SEPTEMBER 23, 1997
A special work session was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Co-Chair Berg. Work completed
included the development of a proposed 1998 Park Acquisition and Development, and Park &
Trail Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The review of the
Recreation Section of the Comprehensive Plan was scheduled, but was not discussed.
The regular meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. All members were present including: Chair
Lash, Vice-Chair Berg, Commissioners Franks, Meger, Roeser, Manders and Howe. Staff
present: Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director; Jerry Ruegemer and Patty Dexter,
Recreation Supervisors; and Ann Ellwood, Facility Supervisor. The agenda was approved as
presented. There were no public announcements.
VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: Those present for Visitor Presentations included:
Chuck, Sara & Andrew Spevacek, 6474 Murray Hill Road, Excelsior
Cody Zuder, 6831 Galpin Boulevard, Excelsior
Joe Sullivan, 6421 Fox Path, Chanhassen, MN
Andrew spoke of his desire to see a BMX bike track constructed within the City of Chanhassen.
Andrew referenced one such rink that is constructed near Interstate 494. He had previously sent
the city council a letter detailing his request. The commission was appreciative of Andrew's
presentation and requested that a staff report be prepared on the item for the October Park &
Recreation Commission meeting.
APPROVAL OF SUMMARY MINUTES: Commissioner Manders moved, Roeser seconded
to approve the minutes as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
At this point there was a change in the order of business as presented on the agenda.
MARKET BOULEVARD TO LAKE SUSAN PARK: A staff report was presented discussing
the findings of Hoisington Koegler Group, the consultant retained to provide the feasibility report
on this issue. Upon discussing the difficulties associated with construction of this trail, the
commission made the following motion. Manders moved, Roeser seconded to recommend that
the Park & Recreation Commission inform the EDA of its finding and that no further action be
taken on the proposed railroad trail from Market Boulevard to Lake Susan Park. Furthermore,
that the railroad underpass is best left as an informal transportation route utilized by those who
choose to use it. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
6a. 1997/98 Open Skate and Hockey Rink Program: The commission approved the
following locations as 1997/98 skating locations:
Park & Recreation Commission Minutes
September 23, 1997
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Carver Beach Playground
Chanhassen Hills Park
Chanhassen Recreation Center
City Center Park
Meadow Green Park
Roundhouse Park
North Lotus Lake Park
Rice Marsh Lake Park
1 pleasure skating
1 pleasure skating
1 pleasure, 2 hockey, 1 warming house
1 pleasure, 2 hockey, 1 warming house
1 pleasure
1 pleasure
1 pleasure, 1 hockey, 1 warming house
1 pleasure
1997 Sununer Gate Attendant Report, Lake Ann Park and South Lotus Lake Park:
The staff report was presented on the item disclosing the following recommendation. That
the gate attendant program at Lotus Lake be terminated. Furthermore, total revenue over
expenditures were $7,047.14 less administrative overhead, bringing this total closer to
$3,000-$4,000 profit. The commission, in considering whether or not to continue the
Lake Ann gate program, discussed the need for a new gate house at a cost of
approximately $4,000 for the entrance of Lake Ann Park. Over the past few years, the
commission has been less and less convinced that the gate attendant program is a positive
program for the community of Chanhassen. Not only does it create ill feelings by many
who are irritated at having to pay to access the park, but it also places employees at risk
who are forced to work in a very isolated environment with cash present. The commission
came to the conclusion that they were not in favor of continuing the Lake Ann Gate
program. In light of this, Commissioner Manders moved, Commissioner Meger seconded
a recommendation to the city council to terminate the Lake Ann Park and Lotus Lake Park
gate attendants for the 1998 season. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
1997 Sununer Program Report: This report covered events including Summer
Discovery Playground, Lake Ann Adventure Camp, tennis lessons, Summer Sensations,
Kids in the Kitchen, Awesome Art, babysitting classes, Tae Kwon Do, in-line skating,
Fishing for Fun, YMCA co-sponsored programs, Wing Dings, and Super Events.
7a. Chanhassen Recreation Center Monthly Report: Ann Ellwood, Facility Supervisor
presented the Chanhassen Recreation Center monthly report including information on the
facility, hours of operation, upcoming promotions, and programming.
Request for Qualifications, Park & Trail Referendmn Projects: The commission was
given the opportunity to review the qualification packets received upon soliciting requests
for qualifications for referendum park and trail projects.
Park & Recreation Commission Minutes
September 23, 1997
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commission received the Individual Facility Accessibility Report for Greenwood Shores Park.
Ms. Julee Quarve-Peterson of RSP Architects presented the report. Items covered included
parking, picnic areas, dock, beach access, and portable toilet facility. It was recommended that
one van accessible parking stall be provided at the lower part of the road to the lift station. This
van accessible parking stall will provide a means for persons with disabilities to park their car in
close proximity to activity areas instead of negotiating a steep and potentially dangerous path of
travel. Regarding picnic areas, it is recommended that a minimum of 1 of the picnic tables be
modified so that an accessible path of travel is provided leading to the picnic table. The table is to
be positioned on an accessible pad. In addition, it is recommended that a path of travel be
provided leading from the picnic table to the nearest grill. Regarding the dock, it is recommended
that an accessible path of travel be provided leading to the dock. This may be in conjunction with
the accessible path of travel leading to the water's edge. Regarding beach access, it is
recommended that an accessible path of travel be provided to the water's edge. Regarding the
portable toilet facility, it is recommended that an accessible portable toilet facility be provided. In
addition, it is recommended that either an accessible path be provided leading to the existing
location of the accessible portable toilet facility, or that the toilet facility be relocated to be
positioned in close proximity to an accessible path of travel.
The commission discussed their concern over introducing vehicles to the interior of Greenwood
Shores Park. In lieu of this, they chose to make the following recommendation regarding on-
street parking. Commissioner Meger moved, Commissioner Berg seconded to recommend the
city council remove all of the no parking signs currently installed on Utica Lane with the
exception of those required at the curve near the entrance of the park for safety reasons.
Furthermore, that the access area around the gate be widened and surfaced with asphalt. All voted
in favor and the motion carried.
discussion regarding the proposed 1998 Park Acquisition & Development CIP, the commission
recommended the following expenditures:
Bandimere Community Park
Chanhassen Estates Park Parking Improvements
Kerber Pond Park Signage
Chanhassen Recreation Center Irrigation
City Center Park
Lake Ann Park Concession/Restroom Building
Picnic Tables/Benches
Miscellaneous Signage
Scout Projects
Park & Recreation Commission Minutes
September 23, 1997
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Recycling Containers
Trails, Asphalt
Furthermore, it was recommended that the following reserves be established:
Lake Ann Park, Future Expansion (per year)
Arts & Theater (per year)
In addition, it was recommended that the general reserve be raised from $300,000 to $400,000.
Upon concluding their discussion, Commissioner Meger moved, Commissioner Berg seconded to
recommend that the city council approve the 1998 Park & Trail Acquisition and Development CIP
as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Discussion of the Park & Trail Acquisition and Development 5 Year CIP was tabled.
Commissioner Berg moved, Commissioner Frank moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 p.m.
Todd Hoffman
Park & Recreation Director