Plans Complete Ii 7=-" -~!< fi '-- ~~ - . ~~. , 0 ~. . ,., <{,"""~ "'"" J( ~ ~""0 (~ 1.>- ~ ~- o / _---;I ~ -'.-,.-;- 't)',/ ~.';/ . ); ~ ~11r, \~~---::.:~ . --~ - - ~ ------------- ~- ,:;~--- --- / ------------ ~:----. ----~ -' ~~ -------------==-~ -~---- ~ ---:.~ ~~~ \~.. ~,.~\ \\\ ,~:.. ~ >, I \ I J ~ , .' . ",0" , ~ ,. /" /. ~.\ 1 ('1 !r . ~o . I ! . . . , . i @Si.PlanoCilySulmilllll "'01 ,',,,,,.0' . It . WESTWOOD COMMMUNITY CHURCH. PHASE II ADDITION ,,"....'1\\!XJO"',ElUlSO;lR...."'" "'PIX""_ ~,~ ~"""""-';fl.RE," <><""-"'TOF""-,1IA ""......""""."'"",, -~"...,.,." '''~-" '.'iI...... 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I LEGEND e S""""'''NWJ/.E ~~ ~.- "'AnlCC<IN""'-BQ)I -~ "'AnlCUGHT "''''VAL''' f1\P1fANT ""......."" C>.J/IIJSTrJPBQ)I /V' General Notes 0 -- . CONJFt:FIOUS1llcr " .~ ~ , , . "'- . SIlll/O<'OOPOSI """-"',"",/Or>iCIl ~ """-"''"'''/0'''''' ~ ~"'- tJ()J< , "-'II!>CAFO'CllSTAIJ. . ""'CIB' e --~ " ~"~ 0 a.S"'.... * S"...-IU". .,- -- m ~epo'.d Th'"u,,,,y.o,,, bo..don """.""t eo...., 2, e"''''9' e '" 8 ~ , 10 lill. commltm.<'lf_ .llhOUI I". b"".fil 0 C"",nly.""llonb'.okd>ow". _.cl.dond "01""010010.00 (oio...."'9. ' thi....,,"'y..ooom ._byP'''''.... 9 Th. ",I",mol'"" "" on<l d.lo Ihol ... 0'0" como'edbyWe.twooo ",,,,,,fl"d.,,,,,,y . "" ho"" b..... 'ocoted 00 guocont.... I"~t Th. ond';'9':~d .~~;:~. ;;;'",.;ng._ Th..~u,.'~~o;:'~~... "' ~~. f~~~"th:th"- ;"I........at,on ndulmll......o.n oomP'luc1h., do..not..".. 00lh""9hh. th.und.'9'OU _.dTh...."""....- "oc.li"""'d;o.l.. '1""".11"" . ,"OO",ot>"" '"'Ih...oo -b'. I,,,,,, " ~n::;9'ound Ulml';;: ;";.~n ';~Ied .. OO"""'I~~d .1''':':'':';''9,,,,,,no 0l'1"... doe.o..-Ilfythot . ho.notphl""Oonyloco 'I.ny ..b'.Th....,""')'O' oon-.".I.neeo .... . .....th...I.I.nee...- '1)< "",...-o.d", Th.. .u''''y doe. :~.=;..:~ on '" .ff IhOI :~~~:r~'~/"'- le<Joj 01 th.f""ow,n9' l'd.f""t.",ln.phl"'>Co .~.d......,on.. un'",,~u d..e,iption, (I \/" \ n V ) " , ~ '" ~ . e e ~ ~" ",- I"O<<.RO~_ -- SO"''''T_R '''''''''''''R "''--0..--... ~-~ . , "".... ~""""'-C , -,- -- ~ -~ " CU'C1lIrC9OJ< . ~a""""''''' e ncc1llrC~ " [iLC1lIrC'_R e ........'...y~""""'-C " Sl""'<U""""-" " /lUHI"'CM""~'SII< . "~- . ruJICO'''''SfC""" C<WCII["......-Aa- I1Jg - -- -.- -- ----- --------------....... ---- ....... -- -- -.~ ~ ~~ -- """""""'"",'IIIC ~"...-,...- C>.J/IIJ""""'R /1f/WIIIWS.....-Aa- '-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ (' ~. ~ ~ \ ~'-~ ~ -.....:""<.; ~ ~ ~ - - --J - . ~ ~-, - \\1\ I ( I \ , I , \ \ - I ~ :r---__ 'f7 r , I I I I I "'~~~.... - ,,-, .-._--"........~- -.- - -"'M --"...~........ --::...........~-~... 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""" ......., -:::::"'..........,,-..":..........).-::-..::........ :::.:::.."'----"::."":::....01"";';:;;'.::;-_ _.::- ......__..:,-;....:.._.=.....".........~,~ -"::::::::,,--..:......~.......,"":;.."":'_-'" ";";:.:....,-,,"'" """'-"---=:::'..__.",::"" -.....""';1=<...'----..--"'";"::'., -"- -,_..- --. --",- .."''''-:::;....''-~'"'':;'"'''',.-''''';:.~-''' ---::..--...:.......01.........::-.....'0_. ;0_,;;:.--.:.":",=:::.."".:::"..--..- " :::::::,,--,.... ---'-::r:' -~""'-":'="'.,~':;"'~,,":::,"--- ""--"-"-- -,.."- =--eo.--_"._ .-. )( " .00' '00' III . . CUNINGHAM G R 0 U P -0:.:: - "-- '"'_!it,. -~ -~ ." Tot""'.,,,,, "'1"1"00<10 .......: - - " -.. ---" --- --...- - -- =---.. - ~... p- -- CUP & SITE PLAN REVIEW. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ,....,/>O/<>> W<-"" "m - f'J:,NC -. -. -- -. -- Westwood Community Church. Phase !I Addition .- ~ - . - -.- Existing Conditions -.- C1 2of12 -.......- _0........ e2009_"oodp",Ie5sioo.I~cea.I".. C<II148floo,obof,,,.d19'l;,,g, GOPHER ST.... TE ONE CAlL T";,,Clty"'_M'-~OOO2 loI". Toll f.... f-800-2~2-1'66 ~ * " . ! I *~ o ~ EXlSllNGCURBAND SlOEw"'LKTOflElolAlN~ / * 'l SAWCUTEXlSllNG CONCRETE 6.\010( GlI"'1oUP"'~ CONCRETE r.oECH...NICALP"'D E)(I''''NSlON / PROPOSED 8UI~NGEXPANSJON LOIIffi LEVEL ELEVATION_991.g UPPER LEVEL ELEV...TION-lOoe.8 -(l- -(l--(l--(l- (5// -(5/ \5/ , , , RErtRTO LAI>OSCAPtPl....NS fOOH...flOSC...PE OETAlLS General Site Notes 1. B"'Cl<GROONDINFOflI,O"'nQNfOf!llfISPllOJECTFROUFlElDSlJR\lEYBY ~PllOrtSS~Al.SER~CES.EDENPR""RIE,"'N.. 2.L()CJI1l0NS...NDELEV...1l0NSOfEXlSllNGTOPOGlIAPlfY...NDllllUllES"'S SlfO~ON11-fISPl.ANAREAPPIlOXlU"'l[. CONTll"'CTQRSlf"'U.FlELD\IERlFY SllECQNOITlQNSANDUllUTYLOC...llONSPRlOf!TQ EXCAV"'llON(CONSTIlOCllON.If"'NYDISCREPANCESAREfOl.lNO.11-fE ENGItlEER SHOUlD BE NOllFlEtl IUUEDI...my. J. REF'tRTQBOONOARYSl.iR\lEYfORLOTBEAAlNGS.OIr.oENS~S"'NDARE"'S. 4. AU iljUENSlONS ARE TOf"'GE OF CORB OR EXTERIOR r...CE OF BUUlING U'l.ESS OrnERIOISE NOTEO. J.REfERTQ"'~ITEC1lJRAl.Pl.ANSfOREXACTBUll.DINoGOIUENSlONS.NO L()CJITlQNSOFEXlT'S.RAYPS..NOTllOCl<OOCKS. 6. BITUUINOOSP.\lEloIENTONOCONCRETESECllONSTQBE,N"'CCOROANCE'Mllf ~ERECOUlolENO.llONSOFTHEGEOTECHNICAl.ENGfNEER. 7. CONTll.CTOIISlfAUU...'NT...'NFUU....CCESSTOADJACENTP'lOPERllESOORlNC CONSTRUCllON.NOTAl(E"'U.PIlEC.wllONSNECESSARYTQ.\oQIDP'lOPERTY OAlol.GETOADJACENTPROPtRTIES. e REFBlTOARCHTEGnlRAI.. SITE P\.ANFllRBUIlDlNG .....OSElB.CI(OllolENSKlNS //' , , , , , ONE-STORY WALK OUT BRICK/CONCRETE BUILDING FIRST FLOOR ELEY:l006.8 , BASEMENT FLOOR ELEY=991.8 AREA (1ST FLOOR LIMITS) =27,602 SQUARE FEET AREA (BASEMENT LIMITS) =37,135 sou ARE FEET " , '" " " CHII1lREN.SP\..VARE... e ..'- - , . -- \ --- EXlS1lNCPONO \ INCRE...SEHElGllT OFEXlSllNGROCI< RETAINING WAU . . Site Legend - - III . . CUNINGHAM G R 0 U P -- -'. "-- '"'_!it,. -~ -~ ~" Tot"'''"''''' ...."l..""'l ......: - - " ---" --- -.......- -- - - .....--. - ~... p- -- CUP & SITE PLAN REVIEW. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION EXlSTING PROPOSED ,.....,.."'Y'...._,..,._.,,'''''- M--'_.......,.'_~~_~, ---.......,......, _...__..._~... -..-- , -- -- _,_._ _M_<_ / * . / ~ ~ ~ ~ . , / EXlSTINGf'ONO I I )( 0' " PROPtRTYUNf: LOTUNE SETlIACl<UNE E.SE1oIENTUNE CURB AND GUTTER PONDNORloI.....W...TERLE1oU RETAINING WAU ~~ SlTEUGHllNG TR.mCSlGN ffi~~ BOl.LAIlO(POST ......~~~ .- """"~"'lp<.; ,....,/>01<>> W<-"" ",r. - .- f'J:,NC -. - -. ~ -- . -. - -- Westwood Community Church-Phase!1 Addition -,& PreliminarySile Plan -.