4 Clearwater Site PlanCITY OF P.C. DATE: 6/17/03 C.C. DATE: 7/14/03 REVIEW DEADLINE: 7/15/03 CASE: 03-6 Site Plan 2003-8 SUB 2(I)2-2 and 1999-2 PUD 2003-2 CUP BY: AMaff:v STAFF REPORT Z I PROPOSAL: 1. . i i LOCATION: Planned Unit Development Amendment to allow a drive-through, establish sign criteria for the center, and parking ~tb~L Replat of Outlot D, Arboretum Village and Lot 1, Block 4, Vasserman '- Ridge (4.79 acres), into three lots. A Conditional Use Permit to allow the cons~~ of a Convenience Sto~ Site Plan Review for the cons~on of three multi-tenant buildings, one of . which contains a convenience store with gas pumps, a coffee shop with a drive through, and a car-wash. North of I-~ghway 5, East of Centu~ Boulevard and South of West 78t~ Streec .W APPLICANT: North Coast Partners % Clearwater Development Scott Schmitt 24 South Olive Street Suite 105 Waconia, MN 55387 (952) 442-8799 Palm Homes of MN Corp 815 Northwest Parkway Suite 140 Eagan, MN 55121 (651) 452-5727 935 E. Wayzata Blvd. Wayzata, MN 55391 (952) 473-1231 PRESENT ZONING: PUD, neighborhood commercial ACREAGE: 4.79 acres ! SUMMARY OF REQUF3T: Replat of an outlot and a lot into 3 lots. Site plan review for a car wash, coffee shop with a drive-through/~v~encedgas station, and two multi-tenant buildings. A Planned Unit Development Amendment to allow a drive-through, establish sign criteria for the center and parking ~tb~lc A Conditional Use Permit to allow the cons~on of a Convenience Store with gas pumps, and a setback variance to allow the con--on of parking-lots within the required PUD setback. Staff is recommending approval of the application. Clearwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 2 Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to aH property owners within 500 feet. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MA KING: The City's discretion in approving or denying a preliminary plat is limited to whether or not the proposed plat meets the standards outlined in the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance. If it meets these standards, the City must approve the preliminary plaL This is a quasi judicial decision. The City's discretion in approving or denying a site plan is limited to whether or not the proposed project complies with Zoning Ordinance requirements. If it meets these standards, the City must then approve the site plan. This is a quasi-judicial decision. The City has a relatively high level of discretion in approving rezonin~, PUDs, and amendments to PUDs because the City is acting in its legislative or policy making capacity. A rezoning or PUD, and amendment thereto, must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The City has limited discretion in approving or denying conditional use permits, based on whether or not the proposal meets the conditional use permit standards outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. If the City finds that aH the applicable conditional use permit standards are met, the permit must be approved. This is a qna~i judicial decision. BACKGROUND On August 26, 2002, the Chanhassen City Council approved the final plat for Vasserman Ridge (Phase 1), a portion of the site creating 22 lots including 20 twin home lots and 2 single-family lots. The plat includes 10 lots in Block 1, 12 lots in Block 2, one lot in Block 3, (association park) and one lot in Block 4 (commercial site) and three outlots. Outlots A-C are for entrance monuments and Ouflot D is the remainder of the development to be platted at a future On March 12, 2001 the city council approved the following items for Arboretum Village: · A Comprehensive Land Use Amendment from low density residential to medium density residential and medium density residential to commercial; and approve the ordinance for a Planned Unit Development rezoning pmpemy from Agricultural Estate, A2, and Rural Residential, RR to Planned Unit Development. · The Conditional Use Permit for subdivision in the Bluff Creek Overlay District. · The preliminary plat dated October 23, 2000, revised February 1, 2001, and Ma~h 5, 2001, for the subdivision of 120.93 acres into 2 additions; 1~t Addition has 61 blocks including 164 units and Ouflots A-F, and the 2t~ Addition has 35 blocks including 178 units and Ouflots A-B with modifications · Site Plan Review ~)9-21 for 20 club homes, 98 manor homes, 68 coach homes, 164 village homes. · Wetland Alteration Permit ~004 to fill .54 acres of wetlands in two separate basins Clearwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 3 The current proposal is the co~al portion for both Planned Unit Developments. Staff raged the applicant to submit a desi~ for both parcels concurrently. These parcels share an access and should be reviewed together. PROPOSAI~SUMMARY The request consists of multiple applications to facilitam the eonstn~on of three multi-tenant buildings, one of which contains a convenience store with gas pumps, a coffee shop with a drive through, and a car-wash. The site, with an area of 4.79 acres, is located north of Highway 5, east of Century Boulevard and south of West 78m Street. ~ to the site is via a full access curb cut off of West 78m Street and a right in/out off of Century Boulevard. The site is zoned Planned Unit Development- The subdivision request is a straight forward action consisting of replatting Ouflot D, Arboreann Village and Lot 1, Block 4, Vasserman Ridge, into three lots. Each parcel will house a multi-tenant building. Lot 2 will also house gas pumps and a car wash. The site plan review is for the construcfi~ of the buildings. The main material on all buildings is brick, Accents are provided through the use of EIPS, a staggered roofline, recessed walls, awnings, windows, and pronounced canopies at the entrances of the buildings. The planned trait development amen~t is to allow a drive-through in the Arboretum Village PUD Standards, establish sign criteria for the center, and clarify parking setbacks. The conditional use permit is to allow the consmwl/on of a convenience sto~ with gas pumps in a neighborhood odented commercial PUD district. Parking for vehicles is mainly located east and west of the site and along the dividing property line between Lots 1 and 2. A main drive aisle, running east/west will serve the property. Parking is located on both sides of this drive aisle. Staff has been working with the applicant for several months. They have been very coopeaative and have implemented staff's recommendations into the plans. Topics of discussion included parking, materials, Highway 5 Overlay District, design standards, standards associated with this specific development, and prong the residential neighborhoods to the north. Building "A" hides the majority of the parking lot located on the westerly portion of the site, and the portion that abuts West 78 Street is screened by landscaping. Staff will require berming and additional landscaping along Highway 5 and Century Boulevard. As mentioned earlier, staff and the applicant discussed the number of parking spacea required by ordinance. The development is proposing to share parking; however, two proposed resets in Building "C" will serve liquor. Clearwater Developngnt June 17, 2003 Page 4 The parking was calculated using the criteria for buildings that d~ not serve liquor. Staff is recommending the applicant reduce the size of Building "C" to bring parking into compliance. A pedestrian trail runs on the north side of West 78t~ Street and east side of Century Boulevard. Sidewalks surround each of the buildings. The one lacking item is connections between the exterior and interior sidewalks. Staff is recommending connections as shown in ~achment 1. The current hard surface coverage is 68.3%. The PUD allows up to 70% hard surface coverage. These connections can be ac~omm~ The main entry doors into the buildings will be used as service doors with the exception of Building "C". The service doors are located along the northwest elevation. All doors in the entire development will be glass doors. One trash enclosure is shown for the entire development, located along the northeast comer of the car wash. The enclosure shall be built of materials to match the buildings. Staff is also recommending the applicant provide ~_dditional detail on the trash enclosure for Building 'q2". Standard restaurants are permi~ in these PUDs, however, an on-sale intoxicating liquor license must be requested from the city. A public hearing will be scheduled before the City Council when the applications are received. Staff regm'ds the project as a well designed development. The overall design is sensitive to the Highway 5 corridor's image. The major issues staff has are the yellow canopy and pumps, the roof on Building B, and the drive through coffee shop. Based upon the foregoing, staff is recommending approval of the site plan, subdivi~on, planned unit development amendment, and conditional use permit, with conditions outlined in the staff repoxL The Planned Unit Development Amendment is to allow a drive-through, establish sign criteria for the center, and parking setbacks. PERMI'I-rED USES Both PUDs have the following language pertaining to permitted uses in the commercial portion of the developments. The permitted uses within the neighborhood commercial zone should be limited to appropriate commercial and service uses consistent with the neighborhood. The uses shall be limited to those as defined hereir~ If there is a question as to whether or not a use meets the definition, the Planning Director shall make that interpretation~ The type of uses to be provided on this outlot shall be low intensity neighborhood oriented retail and service establishments to meet daily needs of residents. Such uses may include small to medium sized restaurant (no drive-through windows), office, day care, neighborhood scale commercial, convenience store, churches, or Clearwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 5 other similar type and scale uses as described in the Comprehensive Pla~ No single use shall exceed 5,000 square feet. The applicant is proposing a drive through window for the coffee shop. The window is completely hidden from views and is an extension of the building. The roof of the building extends over the drive through. A wall with glass panels screens the window making it invisible. Staff had lengthy discussions with the applicant regarding the drive-through windows and explained that we do not wish to create a precedent. There are no other food drive-throughs in any of the neighborhood commercial districts in the City. The applicant requested to pursue this option and to their credit, they have created a design that is sensitive to the City's concerns. Should the City agree to approve this amendment, the language dealing with drive-through windows should be amended in the Arboretum Village PUD to read "no drive.through windows unless it is completely hidden from views, has walls on two sides of the drive-tire,ugh lane, is attached to the main building, and the roof of the building extends over the drive-through. The exterior wall of the drive-through shall contain the same level of architecumd detail as the rest of the building and as descri~ in the design standards of the City Code." SIGNAGE The PUD agreements for both the Arboretum Village and Vasserman Ridge do not address signage. Staff is proposing to amend both agreements to include these standards. The applicant has proposed signage; however, it is not in compliance with ordinances. Staff has prepared criteria for the center and is recommending the signs be designed and placed acx, ordingly. This criteria has been discussed with the applicant. Monument Silms: To avoid any disturbance to the residential neighborhood to the north, the applicant has agreed not to place any signs facing north. Each lot is permitted one sign per street frontage. Each lot has two street frontages, resulting in 6 si,gna. Staff is recommending Lot 1 have no monument signs. In return, the apphcant shall be permitted to place a 10 foot high sign with an area of 48 square feet along Highway 5, on Lot 2. Lot 2 will contain 1 monument sign at the intersection of Highway 5 and Century Boulevard. The height of the sign shall not exceed 5 feet with an area of 24 square feet. Lot 3 will have 1 monument sign, facing Highway 5. The height of the sign shall not exceed 5 feet with an area of 24 square feet. All signs shall be built of materials similar to those used on the exterior of the buildings and complement their architectural design. The signs must