3b. Regional/Lifestyle Center Commercial Preference Survey Results CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 ' Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site WNW. ci. chanhassen. mn. us [ill MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Bob Generous, Senior Planner DATE: April 21, 2009 D/~' SUBJ: Regional/Lifestyle Center Commercial Preference Survey Results SUMMARY Staff requested that the Planning Commission provide direction on the development of the Regional/Lifestyle Center Commercial District regulations. Staff has prepared a PowerPoint presentation and a survey to solicit the Planning Commission's input regarding the development of this center. Following are the preliminary results of that survey. SCALE The Planning Commission has a consensus that the development should be on a suburban to urban scale. This was also confirmed by the fact that there should be a maximum building height and number of stories. Staff infers that the range T-3 to T -5 is what should be incorporated in the district. . T-5 Urban Center Zone consists of higher density mixed use building that accommodate etail, offices, rowhouses and apartments. It has a tight network of streets, with wide sidewalks, steady street tree planting and buildings set close to the sidewalks. General Character: Shops mixed with Townhouses, larger Apartment houses, Offices, workplace, and Civic buildings; predominantly attached buildings; trees within the public right-ot-way; substantial pedestrian activit Shallow Setbacks or none; buildings oriented to street defining a street wall Stoops, Shoptronts, Galleries 3- to 5-Story with some variation Parks, Plazas and Squares, median landscaping Building Placement: Frontage Types: Typical Building Height: Type ot Civic Space: Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Planning Commission April 29, 2009 Page 2 OJ l&!! Building Placement: Frontage Types: Building Height: Type of Civic Space: OJ T-4 GENERAL URBAN General Character: Mix of Houses, Townhouses & small Apartment buildings, with scattered Commercial activity; balance between landscape and buildings; presence of pedestrians Shallow to medium front and side yard Setbacks Porches, fences, Dooryards 2- stories with 3-Stories allowed as a bonus Squares, Greens Building Placement: Frontage Types: Typical Building Height: Type of Civic Space: ZONING T-3 SUB-URBAN General Character: Lawns, and landscaped yards surrounding detached single-family houses: pedestrians occasionally Large and variable front and side yard Setbacks Porches, fences, naturalistic tree planting 1- to 2-Story with some 3-Story Parks, Greenways The zoning district should incorporate all the standard requirements of existing zoning including intent, uses, setback, height, site coverage and parking. Additional, streetscape standards should be included. Planning Commission April 29, 2009 Page 3 USES There appears to be a slight consensus that uses should be general, but that they should definitely include commercial - retail and commercial - services and office. Residential uses did not appear to be favored in the district and that if any residential was permitted it should be limited. There appears to be some support to develop permitted, accessory and conditional uses. There was unanimous opinion that a list of prohibited uses should be included. BUILDING HEIGHT AND SETBACK As stated previously, there should be a maximum height limitation in the district. However, there should not be a minimum building height. Additionally, height limitations and setback requirements should be included based on the use and location within the development. Locating buildings near the front setback does not appear to be desired nor are continuous building frontages on a street. PARKING There does not appear to be a consensus on the restriction of parking location, except to comply with existing ordinance. Parking ramps should be encouraged, but not required. However, the use of shared parking is favored and encouraged. STREETSCAPESTANDARDS There was positive support for the inclusion of streetscape standards. FURNISHINGS Some items had almost