5. Recreation Center Updates
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
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Building .Inspections
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Phone: 952.227.1140
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Park & Recreation
Phone: 952.227.1120
Fax: 952.227.1110
Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone: 952.227.1400
Fax: 952.227.1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Phone: 952.227.1130
Fax: 952.227.1110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone: 952.227.1300
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Senior Center
Phone: 952.227.1125
Fax: 952.227.1110
Web Site
WWN.ci .chanhassen.m n. us
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director ~
Jodi Sarles, Recreation Center Manager
March 24, 2009
Recreation Center Updates
The Recreation Center has had a busy winter of activities and programs. We've
seen an increase in traffic as people have moved indoors.
The Chan Rec Center received two new Octane Elliptical Cross Trainers and one
Life Fitness Classic Series Treadmill in January. Our participants have had
positive comments over the new equipment and are excited about the
reinvestment the city has made at the Rec Center.
Aerobics - The Rec Center aerobics program will be discontinued on May 22,
2009. Program memo has been included.
Dance for Fun - The Holiday Showcase was held in the Rec Center Gym on
Saturday, December 13,2008. Over 400 people attended the two shows featuring
over 200 dancers. The full program recital will be held at the Eden Prairie High
School Performing Arts Center on May 9th with shows at 11 am, 3: 15 pm, and
7:30 pm.
Dodgeball - Fifteen elementary children participated in this three-week after-
school program in February. Program response has been positive and we will
continue to offer more sessions in the fall.
Personal Training - Chris Boles is the Rec Center's Personal Trainer. He has
sold three packages (26 sessions) this year.
Preschool Sports - These YMCA classes continue to be popular. Sixty-three
children participated in basketball and the floor hockey season is now underway.
Tae Kwon Do - Thirty-nine individuals ages nine to adult have participated in
the Rec Center Tae Kwon Do program this year. The Chanhassen Villager had
an article detailing the program testing on March 12. See enclosure.
Chanhassen is a Community for life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
Todd Hoffman
Recreation Center Updates
March 24, 2009
Page 2
Tot Time - The gym is scheduled Monday, Thursday and Friday mornings from 9:30-11: 15 am
with open play for toddlers. The Rec Center supplies play equipment and the toddlers get to
bum off energy under parent supervision and the parents get a chance to socialize.
Yoga and Pilates - These two programs continue to grow and draw new participants. Lunch
Hour Yoga was added in January.
Zumba - This is a program that is run in conjunction with District 112 Community Education.
Sixteen people have participated in this high-energy, Latin dance aerobics this year.
Art Gallery - The artwork of Southwest Christian High School students was displayed at the
Rec Center January 15 through February 28. The school hosted an open house for families and
friends on February 5. The artwork of Holy Family Catholic High School is currently on
display. I am working to schedule Minnetonka High School artwork, tentatively scheduling a
gallery in the fall. Local artist Kay Faust and Southwest Christian High School Art Teacher
Petra Wonders will display their works over the summer.
Birthday Party Packages - The Rec Center birthday party packages have been popular. We
have hosted 24 parties (January - March) this year. The packages include two hours in a
meeting room and one hour of exclusive gym time complete with gym toys for $55.
1. Chanhassen Rec Center Aerobics Program memo dated March 13,2009.
2. Tae Kwan Do Article from March 12,2009 edition of the Chanhassen Villager.
g:\park\jodis\commission reports\Mar 09 commission report.doc
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952.227.1110
Building Inspections
Phone: 952.227.1180
Fax: 952.227.1190
Phone: 952.227.1160
Fax: 952.227.1170
Phone: 952.227.1140
Fax: 952.227.1110
Park & Recreation
Phone: 952.227.1120
Fax: 952.227.1110
Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone: 952.227.1400
Fax: 952.227.1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Phone: 952.227.1130
Fax: 952.227.1110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone: 952.227.1300
Fax: 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Phone: 952.227.1125
Fax: 952.227.1110
Web Site
Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
Jodi Sarles, Recreation Center Manager
March 13,2009
Chanhassen Recreation Center Aerobics Program
The aerobics program at the Chanhassen Recreation Center was established
when the facility opened in 1995. While it was initially a program with a
strong following, attendance and revenue began to diminish as competition
entered the community.
Aerobic classes are currently offered at the Rec Center eight (8) times per
week on a drop-in basis. Attendees may purchase a Group Fitness Punch
Card (20 classes for $75/resident, $85/non-resident), use two punches from a
Fitness Center Punch Card, or pay a daily fee of $4/resident or $4.50/non-
resident. The class attendance currently ranges from 0 - 12. The expenses to
offer a class range by instructor from $21.50 - $27.60/class.
Below, you will find a chart outlining the annual revenues and expenses for
this program since 2005.