maintain a 10 foot setback from the property lines. Wall Mounted Slims: Each building is permitted signage facing street frontage. Entrances into two of the buildings face the parking lot and signage should be placed accordingly (above the Clearwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 6 entrances of the building). No signage will be facing north to protect the residential neighborhood. Staff is recommending the following: Building "A" shall be permitted signage along the south and west elevations only. Building "B" shall be permitted signage along the west and south elevations only. The gas pump canopy shall not be permitted to have any signage. The car wash shall be permitted to have one sign along the south or east elevation. Building "C" shall be permi~ signage along the west and south elevations only. All signs require a separate permit. The signage will have consistency throughout the development and add an architectural accent to the buildings. Consistency in signage shall relate to color, size, materials, and heights. Back-lit individual letter signs are permiaexL Individual letters may not exceed 30 inches in height. Only the name and logo of the business occupying the building will be permitted on the sign. The applicant must obtain a sign permit prior to erecting the signs on site. A detailed sign plan incorporating the method of lighting, acceptable to staff should be provided prior to requesting a sign permit. SETBACKS The PUDs have the following setback requirements. c. Setbacks The PUD ordinance requires setbacks from roadways and exterior property lines. The following table displays those setbacks. Setback From Collector Street Required 50 feet Minimum Proposed 50+ feet From Exterior Lot Lines 30 feet 30 feet Interior Public Right-of-Way 30 feet ** NA 70% Hard Surface Commercial 68.3% This table is silent on parking setbacks. The city code allows parking to maintain a 10 foot setback from property lines if they are fully screened. Staff is recommending the applicant submit revised landscaping plans incorporating berms and landscape mat~als that will fully screen the parking lot. The amended/added parking lot setback shall read "Parking setbacks shall be permitted to be rexttw, eA to 10 feet from exterior property lines provided they are screened." Clearwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 7 SUBDIVISION The applicant is requesting preliminary plat approval to replat 4.79 acres into three lots. The site is zoned Planned Unit Development-Neighborhood Oriented Retail District and is located no~ of Highway 5, east of Century Boulevard and north of West 78t~ Street. Lot 1 is proposed to be the future site of a multi tenant building "A" with an area of 1.26 acres. Lot 2 is proposed to house a convenience store with gas pumps, a coffee shop with a drive through and a car wash. Lot 2 has an area of 1.57 acres. Lot 3 will house Building "C" which will be occupied by two restaurants. Lot 3 has an area of 1.95 acres. The ordinance states that "All lots shall abut for their full required minimum frontage on a public street as required by the zoning ordinance; or be accused by a private street; or a flag lot which shall have a minimum of thirty feet of frontage on a public street." All three lots have street frontage. Access on the other hand is mainly gained from West 78~ Street via a private street and a cr~s access agreement between the ~es. Private streets are permitted in this district ff the following conditions exist . The prevailing development pattern makes it unfeasible or inappropriate to consm~ a public street. In making this determination the city may consider the location of existing property lines and homes, local or geographic conditions and the existence of wetlands. . After reviewing the surrounding area, it is concluded that an extension of the public street system is not required to serve other parcels in the area, improve access, or to provide a street system consistent with the comprehensive plan. 3. The use of a private street will permit enhanced protection of the city's natural resources including wetlands and forested areas. A public street is not required to serve these parcels. In fact, the majority of our commercial establishments have cross access easements, share curb cuts and ace, s (Market Square, Chanhassen Retail, Frontier, Byerly's, Crossroads Plaza, etc.). Access to the subdivision will be provided via a full access curb cut off of West 78~ Street and a right in/out only off of Centm~ Boulevard. The subdivision request is a relatively straightforward action and staff is recommending approval with conditions. SUBDIVISION FINDINGS 1. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance; Clearwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 8 . , , e 1 Finding: The subdivision meets the intent of the city code subject to the conditions of the staff report and the PUD. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plato including but not limited to the city's com0re, he~ve plan; Finding: The proposed subdivision is consistent with applicable plans. The physical characteristics of the sim, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are suitable for the pwposed development; Finding: The pwposed aite is suitable for development subject to the conditions specified in this mtxm. The proposed subdivision makes ~d_vquate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other im.tn-ovements required by this chapter, Hnding: The ~ subdivision will be served by adequate urban inflnialructu~. The proposed subdivision will not cause environmen~ damage; Finding: The pwposed subdivi.~ion will not cause envinmmental damage subject to conditions of approval. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record. Finding: The proposed subdiviaion will not conflict with existing easements, but rather will expand and provide all necessary easements. The proposed subdivision is not tneanal~re. A stflxti~ is premiere if any of the following exists: a. Lack of adequate storm water drainage. b. Lack of adequate roads. c. Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. ct. Lack of adequate off-site public impwvements or support systems. Finding: The proposed subdivision is provided with adequate urban infraatructu~. Clearwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 9 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Convenience stores with gas pumps are permitwA as a conditional use permit in the Neighborhood Business disu'ict. The following constitutes our findings: GENERAL ISSUANCE STANDARDS lm Will not be delrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort, convenience or general weffare of the neighborhood or city. The proposed use will not create any significant or unexpected impacts with the incorporation of staff's conditions. The use will provide a convenient location for residents in the area to purchase gas and convenience shop. m Will be consistent with the objectives of the city's comprehensive plan and this chapter. FINDING - The proposed use is consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan. m Will be designed, consm~cted, operated and maintained so to be compatible in appearance with the existing or lnW. aded character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area. The site is surrounded by highly traveled roads. The proposed use is permitted within the underlying district as a conditional use. It will be compatible with the area. 4. Will not be hazardous or disturbing to e~mtlng or planned neighboring uses. FINDING - The use will provide a convenience for existing or planned neighboring uses. Will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, poflce and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools; or will be served adequately by such facilities and services provided by the persons or agencies responsible for the establlslunent of the proposed use. FINDING - Public utilitie, s and infras~ are available to the site. The site will be able to accommodate the proposed use. m Will not create excessive requirements for public facffifl~ and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. Clearwater Developmtmt June 17, 2003 Page 10 FINDING - Staff is not aware of any excessive requirements for public facilities. m Will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of h-affic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash. FINDING - This site will not ~ adverse impacts to persons, property or the general welfare of the area. The proposed use will comply with city ordinances. e wm have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surronnding public thoroughfar~ The site is accessible from West 78t~ Street and Century Boulevard. Staff is taking measures to prevent potential traffic problems at the intersection of West 78th Street and Century Boulevard by od_ding a "No U Turn" sign. e wm not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, nalm-al, scenic or historic features of major si?itl_vance. The development of this site will not result in the loss of any features. The site was previously graded. The proposed development will add landscaping to the site. 10. Will be aesthetically compatible with the area. FINDING - The proposed use will be compatible with the area. 11. Will not depreciate surrounding propexty values. FINDING - The use will not depreciate surrounding property values. 12. Will meet ~an~ prescribed for certain uses as provided in this article. Sec. 20.288. Convenience store with gas pumps. The following applies to convenience stores with gas pumps: (1) No unlicensed or inoperable vehicles shall be stored on premises. (2) No repair, assembly or disassembly of vehicles. (3) No public address system shall be audible from any residential parcel. (4) Gas pump stacking area deemed to be appropriate by the city shall not intrude into any required setback area. (5) No sales, storage or display of used automobiles or other vehicles such as motorcycles, snowmobiles, or all-terrain vehicles. Clearwater Development lune 17, 2003 Page 11 (6) (7) (8) Facilities for thc collection of waste oil must be provideA. Gas pumps and/or storage tank vent pipes shall not be located within one hundred (100) feet of any parcel zoned or guided for residential use. A minimum separation of two hundred fifty (250) feet is requffed between the nearest gas pumps of individual parcels for which a conditional use permit is being requested. FINDING - Staff will incorporate these conditions as recommended conditions of approval for the CUP. As to thc location of thc nearest gas pumps on other parcels within the vicinity, Citgo and Kwik Trip are located more than haft a mile from thc subject site. Basexi upon the foregoing findings, staff is recommending that the conditional use permit bc approved with appropriate conditions. GENERAL SITE PLAN/ARCH rrECTURE Building "A" is proposed to house multi tenants with a total area of 13,192 square feet. The main material on the building is brick. Windows, doors and design articulation are shown on all four sides of the building. Building "B" is proposed to house a convenience store with gas pumps (which requires a conditional usc permiO, a coffee shop with a drive through window (which requires a PUD amcndmen0, and a car wash. The main building has an area of 5,472 square feet. The car wash is an accessory use to thc convenience store with gas pumps and is a permitted use. Recent examples include Kwik Trip and Arboretum Citgo. Clearwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 12 Building "C" is proposed to house two restaurants, which are permitted uses in this district. The building has an area of 7, 200 square feet. The site is visible directly from Highway 5 and has full access from West 78t~ Street. The site plan is reasonably well developed. The buildings are proposed to utiliz~ two ahsde-s of brick as the main material. Accents are provided through the use of stucco, a staggered roofline, recessed walls, awnings, windows, and pronounced canopies at the entrances of the building (samples of the materials will be provided at the meeting). Parking for vehicles is located within the east and west portions of the site. Staff is recommending the applicant screen the parking lot from Highway 5 through the use of landscaping and berming. ARCHITECTURAL COMPLIANCE Size portion Placement Entries: The buildings have pronounced entrances. Articulation: The buildings incorporate adequate detail and have been designed very tastefully. The architectural style is unique to the buildings but will fit in with the surrounding area. The buildings will provide a variation in style through the use of brick, stucco, glass, and canopies. Glass is used for service doors giving the buildings an elegant look. None of the elevations appear as a service area. The buildings are utilizing exterior materials that are durable and of high quality. Samples of the materials as well as a rendering will be available at the meeting. Lighting: A parking lot light phin is required. The plan should incorporate the light style and height. Signs: A detailed sign plan which includes the lighting method will also be required. Individual channeled leCr6ws with the option of back lighting are permitted. Material and detail Color High quality materials - accent material may occupy up to 15 percent of the buildings facsade~ The buildings will utilize brick as the main material. Stucco is an accent material although it is permitted as a main building material. Rock face block is used along the lower portion of the buildings. The colors chosen for these buildings are earth tones. The selection is unique but blends in with the surrounding buildings. The one area that uses a bright color is the canopy and the pumps. The color is proposed to be a bright yellow. The design Clearwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 13 standards state that "bright or brilliant colors be used for accent purposes." The sign ordinance prohibits wall graphics and design treatments depicting corpon~ logos and company symbols, ff the-Planning Commission chooses to allow the band, the ordinance should be amended to allow corporate colors and symbols as a permitted use. Staff is recommending the sign (Shell) on the canopy be removed. Height and Roof Design The buildings fall within the Highway 5 Overlay District which limits the height of the buildings to 3 stories or 40 feet. The buildings are proposed not to exceed 33.4 feet at the top of the pitched roof element The roofline is staggered adding articulation to the design of the building. All roof top equipment must be screened from views. The ordinance requires a pitched element on buildings. This can be achieved through roof design or awnings. Buildings "A" and "C" comply with this requirement. Building "B" needs to incorporate a pitched element. Facade transparv~cy All facades viewed by the public contain more than 50 percent windows and/or doors with the exception of the car wash. The applicant has in~ landscaping, in addition to windows, to brea~p the wall and soften the look. The applicant has failed to show the west and north elevations of the car wash. Staff is assuming that these areas are mirror images of the east and south elevations. Site Furnishing The applicant has provided an outdoor seating area for each restaurant, however, the furniture has not been shown on the plans. The plans must be modified to show the chairs and tables. Lon_ding a_ _re~ refhse area~ etc. Thc applicant is proposing to utilize thc main entry doors for service purposes. The only exception is building "C". In this case, the service doors face the parking lot and will be utilizing glass giving the impression that these are regular doors rather than a service area. The trash enclosure is located along the notth~t comer of the car wash. Recycling space and other solid waste collection space should be contained within the same enclosure. Landseaoin~ The site is fairly level. The landscaping plan will provide a variety of plant materials that are massed where possible. The berms recommended by staff and landscaping materials will be continuous along thc perimeter of the site. The plant materials are repetitious in some locations and variable in others. Proposed plant materials are indigenous to Minnesota. A curb is required along the perimeter of the green space area. All planting areas are adequate in size to allow trees to grow with the exception Clearwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 14 of the parking lot islands. The applicant has a choice of either providing a 10 foot wide island or ufili~ng aeration tubes. Lot Front~oe and Parkino_ location The site is located within the Highway 5 Overlay District. Thc ordinance allows one row of parking within the required front yarcC This is a difficult site to design since it is bordered by three streets. The applicant has made an effort to screen the parking from West 78"' Street and has been fairly s~ful. The south portion of the site will require additional berming and landscaping to be able to meet screening RF_~TRICTION ON MATERIALS Another issue associated with this site is a restriction on type of materials used on the buildings. They are as follow: Building Materials and Design COMMERCIAL 1. All materials shall be of high quality and durable. Brick shall be used as the principal material and must be approved to assure uniformity with the residential uses. 2. Metal standing seam siding will not be approved except as support material to one of the above materials. 3. All accessory strucmre, s shall be designed to be compatible with the primary structure. 4. All roof-mounted equipment shall be screened by pitched roofs. Wood screen fences are prohibited. Screening shall consist of compatible materials. 5. All buildings on the commercial site shall have a pitched roof line. 6. All mechanical equipment shall be screened with material compatible to the building. The applicant is utilizing brick as the main material on the building. A rock face sill band appears below the windows. This is in keeping with the intent of the PUD agreement. SITE PLAN FINDINGS In evaluating a site plan and building plan, the city shall consider the development's compliance with the following: (1) Consistency with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official mad mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; (2) Consistency with this division; Clearwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 15 (3) Preservation of the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and desi~g grade changes to be in keeping with the general appeanmce of the neighboring developed or developing areas; (4) Creation of a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and furore buildings having a visual relationship to the development; (5) Creation of functional and harmonious design for stmcunv~ and site features, with special attention to the following: An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general b. The amount and location of open space and landscaping; Cl Materials, textures, colors and details of consmiction as an expression of the design concept and the com.r~ibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring stmcluw~ and uses; and d~ Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. (6) Protection of adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, ~eservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. Finding: The proposed development is consistent with the City's Highway 5 corridor design requirements, the comprehensive plan, the zoning ordinance, the design standards, and the site plan review requirementa with the exception of the drive through which will require a PUD amendment. Staff is recommending approval of the amendment. The site design is compatible with the surrounding developments. It is function~ and harmonious with the approved development for this ama. Staff regards the project as a reasonable use of the land. The overall design is sensitive to the Highway 5 corridor's image. Based upon the foregoing, staff is recommending approval of the site plan with conditions outlined in the staff report. Clearwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 16 GRADING/DRAINAGF/EROSION CONTROL The Phase I portion of the site was previously rough graded as a part of the Arboretum Village development. As such, the only area where the grades will be significantly chang~ is for the berming along West 78"' Suv. ec Rough grading for Phase II of the site is currently being completed with the Vasserman Ridge 2~ Addition project. As such, the existing contours for the Phase H portion of the site should reflect the Vasserman Ridge 2na Addition gra_ding. Drainage for the Phase I portion will be routed to an existing pond on the west side of Century Boulevard. This pond has been previously sized to accommodate the runoff from the Phase I site. Likewise, most of the Phase H site will drain to an existing pond just east of the site. This pond is being increased in size to accommodate the Phase H site as a part of the Vasserman Ridge 2~ Addition project. Erosion control meatsures and site restoration shall be developed in accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook (BMPH). Staff recommends that the City's Type HI erosion control fence, which is a heavy-duty silt fence, be used for the area adjacent to the existing pond just east of the site. In addition, erosion control blankets will be required on the steep slopes on the site. The proposed sanitary sewer and watermains will be considered public utility lines since they will serve more than one lot. In addition, the watermain shall be looped through the site and connect with the existing water line in West 78~ Street. A minimum 30-foot wide public easement will be required over the public sewer and watermain. Each of the underlying parcels has been previously assessed for utilities and those assessments have been paid. Sanitary sewer and water hookup charges along with the Met Council's SAC fee will be due at the time of building permit issuance. All of these charges are based on the number of SAC units assigned by the Met Council. The current 2003 sanitary hookup charge is $1,440/unit, the water hookup charge is $1,876/unit and the SAC fee is $1,274/unic Public utility improvements will be required to be conslxucted in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed construction plans and specifications will be required at the time of final platting. The applicant will also be required to enter into a development contract with the City and supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval. Permits from the appropriate Cle. atwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 17 regulatory agencies must be obtained, including but not limited to the MPCA, Department of He~th, Watershed District, MnDOT, etc. ~TRRET~ & DRIVE AIgI.,F~ The main drive aisle through the site will be a private street since it serves multiple lots. As such, the road must be a minimum of 26-feet wide, built to a 9-ton design, and enclosed within a 40-foot wide private easement. · An internal sidewalk system shall be developed to bring pedestrians from the public trails on the west and north sides into the site and between the individual sites. PAgK1NG TABULATIONS The city's parking ordinance requires: · One parking space for each 50 square feet of restaurant with an on-sale liquor license. · One parking space for each 60 square feet of restaurant without an on-sale liquor license. One parking space for each 200 square feet of retail. · One parking space for each 200 square feet of shopping center. Based upon the above listed requirements, Building "A" has been calculated as retail and will need 66 parking spaces. Building "B" has been calculated as retail too. Staff struggled with this building and the parking requirements associated with it. The coffee shop has an area of 1,500 square feet, which translates to 25 parking spaces if calculated as a restaurant. The Shell Store has an area of 3,972 square feet, which translates to 20 parking spaces. Total parking required per ordinance is 45 spaces. This number a~ to be excessive since in all likelihood, people buying gas will remain parked at the gas pumps, walk into the Shell store, and pay their bill and leave. There are 16 parking spaces at the gas pumps. Based upon that method of calculation, the building will have 44 parking spaces. The site is short one parking space. Building "C" will house two restaurants with on sale liquor license. The applicant has used one parking space per 60 square feet of gross building. The ordinance requires one parking space per 50 square feet of gross floor area. Since there does not appear to be any room for an addition 24 parking spaces, staff is recommending the applicant reduce the size of the building to 6,000 square feet. LANDSCAPING Phase I Minimum requirements for landscaping include 5,396 sq. fL of landscaped area around the parking lot, 22 trees for the parking lot, and buffer yard plantings along Highway 