PRC 2008 11 25 CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 25, 2008 Chairman Daniel called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jeff Daniel, Tom Kelly, Glenn Stolar, Steve Scharfenberg, and Dan Campion MEMBERS ABSENT: Scott Wendt, and Thor Smith STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent; and John Stutzman, Recreation Supervisor APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Kelly moved, Scharfenberg seconded to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hoffman: I have three. The Liberty on Bluff Creek trail, woodland trail is open. That is a neighborhood connector constructed by K. Hovnanian Homes on the Liberty on Bluff Creek plat so if you happen to have a chance to drive down, just work your way north in their development and you’ll see that trail off of the new Bluff Creek Boulevard. It goes down through that area. It’s a very beautiful trail. Travels through a woodland area that was deeded to the city as a part of that plat, and I hope to have a ribbon cutting in the spring with their company and representatives from the city so. It was just finished within the last month or so. Kelly: What is it on? Where does, I guess it goes… Hoffman: It starts in that neighborhood and then ends, wraps around through the woods and ends back on Bluff Creek Boulevard. The new road. Kelly: How much? Hoffman: It’s about a half a mile. Kelly: Okay. Hoffman: Maybe a little less than half a mile but very interesting loop. Second one is the tree lighting ceremony is a week from Saturday. th Ruegemer: Saturday the 6. Hoffman: At 5:00. Park and Recreation Commission - November 25, 2008 Ruegemer: 5:00 o’clock. th Hoffman: 5:00 o’clock here at City Center Park. And the following morning on Sunday the 6 is the Breakfast with Santa at the Chanhassen Recreation Center sponsored by the Rotary and the City of Chanhassen. So watch for those events and look for that ribbon cutting in the spring out at Liberty on Bluff Creek. Daniel: And one more? Hoffman: That’s three Mr. Chair. Daniel: Oh! Okay. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Scharfenberg moved, Campion seconded to approve the verbatim and summary minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated October 28, 2008 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER CHANGING FIELD #3 AT LAKE ANN PARK FROM A MULTI-USE FACILITY TO A DESIGNATED YOUTH LITTLE LEAGUE FIELD. Public Present: Name Phone Number Todd Neils 952-401-8950 Chad Erickson 952-470-5118 Daniel: Looks like we have some guests here and public here to consider changing Field 3 at Lake Ann Park from a multi-use facility to a designated youth Little League field. Jerry. Ruegemer: Thanks Chair Daniels. Just wanted to talk about that tonight. We do have two representatives from the Chanhassen Athletic Association tonight and Mr. Todd Neils is here and Mr. Chad Erickson are here. We’ll go through the staff report. In looking, we’ve been kind of an evolving department and facility provider here for a number of years. We’ve looked at Lake Ann through, been in our system for a lot of years. It’s time to kind of take a look at you know the numbers that we’ve had in certain segments of our population and community in athletics and this field at Lake Ann has been used as a multi-purpose field, you know back a number of years was adult softball primarily. Then when Fields 4, 5 and 6 came on line, we pretty much shifted all the adults over to the longer fields. This primarily became kind of a youth multi- purpose field that we played you know girls softball on and primarily has been used for boys baseball. In the last oh probably 3 to 5 years primarily it’s been baseball for that. And through the years we’re always taking a look at suggestions made by our local athletic associations. 2 Park and Recreation Commission - November 25, 2008 There certainly is a need for this size of a field. This would be somewhat of a mirrored image of Field #2 that’s currently at Lake Ann, and so it’s time to take a look at that because that certainly is a growing segment of our sporting community at this time. What we’re proposing to do, if you look on, I think it’s in your packets as well. I have colored photos, if you guys would like to see that. What we’re proposing to do is, as the CAA brought up at a previous meeting, and I put together just a little aerial photograph kind of illustrating kind of the scope of the project. So we’re talking about currently right now the field, the current fencing stands at 268 feet. What we’re talking about doing is proposed to move that in 60 feet, or be a total distance of 225 feet. What we’d do then is, in the staff report we’re proposing to use the existing poles, or posts that are already existing. Take those out and then re-set those at the new proposed fence distance at 225 feet. We had talked about matching the fence heights to Field 2. That was the reasoning for the 6 foot height for that, but in conversations tonight, it may not be a steadfast rule or regulation by Little League to have a 6 foot fence, or somewhere in that proximity and we may be able to use the existing 8 foot fencing that we currently have. Stolar: Because I think Bennett has 8 foot fencing on a couple of their fields. Ruegemer: So we’ll take a look at that but in the cost estimates that I had in the staff report, that was based on moving the current post in to a distance of 225 feet, and then re-installing brand new 6 foot fabric and then along with a couple new corner posts and an entry point. Those two new posts for that and those would be concreted in. The rest would be air, put in by air or kind of air