Administrative Packet Administrati ve Packet ",.;;I"",""""" Yow are-lNWitetLw- CiffteNLdA 3rcLA~C~*~ S~ Act'wulR4'& AthlRr~G~ SatUY~, Mar~ 21, 2009 6pWl/ M~L~e- ArboretUWII The Gala will be held at the University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Oswald Visitor Center 6:00 Social Hour - Silent Auction Opens, Raffles 7:00 Traveling Dinner - Silent Auction, Raffles Continue 9:00 Hall of Fame Program and Live Auction 10:00 Dessert, Coffee Tickets are $50 per pE!rson and include one drink ticket and a "Traveling Dinner". ~ Additional drink tickets will be $5 each. The attire for the evening is semi-formal. The goal for the fundraiser this year is to raise monies to upgrade the sound systems at the CHS football stadium and main gymnasium, the soccer stadium next to CMSW, the swimming pool in CMSE, and to purchase a portable sound system that can be used at other sport and activity venues off site. RESERVATIONS: can be made online at www.ce4all.or~ or the Activities Office beginning the middle of January. Questions: 952.556.7'30 Please share this information with friends and plan to bring a group to the 2009 Gala Q ~ ... "" .... ~ = '0 = Cl) ... 1-<- g.;:: I-< 0" ~~ Ig 35- ~ "" E-< ~ lZll ::JQ ~~ .... Cl) ~ Cl) "" ~ = 0" ~ o Q ~ ...-l "" Cl) c.. I \C f"l ~ EiI'7 Cl) "" (J ~ "" Cl) c.. I o o \C ~ EiI'7 --- :::::; _-'0 ~ ~:; Q =~~~......s ~ (J ... .... Cl) ~ ~IE=~-=-~ ""Q;::~~~ --....-Cl) Cl)~~=~...~ t) Cl) Cl) :... Cl) Cl) ~ C\:l......-""""= I-< 0"0"';:: ~ ~ ~ ~~~-=g.~ TQO;;; ~~o ~..j~~gggg~b l::l;::!.:i...-l...-lO~QO~...-l ~ :::U""""...-l"';...-l"""" ~~~~~""~~~ ~~ I I a.~c..1 I ~::;EQC)\c I I I IF) 0 .::'::;E;!i~~QOIF)~f6 ~o ~~Mf"l~ ~ ~ ;::u~~~~~~~ ~ :::: ... I.l "'l::l ~ ~ ~ :::: S ... ...... '13 ~ I-< ~ I 0\3 ~ffi Q08 glZl ~~ Cl) c = r.f:1 = Q -..: ~ ~~ :6 =~ Cl) ~ I ~ I'""f"l .:c>--~~ "" E-< c.. 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'a = - - ~ I II) II} ~ lri EiI'7 Cl) > Q "" ~ Cl) e. ~ :;g Reach for Resources, Inc. t Spring 2009 1001 Highway 7 Hopkins, MN 55305 Room 217 Phone: 952-988-4177 Fax: 952-988-6728 Helping Individuals with Disabilities Reach Their Full Potential The *,*"" 2008 REACH Annual Awards I, Presented on December 9, 2008 at the Reach Annual Meeting and Holiday Party Maxine Skold Zachary Lane School Secretary Self-Advocate of the Year: Alex Luther Alex Luther was chosen as the 2008 Self-Advocate of the Year for his unrelenting drive to better himself. He is doing well at work, lives on his own, and is continually becoming more independent. His positive attitude and enthusiasm are an inspiration to everyone he meets. Civic Sponsor: Osseo lions Club The Osseo Lions Club has been a loyal supporter of the REACH mission for several years now, providing funding for general operations, as well as sponsorships for special events such as the Bowl-A-Thon. The Lions support a variety of worthy causes in the community and REACH is very grateful that they have chosen to make disability services one of them. Leon Miller of fhe Osseo lions Club. Volunteer of the Year: Patrick Boley Patrick has been a tireless Volunteer for REACH for several years. Not only does he serve as President of the Board of Directors, he has also testified on behalf of REACH in front of the Hennepin County Commissioners, solicited crucial funding, and acted as "The Wizard-fortune-Teller Extraordinaire," at the Ghostly Gala. Thank you Patrick for your excellent work on be- half of people with disabilities! Kari US Bank Kelsey Shuff Major, Lindsey & Africa, LLC (Continued on page 11) '~ <(" 1': ~" , ~.P,:~< ,~~;~,"" ~.~'~ ""f '\', ,\" '.'~ \~, '" l \~ '1 ' ~ !! ~ ".. . ',' ..... """ " -, _ ' ,.~. I" ~ Bewl-A~Jtic>ri..'.' Rage 2 ' . . . ;. '1I;t)~ee "'lfrS~i'll:r ,/ ~. 'Spring ;PrQgra'ins:'.:p~ge,s ~ ~ 7. : . . . '.',. ' ,". .'.. .': . .', ':', :'. "U :', ., ~ '. :.':~, l::Irgeht B~aget:~!~rf;.. 'pa~e 12 ' ,.' , . i'-.:0.1~~~ _" ,t","'^.