PC 2009 03 03
MARCH 3, 2009
Chairman Papke called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Kurt Papke, Kevin Dillon, Debbie Larson, Mark Undestad, and Dan
Kathleen Thomas. Denny Laufenburger was in the audience.
Bob Generous, Senior Planner
Mary Ann Smalley 8815 Lake Riley Drive
Denny Laufenburger 8673 Chanhassen Hills Drive
Jennifer Thorp 1050 Lake Susan Drive
Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item.
Keefe: Bob, why a conditional use permit versus you know a PUD or something like that? I’m
not familiar with why that designation versus something else.
Generous: It’s just, if it was a PUD they wouldn’t need a conditional use permit but the way our
ordinance is structured is to have more than one principle building on a parcel you need to get a
conditional use permit. It’s just a way so that the city can review and make sure that they’re not
creating a non-harmonious design.
Keefe: Okay. Are there paths along Tanadoona and/or West 78 Street? I mean, and is it
intended to connect to the Chanhassen sort of path network and bike network?
Generous: West 78 Street does have a trail system on the north side coming in.
Keefe: Okay. Alright. Other than that it’s.
Planning Commission Meeting - March 3, 2009
Larson: Do we happen to know where, when the, looking at the one picture that you put up on
the full site. This last, it looks like we’re just going to do the half of what you’re showing. This
is different than.
Generous: Right, and I was going to have the architect explain that. Right now we would be
approving the entire expansion. They’re looking at doing, expanding in phases due to the
financing and so that’s what that plan was for and I was going to have the architect explain that.
Larson: Okay. I can wait I guess. That’s it.
Dillon: Alright, so I guess I’m a little unclear on this. So this is what it’s going to be at the first.
Generous: As an interim, yes. They’re going to build this expansion in two phases is my
understanding. And the first phase of that expansion would follow that plan and then they’d add
the multi-purpose space in later.
Dillon: Okay. Is there kind of a master plan of how this is all going to lay out when all the
development is done?
Generous: There’s a general one and I don’t know if they brought it but to the, ah let’s see. Go
back, if you look to the west of the existing building they would put the main worship hall. And
then all the way on the west side they were talking about some type of chapel, and then on the
east side of the project they look at the potential social service offices or maybe even dwelling
units for missionaries or whatever are part of their congregation. So but as they come in with
each, they’re not certain how it’s all going to lay out so as they come in they’ll go through this
process again. But generally yes, they have a campus plan that they are.
Dillon: So we can assure it’s harmonious?
Generous: So we can assure.
Dillon: Alright. And so I think the other questions I have would probably be best directed to the
Undestad: Nothing.
Papke: The only question I had is, is probably pretty simple answer. The level of discretion we
have tonight, there is two issues here. The conditional use permits have to meet what’s in the
zoning ordinance and the project has to comply with the zoning ordinance requirements. Are
there any exceptions to any of those that you’re aware of is this.
Generous: It’s pretty clean.
Papke: Buttoned down. Okay. Alright. Very good. If there’s no more questions for staff, if
there’s someone from the applicant who’d like to step up to the podium and color in the lines a
Planning Commission Meeting - March 3, 2009
little bit for us, that would be great. If you could state your name and address for the record
Charlie Stoffel: Hi. Charlie Stoffel with Cuningham Group Architecture, Minneapolis. I guess
getting back to the original point made, the second image that you got. The 11 by 17. After we
presented this to Bob and to the rest of the city staff, between that and tonight some of the
financing things have kind of shifted on us a little bit so right now the presentation would be
showing the multi-purpose, which is the space that’s not showing right now, removed from the
building. Anticipating that it would be a future phase, anywhere from actually going in with this
building, depending if the additional fund raising that’s taking place in the near future goes well.
