Administrative Section
Seminary Fen Stewardship Plan - Scope of Work - February 20, 2009
Chanhassen Rotary Club 2009 Distinguished Service Award Balloting lnstructions- March 2009.
DRAFT February 20, 2009
Seminary Fen Stewardship Plan - Scope of Work
1. Geographic scope
This plan will cover all of the land within the area mapped as significant by the
Minnesota County Biological Survey that is publicly owned or for which private
landowners have agreed to manage their property cooperatively with public partners.
Public owners include the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, the City of
Chaska, the City of Chanhassen, and the Hennepin County Railroad Authority. The
total acreage ofthis area is 560 acres (Figure 1).
2. Information to be included in the plan.
Two levels of planning assistance are envisioned: a property-wide "stewardship
plan" and site/project/activity specific "practice plans." The stewardship planning
level provides an overview, assessment, and general recommendations on appropriate
land management activities for the property. A more detailed "practice plan" and
other services are provided which guide on-the-ground implementation. The
following list includes required components of the document.
Natural Resources Inventory
~ Summary of rare features, including native plant communities, rare
species, and wildlife, from existing inventories and documents
~ Maps of native plant communities, soils, water features, aerial photos, and
other relevant natural resources data
~ Information on management needs of rare plants and each native plant
community, summarized from literature and professional knowledge
Acquisition Recommendations
~ Land acquisition recommendations related to stewardship
Plant Community Stewardship
Detailed stewardship recommendations related to plant communities, rare
features, and wildlife in the site, including season of activities, prioritization of
activities, prescribed bum units, vegetation control methods, and erosion control
methods. Topics to include, among others:
~ Erosion control from uplands - describe erosion control strategies to
address gullying and eroding of bluffs, and recommend buffers to protect
from adjacent lands.
~ Restoration of former or current croplands to native plant communities -
describe appropriate native plant community to restore to disturbed areas.
~ Prescribed burning - describe role of fire, burning strategies and
techniques, issues, bum breaks, seasonal considerations.
~ Invasive species/woody encroachment reductionlcontrol- include list of
invasive species and control strategies for each. Address native shrubs as
well as non-native invasive species.
~ Wildlife considerations - address Species of Greatest Conservation Need
and other important wildlife species that use or potentially could use the
site, and recommended management for them.
~ Recommendations for restoration of hydrologic processes, including
whether and how to eliminate drainage tiling, ditches, and spoil banks.
~ Recommendations related to impervious surfaces in and near the site,
potentially including removal of roads or changes in road alignment.
Trout Stream
Assumption Creek, a state-designated trout stream, flows through Seminary Fen
SNA. Springs within the SNA provide cold water to the stream, and in the past
Assumption Creek has supported a small population of brook trout, as well as
American brook lamprey which also depend on cold water temperatures to
survive. Since the 1970's there has been a steady decline in the brook trout
population in Assumption Creek. Concurrent with this decline has been an
apparent reduction in baseflow in Assumption Creek. The reach upstream of the
dam in the SNA historically had perennial flow, but now only has flow during
significant rain events or snow melt. It appears that something has altered the
hydrology of this portion of the stream, which originates north and west of the
railroad bed that bisects the wetland. It has been suggested by some that the
groundwater flow path that feeds that portion of the wetland has been altered by
the construction of Audubon Rd., or by another road or development projects in
the vicinity.
~ The proposed stewardship plan should include a component to monitor and
investigate the cause of the reduction in baseflow to Assumption Creek. The
same reduction in groundwater flow may also be affecting other portions of
the wetland outside of the current SNA boundaries, so broader implications to
overall health of the wetland complex and the fen community should also be
considered. If a cause is identified, the stewardship plan should also suggest
potential remedies that would restore groundwater flow to affected parts of the
wetland, baseflow to the stream, and restore suitable brook trout habitat in
Assumption Creek.
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Hoffman. Todd
Engelhardt, Karen
Wednesday, March 04, 2009 9:53 AM
Hoffman, Todd
FW: Hennepin County Regional Trail Corridor
Hi Todd,
Can you respond to this one?
Karen Engelhardt
Office Manager
City of Chanhassen
From: Tom Harold []
Sent: Tuesday, March 03,20099:58 PM
Cc: Engelhardt, Karen
Subject: Hennepin County Regional Trail Corridor
Thank you for seeing that the Eden Prairie portion of the Hennepin County Regional Trail was cleared during the snow of
the past two weeks. Sadly, Chanhassen has yet to plow or attend to their portion of the trail making walking, jogging, and
bike riding impossible---slippery/dangerous etc..
