1h Change Order Library ProjectCITYOF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhass~, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Englneedng Phone: 952.227.11~ Fax:. 952.227.1170 finance Phone: 9,52.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Rem'eatlon Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recceatio~ Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952..227.1110 Web Site v,,',,,,,v,,.ci.chan hassen.m n.us TO: Mayor & City Council FROM: Todd Gefllardt, City Manager DATE: March 4, 2003 SUB J: Change Order No. 5, Chanhassen Library Project Attached for the City Council's consideration is Change Order No. 5 for the Chanhasscn Library project. Staff is requesting the City Council approve this change order by decreasing the original contract sum by $23,761.92, which will bring the total contract to $5,079,864.40. The attached change order provides a breakdown of thc costs associated with this item. If you have any questions, please contact me prior to Monday night's meeting. G :~lmin~tg~libra~n~ang~ao5 The City of Chanha#en * A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a channing downtown, thriving business, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A gmat place to live, work, and play. Change Order · Contractor · Owner · Architect · M + E Consuks MS&R Project: Contractor: Chanhassen Public Library 690 City Center Dr. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Kraus Anderson Const'n Co. 2500 Minnehaha Ave Mpls, MN 55404 Change Order Number: 5 Date: 20 February 2003 Architect's Project No.: 2001021.00 Contract Date: 28 May 2002 Contract For: General Construction The Contract is changed as follows: PR 7 PR 8 PR 11 PR 12 PR 13 CCD 7 CCD 8 CCD 9 Delete fire / smoke dampers and associated controls deduct Add hot water radiation to the clerestory wdws in l~rnn 110, 128, 139 add Delete the Landscaping Add traffic coating and an expansion joint cover to the parking deck add First temporary enclosure co~t add Changes to the masonry entry adding the curved parapet add (1) Lower all interior column footings add (2) Provide dampproofing on ramp walls add Add below slab plumbing for a future coffee shop add $4,961.00 $7,346.00 deduct $81,790.00 $6,210.00 $24,347.08 $8,491.00 $9,643.00 $4,221.00 $2,731.00 Attachments: Due to the complicated nature of this additional work all the back-up data has been included with this Change Order for your convenience. Not valid until ~igncd by the Oum~, Architect and Coa~ The original Contract Sum was ............................................................................................. $4,865,000.00 Net Change by previously authorized Change Orders ................................... · ............................. $238,626.35 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was ..... ~ ........................................................... $5,103,626.35 The Contract Sum will be ~ by this Change Order in the'amount of ............................... $23,761.92 The hmo Contn~ct $~m including ~ Cb~mge Order will be ................................................. $5,079,864.40 The Contract Time will be increased by ' 0 Days The date of Substantial Completion, re~ulting from this Change Order is .............................. 23 April. 2003 Archite, Meyer, 1191~ Minnea By L ~sfle, Ltd. Date Contractor 2K~aus~_so_n Co.ns00~ tructi/~ I City of Chanhnssen 690 City Center Dr Chanhassen, Mlq 55317 By . Date, KRAUS-ANDERSON, CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONT,'RACTORS & CONSTRUC'FiON MAN,-k. GF_..