>;-"~,:', '~;~""'!:'~~~:"-:"~-~"{"/l-r~ ,.; , ,,' '''-''..., "F' ,',:;- k~..f ~.t!.... ;~,.""r,.. " UPCOMING SPECIAL EVENTS Don't Miss Our Fabulous Annual Fundraiser! Date: Saturday, May 2nd Time: 9:30 am - 1 :00 pm Location: New Hope Bowl, 7107 42nd Ave. N. in New Hope 9:30 a.m. 10:00 - 12:00 12:00 - 1 :00 Event Schedule Registration Bowling Lunch and Awards Prizes and awards given for top pledge gatherers and top bowling scores! Cost: Bowlers gather pledges or make a donation for this fundraising event. Minimum pledqe/donation: $40 For your donation you will receive 2 bowling games, lunch, and at-shirt. I **Fabulous prizes are awarded for top pledge gather- . ers. The winner last year raised over S 1800 in pledges to support Reach programs! ** Not a bowler? With a tax-deductible donation of $15, spectators can watch the fun and join us for lunch. Everyone Welcome! Clients, families, and friends of Reach are invited to join us for a morning of fun and fundraising! You can form your own team of 4-5 people, or sign up to bowl individually and we'll assign you to a team. Register today by using the form on page 10 in this newsletter Bowl-A- Thon Sponsors and Prize Donations Needed Give back to the community and advertise your business at the same time by becoming a Reach Bowl-A-Thon Sponsor or Prize Donor! Contact Cyndi Bade at 952-9884177 or cbad e@reachforresources.org. Carver County Fun Fest Q0 / Carver County residents are invited to come visit with local recreation vendors to learn about summer programs and enjoy some fabulous music! WHEN: Wednesday, April 15th from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. WHERE: Chaska Community Center, 1661 Park Ridge Dr., Chaska COST: Free! Sponsored by Reach and Magnifying Abilities \ 2 Spring 2009 R 11/J **~ eaCn-'? for Resources Inc. c e u es Helping Individuals with Disabilities Reach Their Full Potential EDUCATION, THERAPY, LEISURE ACTIVITIES 1001 Highway 7, #217 Hopkins, MN 55305 (952) 988-4177 Phone (952) 988-6728 fax REACH is an agency that serves individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in the West and Northwest metro area. Services include counseling, therapy groups, commu- nity living training and support, therapeutic recreation and leisure, information & referral. Counseling & Education Counseling Reach for Resources specializes in working with people with developmen- tal disabilities such as mental retarda- tion, down syndrome, autism, and mild to borderline cognitive difficulties, and their families. We believe in a friendly, supportive, person-centered approach, and in setting personalized goals for each client. Reach accepts: Medical Assistance, Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN, Medica, America's PPO. To schedule an intake interview or for information on counseling options call Lisa Rivers, MA, LP at Empowerment Group Men and women in this group learn to support each other, solve their own prob- lems, advocate for themselves, and form a strong social network Participants must arrange their own transportation and be able to wait independently for their ride. WHERE: Eisenhower Center, 1001 High- way 7, Hopkins WHEN: Tuesdays 6:30-8:00 pm Begins April FEE: $10 Call at 952-988-4177 to register. An intake is required for new participants. ARMHS For Adults with Mental Health Disorders and Mild Cognitive Impairments REACH for Resources offers Adult Reha- bilitative Mental Health Services (ARMHS) that can help you successfully live on your own in the setting of your choice. An ARMHS case worker can teach you skills to: . Cope with gress, fear and anxiety . Rnd scte, affordctJle housing . Rnd ajob md learn job skills . Mancg3 your money . Develop a healthy lifestyle . Learn to use community rerources Support Group Young Women in Transition (Ages 18-30) This group provides an opportunity for women with borderline to mild cogni- tive disabilities to talk with other women about their concerns and experiences regarding relationships, sexuality, grief and loss, or other topics of interest. This therapeutic group will meet one evening per week at the Eisenhower Community Center in Hopkins. If you would like to be a part of the group, an intake is required. Call Lisa at 952-988-4177 for more