EC 2008 11 12
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
November 12, 2008
Members Present:
Ron Olsen, Denny Hansen, J.R. Relick, Beverly Foster, Bill Fouks
Members Absent:
Jim Sommers, Rose Kircher
Staff Present:
Krista Spreiter, Natural Resources Technician
October minutes were approved.
Environmental Excellence Award Nominations
: Nominees were presented to the commission
as follows:
Business nominees:
Lifetime: Beverly tried to contact Lifetime, but received no response.
Rosemount: partnering with City to restore native habitat by Lake Susan. Rosemount
has partnered with the city to restore a hillside adjacent to the Lake Susan boat landing to
native vegetation. The hillside had been a monoculture of crown vetch and had areas of
erosion. In 2006, Rosemount and the city partnered to hire Prairie Restorations to
reclaim the area by eradicating the vetch and planting native prairie plants. The project is
ongoing and because of the tenacious nature of vetch has been a slow process, but both
the city and Rosemount are committed to seeing a native habitat restored.
Lotus Lawn and Garden: Offers compost for sale from the county organics project,
recycles black plastic pots, participated in private tree grant program, recycles wood
waste on site
Community group/non-profit nominees:
Foxford Rd neighborhood: the neighborhood partnered with the City of Chanhassen and
the Carver Soil and Water Conservation district to begin the construction of six large
raingardens in the right-of-way along Foxford Road. The large amount of neighborhood
volunteers, as well as their enthusiasm and participation in the planning process allowed
the project to be installed quickly and with great success. The time, efforts and hard work
that were put forth by the Lake Riley Woods Neighborhood residents produced a
landscape amenity that is a beautiful asset to the neighborhood and also improved water
Resident nominees:
John Selerud: John owns a parcel of property through which an eroded intermittent
stream flows. This channel was identified in the Bluff Creek Corridor Feasibility Study
as a highly eroded gully which drains directly to Bluff Creek. Bluff Creek is a listed
impaired water for turbidity. Mr. Selerud has, of his own volition, coordinated efforts
with the City of Chanhassen and the Minnesota Department of Transportation to address
the erosion issues within this channel. Phase 1 of the project has already been completed.
A drop structure was installed at Mandan Circle to reduce the energy of the stormwater
flowing into the channel from the upstream watershed. Plans are currently being
prepared to stabilize the remainder of the channel. Without Mr. Selerud’s foresight and
cooperation, this project would not be viable and this sediment source would not be
Mary Borns: Mary is a resident of Chanhassen who lives on Lotus Lake. Mary has been
active in the Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District (RPBCWD) citizen
advisory committee. Over the past year, Mary has taken her own time and resources to
meet and educate residents within the Laredo Drive reconstruction area about the benefits
of rain gardens. Through her efforts, she has compiled a list of residents who would be
amenable to installing raingardens on their property to help the City of Chanhassen
address storm water runoff in the Lotus Lake Watershed. This list is intended to be used
by the City of Chanhassen to work cooperatively with the RPBCWD to install low impact
development features throughout the Laredo Drive area. In addition to her work with the
raingardens, Mary has worked with other Lake Associations to coordinate carp harvesting
from area lakes.
Business Nominee: Bill expanded on the involvement of Lotus Lawn and Garden in the Tree
Grant Program, and the commission agreed to nominate Lotus Lawn and Garden for the
Business category.
Community Group/Non-Profit Nominee: The commission agreed to nominate the Foxford Road
Neighborhood Group. Dennis offered the suggestion of looking into the Ecology Club at Chaska
High School for their involvement and study of the Seminary Fen for future nomination.
Resident Nominee: After discussion by the commission and further explanation on both
candidates, Mary Borns was chosen by the commission for the Resident Nominee.
Discussion then followed regarding on how the commission might advocate for more volunteers
and volunteerism for community environmental efforts in the future. Dennis suggested
organizing an ‘EnviroCorps’ of volunteers that would participate in environmental projects and
programs throughout the year.
It was announced that the Environmental Excellence Awards would be presented at the City
Council meeting on December 8 at 7pm. All commission members were asked to be present.
Discussion on Education for Holiday Waste Reduction:
Bill announced the Green Gifts Fair
to take place Saturday, November 15, from 10am – 5pm at the Midtown Global Market in
Minneapolis. Bill suggested that we expand on reducing entertainment waste and incorporating
the composting program. Beverly volunteered to write an article for the Villager. Bill suggested
making literature available in the City Hall lobby. The commission agreed to post information on
the City’s website. Beverly suggested looking into Chanhassen schools as a way to distribute
information. Bill offered to hand out information at the Carver County Environmental Center to
Chanhassen residents. Ron suggested asking the library to distribute bookmarks with information
on Holiday waste reduction printed on them. Dennis suggested partnering with local businesses
to print information on paper bags and offering compostable bags.
Arbor Day:
The commission agreed to ask the Bug Guy to present again. Beverly asked for
suggestions on how the commission can better promote the Park Clean-up to groups. She also
suggested adding Buckthorn removal projects to the service piece again. Beverly then suggested
adding some celebratory activities to attract more people such as music, bouncy bubble for kids,
etc. Dennis suggested that we try to expand our plant selection that would be available for
purchase, such as offering native or ornamental grasses.
General Discussion
Continuation of the WaterWise Program in 2009: J.R. suggested a program that targeted
businesses, HOAs, and apartment buildings.
Wind Energy: J.R. explained the possibility of partnering with Excel energy on a solar energy
demonstration project utilizing the City Hall building. A summary of previous discussion on
wind energy and Chanhassen’s wind energy policy was given by Bill. Bill suggested the
commission review the City’s current zoning ordinances regarding wind energy, and asked the
commission if they would like to ask the council to look at the possibility of changing their
current ordinances to allow for more individual use of wind energy. Ron expanded on new
technology and models of wind turbines available. Beverly offered that small, individual turbines
are still hard to find, but that Chaska had recently purchased 6 recycled wind turbines, and the
possibility that Chaska be used as a resource. Beverly suggested that the commission present
more info to the City Council on wind energy. Bill suggested that the commission look at the
model ordinance for wind energy. Beverly suggested partnering with businesses or other
organizations who would be interested in installing wind turbines.
2009 Arboretum Classes: No suggestions were given at this time, commission agreed to come
with suggestions for the next meeting.
Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District Board Position: J.R. expressed interest in the
Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:35 PM.
Minutes Prepared by Krista Spreiter