- C2 ~. 00' 30f12 _0..__....__ ~- * ~ < , , i\ " "" e2009_"oodp",Ie5sioo.I~cea.I".. Call 481-loo,obOf,...d19'l;"g, GOPHER Sf.... TE ONE CAlL T....Clty..._M'-~OOO2 loin. Toll f.... f-800-2~2-1'66 ~ -- '0, , , , ,/., \ , . , . . , ~ , /,/" ./'. /EROSlONCONTllOl. BlNIKETONAlI. 3:1 SlOPES , , * ..~. .. ~M"'TOlGll:1oNSor " EXlSTlNGSlDEWAU<(T'l'Pj,,\ ~ " , .............. ......../ '." ..-- ~.~ \' " " " " * ,/. /' ..' - ,/. . /0 /0 -- //,- . * * -0 -0/ q;/ , , , ~// ,,/ , , , . .. , . ! I \ .. . /\ / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ " } , j, \ .. I / D--~-,. I \ '\ , \ '....,- \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ / ~, N'IIL~ge4 H'IIL_967.7 PONDB NWI-_9!lfi H'IIL_9118.4 . .. INCREASE IiEIGHTOF EXISnNC STONrWAU. EXISnNCTOP_g8?~ PIlOPOSEDTOP_989.0:I: . .. I ,. .'" "'~ .. Grading Notes - - III 1. LOCAl1ONS AND ELEVATlQNS OF EXlSl1NG TOPOGlIAPllV AND UTlUlIES AS 5HO~ON11iISPlANAR[.u>PRO)QU"'TE. CQNTllACTORSHALLFlElDYERlFY SlTE CONOITIONS AND UllUTYlOCAnONS PRIOR TO EXCAVAnON/CONSTRucnON. 11iEENQNEERSHAl.LBEt<IOlln[O,Uo.IW,ATElYIFANYDlSCRE:PANClESA.IlE FOUND. CONmACTOIIS SHAll R€FER 10 I./l'CMITtCTlJIU.l PlANS FOR EXACTlOCAnONS M<lOlWENSlONSorIl[S1100LE.SlOPEOPA"'!:UENT,EXI1PORCHEs,aAUps, TRI.iCXOOCl<S,PIlEClSEBUUlI<CO,t.lENSlONS,EXACTBUILOINCUl1UTY ENTRANCELOC...TIONS....NOEX...CTLOC.llONS.NDNUl.la~Of'OOVINSPOOTS. AU EXC.~.l1ON ~AU BE IN .CCOROAtlCE \011111 mE CURRENT EDlllON Of' 'STANDARD SPEClFlCATIONS fOR TRENCH [XCA~.TION AND aACKflu./SURfACE RESTORATION"ASPR(P.REtlBYTHE:CITYENGlNEERS.SSOCIATIONOf" UINNESQTA.. AU DlSlIJRBED U~.'iED .RE.S ARE TO RECEI'iE fOUR INCHESOf' TOPSOIL AND SOD OR SEED. mESE AREAS SHAU BE W.lEREtl UNTIL. HEALlliYSTANO Of GR.SS IS OBTAlNEtl. SEE LANOSCM'E PlAN fOR PL.ANTltlO ANC l1JRl' EST,>SUS/lUENT, ~. AU SLOPES SHAU BE GR.DEC TO ':1 OR FLAmR. UNl.ESS OlliER\OIISE INCICAlEOONlliIS~EET. 6. CONTRACTOR SHAUUNIl'ORUl.Y GRADE AREAS 'MllilN UUITS Of' GRACINO ANO PRO'<1DE.SIoIOOlliF1NI~ECSlJRl'.CE'MlHUNlfORl.lSl.OPESBElWEENP(llHTS 'M-iEREEL.EVATIONSARESHO~ORBElWEENSlICHPOlNTSANOEXlsnNO GRADES- . . CUNINGHAM G R 0 U P -- -'^ .-- '"'_!it,. -~ -~ ~. T"m"."", ...."l..""'l ......: - 7. SPOT ELEV.l1ONS SHO~ INDlCAlE Fl~SHEO PA'iEUENTELE~.llONS" OUTTEll flOW LINE UtlLESSOlliEll\l1SE NOTID. PROPOSEDCONTOUR'SARETOF1NI~EO SlJRl'.CEGRADE. e. SEESOILSR'EPORTPREPAREOBYSTORXT'MNClTYlESllNGO.lECSEPlEUBEll '6. 200ll fOR R'ECOUUENO.llONS ON GROUNOW.lER. SOIL CORRECl1ONS ANO BUllOlNOHOLDOOVlNS- 9. CONTRACTOR SHAUOrsPOSE Of' ANY EXCESS SOIL UAlERlAL lH.TEXISTS AfTER THE ~lE GRADlNG.ND UllUTI' CONSlRIJCllON IS COloIPl.ETEO. THE CONTRACTOR SHAUOrsPOSE Of' ALL EXCESS SOl. UAlERlAL IN A UANNER .ca:PTABLETOT1iEOVlNER ANC THE REOUlAllNQ AOENClES- 1C.CONTRACTOR SHAUPRO'<1DEC. STRUCl1JRALRET/oJNING w.u. DESIGN CElll1FlEO BY A UCENSED PflOfES~ON.L ENGINEER. 11. AU CONSTRl!CTION SHAU CONFORIoI TCLOCAL. STAlE ANO F'UlEll..... Rl.lLES INCLUOINGll-ENAl1ON.....POU.UT.NTDlSCHARGEEUIoIIN.llONSYSlEt.I(NPDES} PERloIITREClUIREIoIENTS. 12,PRIORTOPlACEIoIENTOfANYSlRIJCl1JREORP.VEIoIENT..PR'OOfRO!l.AT IoIINIIoIUIoI. \I1LL BE REClUIREtl ON mE SUBGR.DE. PROOf' ROLUNG SHAU BE .CCOt.IPUSHEC BYIoIAXIN-G I.IINIIoIUIoI Of" 2 COloIPLElt PASSES \011111 ruU.T-LOAomTANDEIoI-AXl.EOUIoIPTR\JCI<.OR~OVEDEClUAL.INEACHOF 2 PERPENDICULAR DIRECTIONS "MiILf UNOER SUPER'<1st(lN ANC DlRECllON OF THE INDEPENDENT TESllNG LABOR.TORY. AREAS OF fAl.URE SHAU BE EXCA~.lEC ANO R!:COIoIPACTED .S SPEClrED HERElN. l',E...BANK...ENTIoIATERlALPlACEOBENE"'THBUllOlNGSANOSTREETORPARKING ARE"'SSHALL BE COIoIPACTECIN ACCORO.NCE\11TH THE SPEClFlEDDENSlTI' IoIETHOO.SOUruNEOINIoINOOT21~.:lf"1 AND THE RECIUIREI.IENTS OF lHE GEOTECHNICALENClNEER, 14,E...BANK"'ENT IoIATERlAL NOT PL"'CEO IN ll-E BUILOING P.O. STREETS OR PAR1<ING ARE.... SHAU aE COIoIPACTID IN "'CCOROANCE 'MlH R'EClUIREIoIENTS Of THE ORDINARY COIoIP"'CTION t.lElHOO ...S OUlLlNEO IN .....OOT 21D~,:lf"2 1~, AU SOl.S AND IoI"'TEFlIALS TESl1NG SHAU aE COloIPLElEC BY AN INDEPENDENT GEOTECHNICAL ENClNEER, EXCA~.llON fOR mE PURPOSE OF R'EIoICVlNG UNS1ABl.E OR UNSUI1A.BLf SOILS SH.LL BE COIoIPlETID AS R'EClUIREtl BY THE GEOTECHNICALENClNEER,1l1ECONTRACTORSH.....LBER'ESPONSlBLfFOR COORDlN"'l1NG.U. R'ECIU~EO SOILS TESTS .ND INSPEC110NS \11TH mE GEOTECHNICALENClNEER, - " -.. ---.. --- --..- -- - - .....--. - II... p_ -- G.-ading Legend CUP & SITE PLAN REVIEW" NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION EXlST1~ PRCPOSEIl ,.....,.."'Y'...._,..,,_.,,'''''- M--'_......,.'_~~_~, ---.......,......, _..__..._ot... -..-- _-IIeo__ _-Ilao__ PIlOPERTYUN-E INDEXCONlOUR INlERVALCON10Ull CURBANCGUmR POND N-ORt.I..... WAlER LEva ~TFENCE STOR...SEVlER FlAflEOENO SECl10N (\11TH RlPR.P) W.1ER....1N SANITARY SEWER RE1AlNINGWALl. ClR.IN11Lf RlOGEUNE GR.OINGU...ITS ROCKCONSlRIJCTlOtlENTRANC( EllOSlON CONTROL Bl.ANXET SPOT ELEVATION flOWDlR'ECTlON -- Westwood Community Church-Phasefl Addition ______1HJ2__1HJ2_ ......~~~ .- """"~"'lp>O.; ~ . ~-... ~ '....'1>01<>> . -,. W<-"" ",r. o - .- f'J:,NC -. - -. ~ -- . -. - -~,- -""'- . -...- - -- ".00 . ~ftflJ. r:({//~ ,01.00 ~ )( -,& PrefiminaryGrading, Drainage & Erosion ControfPfan -.- C3 O' 20' 40' 60' 4of12 _0...__....__ Cot<NEC1TO " EX,SlllGSANITAAY .... "'ANIlOLE _____ "I<O.l)STRlIol969.9 _____ "'" IE(SE)-979.C)5~ . ~~----/" ----------. ~ " RELOCAl[G.O,S ~ "" . '\:: :::':,~:i, IE(NW)-978.~ IE(NE)_976,4(l CBI.IH-21 RlM_91l9,OO IE(NW)_91lIUlII IE(S)_9B6.06 15U'_lZ"STIoI .O_~ e2009_"oodp",Ie5sioo.I~cea.I".. Call 481-loo,obOf,...d19'l;"g, GOPHER Sf.... TE ONE CAlL T....Clty..._M'-~OOO2 loin. Toll f.... 1-800-252-111l6 " " I , ~':;;:.';.'!'=./ , '" /PROPOSEOBUWNCEXPANSlON ,I' LOwrRLE'<nEl.EV"'TION_~1.6 8" WATER S[ll~CE .. S5LF-a"WAl 2-4.5~ BOlOS C8-12 RlI.l_990.90 ,[(SE)_9a7.IO . . * ", . /"\\ '" ' ",O/v ' ,/,/ / CB-JJ RII.I_990.80 11'(5)_987.21 SANHARY SER~CE SLF-6"SAN 02,00ll; IE_983.7 <;i , , , /0' ,/0 CS-32 flI...-991.40 IE(SE)_91l7.21 lS"STtELCASlNGfOOSTOIlIol SEWERIJNOEllIlUlLOtNO CB-.2 ROol"'990.50 IE(SE)-966-60 , F'ES-4(l IE_98Il.OO ~~ IE_9llfi.OO . \ " , ,. . '. '. , \ \ . . ! I " " l08Lf- 01.em: '. 