2. Opportunity to expand Bandimere Park CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952,227,1100 Fax: 952,227,1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952,227,1180 Fax: 952,227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952,227,1160 Fax: 952,227,1170 Finance Phone: 952,227,1140 Fax: 952,227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952,227,1120 Fax: 952,227,1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952,227,1400 Fax: 952,227,1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952,227,1130 Fax: 952,227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952,227,1300 Fax: 952,227,1310 Senior Center Phone: 952,227,1125 Fax: 952,227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us ~ MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director '--If( FROM: DA TE: February 24, 2009 SUBJ: Opportunity to Expand Bandimere Community Park PROPOSED MOTION: "The Park and Recreation Commission recommends that the City Council direct staff to enter into negotiations to purchase approximately 4.13 acres of real property located at 9201 and 9151 Great Plains Boulevard for the purpose of expanding Bandimere Community. Park. BACKGROUND The City purchased the original 32 acres for Bandimere Community Park in 1988 after the successful passage of the following referendum question: "Shall the City of Chanhassen issue and sell its General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $300,000 for the acquisition of parklands in the City?" This question passed by a margin of four votes. Three other questions pertaining to a community center and park and trail improvements were also a part of that referendum (see attachment for complete results). The original 32 acres was rented as agricultural land for nearly ten years. In the mid-1990's, the City acquired another 5 acres of land in four separate parcels that was added to the park. These parcels, ranging in size from .75 acres to 2.69 acres, were dedicated to the city for park purposes as a condition of approval for the Springfield neighborhood development. As pressure for additional park facilities mounted; especially soccer, baseball and softball fields; another park, trail and open space referendum was presented to the community on June 14, 1997. This $4.9 million dollar bond, separated into four categories, was approved by 62% of voters. The redevelopment and Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Park & Recreation Commission February 24,2009 Page 2 expansion of the City Center Park ball fields and the initial construction of Bandimere Community Park called for the investment of $1,410,000 of the total referendum (see attachment for a complete copy of the referendum brochure). About the same time that Bandimere Community Park was being finished, a new family purchased and moved into the homes situated on two large lots northwest of the park. Over the years we became acquainted and agreed that if they were ever to sell their properties, it would be in the best interests of the community to consider acquiring them for expansion of the park. A few weeks ago the family contacted the city and informed us that they are now considering selling the properties. Last summer, as development talks relating to properties located across Highway 101 escalated, we thought it was a good time to explore the potential benefits of expanding the park. Brauer and Associates, the parks planning firm that worked with us on the original construction of Bandimere Community Park, was contacted to prepare a proposed expansion site plan. Components of the plan include relocating the entrance drive, adding a double tennis court, a hockey rink and open skate area with warming house, expanded trails and parking, potential Highway 101 pedestrian crossings, and additional storm water treatment ponds. A copy of this draft plan document is included in the attachments to this report. Recommended modifications to the 2009-2013 CIP to accommodate the acquisition and phase one development of the park expansion are also attached. RECOMMENDA TION Staff recommends that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council direct staff to enter into negotiations to purchase approximately 4.13 acres of real property located at 9201 and 9151 Great Plains Boulevard for the purpose of expanding Bandimere Community Park. ATTACHMENTS 1. Park & Recreation Referendum History 2. 1997 Referendum Brochure 3. Proposed Expansion Site Plan, Brauer & Associates dated June 20, 2008 g:\park\th\bandimere\bandimere park expansion 2009\prc report 2-24-09.doc + ,- 1997 Park, Trail & Open Space Referendum Results June 14, 1997 1,142 YES 707 NO Project Schedules Neighborhood Park Improvements...................... Conlpletion by Fall 1998 Comillunity Park Improvements: Bandimere Park...................... Break Ground June 1998/0pen June 1999 City Center Park ..................... Break Ground June 1998/0pen June 1999 Preserve Open ~pac:~s ............................................... Negotiations Ongoing Construc:t Trails ............ Break Ground April 1998/Complete Fall ofJ 999 Public Meetings will be held for all projects. (.. -~'- -- ,.~, ~. {, IF APPROVED Negotiations with land owners will be,final- ized, appraisals completed, and land purchase4. ConstruGtion ()f trails will begin. Development of Bandimere Community Park will begin: City Center Park will be expanded/improved. 18 neighborhood parks will be upgraded. Some of the ni.cistbeautifulland in Chanhassen fin~ncial will be cleared fordeve/opmerit. Visual gree~ spaces will decrease as population contInues to Increase. Youth will have less access to athtetic facilities. Walkers, bikers, joggers, ~nd skaters will continue to use dangerous roads and high'Nays. to help the contact: 949-1183 474-5642 more If you need more details or would like Park, Open Space, & Trail Taskforce, Alison Blac~owiak, Cochair Mike Lynch, Cochair Will require the future. land costs In Escalating resources IF DEFEATED QUESTIONS? . CHANHASSEN PARK, 0 PEN SPACE; & TRAIL LOCATIONS 19. Bandimere Community Park/Athletic Facility 20. City Center Park/Athletic Improvements w~lkers, bikers, joggers, and skaters. Enhance water quality byp'reserving open space in and aro'unq wetlands, streams, and watersheds: Preserve our small town feel 25 miles) Protect property values Connect the community for die safety of . . . Build a legacy for our children & granqchildren. Provide athletic opportunities for all youth. Protect the beauty of th~ area. IMPROVE COMMUNITY PARKS: $1,410,000 mile) PRESERVE OPEN SPACE: $1,755,000 21. Purchase large parcel(s) of highly desirable 5 CONSTRUCT TRAILS: $1,240,000 o Blvd. 22. State Highway 7 (1 mile) 23. Galpin Boulevard (1.75, miles 24. Powers Boulevard (1.5 miles: 25. Great Plains Blvd.':' S, Hwy. 26. Bluff Creek (.75 mile) 27. Pioneer Trail/Great Plains COMMUNITY BENEFITS Open Space Galpin B{)ulevard Park: (adjacent to Forest Meadow Addition): Access Road, Parking Lot Phase I Playground Equipment Herman Field Park: Phase II Playground Kerber Po~d Park: Trail Impro.verhents, Signage' Meadow Green Park: Neighborhood Picnic Refurbishment Nurrh Lotus Lake Park: Neighborhood Picnic Shelter, Park Trai .' Pheasant Hill Park: Ph~e II Play Equipment Power Hill Park: Neighborhood Picnic Shelter ~rairie Knoll Park: Pha;e II Play Equipment Rice Marsh Lak~Park: Replace Picnic Shelter, Shelter, East Trai . Minnewashta Heights Park: Playground Connector 5 6. 7. 8. 10. 11 12. 13. 14. 9. DEAR CHANHASSEN RESIDENT, In 1969, a group ofChanhassen residents proposed a similar special election, Thanks, to their for~sight, we now enjoy beautifUl Lake Ann Park. In 1989, a second park bond was approved to expand Lake Ann Park andto acquire the Bandimere Farm property. I believe the 1997 Park; Open Space, & Trail special election gives residents an oppo'rtunity to conti'nije building a'legacyforour children andgrandchildren, , This proposal is the result of community input . meetings, apublic opinion survey, and extensive. . communitjfeedback over the last several years. . On brhi:t!f of the city council, I invite you to review 'the information in this krocf;ure! ask questions, discuss it with your neighbors, and above all, vote on ]un'e:14, 1997. k~m~ Nancy Mancino, Chanhassen Mayor On Sdturday,June 14, 1997 ~ Speci~IElection will be heldfor Chanhassen residents to consider a $4, 9 million bondfor parks, open space, and trails. I Satu~day, June 14, 1997, polls at the Chanhassen Recreation Center (only polling location) will be open 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Abse~tee ballots may be cast at City Hall 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., M-F, until Friday, Jun~ 13,1997. If y~u have any questions or heed an absentee baHot, call City Hall ;lt937-1900. VOTE AT THE RECREATION CENTER be space acquisirions, largeparcel(s) wi area where porenrial open Shading indicate considered fo fa .* Hwy, 101 North Trailto be construtted, SRF Cousulting Inc.' hIlS bem con'tracted to prepa" design (oncepts for the reconstruction of Hwy.I 0 1 from Hwy. 5 north to Hwy. 62. The design will include a trail on the .west side of Hwy. 101 tliat will be constructed independent of trails proposed in the ChanhllSsen special election: Need more information on the Hwy, 101 North Trail! Contact:. Tim Phenow ofSRF Consulting '@ 475:0010 or Charles Folch, Engineer. City of ChanhllSsen @ 937- I 900, Think about how much you enjoy parks, open and trails. How much is that worth? At' an annuaLcost of $34 on a $150,000 property, the proposed Park; Open Space, &:rr~i1 Referendum 5 cheaper than renting one video pe~ month. A COST COMPARISON space, Development II PI.ayground with B.ridge Basketball piayground Refurbishment Roundhouse P~rk: Phase I Lake Park: Phase Equipment, Park Trai Stone Creek Park: Park Trai South Lotus 15, 16. 