~ De, ember 16, 2002 Mr. Barry Petit Meyer, Seherer & Roekcastle, Ltd. 119 North 2na Street Minneapolis, MN 55401-1420 Re: Chanhassen Public Library Chanhassen, _MN Proposal Request No. 7 Dear Barry: We have reviewed Proposal Request No. 7 dated November 22, 2002 issued by your office for the above referenced project and submit the attached cost breakdown for your review and action_ We will not proceed with any of the listed modifications unless directed to do so. We are enclosing copies of our subcontractors' and material suppliers' cost proposals for your records as applicable. If you have any questions concerning our response, please contact me. Sincerely, KRAUS-ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY g Project Manager Enclosures Buildin8 Divielon 2500 Minnehaha Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55404 Phone: (612) 721-7581 FAX: (612) 721-2660 Equal Opportunity Employer Chanhassen Public Library Chanhassen, MN Proposal Request No. 7 November 22, 2002 Mechanical/I-IVAC ' Metropolitan-Mechanic.~al No Ch~ge · Fire Protection- Broflxa's No Change · Electrical- Larson Electric Deduct ($4,961.00) PR/fl Subtotal Deduct ($4,961.00) Sales Tax Included TOTAL DEDUCT ($4,961;00) December 2, 2002 Mr. Bill Cox Kraus-Anders~.~n Construction CompanY Building Division 2500 Minnehaha Avenue Minneapolis, MN $541M Chanitassen Public Library Proposal Request No. 7 dated November 26, 2002. D~r Bill: The following cost changes are for Proposal Request No. 7 dated Nov6mber 26, 2002. All costs for deleting F/S dampers and installation was addressed in COgl, #2 and #6. Therefore MMC has no schedule or cost changes. S/ncerely, Metropolitan Mechanical Contractors Brian M. Crieseke ~Gje~ ,~,~azger BG/bg M~TROPO~,ITAN MECHAN~C~ CONT~CTORS,.I. NC. ~7 Avenue South .Ikt~ Ptaiti,, t,,Fmamota SS .344-3582 · Phone: (952) 941-7010 ·lhm (952) 941-9118 995O F.~t ~? l0 Elk Rivez, 1~4 ~5~30 T~ 763~441-2290 F~¢ 7~-4~1-5010 St. Cloud Office 600 25" Ave. ~, Sui~ 105 Tele~on¢ 3:20-22~-2990 Fmc: 3~-2970 p.1 Tdephone: 218-727-3996 Fzx: 763-441-5010 1Vax TrantmittaI Farm To: Company: Phone: Re: Message: Sal~ I E~ i D~i~n t lnrtalla~n I Imt~aion 1 24 Hour Em~ 3~rv~ ~r ~ · DE~-.12-.~0_02 THU 08:00 ~ LPJ~ON EL£OTRIO b~VIOE 1~ lq~ 782 788 B884 7928 UNI'VE~ AVENUE NE MXNNEAPOI.I~ MN 55432 · . (7e3) 78o--a6.'.'.'~ I;R,x (7a3) ra~-sae4 P. 01/04 . .m _ mm _ mm _ Il _ I _. mil )']t~ attm,du]d. -DE0-12-2002 ?HU 08:01 ~ LP~ON F./.EC~IC SERVICE L4~50N flZC77tJC ~.RVIC~ COMP~ 7f~28 UNIVERSITY AVE. NE . MINNEAPOLIS, MN $5452 (7~$) 780-8~58 . FAX (7~3) F~ NO. ,t . P, 02/04 12, 2002 Mr. Bill Cox Krau~~ Bld~ Div. 250O ~ Av~ Mpls., MN' 55404 S~ec~: ~m Li~r~ the scope of the fire alarm systc~t. Wo have ~ ~t quote-fl~m Lifb Sa.R~ S~ ~~: ~961.00 Pl~ ~~~~sm ~. ~~~ ~. Michael Oelrioh Prustde~ Lmsen Electric Se~ce Company ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOK · - COMMF. RCIAt. · INDUSTRIAL - INSTITUTIONAL 783 788 5864 ?, 03/04 · DE0-12-2002 11-tU 08:02 ~ Lfi~ON ELEOTRIO 8ER~/[OI~ Fl~ NO.- ?83 ?88 6884 P, 04/04 ~ ~ ~ - 47~A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~/~ X~EIf ! u Tg, w/o s/x KRAUS-ANDERSON. CONSTRUCTION COMP~ CONT,'~CTORS & CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS December 16, 2002 Mr. Barry Petit Meyer, Seherer & Rockcasfle, Ltd. 119 North 2n~ Street Minneapolis, MN 55401-1420 Chanhassen Public Ltbrao, Chanhassen, MN Proposal Request No. 8 DE(; ! 9 2002 M.$&A.,LTD Dear Barry: We have reviewed Proposal Request No. 8 dated November 22, 2002 issued by your office for the above referenced project and submit the attached cost breakdown for your review and action. We will not proceed with any of the listed modifications unless directed to do so. We are enclosing copies of our subcontractors' and material suppliers' cost proposals-for your records as applicable. If you have any questions concerning our response, please contact me. Sincerely, KRAUS-ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Project Manager Enclosures Buildin8 Divbion 2500 Minnehaha Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55404 Phone: (612) 721-7581 FAX: (612) 721-2660 Equal Opportunity Employer Chanhassen Public Library Chanhassen, MN Proposal Request No. 8 November 22, 2002 · Mechanical/HVAC - Metropolitan Mechanical Electrical- Larson Electric PR//8 Subtotal Add Sales Tax Included 5% OH&P SUBTOTAL Pa-/~ Bond TOTAL ADD $6,927.00 No Change $6,927.00'. $ 346.oo $7,273.00 $ 73.00 December 4. 