EC 2008 12 09
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
December 9, 2008
Members Present:
Ron Olsen, Denny Hansen, J.R. Relick, Beverly Foster, Jim Sommers, Rose
Members Absent:
Bill Fouks
Staff Present:
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
November minutes were approved.
Recycling Coupon:
Jill reviewed the current totals for the recycling coupon. The coupon
expenses will be come in at budget this year thanks to the elimination of electronics fees at the
center. Visits to the center by Chan residents has continued to rise. The number of coupons
redeemed to date is slightly under the number redeemed at this time last year. The program will
continue for next year barring any major budget reductions.
Arboretum class series
: Jill met with the education programmer at the Arboretum about
classes for 2009. The proposed focus for next year will be lawns and water use reduction. A
tentative symposium has been planned that would include the following topics: lawn care, home
irrigation systems, pets/kids and lawns, xeriscaping. The commission discussed the price point,
date, and content for the symposium. Suggestions included lowering the price point and having
attendees get lunch on their own, setting the date earlier in May as opposed to the end of the
month, and focusing on the economics of lawn care. Other topic ideas included wildlife and
your lawn and edible landscapes. Perhaps a celebrity of some sort could present in order to
increase attendance. Other marketing ideas included giving free soil sample kits, tomato plants,
etc. The consensus was that people needed to leave the class with practical information. An idea
for the event title was “Happy Hour in your Yard – How to have a Champagne Lawn on a Beer
Arbor Day:
Jill informed the commission that letters of invitation have been sent to the schools
for the Poster Contest. Bruce the Bug Guy has been confirmed to present at the event. A
suggested kids activity was making something that encourages good bugs in your yard. Perhaps
information on Japanese beetles could be available since there was a population outbreak this last
2009 Work Plan:
Priority topics for 2009 include water quality/conservation/hardcover, wind
turbines education and ordinance revision. Jill will program the priorities into the annual plan
and the commission will review it at the January meeting.
General Discussion
Denny attended the RPBCWD meeting at the Chan legion on 12/4. He said it was very well
attended and very informative on the carp study and WD projects.
The commission suggested running a video on the cable channel about the water cycle in order to
make the connection between water conservation, infiltration and recharge.
Terms to expire in March: Ron, Bill, Jim.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:55 PM.
Minutes Prepared by Jill Sinclair