If not, then it would be the first portion of future phases, so the idea would be, that would be the
next thing and then there’s also some additional finishing that would happen on the rest of the
building. Currently the plan is to finish the interior of only a portion of the space, so in the future
again the multi-purpose along with the interior of the other space would be finished. And then
adjusting the master plan then as you would go around the campus then that’s where the primary
future worship center would be. The large scale one. And then parking would accompany that
along the rest of the site. As far as the materials on the building, Bob had mentioned that we’re
going to have cement board. And what the idea with the cement board is, we’re looking at
having a solution that matches the cedar siding that’s on the existing building but providing more
of a long term, lower maintenance solution. So the cement board will be painted out to match
the color of the stain of the cedar siding, and then in the future when the cedar siding is
refinished, it will go from what right now is a semi-transparent stain to a solid stain so the two
will actually look almost identical. And then the stone is going to be identical to the stone that
we have on the…of the existing building. We’ll have a base that will run around the entire
building. Typically it’s going to be about a 3 foot height. In some areas we’d bring that up
taller. And our trellises, the trellis that you see right there, we actually have one side that’s a full
height, stone pier. The other side is again about a 3 foot base of stone. If you were to go to the
courtyard view, we actually have the wall of stone that goes about 15 feet tall and what that does
is it ties the existing building with our link. It tries to transition the building a little bit more
softly between the two. So you can see it just, just to the right of the tree, that’s the left tree, you
can see that wall of stone is a little bit higher than the rest of the building. So then we’re
transitioning through the spaces and we’re using a darker, metal panel to transition and create a
little articulation within the building. Are there any other questions you guys have on exterior
Dillon: So I guess I’m a little confused by this picture here. Is this flat thing L shaped then?
Charlie Stoffel: Right.
Dillon: Okay. So what would be housed in there?
Charlie Stoffel: Primarily circulation. Circulation in core spaces. Mechanical rooms. Some
storage. Restrooms. Primarily that’s going to be the circulation space so to get from the existing
building out into the north, or I guess the northeast parking lot, that’s going to be the primary
corridor in that area.
Planning Commission Meeting - March 3, 2009
Dillon: Okay, and are you’re an architect so you know better than I but I mean having a flat roof
over that big of an area, is that?
Charlie Stoffel: No. There’s no issues. We’ll have internal roof drains in that area so any rain
water that comes will then spill through the internal roof drains and then out into the storm sewer
Dillon: Okay, thank you.
Larson: No questions.
Keefe: What is your schedule called for in terms of you know when you’d start and when you’d
finish? Have you established one yet?
Charlie Stoffel: Right now our amended schedule would have us starting construction probably
Keefe: Okay.
Charlie Stoffel: And then following through hopefully sometime around Easter next year would
be completion of construction.
Keefe: Okay. So you can get it done under a year?
Charlie Stoffel: Yeah, definitely it’ll be under a year.
Keefe: Okay. Good. That’s all.
Papke: How much of the utilities and landscaping are you going to do? With the truncated
building are you going to go ahead and do all the sewer and water and so on?
Charlie Stoffel: The only utility we wouldn’t do would be drainage for the multi-purpose roof.
We’re bringing all the water from that roof down downspouts into underground drainage. That
wouldn’t be built to begin with but all the rest of the utilities, the sanitary sewer would be re-
routed. The electrical would be re-routed. All those things we would do because the portion of
the building that will be built is in the way right now of what’s existing so all of that would be
built. The landscaping, yes. We’re anticipating we’d do all the landscaping. We may re-shift a
little bit of the landscaping out from the south area to bring it up to the front where the multi-
purpose was going to be to try to fill that space in temporarily. And then when the multi-purpose
space comes, re-transplant that back somewhere else on the site.
Papke: Alright. That’s the only question I had. Any other questions for the applicant? Okay.
Thank you very much.
Charlie Stoffel: Thank you.
Planning Commission Meeting - March 3, 2009
Papke: Anyone else from the applicant going to make any presentations or say anything tonight?
Or are we good to go? Okay. Seeing no one else, I’ll open this up then for public comment. If
there’s anyone from the public who would like to step up to the podium and speak on this
application, please do so now. Going once. Going twice. Apparently we have all applicants
here tonight. Okay. With that then I close the public hearing and bring it back to the Planning
Commission for discussion and deliberation. We’ll start with you Dan.