2002 Mr. Bill Cox Kraus-Anderson Construction Company .Building Division 2500 Minnehaha Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55404 Chanhassen Public Library Proposal Request N~ 8 dated November 22, 2002. Dear Bill: Attached are the following cost changes for Proposal Request No. 8 dated November 22, 2002. The Total Add is $6,927. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Metropolitan Mechanical Contractors Brian M. Gieseke Project Manager BG/bg M~T~OPOLITAN M~~~ CO~OKS, INC. 7340 Washington Avenue Sou~ · F, dgn Prairie, Minm~ta 55344-3582 · Phone: (952} 941-7010 · Faz: (952} 941-9118ca~8 Chanhassen Public Library Proposal Request Ni 12/4/02 Piping QNTY 95' 8 ITEM 3/4" Piping 1 Lot Fittings, hangers Radiation Element and Cover Type "D" Material $ 290.00 ! 0.065 Tax $ 18.85 Labor 57 Fitter $ 3,135.00 0.02 Small Tools $ 62.70 ,0.05 D.raya~e $ 156.75 nsulation $ - T,e, mp. Controls $ 2,421.00 Sub T,otal (Add), $ 6,084.30 ' Net Sub Total $ 6,0',84.30 0.015 Tool Rental. $ 91.26 0.0'~ Permit $ 121.69 Net Sub Totai' $ 6,297.25 0.10 Fee $- 629.73 Net Total (Add) . $ 6,,926.98 · DE¢-0~2002 liON 08:1! ,,,' RH L/~RSON ELECTRIC SEEVIOE FP, X NO, 782 786 5864 , P, 01 Novmmber 26, 2002 ~US-ANDI~ON..CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONTI~CTOE5 & CONSTRUC I'ION MANAGE~ i i . i ii i _1 i Memorandum (~ f~x and hard ~otty to follo ~ in mail) Fax.. 76~7~6.~64 Total Pag~:.5 · TO: -Mik~ LARSON E~C SVC. CO. 7928 U~varsity Miflnet~oli.., MN 55432 Chank~sz,, MN Ptopose, l Request No. 8 Please review the attached Proposal Request No. 8 by MS & R Amhiteots dated November 22, 2002 for the above referenced project and submit your written cost proposal to our office by _T#~. De~ember lO. 2082. If there is no dmnge to your respeotive work, please indic, ate "bio ~o". Pkase respond to each item/nd, i~y ff~tpplic~le with labor e.nd'.m~ri~ cost bt~mkdowns as requir~ by the oonm~ dnouments. If you have gay qu~~ ~o~g tim slmve,, ploa~ C, oem~ m~ KRAU~-ANDERSON CONSTRU~ON C01V~ANY BU!7...DINO DIVISION. A~t 2500 Mi~ ,eenue, Ml.-~poli~, MN 55404 Phone: (612) 72~-7581 FAX: (612) 721-2660 .KRAUS-~~ON. CONSTRUC'rlON COMPANY CONTRACTORS & CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS REVISED Januaxy 15, 2003 Mr. Barry Petit Meyer, Soberer & Rockcastle, Ltd. 119 North 2aa Street Minneapolis, MN 55401-1420 Re: Chtmhassen Public Library Chtmhassen, MN Site Modifications ~.,~. ~ // Dear Barry: We have reviewed the 8 ½"x 11" reduced Site Plan dated December 20, 2002 issued by your office which delineates site improvements that are anticipated to remain in the scope of work for the above referenced project. Items to be deleted as indicated and their corresponding cost values are as follows: Plantings Sod Site Irrigation Placement and final grading of existing stockpiled topsoil Delete sidewalks as indicated Add handicap curb ramps TOTAL DEDUCT ($34,173.00) ($ 8,859.00) ($11,958.00) ' ($ 2,800.00) ($24,880.00) $ 88o.oo ($s ,79o.oo) We are attaching documentation that substautiates the above referenced costs. If you have any qu~tions concem.~ng the above, please contact me. Sincerely, KRAUS-ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION COlVI~ANY Bw~ION Project Manager cc: Jobsite Buildin8 Division 2500 Minnehaha Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55404 Phone: (612) 721-7581 FAX: (612) 721-2660 Equal Opportunity Employer January 14, 2003 .