1. Ambrosen/Senn Variance Request CC DATE: 1/12/09 OJ PC DATE: 1212/08 CITY OF CHANHASSEN REVIEW DEADLINE: 12/30/08 CASE #: 08-24 BY: AA, TJ, JM, JS PROPOSED MOTION: "The Chanhassen Planning Commission denies Planning Case #08-24 for a 3.7% hard surface coverage variance to exceed the 25% impervious coverage limitation by 1,038 square feet on Lot 7, Block 1, Maple Ridge Addition, and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Action." SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting a 3.7% hard surface coverage variance to exceed the 25% impervious coverage limitation by 1,038 square feet on a lakeshore lot, zoned Single-Family Residential (RSF). LOCATION: 3830 Maple Shores Drive Lot 7, Block 1, Maple Ridge Addition Fred Bruning # ~ark Ambrosen & Ann Senn Sawhorse Design & Builders 3830 Maple Shores Drive 4740 42nd Avenue North Excelsior, MN 55331 Robbinsdale, MN 55422 APPLICANT: PRESENT ZONING: Single-Family Residential (RSF) 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Residential-Low Density (1.2 - 4 units per acre) ACREAGE: 0.64 acres DENSITY: N/A ADJACENT ZONING: The properties to the north, west and east are zoned Single-Family Residential (RSF) and contain single-family homes. Lake Minnewashta is located to the south. WATER AND SEWER: Water and sewer service is available to the site. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The City's discretion in approving or denying a variance is limited to whether or not the proposed project meets the standards in the Zoning Ordinance for a variance. The City has a relatively high level of discretion with a variance because the applicant is seeking a deviation from established standards. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Ambrosen-Senn Variance Request Planning Case 08-24 December 2, 2008 Page 2 of9 APPLICABLE REGULATIONS . Chapter 20, Article II, Division 3, Variances . Chapter 20, Article XII, Shoreland Management District . Chapter 20, Article XII, Single Family Residential (RSF) District . Section 20-615 (5) Lot requirements and setbacks . Chapter 20, Article XXIII, General Supplemental Regulations . Section 20-908 Yard Regulations PROPOSAL SUMMARY The applicant is requesting a 3.7% hard surface coverage variance to construct improvements, including garage expansion, house addition, and driveway expansion on property located at 3830 Maple Shores Drive, Lot 7, Block 1, Maple Ridge Addition. The 28,100 square-foot lot is a lakeshore lot located on the west side of Lake Minnewashta. The applicant submitted and obtained a building permit, in addition to the variance application, to add two additions onto the home and necessary accesses, totaling 848 square feet. Ambrosen-Senn Variance Request Planning Case 08-24 December 2, 2008 Page 3 of9 The applicant wanted to commence construction before the ground froze; therefore, staff worked with the applicant to process the building permit prior to the scheduled Planning Commission meeting. The applicant demonstrated that the site could comply with the 25% hard surface coverage by proposing to remove 1,039 square feet of hard surface. Staffhas obtained a security deposit and a signed escrow agreement to ensure the removal and revegetation of the hard surfaces exceeding 25%, should the variance be denied. Staff has advised the applicant of staff s interpretation and recommendation for the denial of the request. The homeowner currently has reasonable use of the property, which includes a single-family home and a three-car garage. The applicant has demonstrated that the hard surface coverage on the site can be reduced to achieve their goal of constructing the additions on the site. This request is a self- created hardship, as defined by the City Code. Staff is recommending denial of the variance request. BACKGROUND The property is located on Lot 7, Block 1, Maple Ridge Addition, which is zoned Single-Family Residential (RSF). The Maple Ridge Addition was platted in 1985 and consists of 13 lots. The subject property was developed in 1986 and complies with the current standards for a riparian lot. Minimum lot area for a riparian lot in the RSF district is 20,000 square feet. The subject site has an area of 28, 1 00 square feet (0.64 acres). The Single-Family Residential zoning district was adopted in 1972 which includes the maximum 25% hard surface coverage per lot. Staff met with the applicant to discuss the proposed additions to the home. Staff informed the applicant that a variance would be required for the 848 square-foot expansions as the site would exceed the 25% maximum hard surface coverage by 3.7%. The expansions include converting one stall of the three-car garage into a laundry room and adding a new third stall onto the north side of the existing garage, a driveway expansion to access the third stall, and a two-story theater addition with a wraparound balcony on the east side of the house with concrete stairs and patio. _~ ~t"~.i\"r ~ ...,'Lv't7~ : .....'" ~\r-Jv _........'