information. REACH OUT Life Skills Support for Adults with Disabilities Reach Out is a private pay in- home support service for adults with disabilities who want to live independ- ently, but have been denied eligibility for other public assistance programs. Clients are assigned a case manager who provides on-going support with: . Housing . Employment . Managing Finances . Health & Safety . Socialization . Transportation . Government Benefits Application . Regular phone Check Ins . Crisis Support Reach Out is tailored to your individual needs and offered at an affordable per session fee. Partial or full scholarships may be available based on family income. Call Mary Perkins at 952-98-4177 for a Free Preliminary Assessment Did You Know? REACH is also a SILS and Waiver provider. If you are looking for a worker who can meet your needs, give us a call! 3 Youth Programs (Ages 5 - 12) Family Yoga Open to ages 5-21 This class is designed for children/teens with disabilities and their parents to learn yoga together. Increase attention span, focus, muscle tone and flexibility! Siblings welcome too. All children must be accompanied by at least one adult. WHERE: St. Louis Park Rec Center, 3700 Monterey Dr. WHEN: Tuesdays, Apr 7-May 12 FEES: $50 for parent/child pair TIME: 5:30-6:30 pm $55 for non-residents Co-sponsored by Project Soar $20 for each additional person d~ Kid Fu Fun martial arts programs for kids. Come learn the moves of Jackie Chan! Now 8 weeks! Bowling Join us for fun, non-competitive open bowling. You will bowl two SESSION 1 games each week WHERE: Bass Lake Shelter 5450 Northwest Blvd. Northwest Plymouth WHERE: Doyle's WHEN: Thursdays 5000 W Broadway April 2-May 21 Crystal TIME: 6:00-6:45 pm WHEN: Saturdays FEE: $56.00 Resident Mar 28-May 16 $64.00 Non-resident TIME: 12:00-2:00 pm FEE: $35.00 Resident SESSION 2 $43.00 Non-resident WHERE: Chanhassen Rec. Ctr. Plus $3.00 Per Saturday 2310 Coulter Blvd. Chanhassen WHEN: Wednesdays West April1-May 20 WHERE: Park Tavern TIME: 6:00 - 6:45 pm 3401 Louisiana Ave S St Louis Park FEE: $56.00 Resident WHEN: Saturdays $61.00 Non-resident April 4-May 23 TIME: 9:30-11 :30 am FEE: $35.00 Resident Program Minimum 5, Maximum 10 $40.00 Non-resident For more information, call Plus $3.00 Per Saturday Becca at (952) 988-4176 Program Minimum 5, Maximum 10 4 Inclusion Services Reach for Resources provides inclusion facilitators for children with disabilities who would like to participate in their city park and recreation programs. Registration for these programs is done through your park and recreation department. After registering, contact Reach for Resources to discuss the needs/ ,~<:~ommodt~~;~n for yours~l~i:pr your child. We require a>',:;:,mii' minimum of two weeks notice for a successful inclusion. Becc9i(.1t(952) 988-4176 for .0'19r~mil'lformation h'<;;;j''', Registration Notes and Information . Residents of our consortium cities are Cliven priority in reClistration. Non-resident reClistrations will be held until one week before the start of the prOClrClm. . If you are a new participant in On the Town, call Becca at (952) 988-4176 for information and to schedule an intake interview. . Please Note: Participants may only reg- ister for one social program per quarter. . Please do not sign up unless you will be able to attend! . If you are concerned about your program filling up quickly, please feel free to stop by the Reach for Resources office to complete a registration form in person. . You will receive a letter confirming your registration along with schedules for all programs you have been registered for at least one week prior to the start of the progra m. Spring registration begins Feb. 16 Summer registration begins May 1 NOTE: REFUNDS ARE NOT GIVEN IF YOU CANCEL 1 WEEK OR LESS BEFORE THE PROGRAM BEGINS! Teen Programs (Ages 13 - 21 ) ! Bowling Join us for fun, non- competitive bowling. You will bowl two games each week. Northwest WHERE: Doyle's 5000 W Broadway Crystal Saturdays Mar 28-May 16 12:00-2:00 pm $35.00 Resident $43.