~US-ANDERSON, CONSTRUCTION COMP~ COhiT.RACT.' ORS & CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS Mr. Barry Petit Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle, Ltd. 119 North 2~ Street Minneapolis, MN 55401-1420 Chanhassen Public Ltbrary Chanhassen, MN Site Modifications Dear Barry: We have reviewed the 8 W'x 11'.' reduced Site Plan dated December 20, 2002 issued by' your office which delineates site improvements that are anticipated to remain in the scope of work for the above referenced project. The items and their corresponding cost values are as follows: Plantings Sod Site Irrigation Placement and final grading of existing stockpiled topsoil Delete sidewalks as indicated Add handicap curb ramps TOTAL DEDUCT ($34,173.00) ($ 8,859.00) ($11,958.oo) ($ 2,800.00) ($24,880.00) $ 88o.oo ($81,790.00) We are attaching documentation that substantiates the above referenced costs. If you have any questions concerning the above, please contact me. Sincerely, KRAUS-ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION COMP~ Project Manager cc: Jobsite ARaehments Building Divhion 2500 Minnehaha Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55404 Phone: (612) 721-7581 FAX: (612) 721-2660 Equal Opportunity Employer 76344[4898 ~[-~I~C~ PA(~ 82 .o 83,/14/2Bfl2 18:55 , -" STE:i=PIAN'' LAN DSCAPF- S £RVi'CF-~' - I . . ~ RrVE. R, MN SS,330-e~4,4 .FAX: 7~ I -,4696 2.424,00 1350.00 I~.~ I T t E E.F A R M' L. L., C.. " 3 8' 4 10' 3 12' 22 8' . 73 18" t16 18I 24- · 4730 sqyds Flank. amur maple l-lmdwaod mulch Rack mulch 8ad .Urdt 445.00 8,90O.00. 21200 6,30.00 275.00 1,100.00 · 237.oo ~5,:2.14.oo '~7.~' 2,701.00 37.00 4,292.~00 · 66.00 7,4~0.CX) · 10.00 2,C)80.00 3,374.40 60gg'~AVARIA FID. · vICTORIA, MN 6638~ · PH.O~E ~612) ,4,4.3-:~9g0 *, TOLL FFEE 1-83o-4~2 · FAX ~12) ~ i · 1322 ].59TH AVENUE N.E. HAM LAKE, MINNESOTA 55304 December 30, 2002. Attn: Bill Cox Kraus-Anderson Building Division 2500 Minnehah~ Ave Minneapolis, MN 55404 RE: ~ Public Library · (763) 434-6371 FAX (763) 4,34-7693 PR- Price to delete the sidewalks and add handic~ ~ pex drawing dated 12/20/02. Delete sidewalks Matexials $ 8,800.00 Labor $16,080.00 TOTAL DEDUCI' $24~.00 Add handicap ramps Matuqials $100.00 Labor $700.00 P&O 10% $ 80.00. TOTAL ADD $880.00 If you have any questions or oon a please feel free to cordact me. Sincgmly, Jay Bird Crosstown Masonry, Incorporated November 25, 2002 KRAUS-ANDERSON, CONSTRUCTION COMP CONT, ~,CTORS & CONSTRUCTION/vb, kNAGERS Mr. Barry Petit Meyer, Scherer & Rockeastle, Ltd. 119 North 2~ Street Minneapolis, MN 55401-1420 Re: Chanhassen Public Library ~. ~. /~. Chanhassen, MN Dear Barry: We requested a cost proposal fix~n Right-Way Caulkiag Inc. to provide a tra~e bearing membrane coating and expansion joints for a typical parldng ramp stmetm'e which could be utili~:l on the above- mentioned project. I previously forwarded as part of our RFI No. 3 dated November 8, 2002, Specification Sections - 05810, Expan.qion Joint Cover Assemblies and 07180, Traffic Coatings for your information. Thc cost to p~form these additional work items is $6,210.00 broken down as follows: Traffic Confine: _ Right-Way CadUnS hc. $1,440.00 K-A O_I-I.&P..- 5% $ 72.00 Subtotal'" " $1,512.00 Performance Bond $ 15.00 TOTAL $1,527.00. Expansion Joint: Right-Way Caulking Inc. $4,416.00 K-A O2t.&P.- 5% $ 221.00 Subtotal $4,637.00 Performance Bond $ 46.00 TOTAL $4,683.00 Please review the above and advise our office of your decision in this matter. -Your timely decision is appreciated, as these activities are weather sensitive. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contatrt me. Sincerely, KRAUS-ANDERSON CONSTRUCrION COMPANY .