SUM 2003 05 28CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES MAY 28, 2003 Acting Chair Spizale called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Amy O'Shea, Jack Spizale, Paula Atkins, Susan Robinson and Glenn Stolar (Rod Franks arrived late to the meeting.) MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Kelly STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; and Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent PUBLIC PRESENT: Kent Ludford Laura, Stephen & Paul Graves Joni Nelson Grant & Tim Moore Jim Manders Melissa Gilman Jeff & Peter Fliss Mike, Connor, Ryan & Linda Howe Clay Muhlenhake Tyler Farrell Jason & Barbara Kayati 8615 Valley View Court 8634 Valley View Court 8610 Valley View Court 1812 Valley Ridge Trail So. 6791 Chaparral Lane Chanhassen Villager 8710 Osprey Lane 2169 Stone Creek Drive 8040 Erie Avenue 2243 Boulder Road APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Stolar added under commission presentations an update from the City Council meeting and to discuss impacts of the conceal and carry law. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. COMMUNITY OPEN MICROPHONE OPEN HOUSE. Paul Graves, 8634 Valley View Court was present to address the paint ball situation that was addressed in the Chanhassen Villager a couple weeks ago and the impacts on the Bluff Creek corridor. He felt it has been a positive activity for his family and friends, teaching safety and responsibility and was asking that the neighborhood be allowed to continue to play paint ball in that area. Kent Ludford and his son Michael, 8615 Valley View Court explained what paint ball is and gave a demonstration of some of the equipment used. A 10 minute paint ball video was shown. Jason Kayati, 8715 Valley View Place asked the commissioner to consider a site in Chanhassen for paint ball to be played. Barbara Kayati wanted to clarify a couple items brought up in the Chanhassen Villager article regarding the litter and parents not knowing where and what their children were doing. She stated the litter has been there for many years and that she always knows where her children are and requested that the City provide an area for the kids to play paint ball. Tim Moore, 1812 Valley Ridge Trail South ask the commission to consider a paint ball park Park and Rec Summary - May 28, 2003 and charging admission to help offset the cost of running it. Jeff Fliss, 8710 Osprey Lane said that he's been walking in this area for a long time and it's been a mess long before the children started playing paint ball, and that the newspaper article was very slanted against the paint ball players. Joni Nelson, 8610 Valley View Court wanted to dispute some of the information in the newspaper article as well. The parents did not feel it was illegal to play paint ball because they've seen real hunters in orange vests with real guns in this area as well. She felt that rules needed to be set as far as littering and boundaries. The kids that play in that area have actually cleaned up a lot of the litter and hazards out there. Tyler Ferrell and Stephen Graves gave their perspective on why they like to play paint ball. Kent Ludford stated he would leave the video if anybody wants to watch it for further reference. Tyler Raymond stated he didn't own a paint gun but he's seen the other kids playing and feels the city should give them a place to play. Jacob Graves asked the commission to consider a place for them to play so they don't have to drive. Clay Muhlenhake, President of the Chaska Area Football Association asked the City for their assistance in providing additional football fields, with one 100 yard field, possibly lit. Ron Roeser, 222 Chan View, asked if the city had any plans to continue bike paths on Lyman and Galpin Boulevards. He explained he was a biker not a paint ball player. Chairman Franks and Todd Hoffman explained how the trails on the comprehensive trail plan are being constructed when property is developed and that the trail along Lyman Boulevard will get developed when the County upgrades that road. Mr. Roeser also asked that the tunnel under Powers Boulevard possibly get painted in the future. Chairman Franks asked if there was anyone interested in a dog park, and Barbara Kayati stated she would be in favor of a dog park in the city. A member of the audience got up and wanted to commend the city staff who run the park department on a daily basis for the great job they do, stating he's lived in Chanhassen for 8 years, had a business in town for 20 years and sponsors a men's and women's softball team. O'Shea moved, Atkins seconded to recess the Park and Recreation Commission meeting to hold an informal open house with the public at this point. Chairman Franks called the meeting back to order. Chairman Franks thanked Todd Hoffman for advertising the community open microphone/open house and inviting the public in to speak and stated he'd like to see that continue in the future. The commissioners also discussed putting a dog park, paint ball area, and lighting of a football field to be placed on future agendas. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: O'Shea moved, Spizale seconded to approve the Minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated April 22, 2003 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously. INITIATE REVIEW OF ACCESSIBILITY EVALUATION FOR CITY OF CHANHASSEN PARKS. Todd Hoffman brought this item to the commission's attention as an informational item only. No action was taken. Chairman Franks asked that when this is brought back, that staff provide documentation of the current revisions to the ADA requirements. 2003 SUMMER ACTIVITIES AND 2003 LAKE ANN PARK OPERATIONS. Jerry Ruegemer highlighted the new activities being offered in the 2003 summer activities, i.e. skateboard camp and demonstration and reported that the first weekend of concession operations at Lake Ann Park had been very successful with approximately $1,000 in sales. Now with the Park and Rec Summary - May 28, 2003 nice weather arriving, picnic reservations were increasing and he stated he would be providing the commission with a report in the future. Chair Franks asked if there had been any resistance to the increase in fees. Staff reported there had not. SELF SUPPORTING PROGRAMS: SUMMER ADULT SOFTBALL. Jerry Ruegemer gave an update on the summer adult softball league. He stated that numbers are a little flat and there is an overall decline in younger adults playing throughout the whole state. 2003 PARK AND TRAIL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP). Todd Hoffman provided the commission with an overview of the current status and history of the Fund 410, park and trail fund and the projects projected to be completed this year. Chair Franks threw out that possibly bonding will have to be used as a funding source in the future. Commissioner Stolar stated he would be in favor of recommending to City Council that they review the funding of $700,000 out of Fund 410 for the City Center Park and reduce the expenditure. Todd Hoffman suggested the Park and Recreation Commission take a tour of the parks in the city and then come back for a work session to discuss capital improvements and budget issues. 4TM OF JULY TRADE FAIR. Todd Hoffman asked the commissioners for ideas for the Park and Recreation Commission booth to be set up at the Business Expo. 4th OF JULY PARADE. Jerry Ruegemer outlined the 4th of July parade events planned for this year. Chair Franks asked for possibly more participation in the parade theme by political participants. RECOGNITION OF BOKOO BIKES FOR TRAIL MAP PARTNERSHIP. Todd Hoffman informed the commission that Bokoo Bikes will be presented with a framed edition of the trail map they helped fund with a $5,000 contribution at the City Council meeting on June 9, 2003. COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS. None. COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS. Glenn Stolar provided the commission with an update of the City Council meeting held May 27, 2003 and discussion about the conceal and carry law and how it affects city property. ADMINISTRATIVE PACKET. Todd Hoffman informed the commission that the City Council had decided to take no action on the tobacco use policy in city parks. He asked the commission if they wanted the council to reconsider the issue in specific areas such as the skate park or beach areas. The members of the Park and Recreation Commission unanimously agreed to place the issue of tobacco use in parks on a future agenda for discussion. Chairman Franks asked that city residents be notified, if only in the Chanhassen Villager, when mosquito spraying was planned to occur in city parks. Todd Park and Rec Summary - May 28, 2003 Hoffman informed the commission of School District 112's upcoming plans for a referendum to purchase land for a middle or high school. A 80 acre site with 40 acres of city owned park property and 40 acres for the school. Robinson moved, O'Shea seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried. The Park and Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned. Submitted by Todd Hoffman Park and Rec Director Prepared by Nann Opheim