driven in versus having individual concrete footings for that so that’s a little bit better for frost and is a little bit quicker to put in and that sort of thing as well. So looking at that, you know propose to do a sod infield as well and we’ll do that kind of in this proximity right in there. Minor modifications would need to be made with the irrigation system to kind of trench that into the interior of the infield area in this kind of proximity. That cost estimate I think was around $1,000 for the irrigation part of that and roughly around $800 for the sod. And we had talked about last year, not to interrupt the spring and summer seasons, that work could be performed after the completion of the 2009 seasons so those typically are over with by the end of July so anywhere from end of July until we have snow on the ground we can complete the sod work and irrigation work on that infield. And it sounds like the athletic association here tonight would be okay with that process to get that done. I think the most important piece of the project would be to get the fencing in by next, the start up of next year. If the proposal is approved or recommended tonight, we’re pretty much on time at this point with frost going into the ground now, but you know that work can be done in 2-3 days next spring to ensure that there wouldn’t be any interruptions for the season next year. So it’s a fairly easy task to accomplish if that’s what the commission would like to do in converting that field so. That’s kind of the scope of the project. It’s staff’s recommendation that we recommend the City Council to approve the project and we move forward on that. Daniel: Excellent. Thank you Jerry. Guys, any questions? Stolar: Just one. The lights that we just installed. Is that going to still be useful where they’re at? That far away from the fence. I assume it lights the whole field as it is now. Hoffman: No change in needing the lighting. 3 Park and Recreation Commission - November 25, 2008 Stolar: And what are you going to do with the extra spacing then on the 60 feet there, we’ll just leave it open grass and such? Hoffman: Also there’s an opportunity in the right field corner to, there’s a real drainage problem there we’ve struggled with for many years. There’s a chance to do some work there and also a chance or an opportunity to expand parking. If we move into an enhanced picnic shelter and ballfield concession stand up above this field, it’s just right above that corner. We would have the opportunity to expand parking by doing some work on that corner of this field so if this is shorten, we would foresee bringing forward as future plans to do some work. Perhaps a retaining wall and some fill in that corner. Some drainage tile and then if we added a parking lot, so it… some opportunities. The rest of it would just be left as grass. Similar to what you see at Field #2 right now. There is a batting cage that was installed there because we additional room on Field 2. Daniel: I do have one question Jerry. Is it, it looks like you’re moving the home plate back about 20 feet or so. Ruegemer: Yeah that’s, those are just real rough, we didn’t have bases on the field so our GIS person just put some white dots on the field itself. The field, we can readjust if we need to but I would assume that the base pegs, home plate and all that stuff would be the same as it is today. Daniel: Oh it is? Okay. I was just curious because I’m doing the math and where it’s at right now and not using that as a scale. No, no. I’m just talking about. Ruegemer: That’s real rough because 225 feet certainly would be for the fence line, it would be from home plate. Daniel: Okay. Ruegemer: Those are for discussion purposes. Hoffman: Not to scale. Daniel: Anybody else? Steve? Tom? Kelly: Did you get any negative feedback from anyone that you copied on this letter? Ruegemer: I haven’t heard from anybody from the list. Yea or nay on that. Either through voice mail or email. Kelly: Okay. Ruegemer: I would assume that the, our audience members would be in favor of that that are here tonight. 4 Park and Recreation Commission - November 25, 2008 Kelly: How about the group that used the field in the fall. Stolar: The girls softball. Ruegemer: That’s part of the Chanhassen Athletic Association. Stolar: Todd, have you heard any concerns? Todd Neils: From our softball? Two years ago we made the decision to move softball primarily to Chan Rec to, as it’s a community for the girls that are in coach pitch to senior league softball and the fields are appropriately sized and there isn’t as much need for fencing. Stolar: Okay. So this thing this last fall, the two times per week you get the… Ruegemer: Or some other location, and that was really the first time I think that they played girls softball in the fall. Scharfenberg: Fall ball was this fall, yep. Ruegemer: This past year so. Yeah, that was one of those you know scheduling I think that did happen this year that we could find alternative areas for. Daniel: No conflict Jerry with soccer? Ruegemer: That. Daniel: Was not used for soccer at all? Ruegemer: We can find other locations, yeah for that. Daniel: Okay. Excellent. And I assume Todd, do we need to make a motion? Recommendation to City Council? Okay. For approving this. Anybody like to make a motion? Scharfenberg: I move to approve the project as proposed. Stolar: Second. Scharfenberg moved, Stolar seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommends that the City Council approve changing Lake Ann Field #3 from a Multi-Use Facility to a Designated Youth Little League Field. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Stolar: We didn’t ask about what the actual contribution… You did read the small writing that said all of it. Todd Neils: The Chanhassen Little League reiterates it’s intent to donate $5,000… 5 Park and Recreation Commission - November 25, 2008 Stolar: For the record, thank you. That’s nice of you guys. I think this will be a good project for all of us. Todd Neils: Thank you. 2009 PICNIC RESERVATION FEES. Ruegemer: We did review the picnic evaluation at our last meeting and we are going to look at the picnic fees now. Have been getting some phone calls and I have made some reservations already for 2009. For next year. Basically we’re kind of quoting the current rates for that but it’s my intention or recommendation tonight that we keep the fees the same. Kind of with our economic kind of point that we’re at right now, I think it’d be wise to keep the fees the same. We did change the names already in the computer system and that sort of thing as well, so really at this point I just want to make a recommendation that the Park and Rec Commission recommend to the City Council that our fees remain the same in 2009 as they were in 2008, and those fees would be attached, or on the back side of the staff memo. Hoffman: Almost universally across the city fees are staying at 2008 rates in 2009. There are a few exceptions but not very many. Daniel: And I really see no, I mean there really wasn’t any, regardless of economic conditions Jerry, I mean the price I think based off of what we discussed last year fell in line anyways and we had good success this year so. Ruegemer: Yeah, the commission really took a hard look at them last year and kind of simplified the whole process and simplified picnic categories, and that certainly made it easier for staff to communicate that information to our customers and it as really both two thumbs up on that picnic categories the way we had it in 2008 so it was a good thing. That’s why I really wanted to kind of recommend that we stay the same. Daniel: Excellent. Dan, you have any questions? Campion: None. Daniel: Glenn. Steve. Scharfenberg: No. Kelly: No. Daniel: I’m alright. We should make a motion to approve the 2009 picnic reservation fees. Stolar: So moved. Campion: Second. 6 Park and Recreation Commission - November 25, 2008 Stolar moved, Campion seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommends that the 2009 group picnic reservation fees remain at the same level as 2008. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Hoffman: Chair, just a note on the contract. We are closing out the lighting contract at Lake Ann. The shelter contract is going to take a little bit longer. In the month of June we held out $18,000 in liquidated damages against Sun Ram Construction. The completion date was, well it th was last November. Then we agreed upon May 15, which they did not meet. We became very concerned in the first part of June when they had not coordinated for the installation of the electrical services and so we implemented liquidated damages, $200 a day for 30 days in the month of June. In order to assess those we have to incur those damages which we have documentation. Lost revenue from not having use of the facility. Additional staff time and then additional billing hours from our consultant who designed and worked with us on the project. When they bid this project they bid it based on completing it by the completion date. After that they’re going to bill us additional time for their work so, if you see something, we hope to settle out with Sun Ram but if you see something in the paper concerning that contract, that’s because for each level where we’ll start discussing it, either after this meeting or some other public arena so if you see that, that’s… Daniel: Excellent. Thank you Todd. RECREATION PROGRAM REPORTS: 2007 HALLOWEEN PARTY EVALUATION. Ruegemer: Thanks again. It seems quite a long time ago that we had the Halloween party. We had approximately 600 kids out at the event that night. It was a beautiful night for the hay rides and everybody seemed to have a good time. Get plenty of candy. We had great entertainment this year with kind of the community group that was out there performing “The Halloween That Almost Wasn’t”, so that was really a nice kind of event that occurred out there. We were pretty excited to finally have some entertainment with a new set of lights out there that we could really get some good pictures with all the lights on so. But it worked out great with that so that was really kind of a fun kind of live performance and they really had a lot of audience involvement on that which is kind of a fun experience. Also had the juggling brothers, the JuggBROS perform prior to the community group that was out there so they kind of juggled and kind of dazzled the crowd with their act with that, and of course we had the face painting and plenty of games in the gyms and that really works out nice to have the school, Bluff Creek Elementary gym to kind of house all the games for that and kind of spread things out and it really was never overly crowded throughout the course of the night. We really had a really good flow with that. You know having refreshments in Rooms 3 and 4 really worked out good again with that. We had good volunteers again. We had at least 40 or 50 volunteers out there from the Chaska High School, Key Club. Holy Family came out this year. They were very helpful and very willing to volunteer for that so it worked out great with that. Just we really kind of tried to improve on the kind of internal flow of the event to kind of spread things out a little bit and not have so many things in the hallways and