Future Planning Commission Agenda Items Schedule Future Planning Commission Agenda Items Schedule DATE ITEMS Work Session . Zoning for Agricultural Animals Items . Wind Turbines . Hard Cover . Commercial Districts Possible Future . Chanhassen High School Wetland Alteration Permit Amendment Items (Date . Sinclair Station Site Redevelopment Unknown) . CHANHASSEN STATION: SouthWest Transit Site Plan, Subdivision, Variance & Vacation for Parking Ramp and Transit Station in Downtown Chanhassen . FAIRVIEW CHANHASSEN MEDICAL CENTER: Request for a Conditional Use Permit with Variances for development in the Bluff Creek Corridor; Subdivision into one lot, outlots and dedication of public right-of- way; Rezoning from Agricultural Estate (A2) to Office/Institutional (OI), Site Plan Review with Variances for a two-phase, three-story, 160,000 square-foot medical center, up to a 731-stall, five-level parking ramp and signage; and a Wetland Alteration Permit on property located on Outlot A, Butternut Ridge (southeast comer of Powers Boulevard and Highway 312). Applicant: United Properties, LLCrrimothy & Dawne Erhart - Planning Case 08-16 . Lotus Lawn and Garden Site Redevelopment . Senn Variance (Kurvers Point) . Walgreens (7/41) CUP forLED Sign . RR Donnelley (18780 West 78th Street) Hard Surface Cover Variance? March 3 . Apple Tree Estates - Klingelhutz Subdivision (8600 Waters Edge Drive)- March 23 CC Planning Case 09-01 . Westwood Community Church Phase II Expansion - Planning Case 09-03 March 17 April 13 CC April 7 WORK SESSION April 21 May 11 CC MayS May 26 CC (Tuesday) May 19 June 8 CC June 2 June 22 CC June 16 July 13 CC July 7 July 27 CC Future Planning Commission Agenda Items Schedule DATE ITEMS July 21 AUj!ust 10 CC August 4 NO MEETING - NATIONAL NIGHT OUT August 18 September 14 CC September 1 September 28 CC September 15 October 12 CC October 6 October 26 CC October 20 November 9 CC November 3 November 23 CC November 17 December 14 CC December 1 January 11 CC (Over 60 days) g:\agendas\pc\2009\future planning commission agenda items.doc