\"\ v"" "",""'" . .",,' Ambrosen-Senn Variance Request Planning Case 08-24 December 2, 2008 Page 4 of9 The applicant wanted to commence construction prior to the ground freezing, the applicant applied for a variance and a building permit simultaneously. /~( ~<'_'- . "..: '~" ".... <f-'...... ,.-' .....?i-.('.J,,,,' . ' /<0::--- ~>,~-'" "~i.,,~ '" '\ / ,./ .{..~':., ''l''' it' _ ,/ f'/....;j ,,' t.',~'" \,~..;.,\ 1~...0';~ .~"lo:;',~~ /''' _~...",~I"o..-'~~ 1"'6......'..J,~....1.'-... &....<(~..\-(~;~..~:.1..:.. ~.:;/ 'A;.~,-~ I -~ \ ,..,,........,,r-...."""'" rL " 0 ,/.. r.:~\ \~~~ - -------,.,. ,'..r,.~l r~~,~' ,_\..",..01:.."",. ."!: .:. I r''-I'''-....,.4'1't~T' ,...I..~.'t I"."....~ ...., \.f\."", ,---\~~..-..:.~~tflo 1- - - - ~l~~~.r. ~f' It....~-r;J' r""'_;- .o"/(:::~~'X' ~ :,,,',r. ,~ .....v \.- ',',Ii. F""'(',~:,,~, t' ;;.I_~' ... 4'~' '"""~ u,...,...~ r"""--..;.. P t th '---z .~ \~-. .,. , ;}> rior 0 issuing e ..,/9...;-.( :.. .J ... " ''!. building permit, the . \,." '/'~A" .- \. .' /;.:;?c~' ahPPlichant. demonldstrated h :'C,+~ ---- - ,:( '--.~. :.",.1 (f1~;- \. \. t at t e sIte cou meet t e " 0'_' \:',,~. .r, ~;, "- 25% hard surface RECEIVED .-,,-" '.((:07 ~~~--..j":;'> "':', coverage by eliminating '.c. U i :v.B ,y-- '. \V~~~;.~~ Yo. '.I' ( \ 1,039 square feet of hard '\\ : ~ t:~ \ \, C;,A"~.ASS:I, I~SP:C-IONS ~ \1. 0) 'C- \ \ surfaces. The applicant - " \ provided an escrow of $4,000 and an escrow agreement to ensure the removal of the excess impervious coverage, bringing the site into compliance with the 25% maximum site coverage, should the variance request be denied. ANAL YSIS The subject site is a riparian lot and has an area of 281 ,000 square feet, which exceeds the minimum lot area in the RSF district by greater than 8,000 square feet. Additionally, the site currently exceeds the 25% hard surface coverage by 190 square feet. The applicant is requesting a variance to increase the size of the home/garage and site improvements by 848 square feet and keep the existing hard surfaces currently on the site. The applicant is requesting a 3.7% (1,038 square-foot) hard surface coverage variance. Existing Existing Lot size 281,000 House/garage 2,779 Driveway/entry (concrete) 3,143 sidewalk Shed (concrete) 120 Walkout patio (pavers) 723 Fire pit patio (pavers 250 Dog kennel (concrete) 167 Pad for gas grill (concrete 33 Total 7,215 Percentage 25.7% Proposed Additions House/garage additions 692 Service door pad (3x6 concrete) 18 Driveway spur 90 connection Steps & patio for (6 treads) 48 addition Total 848 Variance Request Square footage 1,038 Request Percentage 28.7% Without reductions Ambrosen-Senn Variance Request Planning Case 08-24 December 2, 2008 Page 5 of9 Site Characteristics The subject site is located at the end of a cul-de-sac. The property is an inverted 'L' shape and the majority of the property is oriented north/south to the lake. Most ofthe south side ofthe lot is a bluff with an elevation change over 46 feet and occurs within the first 70 feet abutting the lake. The soils are classified as "highly erodible land" by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Driveway Due to the 'L' shape of the property and location of the home on the lot, the driveway is over 130 feet in length and includes a turnabout. The driveway occupies 11 % of the allowed hard surface coverage of the lot (3,143 square feet). The applicant states that removing the turnabout is a hardship as the alternative is to drive in reverse down the 130-plus-foot driveway. However, as part of the building permit and several discussions with the applicant, it was conveyed by the applicant, on behalf of the homeowner, In the past, there have been erosion issues concerning the bluff on the site. To mitigate the erosion problems; the applicant has had retaining walls engineered and a patio installed on the site. However, increasing the hardcover will subsequently increase the volume and rate of runoff and may lead to additional erosion. As shown in the photograph to the left, wood stairs have been installed down the bluff from the home to the lake to provide access. This is permitted through Sec.20-1402, Stairways, lifts and landings, of the City Code. Ambrosen-Senn Variance Request Planning Case 08-24 December 2, 2008 Page 6 of9 that the turnabout portion could be removed to meet the 25% coverage to receive building permit approval for the additions. Therefore, the hardship is self-created. Upon inspection of the site, staff noted that the driveway is relatively flat and straight. Driving in reverse down the driveway does not create a safety issue and does not require a turnabout as outlined in the City Code. According to Section 20-1122 (11) of the City Code, a turnabout is required on driveways that enter onto a state highway, county road or collector roadway, and city streets where deemed necessary by the city engineer, based on traffic counts, sight distances, street grades, or other relevant factors. The subject site is located at the end of a cul-de-sac that serves 13 single-family