17. 8. IMPROVE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS: $495,000 Skating Rink Light Half Court Ba~ketbalI BeachParbParking Improvements Beach Playground: Playg~o~nd Refurbishment; Park Trai Chanhassen Hills Park: Curry Farms Park: Carver Carver 2. 3. 4. Half Ct Ri~ge Park: Sunset - .-...--, $250,000 $57.00 $4:75 $200,000 ' $45:?0 $3.75 $150,000 $34.00 $2,83 Q:. Will another tax 'be needed to maintaiii the n~w improvements? A: No, park maintenance is currently part of the city:- annual budget. Yes, addirional funds will be required to maintain any new However, community growth will' offset these costs. Improvements. (new taxpayers) ~- - -..:.- () r [:-0 ~~. ",. ~ ~:? ~ ~ ~ o~ ~ ~~ open space, - A proposal to improve parks, preserve and ex'pan,d community trails. .- I II v Il It I! Q: A: , - . Q: Will we be getting the best deal? A: Yes, purchase opt}ons and agreem~p.ts are being neg6t!~ted by the TruSt for Public Lands and staff rq~mbefs\vhohave e~pertise in land transactions and property values in the area. Q: Why purchitse p~rk land at this time? A:. The value of many ofrhe parcels in thispioposal are still relatively affordable. This is becauseone of the last barriers to 'developers - the MUSb-line (S"ewer& warerdistrict) has nOt. reached these areas yet. ?oon the MUSA line will be pushedJurrher out a,nd develop- ment of these open lands will'commence. completed during the summer of 1999. Q: Hqw soon will cOflSf}"Uction begin? A: Construction on the trail system and. Bandimere Community Park will hegin in the Fall of 1997 and w~uld be1trgely completed iri the Fall Of 1998. Pinal work would be spent in strict accordance with die referendum proposal. No ft;ncls 'YilI be used for other. . City:services or administr~tivepayroll. An independent public .audit andannual. reporr of all b'ond referendum fu~dexpenditures will be'required"and publicly reported. Q: .Willmoney be spent on pa.rks'on~? Ai _ Yes, a Citizens Park Oversight,Commit- tee will he formed to ensure the funds are 'Q: How long will I pay the extra tax? A: . 20 years. After 20 years the bOhd will be fully paid and the tax willend. If you move you pass this obligation to the new owner. () ::r- ~ ::r- 0> ~ <1> .:= :;>::l '" '" 0.: '" g $100,000 Home Value How much will it cost me? The increased tax on your home W!1l be: $23.00 space, and trails? A: All residents, whether they utilize the new parks or not, will benefit. Parks, ,open ~pace, and trails to~trol ur~an sprawi and have a posiiiye impact on h,ealth, crime prevention, the environment, the economy, and our quality ofiife. / Q: Why no! use existing tax mpney? A: Property taxes levied by the City are set at the mihimum and provide basic' services. No taX money is budgeted for park land , acq~isition, development, or trail construc-, tion: Only a limited pool of park" and trail dedication dollar}are available for these uses. ,,; s:~ iS~ ~~ ~. ~ ~ - Q ~~) ~ ~ 't. . ~'i ~a. ~~ ;:; ~ ~S-~.~ ~~ '""t,.~ ~ -. -. ~ ~ ~ ...., "". '" ;,:.2! ~- ~ ,,..... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"'~ ~ <..., '.~ ~ ~. ~ ~~, :;' ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ,~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C;. ,,:~,~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s:s . ~..~. :J; ;" (J ::r- en 0> "" ::> '0 ::r- "" . ~_o Q on> tp C P ~. ~ 3;::- .... z:;'o \.Jl. -.........J ::!. Vl < u.> '" ~ ~o ~-~. ~~ ~ ~ CHANHASSEN . PARK, OPEN SPACE, & TRAIL , SPECIAL ELECTION SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1997 t ,Q: Ho'W do I benefit from parks, open :::~ . ~~ ""C ~~ ...... .~~ ~ -.J l~ C!l .[0 ,~;;:; rt1 ID !!9 .- 0 q~ ~n ~~ Vl ~ ~1l -<'C B ~ c: ,l\ o(l .!!l ~ Cl.. ~ '- Q) ~ OJ '" :J:J ",'0 ~j Projed'- _. .-. I. 2. 3 , 5. .. ,.........,.<*11, tIal Ih. pion. IpfIdllcallcnornop:llt_ ~by....or\rllWmt llAct~. Regi5tration:_ lANDSCAPE ARCHITECT S!lIlII: MINNESOTA - SIgn.IurfI:_ D = = ,.. ~ >. ~ "0 ...... ::J .- CiS z rIj c~ .2 ~ = l/)C ~ C Q) ~ co l/) .- a. l/) fI1 x co = w.c .lit:: C .. .... co Ie'" co.c =- 0.. 0 ~ ~o r.....l Q) >. IIIIIIl E:'.: :cO ~ ~ ~ en fI1 = =- = a. ~ ~ Summary: Expanded parking - net gain of approx. 43 parking spaces 1 hockey rink with lighting, warming house, and general skating 2 tennis courts with lighting Expanded trail system Optional pedestrian crossing options to be further developed in conjunction with Hwy 101 redevelopment ~ 54 101 '54 Scale 1" = 50' 54 \'I ~ ~ I I j .ll ! i i ~ i i ~ Jl i i ~ ~l r~ h 8~ g~ ~~ n