unanimous support and should be required: benches, bike racks and trash receptacles. PLANTINGS Planters and street trees with grates appeared to have near unanimous support. SIGNAGE Way finding signs and pedestrian lights should be included. PAVING Accessible ramps are required. Paved (stamped concrete) crosswalks and comer pads were positively identified. Planning Commission April 29, 2009 Page 4 CIVIC ART Civic art had some positive leaning. However, fountains and sculptures had some negative indications. STREET DESIGN City street standards were generally preferred. Landscaped medians and street plantings should be incorporated in the design. RECOMMENDATION If the Planning Commission concurs, staff will begin to incorporate these preferences in a draft ordinance. Additional discussion will be necessary regarding the list of prohibited uses. A separate survey may be forthcoming. ATTACHMENT 1. Preference Survey Results. g:\plan\city code\2009 code amendments\pc memo preference survey results. doc Preference Survey Regional/Lifestyle Commercial District YES NO Required Possible Not Wanted SCALE Suburban 3 3 1 Urban 2 5 Urban Core 3 4 ZONING Should we require a PUD or rely on existing zoning? 4 2 Should residential be incorporated in the PUD? 1 4 2 Components of the RC district regulations? Intent 3 1 Uses 4 Setback 5 Height 4 1 Site Coverage 4 Parking 4 Streetscape Standards 4 Uses Should certain uses be required? 3 3 1 If required, what part/percent of the development? 70% Should there be permitted, conditional and accessory uses? 3 2 Or should standards for uses be included in the district? 2 2 1 Should uses be a function ofthe building form? 1 3 1 Should there be prohibited uses? 7 Should uses be limited, e.g., % of total sq. ft. or total area? 3 2 1 Should uses be general? 3 1 Commercial - Retail 5 1 Commercial - Services 5 1 Office 2 3 Should Uses be specific? 1 3 2 Residential Use 3 1 What density range? 1 - High Should it be a percentage or portion of project? 2 3 Should there be a triggering mechanism to include housing? 1 1 4 Should there be an overall limit on housing? 3 1 2 1 G:\PLAN\City Code\2009 Code Amendments\RC survey.xlsx Preference Survey Regional/Lifestyle Commercial District YES NO Required Possible Not Wanted Building Height and Setbacks Should there be differences based on use? 5 1 1 Should there be differences based on location? 5 1 1 Should we encourage building at or near the property line? 2 2 3 Should continuous street walls be required? 3 3 Should there be a maximum height limit? 6 1 Should there be a minimum building height? 2 2 3 Should there be a minimum number of stories? 1 3 3 Should there be a maximum number of stories? 5 2 Parking Should Parking be restricted to the side and rear of a building? 2 2 2 Should existing location standards be used? 1 4 Should surface parking lots be discouraged? 2 1 3 Should parking ramps be encouraged? 3 2 1 Should parking ramps be required? 3 2 If required, what threshold? Should shared parking be encouraged? 2 4 Should shared parking be required? 1 3 2 Streetscape Standards What are the elements of a street? 2 2 How many element should be required? 1 3 How often should these elements be repeated? 1 3 Furnishings 1 Banners/Special Lighting 2 5 2 Benches 6 1 3 Bike Racks 6 1 4 Bollards 1 5 5 Bus Shelters 3 4 6 Cobra Sleeve "Wraps" 4 3 7 Kiosks 3 3 1 8 Newspaper Vending 2 3 1 9 Trash Receptacles 7 2 G:\PLAN\City Code\2009 Code Amendments\RC survey.xlsx Preference Survey Regional/lifestyle Commercial District YES NO Required Possible Not Wanted Plantings 11 Continuous Planting Pit/Paving Bands 4 2 1 12 Hanging Baskets 3 3 1 13 Planters 6 1 14 Planting Screens 2 5 15 Street Trees (With Grates) 6 1 Signage 16 Basic Way Finding Sign age 6 1 17 Pedestrian Lights 6 1 Paving 18 Accessible Ramps 6 19 Paved "Bump-outs" 1 2 2 20 Paved Crosswalk 3 3 21 Corner Paving Pad 3 3 22 Ornamental Fencing 1 4 Civic Art 22 Civic Art 2 4 Fountains 3 3 1 Plazas 3 4 Pocket pa rks 2 5 Sculptures 1 4 2 STREET DESIGN City Standard? 3 2 1 Reduced widths? 2 4 1 Landscaped medians? 5 2 Street plantings? 4 3 3 G:\PLAN\City Code\2009 Code Amendments\RC survey.xlsx