it really seemed to work out really good. It works out nice for us that 7 Park and Recreation Commission - November 25, 2008 we can get the committee rooms and that sort of thing for set up right away Friday morning so we’re not so rushed for time and that really makes it nice for staff to kind of get all that done and get that done ahead of time so. The photo, Charlie’s kind of flying sideways which you know was popular again with the people on that so he’s very proud of that item for the event so that was good. Just on the back, we certainly had about 266 paid participants plus parents and figured it to be about 500 or 600 people for that. We did get a break on candy this year from Target. Thank you Target for that. We had 10% off and we also had a break on the cookies from Super Target in Chaska and that so there’s just kind of a listing of the expenditures, the revenue and then with our sponsorship program to help offset the total bottom line on expenses on that so it was a great event. Had a good time and a great night. A lot of people partook on the hay rides so that was kind of fun. Ken and Mary Theis have been doing the event for a long time so they’re always very happy to be back and kind of a staple for the event so it was a fun event and wish that you all were there but we could maybe make it next year so. Daniel: Well we’ll definitely I think next year I’ll be going again. Actually I felt guilty not going this year. And it is really fun. I mean it is a really good time and the amount of kids that we end up coming through really depends upon the cycle of the year. You know if it was, I know we traditionally obviously have it on Saturday but I mean just it seems the closer we get to Halloween, when that Saturday falls, the better attendance we get. I don’t know, there might be a correlation because...even though they’re all geeked up for Halloween but, I think regardless it’s a, you know if you look at the programs that we have, this is obviously another major one that I know the kids really enjoy and to have almost 300 kids show up plus parents. Ruegemer: That was an extremely busy night with other parties and functions going on around our community and our region so, there was a lot of parties that night so we were happy but we actually wish we would have had a little bit more but we’ll certainly try to get those people next year. Daniel: Do we have any questions from the commission? Kelly: Should these programs be self sustaining, or not? Because my only concern is, I mean the revenues were $1,300 and the loss was $1,900. I mean is the goal that these should be self sustaining programs or? Hoffman: I would hope that we wouldn’t have to charge $12.00 bucks. We’d never. Kelly: Yes, I understand that. I’m just wondering if, are you okay with losing $2,000 on this? Hoffman: Investing $2,000? Kelly: Yeah. Stolar: It’s part of the budget of the recreation part of Park and Rec. Hoffman: Yeah. Part of the special event program and so to our sponsors that support these functions, this is part of their investment. That $2,000 is part of the cash that they’re sending in 8 Park and Recreation Commission - November 25, 2008 so it’s really not a loss. We’re taking that money from that special event programming and bring it over here. Kelly: Okay. I just wanted to, I just wanted to, thanks. Thanks for the, I was just. I just saw that and was like wow. That’s a big loss considering the revenue stream. Hoffman: These events are a big part of the appeal of our special event sponsorship program, so if you run a business in town and you know these type of activities are well recognized. Good community builders and people want to be a part of them so they want to put their money there. Kelly: Okay. Hoffman: So we would sit down with our sponsors and say, is it worth while to run this program and invest $2,000 of your dollars in that program, they would say absolutely. You take a look at, you know you start spending money on hay rides and entertainment and those type of things and to make it self supporting, we would just have to eliminate that stuff and then the appeal really starts to be an issue. Kelly: To go down, okay. th Daniel: And I mean I think the same thing. I mean if you look at the 4 of July, I don’t think we really consider that, I mean we’re at. Hoffman: Not even close. th Kelly: Not close there but the difference for me is we don’t charge for the 4 of July. We don’t charge an admission. Daniel: No, absolutely right. Hoffman: We’ve only been charging for the Halloween Party for half a dozen years? Ruegemer: Yeah. Daniel: It’s the same thing with February Festival though. That, I don’t think that’s in the black, is it? Ruegemer: We have done very well on that the last years, yeah. Daniel: Gotten close? Or we are in the black? That’s not bad. I agree with you Tom. It certainly brings up the question as far as you know should we have some of these programs like this, but I think at the end of the day, you know it’s a fantastic investment in the community and I think the bottom line, especially with a community this size, to have these events in place where everyone can get together and as we start to see, I think they’ll start to build over time. I mean as people are proud to be within the community, within the City of Chanhassen and this is just another event to get them all together. 