Keefe: You know I’m in support of it. I mean I think it works pretty well with the existing
building and I don’t think there are a lot of issues here.
Larson: I agree.
Dillon: I would have no reason to oppose this. I mean it looks like a nice addition to the
property. It’s a nice addition to the community and it’s all within the guidelines so I’m in favor
of it.
Undestad: I agree.
Papke: Yeah, the only concern I had was with the last minute change of plans here. You know
the fact that all the utilities and so on are going in is a little comforting because then we don’t
have any issues with compliance tables and setbacks and all that kind of good stuff so that’s very
reassuring. So I have no other issues. So with that I’ll entertain a motion from the commission.
Larson: I’ll make a motion. The Planning Commission, the Chanhassen Planning Commission
recommends that City Council approve a Conditional Use Permit to permit two buildings on one
parcel subject to condition number 1 on page 11. And the Chanhassen Planning Commission
recommends that City Council approve Site Plan Planning Case #09-03 for a 51,000 square foot,
two story multi-purpose building, plans prepared by Cuningham Group Architecture, P.A. and
Westwood Professional Services Inc. dated January 30, 2009 subject to conditions 1 through 17
on pages 11 and 12.
Papke: Is there a second?
Undestad: Second.
Larson moved, Undestad seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission
recommends that the City Council approves a Conditional Use Permit to permit two
buildings on one parcel, subject to the following conditions:
1.The site development shall comply with the requirements of the approved site plan #09-03.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0.
Larson moved, Undestad seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission
recommends that the City Council approves Site Plan Planning Case #09-03 for a 51,000
square-foot, two-story multi-purpose building, plans prepared by Cuningham Group
Planning Commission Meeting - March 3, 2009
Architecture, P.A. and Westwood Professional Services, Inc., dated January 30, 2009,
subject to the following conditions:
1.The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement with the City and provide the necessary
security to guarantee erosion control, site restoration and landscaping.
2.Windows shall be added to the northwest elevation in the multi-purpose area.
Class III
3.In addition to the fire sprinkler system required by the building and fire codes, fire
department standpipes shall be added to the building in locations approved by the
Chanhassen Fire Marshal.
4.The applicant shall contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for location of yellow curbing to be
painted and locations of “No Parking Fire Lane” signs.
5.Buildings are required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems.
6.Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of
7.Retaining walls (new and additions to existing) over four feet high must be designed by a
professional engineer registered in the State of Minnesota and a permit must be obtained
prior to construction.
8.Inlet protection is provided for all proposed stormwater inlets until such a time as final
stabilization is achieved.
9.The rock construction entrance be expanded to 75 feet per City code or, if this is not practical
to do so, the applicant must show why this is not practical and maximize the rock
construction entrance to the greatest length practical.
10.Silt fence north of Pond B be extended to the northwest to the 990 contour.
11.City details shall be included in the plan set for all erosion control best management practices
and storm sewer structures.
12.One of the three inlets into Pond B must be eliminated. It is preferable that the most easterly
inlet be eliminated so that maintenance can occur as efficiently as possible.
13.Pond maintenance access should be shown on the plan.
14.The applicant shall determine if any additional permissions are required and apply for and
obtain these permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies (e.g., Minnesota Pollution
Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (for dewatering)) and comply
with their conditions of approval.
Planning Commission Meeting - March 3, 2009
15.Surface drainage from the top of the wall should be directed to the proposed catch basin, or
else a drain tile system shall be installed to convey the runoff to the storm sewer.
16.If on-site earthwork quantities do not balance and materials need to be imported or exported
from the site, the developer will need to supply the City with a detailed haul route for review
and approval by staff.
17.Any material exported to another location in Chanhassen may require a grading or interim
use permit.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Larson noted the verbatim and summary
minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated February 17, 2009 as presented.
Chairman Papke adjourned the Planning Commission meeting at 7:16 p.m.
Submitted by Kate Aanenson
Community Development Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim