Administrative Section ADMINISTRA TIVE SECTION Chanhassen Rotary Club 2009 Distinguished Service Award Nomination Request- January 2009. Three Rivers Park District - Parks Forum, Macro Trends: Preparing for the Future - Dated January 12, 2009 Article from the Hawk Herald Variety Section: Chanhassen and Chaska can you really tell the difference? ~~'~~- CHANHASSEN ROTARY CLUB 2009 DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD NOMINATION REQUEST Dear Participating Organization: The Chanhassen Rotary Club annually awards its Distinguished Service Award to one Chanhassen resident who exemplifies Rotary's goal of "Service Above Self." It is through the selfless and dedicated works of citizens who demonstrate their passion to serve others that all of our lives are enriched. Past recipients include AI Klingelhutz, Bob Meuwissen, Ladd Conrad and Cy and Madonna Kerber. This year we are asking your organization to again be a part of the identification and selection process for the Chanhassen Rotary Club's 2009 Distinguished Service Award. Currently, we are requesting nominations of qualified candidates for this honor from your organization and others throughout our community. Enclosed are information about the Chanbassen Rotary Club's Distinguished Service Award, the award criteria and a 2009 nominations form. For each nominee, please fill out the enclosed biographical nomination form and return it to Chanhassen Rotary in the enclosed self-addressed envelope or by fax (952) 442- 6543 by 5 :00 p.m. on Febrmllry 20, 2009. Nominations received after that date will not be considered for this year's award. The Chanhassen Rotary Club Award Committee will select the finalists from all timely nominations received. Your organization and others serving the City of Chanhassen will then be asked to cast a vote for their choice from the list of finalists. The recipient of the 2009 Award will be announced at the Chanhassen Rotary Club's Spring Gala to be held on May2, 2009. Thank you for assisting the Chanhassen Rotary Club in recognizing those in our city that truly represent our motto of "Service Above Self." If you have any questions, please contact Pat Michaelson at (952) 442-2191x5026. We look forward to receiving your nominations by February 20,2009. Sincerely, Chanhassen Rotary Club Distinguished Service Award Committee CHANHASSEN ROTARY CLUB DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD PURPOSE AND PROCESS The Chanhassen Rotary Club annually presents its Distinguished Service Award to one Chanhassen resident who exemplifies Rotary's goal of "Service Above Self." It is through the selfless and dedicated works of citizens who demonstrate their passion to serve others that all of our lives are enriched. Rotary International is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. Our club seeks to recognize those Chanhassen residents who serve others, primarily in our city, in a manner that is above and beyond the level usually expected of all good citizens. This will allow us to honor them, encourage others to follow their leadership, promote civic pride, and advance the ideals of our local Rotary club and Rotary International. Our friends and neighbors serve others in ways which our club members may not even be aware. Therefore, we seek individual nominations from the various non- profit, religious and civic organizations located and operating within Chanhassen. The Award Committee will evaluate each nominee's service history, and select two to three finalists for that year's award. Ballots will be distributed to each identified Chanhassen organization, and the fmalist who receives the most votes will be awarded that year's Distinguished Service A ward at the Chanhassen Rotary's annual Spring Gala. All nominees will be individually recognized for their service. All finalists will be publicly recognized at the Spring Gala and will receive a framed certificate. Each Distinguished Service Award winner will receive an individual award plaque and have his or her named added to a publicly displayed cOffilnemorative award plate. Our objective is to build a tradition within the City of Chanhassen. A tradition that honors those who exemplify "Service Above Self'. A tradition that honors those that live up to the award's name - the Chanhassen Rota.ry's Distinguished Service Award. CHANHASSEN ROTARY CLUB DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD AWARD CRITERIA 1. Candidates must reflect Rotary International's motto of the "Service Above Self'. 2. Candidates must be residents of the City ofChanhassen. 3. The candidate's qualifying service may be performed locally, domestically and/or internationally. 4. Nominees may come from any occupation, including retired individuals and "homemakers. " 5. The service activity or activities prompting nomination are beyond the normal scope of one's employment. 6. "Service Above Self' has been defined as: "any and all service above and beyond the usual level required of all good citizens, which is performed in a meritorious manner over a period of years, or would be considered extraordinary service or a heroic act performed in anyone year or over a number of years." 7. The nominee's service includes their contributions to one or more organizations. 8. Re-nominations of previous award nominees and finalists are welcome. CHANHASSEN ROTARY CLUB DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD 2009 NOMINATION FORM Nominator's Name / Organization Nominator's Phone Number Nominee Name: Home Address: Employer: Work Phone #: Home Phone #: On a separate page, please provide the following information for the nominee as succinctly as possible. Attach additional pages as necessary. 1. List nominee's major volunteer service activities with dates, offices and awards. 