5, Century Cleanv~ Development June 17, 2003 Page 18 Blvd. and W. 78t~ Slawet. The applicant's proposed, as compa~ to the requirements for, landscape area and parking lot trees is shown in the following table: Vehicular use landscape area Trees/landscape area Hwy. 5 Buffer yard B - 480' Century Blvd. Buffer yard B - 380' W. 78tu St. Buffer yard B - 610' Boulevard Trees - W. 78tu St. 1 per 30' Required 5,396 sq. ft. 22 canopy ttee~ 5 canopy trees 10 understory trees 19 shrubs 8 canopy trees 15 understory ~ 23 shrubs 6 canopy tree 12 understory trees 12 shrubs 20 canopy trees >5,396 sq. ft. 19 canopy trees 3 canopy 5 understory 12 shrubs 4 canopy 10 understory 28 shrubs 15 canopy trees 22 tm~ 33 shrubs 12 canopy The applicant does not meet minimum requirements for all buffer yard or boulevard tree plantings. Staff recommends that totals for landscaping be increased in order to meet minimum requirements as shown in the table. Additionally, according to ordinance, parking lots shall be fully screened from the street. This will require berming or more undemtory trees and shrubs to be planted along the street frontages. Phase H Minimum requirements for landscaping include 3,694 sq. ft. of landscaped area around the parking lot, 15 trees for the parking lot, and buffer yard plantings along Highway 5 and W. 78tu Street The applicant's proposed as compared to the requirements for landscape area and parking lot trees is shown in the following table. Vehicular use landscape area Trees/landscape area Hwy. 5 Buffer yard B - 200' W. 78tu St. Buffer yard B - 270' Boulevard Trees- W. 78th St. I per 30' RequireA 3,694 sq. ft. 15 canopy trees 4 canopy trees 8 undentory trees 12 shrubs 5 canopy trees 8 understory trees 14 shrubs 9 canopy tr~ Plx~sed >3,694 sq. ft. 12 canopy tr~ 3 canopy 7 understory 12 shrubs 7 canopy trees 14 understory 15 shrubs 7 canopy Clearwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 19 The applicant does not meet minimum requirements for all buffer yard or boulevard tree plantings. Staff recommends that totals for landscaping be increased in order to meet minimum requirements as shown in the table. Additionally, ~g to ordinance, parking lots shall be fully screened from the street. This will require berming or more understory trees and shrubs to be planted along the street frontages. LIGHTING Lighting locations for the parking lot have been illustrated on the plans. Only shielded fixtures are allowed and the applicant shall demonstrate that there is no more than ~ foot candles of light at the property line as required by ordinance. A detailed lighting plan should be submitted when building permits are requested. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission adopt the following motions: '~Fhe Planning Commission recommends approval of the Planned Unit Development Amendment to allow a drive-through in the Commercial portion of Arboretum Village, clarify parking setbacks and establish sign criteria for both Arboretum Village and Vasserman Ridge as follows (amendments are shown in bold): Arboretum Village (1999-2 PUD) PUD DEV~O~ STANDARDS b. Permitted Uses The permitted uses within the neighborhood commercial zone should be limited to appropriate commercial and service uses consistent with the neighborhood. The uses shall be limited to those as defined herein. If there is a question as to whether or not a use meets the definition, the Planning Director shall make that interpretstion. The type of uses to be provided on this outlot shall be low intensity neighborhood oriented retail and service establishments to meet daily needs of residents. Such uses may include small to medium sized restaurant (no drive-thru windows unless it is completely hidden fi'om views, has walls on two sides of the drive-through lane, is attached to the main building, and the roof of the building extends over the drive- through, The exterior wall of the drive-through shall contain the same level of architocmral detail as the rest of the building and as described in the design standards of the City Code), office, day care, neighborhood scale commercial, convenience store, churches, or other similar type and scale uses as described in the Comprehensive Plan. No single usc shall exceed 5,000 square feet. Clearwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 20 c. Setbacks The PUD ordinance requires setbacks from roadways and exterior property lines. table displays those setbacks. The following From Collector Street 50 feet 50+ feet From Exterior Lot Lines 30 feet 30 feet Interior Public Right-of-Way 30 feet ** 7* Hard Surface Commemial 70% 68.3% Parking Setback if screeaing is 10 feet 10 feet provided Monument Sign Ze o Lot 1 shall not contain any monument signs. In return, the applicant shall be permitted to place a 10 foot high sign with a maximum area of 48 square feet along Highway 5, on Lot 2. Lot 2 wm contain 1 monument sign at the Intersection of Highway 5 and Centtwy Boulevard. The height of the sign shah not exceed 5 feet with an area of 24 square feet. All signs shall be built of materials similar to those used on the exterior of the buildings and complement their architectural design. The signs must maintain a minimum 10 foot setback from the property lines. Wall Mounted Signs lo 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. e e Building "A" shall be permitted signage along the south and west elevatton~ only. Building "B" shall be permitted signage along the west and south elevations only. The gas pump canopy shall not be permitted to have any Mgnage. The carwash shall be permitted to have one sign along the south or east elevation. All signs require a separate permit. The slgnage will have consistency throughout the development and add an architecamd accent to the buildings. Consistency in signage shall relate to color, size, materials, and heights. Back-lit individual letter signs are permittmL Individual letters may not exceed 30 inches in height. Only the name and logo of the business occupying the building will be permitted on the sign. Clearwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 21 e The applicant must obtain a sign permit prior to erecting the signs on site. A detailed sign plan incorporating the method of lighting~ acceptable to staff should be provided prior to requesting a sign permit. Vasserman Ridge (2JI02-2 PUD): PUD DEVEI-OPMENT STANDARDS c. Setbacks The PUD ordinance requires setbacks from roadways and exterior property lines. The following table displays those setbacks. Setback 50 feet From Collector Street From Exterior Lot Lines 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet NA Interior Public Risht-of-Way Hard Surface Commemial Par~ Setback if ~ is provided 70% 10 feet 50 feet 68.3% 10 feet Sign Criteria Monument Sign lo Lot 3 will have 1 monument sign, fnclng Highway 5. The height of the sign shall not exceed 5 feet with a maximnm nren of 24 squnre feet. The base of the sign shnll be built of mnterlals simllnr to those used on the exterior of the buildings and complement their archi~ design. The signs must maintain a minimum 10 foot setback fi-om the propexty lines. Wall Mounted Signs le e 1 Building "C" shall be permitted signage along the west and south elevations only. AH signs require a separate permit. The signage will have consistency throughout the development and add an architectural accent to the buildings. Consisteacy in signage shah relate to color, size, materials, and heights. Back-lit individual letter signs are permi~e& Individual letters may not exceed 30 inches in height. Only the name and logo of the business occupying the building will be permitted on the sign. The applicant must obtain a sign permit prior to erecting the signs on site~ A detailed sign plan incorporating the method of lighting, accep~le to staff should be provided prior to requesting a sign permit. Clearwater Development 1un¢ 17, 2003 Page 22 CONDmONAL USE PERMIT '~'h¢ Planning Commission recommends appwval of Conditional Use Permit 2003-2 CUP to allow the consln~on of a convenience store with gas pumps on Lot 2, Block 1, Arboretum Shopping Center, with the following conditions: 1 2. 3. 4. 1 e e No unlicensed or inoperable vehicles shall be stored on premises. No repair, assembly or disassembly of vehicles. No public address system shall be audible from any residential parcel. Gas pump stacking area deemed to be appwpfiate by the city shaft not inmade into any No sales, storage or display of used automobiles or other vehicles such as motorcycles, snowmobiles, or all-terrain vehicles. Facilities for the collection of waste oil must be pwvided. Gas pumps and/or storage tank vent pipes shall not be located within one hundred (100) feet of any parcel zoned or guided for residential use. All light fixun~ under the canopy shall be recessed into the canopy and screened. The canopy must be con~ of an opaque matmial to prevent light from shining through. For Phase I, approval of this application is contingent upon approval of the following applications: a. PUD Amendment 1999-2 PUD. b. Site Plan Review 2003-6. c. Subdivision 2003-8 SUBDIVISION The Planning Commission recommends approval to replat Ouflot D, Afl~aretum Village and Lot 1, Block 4, Vasserman Ridge (4.79 acres), 2003-8 SUB into three lots, as shown on plans dated June 4, 2003, subject to the following conditions: The developer shall provide a cross ~ and cross pafldng agreements for the three parcels. . The following park dedication chm'ges will apply: Lot 1- $8,~10; for Lot 2 - $11,620, and Lot 3 - $13,650 which shall be paid prior to recording the final plat. . The total SWMP fees of $58,824.57 are due payable to the City at time of final plat recording. Public utility improvements will be required to be consmmted in ~ce with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed construction plans and specifications will be required at the time of final platting. The applicant will also be required to enter into a development contract with the City and supply the Clearwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 23 necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval. Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies must be obtained, including but not limited to the MPCA, Department of Health, Watershed District, MnDOT, etc." '°the Planning Commission records approval of site plan review (2003-6 SPR) for the conmucfion of three multi-tenant buildings, one of which contains a convenience store with gas pumps, a coffee shop with a drive through, and a car-wash, as shown in plans prepared by Damberg, Scott, Gerzina, Wagner Architects dated received May 16, 2003, with the following conditions: Correct the driveway dimension on the site plan (Sheet A0) to read 26 feet in width. Also, dimension the turn lane widths and taper ratios. The taper ratio for the West 78~h Street turn lane shall be a minimum of 5:1. 2. On the grading plan: a. Increase the rock consuucfion entrance to a minimum of 75 feet in length per City Detail No. 5301. b. Revise the existing 980 contour that crosses with another illegible contour on the existing topography. Likewise, correct the proposed 978 crossing contour lines. c. Provide erosion control blankets on the steep slopes along the west side of the entrance drive and along the east side of the Phase H building. d. Revise the boulevard slope in the West 78th Street right-of-way to a maximum grade of 2% within 15 feet of the curbline. e. Provide emergency overflows for catch basin nos. 3 and 4. The overflow elevation must be a minimum of one foot lower than the finished floor elevation of the adjacent building. f. Show all existing and proposed easements. g. Show the existing pond to the east of the site and include the NWL and HWL. Also, show the existing storm sewer in the pond area. h. Show the proposed lot and block numbers. i. Limit the number of inlet aprons to the eastern pond to one inlet. Clearwamr Development June 17, 2003 Page 24 j. Add a benchmark to the plan. 3. On the utility plan (Sheet C2): a. Show all proposed utility easements. b. Revise the watermaln to loop through the site and connect with the existing main in West 78th Street. c. Show the existing waterm~n in West 78t~ Street and the storm sewer in the pond to the east. d. Move sanitary manhole no. 6 into the main drive aisle for access purposes. e. The minimum allowable storm sewer between catch basins is 12 inches in diameter. Revise where necessa~. f. All of the public watermain will be PVC C-900 pipe. Revise where necessary. g. Add streetlights at the southeasterly comer of West 78~ Street and Century Boulevard and at the proposed driveway connection with West 78th Street. 