homes. Of the 13 properties, four have driveways longer than 30 feet, which is the minimum front yard setback requirement in the RSF district. The subject site is the only driveway with a turnabout, which the applicant has demonstrated can be removed if the variance is denied. Additionally, Maple Shores Drive is not a through street and non-residential traffic is minimal. Compliance The applicant has demonstrated that the goals of the homeowner to add on to the home can be achieved without the need for a variance. The applicant wanted to begin construction of the additions before winter and submitted a building permit, prior to the Planning Commission meeting, to construct the additions. The applicant has submitted an application for a building permit which does not increase the hardcover. Instead, it mitigates for the hardcover by eliminating several of the existing elements on the property: the driveway, dog kennel, grill pad and portion of the patio near the lake. Pro osed Reductions Dog kennel Pad for gas grill Driveway/turnabout Fire pit size reduction Driveway in front of new laundry Room Total (change to pea rock) ( eliminate) (reduce) 167 33 725 50 64 Com liance Total existing & Proposed Total reductions Proposed Total Percenta e wi reductions 8,063 1,039 7,024 24.9% 1,039 The applicant submitted security and signed an escrow agreement stating that should the variance be denied, the excess hard surface coverage would be removed by May 31, 2009. A condition is added that an as-built survey, signed by a registered land surveyor, is required to ensure the lot complies with the 25% hard surface coverage. The registered land survey must be submitted to the City by June 15, 2009. Ambrosen-Senn Variance Request Planning Case 08-24 December 2, 2008 Page 7 of9 In speaking with the applicant, prior to issuing the building permit, the applicant explained that the additions were important to the homeowner, who was willing to risk the turnabout in the driveway and various hard surfaces on the site to be able to begin construction. It is staffs interpretation that this request is a self-created hardship. ~, -':/ 'D'. ' --'<1""",/ ...,"'-'''''''~' .' ~c.;,. ~:.:.~ \~~I#~ r'lJ/',\ ,/"/ ';>'" , '~2'--1-' /' t-....' -.- ,'Z,.A' ~.~.. ',"\'~'-;' :'c.~/:' ~,.~~-~' ~...".{ ~='-'''''cR\-('''~'~ "".. .......~.... .&.~F... - .;.;..- ,:,.tl~or-..",,1." t;r- 'i(,,~,_:v;. I ~ '. kt'~~ ,"I"U' ~ J3 I . '.,. -~~~ ,.----- _'I.-~ .. ~ f \ .". ~J ff"c-r- /. r ~~~., ~ "'1-tl~...A"'t '- ._1 n.......~ytr! ...-!4~....."'...~ ,'\.......,'....-\-...w)''"'''~'I'''rf'' ,- - -i ~,.}._,_ &i~ .r"'j' t#......, '..r:~-""""",~'r ~'t.l". - br-r:.- ''IlIIIILV \- r...~ 1'_'0(-;....\ ~/~:~ ~, .....-.r ...'f~u.-~..t.....-,,;' t.p...~/':..r/.~'1-j. ;..1': \ .~ \ ,'. -.....~, h" - '-... ; '\;. . .-. ",.: {?;-.~,; \ \ ",'J}' '\ -'"~ \...~~~ ..\..~'-~~ ",,- \ , \\<o'.:/.r. -' (,..~ ...' .~: \ \ 0/ ..-.:t~;r-- ....., \' '\, . \ '" <\ \\ --;j '8 \. \ RECEIVED / "ICr. 0; ,~! C.,AI1/"'),SSE~1 \SPE:7lCNS In addition, the applicant stated that a portion(s) of the 250 square-foot patio and 120 square-foot shed located near the lake could be removed or reduced to bring the site into compliance with the 25% maximum hard surface coverage for the site if necessary. 500 feet The City Code states that a variance may be granted if the literal enforcement causes undue hardship and the property owner does not have reasonable use of the property, which includes comparable properties within 500 feet. Ambrosen-Senn Variance Request Planning Case 08-24 December 2, 2008 Page 8 of9 Of the properties within 500 feet of the subject site (outlined in yellow), there have been two variance requests (outlined in green). One of the requests was for a 2- foot side yard setback to construct a two- car garage at 3841 Red Cedar Point Drive. The second request was for a 79- foot lot frontage variance for the construction of a single-family home at 3727 South Cedar. The consultant for the applicant suggests a number of examples for reducing the impact of increased hardcover. While it may be true that some of these practices would offset the effects of increased hardcover, there is no process by which these alternative management practices can be evaluated. There is also no way to assure that these alternative practices will be kept in place in the future. It is the intent of the hardcover code to maximize vegetative cover as much as it is to minimize total paved area. The benefits garnered by maintaining an area in natural vegetative cover will always outweigh the benefits of an engineered pavement system regardless of how well designed or installed. The applicant has not demonstrated a hardship that would warrant the granting of a variance. Under the current conditions, the homeowner has reasonable use of the property including a single-family home and a three-car garage. The hardships listed by the applicant are not inconsistent with the criteria specified in the Zoning Ordinance for granting a variance. Therefore, staff is recommending denial of the variance. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the following motion and the adoption of the attached findings of fact and action: "The Chanhassen Planning Commission denies Planning Case #08-24 for a 3.7% hard surface coverage variance on Lot 7, Block 1, Maple Ridge Addition and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Action and subject to the following conditions: 1. The site must comply with the 25% maximum hard surface coverage requirement as outlined in the City Code. Ambrosen-Senn Variance Request Planning Case 08-24 December 2, 2008 Page 9 of9 2. Excess hard surface coverage must be removed and revegetated no later than May 31,2009. 3. An as-built survey, signed by a registered land surveyor, is required and must be submitted no later than June 15,2009 to ensure compliance. 4. Final building inspection will not be approved until verification of compliance." ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Action. 2. Development Review Application. 3. Reduced copy of site layout, stamped "Received October 31,2008". 4. Reduced copy of architect drawings, stamped "Received October 31,2008". 5. Letter attached to Building Permit, dated November 20, 2008. 6. Copy of Escrow Agreement. 7. Public Hearing Notice and Affidavit of Mailing. 8. Reduced copy of site layout with removal areas, stamped "Received November 7,2008". g:\plan\2008 planning cases\08-24 ambrosen-senn variance\staff report.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND ACTION IN RE: Application of Mark Ambrosen and Ann Senn for a 3.7% hard surface coverage variance from the 25% maximum hard surface coverage in the Single-Family Residential (RSF) District- Planning Case No. 08-24. On December 2, 2008, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Mark Ambrosen and Ann Senn for a 3.7% hard surface coverage variance from the 25% maximum hard surface coverage to allow 1,038 square feet of hard surfaces at 3830 Maple Shores Drive, located in the Single Family Residential District (RSF) on Lot 7, Block 1, Maple Ridge Addition. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed variance that was preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Single Family Residential (RSF). 2. The property is guided by the Land Use Plan for Residential-Low Density (1.2 - 4 units per acre). 3. The legal description of the property is: Lot 7, Block 1, Maple Ridge Addition. 4. The Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall not recommend and the City Council shall not grant a variance unless they find the following facts: a. That the literal enforcement of this chapter would cause an undue hardship. Undue hardship means that the property cannot be put to reasonable use because of its size, physical surroundings, shape or topography. Reasonable use includes a use made by a majority of comparable property within 500 feet of it. The intent of this provision is not to allow a proliferation of variances, but to recognize that there are pre-existing standards in this neighborhood. Variances that blend with these pre-existing standards without departing downward from them meet this criteria. Finding: The literal enforcement of this chapter does not cause an undue hardship. The applicant currently has reasonable use of the property including a single-family home and a three-car garage and a turnabout in the over 130- foot long drive. The applicant showed the removal of 1,039 square feet of existing impervious surfaces, including the removal of the turnabout (725 square feet), in order to obtain a building permit to construct 848 square feet of home improvements on the site while maintaining 24.9% hard surface coverage. This demonstrates that the applicant can achieve their goals of constructing the additions and comply with City Code. Therefore, the hard surface coverage variance request is a self- created hardship. 1 b. The conditions upon which a petition for a variance is based are not applicable, generally, to other property within the same zoning classification. Finding: The conditions upon which this variance is based are applicable to all properties within the Single-Family Residential District. All properties within the RSF district are limited by the 25% maximum hard surface coverage. In the past there has been erosion problems in the bluff located on the south side of the property. Retaining walls have been constructed on the site to mitigate those erosion issues; however, increasing the hard surface coverage on the site will increase the runoff and may cause additional erosion issues. c. The purpose of the variation is not based upon a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land. Finding: The intent of the request is not based on the desire to increase the value of the home. The property owner's intent is to increase the livable area ofthe home in addition to the existing hard surface coverage on the site. The applicant has demonstrated that additions can be constructed and the site can be brought into