12.S~... . a" SAN '" C8r.1!l_11~'" R111_990.JO IE(NW)_986.02 IE(SE)-9IlfI.02 " .- '. ~ ----,,---- / ,-~ ~ '. CONNECT TO \ [XlsmCSANITAflY 'm~ AO.lJST Rill 991.15 ~ IE(5)_976.69'" ) 1((W)_97S,SO '~, . /" /\" , . 01,00lI . \ ' . ~ SA.N-MH2 RlM_sa9.52 IE(NWl*976,OO .. IE{SW)_977.S1 / IE(H)_an71 //// // // // // // -. 141Lf"- 005a~ S"SAN 12"STM FES-l0 IE_984.oo 95Lf"-S"SAN o O.58~ General Utility Notes - - III 1. ~ELOCATIONANO/ORELEVAnON~El<JsntIGunUnESASSHO'M<ONnlESE PLI.NSAREBASEOONF1EL.OSURYEVINrORlIATIONBVWESTWOOO.o.NO EXISnNGPLANS8VOTl<El'lS.~EINFORloIAnONSHALLNOT8EIlE:LJEOONAS BEltIG EXACTOR COUPLETE. Tl<ECONTIlACTORSIliUYEl'llFYEXlsntIG CONtlInONSPRlORTOCONSTRUcnON.o.NONonrv~EO'M<EllOREtlGINEER ~tlISCREPI.NClrs. 2. iUSA-NITARVSEWER.STORloISEWERANOWATERlIAININSTl.U.AnONSSHALL BEPERMINNESOTAPWMIljNCCOOE.o.NOINACCOROANCE"MTl<TllECUIlRENT EOlTION~"STANOARO~EClF1CAnONSrORWATERMAINI.NOSDl'llCEUNE INSTI.U.ATKlNANOSI.NITARVSEWER ANO STORloI SEWERINSTl.U.AnON" AS PREl'ARID8VTllEClTYENGINEERSASSOCIAnON~lIINNESOTA. J.PRIORTOCONSTIlUCTlON.TllECONTIlACTORSHALL08TAlNTllENECESSARV rroERAL,STATEA~LOCAlPElMTSFORTllEI'ROf'OSEO'IIQflKORYERlrv \lo1TllTHEO'M<El'lORENOlNEER~ATPER'IoIITSHAYE8EEN08TAfNEtI.PER'IoIIT I'USSIliU8t:Tl<ERBPCINSlBIUTY~~ECONTIlACTORUNL.tSSO~ER"MSE ARRANClEO"M~l1iEO~ER. 4.CONTIlACTORSHAlLREI"ERTOARCHTECTURAlPLANSFOREIUlCTLOCATION .o.NOtNMENSlONS~OOORWAvs.R.oJ.IP5.TRUCKDOCI<S.PREClSEBUILDIHG OltolENSlONSANDEXACTBUIL.OINGUTUTYCONNEcnONLOCAnONS. 5. AlL P!lIVATE urunES SHALL 8t: CONSTIlUClED IN ACCORDI.NCE'Ml1il1iE ~EClFlCATKlNS~TllEAf>f>ROI'RlATEUTlUTYCOUPANV, ~ECONTIlACTOR SHAlL COORDINATE TllE SER~CE UNE CONSTRUCTION \lo1~ ~E UTlUTY COloIPANIE5. 6. CONTIlACTORSHAlL08TAlNAlL NECESSARVCITY PERlIlTSFOR UTlUTY CONNECTlON5.ANDUruTESSHAlL8EINSPECTEOANOAPI'ROYEDBVTl<E CITY. lliE ClTYSIlAlL8t:HOTflED 48-HOORSPRIOR TOCOUIolENCING \lo1TH ~EUTlUlYCONSTRUCTlONORANVIlEQUIREOTESllNG. CONTIlACTORSHAU. NOT OPERATE. INlERFERE'Ml1i. CONNt:CT ANVPU"E OR I-lOSE: TO. OR TAP I.NV WATER MAlN BELONGING TO nlE CITY UNl.E:SS DULV AUTHORlZEtl TO DO so BV l1iE CITY. ANVAOVERSECONSEQUENCES~SCHEDUl.EtIOR UNSCHEOULEDOISRUPTlONS~SER~CE TO~E f'l.lBUC ARE TO BE nlE RESPONSlIljUTYOF' Tl<E CONTIlACTOR. 7. WATERlIAlNLENGTllSASSHOIW-lAREAPI'RO)(JlIATEHORIZONTAll.E:NG~5. AlLOWFORAOCNllONALI'lPEMlENINSTAll.INOONSLOPESOR~EN OEF\.ECllONSAIlEIlEQUIREtI.~EJOlNTDEFU:CllONSSIlAlLNOTEXCEUlTHE lIAI<JMUlIIlECOUMENOEtlBV~EI'lPEMANUFACTURERORBVLOCAl OOVERNiNC SPEClFlCATIONS. FlTTlNGSREQUIIlEO TO CONSTRUCT WATER lIAIN SHAlLBEINa.uOEtlINWATERUAlNCONSTRUCllON. S. PRO~DE WATER lIAIN TllRUST R'ESTIlAlNTS PER CITY STANOARO REQUlllElIENTS. 9. A lIIN'lIUl.O VERllCAL SEPARATlON OF 1S INCI-lES IS Rt:QUIIlEO AT AlL WATER lIAlNCROSSIHGS'M~SI.NITARVSEWERORSTORlISEWER. 10, UTlUTY SE:R~CES Tl'f'ICiUV TERMINATE 5' OOTSlOE: B,-"lDItIG WAlL UNl.E:SS Ol1iEl'l\lo1SESHOIW-lORNOlED. . . CUNINGHAM G R 0 U P -- -'. .-- '"'_!it,. -~ -~ ~" T"m"."", ...."l..""'l ......: - 11. iUlIATERIALSSHAlLCOloIPLV'MTHl1iEREOUIREt.!ENTS~l1iEClTY. 12,iUWATERUNESSHAlLBEOUCTl.EIR'ON'MlAPPEDINPQL'fETH'lUNE.Cl..ASS S2Wll1i7.S' MINIMUM COVER. PROWJ(lIINIMUlISEPARATION Of1S"FIlOI.l SANHARV SEWER" STORtoI SEWER.INSIJUTE WATER MAIN IF LESS THAN 7.5' OF COVER. lJ.INSUl.ATKlN SIliU Bt: OOWSTYROFOAlI ~ BRAND J5 OR EQUIVALENT, 'MTH 4 INCHESOFTHlCl<NESS- 14.SAl-jjTARV5t:WERI'lPEOOTSlOETHEBUILOINGENlIUOI'ESIlAlLBt:PQLyo,1N\'I. CHlORI0E(PVC)SORJaOR2e,SOR26ISRI'C1UIREDFOROEPTHSCREAT'ER THAN15mT,SANITARVSEwERPIPE"MTHIN5mT~eulJl4HGANOUNOER FoonNGS.I'lPl:SIlAlLBEPVCSCHEOULE40. 15, STORloI SEwER I'lPE SIlAll BE: RON,ORC((} CctlCR8E I'll'( (Cl..ASS S FOR PIPE DII.I.IETERS 16" ANOS/,lAlLER,Cl..ASSJFORPIPE DII.I.IETERS 2'" ANO lARGl'R UI-I..ESS OnlERMSE NOltO) NTH R-4 GASKETS. OR HOPE STORloI SOIl:RPlPE:lfAlLO'IIEDBTTHECITY,HOF'E STORloI 1'lPl: SIlAlL MEET REQUIREMENTS OF' AASHTO lI2~4, rrP€ S 'MTH WAltRllGHT CONNECTIONS. SEE PlAN fOR LOCAllONS WHERE RCP IS Rl'O)JIRED. PVC STORM SEWER PIPE SHAlL BE SCI-lEOULE 40 PIPE. FlAREO 010 SECTIOOS SHAlLBt: RCP \\1TH TIlASH CUAROS I< RIP-RAP. 16.POSTINtNCATffi VAlIf:S SHAlL BE: ClllW F-S7SO (ffi (QUlVAlBH) ME(TlHG AWWASTI.NOAROC5OIi1.N0CITYSTANDAR(lS.VAlIf:TOBt:lI(CHANlc.o<. JOINT RESlUENT"MllGE CAT'E: VALIf:. POST TO 8t: AOJJST.o.BLE:FOR emT WATER lIAlHDE:Pl1i. lIiE ElECTIlICAlAlARt.l S\\1lCHSIlAlLBE:PARTNQ. PCVS2(OR EQUIVAlEHT). 17, ,l.F"TER CONSTRUCTlON ISCOloIPLETED, ~ECONlRACTOR SHiU PRO~OE THE OVlNER"MTliANAS-BUILTIlE:CORD~UnUTYCONSlRliCTION.~E"S-8UllT SHAlLINa.uDE LOCATlON AND LENGTH OE~"nONS OR CHANCES TO TliE PLAN. CONTRACTOR TO \l'ERlFV \lo1TH OIW-lEl'lORENClNEER'MjEl1iEl'lAPLA-N \lo1THPOST-CONSTROCnONEl.E:V"nONSISREQUIREO, - " -.. ---.. --- -........- -- - - ....--. - N... p_ -- CUP & SITE PLAN REVIEW" NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Utility Legend ,.....,.."'Y'...._,..,,_.,"""- M~_""""'_~~_~' ---.......,......, _..__..._~... -..-- FYl<rnNG ~ ......~~~ I'ROPE:RTYUM' EASEMENTUNE QJRBANOGUTlER SI.NITARVSEWER SANITARVSEWERrtlRCEMAIN STORM SEWER WATER MAIN Hl'DRI.NT ~. litlOCRGROUNOELECTRlC OVERHEAOELECTRK: litlOCRGROUNOTElEPI-!ONE OVERHEAO TlilLPHONE lE1.EI'HDNEF1BEROPllC CABLE TEI.E~SlOO ORAINTILE t;AltVAlVE FlAREOEND5t:CTlON(\lo1THRlPRAP) ~,- YEl'lTICAlUl1UTYSEPARAnON -- Westwood Community Church-Phase!1 Addition .- """"~"'lp>O.; ,....,/>01<>> --- . . W<-"" ",r. _n.o__...._ - .- f'J:,NC -. - -. ~ -- . -. - -.. ~-.. . -~,- -~,--€> . -0<<- ___ -""'- -....- --- --- _"'__M -.,.--,... -""- -,.,.- -",--....- _.u_ - o - ~ . ., . )( -,& Preliminary Utility Plan -.- C4 .,' " " ~. 50f12 _0...__....__ ................ ................ '. . ~~~,~'- I - 0 -- I n L100 0 @ EXISTING LANSCAPE TREES 6of12 ,",,<<)" -~.._-_..~...- EXISTING LANDSCAPE TREES - 1.29.2009 1YPE UANTTTY Deciduous Shade Tree 41 Ornamental Tree 218 Conifer t t 4 TOTAL 373 i J a ~/ ~1-~~-::~~" -v~~~--<) -........:::::. . .~~~. ~y. . ..","~ --..,,;;>~ .., ;7; '. 4N4/., ................. 0.... 'JOON4 U .................. Or::::- . ~~.--...: /)/r'/f/.,:................. . lot:: --------O~::---=' "Ii Of= ~ <l <f O-~ 0\ ~ O~ - ~ -JfJ '-::D -..r---1....