PRC 2001 01 09PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION SUMMARY MINUTES JANUARY 9, 2001 MEETING Chairwoman Lash called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jan Lash, Fred Berg, Mike Howe, Jay Karlovich, Rod Franks, David Moes, Jim Manders. STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commission Howe moved Commissioner Karlovich seconded to approve the January 9, 2001 agenda as presented. All voted in favor. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: Susan McAllister spoke to the Commission concerning open space, wildlife and tree presentation through the use of a PUD. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of December 12, 2000 were approved as presented. NEW BUSINESS: Request for rezoning of approximately 40 acres of property zoned Rural Residential to Residential Single Family and preliminary plat request for 53 single family lots and 4 outlots and a wetland alteration permit to fill 3,360 sq. fl. of a wetland, located on the east side of Galpin Boulevard just south of Lake Lucy Road, Lundgren Bros., Ashling Meadows. Commission members discussed with the applicant the proposed private recreation amenity area. The amenity site will be professionally managed. Homeowners will control the activities at the site through decisions made at association meetings. Possible amenities include a pool and bathhouse, gazebo, parking lot, basketball facility, tennis court, playground, and seating areas. Pheasant Hill Park, a public property is located within the park service area of this development. Upon conclusion of discussion, the Commission made the following recommendation to the City Council. 1. Full park fees be collected in lieu of land dedication. 2. The applicant provide the necessary trail easement or outlot and construct an 8 fl. wide bituminous trail connector from Topaz Drive north to the intersection of Lake Lucy Road and Galpin Boulevard. Full trail fee credit shall be granted in consideration for this condition. 3. That appropriate accommodations for a future right turn land at the intersection of Galpin Boulevard and Lake Lucy Road be made. This motion was made by Commissioner Franks, seconded by Commissioner Moes and all voted in favor. OLD BUSINESS: Rezoning request from A-2, Agricultural Estate to PUD, Planned Unit Development, a land use plan amendment from low density to medium density residential and commercial office to medium density and office industrial to commercial, and preliminary plat subdivision of 120.93 acres, wetland alteration permit, conditional use permit for development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District and recommendation and review of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet for a mixed housing development (383 units) consisting of club homes, manor homes, coach homes, village homes and rental town homes on 89.5 acres and 2.9 acres of commercial uses and on property zoned A2, Agricultural Estate and located on the northeast corner of Hwy. 5 and Hwy. 41, Pulte Homes, Arboretum Village. This review marked the 3rd time the Commission had discussed the Arboretum Village proposal. Concerns of the Commission included the application of the Bluff Creek overlay, preservation of the outlots through stringent conservation easements, the provision and access to appropriate recreation sites, trailway construction and preservation of open space. Commissioners debated the merits of the private tot lot amenities versus the taking of a public park site. The conclusion of the majority of Commissioners was that the application struck a balance between development, open space preservation and recreation needs. Upon finishing their discussion and taking public comment, Commissioner Moes recommended the following conditions of approval for Arboretum Village. Full park and trail dedication fees be collected. Dedication of the north wetland trail alignment as a trail easement. Pulte Homes shall construct the north wetland trail as a public amenity with reimbursement from the trail's dedication fund. All tot lots shall have a minimum capacity of 40 children. Outlots E and F, the forested area north of the McAllister property, the Basins 3 and 5 be preserved in perpetuity by a conservation easement. The conditions of this easement to be very restrictive to ensure that the present condition and integrity of these places remain intact. The motion passed on a 5-2 vote. Receipt of Bids, Roundhouse Park Pavilion Renovation The second bid opening resulted in four bids --$119,372; $124,800; $131,000; and $183,060. The low bidder was Mcon Construction of Hanover, Minnesota. The low bid is 50% over the project budget but was considered a fair price for the work outlined in the contract. Commissioner Franks moved to recommend the City Council authorize a budget amendment increasing the Roundhouse project costs to no more than $125,000 using park dedication funds; and award the Roundhouse Pavilion Renovation Project to Mcon Construction in the amount of $119,372. Commissioner Berg seconded the motion and all voted in favor. The Commission reviewed possible locations that would accommodate a YMCA. With the understanding that the City Council is working on the development of a community survey, the Commission chose to limit speculation about the idea of building a YMCA. Instead, a motion was unanimously approved recommending the City Council include questions about a YMCA in the survey. The meeting was adjourned.