Year Annual Revenue Annual Ex ense Difference
2005 $5,557.38 $9,723.45 ($4,166.07)
2006 $4,067.00 $8,738.11 ($4,671.11)
2007 $3,810.52 $8,756.93 ($4,946.41)
2008 $3,672.38 $7,871.09 ($4,198.71)
The punch card, drop-in aerobics program will be ending May 22, 2009. The
Recreation Center has retained the services of Deb Miller to offer a
registration-based, aerobics program starting in June. Participants may enroll
in a weekend or early morning class. There is a class minimum of seven
required to meet the expenses.
g:\park\jodis\commission reports\group x memo.doc
Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
Chanhassen City Council
7700 Market Blvd
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
8015 Cheyenne Ave.
Chanhassen, MN 55317
28 February 2009
Dear Sirs,
I wish to protest the termination of the Aerobics program at the Chan Rec Center. The rumor was
that the director was instructed to make the Rec Center profitable. The purpose of the Rec Center
is to provide a service to city residents at a break-even level, not make a profit. If you are making
a profit then you are charging the residents too much. I have been going to the Aerobics classes
at the Rec Center since the classes started. I go typically 5 times a week. If there is an issue with
classes not being full, then at least try consolidating to fewer classes rather than just shutting
down the program. Another option is to raise the price. What are the costs versus revenue
numbers for the Aerobics program? The teachers only get $8 per class which means it only takes
two people attending to break even on the teacher pay. Is there competition for the aerobics
room? There can't be any competition for the morning classes because there aren't many people
there in the mornings.
It also would have been nice to have had some debate on the topic with a discussion of
alternatives rather than just have a sudden announcement that the aerobic program is ending.
What will be the policy on leftover punch cards? I will expect a full refund for any remaining
punches since it is the city's decision to cancel the program.
What is going to be done with all ofthe equipment that lots of money was spent on?
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Marilyn Stewart-Murphy
Local TKO
stu dents
medal at
Sixty-four students and in-
structors of the ACTA Minne-
sota recently competed in the
annual ACTA Minnesota Tae
Kwon Do Tournament. Students
competed in forms (patterns) as
well as in free sparring.
"This year is the 10th year
for our Tournament, and we
had a very good turnout," said
Grandmaster Richard Dolski,
8th Degree Black Belt, Tourna-
ment Director and Director of
ACTA in Minnesota.
Kim's Tae Kwon Do runs
clubs at the Chanhassen Life
Time Fitness, Chanhassen Rec-
reation Center, Eden Prairie Life
Time Fitness and Eden Prairie
Life Time Athletic Club.
As in past years the tourna-
ment was held at the Chanhas-
sen Recreation Center.
''All our students look for-
ward to the annual tourna-
ment, and train hard to do well
in both forms and free spar-
ring," said Master Jeff Engel,
6th degree black belt and Chief
Instructor at the Chanhassen
Recreation Center Tae Kwon
Do program and this year's
Chief Judge.
New this year was a Grand
Forms championship, where
gold medal winners competed
for an overall grand cham-
This year the grand champi-
ons are Jake Engel and Anna
In sparring, gold medals were
won by: Faysal Garwahl, Alex
Bergren, Danny Brown, Declan
Foote, Calvin Foote, Hanna
Engel, Logan Foote, Haydn
Foote, Ashley Fuhrmann, John
Witzig, Benjamin Chin, Ken
Han, Tony Doan, Saria Noyes,
Myron Moser
Silver medals: Jake Engel,
Brian Wahl, Tessa Doubek, Jack
Pavett, Illya Lyadov, Danielle
Pothier, Nicholas White, Pat-
rick White, Meaghan Walker,
Val Gromova, Daniel Sinda, Ca-
leb Hay, Carter Torres, Lauren
Hugh, Tom Eakins
Bronze medals: Jake Au-
Sixty-four students and instructors competed at the Minnesota Tae Kwon Do
tournament at the Chanhassen Rec Center.
dette, Zach Audette, Chris Gray,
Ryan Lynch, Connor Lynch,
Kiana Ostrander, Matt Olsen,
Cameron Mckay, Brian Hugh,
Bruce Trippet
In Forms, Gold medals were
won by Jake Engel, Kiana Os-
trander, Danny Brown, Connor
Lynch, Calvin Foote, Anna
Bloomquist, Nicholas White,
Val Gromova, Logan Foote,
John Witzig, Haydn Foote, Tony
Doan, Saria Noyes, and Myron
Silver medals: Travis Ott,
Brian Wahl, Zach Audette, Jack
Pavett, Illya Lyadov, Hanna
Engel, Tessa Doubek, Patrick
White, Hen Han, Benjamin
Chin, Gavin Schaeferle, Carter
Torres, Logan Willits, Tom
Bronze medals: Faysal Ghar-
wal, Ryan Lynch, Alex Osman,
Alex Bergren, Jake Audette,
Chris Gray, Declan Foote, Dan-
ielle Pothier, Matt Olsen, Lau-
ren Mae, Cameron Mckay, Caleb
Hay, Meaghan Walker, Ashley
Fuhrmann, Lauren Hugh, Dan-
iel Sinda, Brian Hugh, Bruce
Additional information on
Kim's Tae Kwon Do and the
ACTA Minnesota can be found
at www. tae-kwon-do.org.
Anna Bloomquist and Jake Engel were grand champions
at the competition.
"All our students look forward to the annual
tournament, and train hard to do well in both forms
and free sparring. "
Master Jeff Engel, 6th degree black belt