9 Park and Recreation Commission - November 25, 2008 thth Ruegemer: Yeah, it’s a long standing tradition in our town. I think that’s our 24 or 25 year th so. 25 it might be, yeah so it’s been in our community a long time. Generations have grown up with it and it’s a good value for our community. Campion: I recall one of the advertisements said something about tickets must be purchased in advance but then it said something like walk-up’s were permissible. I just, it seemed to contradict the advertisement. Ruegemer: We certainly encourage people, and that’s put in there as you know, to get people to get in so we can somewhat gauge you know kind of what we need to buy and that sort of thing but we always seem to buy enough to account for the walk-up’s. People are kind of out of that mode now as far as registering ahead of time and we’re just really trying to make it you know easy for people that just make that decision that day to come up and come into the party. Campion: Or maybe charging more at the door than buying the tickets in advance. Ruegemer: We did that a number of years for February Festival and it just doesn’t work. Campion: The hassle? Ruegemer: The hassle. Campion: Okay. Stolar: Did we do it one year for Halloween too? Do you remember? I thought there was one time when we. Ruegemer: We’ve always had just one price… Stolar: Just one? Just February Festival was a little different, because I do remember we tried that. Ruegemer: And we did raise the price this year from $4 to $5. Stolar: Maybe that’s, okay. We moved to 5. And what was the attendance difference between this year and last? Ruegemer: We were I think down a little bit. I think we were about 3 and a quarter roughly last year, so I wouldn’t say that extra dollar… It was just an extremely busy night with everything else going on. A lot of choices that night. Kelly: Another thing I wanted to ask too with you Todd. I had a slow day at work. If I do the math, it’d be about 960 cookies and 630-6 ounce cups of cider. Is that enough? Is there excess left over? 10 Park and Recreation Commission - November 25, 2008 Ruegemer: There were cookies left over and we returned all the cider. Kelly: You can return the cider? Okay. Stolar: The unopened one. Ruegemer: And that’s, I mean we had originally purchased about $1,400 worth of candy, and had taken back about roughly $700 back in returns so. Daniel: And since I wasn’t there at least there would have been 2 more cookies that would have been taken up on that. Just trust me on that. I’m not very good at following those guidelines. Are there any other questions? Okay, excellent. And like I said Jerry, it was another wonderful program obviously and I do regret not being able to, not being able to attend this year but I’m going to make a strong effort to dress up next year and make sure we’re there and have a good representation from the commission. That’s what I’m hoping. Ruegemer: That’s fine. We appreciate that. Daniel: And I’ll have to make one correction on the agenda. It says 2007 Halloween Party Evaluation and 2007/08. That’s why if you sense the hesitation, I thought maybe we were going to reflect over some old data. You know I wasn’t too sure but I assumed Jerry you mean 2008 and 2008 and 2009 winter programming, correct? Ruegemer: That is correct. Daniel: But it is 2008 Skate Park. Ruegemer: That is correct. Daniel: Okay. Just want to make sure. I can get very confused. Ruegemer: At least he updated the reports. 2008/2009 WINTER PROGRAMMING REPORT. Daniel: So we should probably move on to winter programming. One of my favorite events. I’m sure we’re going to talk about the February Festival. th Ruegemer: That is coming up, yep. First Saturday. I believe that’s the 7 this year of February, but these are more programs for youth and adults. Not only kind of out of city hall but also at the Chanhassen Recreation Center. A lot of different programs. We seem to have find, have kind of found our nitch with kind of the grandparents type of classes with their grandkids. Seems to be a population that we kind of tapped as of lately and have had very good numbers in those classes here this year so we’re going to kind of expand on those types of programs here going into the tail end of 2008 and 2009. We’re going to be doing a dance party on ice January, first part of January out at the Chan Rec Center. We’re actually going to have a DJ out on the ice and have 11 Park and Recreation Commission - November 25, 2008 kind of a party. The kids can skate. A lot of hot chocolate and some refreshments and cookies and that sort of thing out there that night, and that’ll be at the Chan Rec Center. Rink #1 that we reserved for that so that should be fun. Daniel: Does that come with the disco ball? Ruegemer: We’ll see about the disco ball. Stolar: I just think it’s great that you’re targeting some older kids and events. I know John’s been doing a lot of good work on that. This sounds like this will be fun. Ruegemer: Yeah. I know John and Sue and Tory have been talking a lot just about you know integrating generational types of programs and that sort of thing and they’re doing a great job. th On that KidSync Karaoke did start again November 7 out at the Chan Rec Center so that’s been getting some decent attendance up there on Friday nights. Out there. We won’t be doing it this Friday night but we’ll continue on and that will go, I think we have it booked until about the mid-March of 2009 for that so it’ll be a few Friday nights but they’ll take off for Daddy- Daughter Date Night and some other conflicts that we had at the Rec Center, but for the most part there’ll be quite a few Friday nights that will be out there. And just a, I guess a different adult classes that Jodi’s doing out at the Rec Center. Just kind of an overview of kind of what’s going on here for the winter. There seems to be some pretty good variety with preschool youth th and adult types of programs. We’ll