--~ ----' '2 OS ~ ~L-- ~O "'\0:- =B:E ~ -", CC:=-1i~~ '~OS ~ ~--V \:nO ~ -1i ~ ;.ot=_i~-'J ;: 0';- ~ €ii -: -l, r- -----' --- ~'/":\ OS ~ ~ ==P 0'- ~ . '-- --j -'\-"t 0 f- =0 ~ =-D'" =J ~:::p ~ ~~~ $ it1J~. ~ cJ2~ ~: ~ ~O' .Ii'--.. ~.. .'~ !.' ~Mf:: 1 . · -:::0 / - 01 a ~.~ "@ , a .~ \ a ~ DECIDUOUS SHADE TREE I 00 I ORNAMENTAL TREE ~ CONIFER ~ EXISTING TREES TO BE RELOCATED w m " o I ) ~ o B a a 8 8t 3AR~1 WINDMill a ~ w . o ~. . ~ I' I I I I I I - - III . . CUNINGHAM G R 0 U P -- ..... .....,... ..-.... 101_"'" ~~ _.. ." T.'"'''''''' '","ll1t""ll -- . - - CLISE u.surrIlCm'EC11U+ ...m..........'R._.......' . ,,,.,,- - ....lIMo lIoec_ CUP & SITE PLAN REV1EW-NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ,-'*"'.........- ~_..-.....-.. ,...-....,....., l......_....._d.. ..- - ~- - -. lloIo..,,,,,, <-"'- '2lO! ~ ~ pc,...:, "-"r cs Owdood"r .II -- . -. - -- Westwood Community Church. Phase II AdditiOll -,~ EXISTING LANDSCAPE TREES MORT"'R.lLLCOORSES ONLVJONECESSAAYTO EUMINATEROCKING. lWl.EOOTSIDEOf FI'-B'" JQIHTSY."llACKFROM 1" F"'CETOJ.QiIEVE'" "DRY-ST"'Cl(" "'I'PE.I.RA~E. <7 <7 T ~ SECTION SIDE ELEVATION 1 ,'.8- END ELEVATION , l101 FREESTANDING LIMESTONE WALL l-.I'-cr . L'(::w...;..~ ~ CONCRETE/SOD RELATIONSHIP l".I'-cr ....-,-,.=<1."""""'""'"..... ."."~._-~ ~-~-"""", I \ ""'-_SEElJo>1 ',,"\,^':-'-""""'-"., ,', Q STEEL EDGE l""I'-cr PRECASTCONCRETEc.\P.TOIAA.TCHBlJILDING W.I.ll5TONE-TOIAA.TCHElUILDING F"'CE SlIE Of STONE SKAll BE SIMILAR T08UILDlNGVEHEERTUlAA.TOlAI'PEARANCE FILLCENTERVOIDWITHC~EDsTONE """ }S FI8ERSEP"'RATlOH JOINT CONCRETEW"'LK ~ COMPACTED8ASE,Y."-l"ClEAR, CRUSHED STONE '"~ TOI' COURSE_6-H x20"W~2()"MlH-6lTMAXL. PRECAST CONCRITE c.\P W.I.ll5TONE-TUIAA.TCHBUILOIHG FACE S1U TO BE slMlLAR '"~ '" LIMESTONE AND PRECAST CONCRETE CAP EXAMPLE PHOTO ~ \ --.y ~ 'I EXlsTIHGIRRIG.4.TKlNSOURCE (lj-PVCj&CONTltOLLERIHMECHIIOOM CANOPVCOLtlMNS.SEE"'RCH CO~RETE-SEICML FREtSTMDIHGlIMESTOH[WJd..L-sEE2Il101 S"'WCUTEXlsTIHGCO~RETEWAlJ( STEELEOGE-SEE.fIL101 TURFGRASSSOO-SEEL300 sTEELEDG[.SEE 41L101 FREESTMDIHGlIMESTONEWJd..L-sEE2Il101 PLAYGROIJNO FENCE & GATE. BY OTHERS - ~ LA your PLAN \ \ \ \ \\ \ ly . g) ~f ~ . PATH-SEECIVIL RITAIHIHG WAll-SEE CIVIL sTOQP.SEEJJlCN IMPRlHTEOCOLOREO CONCRETETUT" PANEl$- SANDBlASTED li PAJNTEDTEXT BY OTHERS ,~ \ " STOOP-sEEJ.RCH ~. p ~ . ~~ L SAWCUTEXlsTIHGCONCRITE ~ II " CANOPYCOLUMNS-SEEARCH . . IMPRINTED COLORED CONCRETE iEXr PANELS- ~SAHDBlASTE1)&PAINTEOTEXTBYOTHERS , , SAWCUTEXlSTIHGCONCRETE p \ / .~~ \ /; \ ;;~ II ~ -<< ~ I sTOOP-SEEJJlCH CONCRITE.SEEClVIL STOOP-SEE ARCH "'PPROXIIAA.TEIRRIG.4.TlOHUMITS - - III . . ;;;~~;.~,:>-<- "J' i" '" 1111111~"'l: '6C:' =o~&c-;7 c ~olll~ 1I1=III~H noo~c ~-" ffi=+::dC>'9,g '1>"" .:';c." - III II -II~III III III III III III III III I =IIEIII III III II Ell I III III III -III III III III III III III II =111 III III III 111= - -~ TOPCOORSE_6"'lix2O"Wx2crMlH_6O'"MAXL. PRECAST CONCRETE CAP JOiNTING TO IAA.TCH BUllDlHG CAP JOIHTS TO BE MORTJJlED W.lLL5TOHE-TOIAA.TCHBLlLDING, fACE S1lE TO BE SIMILAR \ '-., CUNINGHAM G R 0 U P -- -" It........",. ",,_It'" _m _.. ~" f",I""'''''' ,..01''''_ ......,./-- - USE U.SUrlAlcmtC11lEt ...",..._.._,~._"""", ."'~.- - ~ - -- CUP & SITE PLAN REVIEW-NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ,_-"1'........._ ._.._~..._., j...-....,...., ~__.....d.. -.- - -_.~- ",",':tIZIli -- 'w ~ ~ pe,Ne -. . -. . -- 0 -- -, @ -~ Westwood Community Church-Phase II Addition 1".2a GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL TURFGRASS SHAll BE IRRIGATED -,~ SITE LAYOUT PLAN -- L101 7of12 -~..._--,,~...- ___,__""t<L............_ """""",,,,,,,,,,,>7_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ ,_,~'-.o""....."", ."....,...._...- - '.-...,-"._.._.......--_"'''''"-~..,..... """"'""ro""..-.."''''_..-"..''''''....'''''.... _._~-"'...,""""""'....~-"" ---=....""-""""'-,..---,.,.., ...........-""--,.....----.. ,,-""-""'-_...........-..~_.- --.....""....._"""""""'---~ <<""""""""''''''''.....,''''"'''''-.............- ...,."..~"'...".'''''- n...__...........wr___.........._ ..------ ..._......._no~.........._n..'" - "".._~."".... ._".,"". """,,- ,.,,"""""""""" ......"'..."""'" -.,..,...... ~-~".- , ~. , -- ----.. .---..... -........-, c.....,""",,,,....,," .......""....,.. ...... .-:;..~ " Q;) TREE PROTECTION '" """'....,,""'TtD...... '''''''''"''''"'''''''' -- -- ......""',......... """""...........,.,.""'.. """"""..m>_."....-TO <><81"___,,, ~. ,,"""""""'......""''''''''''......''''''''''''''''''''''',..,.......'''' ,.........""""'.~."'"""".""......""'-""'""........ ,ruo___",rno., ~-_....."""-",....".""""""......",,,,- ",,"~"''''''''___''''''.''''''i<_ ......."""'" .............._-"'''''''''''-...,.."...'''~..'''''''''' .....T"'.'. "'~.,"''''''''......._--........,,'_..'''......''''.. -"'-"".""""'........--"''''' ~,'''''l!(''''IOT''''''-''''''_'''''''_~'''''' ~UJ.....,....._"a.o...."""'-,_",,,,,,,,m.,,,,,'.rr"" """"""'''''"'''''.......,,,'''''''''',.,,.._'''''''''''''',,'". "...._""...... --- \/ \ \ ~~ ~~ , , \, ~ EXlSTING T1!EES AND SHRUBS TO REMAIN // \ JSUGARMAPLBWlTH EXTtN[){DF't,ANTPITPREPARATKlN , , cQ' , ~ OB cQ' FL=99" ~7 \ INV =985., ' L , RELOCATE 2 OfCIDUOUS TllEESFROMTHlS...REAPRIOIl: TO CONSTRUCTION , . , RE1.OCATE9 CRABAPPlES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. LOCATIONTOBEOCTERMINEtI , 3S BROAOMOOR JUNIP'ER IN PREP...REl)Sros WITH/l\UCLH...NDEDGE...TGRASS / ~ JSUGAAIMPtESWITH El(T[NDEDPlANTPfTPREPAAAnON EXISTING TllASH ENUOSURE J~ '- , ~ EXISTlNG TREES TO REIMlN. (2 RIV'ER BIRCH (LUMP, 2 SWNAP WHITE OAK, !lRECMAPLE) ,- ~, t-. " C-, " FL=989~Z '-- ;: 'NV '984.51 ....... CB <'--- ~_ h4~94~ INV =1984.~4 I I cQ' ,- / / / / - , , / , , , , """,,..,.,.'.r_._...... ......,.."""- """',.,,-"'''''''''......''''.'''''...''''''''''~ 'r"""<7""""'-l..''''''"''''''''''....m -an-_""""""""""'"'.....'-."".._........ ""''''''''''-.','''''','''''''''- .,""""",.~,,,,,,,,, --."""., """"""''''''''''''''''......'''''''''' 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"""'.."'-....-.- """""""'0I;>I;It-.L""""'''' """'.."'. ..........