wanted my lawn mowed and I ordered
the service from Chanhassen and their commercial, and they charged me I
think it was $75.00 to mow.
Montgomery: Yeah, you find these things out the hard way/ But I was
just so pleased with the Job that was done, I had to have some repairs
A new tile floor and that turned out to be quite a proJeot.And
Senior Commission Meeting
September 18, 1992 ~. Page 22
the estimates ranged alloVer the map you know. It was just
to decide what in the world to do because I~on't know.. And
pleased with the man who did the job.
Bragg: W'a~ he a local person here?
Montgomery: Yes. In Minnetonka. . Well it was Minnetonka Tile but
recommended through, actuallythrou~h Bert Haglund. ThroughJack
Zastrow. Through some good peoptethat he knew about and I Just think
that that would be a wonderful service if we could do th~t. Just when we
do have a good experience.
Howard: That would effect the younger seniors a lot more
ones. I wonder what percentage of us are in places where
of for us. .
Montgomery: I'm talking about lawn service or any type of service.. Any
kind of service that might be an apartment too.. There ar~ other services
that you might need.
Howard: Well we have an as~ociation where I am.whibh
\ input whatsoever in that I don't think.
r . .....
Montgomer,y: /Well maybe that's nota good idea.
I '. '.'
Howard: And I doubt if people in apartments, Selda
teltthe~ who to hire.
Bragg: Are there any other services besides HOME who offer
services to seniors?
AI-Jaff: There is CHORE.
Kubitz: CHORE and they told me ~hesame thing they told you.
do it.
AI-Jaff: Correct, through Carver County but they are a maintenance group
,rather than. I'm sorry, not a m~intenance, cleaning. Home cleaning
mainly. .
Montgomery: Is that sort of' for emergency?
At-Jaff: No. If you want somebody to come and do your dishes and\mayb~
Bragg: Vouseeotherwise you get~ I had, I tHink I already mentioned
this group before. They came in and they were 3 people. Thatw.s when
I broke my wrist. The 3 people came in.andwithin an hourthey>had
cleaned my house using nothing but sprays and I'm all~rgic so i~was
hard to come in. I thought, theY didn't us~ any soap or water or
AI-Jaff: It.~as CHORE?
Senior eommission Meeting
September 18, 1992 - Page 23
Bragg: No, It was another one called the Rose or something lIke that.
And they were very ~ood but boy, they went in like, rememberthos~ Old
Dutch cleanser things. They seemed like a little army and they attacked.
And left and the bill was $75.00.. ~ paid it but since then I've used
HOME.. .big yard, and so r thought lean 't ask him to do that whole thing
so I just gave him a couple trees but the leader, the adult leaderh.d an
amputation and he was wearing artfficiallimb and' he was out there
~orkingso hard. I thought boy, you know what I have wrong with me
doesn't even show arid there he is out .th~re working like that. Iwould
almdstrather pay a service like HOME.
Howard: When,the Scouts did it it was usually a money making thing
it was a volunteer basis. I mean they did set a price. You made a
Bragg: Yeah, I supposed I could have done that.
Al~Jaff: W~do have access to Cub Scouts, Boy
Howard: Do you have Young Life around here'?
Bragg: Do they ever ask if there',s something they can do?
AI-Jaff: No, but we do keep a close relationship with them
should contact them. We have the .names of all the leaders.
Bragg: Well and put again, it requires publicity but to let the.
community know that these groups are willins.to come and help them
Howard: Any youth groups, any organized youth group ~ight
some money.
Lemme: Possibly CAA, I don't know. They're kind of. under
but they're not ours.
Montgomery~ Well maybe if there is any information that's forth coming"
it could be posted atthe.senior center and we can find out there.
Did you get this from Jean Strauss?
Al-Jaff: Sure. No problem.
Montgomery: Okay,let's go on down and see if anybody has
say about anything. Apparently Roger Knutson has not been
here yet. .Anybody have anything they want to bring up.