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Saturday Program Minimum 5, Maximum 10 WHEN: TIME: FEE: West WHERE: Park Tavern 3401 Louisiana Ave S St Louis Park Saturdays April 4-May 23 9:30-11 :30 am $35.00 Resident $40.00 Non-resident WHEN: TIME: FEE: Plus $3.00 Per Saturday Program Minimum 5, Maximum 10 Weekend Ventures Need a mini-vacation? Join us for our great weekend. respite programs. Participants are dropped off Friday evening and spend the entire weekend having fun under the caring supervision of our experienced staff. We have two trips planned for partici- pants ages 14 to 25: One to Mall of America and one to Valley Fair. See paae 7 for details. West Teen Explorers Active Adventures Make new friends while trying new ac- tivities. This is a weekly social group that give teens the opportunity to go to concerts, restaurants, movies, plays, sporting events, shopping and more! Make friends while trying new activities. This is a social group with an emphasis on outdoor, active outings. WHERE: Various west metro area locations Tuesdays Mar 31-May 12 Various northwest metro locations Thursdays Apr 2-May 14 WHEN: WHERE: WHEN: TIME: 6:30 - 8:30 pm $40.00 Resident $45.00 Non-resident Plus additional activity fee Program Minimum 5, Maximum 20 FEE: Evenings $40.00 Resident $48.00 Non-resident TIME: FEE: Social Seekers Social Seekers is designed to meet the needs of those with High-Functioning Autism or Asperger's Syndrome. These fun, age appropriate groups are designed to help teens and young adults gain confidence in their social interaction skills and make new. friends in a safe environment. Teen Groups Young Adult Group WHERE: The Depot Coffee House in Hopl4ns For Ages 19+ WHEN: Mondays, March 23-June 1 WHERE: The Depot Coffee House in Hopl4ns 4:00 - 5:30 (age 12-14) WHEN: Wednesdays, March 25-June 3 TIMES: 5:45 -7:15 (age 15-18) TIME: 6:30 - 8:00 pm FEE: $200.00 for 10 Sessions WHERE: Bin Lutheran in Robbinsdale WHEN: Thursdays, March 26-June 4 TEEN PERSONAL PURSUITS TIMES: 5:00 - 6:30 pm (age 15-18) In this supplemental program, activities FEE: $200.00 for 10 Sessions will be organized by the Social Seekers Teen groups with the help of staff. These activities will be held on Thursdays or Sat- Returning participants should contact REACH urdays. There will be no additional regis- to register. An intake is reauired for new tration fee, but certain activity costs participants. Please call (952) 988-4176. may apply. Girls Club This club is designed for girls ages 13-17 who are independent in their personal care and want to meet new friends and have fun! WHEN: One Saturday per month, beginning in May WHERE: FEE: Various locations $40.00 Resident, $45.00 Non-resident 5 Adult Fitness Adult Bowling Join us for fun, non- competitive bowling. You will bowl two games each week Northwest WHERE: Doyle's 5000 W Broadway Crystal WHEN: Saturdays Mar 28-May 16 TIME: 12:00 - 2:00 pm FEE: $35.00 Resident $43.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Saturday Program Minimum 5, Maximum 30 Earle Brown Bowl 6440 James Cir N Brooklyn Center Saturdays Mar 28-May 16 3:00-5:00 pm $35.00 Resident $43.00 Non-resident Plus $4.00 Per Saturday Program Minimum 5, Maximum 30 WHERE: WHEN: TIME: FEE: West WHERE: Park Tavern 3401 Louisiana Ave S St Louis Park WHEN: Saturdays April4-May 23 TIME: 9:30 - 11 :30 am FEE: $35.00 Resident $40.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Saturday Program Minimum 5, Maximum 30 6 Yoga for Adults (ages 18+) Relax, improve your flexibility and get in shape with this great yoga class. Taught by certified yoga instructor Ann Mertes. WHERE: St. Louis Park Rec Center, 3700 Monterey Dr. Tuesdays April7-May 12 6:45 - 7:45 pm $40.00 Resident $45.00 Non-resident Program Minimum 5, Maximum 15 Call Becca at (952) 988-4176 for details WHEN: TIME: FEE: Co-sponsored by Project Soar Walking Club (ages 18+) Keep that body moving and enjoy the community with friends. WHERE: Various Indoor and Outdoor Locations WHEN: Mondays April 13--May 18 6:30 - 8:00 pm $25.00 Resident $30.00 Non-resident TIME: FEE: Program Minimum 5, Maximum 15 Call Becca at (952) 