Plowe Transmittal 1-16-09 JOB NO. 08-1227 TO: Neil Klin~elhutz ATTN: RE: Apple Tree Estates I;)ATE 1/16/2009 I ! I ! ENGINEERING, INC. 6776 Lake Drive NE, Suite 110 Lino Lakes, MN 55014 651-361-8210 651-361-8701 fax www.plowe.com WE ARE SENDING YOU D Shop Drawings D Prints i IBI Attached ! D Specifications i D Plans o Samples o Copy of letter o Change order o Under separate cover visa o Other / COPIES DATE NUMBER DESCRIPTION 2 1/15/2009 IDrainage calculations w/ area maps 2 1/15/2009 IExhibit A (driveways for Lots 1 & 2) 17 1/15/2009 ,Civil plans C1-C4 (full size) 1 1/15/2009 Civil plans C 1-C4 (8.5" x 11 ") 1 Application THESE TRANSMISSIONS ARE o For your approval IBI For your use o As per your request o For your review and comments o Approved as submitted o Approved as noted o Corrections needed o For your information and file o Submit _ copies for distribufion o Refurn _ corrected prints IBI Other For City submittal o FOR BIDS DUE: o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS ",I! . OF CHf\.NHAS",t: m:CENEO JA~I 1 6 2009 CH.L\NH/\SSEN PI_AI\!NING lli-+' I SIGNATURE' Adam Glnkel IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS DESCRIBED, PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY. I COpy TO: