Administrative Section Administrati ve Packet ~ =---............ ThreeRivers PARK DISTRICT November 7, 2008 Three Rivers Park District Board of Commissioners City of Chanhassen Todd Hoffman 7700 Market Blvd - PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RECEIVED NOV 1 0 2008 CITY OF CHANH ASSEN Sara Wyatt District 1 Dear Todd, Marilynn Corcoran, Vice Chair District 2 At the November 6, 2008 Board meeting, the Board of Commissioners approved the Regional Trail Permits. Mark Haggerty District 3 This letter serves as an agreement between Three Rivers Park District and the City of Chanhassen in response to your request for a Regional Trail Use Permit to use Park District trails for winter activities. The permit is valid for the 2008-2009 winter season. This permit should be applied for on an annual basis. Dale Woodbeck District 4 If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 763-559- 6746. Rosemary Franzese District 5 Sincerely, 0~{/)~ Margie Walz, Associate Superintendent DivisionOrPar'Ks and Natural Resources Larry Blackstad, Chair Appointed Joan Peters, Appointed Cris Gears Superintendent Administrative Center, 3000 Xenium lane North, Plymouth, MN 55441-1299 Information 763.559.9000 · TTY 763.559.6719 · Fax 763.559.3287 · www.ThreeRiversParkDistrict.org 1fou're 9nvitel! r, I, ..it- : . I \' -' t !iI:" ~. . .: ! 1 '.\ '\ 't-- ,:., ~: / ~ ,~." "',. ,r-,: \~-. ~ .' - ~ \ . ~.~;.. ""'" ! '. ~ >> o ~ ~ G) ! ~ i ~ ~~t1~ n q c5 0 ~ ooo()() ~~.~~~ Q ~ g: ~ g' 2~~9~ * :<~~~~ :r ~~o~ ~ ~ g ~ o . :J =" S ~ ~ [ ~ b1 < CD ~ G) o >F- ~ ()r :8] ~ ~ ~ I>) - (') I>) _. (') _. >-3 ::l Ef::rtJCIE oE::r 0. 0 I>) ~ V~ 3 V~ ~ '" ~ ::l '" - :E ~ tJCI ~ g; 1f 3 -. Z 'O::r",o. ~;.'" '8 "'::l I>):E g.(') 0". :4 ~ ~ CT I>) _. 0 0 ~ ~ ~ -. '<: ~ 3 = 0. ~. 0. ::;. (') ~ 3 e:.. ::l ~ _. 0 >-3 CT~0.~3~~~ '<:~-'" -::l~ '0 ~ 0 (') 3 ~ _. = ~ ~ 3 g; ~ Z g. 8" _. _. 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C == J2 .c E oS; - >< ::J CJ ';j ci '" -- '- ...... =~ ::I .- 0 C +- .2 :c .~ ~ l::i > C u.. 0 c ill = .S..c: E E += ill .S > ~ EU ...: -- 0 E += "0' '" ..... cv N +- ~ U C<t:"Eo..t:: ill c "- ill <( '-s...Nro ... 0 0 = 1IJ _ ("<") U 0 E 0 c >- =' 5~~ g QJ ill Q) Q 0 0 E +- OUt'O~ >< 0 ::;::: "- ill E ..c c U c6~~ 0 '- > C Z i= 0 W 0.... .2 :> lo.. '" ~ V) - 0 ~ E;;;o..., -- CV U ~ E '" ..- .... ..c:: lo.. "'~ ~] en U "- eo: > 0 0 U c ...... ill u c3~t:~ cv 0 2: <C 0.. $ 0 UII~I~ u .~ ..c u8 I- 900'& J~ ';;go h9 vlgJ,f!C~ - , ,- our birthdaY ce\ebra1:e y 1:erl . Chao Rec ceo · _I a1: 1:he - Whether your child enjoys basketball, volleyball, dodgeball, parachute games, floor hockey or scooter racing; the Chanhassen Rec Center is your birthday party destination. We can help you tailor a party to match your child's interests. $55 Birthday Party Package p <:J <l <1 Q ~ *** Package includes one hour of exclusive gym use with equipment and 2 hours in a party room. You bring your own food and beverage and free yourself from having the muss and fuss at home. ... >::1 - <> - - "-e><> c::. _ Additional gym time is available for $40/hour and party room time for an extra $1 5/hour. For more information or to schedule your birthday party call 952-227- 1400. &j . CHANHASSEN RECREATION CENTER 2310 Coulter Boulevard. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: 952-227-1400. Web: wvvw.cLchanhassen.mn.us Chanhassen ' Recreation Center o ::r r:>> ~ ::r r:>> en en (I) ~ N::O W(l) ~ 0 o ~ 0(1) o ~ c -. ;::+ 0 ~ ~ roO o (I) c ~ CD r+ ~ < (I) 0) ~ ., .. ~.; ~ (') ::::J s:::: ::::J 0) ~ 0) :J :J ::::J Q. ::::J 0) (I) 0) (J) en (J) (J) r+ ~ CD -. :J~:J ~ 3. ~ ~ ? z o. c(Jl~ (J) (Jl ~O' -.....,J ~ . ..... co;::;: (Jl ~ N(I) I en N en N.... -.....,J I ~ ~ (I) ~ 0 o ~ 0(1) r:>> r+ -. o ~ r:>> ~ Q. ..... s:::: ~ - ..., ..... . . ..,it , .... ... ,. .. f - (:~.... ,:."...1..... .t\' .. . -;. .. _' . 1.-'.1'. (J o 3 CD ;03 CD CD () ~ ~ 0 CD c ~~ -. o ::J ::J (j) (J~ CD C ::J ~ ,......0 CD ~ ~ (j) (;)0) ~ ::J o a. c ,...... ""O~ Tl -. 0 """'c ::J ,...... ~ 0 (j) C ~ (J--i'\ -c 0) ::J (j) .... (j) ::J'" CD -. (j)(Q . - ::J'" I CD ::J CD ~ (Q '< en D) r+ cot: .. .., OQ. (liD) D)~ ~3z (I) (I) I 0 ._ CD < .