4. Senior Center Activities Update
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
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2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone: 952.227,1400
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Phone: 952.227.1130
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Senior Center
Phone: 952.227.1125
Fax: 952,227.1110
Web Site
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
Susan Bill, Senior Center Coordinator
December 1, 2008
Senior Center Activities Update
Fall was a busy time at the Senior Center with all the regular programs and
special events drawing a good number of people.
September Health, andW ellnessFair
The year's event was by hosted by the Chanhassen Senior Commission with
support from the Healthily Living Series Program and the Senior Center.Theday
consisted of several individual screening (Hearing, Osteoporosis, Blood Sugar &
Pressure, Cognitive assessments) and presentations from local health care
organizations. The CAP agency provided free lunchto the 60 participants in
October Flu Shot Clinic
The 2008 flu shot clinic administrated 158 shots. This number is down slightly
from 2007 because more local businesses are offering flu shots. At the November
Sr Advisory Board meeting, we discussed if we should continue the clinic inthe
future. The consensus was an over whelming "yes" as it is felt that this is a great
service, people have been coming to the Sr Center for the 8 + years for their flu
shots, it is an opportunity to bring people together and that it draws people that are
not regular Senior Center participants.
October Overnight Mystery Trip
This was a first. TheChaska AOA Lodge coordinator and I planned and
accompanied 44 seniors from Chanhassen & Chaska on an overnight trip to the
Brainerd Lakes Area. The trip was an overwhelming success with great food,
entertainment and the highlight being the guided tour and briefing of Camp
Ripley and a visit to the MN Military Museum.
Health Insurance Assistance
November and December tend to be busy months for this 1: 1 Medicare
counseling program. 2009 Medicare Pt D rates are published and people want to
check different plan options additional days have been added to meet the
demand. '
Holiday Party
The year the Holiday Party will be held at the Chanhassen Recreation Center so
we could accommodate more people. So Far there are 105 people registered. Once
again, The Community Bank Chanhassen will co-sponsor the party. Bill Traxler
(President) and 2 of his staff will be attendance and will be recognized and
thanked for their support.
Chanhassen is a Community for Life- Providing for Today and Planning forTomorrow