start a 3 on 3 basketball again the 12 of January out at the Rec Center. For that we’ll get 10 to 16 teams for that so, so everything’s going good. Scharfenberg: Jerry do you have any stuff planned for spring break? Any special trips or any special things going on during spring break? Ruegemer: Yep, I know that’s been discussed. I know Tom and Jodi have been teamed up with that in doing you know day trips and kind of rec center types of programs for that so our rec center, excuse me. Our newsletter is due kind of the tail end of December so that is kind of in the works right now but yes, as of late there has been opportunities for kids on spring breaks or school day outs. Daniel: Minnetonka and Chaska on the same spring break schedule? Scharfenberg: I don’t think so this year. I think they’re different. Ruegemer: I think they’re about a week or two apart. Daniel: Okay. Hoffman: We had to purchase some temperature insurance from Lloyd of London for that skate party. Daniel: You guys might have to have a roller skate back-up for that. 12 Park and Recreation Commission - November 25, 2008 Ruegemer: Hold it in the gym and play floor hockey. Daniel: Well give a new meaning to snow balling. Scharfenberg: Have we ever done for park and rec, have we ever done any cross country ski school or anything like that? Have we ever offered anything like that in the past? Hoffman: Yes we have and the, just without the access to the facility, so we really send people to the Arboretum, Carver County Park Reserve or the Hennepin County systems. The county systems are better served. Bigger park district so. Scharfenberg: Okay. Daniel: And do they have posted programs and? Hoffman: Yes. Daniel: Okay, so you can go on their web site and they’ll talk about activities and for cross country skiing. Hoffman: Carver County Parks, Three Rivers Park District and the Arboretum so when people inquire, those are the three that we send them to and they’re all very convenient right here. Daniel: Right in the cities. Hoffman: In town or just west of town. Daniel: Excellent. Alright. If there’s anything else? Stolar: Just Jerry, have we ever done volleyball leagues for like winter sports? Ruegemer: Yeah we had, when the rec center first opened up we had volleyball leagues. Both co-rec, men’s and women’s and it really was, it probably went for about 2 or 3 years and really kind of fizzled. We were surrounded by very established programs in Eden Prairie and Chaska. It was extremely hard for us to get numbers for that, but it might be time to take a look at that again. Campion: Or dodge ball. Ruegemer: Dodge ball. Yeah, John and Jodi actually did a dodge ball program oh, a week and a half ago where they had 30 plus kids for that right after school for that so, all boys. No girls for that program but pretty popular. They’re going to plan on doing another one. Daniel: I think the City ought to consider curling too. Ruegemer: Curling? 13 Park and Recreation Commission - November 25, 2008 Daniel: Believe it or not they just put in the old Banta facility in the gold triangle, right off of Washington is going to be converted into a curling club. So it’s becoming very popular. A few of my neighbors found out and you hit it right on the head. It’s pretty much, it’s the softball version of winter activities. Alright. 2008 SKATE PARK EVALUATION REPORT. Ruegemer: Had another good year out at the skate park. It really seem to be the kind of the ticket is to hire skate park attendants. Really the calls of complaints and some of the past troubles that we’ve had seem to be in the past. Just having that, the visibility out there has really curtailed the type of mischief and bad behavior out there. I think the community’s certainly responded to that positively for us. You can see kind of the dates that we’ve had skate park rd attendants out there, you know roughly May 23 which is roughly Memorial weekend until kind of late September, and those numbers are, the numbers that are listed, both May, June, July and August and September, those are taken when skate park attendants were on duty so you know that number is much higher because if you look at May, that’s pretty much the tail end of May for that so we really had one month of May, plus April and parts of March, particularly that was busy as well. Plus October, it really is busy and there’s also kids out there tonight when I came back before the meeting so you know I’m sure that number is probably closer probably to $9,000 or $10,000 approximately so we’ve had a really good popular area that our teens and the other kids in our community come up and have some fun with that so you can see the staff hours for that. We seem to be kind of in the area that we need to be in for staffing level out there. You know prior, a couple years ago we went you know quite a bit earlier than that and then kind of went a little bit later. We really seem to kind of revamping and re-looking at staffing levels, it really did seem to make sense to kind of condense that program a little bit to kind of go with these types of dates that we have currently on that to be effective with our budgets and staffing levels, that sort of thing. It seems to kind of work out this way. So, and about roughly about 745 hours out there during that time. You know we are certainly, I know we’re looking at our CIP quite a bit and we certainly at our capacity with more projects than revenue coming in to support those projects. We need to take a look at somewhere down the line to identify some equipment repairs, replacement and that sort of thing for the skate park. We are aging out there. We are kind of taking a look at immediate needs. If there’s a you know pieces of skate light that need to be replaced and that sort of thing, we will do that within our department. Our park and rec maintenance staff. Or if there’s major type of things then we need to kind of take a look at those and we’re kind of getting to that point where we’re kind of just getting by but you know I guess certainly staff’s recommendation that the commission kind of takes a look at that skate park equipment somewhere in the. Hoffman: They have. $100,000 in 2012. Ruegemer: 2012. Okay. Daniel: So make it last for 3 more years. 14 Park and Recreation Commission - November 25, 2008 Ruegemer: We’ll keep limping but you know just keep in mind that staff will probably be spending some dollars to kind of band-aid that through until we can get that identified in 2012. Stolar: Is there, and I know we aren’t going to revisit CIP here but as we do our next round of that, are there phases of replacement that we can do that would spread that around and maybe make it a little bit easier to do it a piece at a time. Like this piece really is the worst. We need to get rid of that so that that would be $15,000 this year. Something like that to think about instead of just funneling it. Hoffman: The way it was purchased originally, three phases. Stolar: That might make it easier to meld into some of the other things. Ruegemer: Yeah. th Hoffman: We will celebrate the park’s 10 anniversary next September with some sort of event so look for that. Daniel: 10 years, wow. Hoffman: Tongue in cheek, Mr. Gerhardt said why would we celebrate. But that was a joke. He values the skate park. Kelly: How does our equipment there compare to other skate parks in the close? Hoffman: In it’s current condition? Kelly: In it’s current condition. Hoffman: Well used, which is not a bad thing. But as far as where they’re at versus, that stuff is outdoors and it ages and. Kelly: I guess in terms of quality. Hoffman: Quality or. Kelly: Yeah. Are we a higher end skate park or are we middle or are we kind of low in terms of what’s around? Hoffman: Middle of the road. Kelly: Middle of the road. Okay. Ruegemer: We were higher when we first opened up but now people have kind of caught up. Kelly: Okay. 15 Park and Recreation Commission - November 25, 2008 Ruegemer: In pieces of equipment and that sort of thing too. Hoffman: Yeah, on the national level this would be a very low end skate park on a national level. Most of the really elaborate parks are concrete walls with, it’s not…swimming pool but a very large expansion, 1, 2 or 3 acre concrete skate park and so you’ll probably see if you look through your magazines. Stolar: Yeah, I saw some of those. Hoffman: The ramp style on a national level is, it’s probably the majority of the skate parks but again they’re all on the lower side. It’s these concrete really elaborate parks where. Scharfenberg: And plus you want to have something that’s for all different levels so you’re trying to accommodate you know guys that are fairly good where people are learning so you want to have some different things for different people too. Hoffman: It’s an object, or it’s a, that park, if we invest $100,000 in 2012, that would be a larger investment than we made in total just about in the park. That would include the equipment and the shelter. Not the location. And then if you study some of these other parks, they’re investing a half a million, $750,000, a million and a half in these skate parks and so these are significant resources that are… Daniel: When you go into these concrete style holes then. Hoffman: Yep. And so the associated amenities around them in parking lots and lights and those type of things, so if you look at the investment we’ve made, the return has just been tremendous so in the future, $100,000 is going to buy a very nice set of new ramps for the park but it’s not going to take it any higher than it is… Campion: Are there many of those bowl style parks here in Minnesota or is it primarily west coast? Hoffman: What, the tri park. Ruegemer: In Edina. Hoffman: Yeah, Edina. Richfield, Bloomington, Edina, Y, they built on. And other than that that’s the only one I know of right off the top of my head. Daniel: I suppose they’re a little bit higher maintenance on the northern. Hoffman: They can be if they’re not built correctly from the frost, yeah. Campion: Cracking, yeah. 16 Park and Recreation Commission - November 25, 2008 Daniel: Because I know you talk about the variation levels. Actually those elaborate skate parks are perfect for different variety of skill level because they’re able to make beautiful little, you know depending upon your skill level and you can go through the whole course and. Hoffman: It’s kind of like a ski hill…the good ones can stay over there. Daniel: They’re amazing and then boy, you’d be, it certainly would be great if there’d be somebody in the community that’d step up and say we’ll put that in but. Hoffman: Yeah, and the fear is over the safety of, you know just about evaporated again nation wide. These things were very, in this very council chambers there was a lot of nervous energy over wow, what are we getting ourselves into and it just dissipated over time. Scharfenberg: Would we ever consider, once we replace some of that equipment, taking whatever we’re replacing it and putting it in another park just so we kind of spread it out? Hoffman: At the time that this was built we considered a second or a third or a fourth out in neighborhood parks, but then with the crowds that were gathering, it’d be a challenge to take that and put that out in a neighborhood park setting. Other community park