- .. (I) ~3 D) c- 3 ~ ~ (II r+ :::T tD I I o :::T D) ~ :::T D) fA fA (I) :1 :;c (I) n .., (I) D) r+ -. o :1 o (I) :1 r+ (I) .., SERVING THE COMMUNITIES OF: MINNETONKA CHANHASSEN DEEPHAVEN EDEN PRAIRIE EXCELSIOR GREENWOOD SHOREWOOD TONKA BAY VICTORIA WOODLAND October 22, 2008 RECEIVED OCT 2 S Z008 C\1Y Of CHANHASSEN City of Chanhassen PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Dear Jerry Ruegemer, Youth Programs Minnetonka Community Education 4584 Vine Hill Road Deephaven, MN 55331 (952) 401-6801 (952) 401-6805 fax Thank you for a safe and successful 2008 summer! Enclosed is a copy of the beach report from the summer. We appreciate your continued partnership with Minnetonka Community Education in providing life guarding services for beach patrons. If you have any questions about the attached report, you may contact me at 952-401- 6827. Please let me know you would like to make any changes for the upcoming summer or if you need any assistance with equipment requests. We look forward to another great summer in 2009! Sincerely AA~ Sarah Sparks Aquatics and First Aid Program Manager 2.7 July 26,2008: A lifeguard responded to a girl who became distressed while swimming. The lifeguard swam out to her and performed a swimming extension rescue. The guard assisted her back to shore. No further care was needed. 3. Groups or parties 3.1 The Minnetonka Explorers Club visited the beach every Tues. and Wed. from 12: 15- 3:35 p.m.; there were no problems with the group. 3.2 Lake Ann had groups for baptism parties, birthday parties as well as various childcare groups visit throughout the summer. No problems were reported. 3.3 The City of Chanhassen asked Minnetonka Community Education to assist with facilitating water activities for the Adventures Camps; no problems were reported. 4. Swim Lessons at Lake Ann Session A June 16-June 26 Session B July 7- July 17 24 children enrolled 20 children enrolled B. Recommendations for Summer 2009 1. Equipment requests: 1.1 Minnetonka Community Education requests the City of Chanhassen purchase three new umbrellas and holders, an additional megaphone, as well as 2 new rescue tubes. Please contact Sarah Sparks if you need assistance. 1.2 To decrease the number of keys needed by Lead Lifeguards, we would request that the City of Chanhassen put a key lock box up outside the guard room. 2. Schedules: Minnetonka Community Education would recommend that you continue to notify us of scheduled groups that are coming to the beach; this helps us plan staffing accordingly for the groups size. A. Beach Report for Lake Ann Beach: City of Chanhassen - Summer 2008 1. Average number of swimmers in the water, by time and month: Time 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 1:00 2:00 3;00 4:00 5:00 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:00 June 2.60 7.08 10.91 11.21 24.91 27.52 26.95 17.65 11.23 8.61 8.6 4.23 3.71 2.28 July 6.46 10.23 12.23 23.1 39.38 46.34 44.61 35.44 29.44 22.28 19.41 17.54 16.70 13.04 August 6.6 10.33 12.4 22.8 32.6 34.0 33.66 31.6 20.45 13.53 13.22 12.5 10.2 8.4 2. Accidents or incidents 2 .1 June 13, 2008: A lifeguard responded to a distressed swimmer just outside the swimming area. The guard swam out and performed a swimming extension with his tube. The individual did not want swimming assistance from the lifeguard, so the lifeguard swam back with her to ensure she made it back safely. No further care was needed. 2.2 June 16,2008: A lifeguard performed a tot save for a child who appeared to be floating on her back. The parent thought the child was in trouble and notified the lifeguard. The child was fine, no further care was needed. 2.3 June 20,2008: A lifeguard responded to a young child who swam out too far and became distressed. The lifeguard performed a swimming extension to help the child and assisted him back to shore. No further care was needed. 2.4 June 25,2008: The lifeguards started a missing swimmer search after a child's parents were unable to find her. The child was found in the area outside of the water. 2.5 July 4,2008: The lifeguards started a missing swimming search after a mother was unable to find her child during a safety break. The guards began a deep water search for about 15 minutes before the child was found at the park. 2.6 July 6,2008: A lifeguard assisted a couple who had flipped over their boat outside of the swimming area. The couple brought their boat to the shore to be drained out. No further care was needed. DID YOU KNOW...THE AVERAGE AMERICAN GAINS UP TO 5 POUNDS OVER THE HOLIDAY SEASON? Your Challenge: Maintain your weight throughout the holiday season. Your Prize: An official 2008 Chanhassen Holiday Challenge T-Shirt and a healthy you to start the new year! Chanhassen Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: 952-227-1400 www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us Details: * Register at the Chan Rec Center by November 26. Weigh yourself in and pay the $9 participation fee. Come back to the Rec Center January 1-15, weigh in again and receive your Holiday Challenge prize. For more fun, challenge your family, friends, & co-workers!