Escrow Return Letter 11-13-08 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us 00J -?P November 13, 2008 Mr. Jeff Helstrom Golf Zone 825 Flying Cloud Drive Chaska, MN 55318 Re: Cash Escrow Return - Golf Zone Planning Case No. 06-30 Dear Mr. Helstrom: Enclosed please find a check in the amount of $1,650 representing the final release of your escrow as it relates to landscaping. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me by email at bgenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us or at 952-227-1131. Sincerely, " C~~~~ASSEN .. ~~j- Robert Generous Senior Planner RG:ktm Enclosure ec: Jill Sincla.ir, Environmental ResourcesCootdina.tor g:\plan\2006 planningcases\06-30 golf zone\escrow return letter .11-13-08.doc Chanhassen is a Community for Ufe - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Vendor: JEFFREY & ELIZABETH HELSTROM Vendor No: HELSJEFF Vendor Acct No: Invoice Number Date Description 110708 11107/2008 Security Escrow:GolfZone Development Check Date: Check Amount: ll/13/2008 $1,650.00 Invoice Amount 1,650.00 '1i~/:; ;:1::) . . ""'!,''',-'. ,-_ ,.' ._'n"_'_' , , ..':, '",-',-'" >!'~:<,:';:i:>~ <>J :'d:-;i;>7i. . ....: . .. ... ...... ".CITY OF C~ANHASSEN' .... ..... . '''''' .7700 MARKET BLV b:,.p.q: BOX 147 . . CHANHASSEN,. MN55317 ' . '. . ..... (952) 227-1140 . . .. " '. ,'-, - -- -- -- .~:'~O~~~~{~#~A"'k .:: :-,;.,. . .cHANHASSENM 7 < ";;;"75'1~6;91ig.!. ;C_'_";"' , '/> -:/,:, ,': "--:-:_'--; -.' ,,>,-,-,'-~ ",,,, ;,;:(:;~;;~-,-,: *~* OrrethousamLsix;htiil4fed fifty; dOlJats and " <-; o ",,,:.;?,;_,,:,:,:.,,,:,-,;..,,,' , 'c' ' .; /;'--- ~..,-- '- -- ~ ., , ;<~~r'-:-:"!"-;; .. III ~ :I B L, 11 'i' III I: 0 11 ~ 11 0 ~ 11 b 111: b 0 ~ L, 11 5111 Status Report 7/16/08 PLAN.OR2 M w w Securities 7/16/08 7/16/08 o Cash Escrow Golf Zone Planning Case 06-30 Restated and Amended Interim Use Permit 98-2 $3,300 ($1,650 erosion control & $1,650 landscaping) Recei ved 10/31/06 Mastercard Charge from Jeff Helstrom Notify Josh Metzer on 1111/07 7/25/07 - Jeff Helstrom contacted Bob Generous requesting a release of the entire escrow. Jill, please review and determine if escrow can be released. Kim 7/27/07 - Per Jill, ok to release $1,650 (erosion control). Requested check from Finance to be issued 8/2/07. Kim 8/2/07 - Mailed $1,650 escrow refund check. Kim 11/8/07 - Per Jill, hold remaining $1,650 landscaping escrow until rain garden is installed. Check status 12/3/07. Kim 12/3/07 - Per Jill, check status on April 15, 2008. Kim 4/16/08 - Jill, Status? Kim 5/1/08 - Per Jill check status 6/1/08. Kim 6/2/08 - Jill, status? Kim 7/1108 - Jill, status? Kim 7/15/08 - Jill, status? Kim 7/15/08 - Per Jill, do not send further reminders. Kim 10114/08 - Per Jill, ok to release escrow. Requested $1,650 balance check from Finance to be mailed 11113/08. Activity closed. Kim @2008 Lotus Development Corp 1117/08 at 11 :25 AM S=Status P=Priority Page 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN POBOX 147 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 10/31/2006 1:53 PM Receipt No. 0026134 CLERK: katie PAYEE: JEFF HELSTROM GOLF ZONE DEVELOPMENT SECURITY DEPOSIT Security Escrow 3,300.00 Total 3,300.00 Cash Credit Cd 0.00 3,300.00 Change 0.00 11/7/08 - Please issue a check in the amount of $1,650 to Jeff Helstrom as per the attached receipt dated 10/31/06. This will close the escrow. Return Ch.. eck to Kim ~.~.....'