-""-' Q CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING DETAil '" ),' cLDDR \/ \ PREP"'RATlON OF PERENNlAl BEDS: 12'OEm1 1:1:1 SOIL MIX, DRAIN TILE TO STORM SEWER ANOrFlNESHREtlH...RDWQODlIARKMULCN c; '''.._''1 '~V"""'L L '---'''''LL''-'''' FIRS' FLOOR ELEV=.006,8 '-i'H:';'fm:1~6 .KAAlF,'!f~-ry:R ~E~ED ?RAS!,~ 3/,135 sf AREA (j'2if'ltiiPERENNIAUl8"OC =77,607 ~QDARr .':ET "'" ARI:.A (BASEME"i20 PERENNIAlS 18"OC =37, 35 SQUAkL U:.I JOO"'KINGASI'EN J\KAR.lFOREmRREEDGRASS \ / ) , , . . . - , " \ EV'ENTTENTAREA \ 700AKINGAS.PfN 24OW...RFBUSHHONEYSUCIU.E RIV'ER BIRCH ClUMP Q;) 1-.2a SOIL DECOMPACTION NOTES II RIV'ERSIRCHCWMfI , I / , 7 QUAKlNG ASPEN , I I I 24 DWAAFBUSH HONEYSUCKLE ~ , ~ , JQUAKINGAS.PfN , , ., II I / , , CHILDREN'SPLAYAREA,. 'I / , , SURFACE 6Y OWNER , RIV'ER BIRCH CLUMP , C I // , I , G9 T l I I -I- ~ I I I I PLANTING PLAN PLANTING NOTES 1....II"'""'Utifl,sIlape-<ofbed<lndlocall""''''"llbeve<1fledlnd Idju.tedlSrequlredtoconfonntotneexaclcondltlonsofthe.lte._ew wIt~lIndscIpear<!llleCt ptIoftodlnl",. 2. l.ocIte~lllKllItifl.lncludl",lrr1i1II""llnes. wlthtneOo<<>er. ~or;tfythe La~pe"'rchltectofl"'lconfl\{tstoflclllllte~relocotl"". contr"'tor>hall be ""'9""Slble fo< lne re?Olr 01 1"'1 <lIrnoseo to........ J.The""'lrICto<sIlaUbereoporr.iblelo<"""",;-I<>iwit1lllllpplicot>le '_."'8"loli"","odpemtits'l""..mrrllthe""""'. ..TheContr"'to<.....l(be""pon>iblefo<..lmulclleolnd~;"'..,;1 quontil:ie<tocompletelhewOOl'hown""theptan. VemYlnQUlnt;tie5 5hownoolhep!arrtKhrdule. 5.TheContfi>ctorsllall~lromtne.ile.II>Od/t"'fwhlch""'bfton _fOl'newplo.n'bed<.lOI'ta'lermrtor'iI/'ofmoterial.OI'SI4lPl;"" OI'l-<ilewlllootbe.I!_.AAyplont.totknotpl.ntedOl'ldoyoldell""'l' sIlallbeheel...in.ndw.'.,.....lOl1i(lrrstoll.tiOl'l.Pl.rr..notmoirrllinedirr lhl.m.~wlllbereject.... 6. The Cont,"ctorsMllkeepPO_',pl.nt.....andbulldlnllscleanlnd ........Ined. All w..te.....1l be promptly ,e",o.od from the.lte. Mld.moil/' toe(i.tl"llf.cllltlessllaUbere?Olred.'theContractor".~. 7. Thepi.rrt.~esprecedence_'thepl.ntschedl.lelfdl$Clepe."'1es e><lst.Tnespeclnu.tlonslll<eprecedeoce.,..,..tne~I"lInotes.nd lIener.lnotes. 8. Amend pli01 bed with I"", SUl.f.te. 9. ~sU:><t;M;lonsolplonlm.ter\ol.sIlatlbeoccepted""leno.ppl'O'te{lirr wti'i", by the l.rrmc.pearcm<ecL \0. ...llpl.rrti"'stoc\<.....Uconlormtothe'Americ.onSUodordf"'Nurwry Stock'~,lot_editioo,oItheAmerlc&rr""""';.tionofN...,..,...,.,...lnc. n....llpl.rrt<!holtbell.....rrteed''''one_r.......''''ot~'l'l!CIfied. The~""r.rrt"">ho(I~rtheful'c""'oIrepl.c.......m,lnctudi"ilobor_ pi.rrts. U.Sea"""/hnoofPlarrtinll: Deciduous potled pl.rrts: Apf"ill.J"""'./.!wlI,21._.1 DeclduousB&S:Apr\II.j......l./.AlJg.21._.1 PLANT SCHEDULE LAWNS T IOU"'N.1 I 2300 SV SOO t--3000 sv SHO"'NO STRAW IollACM :j: +:j: PERE~N~L AND SHRUB BEOS t IOU"'N.1 I I I ;>9OO.q"......or'rOMpg.roorr"".(f'f'fl...'r....._n_.....""""n........,'.. PERE~NIALS I Get1eralcontractor shall minirnizedistLrt>a.nceand C<lfIl!laction in areas to be land>caped by deflnirri con.tNCtionacc~,.torage~reas""dporl<inlI. C..:1lractor.hallavoid..,nec......ry.cUvityln pen~er~~.. E-ween potted plan..: ...prlll. ""'" '5 ./'!wlI, 21.0cI. 1 Everveen&tB:ot.prfll....y15./.A...21.Sept.15 Note: TheControctorm.yelecttopl.rrtirrtneoff.seasonsentlrely.t hl<Iherr1sk. H. Plbntlrrll sojl for tree.r>dshr<t> pi": ByW>l~,mi.112""tNesoj,. withllllmportedploorrtinll..,;".Seeopoa. f..Plbntirrll..,;lfo<",r<t>lndperenrr;...bed<.T""""-'lIhlym;xedirreQUOl port>by....ume-l1J.lnefldedtopooll,")wa<hr<!..m,1I)peo'''' orp"';ccompost.Seeopoa. '5. Froctu",.1l comp;>cted SOil.. See Soil Cec"",,",,",", Not... \6.1rr1!1.tiOn..".tem,;f""",If;ed,sMllbeMly<>perat_.ndlertedl1 tne time of ptantlrrR. Doa1",fi"lseason,conI.rlCtorstlollmon;101'__ condIU""'o.ndodlustlrrliltlOn..~tO'VOId"""'Ind__er\nlI oIpl.rrtmoter1<>l.durl"llesllbU~. 11. MW:h: Dooble"'redded"""a..oodmulch.c\Nnandfreeol"""""" _,so!t._otI>eTdel_.mot.,..I.I.li<efOf.lltreeplont1nlls.nd .,..,...lIpla<lllrrllbed<lor",rutr<.ndpe<ennl.I..DelI_muIctlOl'lpi.nti", doy.r>dlt'llAch<>llrnoterl.IWlt1Il..l."""'noflnsllll.tlon.li<ethe foll<>w1rrlldepths:~_fortrees.)lnchesf"'_.2_for pe<emI.I.. PUUIl'ULOl",W.YFltOMTHETRUNKSAtlO5TEMSorAU PlANT MATERIAl. fB. ...llllenonco:sIlatlbq;..lmme<l;.telyoftereachportlonofthe"""",is irrploce.PlontmoterioOl,'h.Ubeprotectedond....irrllirredlOl1;lthe _.tI.tiooof.I'pl.ntsl'Complete,i"""",tionhosbeenmode.ndthe pl.rrtl"!laccep1...,exclU5i""oftnell""r.mtee....in'enoncesllalllndude wot<'l1rrK,C~tiv.t;"i,mulcnirr!l,pn.m"!loncfremuvatof<Seadmoterlol,oncf Oeep;nfllhepi.rrt.ln.pl....bpositiOl'l.Afleracceptonce,theOwne<sIlall .....""'moirrtenonce""""'''';billlie<.TheCOI'l1roctor.....llmo;nt.\irr.1I moter1.I.ln.pl....bpos'UOI'lfOfthedu-.t101'loftheiUlfanteeperlOd. 19. TheConuactOf.h.I!,,,,,,,,,tfnWl'1t1nfllflnoloccep1.nce1nspectlOl'l. 20. Geotettlle fabrlc.h.1t not be used_mulch. ShruIl.ndpe<ennI.1 bedsllallh.""sp-.:ledlIe<urrle<sptarrslndl<ate_. Tored~compactlonln~re..tobelon<lscaped,1he contr.ctor may l'lect to place.rol malnUlln (fOfthe duralfon of CO<Irt.-....:tlon>a 12 inch de?thofCO<'fl>OSled vevetoblematterlwoodchiP5.sI1re<idedNrdwood I1"OJlc~, Ny) OU"'N. BOT...NCNAMI COMMONN...MI S'lI S''''C'NG COMMINTS " ,~- .....~"'..ro '""",~...... ''''THU'''''""',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. "'CON'. U .~.... '" ....,'" , "'CON'. " ._',an" , T t T - SHRUBS OU"'N. IOTANCNAMI COMMON N...MI Sill S'ACING COMMINTS .e~",'Io"'"""'" '""'h~. ~"'..Ow'" "leON'. '" ....",.'..-. JLJN,.... "o~o..ooo. "'CON' .. ....,."..",'ot;..~w' 'UM~c.""O-t.OW "'CON' In~llproposed I.n<lscape~re~., fracture arry arrd .11 corTI!>Kted soli. to the de?thofcomPOCllon. Thlsmay r"'JJfre tne use of Jadl~alllm...., e,,,"v~tlon~nd ptJlver1zIna, nP9lnRln sev<:'!"~ldlrectlonsw1th achfsel ptow Of frost rlpper. .ft...-frocturlnll,.pplyarrynec.....rysoilamendment5 w<horpnlcmatt..rorphmodlly1"l1~Rf'nts. Rototill thefractured.oUtwlce.lrrlwcperpendlctJtor dlrectfo..to~ <lepth of 24'. "'vold .rrd protect unde!'grourolutlllt\es. , TREES OU"'N. IOTANCNAMI CO_OHN...MI Sill S'ACING COMMINTS , ~-~ .