988-4176 for details ~" Canoe the Chain of lakes! Get outside and enjoy Minnesota's beautiful lakes! Learn the basic skills needed to canoe and then spend the afternoon paddling on the Chain of Lakes in Minneapolis. This program is appropriate for all ability levels. Instruction, guides and adaptive equipment will be provided by Wilderness Inquiry. WHEN: TIME: FEE: Sunday, May 17 12:00-4:00 pm $40.00 Resident $45.00 Non-Resident Call Becca at (952) 988-4176 for more information. Adult Social Programs On the Town I A social group for young aduls,ages 18-25, who are independent and would 6ke to e}((.)lore ther community. Meets twice per month. WHERE: Various locations in the Northwest & West Suburbs WHEN: Every other Friday evening Beginning April 3 TIME: Varies with acfivity FEE: $20.00 Resident $25.00 Non-resident Plus additional activity fees Program Mininum 5, Mam,um 15 Weekend Ventures Need a mini-vacation? Join us for these great weekend respite programs. Participants are dropped off Fridayeve- ning and spend the entire weekend hav- ing fun under the caring supervision of our experienced staff. Mall of America: We will stay in a hotel in Bloomington and spend all day Saturday at Mall of America. Shopping, rides, movies, mini- golf, Underwater World-this will be an exciting weekend! WHEN: March 20-22 (ages 14-25) March 27-29 (ages 26+) FEE: $350 for entire weekend Vallev Fair: We will stay in a hotel in Shakopee and spend all day Saturday at Valley Fair. Ride the roller coasters, see a show, have fun in the water park, and so much more! WHEN: June 12-14 (ages 14-25) June 26-28 (ages 26+) FEE: $350 for entire weekend For more information or for an application, please call Becca at (952) 988-4176 On the Town II A social group for adults, ages 26 - 50, who can access the community independently with minimal supervision. Two Satuldays per month. WHERE: Various locations in the Northwest & West SubuJbs WHEN: Every other Satulday evening Beginning ApIi 4 TIME: Varies with acfivity FEE: $20.00 Resident $25.00 Non-resident Plus additional activity fees Program Mininum 5, Mam,um 15 Club West (west metro) and Wednesday Night Social (northwest metro) are social programs for adults age 18and older. Meet new friends and visit with old friends while enjoying games, dances, movies, bingo, etc. Staff to participant ratio is 1:10 Program Milimum 5, MaJtnum 30 (for each program) Club West Wednesday Night Social WHERE: Various west metro WHERE: Crystal Community Center (and locations other neaJby locations) WHEN: Wednesdays WHEN: Wednesdays April1-May2O April1-May20 TIME: 6:30 -8:30 pm TIME: 6:30 - 8:30 pm FEE: $40.00 Resident FEE: $40.00 Resident $45.00 Non-resident $48.00 Non-resident Plus additional ac1iviIyfee Plus additional ac1ivity fee Friday Dances Join your friends and groove to all the latest hits! Sponsored in collaboration with Project Soar. WEST WHERE: St. Louis Park High School 6425 W. 33rd Sf. WHEN: TIME: FEE: April 17 , May 15, June 19 7 - 9 pm $5.00 at the door NORTH WHERE: Crystal Community Center 4800 Douglas Dr. N. WHEN: TIME: FEE: May 1 7-9pm $5.00 at the door 7 ,\-.\A't1 / ,.~~ L.-\..i5l::::" /j/ ~....... I\{' SUMMER 2009 PREVIEW \-. \^ 't1 / ~,~.).~ L-.\.:f::..)::::" /j/ ~....... I\{' As another summer approaches, we are busy planning and preparing to meet your summer recreational needs. Summer is a time to meet new friends, experience new things and enjoy the outdoors. Reach For Resources has a wide variety of exciting programs for all ages. Check out some of the highlights below. Summer Registration Begins May 1. Youth Sports Sampler: Sessions in Chanhassen & Brooklyn Park Auaust Action: Mini-day camp exploring a variety of hot spots BowlinCl: Sf. Louis Park & Crystal Adults Softball: Non-competitive league Bowlina: Sf. Louis Park & Crystal Great Social Clubs: Several different options meeting in the West & North suburbs Friday Niaht Dances: Come with friends and dance the night away Teens Softball: Non-competitive league Teen Explorers: Social clubs meeting in the West & North suburbs Bowling: Sf. Louis Park & Crystal Active Adventures: Fun outdoor activities Summer Inclusion and Playground Opportunities Reach For Resources provides inclusion facilitators for chil- dren and teens with disabilities who participate in their city summer playground programs or any other park and recrea- tion offering. Registration for such park and recreation pro- grams is done through your city park and recreation depart- ment. Once you have registered, please contact Reach, calling the appropriate staff person listed below, to discuss the needs/accommodations for your child. Cities served include: Brooklyn Park, Brooklyn Center, Chanhassen, Chaska, Crystal, Golden Valley, Hopkins, New Hope, Minne- tonka, Robbinsdale, & St. Louis Park. Call Becca at 952-988-4176 at least 2 weeks before the program to schedule an inclusion. Respite Programs Do you need something to do during your summer break? We have lots of great options! Take Five Respite-A day program for ages 13-21. Runs from 9:00am to 3:30 pm. August 3-28 Weekend Ventures-overnight programs for teens and adults. Runs June 12-14 (teens) and June 26-28 (adults). Part-Time Adaptive Recreation Positions Available Reach For Resources is accepting applications for Recreation Program staff. Applicants will work with chDdren and adults with developmental disabilities in a variety of recreational settings. ~each is seeking individuals with a background in Therapeutic Recreation, Adaptive Physical ..... Education, Paraprofessional, or related fields, and interest in working with people with disabilities in fun and exciting recreational programs. These positions are perfect for college students, fam- ily members, or school district employees looking for extra money. Starting rate is $9.00 per hour. AvaDable hours range from 2 to 20 hours per week Program locations are in the Northwestern and Western suburbs of Hennepin County. . . ..... For more information on the available positions or to request an application, call Becca at 952-988-4176. Name: Address: City: Phone: Email: ,1n I<.'f- Reac f ~: "'0"',", '0< 2009 BOWL-A-THON REGISTRATION You must be registered in order to bowl. We will send you a pledge packet when we receive your registration form. Registration Deadline: April 15, 2009 State Zip Please register me for: o Bowling and Lunch-$40 minimum pledges or donation (Pledges should be turned in at the event) I am bowling alone T -Shirt Size: S M L XL XXL [adult sizes only] (circle one) I am bowling with a team* Other team members: *(N~te:. ALL Team Members must fill out their own registration form) o Lunch Only-My $15 donation is enclosed (checks payable to Reach for Resources). o I am unable to participate, but enclosed is my donation of $ for Resources). . (checks payable to Reach Photo Waiver: Photos may be taken at the Bowl-A-Thon and used in Reach publications. If you DO NOT want your photo used, initial here: No, I do not want my photo used 10 Reach Annual Awards, continued from page 1: Community Partner: The Depot Coffee House For over two years, The Depot Coffee House in Hopkins has been a wonderful supporter of our Social Seekers programs for teens and young adults with Asperger's Syndrome. They provide a fun, safe environment for participants to be themselves and interact with peers. Thankyou to The Depot for helping Reach make this therapeutic recreation program such a success! Patrick and Fran trom the Depot First Annual REACH Talent Showcase Featured Client Work Charlie Miller proudly displays his drawings Reach For Thank you to all of you who offered your impressive talents for display at the Annual Holiday Party: Alex Luther-photography Charlie Miller-original drawings Dave Plocek-photo collage Melissa Rogers-original paintings Kristin Skold-original painting Leah Wallin- cross stitch Photos by Dave Plocek Cross stitch submitted by Leah Wallin We look forward to expanding the Talent Showcase next year! Please Give to the REACH 2009 Annual Fundraisina Appeal! Do you buy ink and toner for your home or business? REACH services make up a crucial sup- port network in the lives of our clients. We just can't let them down. REACH is very excited to partner with TonerForAutism.com to gener- ate awareness and raise money for our mission. Thank you for your support this year! Please send your tax-deductible donation today to: It you or your employer buy toner and ink from their website (www.TonerforAutism.com). REACH will receive 5% ot all your pur- chases now and into the tuture. They ofter competitive prices, a huge variety of products, and accept all major credit cards. What a great way to contribute to REACH without spending any extra money! REACH 1001 Hwy 7, #217 Hopkins, MN 55305 REACHJS GOING GREEN! PLEASE HELP US SAVE MONEY AND RESOURCES on printinaand post.. aae by sianinauptoreceive The Reach Reader electronically. It's.alnhe same great news and program schedules delivered conveniently each quarter to your email address. To sign up, send your name andemail.addressto enews@reachforresources.org P.S. The Reach Reader is also always available at ourwebsite:www.reachforresources.ora 11 '7 -,\~7~,.".,..: Registration Form-Spring 2009 Advance payment is required for all programs. NO REGISTRATION AT PROGRAMS OR BY PHONE. To ensure a spot in the program(s) of your choice, mail in payment and registration form as soon as possible. Residents of the West & Northwest consortium of cities receive preference in registration. Registration is then open to non-residents of the consortium cities one week prior to the start of the programs (unless program is full). Registration Begins February 16, 2009 Name: Birth date: Address: City: Zip Code: Home Phone: Work Phone: EmaD Emergency Contact: Emergency Phone: DYes 0 No I have waivered services and an authorization for Reach For Resources to bill for these programs. DYes 0 No Do you require wheelchair access? Photo Waiver: My photo may be taken at Reach programs and used for promotional materials, unless I check below: o No, I DO NOT wish to have my photo used. DisabDity (please include specific information such as seizures, allergies, special diet etc.): Social Worker: Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Home Address: Parent(s) E-Mail: Parent(s)Employer: Employer Address: Annual House- 0 $0 - $24,999 hold Income: 0 $100,000 - $124,999 Social Worker's Phone: Parent/Guardian's Phone: City: Parent(s) Cell Phone: Employer Phone: Zip: 0$25,000 - $49,999 o $125,000 - $149,999 City: 0$50,000 - $74,999 0$150,000 - $174,999 Zip: 0$75,000 - 99,999 0$175,000- $199,999 o $200,000+ I. the undersigned, certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that participation in this activity is completely voluntary and the activity is being offered for the benefit of the participant. Reach for Resources shaH not be Dable for any claims, injuries, or damages of whatever nature, incurred by the participant arising out of, or connected with, the activity. On behalf of myself and the participant, I expressly forever release and discharge Reach for Resources, its agents or employees, from any such claims, injuries or damages.' have received a copy of Notice of Privacy as required by HIPAA. I have read, understood and agree to these privacy practices. Legal Guardian: Date: 0 Program Resident/Non-Res 0 Adult Bowling Doyle's $35.00/ $43.00 0 Adult Bowling Earle Brown $35.00 / $43.00 0 Adult BoWRng Park Tavern $35.00 / $40.00 0 Youth/Teen Bowling Doyle's $35.00 / $43.00 0 Youth/Teen Bowling ParkTav. $35.00 / $40.00 0 Kid Fu (Session:# ) $56.00 / $61 or $64 in West Teen EXDlorers $40.00 I $45.00 0 Family Yoga $50.00 / $55 (+$20) 0 Girls Club $30.00 / $35.00 0 Active Adventures $40.00/ $48.00 Spring 2009 0 Program Resident/Non-Res 0 Canoe Trip $40.00 / $45.00 0 Walking Club $25.00 / $30.00 0 Yoga for Adults $40.00 / $45.00 0 On the Town I $20.00 / $25.00 0 On the Town II $20.00 / $25.00 0 Club West $40.00 / $45.00 0 Wednesday Night Social $40.00 / $48.00 0 Weekend Ventures Send me info 0 BOWL A THON Register on back of this sheet Please mail completed form with payment to Reach at: 1001 Highway 7 #217Hopkins, MN 55305 Office (952) 988-4177 www.reachforresources.org