. mailing with Ie... tter. ~" ~ ; \~ Kathryn R. Aanenson, AICP \, Community Development Director ..~ COLF' zo;Jt- .f)..jI-PrrTT 5tG-Ut!fC'-! bf:pDSrj CllY OF CHAHHASSEH 7708 MARKET BLVD CHAHHASSEH, ttl. 55m TERMIHAL 1.0.: . 0017340000808825405702 IERCHAHT I: 8998254957 mSTERCARO **muumB414 SALE INV: 998991 . DATE: OCT 31, 96 TII'E: 14:83 AUTa: 878282 TOTAL $3300.00 ~~. K..1._:.:=_....._~....- -.-.-.'..-...- I AGREE TO PAY ABOVE TOTAL AI1lUHT ACCORDING TO CARD ISSUER AGREE~HT (IlERCHAHT MREE~HT IF CREDIT VOUCHER) tERCNAHT COPY Status Report 6/1/08 PLAN.OR2 T F .... :~r~r~r~6~:7~:L,. IlYn~::w:~~::~r", 24 25 26 27 28 .S;........................... f1I Securities 6/1/08 6/1/08 o Cash Escrow Golf Zone Planning Case 06-30 Restated and Amended Interim Use Permit 98-2 $3,300 ($1,650 erosion control & $1,650 landscaping) Received 10/31/06 Mastercard Charge from Jeff Helstrom Notify Josh Metzer on 11/1/07 7/25/07 - Jeff Helstrom contacted Bob Generous requesting a release of the entire escrow. Jill, please review and determine if escrow can be released. Kim 7/27/07 - Per Jill, ok to release $1,650 (erosion control). Requested check from Finance to be issued 8/2/07. Kim 8/2/07 - Mailed $1,650 escrow refund check. Kim 1118/07 - Per Jill, hold remaining $1,650 landscaping escrow until rain garden is installed. Check status 12/3/07. Kim 12/3/07 - Per Jill, check status on April 15, 2008. Kim 4/16/08 - Jill, Status? Kim 5/1/08 - Per Jill check status 6/1/08. Kim 6/2/08 - Jill, status? Kim 7/1/08 - Jill, status? Kim ..........~~fl~~...........~......~...~.....r~~......................................................................... ...............................................................................................................~...........................................................................m................................................................................ :.:....::.:.:.::::::::::::::::::::.:::::.:::..::::::..:::.::::::.:::.:::::..:..:....::.:..:.:.:....:.:::::0=::.:::::::.:..::...::.::.::.....::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:'::".:::::::":.:'::':'::::.:'.:.::::::::::::::::':'::::':::::::::::::::::::::::':::::'.::' .......................................................................................................1......................................................................................................................... , . ..................................,............................................................................................................................................................................................... @2OO8 Lotus Development Corp. 7/1/08 at 8:07 AM S=Status P=Priority Page 1 Status Report 4/15/08 plan.OR2 \;1 M T W q:l~::;~~::~~~::{~::~1:' /<&"21""22".23""24""2S" . . ...,. :~~::~~:}~::~r::::::1I l!M T W ~1""4""""S."".6..""'i""".~.. ""{",,""",.2."'3"",4""1S. cji:~nn~::~H~:,%.jfii ~ Securities 4/15/08 4/15/08 F Cash Escrow Golf Zone Planning Case 06-30 Restated and Amended Interim Use Permit 98-2 $3,300 ($1,650 erosion control & $1,650 landscaping) Received 10/31/06 Mastercard Charge from Jeff Helstrom Notify Josh Metzer on 11/1/07 7/25/07 - Jeff Helstrom contacted Bob Generous requesting a release of the entire escrow. Jill, please review and determine if escrow can be released. Kim 7/27/07 - Per Jill, ok to release $1,650 (erosion control). Requested check from Finance to be issued 8/2/07. Kim 8/2/07 - Mailed $ 1,650 escrow refund check. Kim 1118/07 - Per Jill, hold remaining $ I ,650 landscaping escrow until rain garden is installed. Check status 12/3/07. Kim 12/3/07 - Per Jill, check status on April 15, 2008. Kim @2oo7 Lotus Development Corp. 1213107 all1:47 AM S=Status P=Priority Pagel Status Report 11/1/07 plan.OR2 W T F 1 2 3 ,; ""i"'ij""9"'Hr '14"15"16"17" '2;'''22''23''24'' '2ij"29"3O"31"'"'" ............................. II S curiti s 11/1/07 11/1/07 o Cash Escrow Golf Zone Planning Case 06-30 Restated and Amended Interim Use Pennit 98-2 $3,300 ($1,650 erosion control & $1,650 landscaping) Received 10/31/06 Mastercard Charge from Jeff Helstrom Notify Josh Metzer on 11/1/07 7/25/07 - Jeff Helstrom contacted Bob Generous requesting a release of the entire escrow, Jill, please review and detennine if escrow can be released. Kim 7/27/07 - Per Jill, ok to release $1,650 (erosion control). Requested check from Finance to be issued 8/2/07. Kim 8/2/07 - Mailed $1,650 escrow refund check. Kim @2007 Lotus Development Corp. 11/7/07 at 11:15AM S=Status P=Priority Page 1 CITY OF CBANBASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 . Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110. Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us August 2, 2007 Mr. Jeff Helstrom Golf Zone 825 Flying Cloud Drive Chaska, MN 55318 Re: Cash Escrow Reduction - Golf Zone Planning Case No. 06-30 Dear Mr. Helstrom: Enclosed please find a check in the amount of $1,650 representing a partial release of escrow as it relates to erosion control. The remaining l15,~lance of $1,650 is being retained for landscaping. ",';;, Sincerely, RG:ktm Enclosure ...... The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a channing downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. Status Report 8/2/07 plan.OR2 1ii#1iiW!liiiW!lglJ~1 ;,~MTWTF ...............................l~ ',034567 'nr"H"'2"'3"'4' Tns"Hf'2cr'2f '24"25"2Ef'27"2if .3f........................ M T W ~,;,........~....~....~....<I.. ,,1& 7 8 9 10 11 v:"i';J"'5"nr"7"'S'. . , '21"22"'23""24""25 . 2S" 29' '3ir' 3'....... .............................. i1 Securities 8/2/07 1111/07 F Cash Escrow Golf Zone Planning Case 06-30 Restated and Amended Interim Use Permit 98-2 $3,300 ($1,650 erosion control & $1,650 landscaping) Received 10/31/06 Mastercard Charge from Jeff Helstrom Notify Josh Metzer on 1111/07 7/25/07 - Jeff Helstrom contacted Bob Generous requesting a release of the entire escrow. Jill, please review and determine if escrow can be released. Kim 7/27/07 - Per Jill, ok to release $1,650 (erosion control). Requested check from Finance to be issued 8/2/07. Kim @2007 Lotus Development Corp. 7/27/07 at 2:05 PM S=Stalus P=Priority Page 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN POBOX 147 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 10/31/2006 1:53 PM Receipt No. 0026134 CLERK: katie PAYEE: JEFF HELSTROM GOLF ZONE DEVELOPMENT SECURITY DEPOSIT Security Escrow 3,300.00 Total 3,300.00 Cash Credit Cd 0.00 3,300.00 Change 0.00 7/27/07 - Please issue a check in the amount of $1,650 to Jeff Helstrom as per the attached receipt dated 10/31/06. Return check to Kim for mailing with letter. -Uz,~ Kathryn R. Aanenson, ACIP Community Development Director CroLF ZOvJt- .oJ t- P flTT St CJ- fA. I!fC'j b f:pOSiT cm OF CHAHHASSEH 7789 t'ARKEl BLVD CHANHASSEH, Ill. ssm TERHIHAL 1.0.: . 