2. Statement of how the nominee has exhibited "Service Above Self." 3. In a few sentences, please state why all of Chanhassen would be proud to recognize your nominee's distinguished service to others. To ensure the best representation of your candidate please submit a full and complete nomination form. This form will be reviewed with the nominee for accuracy. Nominee may, in his or her sole discretion, decline nomination. Please return to Chanhassen Rotary's Distinguished Service Award Committee in the enclosed self- address envelope or fax to (952) 442-6543 by 5:00 p.m. February 20,2009. Thank You! Nominations must be received on or before February 20, 2009, in order to be considered. :----- --- Three Rivers Park District Board of Commissioners Sara Wyatt District 1 Marilynn Corcoran, Vice Chair District 2 Mark Haggerty District 3 Dale Woodbeck District 4 Rosemary Franzese District 5 Larry Blackstad, Chair Appointed Joan Peters, Appointed Cris Gears Superintendent --. ThreeRivers PARK DISTRICT January 12, 2009 Todd Hoffman, Director City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd - PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Todd, Three Rivers Park District is in the process of updating its System Plan, crafting the vision and goals which will lead us into the future. As part of that process, we are striving to answer the question, "How can the Parks profession best prepare for the future?" To help answer this question, the Park District is hosting a series of Parks Forums that focus on emerging trends which may impact the future of outdoor recreation in the Twin Cities metropolitan region. On behalf of Three Rivers Park District, I would like to invite you, as a recognized leader within the Twin Cities parks community, to join us at the Parks Forum to hear a special presentation on macro-trends from Tom Stinson, the State Economist, and Tom Gillaspy, the State Demographer. Following the presentation, a Parks Expert Panel will take questions from the audience and will discuss how to best respond to the challenges that lie ahead. The Parks Forum will be held on Wednesday, February 4, 2009, from 9:00 AM to Noon at the Schneider Theater in the Bloomington Civic Plaza. The enclosed flyer provides additional information about the Forum as well as directions to the Schneider Theater. Elected and appointed officials with an interest in parks, park directors, park professionals, students and others with an interest in parks are encouraged to attend. Please RSVP to: Heather Gates; 763.694.7649; HGates@threeriversparkdistrict.orq I look forward to seeing you at the Forum! Sincerely, /I~/ Cris Gears Superintendent Administrative Center, 3000 Xenium Lane North, Plymouth, MN 55441-1299 Information 763.559.9000 . TTY 763.559.6719 . Fax 763.559.3287 . www.ThreeRiversParkDistrict.org ~~ . ThreeRivers PARK DISTRICT Parks Forum Macro Trends: Preparing for the future Wednesday, February 4th 9 AM to Noon Schneider Theater Bloomington Civic Plaza (Directions on the back) How can the Parks profession best prepare for the future? To help answer this question, Three Rivers Park District is hosting a series of Parks Forums for local and regional parks professionals and decision-makers. These forums focus on emerging trends that may impact the future of outdoor recreation in the Twin Cities metropolitan region. Responding Today for Tomorrow's Needs Tom Stinson, State Economist Tom Gillaspy, State Demographer 9 AM to 10 AM In this engaging presentation, Tom Stinson and Tom Gillaspy paint a picture of where Minnesota has been, where it is today, and what challenges lie ahead. Years of research have yielded chilling statistics about changes in Minnesota's work force and the impact those changes will have on the state in the very near future. Actions taken in the next five years are critical to the long-term future of the state. As the state's leading economist and demographer, Stinson and Gillaspy are sharing their conclusions with leaders in government and the private sector to help prepare for a better tomorrow. Responding to the Challenge Parks Expert Panel 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM How can parks help shape the future of the state? A Parks Expert Panel will discuss the role of parks in responding to the challenges identified by Mr. Stinson and Mr. Gillaspy. Panel members include representatives from local, regional and state agencies, academia and the private sector. Who should attend? Decision-makers - elected and appointed parks board members and others with an interest in outdoor recreation. Professionals - park directors, planners, educators, programmers and other staff who help implement visions. Students and the interested public are welcome as well. Please RSVP to: Heather Gates, 763.694.7649; HGates@lthreeriversoarkdistrict.orq ~' ....... ThreeRivers PARK DISTRICT Directions to Schneider Theater The Schneider Theater is located in the Bloomington Civic Plaza, 1800 W. Old Shakopee Rd, Bloomington, MN 55431. Parking is located off Logan Ave S. The Theater is located in the northern (closest to 98th St.) portion of the Civic Plaza. ~. CITY Of BLOOMINGTON MINNfsorA OTYor rD'NA CfTYOf RICHfiElD mH . MPIS - ST. PAUL INTlAllPORT 494i ',-,' CITY 0' EDEN PAAIRIE NORTH Address: ,800 W. Old Shakopee Road Bloomington MN 5543'-3027 Phone: 952-563-8700 ny: 952-563-8740 Web site: wwwCl.bloomington,mn,us "C III "'0 -I :T"'O ~ :r So 0 ~ o ~"'O (') Olll_:r o ~ ~ t\) So 0 ~ CIl"'-::;r ~;II;"g.t\) o 0 ~ ~ -S(')~ :E t\) 0 ~ :E ~ 3 :::0 :EC.3~ n (') ,.... c. c:: .., o 0 ~ ~ ~ o~. ~ ~ -~ -. :T:r(')o III ~ t\) ~ VI .., .., t\) ~t\)"'- ? (') c.c (') 3 :::'.0 ~ ?~t\)a c: -. ~ ~ ~ ~ c.'" '0. "'O~ III -:r ~ t\) ~ ~ '<iD ::J '" u ' CDOCDO CD::JO:r o.~OJOJ CD c C ::J 0.::J(()::r ;:;: o' 0 ~ :J -.. -+l (D ~IO::J -'-. OJ ~ en' '"' '< -0 oro~6f OJ,< -::J 3 CD, 0. CD:5:"";'" ,",O::ro. o ~ V)' 0 -0 0 en' ;:;: -.::r' ::J R-CDS- -c' ::J CD 3 ::J u '< lOOJo..." ::ro ~OJ .~::r~ ;3 ~~. CD;:;' OJ."OlCD I ,',VI I ~ 0;:;: 'ill 0 '"' ~o~'~::r~ S' 5. 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