3. Planning Commission Interviews CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone 952.227.1100 Fax 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us IT] MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director DATE: March 3, 2009 SUBJ: Planning Commission Interviews The terms of Planning Commissioners Kurt Papke and Debbie Larson will expire on March 31,2009. Both of these Commissioners have reapplied. Additionally, we have received applications from Regina Herron, Tom Doll, Jennifer Thorp, and Mary Anne Smalley. Regina HelTon and Tom Doll were previously interviewed on February 17,2009. Traditionally, the Planning Commission does not interview incumbents and incumbents do not participate in the interview process. Attached are applications and questionnaires for Jennifer Thorp and Mary Anne Smalley along with a scoring sheet. Please bring your scoring sheet from the February 17,2009 interviews. Also attached are the applications of Regina Herron and Tom Doll who were previously interviewed on February 17,2009, as well as the incumbent applications. After the interviews the Commission generally ranks their preference for candidates. The preference ranking, as well as the incumbents' applications, will be forwarded to the City Council for their interviews on March 9 and 23,2009. Attachments: 1. Planning Commissioner Interview Scoring Sheet. 2. Planning Commissioner Applications and Interview Questionnaires. g:\plan\planning commission\2009 applications\pc interviews 3.3.09.doc Chanhassen is a Community for Life. Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow ~ ~ > O:::t-< ~~ ~@ """"VJ 0:::0 ~z Z,....... go:::~~ VJ 0 .,....; 0 VJu:r:......:l ,....... VJ II II ~ tr)- ~Q oB3 uO op.., ZO ,.......0::: Zp.., Z <C ......:l p.., cI) cO ~ ....... ~ o '0 E-<p.., ....... >-, ~ ....... V '2 6 :::l ~ .5 6 "0 6 > 0 ,.8 U V 01)1-< "d 0 cI) ~i~ o"-~ ~ 0 ~ -;:: ~ V 0 S ',p ....... .,....; .,....; cI) S 0 Sp.., o 0 u....... V >-, 01) ....... "d '8 ~,,-:::l ~ 0 S o 8 ~ 0 ~ u "d ~ V V > cI) ~ 2@ ~..c cI) ~ 1;3 ro V ..c >-< u <.) o '" ;) v ~ bO .;:: is ~ ::: v .:;: i:l .s i:l " .~ V> 6 " is <.) ~fJ '2 " '" 3- ~ i ? biJ V >-, 8 ~ ro c;:; Z h e- E ~ 0 VJ 0 I-< 0 V' I-< ..c V V V E-< h ...:.:: @ :r: "0 ~ 0... ,....l 2) <C ,- ,- Cl w V .~\..l "- 0.. ~ >-, :E 'b1) 8 ~ ......, I-< I-< .D V 0 ~ ro :::l V 0::: t-< V ~ ~ Cl ...., APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN CITY COMMISSION Date: 2/13/09 COMMISSION DESIRED: Planning ALTERNATE: City ofChanhassen, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Name: Jennifer Thorp Address: 1050 Lake Susan Dr., Chanhassen, MN 55317 Home Phone: 952-974-7848Work Phone: Cell Phone: Email: jthorp@spacia.org No. of Years in Chanhassen: 2 in Chanhassen 10+ in Eden Prairie Highest Level of Education Attained, Plus Degrees, ifany: Bachelor of Science, Environmental Science Employment History (State position, employer and brief description of duties: See attached resume. Activities and Affiliations (Include elective offices, honors, and recognitions received, if any): Ballroom Dance Club at the University of MN ReasonsforSeekingthisPosition: I am interested in becoming involved with the city government. I moved to the city because of its many community amenities and access to the metro area, while maintaining a small community feel. I want to help maintain the aspects of the city that I enjoy, while maintaining responsible growth and development. I think it is important that Chanhassen maintain its character as a city. Specific Qualifications for the Position: I have experience though my work with all types of governments including watershed districts, local, county and state agencies. I have experience working with zoning codes and ordinances while looking for project compliance. I deal well with all types of people, looking for compromises and working to resolve problems. h7s~ REe8VED FEB 1 3 2009 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Jennifer Thorp 1 050 Lake Susan Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Home: (952) 974-7848 - Cell: (480) 720-0028 - Email: jthorp@spacia.org EDUCATION University of Minnesota - Twin Cities College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences Bachelor of Environmental Science, Soil Science Emphasis Minneapolis, MN May 2006 WORK EXPERIENCE Pro Staff Data Entry Clerk, Administrative Assistant, Various · Entered data into a computerized inventory management systems. · Worked in a team environment. · Adapted to now challenges on a weekly basis. Chanhassen, MN July 2008-December 2008 Bachman's Cashier Minneapolis, MN April 2008-June 2008 · Provided customer service including: register operations and maintenance, sales consulting, and carry out assistance. · Worked in a coordinated team environment. · Accurately closed tills at the end of shifts and completed invoices. Houston Engineering, Inc. Maple Grove, MN Environmental Scientist July 2007 -December 2007 · Prepare Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plans for substations throughout Minnesota and North Dakota. · Created information sheets and a database for SPCC plans for an internet GIS application. · Research information for business development in new business sectors. URS Corporation Graduate Environmental Scientist Phoenix, AZ June 2005-June 2007 · ASTM Standard E 1527-05 and custom Phase I Environmental Site Assessments on commercial properties and raw land including: field work, historical data research, regulatory file review, and final report preparation. · Comprehensive Asbestos Surveys of multiple and single-family housing units and various commercial properties. Jennifer Thorp -Continued from page 1- · Asbestos abatement and pre-demolition oversight including field audits and inspections. University of Minnesota, Dept. of Soil, Water and Climate Soil Laboratory Teaching Assistant · Setup and