settings. You could do that. This equipment wouldn’t be serviceable. You know they’re just kind of propping it up. Year by year. Patching it together and so you wouldn’t want to take that and use it somewhere else. And the topic of should we do a second skate park again is really evaporated over time. Daniel: It’s a gathering area. I think conditions now, if the kids want to go out there, they’ll bring them there. Hoffman: Most of the kids drive. Daniel: There we go. Hoffman: Most of the older kids. Campion: What is the attendance? Is there a building and a structure for them? Ruegemer: For the skate park attendant? Campion: Yeah, for the skate park attendant. Ruegemer: They just kind of hang out by the little covered area. Sit on the picnic table. You know skate with the kids and just kind of are visible. We don’t have them sit in a shack somewhere and just come out every half hour and take participation numbers. They’re actively involved in and becoming involved with the kids and getting to know the kids and participants and it’s been helpful. 17 Park and Recreation Commission - November 25, 2008 Hoffman: Check out You Tube. The Chan Skate Park’s the number one Chanhassen destination for You Tube. Punch it up. Punch in Chanhassen Skate Park and you can watch kids skate and skate and skate and skate and skate. Daniel: Excellent. Is there anything else guys? Okay. COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS. None. COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS: None. ADMINISTRATIVE PACKET. Daniel: Is there anything Todd you’d like to highlight or talk about? Hoffman: I’ll answer any questions from the, we have our Three Rivers permit which is for the LRT trail. The Minnesota River Valley trail for walking, cross country skiing, dog walking. There’s no longer any snowmobile trails within the community so this permit is valid from the Eden Prairie border to the City of Chaska through the winter of 2008-2009. Just for your. Kelly: I did have one comment. I love this. Have you thought about or maybe it hasn’t happened. Has this ever gone in the Villager? And have you ever drawn, have you thought about, I mean when you go to Lifetime or you go to Pump It Up, you’re paying $150 to $200 bucks. I’m just wondering if you can put an ad together that just highlights the fact that it’s $55 compared to some of the other options out there because I think now more so than a year ago, this could be a very appealing option to a lot of people. Hoffman: I’ll inquire with Jodi on where she’s advertising. Kelly: Because I thought that was. Stolar: How’s it going so far? Are you getting a few parties? Hoffman: Oh yeah, yep. Absolutely. Daniel: I think it’s a fantastic idea. Hoffman: And the, we could insert that as a flyer in the Villager. Ruegemer: Jodi’s also working on a program with the Google search. When you type in Chan Rec Center, it will pop up and link right back to the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Show a picture of the Chan Rec Center and goes directly into new kind of direct links of the Rec Center with all the information so she’s doing a great job out there and kind of setting the bar higher on the advertising and programming and we’re very lucky to have her out there. Hoffman: You’re all welcome to take the Chanhassen Holiday Challenge and pay us $9 bucks to keep the pounds off. 18 Park and Recreation Commission - November 25, 2008 Campion: Are you still taking weigh in’s for it? Hoffman: Yes. Still taking weigh in’s. Daniel: How many people have signed up so far? Hoffman: I haven’t heard what the numbers have been. Ruegemer: I’m not sure. Hoffman: Been a good topic of conversation. I thought you got 5 pounds and then when I decided that was just the average weekend, I said well yeah I gain that. Campion: Do you get a hat too if you lose? Ruegemer: We’ll get you a hat if you lose 5. Hoffman: Some scheduling items for the information of the commission. Next Monday, st December 1 is the Truth in Taxation meeting right here in the council chambers for the City of Chanhassen. You received your estimated tax statement. Most values have gone down and most th tax totals have gone down. December 8 is the most. Stolar: Our’s went up. I don’t know if our’s went up because of Minnetonka. I didn’t even look at the, it wasn’t that much. Daniel: I was going to say, my actual contribution for the, because I’m in 276 as well, went down. The tax levy went down by, I don’t know, it depends upon your value obviously. Stolar: Well the value went down but the taxes went up. Ruegemer: Mine too. Stolar: Oh well. thth Hoffman: December 8 is likely to be the final City Council meeting and then on the 9 is our final Park and Recreation Commission for the year. Starts early that night at 6:30 so we can end with our holiday gathering afterwards, and I think we talked about going to the School II after. Daniel: I think so. Stolar: Going where? Hoffman: School II. The new, the old CJ’s. Stolar: Oh yeah, that’s right. Over there by the theater. 19 Park and Recreation Commission - November 25, 2008 Daniel: It’s right next to the little theater where Maggie Moo’s. Hoffman: The old CJ’s. Kelly: Oh there’s a new place there? Hoffman: Yeah. School II. School of the Wise is in Victoria and this is called the School II. Daniel: Dirk’s Bar, that’d be a lot easier wouldn’t it? Something like that. Wouldn’t matter. Okay. Well let’s adjourn the meeting. Scharfenberg moved, Kelly seconded to adjourn the Park and Recreation Commission meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. Submitted by Todd Hoffman Park and Rec Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 20