<JG......". '.,'0.,,, , ',,""'N; "'"'''CHClU''' ,"'",.n l'to.., " ,. """'~m""''''.' QU""'NC.'''N "'O"'""~.. . .;.., ~."". >CO'CH"N, .'H'" , ,,- d_~'" 'lAC'H',,-,,""" .'H'" Gr~desoil.toHnl,h rra<k$ond protect from C<lfIl!lactloo..,Ulland>c.pe.rea is plarrted. In~lI ~renwherepovi"ll~b<Jt5tarrd5Capearea.,tr.efin;'" gr~""ofthe tan<lscape~rea .hall beset 1"-2' Delow thedown~lIIedRf'ofthe povinato .11ow runoff to sheetootoadJ""""lland5Cope~rea'. , 1 I I' ---l NOSueSTrT\JTlONS OF!'....m MATERIALS SHIIU e~ACC~p1t:CUNl~SS APPROVW ..WflrTI<G eO::."HE L.ANClSCAP~ ARCHlTECT__-.J - - III . . CUNINGHAM G R D U P -- ... ""'.... "--.... "',-"-'" -~ -.- ~" 'ttNl1O!Ol(I ,....",.<<<0 .... . - - a.ISE U.1CAl'lAIaITIC1Wl+ ..."'.........."'._,..,..., 'm__ ~ - - """"". CUP & SITE PLAN REVIEW-NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION '-~""'''- ,,_.._....~-.. ....-.....,....., L__"""....~.. ..- - _.~- - o..'lO.il>lII -- - - PCINe< -. -. -- """'-No, - " . . - -~ Westwood Community Church-Phase II Add~ion -~ PLANTING PLAN -- L300 8of12 _c__..._..~..._ ~ f IV T' .. I""""' I LJ D ][] IDI III--J D [ L__JL_____ .. 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Q E.ntrjT..tlisEislEl..aticn G) Edocaticn.~E"'alion ,......... ,.'~.,... r ~ (ES"I tE;{E31 ~, r (U', '" r E21 T n r T y CONDillcw.LUSEP€-Rl.IIT AND SIlEPlANREVlEW. N01FORCONSTlIDCTKJN ED; ,EE) T T I_.."""........._.~ --_....~-...- _.........,"'.....~ -_..._~.._~ - ,-"""'a"~. ,- - -'-' -. ." - -- "".'H:_ m_ -. ~ -. ~ -- 00 -. - .. h'T~~Ir<~ ~h'""."',"">< - ~h'""."-O"o, ~ h"~.'l-O"o, ~1X6,...(T't'I') ""'."""'" ,-"'_~""'O< ,-,.._~,...o< -- Westwood Community Church-Phasell Addibon - I w ,C\"'~ . . I ] ~-II"D. .. D" Dr-~I L___J .. ". .. ~j L___j ][___DDCJDDmnm][ I-II J[I[II II II L~ J 1____ __J ____JL__JL____L _lOpOfPrecosl ~, .. C<M"""'Nt(T't'l') j M"",lOYOj 'Wl_V .:....., ~__~CJ '-, ____jD -EJJ[Bj , ;i n =-_J[____~~[__J I \1 ~J L____~ _lOpOfPrecosl 'Il>"-~ .. ----~ I' ,.-- T~.TO"'l<>I , Mil>nlOYOj 'Wl_V .. -- ExteriocElevabons IUm<'UGI<l'flG I ! 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(651) n1-0880 Fax (851) n1-0878 E-mail kflOkfI-eng.com Revisions No. Date Description ,~',\ CC\, "':~6&::'" CUP AND SITE PLAN REVI EW '.BB CC cc ,,':;;;,::,::,""'"'' ",:::'::",,,,,," '.BB Date: 01/30/2009 PIC / AIC: Drawn By: R. BODNAR Checked By: D. SHAMBOUR Document Phase: DD Comm. No.: 08-430.00 CC \" CC CC', "''''':''" '\<;;::,::, , ",,,,, \CC CC\, "::"", "" \":::::;;;::,::",,,"" '.BB Project Title Westwood Community Church - Phase II Addition Sheet Title Site Plan Sheet Number ~~-o~ NORTH ~ E001 11 of 12 Copyright @ 2008 by Cuningham Group Architecture, PA (All Rights Reserved) "'II J ............ ....... ........ .... ,.......,.... ........ ~u C) @Qlu I1 ''''''''''''''''''''i\::' l . .,/')1/'..........'..........,.......) "69,/ . I po I1 l) I1 o I1 .ItJ'r\. .'i tJ1f:,;::;:::;:::;;;;:::;:::::::'''''r [QQ]u [QQ]u !1"'(~~ l " l~",,;l I1 ( I1 C I1 ( I1 ( '!! ,,!! ,,'.. :L "ii, ,'ii.. 'i!' 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BODNAR D. 5HAMBOUR DD 08-430.00 Project Title Westwood Community Church - Phase II Addition Sheet Title Lower Level Lighting Plan Sheet Number E201 12 of 12 Copyright @ 2008 by Cuningham Group Architecture, PA (All Rights Reserved) Survey for: WESTWOOD COMMUNITY CHURCH o J ./ (- ,.-\." 0 - - \,..../ J rJ '-) ~/- " ./ (- ,.-\." 0 - - \,..../ J / r'- \." \..J ' ......... :> f__ ~ ~I ^ \~r ~ ~'7"?' /1;69"7' ~11 " --......:.3 11 " W -.............. W ~3~ ~ ~ ~ o ~~,> '>cP <: ......... ~ ^ A ~J ^ U v V l~ " r- I ~ C. L. L..I D F~ N87"OO'49"W "r- ( - , I I ^ t\1 r- L. n I " C. 822.99 P E F~ (\ v1( C) I ^~ , L - "-!.....L -.............. ~ C) - ~ -'.......... I ^, I Cr) to o 0J / r'- \." \0' \ \' ~~ ~~~ , ~- ( w ()) o CD ) / r'- \." \0' I --......j o J -- ......j' ""- '"'~ -~ I - -.... / I.... / / ......j ~ \ () \ \,..... 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LOT 8, SEC. 8 SECTION 8, TWP. 11 6, RGE.23 SECTION 9, RGE.23 TWP. 11 6, LEGEND ~- - - -- -- - --- -l- -- ----:-- - - - - - -- -i'- ---- - - - - - I I I ; 1 !Zl = CATCH BASIN @ = CAST IRON MONUMENT . ELECTRIC BOX CON CRETE \ ~'<. " .... \ \ ~'<. " .... \ \ ~'< " .... \ \ ~'<. " .... \ " ,</ " "'" ..::.. v " <~-\.. " 'I. "'" ..::.. " / ,</ / "'" ..::.. v .... '~\'I. " 'I. "'" ..::.. .... GRA VEL o FENCE CORNER BITUMINOUS " r<'" / ( _v -J A = FLARED END SECTION c:: :::J CULVERT e- = FLAG POLE y= HYDRANT . = FOUND IRON PIPE o = MANHOLE OTHER THAN SANITARY OR STORM MH ~\ I ''I.':;;' C"J TREE LINE \ ~'<. " .... \ \ ~'< " .... \ SITE \ ~'<. " .... ~- - -)) -) )) ) STORM SEWER LINE ,~\ C"J'I. " r</ " , _v -J SANITARY SEWER LINE -I WATER LINE oh OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES --.- = UTILITY POLE o = SANITARY OR STORM MANHOLE o I oh oh 50 I 100 I 200 I ...** * P~D~EER ~ sngin&;rjaring PA *~** X X FENCE 1B @] TELEPHONE BOX ~ TEST HOLE GRAPIDC SCALE IN FEET X LOCATION MAP NO SCALE IV IQ] TELEVISION BOX lAND SURVEYORS . CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND PlANNERS. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2422 Enterprise Drive Mendoto Heights. MN 55120 (651) 681-1914 FAX: 681-9488 625 Highway 10 N.E. Blaine. MN 55434 (612) 783-1880 FAX:783-1883 DWG.#104049501 NJK * BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 9, WHICH IS ASSUMED TO HAVE A BEARING OF NORTH 00'32'39" WEST. * THIS SURVEY DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW THE EXISTENCE OR NONEXISTENCE OF ANY ENCROACHMENTS FROM OR ONTO THE HEREON DESCRIBED LAND. EASEMENTS OF RECORD OR UNRECORDED EASEMENTS WHICH AFFECT SAID LAND OR ANY IMPROVEMENTS TO SAID LAND, EXCEPT AS SHOWN. * THE BOUNDARIES ON THIS SURVEY ARE A COMPILATION OF FOUND MONUMENTATION IN THE FIELD AND INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM SURVEYS PREPARED BY EGAN FIELD AND NOWAK INC. LAST DATED SEPT. 20TH, 2001. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PER TITLE COMMITMENT: PARCEL 1 That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 9. Township 116 North, Range 23 West of the 5th Principal Meridian described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence on an assumed bearing of North 89 degrees 33 minutes 03 seconds West. along the South line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter. a distance of 248.27 feet; thence North 0 degrees 35 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of 131.30 feet; thence South 89 degrees 09 minutes 03 seconds East a distance of 247.58 feet to the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence South 0 degrees 54 minutes 38 seconds East, along said East line, a distance of 129.59 feet to the point of beginning, according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the County Recorder, Carver County, Minnesota. Subject to an easement for driveway purposes over the West 25.00 feet of the East 50.00 feet of the above described property_ Carver County, Minnesota Abstract Property PARCEL 2 That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 9, Township 116 North, Range 23 West of the 5th Principal Meridian described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter thence on an assumed bearing of North 89 degrees 33 minutes 03 seconds West. along the South line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter. a distance of 248.27; thence North 0 degrees 35 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of 131.30 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing North 0 degrees 35 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of 149.91 feet South 89 degrees 41 minutes 03 seconds East a distance of 246.67 feet to the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence South 0 degrees 54 minutes 38 seconds East. along said East line. a distance of 152.23 feet to the intersection with a line which bears South 89 degrees 09 minutes 03 seconds East from the point of beginning; thence North 89 degrees 09 minutes 03 seconds West a distance of 247.58 feet to the point of beginning. Together with an easement for driveway purposes over the West 25.00 feet of the East 50.00 feet of the following described property: That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 9. Township 116 North, Range 23 West of the 5th Principal Meridian described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence on an assumed bearing of North 89 degrees 33 minutes 03 seconds West, along the South line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter. a distance of 248.27 feet; thence North 0 degrees 35 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of 131.30 feet; thence South 89 degrees 09 minutes 03 seconds East a distance of 247.58 feet to the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence South 0 degrees 54 minutes 38 seconds East, along said East line, a distance of 129.59 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL 3 That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 9 and that part of Government Lots 8 and 9 of Section 8, all in Township 116 North, Range 23 West of the 5th Principal Meridian. described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence North 69 degrees 42 minutes 15 seconds West. assuming the west line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter has a bearing of North 0 degrees 32 minutes 39 seconds West. a distance of 978.50 feet; thence South 36 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds West a distance of 18.77 feet; thence South 38 degrees 21 minutes 19 seconds East a distance of 40.00 feet; thence North 69 degrees 13 minutes 44 seconds West a distance of 638.58 feet; thence North 87 degrees 00 minutes 49 seconds West a distance of 822.99 feet; thence South 1 degree 58 minutes 09 seconds East a distance of 206.39 feet; thence South 28 degrees 11 minutes 51 seconds West a distance of 368.57 feet; thence South 41 degrees 10 minutes 18 seconds West a distance of 410.76 feet; thence South 7 degrees 50 minutes 18 seconds West a distance of 350.24 feet; thence South 13 degrees 35 minutes 53 seconds East a distance of 397.22 feet; thence South 8 degrees 05 minutes 03 seconds East a distance of 38.84 feet; thence North 89 degrees 43 minutes 07 seconds West about 385 feet. to the shoreline of Lake Minnewashta; thence Southerly along said shoreline, to the south line of said Government Lot 8; thence North 89 degrees 40 minutes 46 seconds East. along said south line of Government Lot 8 about 1756 feet to the southeast corner of said Government Lot 8; thence South 89 degrees 32 minutes 26 seconds East, along the south line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, a distance of 1054.74 feet, to a point 248.27 feet Westerly from the Southeast corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence North 0 degrees 34 minutes 36 seconds West a distance of 281.21 feet; thence South 89 degrees 40 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 225.90 feet; thence North 0 degrees 23 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 17.74 feet; thence North 89 degrees 05 minutes 22 seconds East a distance of 20.56 feet, to the East line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence North 0 degrees 54 minutes 38 seconds West; along last said East line, a distance of 1046.12 feet to said point of beginning. EXCEPT: (Exception No.1) That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 9. Township 116 North, Range 23 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence North 69 degrees 42 minutes 15 seconds West. assuming the west line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter has a bearing of North o degrees 32 minutes 39 seconds West, a distance of 978.50 feet; thence South 36 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds West a distance of 18.77 feet; thence South 38 degrees 21 minutes 19 seconds East, a distance of 40.00 feet; thence North 69 degrees 13 minutes 44 seconds West, a distance of 283.38 feet; thence South 10 degrees 46 minutes 16 seconds West, a distance of 492.43 feet; thence South 71 degrees 39 minutes 26 seconds East. a distance of 131.14 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 71 degrees 39 minutes 26 seconds East, a distance of 486.30 feet; thence North 10 degrees 46 minutes 16 seconds East, a distance of 451.81 