maintain weekly laboratory experiments. · Answer student questions regarding coursework. · Grade and give feedback on laboratory reports. Minneapolis, MN Sept. 2004-May 2005 HTPO: Surveying, Engineering, and Landscape Architecture Survey Crewperson · Operated manual and robotic total stations as part of 2-person teams. · Maintained accurate field notes. · Participated in biological surveys. Eden Prairie, MN Summer 2003 CERTIFICATIONS · AHERA Asbestos Building Inspector, EPA, Arizona - Expiration 9/8/07 · Certified in adult Red Cross CPR and first aid. · Minnesota Class D Drivers License Page 2 of 2 ~ ~ ,......, <r: z Z o >-< E-< VJ 5 CJ ~ ~ >-< > ~ ~ t-< Z >-< ~ ~ o >-< VJ VJ >-< ~ ~ o u o z >-< z z <r; .....1 p... o ..c: E-< ~ ~ ~ Q) >--, Q) E ~ Z Q) ..c: ...... o ...... bJ) ~ 'C .D ::l o ;>-, o "'d ('- . Q'5 ~ ,~ 0 ....... "U) ~ .~ ::l E ~E ~ 0 'u u Q) bJ) ~~ ~ 2 ...c ~ ~p... ..--< Q) ..c: ...... o ...... bJ) ~ ';;' 0- 0- ~ .... c2 VJ ~ o VJ ~ Q) .... 5 ('-, o ~ ;>-, ,S Q) VJ ~ .~ ~ E ~ E ...c ~8 C"1 Q) Q) VJ Q) .... c2 ::l ~ ('-. Q) VJ .... 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Q) ...... -..D"" C E c2 .8 Q) E VJ E 0 ~ u "'d ~ ::l c: Q) 0 ::l .D ;>-, ::l 0 Q) o ...... .... ;>-, VJ ~ o 93 "'d Q .8 ;:; ] -?: OJ) " o 'D 8 "8 " .~ " g. " 0) .;; ;] .5 53 " .~ ~ U .~J ;:; ~ E 0\ APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN CITY COMMISSION Date: Z -/~cY1 COMMISSION DESIRED: OLlliL'J1jj /Lt ALTERNATE: City ofChanhassen, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Name: jJ1 My bzf)f'. S/J, 4-/ Lr Address: <(; t I. \ U'i-k (l Ie; /e,/ be- . C1 S2- -CfL/ I~ lOa) ~ /' .--. Home Phone: ''7Work Phone:/J!..fT Cell Phone: IPl2 - 2-2{i~ LO 99 l' . Email:;if ffYrl/f-/kv ~~ f/};J-i l cCly!/\ No. of Years in Chanhassen: L / (II" . I .. I Highest Level of Education Attained, Plus Degrees, if any: flr ~ rj,~, ~ ~-{..s'1 ~\" (7 7!:",ment History (StaN pusition. employer and tmet. description of duties: . .,.-. _ . r'!J:1';' kl re (2;, '"..f, {)0r1 !i.:J i reef JleJlI.. qrcup;- . I SJ;,.e,g . tr IJ ?I ,f"' () pf?K"a 1~-1~ ..y P ft:>r~d;/~ /Iv ,~ / Ii:: L[et/J' /-:.., O~&..f~f. vI1..Pn/t'..;rV ~f/1't a.l/;iir.~F1/11 " Activities and ~ffiliations (Include el~ctive ojJices, honors, and recognitions received, if any/ ~ #1, _ .,' , -ne. . Reasons for Seeking this Position: , (lUu~f c€ l ~ ~ 0~~ 7:7V /h~/ddJ u~ ~ f7~-t't) C 0Yt~ fI1 i ,,:., -Ii YMr~~L SIGNATURE ~ ~ >--< -< z z o >--< E-< r./) ~ o ~ f::J > ~ ~ E-< Z >--< ~ ~ z o >--< r./) r./) >--< ~ ~ o u o z >--< z z -< ,....4 0.. ~ ::;; s r./) Q) >=: >=: <r: l-< ~ ~ Q) s ~ z Q) ...c: ....... o ....... OJ) .S 13 ::l o >. o "d c--. Ul >=: Q) 0 .~ "V; ~ .~ ::l S ~S ~ 0 '0 U Q) OJ) fr>=: ....... >=: ~ >=: ..c ~ ~o.. Q) ...c: ....... o ....... OJ) >::: ';;" 0., 0.., ~ S 4-< Ul >=: o Ul ~ Q) l-< ::; C--. o >=: >. .2 Q) Ul H .~ ~ S ~ S ..c 0 ~u 01 Q) Q) Ul Q) l-< o 4-< ::l ~ c-. 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"d Q) 0.., o Q) > Q) "d .