Al-Jaff: Can we ta~k about the workshop?
st. John: That's all the i1;lformation ,I got.
AI-Jaff: Well there's more. Dawn has mOre. Dawn is
Thursday seminar.
Senior Commission Meeting
Sept~mber18, 1992 - Page 24
Lemme: There was a pile of them sitting on my desk. One of the things I
found and r thought it sounded really good.i Thursday especailly so I had
planned on signi tlg up to go for the day on Thursday. ' Takeaci ty vehicle
and go and come back that afternoon after the final workshops have been
done. I will not be staying for the banquet that night but if anyone.
Howard: Jean Strauss is going and said she would be happy to have
someone go with her, or maybe more than on~.: I thought I was going to
get more information from her. This has to be signed up by. the 25th.
AI-Jaff: Correct. I believe we can, the city could
it if you wish to go.
Bragg: I would like to go with you on Thu~sday.
Montgomery: Yeah, ~t 'looks teallyinteresting. I don't know abou€the
date. I'm going to have to check Lt out. I'd like to go.
like fun.
Bragg: Would you be taking a car from the City?
Lemme: Yes.
. AI-Jaff: Is there anyone from
l goi ng?
Lemme: We've got a stationwagon.
Montgomery: But I don't know whether I can yet or not.
Bragg: I would be happy to\skip the banquet and the.
Lemme: B4t there is a nice luncheon in there.
Brag~: Is there a charge for this?
Montgomery: $30.00.
Bragg: $30.00? Okay. Ifyou're\a senior.
I'm not making any plans until I know what Biil's
Well you have until, should we set like the
tohe~r from you so that we could contact.
Bragg: I've already committed.
Montgomery: Okay, I'll l~tyou know. I'm not
e Heinlein: The 25th is a week from tomorroW?
Senior Commission Meeting
September 18, 1992 - Page 25
Lemme: It just says late fee when post marked after September
as long as I send in.
Howatd: I can't do it. I'm involved on Thursday mornings.
Lemme: Just let me know...
AI-Jaff: I was just talking to Dawn and I'm interested in some of the
things being offered on Friday so maybe what we'can ~o is Dawn would go
on Thursday. Whoever would like to join Dawniswelc6me *nd I'm going to
go on Friday as Dawn Lemme.
Howard: I would be interested in going on Friday. And Friday you'd g~t
home early afternoon wouldn't you? Unless we stop to shop or something.
AI-Jaff: Every time I am with Sherol, I endiup spending at
that I'm not planning on spending.
Lemme: Okay, just let me know~
Heinlein: You go with the wrong person then. That'g what I do when I go
out. I spend more than I really want to~
That would be lovely.
Bragg: The cost of this , you say you get a registr8tionfee.
be spread out so somebody else could use it the next day?
Lemme: That's wh~t'we're sriying. We think that the City
pick up the registration fee.
So we would just buy two registrations or three.
Howard: My name would be Betty on Friday.
Lemme: And if Barbara ends up going on Thutsday,
to go as Barbara on Friday.
Montgomery: Betty, you were taiking about ~his ~ranberry
Lemme: That is October 13th. Tuesday, Oct6ber 13th.
Bragg: I Was beginning to wonder, because I did sign up
cranberry bog.
Lemme: I did a flyer for that today and I'll be doing copies
,this.afternoon~ Making copies of that but the pick-:up for
Senior Center is at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Octobet 13th.
H~inlein: I've got to get to sleep one of these nights~
Montgomery: You never miss a trip do you Selda?
Senior Commission Meeting
September 1 e, 1992 -' Page 26 '
Heinlein: I don't know ~hether I'd go on that or not.
cranberry bogs?
Bragg: They~re in Wisconsin but! don't know.
part of Wisconsin so that's Why I'm going.
Lemme: See! went to St. Cloud State so we'll have...Betty.