&~ING DIVISION William M. Cox Project Manager Attachm~t cc: Jobsite Buildin$ ~ 2500 Minnehaha Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55404 Phone: (612) 721-7581 lAX: (612) 721-2660 Equal Opportunity Employer ~1/25/2002 10:43 ~&.,T ~001/001 Right-Way CaulMnglnc. 11.t5 7~"' A'w ~ I . I i El . · F~rx: 61/.721-2660 Sanuary 24, 2003 '~ KRAUS-ANDERSON. CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONT..~,CTORS & CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS Mr. Barry Petit Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle, Ltd. 119 North 2nd Street Minneapolis, MN 55401-1420 Re: Chanhassen Public L~rary ~. ~. I0~ ~.' ': :" :: '-~' Chanhassen, MJV Temporary Enclosures Dear Barry: Please find attached a summary of labor and material costs for work associated with the temporary enclosures thru the time period noted required on the above-referenced project. This request is pursuant to our December 12, 2002 notification letter.- Should you have any questions regarding the attached, please contact me. Sincerely, KRAUS-ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY BUILDING DMSION William M. Cox Project Mamg~ cc: Jobsite Attachments Building Divbion 2500 Minnehaha Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55404 Phone: (612) 721-7581 FAX: (612) 721-2660 Equal Opportunity Employer Chanhassen Public Library Chanhassen, MN Temporary Enclosure Costs to Date Lflbor CZ-I. Carpenter Waco Blankets - K-A Poly- K-A Subtotal 10% OH&P Subtotal Performance Bond TOTAL $18,641.12 $ 518.58 $ 1,012.86 $ 650.00 $ ~,o92.oo $21,914.56 $ 2,191.46 $24,106.02 $ 241.06 $24,347.08 o 0 14 oooooooooo oooooooooo ~oooooooo iiiiiiiiii , iiiiiiiiii ooooooooooo ooooooooooo o ooo o o o 000000000000000000000000 000000000000-000000000000 O0 000000000000000000000000 O0 O0 0000000~0000000000~000 O0 O0000OO00000000000000000 0 0000 000000 0 00000000 o oo o~o o ~o ~H~oo~ 000000000000000000000000 - H - 0 0 0 0000 0 000 0 O0 000000000000000000000000 oo~oo~~~ooooo~~ 000000000000000000000000 01~1 MOO [,400 oo oo Oo · i i ~-IOO oo ! i o0o ooo o ~,1 ~-i og o o o o ooo~~ ~oooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooo 0000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000' 0000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000 ~000000~00000000000000 IIIlllllll.llllllllllll 0000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000 Illlllllllllllllll'llll 0000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000 01-~ liio ~o o o o i ~1o i oo oo o oo og · o c~ ~1 r.3 o ,~ o ooo ooo · . oo o oo o · oo ooo OO o o o o o o oo o~ oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o · M ooo oo ooo ~ ooo oo ooo M~mm ~ oo 0oo 0 ~MM~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ O0 000 ~ 0 0 ~ 0 g ~ooo ~oo ~ooo ~ooo moo ~000 o0o oo o00 ooo ~ oo oo0 ooo ~ oo ooo ~ ~,~ 0 ,~ '~ ~ ~oo o ~ ~ooo ~ ooo oo ooo ~ oooo ~ ooo oooo ~ oooo 0 ooo oooo . 0 ~ o0o0 ~ 0 o00 M 00o0 ~ 0 ~ 0~00 0~0 0~00 · 0 0 0 · 0 0 0 o o o. . ~. X. C~~ LUIEIER - UICTORI~ P.O. BOX ~,? VICTOR~. JIIHNE,~TI~ 55386 REFERENCE PO ii-585a~-4Gll Ii.&90 _~__I_TER lYl It0U6E ~JHT · 019 9'I'/~TE T~ ~0RE: 4 PP~I~ HO I :LP.J ~/0~ I 7:01,, J./'~4~8 CD EI'IERIOR ITYR, PlHE 400 493.(~ 384 474.50 I&?.,EI JOl~ CODE . -. · . · x 404.07 TAXABLE 3/9.41 HOH-.TIIXAIiLE 0.00 SI.IiiTOTilL 3'Pt, 41' . ..-... ' T,X ~ ~.~ .~ - .. . -~a._~_ .. ,~.o~. 7 ~: ..,"~'_~ ~...*Z~. ~ ,'";~.-.~ ~- -'~'~.- --. -.', ..... '~:' ...... ~ '- -'~ '"~ - -"~?~, ..'W~- '~ ..._'~:..~...~...::~ ...~. -. ...... ,_ ~:~,_-;~...-..~-,.~:'.~.: -...~.,.-.~- .-.. :..*,~ ~. :.....-..... .... ........-..- ~, .- ..- .:';--.'-%'~r~...., .... . ..... ..'.....':..v '-.. '-%. ':~ -.- '. - -' --.. -.: '...- .. 7. "'~ ' - . * · -: Nl ..:it .... - .. '":~..: :.,.,~-. -.. 'milt .. · ,. . .,% · · · o,, . .