~ Ul ....... >=: >=: 0 Q) .- S ~ ~.,....., c--. .- S S S S Q) S o...c: o ....... uU...c: (1.) <1):~ S -5 :s '.;:j~ (j) Q) 0 ..D -5 ~ .:s "d..Dl-< >=: S c2 .:s Q) S Ul S 0 ~ u "d ~ ::l >=: Q) 0 ::l ..D >. ::l 0 Q) o ....... l-< >. Ul ~ O~"d Q .:s ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ o u bn .g " oJ 3- ~ ~ :::; ~ Of) u o "d <U ;;; " " .~ <U ::J rr " .~ > .~ 0\ APPLICA TION FOR CHANHASSEN CITY COMMISSION Date: I! ~(p I oC; I I COMMISSION DESIRED: PIClr7rll'V ALTERNATE: e.lJrj~r7me/7fvt j City ofChanhassen, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Name: J5fq/F7 C{ l/erro n V Address: /380 TlJalJ'h (lour;- 95;)- - Home Phone: 0J9'~ )/05/ Work Phone:'l5.2 ~9tjcj- 8519'0 Cell Phone: 7 (03 ~ ? 2-6- g- g- 0 (p Email: rhetlon 79';:) ama/J. (om No. of Years in Chanhassen: (;:; mDl7fn S V Highest Level of Education Attained, Plus Degrees, if any: B. A. r;t"'oC/~;Oh v/ , (/ I / Employment History (State position, employer and brief description of duties: . Yar7/l~r ~ cDevdtJ /?Zftr7r cVr't:(A.J s/t:< //otJ<7Y1 M 'I If /-(;/hJ- ]?pt; / J/?t.h'vYl /f(?Pf /f?1r7/?/1:J> /rJ0prc/7d-/vY/ ?f 2N1i'J Cod--c --jd" f'c:.r;/c:::&IJI-.Jif&i/6'/~LH/,Y }rJC"/?P~/ /'e'cf/lClrCh Clod coc& qma/Jc//YLej/J)--S - Activities and Affiliations (Include elective offices, honors, and recognitions received, if any): SSOc/Q/7CJY; erv'~J 6Vl "v oC/rJ 0 CclIJ 2co(p ~ :J-OOf5_ tlotiAl1hr pr /Yltj dP0!1'hk/J (f3ar/f1.>C f7lrlf.,ou)--r;-oo~ /29:J.-3, v / l.J: / Cfl/l ?1'/So C//J avid CJo~l-ba//, (7?nJd/V)ha II, aj 0/kyhqll flJlatle./' . /./ /' / / ReasonsforSeekingthisPosition: / r1lovt/c:/ Jove h /970:JYrU!. t77CJVC.- /';7vo!vcd Ni/--t( -the {'tJrJJrnu-ru/v; (/j17~ hclfJ cju;dt! Ifs -fUj-urc.. 1ir/'/i~/:Jcch/7C/ t?"/7 , /. / v 01 (1d1/J/?-L-irdl'J AJ;/j c..J1'ri iJ'7L 171/ JPd~Iur?/7 -h cJ-t---e. /JuhLic . , . I ,1;1"(7/7/:/,( h-YJ'7 q ~ff-errYl/- Oe/'pchvc /(Jh/ch IS o/J~ ~ / J ~. h' my U~rl./n. an. carrJ!/ t1 /(2C vC<.\' Specific Qualifications for the Position: vJ . 'cL Is 0 trals (;)v ,;2.5 v/car<5 . I j / ~ y}vr . J j SIGNATURE APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN CITY COMMISSION COMMISSION DESIRED: IR'~~~ihgl Date: 12112/091 ALTERNATE: City ofChanhassen, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 ITom~9rrl Name: SS~'5i Address: Home Phone: 1952-401-45621 Work Phone:_1952-906-74651 Cell Phone: No. of Years in Chanhassen: lID Email: Ithomas.doll@westwoodps.coml Highest Level of Education Attained, Plus Degrees, if any: IAA& Bachelor DeQree University of Iowa ... Employment History (State position, employer and briefdescription afduties: s I surVey Technician, James R Hill Inc., ~Ol'vey field work & draffin{Jfiouse ceftificates. 4~ 1999 to 11-2007, I Activities and Affiliations (Include elective offices, honors, and recognitions received, if any): IMember of thfil;Minnesoti;l\Society ofProfessionaL$t.l'rveyors antjThe NatiQMI SocietY ofProfessiOn;~liSurveYQr~il Reasons for Seeking this Position: Ik.Q~ , SIGNATURE APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN CITY CO]\lIMISSION COMMISSION DESIRED: '-:p \ " " ~ ':j ALTERNA TE: Date: ..