Bragg~ Okay. Don't wear walking shoes. Wear my strapless,
Montgomery: Well people I don't know. Here Weare.
'.Ai-Jaff : Would you like to take like a 10rilinute recess?
.(The Commis.ion took. short recess while they waited fOT
Attorney ,Roger Knutson to arriye.) .
Montgomery: I see our attorney has arrived here and ,we're very happy to
introduce Roger Knutson. He's'going to be talking.to.us something about
~6mmission procedures and maybe.
Roger Knutson: What kind of procedures?
Montgomery: Commissiori procedures. And meeting procedures
of the, maybe some ethics involved in all committee members
Board members.
Roger Knutson: What I'm going to do is mostly answer your questions that
you have. I'll just make a few introductory comments. I'm not quite
sure what all your interests or concerns are. My background, I've been
representing local governments for about 20 years arid part of my task in
doing that is to help them with organizational problems and help them get
~long and function the b~st they can. Some do a better Job than others.
I think any organization, as you all I'm sure know, works better if you
have rules. Ev~ryoneknows what's expected of them and then there's the
process for doing things. Do you have By'-laws? .
Mo~tgomery: Yes we do.
Roger Knutson: Operating procedures? I th'ink you've found if everyone
knows what those are and they're followed, Just like the City Council
does, things operate a whole 16t ~ore smoothly than if you all sort of
make things up as you go along. It's lik~ society as awhole.If~you
know what therul~s are, we can abide by them and get along better.. ,I
think there was an issue some time ba6k, who can act for a commission. A
significant issue, just like with the City Council, when they're sitting
here. An individual' City Council member or individual commission member.
has no authority to act for the commission or the city. For example, a
City Council member couldn't come in to City Hall and tell Don Ashworth
to do something. He couldn't tell an employee to do something because
the City Council can only act collectively by a majority vote of that
body.. Until they meet together and act~ they can't d6anything~ They
Senior Commission Meeting
September 18, 1992 - Page 27
have no individual power. The power all comesfiom acting collectively.
The same is true with this group. Each individual member can have their
own opinion but they can't bind this body. They can't speak for the
body. . The body eaM only speak as a group and through the voting process.
What other issues would you like me to talk about? I'm not sure ,where.
Montgomery: I kno~ that the Senior Center is in the process now of
creating some By-laws and setting up their structure and 1 thought they
might have some questions.
Howard: No, Dawn presented a very. sil1lple, two page of' By-laws and quite
informal which is the ,way we. want it. We don't waMtany heavy structure.'
And she had gathered'it from a group of senior centers that she had had
to do with .andconsolldated it. But it's very simple group or By-laws. I
think we all approved of it didn't we?
Kubltz: We all approved it but we kind or jGggled things
we're going to finalize it next meeting.
Howard: But I don't have any questions I guess.
Roger Knutson: One obvious thing,' a thought's come tome. I see you '
have an agenda and sticking with yo~r agenda. I'0enever been to Your
_, ' meeti ngs before obviously, is obviously quite important. You can see
~ chaos occurring in groups where 'they deviate from the agenda Or they
bringstu.ff up that is not on the agenda. The purpose of ' the agenda is.
to help guide your meetings to make them orderly and also I think,thisis
significant ~ it gives people 'an opportuni tyto reflect on matters before
they come to the meeting. If you have significa~t items on h~re. If
someone brings something up at the spur of the, moment, a significant
item, then yOU don~t have time to think about what your position would be
and sometimes yoU act ill .adviseabl y. When something comes up new at the
City Council meetings, they have a policy providing that they will.not
consider it. They'll listen to someone but they won't make any
decisions. They won't vote on anything. They won't discuss .it.
Just listen. It helps to.make bette~ decisions.
I think as the center has it's own structure
Heinlein: I think, we usually stick pretty close to ours.'