feet; thence North 71 degrees 39 minutes 26 seconds West, a distance of 486.30 feet; thence South 10 degrees 46 minutes 16 seconds West, a distance of 451.81 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO EXCEPT: (Exception No.2) That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 9 and that part of Government Lots 8 and 9 of Section 8, all in Township 116 North, Range 23 West of the 5th Principal Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence North 69 degrees 42 minutes 15 seconds West. assuming the west line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter has a bearing of North o degrees 32 minutes 39 seconds West, a distance of 978.5D feet; thence South 36 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds West a distance of 18.77 feet; thence South 38 degrees 21 minutes 19 seconds East a distance of 40.00 feet, to a point hereinafter referred to as "Point A". thence North 69 degrees 13 minutes 44 seconds West a distance of 283.38 feet; thence South 10 degrees 46 minutes 16 seconds West a distance of 492.43 feet; thence South 71 degrees 39 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 115.18 feet to the point of the beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 71 degrees 39 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 15.96 feet; thence North 10 degrees 46 minutes 16 seconds East a distance of 451.81 feet; thence North 71 degrees 39 minutes 26 seconds West, a distance of 131.14 feet; thence North 10 degrees 46 minutes 16 seconds East. a distance of 40.62 feet; thence North 69 degrees 13 minutes 44 seconds West a distance of 355.20 feet, to a point distant 638.58 feet northwesterly from the above referenced "Point A"; thence North 87 degrees 00 minutes 49 seconds West a distance of 822.99 feet; thence South 1 degree 58 minutes 09 seconds East a distance of 206.39 feet; thence South 28 degrees 11 minutes 51 seconds West a distance of 303.66 feet; thence South 63 degrees 31 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 1266.35 feet. to the intersection with a line bearing South 26 degrees 28 minutes 40 seconds West from the point of beginning; thence North 26 degrees 28 minutes 40 seconds East a distance of 390.62 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO EXCEPT: (Exception No.3) All of ZIMMERMAN FARM 1ST ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof, including Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, and the roads dedicated to the public in said plat. ALSO EXCEPT: (Exception No.4) That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section Nine (9), Township One Hundred Sixteen (116) North. Range Twenty-three (23) West of the 5th Principal Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence North 69 degrees 42 minutes 15 seconds West. assuming the west line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter has a bearing of North o degrees 32 minutes 39 seconds West, a distance of 978.50 feet; thence South 36 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds West a distance of 18.77 feet; thence South 38 degrees 21 minutes 19 seconds East. a distance of 40.00 feet; thence North 69 degrees 13 minutes 44 seconds West. a distance of 283.38 feet; thence South 10 degrees 46 minutes 16 seconds West, a distance of 492.43 feet; thence South 71 degrees 39 minutes 26 seconds East. a distance of 617.44 feet; thence North 10 degrees 46 minutes 16 seconds East, a distance of 451.81 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing North 10 degrees 46 minutes 16 seconds East; a distance of 56.31 feet; thence North 69 degrees 42 minutes 15 seconds West, a distance of 131.82 feet; thence South 10 degrees 46 minutes 16 seconds West, a distance of 60.84 feet; thence South 71 degrees 39 minutes 26 seconds East, a distance of 131.14 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO EXCEPT: (Exception No.5) That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, Section Nine (9). Township One Hundred Sixteen (116) North, Range Twenty Three (23) West of the 5th Principal Meridian, described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence North 69 degrees 42 minutes 15 seconds West (based on a bearing of North 00 degrees 35 minutes 15 seconds West for a straight line between the northwest corner and the southwest comer of said Section 9) a distance of 750.15 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continue North 69 degrees 42 minutes 15 seconds West a distance of 228.35 feet; thence South 36 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds West a distance of 18.77 feet to the northerly corner of the easterly end of Field Lane, dedicated in SUNSET HILL ON LAKE MINNEWASHTA, according to the found monumentation of the recorded plat thereof; thence South 38 degrees 21 minutes 19 seconds East. along said easterly end of Field Lane, a distance of 40.00 feet to the southerly comer of said easterly end of land as monumented; thence North 69 degrees 13 minutes 44 seconds West. along the southerly line of said Field Lane as monumented, a distance of 283.38 feet; thence South 10 degrees 46 minutes 16 seconds West a distance of 40.62 feet; thence South 71 degrees 39 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 486.30 feet; thence North 10 degrees 46 minutes 16 seconds East a distance of 60,84 feet to said point of beginning. Subject to the easement for electric transmission line purposes originally established by the Easement filed for record January 9, 1939. in book 43 of Deeds, page 195, as partially released and limited by the Partial Release of Easement filed for record November 9, 1990 as Carver County Recorder Document No. 119406. WE HEREBY CERTIFY TO WESTWOOD COMMUNITY CHURCH THAT THIS SURVEY, PLAN OR REPORT WAS PREP ARED BY ME, OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION, AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDE AWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, DATED THIS 13TH DAY OF MAY, 2004. ~ . Larson, Professional Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 19828 104049 04-129 3573