= .: -. ...... ,, .-. ~,.~ '~-.'. ~..~:~ · ,..:.,..~:.,. ~ .' ~.. . .'. . ~. . .'?=.- :~. . - ~- ·-.-.; .~,~ ,.:~,- ~..- .-'~" ~'.. ~.. -.,...~ . . .. . -. -- ..... ;.-.' ..;- .; --~ .... ~. . . . .. .- ..' ,~' ....., ..~ .. : . -[... '.'.'.:-~: -..... - · .~ .:::- ':~-'.-;.. }'::, · . ~' · '-...~: " · "3 · -. ....-.- PLEASE FURNISH THIS OFFICE WTFH A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE INDICATING COVERAGES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIRCATION REQIJIREMENTS. AMENDMENT TO PAYMENT PROVISION: FOR PAYMENT THE 15'1'H APPROXIMATE OF THE FOLLOWING MONTH, ALL MATERIAL AND SERVICE INVOICES AND PAY ESTIMATES MUST BE RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE THE 4TH TUESDAY OF THE CURRENT MONTH. INVOICE IN DUPLICATE ALL SPECIAL CONDmONS AND GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE SPECIRCATIONS FOR THIS PROJECT ARE A PART OF THIS PURCHASE ORDER; FURTHER, NO ADDmONAL WORK CAN BE ALLOWED UNDEI] THIS PURCHASE ORDER. IF ADDITIONAL WORK IS ENCOUNTERED, APPROVAL MUST BE SECURED FRQM THE WRITER OF THIS PURCHASE ORDER. SPECIRCALY, THE FIELD SUPERINTENDENT HAS ONLY THE AUTHORITY TO ISSUE AN ADDITION TO THE CONTRACT IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY. 1645 O~ Scaffoldinl & Equipment i WACO SCAFFOLDING - MINNEAPOLIS 401 FIRST STREET 8W ' NEW BRISHTON, MN. 55112 · Te1:651-697-0050 · Fax:651-69?-Oe54 Remit To:1664 SOLUTIONS CENTER CHICAGO, IL, 60677-1006 Customer:525055415 KRAUS ANDERSON BLD8 ~500 2500 MINNEHAHA AVE MPL8,. MN 55404 Waco J~b 8ite~ Cumt Contact: SAL£S _ I NV(~) ~ CE~ Da t e: 01-08-2005 Page :. 1 Tm i- a 612-7~ 1-7581 Fax :61;~-721-E660 TERMS : NET ~0 DAYS. Irr~oicm ~ub~mct to ko Tm-~ a~ CoT~ditio~m~ Waco Order #: 68'7018 ' 6i~mn 5205-SCJ]TT INSALLS Cumt PO: 59~67-4611 Ticket # : E5-~57 Customer Pi~k up · Y Part bbec De~ztpti0~ · ........ .... - ..... _. .... q ~ ...... Bale Unit I)iscmmt · UGH iGC Ot¥ PricE' Alount T~t~! PO.Y ~ZIg:TIFIO~ 4G'XIO0' PGL.Y HIIgXI. IP - R.K3TZC Total Product Amount 5~8.56 Sub Tota! Amount mmmllmmmmmmll, lmm MI'NNESOTA TAX ~ ~ 6.50 55.01 TOTAl_ II, ICE ~ddOUNT Net Total m 558.56 Tazms t AMOUNT PA I D TOTAL AMOUNT DUE FOR INVOICE METHOD OF PAYMENT: ~ TO kI~A~i:OONT ... ~.~ · mmm m .m m mml mm mi mmlm mm m mmmm m 0.00 . .. JOB~ ~6~( TYPE CODE ~ DISC ..... · ~ m · .... p..ntmmm ~ E~ CUmE~ Scaffolding & Equipment WACO SCAFFOLD I NG - M INNEAPOL: 401 FIRST STREET SW NEW BRIGHTON ~MN.. 551'12 Te I: 651-697-0050 Fax :651-697-0E54 Remit To = 1664 SOLUTIONS CENTER CH I.CAGO, I L, '60677-1006 TERMS Cu~tomer:525055415 612-721-7581 KRAUS ANDERSON'BLDG ESO0 2500 MINNEHAHA AVE' MPLS MN 55404 RENTAL I NV(] I CE Date :01-0?-2005 Page: 1 : NET 50 DAYS. 'blaco Job 8ite:526~1946 Cust Contact: #4611CHANHASSEN LIBRARY N N N, MN 99999 Job Area/Loc: ~4611 Invoice Subject-to ~aco Termm and, Condi'tions. lanua! Tickets g E~29~59 ;ofltract #: 68669? 81stuff: 5E05 SCOT~ INGALLS Purch OrdD 59297 'ran Type a DEL Re~ #: 54929 · . RENTAL BILLINe FROM ~e-l~-aooe TO 01-07-200~ (aC) DAYS ~art Billing E8 Days Total lumb er I~e~c r i p t i on Qt y Pr i c e Amount )15~00 ~ ~~5'~'~~~ e. 4.~ 8.00 ~155~ ~ ~ 5'~' ~ e ~ I 6~ 6 4.0000 ~.00 )~5510~ ~ ~ ~ 8'110' ~ .0.8000 1.60 )E~410 ~ ~ ~ ~ $'~'X10'.~ 8 0.8~ 6.40 )EO0~ * ~ PIN L-~ ~7/1~' E4 0'. I'EO0 E .88 )~06~ ~~IB"W~m~. 6 - '- 4..0000" E4.~ ~51815 ~ 18' ~ ~ ~TIC 6 E4 ~00~ 144.00 ~5E005 W~ ~ ~I~ 6 4.0000 E4.. O0 )~E505 ~L ~ ~ 5' E 0.8000 I .60 )5E555 ~ ~ ~I/4' ~ E 0.80~ I .60 ~05510 ~ 10' ~V ~ 8 0.8000 6.40. ,05410 ~~ 10'X1~ ~ ~' , 9 16 . 00~' 1 ~ . O0 Sub Total Amount _ ~MOUNT INVOICE AMOUNT 41~'.48 6.50 26.81 mmmmm m m mm m mm mm m mm 459 ~US-~~ON, CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 7,CNTZ'-,.C?ORS .