PRC SUM 2009 03 24 CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES MARCH 24, 2009 Chairman Daniel called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jeff Daniel, Tom Kelly, Glenn Stolar, Steve Scharfenberg, Scott Wendt, and Thor Smith MEMBERS ABSENT: Dan Campion STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent; John Stutzman, Recreation Supervisor; Susan Bill, Senior Center Coordinator; Jodi Sarles, Recreation Center Manager; Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent; and Terry Jeffrey, Water Resources Coordinator APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Stolar moved, Wendt seconded to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Todd Hoffman announced the reappointment of Jeff Daniel and the appointment of Elise Ryan to 3 year terms. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Scharfenberg moved, Wendt secondedto approve the verbatim and summary minutes of the February 24, 2009 Park and Recreation Commission meeting as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. REVIEW KERBER POND PARK TRAIL AND RAIN GARDEN LANDSCAPING PLAN. Terry Jeffery provided details of the landscaping plan that is proposed along the Kerber Pond Park trail. Commissioner Stolar asked if the filtration work would have to be done annually. Commissioner Kelly asked about the trail condition in the winter. Commissioner Scharfenberg asked what is covered by the $100,000. Chairman Daniel expressed concern with the depth of the first pond. Terry Jeffrey provided an update on the work being done on the West Central Lotus Lake project in Meadow Green Park. Smith moved, Scharfenberg seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommends that the City Council approve the landscaping plans for Kerber Park and authorize the request for bids to perform the work. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. Park and Rec Commission - March 24, 2009 MODIFICATIONS TO THE 2009-2013 PARK AND TRAIL ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. Due to significant reductions in revenue in the park dedication fund Todd Hoffman asked the commission to review the 2009-2013 park and trail acquisition and development capital improvement program for possible deletions or postponements. Commissioner Smith asked about the tennis courts which were being recommended to be eliminated. Commissioner Kelly asked about the status of the projects proposed for 2009. Commissioner Scharfenberg asked staff to clarify what’s included in the final phase of the Chanhassen Native Preserve Trail project. Commissioner Stolar suggested moving payment for the skate park ramp replacement from the park dedication fund to capital replacement fund and dividing it into 4 years at $25,000 per year beginning in 2010. There was discussion of the Bluff Creek, Pioneer Boulevard, Highway 101 and Rice Marsh trails and whether to lump them all together hoping to get a better price or splitting up the projects. It was decided to stagger two projects a year in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Commissioner Stolar suggested putting $40,000 a year for 3 years to address ballfield safety improvements. Commissioner Scharfenberg addressed the items being eliminated, i.e. concession stand at Lake Ann Park. After discussion on how the motion should read, the following motion was made. Stolar moved, Wendt seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommends that the City Council approve modification to the 2009-2013 CIP to eliminate or postpone twelve projects totaling $2,750,000 in order to preserve park dedication funds for improvements and/or land acquisition that are deemed essential or time sensitive, with the following amendments: 1. That staff investigate skate park ramp replacement from the park dedication fund to the capital replacement fund thereby spreading it out over a period of years. 2. Moving the Rice Marsh Lake and Pioneer Boulevard gap trail projects to 2012. 3. Moving the Highway 101 North/Pleasant View Road trail connections to 2011. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. RECREATION PROGRAM REPORTS: CHANJAM ’09. John Stutzman presented an update on ChanJam ’09 being held at the Chanhassen Rec Center on th Friday, April 17. A new development is that Dave Ryan from the KDWB morning show will be the emcee of the event. Commissioner Scharfenberg asked where the event was being advertised. Chairman Daniel asked staff to email commission members a couple weeks prior to the event outlining what sort of help staff would like to see from commission members. 2 Park and Rec Commission - March 24, 2009 2008/09 ICE SKATING RINK EVALUATION. John Stutzman reviewed the evaluations from the 2009-2009 ice skating season. Commissioner Kelly asked if skating rink attendants were necessary. Chairman Daniel asked how the operating expenses this year compared with last year. 2009 EASTER EGG CANDY HUNT PREVIEW. John Stutzman gave a preview of the activities planned for the Easter Egg Candy Hunt scheduled th for Saturday, April 11 at the Chanhassen Rec Center. RECREATION CENTER REPORT. Jodi Sarles reported on the activities and programs that have occurred at the rec center over the winter quarter. Commissioner Scharfenberg asked for clarification of why the aerobics program was cancelled. SENIOR CENTER REPORT. Susan Bill reported on the Senior Center activities and programs planned for 2009. In discussing the Passport to the World program, Commissioner Stolar suggested bringing kids from the local school Spanish emergent program to join with a Spanish/Mexican celebration. Commissioner Scharfenberg suggested holding an event in conjunction with the Music in the Park Series. PARK & TRAIL MAINTENANCE REPORT. Dale Gregory addressed issues relating to the ice skating rinks, oxygen aerator on Lake Susan, wood duck houses and Dutch Elm disease. Commissioner Stolar asked about the cost savings if the two neighborhood park ice skating rinks were eliminated. Commissioner Kelly thanked the maintenance crew for a great job of getting the snow off city trails. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT. Todd Hoffman reviewed the proposed future agenda schedule for the remainder of the year. In discussing the joint meeting between the commission and City Council, Chairman Daniel suggested discussing the current status of the Capital Improvement Program, clarification of the commission’s recommended changes for the CIP in the future, and suggestions for the city’s recreation programming. Commissioner Kelly asked if the City Council was aware of the success of the off leash dog park. Commissioner Stolar suggested staff provide statistics on what’s been done to address programming for the 12 to 16 year old age group. COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS. None. COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS: None. ADMINISTRATIVE PACKET: 3 Park and Rec Commission - March 24, 2009 Todd Hoffman reviewed the Seminary Fen Stewardship Plan, and an email regarding plowing or not plowing of the LRT trail. Commissioner Stolar asked for an update on the lifeguard contract for Lake Ann Park. Commissioner Scharfenberg asked about the Chanhassen Rotary Club 2009 Distinguished Service Award Balloting. It was decided to vote after the regular meeting was adjourned. Smith moved, Kelly seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. The Park and Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned. Submitted by Todd Hoffman Park and Rec Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 4