Howard: Other than mixing between'the Advisory Board to
the Commission, because they are ratherak!n, so r think
between those two som~times.
Howard: But you're all interested In knowing ~ou know.
Montgomery: But I think that is where the decisions about
will be made.
Roger Knutson: As I understand, that's a separate board.
function of this group and youaren't the senior center.
Senior Commission Meeting
Septe~ber18, 1992 -Page 28
Howard: Well if have this report every time,thenwecan have a
discussion as part of ,that report. On the agenda~' if that would be
casuaL discussion, I think would beagood idea of what the Council
the Soard.~. Just have igeneraltype discussion.
Montgomery: We're at the point now'where'nextyear some of the Board"
members, or Commission mernberswill come to the end of their terms and
we'll be setting up or somehow, what is the mechanism then for selecting
new members?
Roger Knutson: I've not read your By-faws but what the City Council
does,for.Commissionsand things, they advertise in the paper. A Tittle
note in the paper that says there's an opening ,and the reason they do
, that is not because they don't haVe, they don't want to reappoint someone
who's already been on the Commission or Board, but they want to give
anyone else that opportunity to at least apply. So they make it an open
process so anyone can know about it and come in and be interviewed ,and a
decision can be made~
Heinlein: I've been on now what, 21/2 years working on this
Heiniein: Well that's the only reason I think that
Secretary for ,the other group.
Bragg: Advisory?
. Heinlei n: Yeah. For that group because my term is up
Montgomery: But you can thElTl, any member who wants to
re-apply through the~ity Council.
Roger Knutson: Absolutely.
Bragg: There are a couple of us who think that some new blood should
come on and that we should have some men on our grou~ too to round~it
out. And so if it can beadveytised, that sounds like a good way to.
Bragg: Should people who have been on the
resignation then?
Roger Knutson:' That's what the"Council likes to do to give eveYyone,
becausert's, give every citizen in the community a" opportunity to
How soon should that be published or called to?
, . . l'
Roger Knutson: If you're going to have terms tip in December,
think by the first of November or something.
Roger Knutson: If they're gOing to
Bragg: Because , your term is ending anyway.
Bragg: Just let' the group know that you
Senior Commission Meeting
September 18, 1992 - Page 29
Roger Knutson: Then you~re not really resigning.
No, they're not, no.
Roger Knutsol): If they indicate that they're not interested in
re-applying or. interested in re-applying, if that's the case.
8ragg: Okay. So there's no formal withdrawal that you
Roger Knutson: No.
Howard: I have a question. Now this is about the Advisory Board to the
Center. We have, board members may not serve more than two consecutive
terms butafter.one year of break may be re-elected again.. So on this
one we have staggered terms. Is that a better idea so the only; the
president is one year and the second year is past president. The past
president might be the only continuity between an entirely new board so
are you better to have some for 2 years and then some' for 1 year?
Roger Knutson: You can havestagger~d terms without having somef6r ~
years and some for 1 year. There's itaggered term* on the City Council
for example.
Howard: But do yoU think th~t'sa good idea to retain
Roger Knutson: Having staggered terms? Oh
Kubitz: We'll hav~ to change that a little bit then.
iRoger Knutson: But you could have ~tagger~d terms and still say you
can't be on for more than two terms, if that's what you wanted.
Howard: Well, ours were one year terms. Board members and officers but
we really should,havesome 2 years and some for 1 years. If 'everyone
g6esout after one year, or,chooses to.
R.oger Knutson: That ,would make kind of a mess of things.
Montgomery: " If say a Council,member has some particular concern that he
wants to talk about to somebody at City Hall, would it be appropriate for
him to go directly to that per soh or should you work through the Council?
With some issue that they didn't, that they're concerned about. Should
that come before the Council?
Roger Knutson: Not necessarily;. It depends on the nature of your
inquiry. A staff member can, because Council members are obviously like
, you are, for the m6st part they get a little bit of money but. they're
basically volunteers. It's not a, full time job for them. If a staff
mem6er, Sharmin ar, you the lieson?