-- . \ ,>~ c.. ~ ,~ 1-c,IC'l ./ City of Chanhassent-ZJOO Market Boulevard, P. O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 1./ .? (~ U i"\-"I'A JJ IcE 55317 Nmne: Address: I! ] I /Ia ''-l E..s.TEA 4) , J , I ,J '-'( Home Phone: '1' '52 - L-{11 f - "1 &'11 Enwil: Ie.. Ui/}?1(?(L--/S Work Phone: ,.--- Cell Phone: C { 2-- / 7 G'1 - J.{ Lr L( f ()) (r hA/JIL. c::.tJ ,,",,, No. of Years in Chanhassen: ~ 1 Highest Level of Education Attaine(~ Plus Degrees, if any: j/yt.s E G <.-, E .....5 ~. , I'V{G4- EmploymentHistory (.5~~~POSition, ~mplo~er and bri,ef descr~n. of duties: '-, :1 ,- " '-'-~.. F ~j j"-";" ~ 1-" ~ j- I l'..:: J-. - ,A~,~e ~~- 'E'-'\.j"l~ ev~ b ;~0h- -u",,-. t k~. <:. ---.. G.4 ( t... ~ ,;:; -" ;- ,---",- e v~ l-1 '1 ; .r e. c f. ~, J Activities and Affiliations (Include elective offices, honors, and recognitions received, if any): -Op --;) '1 I , ._Cvv-<..... (.-<).....-(7 <....l lS.t:)('~j ...\-. jy-el'--' '::'....) c...~c;,--- , pi c ~ V'- ~ "'J G" ''4 ~I'J .j . ""' (- <......-." ___ 'J C,~"'"; ~ --- ) Reasonsfor Seeking this Position: C-'<$ '-- J v~ Lv '-'\. -~ 'T "(~ '-- d-v iT ~ ~'r-. cL " \..- G-.. "'- d-..."-v.... <; C {~ ~ cJ L-t. >11-; "- '"-'- eft. j I "'"'- f II' t \,H- c.G" i~ <2.... G L ..L .6e ( ; ~ \rL.. ~<...(.... C' "- t'o <;, ~\ \.:. ~ c:: S {Q j v ~ C'J c....... h.. C' ..... e-<.. Co' ......f ,_~-r 7 /'-1', I, Specific Qual~fic(ltionsfor the Position: s ~", c c.:' c..J ; ./ : j-: ~ i <i:- (~-('{.i !,.4t)o......... .;' ..'~ ---~ """"'" .....<....~.::.::~;:.:-if--~. .----'- _T~"-<""'- C'!1ff""ll\..T J. rrTmv APPLICA110N FOR CHANHASSEN CITY COMMISSION Date: I--t::; -09 COMMISSION DESIRED:~'iKJ n ~ CJ ALTERNATE: CityojChanhas,fen, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanl,asse1l, MN 55317 Name: ~ J e. 1...-o.s-s.001 Address: CJ3Ue0C)'m~m Co/.)rT I Cb:ar\ht~/r-- Home Phone: 95dt -47'1 t '?J? 'g~rk Phone:l.Rrt- 231--03/ if CeO Phone: hlz - d.3 7- "LJ3;f/- Emau: deJ;h/e @ d MlouJers I <!..D IYi No. of Ye~ in Chanhasst!n: :( 4- Irrghes1 Levd of EdlU:ation AJiained, Plus Degrees, if any' ~ -17f'fj#? ~ Employment History (State pas,,',, e~(Jler and brief description of dutiej': fA~;:;~~;;, (f)!S;/f;:~,Ot::p~S JJ1Of)()~1ft . Activities and Afjilintions (Include e1l!ctive offICes, honors, and rec.ognitions received, if any): ~~~ f/&fll))fr.:j f'ffmmk&An QA.-' \ff(\{V - ~~ Rl!asons for Seektng tltis Posititm: _ ~ M-ep c~ 11) ~ ~ BILfJ.I~ ) ..J.-o auJU U;" ,!,OIClL 'to ~ 3 ~ ~ f-~ lW~ 1ll 0.JAys ~~ p&-.. f LiJq; bwd rJrcy,,!YJ.~ to 6L. ~ ~ C.JJy tf Jr.;n b[l}.L{f",-<JD m::::; yea-w, Specific QU41fL<<:ations for tile Position: fJ1Wt'Duf) 1&-2 rf\ CUJ CJsmrMe;SI{)-0.. I Y7~ ~ r (/) Ian fl.1~9 I Td W~8[:0T 8002;T 'uEf [8[[17<:'.17;=:;(,: "[It~ i'H.:::I ~=: reUle, U[PdLunld1 qqdt] : L,J02:J.:::!