compliance with the 25% maximum hard surface limitation as outlined in the City Code. d. The alleged difficulty or hardship is not a self-created hardship. Finding: The applicant has reasonable use of the property, as a single-family home and a three-car garage are currently located on the site. The applicant has demonstrated that 1,039 square feet of hard surface coverage can be removed to meet the 25% hard surface coverage limitation in the RSF district in order to construct 848 square feet of improvements. As part of the building permit, the applicant included removal of the turnabout in the driveway (725 square feet). Prior to issuing a building permit for the improvements and processing the variance request, staff advised the applicant of staffs interpretation and recommendation for the denial of the request. This request is a self-created hardship. e. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other land or improvements in the neighborhood in which the parcel is located. Finding: The granting of a variance may be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other land or improvements in the neighborhood in which the parcel is located. The increase in the amount of hard surface coverage on the site will increase the runoff from the site and may cause additional erosion which may run into Lake Minnewashta. f. The proposed variation will not impair an adequate supply oflight and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion of the public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. Finding: The proposed home will not impair an adequate supply of light or air to the adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion ofthe public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety or diminish property values within the neighborhood. 2 5. The planning report #08-24, dated December 2,2008, prepared by Angie Auseth, et aI, is incorporated herein. ACTION ''The Planning Commission denies Planning Case #08-24 for a 3.7% hard surface coverage variance from the 25% maximum hard surface coverage to allow 1,038 square feet of hard surfaces on Lot 7, Block 1, Maple Ridge Addition, based on these findings offact." ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission on this 2nd day of December, 2008. CHANHASSEN CITY PLANNING COMMISSION BY: Its Chair g:\plan\2008 planning cases\08-24 ambrosen-senn variance\12-2-08 findings offact.doc 3 Planning Case No. 6~ -~~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard - P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 - (952) 227-1100 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION PLEASE PRINT Applicant Name and Address: 'S~A,....:~a....c.,F, Oe;,l(~6"Lc,. 'it ~iLOEtZ..~ 414n - 4?_ND ~)h-,.J l2.oAAINb~ I roM. <;;S42..2.. Contact: Fi2.Gn ~/WN""U." Phone:1d2-'1"'lI- &>1 s Fax: 7(03-<53"3- 2Je<oB Email: +(.edhrl)\"\....:J@SciliJhrI(.~(.ll~ .C(')r1\ Owner Name and Address: (Y)Atl.lL Am.p..~<..GN. 4- ANN St;:NN ~S:S?-l:) rI'lPrOI ~ c:;..;~ Dtuu€:. ~A.2>lO{l mM. ~S3~ I Contact: ~,ttI.\4 ~~~ Phone: 'tCS"~ 4(.....,.1t.~CS Fax: Email: NOTE: Consultation with City staff is required prior to submittal, including review of developm nt plans Comprehensive Plan Amendment Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Interim Use Permit (IUP) Non-conforming Use Permit Planned Unit Development* Rezoning Sign Permits CITY OF CHANHASSFi' RECEIVED Sign Plan Review OCT 3 1 Z008 CHANHASSHl OJ.'''\lI''''....~ Site Plan Review (SPR)* Subdivision* Temporary Sales Permit Vacation of Right-of-Way/Easements (VAC) y.. Variance (VAR) Wetland Alteration Permit CJVAP) Zoning Appeal Zoning Ordinance Amendment X Notification Sign - $200 (City to install and remove) X Escrow for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost** - $50 CUP/SPRlVACNARIWAP/Metes & Bounds - $450 Minor SUB TOTAL FEE $ t\\ 1.\ 50. r::D An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to th public hearing. *Sixteen (16) full-size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8%" X 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a diaital COpy in TIFF-Group 4 (*.tit) format. **Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: Wh n multipl applications are processed, th appropriate fee hall b charged for ach application. SCANNED .~ PROJECT NAME: AC')Q/l1nr...1 J ~I;)~ 1l1==' n1--A1......1 El' n/U-BtL. I G;.v~ I 1'':'''AT?A-l4~ C:'lPA-N ~lOrJ LOCATION: ?,fl,7,o rl''l'rl'ltS ~Hovzeb DrllOc; LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND PID: Loi aD, e-.t.od... (')0 I .lb4 Ac e> l [) il. ? f>44-~Dn 10 TOiAL ACREAGE: .__to';;) ~Ff' ne, i'LUP IIII') fil-Nl.., b~ WETLANDS PRESENT: PRESENT ZONING: )Co YES NO( mINN.G~~TA UW-6) REQUESTED ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION: REASON FOR REQUEST: FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW: Include number of existing employees: and new employees: This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of owners DUplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~rdt =;L tgnature of Applic;am ~ ~~D~ ....