& CONSTRUCTION December 16, 2002 Mr. Barry Petit Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle, Ltd. 119 North 2nd Street Minneapolis, MN 55401-1420 Re; Chanhassen Public Library Chanhassen, MN Construction Change Direative No. 7 Dear Barry: We have reviewed Construction Change Directive No. 7 dated November 21, 2002 issued by your office for the above referenced project and submit the attached cost breakdown for your review and action. We are enclosing copies of our subcontractors' and material suppliers' cost proposals 'for your records as applicable. If you have any questions concerning our response, please contact me. Sincerely, KRAUS-ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY BUILDING DIVISION William M. Cox Project Manager Enclosures cc: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Building DMsion 2500 Minnehaha Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55404 Phone: (612) 721-7581 FAX: (612) 721-2660 Equal Opportunity Employer Chanhassen Public Library Chanhassen, MN construction Chan~e Directive No~ 7 - -- November 21, 2002 Drawin~ SK152 -- · Rough Carpentry / M2 Kraus-And~rson · M~son~ Crosstown Masonry · Roofing- Built-up G&S Roofing · Roofing- Copp~ Innovative Building Concepts CCD g7 Subtotal 5% 0H&P on $6,397.00 10% OH&P on $1,536.00 Subtotal $ 990.00 $ 546.00 $4,017.00 No Change - $2,380.00 $7,933.00 $ 320.00 $ 154.00 $8,407.00 $ 84.00 TOTAL ADD $8,491.00 1322 159TH AVENUE N.E. HAM LAKE, MINNESOTA 55304 November 25, 2002 Arm: Bill Cox Kraus-Anderson Building Division 2500 Minuehaha Ave Minneapolis, MN 55404 RE: Chanbas.~n Public Library (763) 434-6371 FAX (763) 434-7693 CCD #7 Price to add brick and block to the main entry per detail SK 152. Materials $1,156.00 Labor $2,496.00 Profit and Overhead 10°/6 $ 365.00 TOTAL ADD $4~017.00 If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Since~ly, Jay Bird Crosstown Masonry, IncorpomXeA · 12/04/2002 12:26 6128131151 Pt~E ~. ~ l~l:h Awnu~ ~ M~~ MN ~ (012) 813-1149 FAX (612) 813-1151 Flat Roof Specialist~ ....... emalh ~OGscC:~l~nl~ :nnovotive Building. Concepts, inc,.. Went SiP Su~t Btc~ningtm, ~ 55420 Propose] ~trmim~l to: A_.t~_ -.. Sob Name: lob Location: Nove~_ her 26, 2002 Kra~ ~ Constmcfion Compa~ Bill Cox Cl~nhassen t'ubli~ ~'brat7 Field Labor: $ 992.00 stu~ Labor:. $ 36o.oo Field Verifica~m: $ 248.00 Deliv~-ies: $ 100.00 ~=i~: $ ~SO.0O Grand Total: $"2,380.00 .~ KRAUS-ANDERSON, CONSTRUCTION COMPANY CONTRACTORS & CONSTRUCTION ~¥L~NAGERS November 27, 2002 Mr. Barry Petit Meyer, Scherer & Rockcastle, Ltd. 119 North 2nd Street Minneapolis, MN 55401-1420 Chanhassen Public Library Chanhassen, MN Construction Change Directive No. 7 (should be No. 8) Dear Barry: We have reviewed Construction Change Directive No. 7 dated November 22; 2002 issued by your office for the above referenced project and submit the-attached cost breakdown for your review and action. As directed, we have completed the descn'bed additional work. We are enclosing copies of our subcontractors' and material suppliers' cost proposals for your records as applicable. If you have any questions concerning our response, please contact me. Sincerely, KRAUS-ANDERSON CONSTRUCq/ON COMPANY , ;'~--~-~ ~ William M. Cox Project Manager Enclosures cc: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Building Division 2500 Minnehaha Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55404 Phone: (612) 721-7581 FAX: (612) 721-2660 Equal Opportunity Employer Chanhassen Public Library Chanhassen,. MN Construction Change Directive No. ~ % Novexnber 22, 2002 ITEM NO. 1: Drawing SK42 · Earthwork- Ingrain Add · Reinforcing Steel Mil. - Empire Corp. 2 Tons- Labor Add · Concrete - Cmsstown 5% OH&P Pc'ff. Bond Add Subtotal Subtotal TOTAL ADD ITEM NO. 1 $4,455.OO $1,438.00 $ 800.00 $2,400.00 $9,093.00 $ 455.00 $9,548.00 $ 95.00 $9,643.00 ITEM NO. 2: Dampprooflng at Ramp