Tom Harold
Chanhassen, MN
Hoffman. Todd
Tom Harold []
Wednesday, March 04, 2009 2:49 PM
Hoffman, Todd
Re: Minnesota River Bluff Regional Trail
Hi Todd,
What's weird is that several weeks ago after a snowfall from just East of 101 to the next road/overpass/Eden Prairie
boundary..the trail was plowed? (maybe the EP team plowed it by mistake--going too far West past the EP boundary?)
The Chan part of the trail has spectacular views..and I often see wild Iife..deer, owls, etc..
Thanks for following-up.
----- Original Message -----
Fro",: Hoffrnal'l.Todd
Cc: Jav Lotthammer (ilotthammer@edenorairie.orq)
Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2009 2:30 PM
Subject: Minnesota River Bluff Regional Trail
Dear Tom
Karen Engelhardt forwarded a copy of your e-mail correspondence to my attention. Please allow me to clarify the City
of Chanhassen's position on the portion of the trail within our community. Three Rivers Park District maintains the trail
for summer use - but only to Bluff Creek Drive. Cities are required to apply for a winter use permits specifying
permitted winter activities or sign the trail closed. For the first twelve years of this arrangement the City of Chanhassen
sought and received a winter use permit for snowmobiling. As available routes for snowmobiling were eliminated
primarily due to suburban development the City amended it winter use permit in 2006 designating hiking, biking, cross
country skiing, snow shoeing and pet walking as permitted uses.
You are welcome advocate for a change in this policy by appearing before our Park and Recreation Commission. They
meet every fourth Tuesday of the month in the council chambers at 7:30 p.m. Their May and December meeting move
to the 2th and 8th respectively due to holidays. Currently the City plows and maintains approximately 70 miles of
asphalt pedestrian trails located within the community. Amending the current policy to add an additional 3 miles is
feasible. Considerations on the other side would include our ability to safely maintain the challenging at grade
intersection with Hwy 101, the need to commit additional resources to trail plowing and any resistance from those who
prefer that the trail remain unplowed. I would be happy to discuss the history of the Cities policies regarding the use of
this trail corridor - contact me at any time.
Todd Hoffman
Park and Recreation Director
7700 Market Blvd, P.O. Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
952-227 -1129
Again this year, the Chanhassen Rotary Club will award its Distinguished Service
Award to one Chanhassen resident who exemplifies Rotary's motto of "Service Above
Self." It is through the selfless and dedicated work of citizens who demonstrate their
passion to serve others that all of our lives are enriched. Recognizing those in
Chanhassen who serve others above and beyond the level usually expected of all good
citizens will allow us to honor them, encourage others to follow their leadership, promote
civic pride, and advance the ideals of our Chanhassen Rotary Club and Rotary
We would like your organization to participate with other non-profit, religious
and civic organizations in the selection of the 2009 Distinguished Service Award
recipient. The award committee has selected these finalists from the various nominations
received. Your organization's vote will be tallied with those of the other participating
organizations, and the finalist that receives the most votes will receive this year's
Distinguished Service Award.
Enclosed with this letter please find the award criteria, summary service resume's of
the finalists, and a ballot.
I. Please submit your organization's choice on, and have an authorized officer
sign the ballot.
2. Fax the completed ballot to (952) 238-1317. Ballots must be received by
5:00 p.m.. Friday. April 17. 2009. Late ballots will not be considered.
3. Only one ballot may be submitted on behalf of each organization.
The recipient of the 2009 Award will be announced at the Chanhassen Rotary
Club's Tulip Gala to be held on May 2,2009. We welcome you to come to the dinner
and dance, and encourage you to contact any Chanhassen Rotarian or go to the
Chanhassan Rotary web site at www.Chanhassanrotary.comifyou would like ticket
Chanhassen Rotary Club
Distinguished Service A ward Committee
1. Candidates must reflect Rotary International's motto of the "Service Above
Self' .
2. Candidates must be residents of the City of Chanhassen.
3. The candidate's qualifying service may be performed locally, domestically
and/or internationally.
4. Nominees may come from any occupation, including retired individuals and
"homemakers. "
5. The service activity or activities prompting nomination are beyond the
normal scope of one's employment.
6. "Service Above Self' has been defined as: "any and all service above and
beyond the usual level required of all good citizens, which is performed in a
meritorious manner over a period of years, or would be considered
extraordinary service or a heroic act performed in anyone year or over a
number of years."
7. The nominee's service includes their contributions to one or more
8. Re-nominations of previous award nominees and finalists are welcome to be
considered for this year's award.
ONE (1) Ballot should be submitted on behalf of each organization and must be received bv
5:00 p.m.. Friday. April 17. 2009. Please fax the completed ballot to (952) 238-1317. LATE
Place an "X" in front of the name of the person your organization is voting for as the recipient of
the award. Any ballot containing more than one "X" or an organization submitting more than
one ballot will be excluded.
Include the name of your organization in the space provided below, and have an authorized
officer of your organization sign the ballot. If the organization name and signature are not
included, your ballot will be excluded.