-1 ~ ........ b ~ ..;../,../ __._"" Signature 6f Fee Owner 16(3l103 Dat~ CITY OF CHANHASSE RECEIVED OCT 3 1 2008 6/ d2::? -Zd)g- Date CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEP' G:\planlforms\Development Review Application.DOC SCANNED Rev. 1/08 . ",,, VI: I. Y. 'l.UO~1i j: j'l.~IVjJ"""""-'!:i1,~=~-,'--"""""""''''-''''-''=>''''''''''''~-,^~'-''NO. 04S4'''~''''r', 1"~~" Engineering · F'lanr}fng · t:iurveying ~- CITY OF CHANHASSEf\! RECEIVED McCombs Frank RODS ASSDcia18S, Inc. OCT 3 1 2008 CHANHASSEN PLANMNG DEPT October 9, 2008 Sawhorse Designers & Builders 472042ND Ave. N. Robbinsdale Minnesota 55422 f! Fax 763 533-2668 Phone 763 533-0352 SUBJECT: Lot 7~ Block 1, Maple Ridge, Carver County, Mn. 3830 Maple Shores Dr Excelsior, MN 55331 To Whom It May Concern: We hereby certify that the acreage of the above mentioned Lot 7 is 28,100 square feet, more or less, or 0.65 acres. Sincerely~ MFRA~ Inc. P. 1~ Henry D. elson Land Surveyor Minnesota Lie. # 17255 \~ '~/<<.L "{ An Equal Opportunity Employer 14800 28th AV~/1ue North, SuIte 140 . Plymouth, Minnesota · 55447 phone 768/478-8010 · fax 763/476-8532 · II-mail: mfra~mfra,Gom SCANNED CITY ~~g~tv~~SSEN NOV 2 0 2008 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEP~ The home oflVlark Ambrosen and Ann Senn is located at 3830 l\:laple Shores Drive. Maple Shores Drive is a street with an ascending elevation to Lake lVlinne\.vashta, when it terminates at their property its elevation is at its maximum. The North to South elevation change of this property is over 46 feetrhis dramatic change is further exacerbated by the slight change in grade fc)[ the fIrst 70 feet abutting the lake Their property is also usually shaped, a canted "L" with its narrowest border abutting MapJe Shores Drive While the size of their lot would normally easily a1l0\\ them to comply with the hardcover portion of the code, these two factors prevent this ! Shape of the Lot - Because of its shape, the buildable area is limited to the Eastern side of the lot requiring an extremely long driveway to access the home. Driveways of this length create the need of a turnabout. The combined hardcover of these two elements is 3143 sq ft., 13% more than the 2779 sq It footprint of the home itself This disproportionate percentage of hardcover needing to be utilized for a driveway is a hardship. 2. Topography - Because of the dramatic change in grade on the South of their lot, Mark and Ann were faced "'lith an erosion problem at the rear oftbeir home. Water had eroded the slope to within six feet of their foundation The solution was to constmct a series of retaining walls, a paver patio and a system drains installed along the entire rear elevation of their borne. This 723 sq ft of hardcover was designed to alleviate the problem. They are not inclined to remove this protection to their home. The amount of hardcover needed to provide this protection is a hardship. We are asking for a variance to the hardcover ordinance to 28.5%1 vs. the 25% required Findings for granting a variance - Mark Ambrosen and Ann Senn did not create these hardships. Reasonable use aerial photos of the neighborhood, show that this I.-shaped lot and this length driveway is atypical to the immediate vicinity The purpose of this request for variance is not based on a desire to increase the value or income potential of this land, The owners simply want to use the property differently. The granting of this variance would not he detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other land 01 improvements in the neighborhood, nor would the variance impair an adequate sUPllly of light and air to adjacent property, it would not increase congestion of the public streets, increase the danger offire, endanger the public safety or diminish or impair property values in the neighborhood I also oner another consideration 3 The strict, literal enforcement of the hardcover code over its intent is a hardship III itself Mark and Ann arc two of the most environmentally "green" people I've known Thev understand the need to restrict water runoff into our lakes and streams. They don't understand why a viable alternative that can accomplish the spirit of the code cannot be used simply because it doesn't f()lIow the letter of the code We offer a few examples a) More permeable alternative driveway/patio surfflces available, the Uof M Arboretum has been testing systems and promoting 10 improve water quality run otf issues from parking lots. driveways and patios. (recent Kare 11 expose') b) Downspouts that can direct water to otherwise inaccessible permeable areas c) Holding ponds d) Drain fields e) Easements to permit neighbors to exchange penneable areas n Cisterns (in addition to mitigating hardcover. these svstems can also be used to . ~. ~ . reduce the demand on city "vater for irrigation l Other considerations including but not limited to, soil type, ground cover, grade pitch We would be willing to share intormation and data if the city decides to allov/ one of these options Atler years as Chanhassen residents, Mark and Ann would like to alter their home to meet the changing needs of their family in order to stay in a community and neighborhood they call home. We teel that granting the variance to hardcover would be unique to their property and it's situations. We appreciate your considerations tor this variance. Fred Bruning Senior Designer Sawhorse Designers and Builders 763-533-0352 fi-cdbruI11ng@Sa\\horseusa com =:~(5T-r\ l.,....:rl U'-. W/ttc.tQ $I'r" ..... eL..Df ~t-r-efrje".12 ~~1 ..