Email from Jeremy Whiteman 1-7-09 08-z..~ Auseth, Angie From: Sent: To: Subject: Aanenson, Kate Wednesday, January 07,20099:16 AM Auseth, Angie; Planning Commission; Jeffery, Terry FW: Beck Variance on Christmas Lake - Planning Case 08-23 From: Whiteman, Jeremy [mailto:Jeremy.Whiteman@adc.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 8:23 AM To: Aanenson, Kate Subject: Beck Variance on Christmas Lake - Planning Case 08-23 Kate: Please share this em ail with the rest of the Planning commission and staff involved in the Beck Variance Request if you are able to. Also, if appropriate, please make this part of the public record regarding this variance request. I do realize this is coming in after the meeting last night, however I felt compelled to share my opinion after the hearing. My name is Jeremy Whiteman and I am part of the family that owns the property at 6240 Ridge Road. We are a couple of neighbors to the North of the Beck property. My family has owned this property since the mid 1960's. We have enjoyed the use of this property and consider ourselves stewards of the lake. Our lot is very similar to the Beck lot, in dimension, bluff consideration and shoreline. Since the initial building of our property, we have never removed a tree (unless dead), re-Iandscaped our yard, requested any deviation from code that is written to protect the lake. We have been able to enjoy the lake for well over 50 years without altering the landscape - tough grass and steep shoreline and all. That said, our property does have a structure on it that was built before current regulations existed. I was in attendance at the meeting last night, but choose not to address the committee. I applaud the Chair of the Planning Commission's (Kurt?) comments when at the conclusion of presentations he simply asked, "what is the best thing for the lake?" My only fear and concern is that any variance granted to any homeowner on the lake could potentially negatively impact the lake in any way. This could be a direct impact such as altering the shoreline, or an in-direct impact such as altering the bluff that keeps the hillside at bay from the lake. It takes only one major rain-storm to send an un-vegetated bluff running into the lake. It takes one faulty deck footing to have a portion of the shoreline destroyed. I have great concern that the issue of one variance will quickly snowball into the issuance of another variance, and another, and so on. These types of decisions could dramatically impact the viability of the lake as a recreational spot and the jewel of Chanhassen. That is a precedence that I hope the Planning Commission considers at great length before taking any further actions. Again, I wish to repeat that my only fear and chief concern is that any variance granted to any homeowner on the lake could potentially negatively impact the lake in any way. Like the Chair of the Commission requested last night, I too ask the Planning Commission and the City Council to consider first and foremost "what is best for the lake." My only opinion on the Beck Variance is that the Planning Commission consider the lake and only the lake when taking further actions. 6250 Ridge Road is a beautiful lot, with a beautiful house and two car detached garage. The lot has amazing views of the lake, a nice shoreline similar to the one I enjoy and the lake-front is readily accessible in an as-is condition (prior to the current construction). Any further development should not come at the cost of the lake. Thank you for your time and consideration Jeremy Whiteman 1