8817340088808825485782 tERCHAHT K: 8888254857 mSTERCARO mmmma414 SALE IUU: 888881 . om: OCT 31. 86 TItE: 14:83 AUTH: 878282 TOTAL $3300.00 ~~. x_j___-==____.__~--.-.------~-...-- I AGREE TO PAY A80UE TOTAL AtlIUHT ACCORDIHG TO CARD ISSUER AGREEl'EHT (IoERCHAHT AGREEtEHT IF CREDIT UOUCHER) tERCHAHT COPY Status Report 11/1107 plan.OR2 M T , 1 2 3 4 , U::::~::::9.:J~::':r 14 15 16 17. )6 '2,"22"23"2,r'25' :~~::~9.::~~::~~:::::::. T W T F ~.. ,r ... 5.... 6.... 'j""'~""I ',1""",'2"'3"'4"'5' 'nn9"20"2,"'22' .:~~::~~::~nn9.: . _ Securities 11/ 1/07 11/ 1/07 F Cash Escrow Golf Zone Planning Case 06-30 Restated and Amended Interim Use Permit 98-2 $3,300 ($1,650 erosion control & $1,650 landscaping) Received 10/31/06 Mastercard Charge from Jeff Helstrom Notify Josh Metzer on 11/1/07 . '- 7/25/07 - Jeff Helstrom contacted Bob Generous requesting a release of the entire esew. Jill, pI ase review and determine if escrow can be released. Kim ................................................................................................................................................-.................--..................... ............... m~/~~r~ @2oo7 Lotus Development Corp. 7/25/07 al 9:36 AM S=Status P=Priorily Page 1 Status Report 11/1/07 plan.OR2 T F .3....4....5....6....'{. 1ifTf"12"13"14 '17"1S"19"20"21 24""2nnns .31"....................... M T W T F 1 2 3 4 .7....s....g...'0"Ti ,nnnns 21""2nn4""25 28""2nO..3'...... ............................ II S curitie 11/1/07 11/1/07 F Cash Escrow Golf Zone Planning Case 06-30 Restated and Amended Interim Use Permit 98-2 $3,300 ($1,650 erosion control & $1,650 landscapting) Received 10/31/06 Mastercard Charge from Jeff Helstrom Notify Josh Metzer on 1111107 . . . ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................,....,......................'................................................................................................................................................................................................ Cl2006lotus Development Corp. 1Q131/06 at 1:51 PM S=Status P=Priority Page 1 SCANNED . CITY OF CHANHASSEN POBOX 147 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 10/31/2006 1:53 PM Receipt No. 0026134 CLERK: katie PAYEE: JEFF HELSTROM GOLF ZONE DEVELOPMENT SECURITY DEPOSIT Security Escrow 3,300.00 Total 3,300.00 Cash Credit Cd 0.00 3,300.00 Change 0.00 SCANNED GOLF zo~L !)v I- P rrrr 5~ ~t.A. ell'-j b f.pO srY CITY OF CHAHHASSEH 7788 MARKET BLUD CHAHHASSEH. tIl. 55317 TERMINAL 1.0.: . 0017340888800825485782 HERCHANT K: 8888254857 MASTERCARD ************8414 SALE INU: 888881 . DATE: OCT 31. 86 lIME: 14:83 AUT H I 878282 TOTAL $3300.00 ~~. t_~._--==------ .~----_._-_._~------ I AGREE TO PAY ABOUE TOTAL AMOUNT ACCORDING TO CARD ISSUER AGREEtlENT (tIERCHANT AGREEMENT IF CREDIT UOUCHER) HERCNANT COPY SCANNED . " . .....:,. I.~"': _ _ _ _ ------ -- -- -- -- -'-,- _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ -- - _ _ - -- ~ - - - - -- - -'- - - - - - - - - - - -- ~ -;--, "'-:'l""C --:-'---;.. --'-;" ~:--- -: :.--:...---- RECEIPT CITY OF 7700 MARKET BLVD.. P.O. BOX 147"" . CDllTDAt'SEN CHANHASSEN,MN55317 No. 78441 IIlU1Illhl . PHONE: (952) 227~1100 RECEIVED OF . (bPLF 7-0N '~' DATE itcf/3J!Of;p ::R: FF /-It L61~ OrY\ I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I FUND SOURCE OBJ. . PROG. AMOUNT PERMlLIC. 83 QQ. USI-r I ~/~~ , , EPUTYTREASURER TOTALAMOUNT \3300. 001 CHECK 0 YIl c.. CASH 0 SCANNED .e'....':~~,...,'.,:"';.,,~