-60'P-'t'~'f at-i .j"-IL.t WI '::"IT'l' 1<1:b6' t+~\(e~ ULc:..ul..Ai\o,.!~ Tfr/bV\...Ao,S,Q Ffl-or>1 F'!.).::(i \VI!:A':>uP-e l"lci'li<" j.Au- Z.06~ E~,;; At;:i~tT feNs f'O(l..:' ~\;.t.. Z(X)S 1'1~lC.. . r~ rL . ~JVi~(l.O<Pf..r1 4 ~jL r1 %~p Mj4f~ 4t\l:>~ ~v'~ ex:t::e.L;~1 0(1- I tvtt-l. i;'6~;1 ,.. \ I L ~_<)r +,,, ,.,.~~ ~~~'"~r2\... . . ( @5:~. ~.. . ,. .. 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"O-.trt ll.1 ~.g'L.O r C) ..J 6 0 CITY OF CHANHASSEf\I ll.1 0 ~~ If) , RECEIVED ~~ C)- Il.. \I ~~ C) ~ OCT 3 1 2008 '" ~ ll! ::i Il.. ..... ~ I CHANHASSEN PLAN~NG DEP: jlS ('l..... 8CANNED I----~ "'-. ~ .. ~~i~~ ~hll g~~.: .I~'"~o :z: ....<1- m !r:1?!f! ~ .~~ 5~h~ ~i~~~ a~l:~ h~~~ t~i~ ~~~ ~~.I;; .~~'~ "~ i.~.dx ~ x~i~2~5~1l .~m~:~h~ ~s - -,,~.~~g !d~hm~~ ~t;"IO~t~~~~~ ~~haults ~~~m~hU ~i~"hW~~ .x~~~m~.~h ~~j%:t.~f~~~~ ~~~~m~~~~~E I:)'oIO.~~;J;tIliiJI:!:I ~;;; <'" ~i Wz "'0 ~E Jil" L~ ---, '-.. 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UJI-' z'" SCANNED UJ \!) 4: ~ U1 a If) lu U1 ll! l- If) CITY OF CHANIlASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us November 20,2008 Mark Ambrosen and Ann Senn 3830 Maple Shores Drive Excelsior, MN 55331 Dear Mr. Ambrosen and Ms. Senn, Due to the construction season coming to a close as winter approaches and your desire to add on to your home while exceeding the hard surface requirements on the property; both a building permit and a hard surface coverage variance application have be simultaneously submitted to the City of Channassen. The hard surface coverage variance request will be heard at the December 2,2008 Planning Commission meeting. Prior to that meeting you have submitted security in the amount of $4,000 and a signed Escrow Agreement to the City to ensure the removal of the excess hard surface coverage should the variance be denied. As stated in the escrow agreement, the removal and revegetation must be completed no later than May 31, 2009. Should this condition not be met, the City may draw on the security to bring the site into compliance. The final building inspection will not be approved and an asbuilt survey, signed by a registered land surveyor, will be required for the property to verify compliance with the decision of the Planning Commission/City CounciL Should you have any questions please contact me at 952-227 -1132 or aauseth@ci.chanhassen.mn.us. Best regards, #; Angie ~ Planner I cc: Building File ec: Alyson Fauske,Assistant City Engineer Jerry Mohn, Building Official Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Terry Jeffery, Water Resources Coordinator Roger Knutson, City Attorney Fred Brunning, Saw Horse Designers & Builders Chanhassen is a Community for life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow i:l:J ! ESCROW AGREEMENT This Agreement is made as of Ii No..; , 2008 by and between Mark Ambrosen and AIm Senn, husband and wife ("Applicants"), and the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota mtmicipal corporation ("City"). RECITALS A. The Applicants are the owners of real property located at 3830 Maple Shores Drive in the City of Chanhassen (the "Property"). B. The Applicants have applied for a building permit for the construction of a building addition (the "Building Addition") to the Property. C. Construction of the Building Addition results in 28.5% impervious coverage, which exceeds that which is allowed by City Code. D. The Applicants have applied for an impervious surface coverage vanance (the "Variance"). E. The Applicants have submitted plans (the "Plans") with the building permit that indicate that certain impervious areas (the "Impervious Areas") on the Property will be removed in order to comply with the City's impervious surface requirement in the event that the Variance is not granted. F. The estimated cost to remove the Impervious Areas and revegetate with seed and mulch is $4,000. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the facts recited above and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. l'Establishment of Escrow. The Applicants hereby escrow with the City the sum of $4,000 (the "Funds"), to be held pursuant to the tenus of this Agreement. The Funds must be deposited by the Applicants in cash. 2. Completion of Work by the Applicants. The Applicants agree to construct improvements as shown on the Plans. The Impervious Areas must be removed and revegetated by May 31, 2009 unless the City has granted a variance. If the Applicants do not remove and revegetate the Imprevious Area, in the event a variance has not been approved, by May 31, 2009, the City may draw down the escrowed funds and the City and it's contractor's may enter the property and do the work. 3. Return of Funds to the Aj2Qlicants. Unless the City has drawn down the escrowed funds as provided herein the Funds shall be returned to the Applitants, without interest, when the Impervious Areas are removed and revegetated. In the event that the Variance is granted, the Funds shall be returned to the Applicants. 