Dampproofing- Kremer & Davis 5% OH&P Add $3,980.00 $ 199.00 Subtotal $4,179.00 Perf. Bond $ 42.00 TOTAL ADD ITEM NO. 2 $4~221.00 ,09/18/02 WED 08:15 FAT 6129340901 ~OOl 18900 Pioneer Trafi Tel: (~;2) 934-0917 Eden P~rla, MN ~347 Fax: (062) g34..0901 Pricing Req~ Ooptmnbor ia, ~ KmUi Andmofl 2S00 Mlnnshalm Avenue MJnneapolb, Mlnnaaotm William Cox · Chanhnu.n I.ibmr~ [,pwer MI interMr [md. and footlnDs ID fr~ depth:. _ - Inberfnr loads: 27 ~) $150.00 per psd Stdp rcx~g~: 27 Lf. ~ $10.00 per Lf. Ftm 1CRG ~lt &' profit: TOTAL THIS PPJ~NO HE.QUEST: Jay S. Wsll~ Pmj~ 3.0/29/02 Oct,2§, 11:01 FA~ 2002 2'44PM I(/A BUILDING DIV, .ARAUS.ANDERSON CONKFRUC"rlON-CO:MP,~~ FAX 1U~I:/~T cOv]~R. No.8368 ' ~001 DA'rE: 10..~.02 'TIMR: 3.00 P.M, FAX~ 551.426,8074 Bill Cox ~ OF KRAUS-AzNDERSON BUI2LD~G'CO~~ TELPPHOlVE BID FIRM- ., BY: ._~~~~~.~ ADD PHO~: ~ ~ OFWO~ __. ~ .... Altemate # Alternate # Add/Deduct Alternate # Add/Deduct Alternate.-, ~ . .M~l/Ded~'t Alternate~ ~ Add/Deduct NOTES: rNCLUbES: .... Sales Tax FOB Job Add~d~- Conf. R~. As tm' Plans & Specs. Bid Taken By: · W~Tm,~--"-~--~~---~cE ~ . INVOICE RO. BOX 21O97 . COLUMBIA HEIGHTS, ~ 55421-.IXIIt7 . · woe~ NUMa~= 062:!.99 ~NVO~:~ ~,TE= -1.1.~.9/02 · [EAUS AItDERSON BUILDING 2500 MII~HAHA AVE MI~OLIS Hll 55404 I I RXTRA TO CONTRACT DAHPPROOFED CHANItASSRN 3980.00 tI0V 10 3~980 .'00 KllAUS-~~ON. CONSTRUCTION COMI~ANY CONTRACTORS & CONSTRUCTION MANAGEFcS January 24, 2003 Mr. Barry Petit Meyer, Scherer & Rockca~tle, Ltd. 119 North 2nd Street Minneapolis, MN 55401-1420 Re: Chanhassen Public Library Chanhassen, MN Construction Change Directive No. 9 Dear Barry: We have reviewed Construction Change Directive No. 9 dated'January 9, 2003 issued by your office for the above referenced project and submit the almched cost ~own for your review and action. As directed, we will proceed with the described additional work. We are enclosing copies of our subcontractors' and ~ suppliem' cost proposals for your records as applicable. If you have any questions concerning our response, please contact me. Sincerely, KR~US-ANDEI~ON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY BUIL~ON William M. Cox Project Manager Enclosures cc: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Building Division 2500 Minnehaha Avenue, Minneal:x31is, MN 55404 Phone: (612) 721-7581 FAX: (612) 721-2660 Equal Opportunity Employer Chanhassen Public Library Chanhassen, MN Construction Change Directive No. 9 January 9, 2003 · Mechanical/HVAC - Metropolitan Mechanical · Mechanical/Plumb'rog No C2umg¢ Electrical- Larson Electric Add $2,575.00 No Change CCD g9 Subtotal Add $2,575.00 Sales Tax Included 5% OH&P $ 129.00 SUBTOTAL $2,704.00 Perf. Bond $ 27.00 TOTAL ADD $2,731.00 In Proposal Request No. 4, the utility guk and associated piping were deleted. J~-20-03 liON 08:43 ~ BUC~ PL~[NC, ¢0 INO FPA NO, '1 BUCB'MAN PL~BIN'G CO., INC. P.O. BOX 11070 ~OLIS, .MN 55411 612-,588,..4202 FAX 61 Janttary 20, 9.003 Kraua Anderson Alta: Bill Cox Wc sttbmi; 1o you thc following cbs-ge onlcr. We will furnish and install all waste, vent, and walm' piping for a future sink at column E and 1- floor drain for an addiflanal ~ Tho price above [ucludos rill nccossary maleriale, labor, pcrmile and sales tax, .. R~sp~tf~ly Tom Pahkala January 23, 2003 Mr. Bill Cox Kraus-Andexson Co~on Company Building Division 2500 Minnehaha Avenue M{nneapolia, MN 55404 Ckankass~ Public Library Construction Change Directive No. 9 dated January 13, 2003. Dear Bill: MMC has '~qo Cost" for Construction C3aange Di.n~ve No. 9 dated Janua~ 13, 2003. Please call if you have any que~ons: ' Sincaa'ely, Metropolitan Mechanical Contraetor~ Brian M. Gieseke rroj oct Manager BG/bg 7540 Wa,hln~n Avenue South. Eden Prairie, Minnmom 55544-:5582 · Phone: (612) 941-7010. ~ (612) 941-9118