Al~Jaff: It's between me and Paul..
Senior Commission Meetin~
September 18,1992 - Page 30
Roger Knutson: I would sug~est you speak to one of your lias on people
handle ii. Durins their normal office hours.
Montgomery: How
volunteer member of a
Roger Knutson: As an advisory
Just giving advice to someone.
City's got to take care of you
duties.' So if someone were to
board you have vE~ry limited liability.
But ther~'s a statute that says~h~
i f ~you 'ie acting i nthe scope of your ,
su~ you ,the Cit)'would hayetodefend.
Montgomery: Not that I'm anticipating that but somebody
that. '
Roger Knutson: Our first reaction would be, a few years ago if you'd
ask, 1 'dsay . no. What would they su~ you about:' Now, people sue about
. just about anything. You don't need a very good reason. Unfoitunately,
1 think it's a terrible indictment of what's going on in this society but
i.t's tiue.
. . .society .
Roger Knutson: It certai nly is. About anythi n~l.
has ~ny complaints, they sue you.
Heinlein: I ran into that several years ago in Chicago. A young fellow
lived 'across from us and he came storming up to my door and, who's car is
th't down there. I don't know. I knew who it was. He had just bought a
fancYlcarand pulled in too close to her you know and it Was hIs own
faultl Well I'm going to sue you. I mean I said, what? ,I said that
isn'tfmy car.' That's up to you to find out. I said I don't even wani to
talkio you. But hei kept on saying, well, I'm going to sue you. I'm
gbingito sue you. I said they think of the darnestideastosueaperson
about 1 'I mean he was a young fellow', maybe21-2~2 yeais old . And I knew
who the party was. She was a senior citizen but she had her car there
firsti He didn't have to pull up that close. He went in and she turned
around and got her car out of there~ Moved it at little bitsohedidnit
know~ho it was. I thought this is getting ridiculous. Youcan'tturn
, I
around and they're going to sue you these days.
Montg6mery: Well I guess that's why this came up.
hesit~ting thing~well I don't know whether I want
responsibil ity .
Roger iKnutson: The only thing you have to be cCli.utlous of.. .libel
slander. You don't want to slander anyone. Say' bad things about
That's what an awful lot of lawsuits.
Heinl~in: When I'm off the commission here, don't you dare
Roge~ Knutson~ Not just go around bad mouthing not only.
'Senior Commission Meeting
September 18, 1992 ..;w Page 31
There's too much of.that I think.
Roger Knutson : Yeah , it's uncivil and it breed$ litigation and it
doesn't, screaming and hollering about someone does not help persuade
them. Doesn't help get things done.
Bragg: Since our MInutes are recorded and printed, is it possible
you~ve already picked ~p, have you read any of our proceedings?
Roger Knutson: No, I've never seen them actually.
Bragg: Because I think sometimes it is a little informal
that'we ha/ve already strayed a little bit. I don't know.
'Roger Knutson: All I've heard is ,it's lively hElre.
Montgomery: Well that's true. Anybody ~ave anym~re questIons about
anythi ng that bothers YOU? Well we really. thank you for coming.
Roger Knutson: My pleasure.
Montgomery: I,think as we're changing here and going into
want to make sure that we have the right precedent set and perhaps ,can
_.' take a look at ouray-laws again arid see if. there's anything we need to
.. change. I don 'tthink there is' anything about new members so maybe
t~at.s somethi~g we need to add to th~t information~
Roger Knutson: Okay, well thank you for inviting me.
Montgomery: Thank you. Anybody ha'"e any other comments they
brinO~p? Okay~is there a motion.to adjourn?
Howard moved, Heinlein seconded to adjourn the meetin9_
favor and the motion carried_
Submitted by Paul Krauss
Planning Director
Prepared by Na~nOpheIm