Stormwater Management Documentation 1-30-09 ... Westwood January 30,2009 Westwood Professional Services 7699 Anagram Drive Edm Prairie, MN 55344 Mr. Terry Jeffery, Water Resources Coordinator City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 ~AIN 952-937-5150 FAX 952-937-5822 TOLL FREE 1-888-937-5150 ""'All wps@westwoodps.com _.westwoodps.com CIT'I OF CHANHASSa-. RECEIVED Re: Westwood Community Church Stormwater Management Documentation File 20081143 JAN 3 0 2009 CHANHASSEN PLANNING moP",. Dear Mr. Jeffery: Westwood Community Church is proposing to construct the Phase 2 building which was part of the original development plan approved in 2002. The existing stormwater ponds were designed to incorporate this future development. Although the proposed building varies slightly from the original plan, it is still consistent withthe original design. Copies of the original subwatershed map and drainage area CN calculations are attached for supporting information. Also attached is a sketch illustrating the proposed variations from the original design. Under proposed conditions, 1350 square feet (0.03 acres) of additional area is directed to Pond B instead of Pond A. This is less than a 1 % difference to the total tributary drainage area to Pond B (4 acres) . The other variation is a slight increase in the building size and amount of walks. The proposed building is approximately 2,900 square feet larger than the originally proposed Phase 2 building, with approximately 1,600 square feet of additional walks, for a total of 4,500 square feet additional impervious coverage. The increased impervious area is divided fairly evenly between the two ponds. This corresponds to the CN value for Pond A increasing from 82.5 to 82.6., and the CN value for Pond B increasing from 87.7 to 87.9. This difference is not significantly different from the original design, especially considering the rounding contained in the original calculations. Lastly, the proposed drainage area map and pipe hydrology spreadsheet for the proposed storm sewer is attached. A conservative 85% impervious coverage was used for each of the drainage areas for simplification. ESTABLISHED IN 1972 1WlN CI1lEMo1E1RO MAINEIU) IT. CLOUD "T Westwood January 30,2009 Page 2 Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, WESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ~~ f-.~ Gretchen Landini, PE, LEED@ AP Project Manager Cc: Charlie Stoffel, Cuningham Group Architecture ESTABLISHED IN 1972 planning> ............. > ...".,.... ~ ~ ()' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ '1t ~ b ~ ~ '" ~~ ~ ~ c::. "i ~ ! ~ , ~ '" , ~ ~ '1' ~ ~ \ .'t t\ Q ~ f 0. C) ~ 1 ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ i \. ~.......:;r '.. \":.':"; ~~:>"", , ,',/ . "'. ..,...... . ..// ,/) , . .. r.. .': " //'T , .. /1 ! . ;. '/ /' .' ",.'.. . "h.:.J/ '\.'i..>'..~. '.' ......,: ,..!~,.\.. . 1\ ...... '. ~(. .:. ...tt~. ~-\~:' .~ \ _5; .-;,;::-,;,:::: .......,~~... /1' '\"" . I:..' "\. '~'"., 's. '- . '~,:. " ... \ ... 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