Name of Organization
Authorized Officer Signature
_ Vernelle Clayton
_Curt Robinson
_ Barbara Scharfenberg
Thank you for helping us to recognize and honor the volunteer efforts of
these individuals whose "Service Above Self' truly makes Chanhassen a
great place to live!
should look like as it evolved from a rural farming village to a metropolitan suburb where
it could become a home to families seeking the American Dream.
Curt Robinson
Curt has been a Chanhassen Lions Club member since 1988. He has served as
club Treasurer (1991-2003) and Board of Directors member (1991-2004), as well as
Committee Chair for several events including: Annual Senior Center Picnic at Lake Ann
Park, annual Food Drive for the CAP Agency, and Adopt-a-Highway cleanup of a
section of Powers Blvd. Curt still attends nearly every board meeting for the Lions even
though he is not currently a board member. We think of Curt as a "lifetime board
member" because he always attends and offers his input. Curt is also a Melvin Jones
Fellowship award winner (1995), which is the highest distinguished service award from
Lions International. Curt is also a past Worker Bee award winner (2002) which is a
Chanhassen Lions Club annual award given to a member that provides outstanding
service to the club. We cannot say enough about what Curt has done for this club!
In addition to the Lions, Curt volunteers at the Senior Center, is a member of the
Chanhassen Senior Commission, drives the VA medical van weekly, and delivers Meals
on Wheels.
Curt was awarded the 2007 Senior of the Year award by the Carver County
Health Partnership Senior Commission.
The motto of the Lions is "We Serve". Curt is literally the poster child for this
motto! The service activities mentioned above are only a sampling of what Curt does.
In speaking with some of Curt's neighbors and his Pastor there is a common theme
when speaking of Curt, "Curt does all the little things that go unnoticed but make such a
difference in the lives of others."
Curt exhibits "Service Above Self' in so many ways that much of Chanhassen
has benefited. He continuously strives to make Chanhassen a beautiful place to live by
picking up litter on a daily basis. He impacts the lives of seniors with his service to the
Chanhassen Senior Center and the Chanhassen Senior Commission. Curt is literally
the glue that holds the Chanhassen Lions Club together and his service and dedication
to his church, community, and family have been exemplary in his 34 years as a
Chanhassen resident.
Barb Scharfenbera
The girls of Chanhassen and the rest of Eastern Carver County have a strong
advocate and role model in Barbara Scharfenberg. As a leader in the area's Girl Scout
program, she not only believes in teaching our young women the value of community
service, she lives it.
Barbara's extraordinary commitment to the area's Girl Scout program began
seven years ago. She is currently the Service Unit Manager for the Northern Skies
service unit, the unit responsible for scouting in Eastern Carver County. As the Service
Unit Manager, she is responsible of 476 girls in 40 troops as well as 200 adult leaders.
Barbara and her team organize the scout registration process, train adult leaders, and
oversee the service unit's operations and events. She arranges monthly leader
meetings and roundtable opportunities for leaders to mentor each other and share ideas
within the Girl Scout community. Under her leadership, the Northern Skies Service Unit
has earned the Service Unit Award of Excellence for three straight years. Barbara was
awarded the distinctive Appreciation Pin for her significant contributions to the goals of
the Girl Scout Council of Minnesota and Wisconsin River Valley. Not content to lead
from a distance, she currently leads a troop of five Cadet Girl Scouts in the 8th grade at
Chaska Middle School West.
In addition to leading the Northern Skies Service Unit, she is the Co-Director and
Director of Programming for the Unit's annual Twilight Camp. This camp serves more
than 300 Girl Scouts in grades K-12 from the Chanhassen area. The camp offers the
opportunity for older scouts to serve as role models and leaders for younger girls. As
co-director, she is responsible for the camp's program, its staff and its commitment to
the girls it serves. Under her guidance, Twilight Camp was awarded the prestigious
Extraordinary Event Award by the Girl Scout Council for exceeding the standards of
quality and serving as a model of innovative programming.
Barbara put her commitment to scouting and her organization skills to work in the
community last year to help a Chanhassen family who suffered the tragic loss of their
12-year old daughter, a member of Barbara's troop. Barbara arranged for refreshments
following the funeral service and organized meals to be delivered to the family. Upon
learning that the family faced unexpected funeral and medical expenses, she led two
fundraising events on behalf of the family: a spaghetti dinner for 700-800 people and a
day working the concession stand at a softball tournament at Lake Ann Park. These
events, together with a grant from Thrivant Financial that Barbara applied for, raised
$30,000 for the family of her former Girl Scout.
What is the impact of this service to scouting and the community? Barbara says it
best: "My passion is to help these girls discover what they can about themselves. I see
the work I do for the girls as a pathway to helping each become young women of
courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place."