4. Add all applicable City of Chanhassen detail plates to Sheet C3. . The developer shall be responsible for a pedestrian crosswalk on the west side of the driveway at West 78'h Street. The crosswalk will be from the south to the north side of West 78t~ Street and connect with the existing bituminous trail and provide the additional sidewalk connection as shown in Auachment #1. 6. A '~lo U-turn" sign will be requixext at the north end of the median on Century Boulevard. 7. The silt fence on the east side of the site must be Type 3, heavy duty. 8. The property line dimensions for the Phase II parcel do not match the final plat for Vasserman Ridge. Please correct this. 9. Private easements are required for the storm sewer lines that mn from one lot to another. 10. Show the pavement sections for the bituminous path and private street/drive aisle on the plans. 11. Provide an internal sign to direct cars out to West 78th Street for Highway 5 bound traffic. Clearwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 25 12. Seed and mulch or sod the site within two weeks of grading completion. If dirt is required to be brought into or out of the site, provide a haul route for review and approval. 13. The applicant has submitted drainage calculations for the site; however, additional information is still needed. Staff will work with the applicant's engineer to revise the calculations. Prior to final platting, storm sewer design data will need to be submitted for staff review. The storm sewer will have to be designed for a 10-year, 24-hour storm event. 14. Minimum 30-foot wide ease~ts will be required over the public portion of the utility lines. 15. Installation of the private utilities for the site will require permits and inspections through the City's Building Department. 16. The existing contours for the Phase II portion of the site should reflect the Vasserman Ridge 2~a Addition grading. 17. Sanitary sewer and water hookup charges along with the Met Council's SAC fee will be due at the time of building permit issuance. All of these charges are based on the number of SAC units assigned by the Met Council. The current 2003 sanitary hookup charge is $1,440hmi~ the water hookup charge is $1,876/unit and the SAC fee is $1,274/uniC 18. The main drive aisle through the site will be a private street since it serves multiple lots. As such, the road must be a minimum of 26-feet wide, built to a 9-ton design, and enclosed within a 40-foot wide private eamement. 19. Concrete driveway aprons, per City detail plate #5207, are required at the two pwpo~d access points to the site. 21. For Phase I, approval of this application is following applications: a. Subdivision 2003-8 SUB. b. PUD Amendment 1999-2 PUD. c. Conditional Use Permit 2003-2 CUP. contingent upon approval of the 22. For Phase IL approval of this application is contingent upon approval of the following applications: a. Subdivision 2003-8 SUB. b. PUD Amendment 2002-2. 23. Landscaping Requirements: Phase I: a. The applicant shall increase landscape plantings to meet minimum requirements for buffer yards, boulevard trees and parking lot trees. A revised landscape plan shall be submitted to the City prior to city council approval. Clearwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 26 b. The applicant shall fully screen parking lots from adjacent roadways through the use of berming or increased landscaping. Phase II a. The applicant shall increase landscape plantings to meet minimum requirements for buffer yards, boulevard trees and parking lot trees. A revised landscape plan shall be submitted to the City prior to city council approval. b. The applicant shall fully screen parking lots from adjacent roadways through the use of bermiug or increased landscaping. 4g The applicant shall show the west and north elevations of the car wash. 25. All roof top equipment shall be screened. 6, The wash enclosure shall be built with the same type of materials used on the buildings. 7, The applicant shall introduce a pitched element to Building "B." 28. The parking lot islands shall be increased to 10 feet in width or aeration tubes will be required to be installed. 29. The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement with the city and provide the necessary financial securities. 30. Fire Marshal Conditions: a. A lO-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e. street lamps, trees, shrubs, bushes, Qwest, Excel Energy, cable TV and transf~ boxes. This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance #9-1. b. "No Parking Fire Lane" signs and yellow curbing will be required. Please contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location of signs and curbs to be painted yellow. c. The builder must comply with Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division regarding maximum allowable size of do~c water on a combination water/sprinkler supply line. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Frre Prevention Division Policy g36-1994. Copy Enclosed. d. The builder must comply with the Chanhassen Fire Depamnent/Fire Prevention Division regarding premise identification. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division Policy g29-1992. Copy EnclosexL e. A Post Indicator Valve will be required on the new buildings that have fire service water coming into the building. f. Submit radius turns and dimensions to City Engineer and Chanhassen Fire Marshal for review and approval. Cleamater Development June 17, 2003 Page 27 gm Phase IL The fire hydrant shown on building "C" will need to be relocated in front of the building. Contact Chanhassen Fire Mars~ for exact location. 31. Building Official conditions: a. The buildings are required to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing systems. b. The plans must be prepared and signed by design profeasionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. c. Building A must have a minimum of 3 accessible parking spaces, one of which must have an 8' access aisle. Building C must have a minimum of 5 accessible parking spaces. d. Separate water and sewer service~ must be provided for each piece of property. e. Detailed occupancy related requirements cannot be reviewed until complete plans are submitted. f. The owner and or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. 32. The applicant will need to apply for on-sale liquor licenses for the restaurants in Phase IL" ATTACHMENTS 1. Sidewalk plan. 2. Applications and Notice of Public Hearing. 3. Memo from Mark Littfin, Fire Marshal, O_~tod June 9, 2003. 4. Memo from Matt Saam, Assistant City Engineer, dated June 6, 2003. 5. Memo from Steven Torell, Building Official, dated May 27, 2003. 6. Memo from Todd Hoffman, Director of Parks and Recreation, dated May 27, 2003. 7. SWMP Fee Work Sheet dated June 5, 2003. 8. Design standards for Arboretum Village and Vasserman Ridge. 9. Plans dated received May 16, 2003. Clearwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 28 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND IqI~NEPIN COUNTIF~, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMIO~ATION Application of Clearwater Development Site Plan Review 2003-6, Subdivision 2003-8, Planned Unit Development 2002-2 and 1999-2, and Conditional Use Permit 2003-2. On June 17, 2003, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly schedule mee6ng to consider the application of Clearwater Development to: 1. Replat Outlot D, Affx~mm Village and Lot 1, Block 4, Vasserman Ridge (4.79 acres), into three lots. 2. Site Plan Review for the constl~on of three multi-tenant buildings, one of which contains a convenience store with gas pumps, a coffee shop with a drive through, and a car-wash. 3. Planned Unit Development Amen~t to allow a drive-through, establi~ sign crite~'ia for the center, and parking setback_ 4. A Conditional Use Permit to allow the constxuction of a Conv~ence Store The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed development which was preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT Xe J The property is currently zoned Planned Unit Development District. The property is guided by the Land Use Plan for Commercial The legal description of the property is: Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 1, Arboretum Shopping Center. Section 20-110 Site Plan: Clearwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 29 a. Is consistent with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; b. Is consistent with this division; Preserves the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general apiw. arance of the neighboring developed or developing or developing areas; d. Creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; Creates a functional and harmonious design for stmcUa~ and site features, with special attention to the following: . An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of ade, simble environment for occupants, visitors and 2. The amount and location of open space and landscaping; e Materials, textures, colors and details of consmacfion as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring s'o'uctures and uses; and e Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of ac. ce. ss points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. Protects adjacent and neighboring pmpeffiea through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. J Section 20-232, Conditional Use Permit: a. Will not be detrimental to or enhance the public health, safety, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. Clearwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 30 b. Will be consistent with the objectives of the city's comprehensive plan and this chapter. c. Will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so to be compatible in apIw, mm~ce with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that axenc dl Will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uaes. Will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structurea, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools; or will be served adequately by such facilities and services provided by the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use. fl Will not crentte excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. Will not involve uses, activities, tm~a~sses, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, ~ or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash. hi Will have vehicular approaches to the ~ which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares. Will not result in the ~on, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. Clearwa~ Development June 17, 2003 Page 31 j. Will be aesthetically compatible with the area. k. Will not depreciate surrounding propeIty values. 1. Will meet standards prescri~ for certain uses as provided in this article. 6. Section 18-39 Subdivision a. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance; be The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are suitable for the proposed development; al The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by this chapter, e. The proposed subdivision will not cause environmental damage; f. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record. gl The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: 1. Lack of adequate storm water drainage. Clearwater Development June 17, 2003 Page 32 2. Lack of dedicated and improved public streets. J Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems and not ISTS (individual sewer treatment system). 4. Lack of adequate off-sim public improvements or support systems. 7. Planned Unit Development Amendment The proposed amendment to the PUD is consistent with the Neighborhood Commercial Guidelines outlined within the comprehensive plan. . The planning ~x~rt Site Plan Review g2003-6, Subdivision g2003-8, Planned Unit Development g2002-2 and #1999-2, and Conditional Use Pennit g2003-2 dated June 17, 2003, prepared by Sharmin A1-Jaff, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION Thc Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Site Plan Review, Subdivision, Planned Unit Development Amen~t and Conditional Use Permit. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 17th day of June, 2003. A'ITEST: CHANHASSHN PTANNING COMMISSION BY' levard C Place Aul mn Ridge Ct 5 mn Ridge Ln 6 Aut~ mn Ridge Way J z ~,C~¥HdI · IllllUlllll| I,,1~1.t-I-I Iq.l~l-l.l.lq.I Iddtl-blldll I1111111111111111111 144.1444441-1 Iq~l-I-l~lflflq~Isl Ida~dild~li/&4,1 I, LI 24 5o. Olive ~zeeL Suite 105 Waconla HN 55.587 fax 952-442-8~ May 16, 2003 Sharmin A1-Jaff City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Drive PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Re: NEQ of Highway 5 and Century Ave. Arboretum Phase I & II Sharmin Enclosed is the application for a site plan review, a conditional use permit for the car wash, and a variance request for the drive-thru in the retail project plann~ for the above mentioned property. Phase I of the project consi~ of a convenience store with gas, a coffee shop with drive thru, a car wash, and a 13,192 square foot, multi-tenant retail building. This retail building is planned to accommodat~ a typical mix of neighborhood retail services. Phase II consists of a two-restaurant building similar to our Crossroads development under construction with Chipotle and Buffalo Wild Wings. These are two separate applications and approvals which I would like to take thru the city process together. My goal is to take this to Planning Commission on June 17th and then to City Council on July 14th. I am delighted to be working with the city on this project. If you have any questions please call me at 952-442-8799. Scott Schmitt, CCIM President CC: Ron Clark 06/10/2003 08:44 FAX 9~24737401 LIJlfDGRI~ BR0$, CONE, CITY OF CHANHAg~EN 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD CHANHAS~EN, MN 55317 (95'2) 227-1100 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPUCATION · T~ ~PHON~ (Day ~me)_~.~__, ~/~,.! - ~ '7 ~ _ TELEPHONE: i III I I I __ Conditional Use Permit Interim USe Permit --__ Non-conforming Use Permit ii Planned Unit Development" Rezonlng ! Sign Permits Sign Plan Review ....~. Site Plan Review*' ---_ Subdivision' I I _ I I _._ Tempom~'y Sales Permit ~ Vacation of ROW/Ea~~ · I ._...,. Variance Wetland Att. eratlon Permit · ~.. Zoning Appeal ~ Zoning Ordinance Amendment Noti~,atlon Sign ~ Escrow for Filing Feea/A~m~ Cost'" ($50 CUP/SPRNACA/A~AP~~ and Bounds. $400 Minor SUB) TOTAL FEE $ I i A Ii~t of all prolmrty ownm'a within EiO0 feet of the boundm'las of 1he pmparb/mu~t lm lneludmJ with l~e applloatlon. Building material ~ampkm mum be ~ubmlttad with site plan mvlew~ 'Twmlty..slx full size folded c~plas of the pMrm mum lm lubmltl~l, Including an 8~" X 11 · reduoad copy far each plan reheat, "Escfl3w will be required ~ other appllcationl through the devMopment contract NOTE - When multiple applications am processed, lhe appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. 05/10/2003 08:44 FAt 9524737401 LI.~D~ BR0$, CONgT. PROJECT NAME_ - P/-tA '-rr AT' L J(.ACP.6_ 5. Cat V6_ ['z orvT¥ TOTAL ACREAGE WETLANDS PRESENT PRESENT ZONING PRESENT LAND UsE DESiGNATiON ~ REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION REA,SON FOR THIS REQUEST This appllc, ation must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all Information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provtaions. Before filing this applioatlon, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the speclrm ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your appllc~on. A determination of completeness of the appUcation shall be made within ten business clays of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shaJI be mailed to the appr=ant within ten budness days of applk:atlon. This is to certify that I am making appllcetion for the desc:rlbed action by the City and the/i am responsible for complying w~ all CRy requirements witlq regard to this request, This appl~ should be proceeaed In my name and I em the patty whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owners Duplicate ~ o~ 'l-Pde, ~ of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authoriz~ person to make this application and the fee owner has also aigned this application. I will keep myself Informed of the deadlines for submission o1' material and the procjmae of thia applk:ation. I further understand ahat additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feaslb~qlty studies, et=. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. 'l'he documents and Information I have submitted am true and correct to the be~t of my ~owledge. The city hereby notifies the applicant that development review ca~n~ be completed within 60 days due to public hearing requirements and agency review. Therefore, the city is notifying the epplk=ant that the city requires an automatic 60 day extension for development~a~v. Development review shall be completed within 12.0 days unless ad--al review Signature of Applicant Date Signature of Fee Owner Data .# Application Received on _ 5'-/~ ~ Fee Paid I 5~o~. ~_', Receipt No. The applicant should contact maff for m copy of the etaff report whlr. h will be .vallabM on Friday prior m the nmatlng. If not oontaoted, m copy of the report will be rlmlled to the applicant's adclmm~ oe/zo/~oo~ o8:4s FAX 7700 M_nrk~ Bird PO B~x 147 Chimlmssntu MN $5317 ?le~e _c~dcr ~ Bros ~ a eo=,,~licant wi~ Developm~ ~ a Site pin,, A~ ~ our 2 acre nommerci,,~ 1~ ~ ~ 78~t St We are ~ ~ D~ our LUNDOR.h~ BROS. CONI/T. CITY OF CHANHA$$EN 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 (952) 227-1100 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION APPLICANT:.M_afLrI'U (_O~T _~.A~TkJE_P,5 ~ ~:J-~J~ri~P, OWNER ' :D~~mF_NT ADDRESS:_~-/ 5, OLIVE ST ~c~JP ADDRESS: · TELEPHONE (Dayt]me) ~_.~'~ · 'fYi-. ~7'~'t ~J ' - TELEPHONE: ~5 I' ~'~' ~-?~7 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Conditional Use Permit Interim Use Permit Non-conforming Use Permit Planned Unit Development* Rezoning Sign Permits Sign Plan Review Site Plan RevieW* Subdivision* Temporary Sales Permit Vacation of ROW/Easements Wet]and Alteration Permit Zoning Appeal Zoning Ordlr~nce Amendment Notification Sign Escrow for Filing Fees/Attomey Cost** ($50 CU P/SPR/VAC/VAR/WAP/Metes and Bounds, $400 Minor SUB) TOTAL FEE $ A list of all property ownem within 500 feet of the boundaries of the property must be Included ~ the application. Building material samples must be submitted with alte plan reviews. *Twenty-slx full size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, Including an 8~A" X 11" reduced copy of tmnsparancy for each plan sheet. ** Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract NOTE - When multiple applicat]ons are proca~, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. LOCATION ~_~_bjTOJ~,.Y/~ dE.k)uE. AkJl% i/ HLI AY LE~ DESCRI~ON OUTLO D, '1 TOT~ WETLANDS PRESENT PRESENT ZONING p (J ~) REQUESTED ZONING P U D ~ ~/~/~ PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION YES ~ NO REASON FOR THIS REQUEST This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or dearly printed and must be _acco__mpanled by all Information and plans requimcl by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requlmmenta applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within ten business days of application submittal. A written notice of application defidendes shall be mailed to the applicant within ten business days of application. This Is to certify that I am maldng application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This apptlca'don should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself Informed of the deadlines for submission of matafial and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and Information I have submitted am true and correct to the best of my knowledge. The city hereby notifies the applicant that development review cannot be completed within 60 days due to public hearing requirements and agency review. Therefore, the city is notifying the applicant that the city requires an automatic 60 day extension for development review. Development review shall be completed within 120 days unless additional review · 5' Signa~m o{'Applica~t - Date Signature of Fee Owner Application Received on Date The applicant should contact staff for a copy of the staff report which will be ava,able on Friday prior to the meeting. If not contacted, a copy of the report will be mailed to the applicant's address. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED SUBDIVISION AND SITE PLAN REVIEW CITY OF CI-IANHASSE~ NOTICE IS I-II~F.I~Y GIVEN that the Chanhas~n Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, May 20, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers in Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Boulevard. The p~ of this hearing is to consider a request for. Phase I - Replat of an outlot into two lots. Site Plan review for the consmlction of a Car Wash, Coffee shop/Convenience/Gas Station, and strip mall, a conditional use permit to allow a convenience store with gas pumps, on property zoned PUD with variances and a PUD amendment to allow a drive through. The total lot area is 2.84~_ acres. The site is located northeast of the intersection of Highway 5 and Century Boulevard and south of West 78~ Street, Clearwater Development. Phase II - Replat of an outlot into a lot. Site Plan review with variances for a multi-tenant building (a conditional use permit has been granted for consmaction on the site which falls within the Bluff Creek Overlay District) on ~ zoned PUD. The total lot area is 1.95 acres. The site is located approximamly 240 feet east of the intersection of Highway 5 and Century Boulevard and south of West 78tu Street, Clearwater Development Group. A plan showing the location of the proposal is available for public review at City Hall during regular business hours. All interested persons are invited to attend thia public h~ and express their opinions with respect to this proposal. Sharmeon AI-Jaff, Senior Planner Phone: 952-227-1134 (Publish in the Chanhassem Villager on June 5, 2003) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 2003 AT 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7700 MARKET BLVD. PROPOSAL: Subdivision & Site Plan APPLICANT: Clearwater Development LOCATION: Century Blvd. & Hwy, 5 NOTICE: You are Invited to attend a public hearing about a proposal in your area. The applicant, Clearwater Development is requesting the following: Phase I - Replat of an outlot into two lots. Site Plan review for the construction of a Car Wash, Coffee shop/Convenience/Gas Station, and strip mall, a conditional use permit to allow a convenience store with gas pumps, on property zoned PUD with variances and a PUD amendment to allow a drive through. The total lot area is 2.84+ acres. The site is located northeast of the intersection of Highway 5 and Century Boulevard and south of West 78th Street. Phase II - Replat of an outlot into a lot. Site Plan review with variances for a multi-tenant building (a conditional use permit has been granted for construction on the site which falls within the Bluff Creek Overlay District) on property zoned PUD. The total lot area is 1.95 acres. The site is located approximately 240 feet east of the intersection of Highway 5 and Century Boulevard and south of West 78th Street. What Happens at the Meeting: The purpose of this public hearing is to Inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. Dudng the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public headng is dosed and the Commission discueses the project. Questions and Comments: If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please stop by City Hall dudng office hours, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Fdday. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Sharmeen at 227-1134 or e-mall saljaffOcl.chanhassen.mn.us. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department In advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. Notice of this public hearing has been published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 5, 2003. .UNDGREN BROS CONSTRUCTION ~35 WAYZATA BLVD E ~VAYZATA MN 55391 .~ATEWAY ACQUISITION CO LLC )35 WAYZATA BLVD E NAYZATA MN 55391 .UNDGREN BROS CONSTRUCTION )35 WAYZATA BLVD E NAYZATA MN 55391 .~HASKA GATEWAY PARTNERS ~10 CO RD 101 NAYZATA MN 55391 31TY OF CHANHASSEN 3/0 BRUCE DEJONG r'/'00 MARKET BLVD PO BOX 147 3HANHASSEN MN 55317 ~,TLANTIC FINANCIAL GROUP LTD ;~808 FAIRMOUNT ST SUITE 250 3Al.LAS TX 75021 31TY OF CHANHASSEN .?,/O BRUCE DEJONG ~700 MARKET BLVD PO BOX 147 3HANHASSEN MN 55317 C1TYOF CHANHA EN PO B~147 Chanblssm, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952227.1160 Fmc 952.227.1170 Finance Phone:. 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Ceater 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Pflo~e: 952.227.1130 Fmc 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone:. 952.227.1~ Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone:. 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www. ci.chanhassen.rrm.us TO: Sharmin Al-Jaff, Senior Planner FROM: Mark Littfin, Fire Marshal DATE: June 9, 2003 SUB J: Site plan review for convenience store/car wash/coffee shop/strip mall located at intersection of State Highway 5 and Century Boulevard south of West 78th Street, Clearwater DevelopmenL Planning Case: 2003-6 I have reviewed the site plan for the above project,. In order to comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division, I have the following fire code or city ordinance/policy requirements. The site plan is based on the available information submitted at this time. If additional plans or changes are submitted, the appropriate code or policy items will be addmssecL , A 10-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e. street lamps, trees, shrubs, bushes, Qwest, Excel Energy, cable TV and transformer boxes. This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance g9-1. , "No Parking Fire Lame" signs and yellow curbing will be requirexk Please contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location of signs and curbs to be painted yellow. , The builder must comply with Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division regarding maximum allowable size of domestic water on a combination water/sprinkler supply line. Pursuant to Chanhassen Fire Department/lzn'e Prevention Division Policy #36-1994. Copy Enclosed. 4. The builder must comply with the Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division regarding premise identification. Pursuant to The City of Chanhassen · A growing comrnunily with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, l~riving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful pa~. A gmat place to live, work, and play. CITYOF CHAN EN PO Box147 Chanhassal, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952227.1110 Balldlng Inspections Phone: 952227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fa~ 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Remaion Center 2310 Coul~ Boulevard Phone: 952227.1400 Fax: 952227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952227.1310 Senior Center Phone:. 9,52227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www. cLcharltmsen.mn.us Chanhassen Fire Department/Fire Prevention Division Policy ff29-1992. Copy Enclosed. A Post Indicator Valve will be required on the new buildings that have fire service water coming into the building. 6. Submit radius tums and dimensions to City Engineer and Chanhassen Fire Marshal for review and approval. Phase II. The fire hydrant shown on building "C" will need to be relocated in front of the building. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location. The City of Chanhacaen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a channing downtm~m, thriving b~slnesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A gamt place to live, work, and p~. CITYOF CHANHASSEIt 7700 Mark~ Bo~lev'ard PO Box147 Chan~, MN 55317 Admlnlntratlon Phone: 952227.1100 Faxc 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Englneedng Phc:me: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 FTflJiflC6 Phone: 9,52.227.1140 Fac 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952227.1110 I:lem~ion C,a~ter 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.~7.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Rnsourcns Phone: 952227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952227.1125 Fax: 952227.1110 Web Site www. ci.chanhass~n.mn.~ MEMORANDUM TO: Sharmeen A1-Jaff, Senior Planner FROM: Matt Saam, Assistant City Engineer,~ DATE: June 6, 2003 SUBJ: Preliminary Plat Review of Arboretum Shopping Center at the NE Comer of Century Boulevard & Highway 5 - Land Use Review File No. 03-10 Upon review of the plans dated May 14, 2003, prepared by BI{BM En~neers, I offer the following comments and recommendations: GRADING/DRAINAGE/EROSION CONTROL The Phase I portion of the site was previously rough graded as a part of the Arboretum Village development. As such, the only area where the grades will be significantly changed is for the berming along West 78t~ Street. Rough grading for Phase 11 of the site is currently being completed with the Vasserman Ridge 2~a Addition project. As such, the existing contours for the Phase 11 portion of the site should reflect the Vasserman Ridge 2~d Addition grading. Drainage for the Phase I portion will be muted, to an existing pond on the West side of Century Boulevard. This pond has been previously sized to accommodate the runoff from thc Phase I site. Likewise, most of the Phase H site will drain to an existing pond just east of the site. This pond is being increased in size to accommodate the Phase II site as a part of the Vasserman Ridge 2"a Addition projecL Erosion control measures and site restoration shall be developed in accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook (BMPI-r). Staff recommends that the City's Type rlI erosion control fence, which is a heavy- duty silt fence, be used for the area adjacent to the existing pond just east of the site. In addition, erosion control blankets will be required on the steep slopes on the site. The City of Chanhansen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtovm, Iflriving busing, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A gmat place to live, v~rk, and play. Sharmeen Al-J'aff June 6, 2003 Page 2 The proposed sanitary sewer and watermains will be considered public utility lines since they will serve more than one lot. In addition, the watermain shall be looped through the site and connect with the existing water line in West 78th Street. A minimum 30-foot wide public easement will be required over the public sewer and watermain. Each of the underlying parcels has been previously assessed for utilities and those assessments have been paid. Sanitary sewer and water hookup charges along with the Met Council's SAC fee will be due at the time of building permit issuance. All of these charges are based on the number of SAC units assigned by the Met Council. The ctaxent 2003 sanitary hookup charge is $1,4401unit, the water hookup charge is $1,876/unit and the SAC fee is $1,274/unit. Public utility improvements will be required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed construction plans and specifications will be required at the time of final platting. The applicant will also be required to enter into a development contract with the City and supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval. Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies must be obtained, including but not limited to the MPCA, Department of I-Ie.~th, Watershed District, MnDOT, etc. STREETS & DRIVE A[ql.F~q The main drive aisle throu~ the site will be a private street since it serves multiple lots. As such, the road must be a minimum of 26-feet wide, built to a 9-ton design, and enclosed within a 40-foot wide private easement. · An internal sidewalk system shall be developed to bring pedestrians from the public trails on the west and north sides into the site. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL . Correct the driveway dimension on the site plan (Sheet A0) to read 26 feet in width. Also, dimension the turn lane widths and taper ratios. The taper ratio for the West 78~ Street mm lane shall be a minimum of 5:1. Sharmeen M-laff June 6, 2003 Page 3 2. On the grading plan: a. Increase the rock construction entrance to a minimum of 75 feet in length per City Detail No. 5301. b. Revise the existing 980 contour that crosses with another illegible contour on the existing topography. Likewise, correct the proposed 978 crossing contour fines. c. Provide erosion control blankets on the steep slopes along the west side of the entrance drive and along the east side of the Phase 11 building. d. Revise the boulevard slope in the West 78"' Stzeet fight-of-way to a maximum grade of 2% within 15 feet of the curbline. e. Provide emergency overflows for catch basin nos. 3 and 4. The overflow elevation must be a minimum of one foot lower than the finished floor elevation of the adjacent building. f. Show all existing and proposed easements. g. Show the existing pond to the east of the site and include the NWL and HWL. Also, show the existing storm sewer in the pond area. h. Show the proposed lot and block numbers. i. Limit the number of inlet aprons to the eastern pond to one inlet. j. Add a benchmark to the plan. 3. On the utility plan (Sheet C2): a. Show all proposed utility easements. b. Revise the watermain to loop through the site and connect with the existing main in West 78"' Street. c. Show the existing watermain in West 78"' Street and the storm sewer in the pond to the east. d. Move sanitary manhole no. 6 into the main drive aisle for access purposes. e. The minimum allowable storm sewer between catch basins is 12 inches in diameter. Revise where necessary. Sharmeen Al-laff June 6, 2003 Page 4 f. All of the public watermain will be PVC C-900 pipe. Revise where necessary. g. Add streeflights at the southeasterly comer of West 78~h Street and Century Boulevard and at the proposed driveway connection with West 78t~ Stxeet. 4. Add all applicable City of Chanhassen detail plates to Sheet C3. . The aeve oper .~han be responsible for a pedestrian crosswalk on the west side of the driveway at West 78t~ Street. The crosswalk will be from the south to the north side of West 78th Street and connect with the existing bituminous trail. 6. A '~o U-mm" sign will be required at the north end of the median on Century Boulevard. 7. The silt fence on the east side of the site must be Type 3, heavy duty. 8. The property line dimensions for the Phase 11 parcel do not match the final plat for Vasserman Ridge. Please correct this. 9. Private easements are required for the storm sewer lines that run fi'om one lot to another. 10. Show the pavement sections for the bituminous path and private street/drive aisle on the plans. 11. Provide an internal sign to direct cars out to West 78~h Street for Highway 5 bound traffic. 12. Seed and mulch or sod the site within two weeks of grading completion. If dirt is required to be brought into or out of the site, provide a haul mute for review and approval. 13. The applicant has submitted drainage calculations for the site; however, additional information is still need,& Staff will work with the applicant's engineer to revise the calculations. Prior to final platting, storm sewer design data will need to be submitted for staff review. The storm sewer will have to be designed for a 10-year, 24-hour storm event. Sharmeen A1-Jaff June 6, 2003 Page 5 14. Minimum 30-foot wide easements will be required over the public portion of the utility lines. 15. Installation of the private utilities for the site will require permits and inspections through the City's Building Department. 16. Public utility improvements will be required to be consmmted in ~ce with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed construction plans and specifications will be required at the time of final platting. The applicant will also be required to enter into a development contract with the City and supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval. Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies must be obtained, including but not limited to the MPCA, Department of Health, Watershed District, MnDOT, etc. 17. The existing contours for the Phase H portion of the site should reflect the Vasserman Ridge 2~ Addition grading. 18. Sanitary sewer and water hookup charges along with the Met Council's SAC fee will be due at the time of building permit issuance. All of these charges are based on the amber of SAC units assigned by the Met Council. The current 2003 sanitary hookup charge is $1,440/unit, the water hookup charge is $1,876/unit and the SAC fee is $1,274Amit. 19. The main drive aisle through the site will be a private street since it serves multiple lots. As such, the mad must be a minimum of 26-feet wide, built to a 9-ton design, and enclosed within a 40-foot wide private easement. jills c: Teresa Burgess, City Engineer/Public Works Dir. MEMORANDUM FROM: DATE: Sharmin AI-Jaff~ Senior Planner Steven Torell, Building Official May 27, 20O3 SUBJ: Site Plan review for a canmmh, coffee shop/convenienceJgas station and two multi-~ buildings located at the NE comex of Highway 5 and Century Blvd. Clean~ Development Group. Planning Case: 2003-6 I have reviewed the plans for the-above buildings received by the Planning Department on May 16, 2003. Following are my comments, which should be included as conditions of approval. 1. The buildings are required to be protected by automatic fire ~ 2. The plans must be prepm~ and signed by design profession~ licensed in the Sta~e of Minnesota. 3. Building A must have a minimum of 3 acc, es~'ble parking ~ one of which must have an 8' access aisle. Building C must have a minimum of 5 accessible parking spaces. 4. Separate water and sewex sendces must be provided for each piece of property. 5. Detailed occupancy related requirements cannot be reviewed until complete plans are submitted. 6. The owner and or their representative shall meet with the Inspecfons Division as soon as possible to discuss plan r~i~ and pexmit procedures. C1T OF PO Box 147 C~, MN ~17 Administration Phone: 952227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone:. 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.221.1190 Englneedng Phone:. 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Pho~ 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Planning & Nateml Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 I~ Road Phone: 952.221.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phofie: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Wek Site www. cl.cMnhassen.mn.us TO: FROM: Sharmeen Al-la_fi, Senior Planner Todd Hoffman, Director of Parks and Recre~on DATE: May 27, 2003 SUB J: Planning Case 200345, Clearwater Development Group I have reviewed thc Phase I and Phase II development proposals from C~~t~r Development Group for their Highway 5 at Century Boulevard site. There is no requirement for parkland acquisition and/or trail development as a part of this development. I did notice that the sidewalk connection leading east to West 78m Street is absent. Please note this deficiency and direct the applicant to J.nsta~ appropriate pedestrian connections. The f0Uowing park dedication charges will apply to Lot~ A, B and C: Lot A $8,54O Lot B $11,620 Lot C $13,650 c: Todd Ge~ardt, City Manager Teresa Burgess, City Engineer/Public Works Director Brace DeJong, Finance Dixector Z,~te Aantmson, Community Development Dixector Park and Reereati~ Commissioll The City of Chanhmen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming dovmtown, b'lrlving.businesses, winding trails, and beauUful parks. A gear place to live, work, and play. DATE FILE NO. PROJECT SWM~ FEE WORKSHEET June 5, 2003 SUB 2O03-6 Site Area in Acres Amemsble m-es 4.83 4.83 ZONING CLASSI~CATION WATER QUALITY WATER QUANTITY $ 7,008.00 4.83 $ 33,848.64 Rate per Ac~ ~ Total $ 5,171.00 4.83 $ 24,975.93 ~ UNIT QUANTITY UNIT TOTAL PRICE PRICE Storm water p(]3d acre - $ 7,008.00 $ - Outlet s~ each - $ 2,500.00 $ - SWMP FEE $ 58,824.57 SWMP CREDrrS $ - TOTAL SWMP Flz~E $ 58,824.57 Z: %, I"IUlI~II"P~IBPIIlalilB PIIlIP IIIg PI Iil,~l= l=lelel..'l~l=l~l-I- I-I.1.1. I'1'1=1 II Illlllllll 7' I 8~ I~ll, i l! I! ;/ · . . I ! I I, [ i:> RETAIL DEVELOPMENT · ,[llll!ll ['%" ~ HWY 5 & CENTURY ~i I I !i f ! ""!1' L, F ~ ::::~:: :':'Il · ![1~1. ,....[]. i llltl i i iii i i ii' i i_'llll I IlII I I I Il l '-':il ,:,:.,: :.I, II ;1' "::l;I;E ,'"[Ri ill t'lilii lli;lI. ll llll]lllll Ill l, llll "lllllll lit i I fijiI iTTii' Ii I I I II 11 I Illl,[ t J i ill _EXlHIIIT C ABORETUM VILL&GE PUD DEVELOP~ DF, SIGN STANDARDS a. Intent The purpose of this zone is to crea~ a PUD neighborhood commewial/mix~ density- housing zone. The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more flexible desi~ standards while creating a higher quality and more sensitive proposal. All utilities are required to be placed underground. Each smmmre proposed for development shall proceed through site plan review based on the development standmxis outlined below. A specific lighting and sign plan shall be submitted prior to final plat. b. Permitted Uses The permitted uses within the neighborh~ commercial zone should be limited to appropriate commercial and service uses consistent with the neighborhood. The uses shall be limited to those as defined herein. If there is a question as to whether or not a use meets the definition, the Planning Director shall make that interpretation. The type of uses to be provided on this outlot shall be low intensity neighborhood oriented retail and service establishments to meet daily needs of residents. Such uses may include small to medium sized restaurant (no drive-thru windows), office, day care, neighborhood scale commercial, convenience store, churches, or other similar type and scale uses as deacri~ in the Comprehensive Plan. No single use shall exceed 5,000 square feet. c. Setbacks The PUD ordinance requires setbacks from roadways and exterior ~ lines. The following table displays those setbacks. Setback Required 50 feet From Collector Street From Exterior Lot Lines 30 feet 30 feet 30 feet ** 7* Interior Public Ril~ht-of-Way Hard Surface Commercial Hard Surface Coverage (Total site) * not accepte~ 7O% 30 % 50 feet Not available at this time 29 % ** Council approval of 10 minimum for residential only in those area adjacent to public streets except Highways 41, 5 and West 78th Street. C-1 d. Building Materials and Design COMMER~ 1. All materials shall be of high quality and durable. Brick shall be used as the principal material and must be approved to assure uniformity with the residential uses. 2. Metal standing seam siding will not be approved except as s~ material to one of the above materials. 3. All accessory structures shall be designed to be compatible with the prima~ ~. 4. All roof-mounted equipment shall be screened by pitched roofs. Wood screen fences are prohibited. Screening shall consist of compatible materials. 5. All buildings on the commercial site shall have a pitched roof line. 6. All mechanical equipment shall be screened with material compatible to the building. KF_,SID~ STANDARDS The plans propose five products. Each product must conform to the following standards. Club [] [] [] [] [] Homes (Rambler attached two unit town homes) One level town homes (with or without basement). Building exterior material shall be a combination of 4" vinyl siding or shake and brick. Colors used shall be earth tones such as soft gray, creamy white, pearl gray, shell white, etc.). Each town house shall COIlSist of two units. One unit will have a side-loaded garage and the other will have a front loaded garage. Each unit shall utilize accent architectural features such as arched louvers, dormers, etc. All units shall u 'tdize fiberglass shingles. Each unit shall have a minimum of 1 overstory tree within its front landscape yatxL All units shall have ~s onto an interior street. All mechanical equipment shall be screened with material compatible to the building or landscaping. = Manor Homes (three to four trait town homes) Split level town homes with basemenL Building exterior material shall be a combination of 4" vinyl siding, vinyl shakes, brick and stone. Colors used shall be earth tones such as soft gray, creamy white, pearl gray, shell white, etc. Each town house shall consist of three or four units. No more than two garage doors may be adjacent to each other. C-2 Each unit shall utilize accent architectural features such as round louvers, dormers, All units shall utilize fiberglass shingles. Each unit shall have a minimum of 1 overstory tree within its front landscape yard. All units shall have access onto an interior streeC All mechanical equipment shall be screened with material compatible to the building or landscaping. o Coach Homes Two Story town homes (four to six unit town homes). Building exterior material shall be a combination of 4" vinyl siding or shake and brick. [] Colors used shall be earth tones such as soft gray, creamy white, pearl gray, shell white, etc. [] Each town house shall consist of four or six units. Garage doors must be separated from each other by entryways. [] Each unit shall utilize accent architectural features such as dormers, etc. [] All units shall utilize fiberglas~ shingles. [] Each unit shall have a minimum of 1 over story tree within its front landscape yard. [] All units shall have access onto an interior street. [] All mechanical equipment shall be screened with material compatible to the building or landscaping. 4. Village Homes [] Two story town homes with tuck under garage (four to eight unit town homes). [] Building exterior material shall be a combination of 4" vinyl siding or shake and brick. [] Colors used shall be earth tones such as soft gray, creamy white, pearl gray, shell white, etc. [] Each town house shall consist of four to eight. Garage doors must be staggered. [] Each tmit shall utilize accent architectural features such as dormers, bay windows, arched windows, shutters, etc. [] All units shall utilize Class A fiberglass/asphalt shingles (230 lb. per sq. inch). [] Each unit shall have a minimum of I overstory tree within its front landscape yard. [] All units shall have access onto an interior street. [] All mechanical equipment shall be screened with material compatible to the building or landscaping. [] Changes to building detail plans dated January 16, 2001, shall be required. A design palette shah be approved for the entire project. The palette shall include colors for siding, shakes, shutters, shingles, brick and stone. The following design standards be incorporated in the development: C-3 a. Vinyl shakes are an acceptable material on all home styles. b. Prohibit shiplap siding. c. Specify that all buildings use UL Class A asphalt/fiberglass shingle, 230 pounds or d. All foundation walls be screened by landscaping or retaining walls. Central air conditioning shah be included in the base price of all homes per the EAW noise abatemem recommendation. The percent of brick and other materials for each building style shall be built as per Attachment A. g. Commercial design standards shall prohibit standing seam siding as a curtain wall. h. The applieamt shall provide benches in the totlot areas. No adjacent unit shall have the same front elevation colors or architectural styles with any 4 ty[w.s of homes. Materials to be consistent with the Arboretum Village elevation materials dated 2-7-01. C-4 ExmBIT C VASSERMAN RIDGE PUD DEVI~OP~ STANDARDS a. Intent The purpose of this zone is to cxeate a PUD neighborhood eommer~al]mixed density-housing zone. The use of thc PUD zone is to allow for more flcxiblc design standards while cre~ng a higher quality and more sensitive proposal. All utilities are required to be placed underground. Each ~ proposed for development shall proceed through site plan review based on the development standards outlined below. A specific lighting and sign plan shall be submitted prior to final plat b. PermiRed Uses The permitted uses within the neighborhood commercial zone should be limited to appropriate co~al and servi~ uses consistent with the neighborhood. The uses shall be limited to those as defined heroin, ff thgre is a question as to wh~&er or not a use meets the definition, the Planning Director shall make that interpretation. The type of uses to be provided on this outlot shall be low intensity neighborhood oriented retail and service gstablishments to meet daily needs of residents. Such uses may include small to medium sized re. ztaurant (no drive-thru windows), office, day care, neighborhood scale commercial, convenience store, churches, or other similar type and scale uses as des~bed in the Comprehensive Plan. No single use shall exceed 5,000 square feet. c. Setbacks The PUD ordinance requires setbacks fi'om roadways and exterior ~ lines. The following table displays those setbacks. Setb~k From Collector Street From Exterior Lot Lines Interior Public Right-of-Way Hard Surf__ace Commercial 50 feet 30 feet 30 feet 70% 50 feet 30 feet 60 feet Not available at this time d. Building Materials and Design COMMI~CIAL XJ All materials shall be of high quality and durable. Brick shall be used as the principal material and must be approved to assure tmiformity with the residential uses. C-1 2. Metal standing seam siding will not be approved except as support material to one of the above materials. 3. All accessory stmcurres shall bc designed to 5c compatible with the primary strucmm. 4. All roof-mounteA equipment shall bc screened by pitched roofs. Wood screen fences are prohibited. Screening shall consist of compatible materials. 5. All buildings on the commercial site shall have a pitched roof line. 6. All mechanical equipment shall be screened with material compatible to the building. C-2