6. . Amendment of Escrow. No rescission or modification to this escrow agreement shall be effective without written consent of the City and the Applicants. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the day and year tirst abov"e written. PROPERTY OWNERS: ~ Mark Ambrosen r;l1!::-~ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( SS. COUNTY OF CARVER ) " Tp.e foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of NWt~y ,2008, by Mark .Ambrosen and Ann Senn. :f."'" e" .' JESStCA A. MEININGf:~i:\~ NOI'MYfIU8.IC.MINNESOT~, ~ Myec.llfuladllfliw./tn.31. 2(l12 ~' (~ By Not Public, Myommission expires CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDA VIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on November 20, 2008, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for the Ambrosen/Senn Variance - Planning Case 08-24 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Subscribed and sworn to before me thisd I S" day of ~tJ()vem ~ 2008. I .~ KIM T. MEUWISSEN I Notary Public-Minnesota "... My Commission Expires Jan 31, 2010 . ~ .. \Nf\ T. . . ~-1.-- ~ ~bliC 0') I: :;:; a> a> :: 0')5 1:,- .- (/I I.. 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MN 55331 -7766 PETER M & CARLA M BENJAMIN 7231 MINNEWASHTA PKWY EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 -9668 TIMOTHY J & LAURIE A JENZER 3920 MAPLE SHORES DR EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 -9629 JASON E & CARRIE S LANDSTROM 7301 MINNEWASHTA PKY EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -9670 JOANN J HALLGREN 3921 MAPLE SHORES DR EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 -9629 TERRY D & CARRIE B CARNS 3911 MAPLE SHORES DR EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 -9629 ROBBY D & SUSAN E SEGAL 3901 MAPLE SHORES DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -9629 CHARLIE S SCIMECA 3900 MAPLE SHORES DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -9629 THOMAS L & SANDRA M GIESEN 3930 MAPLE SHORES DR EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 -9629 FRANCES T BORCHART 7331 MINNEWASHTA PKWY EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 -9670 CRAIG D & JANIE S NORBY 7351 MINNEWASHTA PKWY EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 -9670 THOMAS P MANN 7211 MINNEWASHTA PKWY EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 -9668 PETER J SCHISSEL 3851 RED CEDAR POINT RD EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 -7766 KEVIN M CLARK 3841 RED CEDAR POINT DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -7766 JIM P & SUSAN M GULSTRAND 3831 RED CEDAR POINT RD EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 -7766 MICHAEL D & CYNTHIA H WENNER 3801 RED CEDAR POINT RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -7766 HEIDI ANN MARX 3755 RED CEDAR POINT RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -9676 JASON A JERNELL 3821 RED CEDAR POINT RD EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 -7766 TAB B & KAY M ERICKSON 3720 SOUTH CEDAR DR EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 -9687 GERALD & MELANIE KELLY 3841 MAPLE SHORES DR EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 -9602 BRADLEY D & BONNIE J STRAKA 3881 MAPLE SHORES DR EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 -9602 RUSSELL C & KRISTI M LEUTHOLD 3861 MAPLE SHORES DR EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 -9602 DAVID & BARBARA A SCOULER 3890 MAPLE SHORES DR EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 -9602 DEAN J & JILL R BARTA 3837 RED CEDAR POINT RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -7766 ROBERT C & ANN OSBORNE 3815 RED CEDAR POINT RD EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 -7766 MARK E AMBROSEN & ANN C SENN 3830 MAPLE SHORES DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -9602 WILLIAM R HAUGH 3727 SOUTH CEDAR DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -9688 JAMES P & SUSAN S ROSS 3725 SOUTH CEDAR DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -9688 CAROLYN A BARINSKY 3719 SOUTH CEDAR DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 -9688 KENT J & JULIE A FORSS 3850 MAPLE SHORES DR EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 -9602 JOSEPH H & GEORGIA G KANDIKO 3870 MAPLE SHORES DR EXCELSIOR. MN 55331 -9602 e t-\-o r.. T r-1 LO\ 111~ ~d f,LOf fVr-t..i t.-rttlit:r,/ ~f'1 ~L)~'te.'( ON flL.t wIG-trY 1'9~? r!~" t.,,- ~L~u l.M'IO,J.; Tt<-6UI...A-,6.-0 ~V1 FI!.L.O ME.A-:>urc~~t-\\<;' jfou. 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